blog task 2

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Task 2Junaid Iqbal

George Lucas In Love

0 The George Lucas In Love (GLIL) short film poster seems to have the layout of a conventional film poster. I think this because is has large pictures of some characters in a collage, this infers that these are the main characters. These pictures seem to be stills from the actual short film.

0 Due to GLIL not being a Hollywood film the colours on the poster aren’t appealing like a film poster should be instead there is a sketchy effect this which infers the writers is playing with his ideas and see what he can come up, like an artist trying to draw someone hence the sketch effect is used. The poster also portrays that the film is working with a much lower budget through the use of dull and neutral shades.

0 Besides the sketch effect the poster as whole has the typical conventions of a film poster. Comparing the GLIL poster and an Star War poster you tell it is based around that particular design from the character collage and sun glare and with a few minor change of course. The GLIL poster can be directly linked to Star Wars even without watch it. This make the film poster very well designed as well as keeping with the typical poster conventions.

Across the Hall0 Across the hall has 2 main poster, one for the short film and one for the feature

film which is based on the short film

0 Both poster are completely different from one another. To begin with the short film poster is an actual still from the movie inferring that little or no editing has been done to the images apart from adding the title and credits of the film. I personally believe this is a less appealing to the audience however I does make you think why the character is hiding behind a wall. You are drawn to the character’s facial expressions which gives a sense of tense the poster.

0 The feature film poster has a lot more edited and computer processed. The feature film poster looks like a montage of all the main characters from the film with the neon sign of the motel in the background showing the setting of the film. The whole film poster seems to have a better quality finish to it than the short film, I think this is down to the short film poster being an actual still for the film. I think the audience would be more attracted by the feature film poster from the use of the colours and having an attract women centred in middle of the poster would help draw in a majority of male viewers since it gives it sex appeal.

0 Overall I think the two posters are effective in their own different ways, where the short film poster is minimalistic and showing tension the feature film is more appealing to catch your eye and shows the a thrill and sex appeal.

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