board by t~hetäev. - chronicling america€¦ · enlargement ol the knee, elbow, and wrist...

Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Tue EAGLE..Among the multitude of pleasan-occurrcttces and coincidences on Thursday after¬noon, while tho Whig" members of Congress war.

entering the city, was one which is worthy of spe¬cial notice. A fine gray eagle, " Jove's own bird,"carr>« down from his mountain eyrie, and sailedmnirniticently amoi.g the assembled host, until h»found it convenient to rest the sole of his foot'Upon the topmost round of some ship's top-gallant-mast, whence he would flutter to another, set earn¬

ing at times his freedom notes, as if in the fast¬nesses of the rocks, und i:i concert with the huzza*of the crowd, and die roar of the artillery. It was

a fine sight, and a glorious omen. The bird of lib¬erty found the atmosphere congenial, when it warent with the cries for the principles of freedom.a.\d freedom's noblest son, Henry Clay.

[Philadelphia U. S. Gaz.

CP The good effects of the Tariff arc alread\apparent. Several factories in this city whiclhave lot z been closed, v. ill immediately comment*

operations: Among them the Globe Mills, Len-nig's Chemical Works, and Dr. Bergen's GlassWorks. We learn also, that the Lehigfa Comparehas been applied tu for water power to be appü. t'to some new Iron Works. These are indeedcheering signs of the limes. May they increasemd multiply! [Phil. Nat. Gaz.

Fatal Reco.ntke..On Saturday evening, the20;h u!t. ii difficulty occurred in Hamburg, Georgia,between Mr. Joseph Wood und Mr. Jas.] which the latter received a wound ftom a pistolshot, of which he died in a few minutes. Mr. W.thought himself so fully justified, that he deliveredhimself up to the legal authorities.

[Augusta Chronicle.

Sands'* > arsaparii.i.a..This medicine has already per¬formed some almost Incredible carts o; diseases 0risingfrom impurities ol the hlood and general system. It ha?arrested and cured numerous cases of scrofulous affectionsdiseases of the skin, rheumatic goat, diseased liver, painfulenlargement ol the knee, elbow, and wrist joints-, chronicrheumatism, son:, and chronic corwotutional dis¬order ,.

The testimony of those who have been cured by its use.with their, residences, has been published day to day,and were it desirable, a mass of the most overwhelmingte&tlmony conlt> be brought forward, proving most conclu¬sively if inestimable value, as an active curative medicinein the above diseases.

In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the val-nable medicinal principles of Sarsapnriüa on which its ac¬

tivity depends, compounded with otner remedial agents,selccied bom tbe vegetable kingdom, the whole Strengthof which is extracted on an entirely new principle, wbicbhas co» t many years of laborand great expense. The greatend desin . n w triumphantly accomplished, in the pro¬duction 01 a remedy posse-sing a controlling power oversupposed incurable diseases, heretofore unknown in tbe his¬tory of medicine.The afflicted, mr those who may have given up in despair

and expected, to be swiftly hurried to a premature gre.vf,a;:d all w ho are interested, are invited to make trial of thisvaluable medicine, "r to call on Uiot who have come for¬ward and borne public testimony of its pricelefs value toUiem.anrf sa.isfy themselves individually ol its power n

arresting and curing disea-e and of what it has performedfor others.The complexion is also greatly improved by the use of

this preparation.Prepared ami sold wholesale and retail, and for exporta¬

tion, by A. Ii. SANDS ii CO , Granite Building, 273 Broad¬way, corner ol Chambers-street, N. Y. Mold also by A. B.Ii D. SANDS, 70 Fulton-street and 77 East Broadway, cor¬ner Market-streetPrice $1 per bottle. Six bottles (or $5.T/if. Measures or Henry Clav are declared by the

great body «f the American people to be ""^ only ones thatcan restore prosperity to our bleeding coKitry. II this beso for Heaven'sbi>lie let us have thern. We by no meanstake it u jkmi ourselves to decide.for this is not our province:the people will settle that question as they have already set¬tled another: we mean that cf tho great utility ol Peters'Lozengesand Pills. We feel perfectly compeieni, from longexperience and from a knowledge of the opinions of thosewho.have tried them, to say that forall Asthmas. Coughs,Fevers. Agues. Heartburns. Nau'-ea, Headacbei, Diarrho-a,Lumbago, ttc. kc. the medicated properties of Dr. Petersare infallible. This is no chance jjui «s- work : it is the de¬claration ol those who have tried. The warehouses are ai4M) Brou Jway and 125 Fulton st. Call and try for yourselves-XT The entertainments and othe1" attractions produced

this week at the American Must um exceed in splendor andvariety nil former efforts.and w-ill be sure to fill the bouseday and ni«ht. Tbe performances take place ever}' day.Hill's New York Museum..This delightful place of

amusement bus been re-decorated, and will open this even¬

ing viifli unusual attraction.Winched, in a variety of per¬formances, together wi-h Mrs. Mossop.Mr Ducti and .Mr.Loder. Besides ibis,'there is a grent number of other at¬traction,. iSce the bill for tbi.s ovonin^ and then.go.Bristol's Sarsaparilla..Caution..Person« who wish

to obtain ihr true ai tide will be careful to call fcr Bristol'sSarsaparilln, and see that the written signnturw of C. C.Bristol is across the cork of the bottle. The reputation o-

this medicine is established from tbe numerous wonderfularcs ii has performed and is daily performing, all ofWbicban*substantiated, and the documents can be seen bv callingat the store of w M. BIJKG, No. 5« Courtlandt-streetor at Milbaa's, IKS Broadway. Horace Greeiey, Esq., Edi¬tor of this paper, will be pleased to satisfy any one whomay cid! on him ol the happy effect this medicine producedin n family Of bis acquaintance.Sold wholesale and retail by WM. BURG KU, No. 50

Courtlandt-street, and at Milbau's Pharmacy. IRS Broad¬way; also by reputable Druggists and Agents throughoutthe country. au24 lm

[LT Temperance.The regular meeting of the Phoe¬nix Temperance Benevolent Association will be held tin-(Monday) evening, at 8 otclonk, at Concert Hail. No. 40CBrondu ay. This meeting (If possiblr) will be still more in¬teresting than former ones. Several interesting speakers are

engaged, and tbe Lady Pmnix Society will sing some oltheir popular otief. Tbe public are invited to attend.

P. 8. The 4 Lady Phojuix' meet at the same place at 3o'clock I*. M. E. L. SNOW, Presid« nt.

Giro. W. B. cushing, Secretary. *5 It*

19* MixteeutU W«r«l Clay .Iub..A regularmeeting of the Club will be held ut llazb-ton's, corner otSeventeenth-street ami Third Avenue on Tuesday evenineSeDtts-'ier 6th. at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance is re¬

quested, as business of importance will be hid before themAlso ail those wishing to t:rcome members are respectfullyfol.c'icdto attend. Bv order of


^S.'"' J!-'' Secretaries. £ «.- rEAGUSON, )_so «I

^l~'"lTIechnn^c^«, Iiiatitute..The regular monthlymeeting «»; the Institute will be held nt the rooms, City llai,,on Tuesday evening-, Sept- 6th, at 8 o'clock.

S6 2ÜS" JOHN N. SAY RE. Ree. Sec.

XT To Proprietors ot* Newspapers, Arc.A middle aged man. who has a practical nm.wleoge pi ibedifferent branches of tbe Printing business, and u desirousof removing from this citr, wishes la stipulate for the man-angement of a Prindng Establishment, (one in which a

newspap« r is printed would be preferred.) upon shares, or¦t a stated salary; or. he might be induced to becomeownei or r"«rt owner 6t a concern established in some flour¬ishing section ofthe country,provided tbe terms shall bemade advantageous. Testimonials, as to qualifications,motal character, kz., will be given. Address (post paid;C. D., cap- of tbe Editor of the Tribune,aulö WiiDlawil*

D" TI»c Cheapest Cash Tailor ret!.PETERV. HUSTED, Merchant Tailor, No. 1 Chatham Square,coi ner of Catherine-street, continues to make Clothing toord» r in the neatest style, 10 per cent, cheaper than tbecheapest Cash Tailor in tbe city. A good fit warranted,aud tureuflcr no disappointments SS isif

JLT Fire Hundred different designs Necklaces,Bracelets, v» a ich-Guards Ear-rings, Breast-Pins, Flow¬ers. Riegs, Wigs, Scalps, ::c Ladies or gentlemen bav-;*)g hair ot a living »r d»ceused friend, can get it formed byi»ARRY into any design the mind can conceive, in such a

form it will be a keepsake invaluable. A. C B., tin; onlyArtist In Hair iu this Country, 146 Broadway, corner ofLiberty street, up stairs. ^_ aald lmis

IT By Letters Patent of the 17.9..Tbe publicare cautioned agHimt purchasing ibeTricopberous or Med¬icated i onipound tor t!«« human hair, at one dollar perbottle, is it can be bad for fifty cents. Observe that iheoriginal and geaalue Tricopberons has Ute proprietor'sname, A. C. Barry, printed on the outside w rapper. Besure to purchase at the Hair Cutting Rooms 146 Broadway,corner of Liberty street,Aup s-tuiis, or of Ibe appointedageuts. Auy article ofthe same name is an imposition, si lm

ET HenJth, «luiet and C-onifort..The Gra¬ham i: i tUvclay-SL New-York, prv-rlers advantagesto Slraagers stopping a* lew days or weeks iu the city, sucbas are rarely offered. It Is eligibly located, on a clean andairy street.."verv near Ibe business part of the city, and i*Ibe immediate vicinity of the principal steamboat landingsIts apartments are convenient and neat, while its table issupplied with the hrM Vegetables and Fruits that can beprocured, excluding entirely Animal Food and Stimulantsof uli kinds. Charge- moderate.($1 to $1 25 per day fortransient).and every effort made to render Boarders com-for.ubli:. Shower Baths free. Remember 63 Barclay-sUET Try before yon Buy..Remerobw every pur¬

chaser of Dr. Felix Gouraud's celebrated Powders torup-rvotisg hair wilbont the s'ightest injury to ibe skin, can seethem tested before buying.proof positive this, and no mis¬take. To be had iiowliere else in New York but at 67Walker siret t, one door from Broadway. $1 per bottle.Acckts.New Haven, K. Myersjfrovtdence, C. Dyer. Jr.;Soughkeepsie. J. Gray; Lowell, Messrs. Carleton i. Co.;oston, Jordan, Milit-st; Goslieii, ElliotU au23 Irais

KT U'ct, Bnnip or l*ry Gdlora pav«d withRoiiirm Tileandmade air, rat or water-rigbt for seven centsa foot, or paved widi Cement, concrete, for ten dollarslor the bulk or space of a tbousaiidbricu.jy2» tf AB IJAM SMITH. 35 Hamdton-sL

"TT Gonruud'n Vegetable JLiquid Rouge.Couirx»s<-o m.iit-riaiiv from flowers and simples, imparts adelicate carnauoa tint to the complexion, imrrK^iU>le byrubb.i,g with a han.l'tv.rchkf or linen cloth. 50 cents a

* be had ouly at 67 Walker-street, 1 door fromBroadway. s5 lmis

LT «cnrawd's Blnnc JD>£spas;ne, or Spanishluy whue, Unpartsapore life-like alabaster whiteness u>me complexion, is an entirely »ew article and free fron*the dr etenous principles generally entering trto conibina-Uons lor the atiov- tt^ ccL Pjt up in elegant boxes« each. To oe had at tbe original othce, 67 >w .-.;.-..- sU,one dcor from Broadway. s3 lmis

¦¦ I'aMtsiied This. »ay.-No. 5 of ihe LIFEAND SPEECHES OF HENRY. CLAY. Ag ntssupplied»l $3 per 100. For »ale at the Othce of Ihe Tribune, aud bythe Publisher. [»3 2l| J. B. SWAIN, 68 Barclay-sL

Bankrupt*..Sept. 2.W Uliam Nonns, piaco forte manufacturer, N. Y. Oct. LRussell E Glover, «bipmaster, N. Y. Oct. 8.Stephen W. West, stevadore, N. Y. Oct. 1-Asa B. Perkins, tailor and reporter ol fashions, N. Y.

Oct. I.George T. Killam, dry poods deal-r, N. Y. Oct. LE-lwarrl B. Hant.ngton, (t.nte first Huntington k Ca) Oct.

X. Y.Oct-1.Mason B. Browning, clerk, N. Y., Oct. LCharles M'Wiliiam., Caira, Greene Co., Oct. L


In the Court of Common Pleas, an actionwas brought by Edward T. Aubery, a lad 12 years of age,(through his guardian) against James'ft ibson, a master Lakerin Hudson-street, for assault and battery. Late iu tbe after¬noon of July 3, ich, the defendat/t was star.ding with bisnorse ami wagon at tbe corner of Park ilow and Ana-street,when the little fellow (who is a son of Mr. Aobery, ParkBow) was firing c: ackers, as were other boys in the vicinity.The defendant, without any apparent as related to

plaintiff" deliberately took a large horse whip, and severelyflogged the child, leaving large wells from the mark of thewhip, on his le^'s, Action i- now brought tor damage*.The Jary gave a verdict for plaintlfTof $00, which also car¬ries costs.

Assistant Vice Chancellor's Court..Be-bre Assistant Vice Cbaiicellor Hoffman.Decisions..Henry Gable, and others, vs. Jacob F. Mil

ler,and others. This was a case relative to the Forsyth-sireet Dutch Reformed Chnrcb, the troubles in which, (asl« the ejectment of the minister, i:c ) six or seven yeais agowill be remembered by ourreaders. The church was found¬ed in 1763, and originally established in Nassau street, near

Maiden lane, but the building was taken down and the pre¬sent one in ForSyth-sireet erected. It was attached to theReformed Dutch Synod, and thecompIainanU were trustees,but the defendants succeed, about 1835, in securing a num¬

ber of Lutheran members, causing themselves to be electedtrustees, declaring the church to be independent, and e&tab

lishing it a<! a Lutheran or Armenian Church. By thismeans, also, they acquired possession of tlie Church pro¬ps', ty, worth something like $100,000. The case was thenlOrowu into chancery by the old board, on the ground thatthe defendants had diverted tue estate from tlie intention otthe founders, of whom they (tlieold bo ird) are the true suc¬

cessors, iic. Alter being in litigation for several years, thecase recently came to a t.caring, i:i which Mr. Geo. woodand Mr. John Graham appeared for tbe c. mplainants andMr. Clinton De Witt for the defendants. The As«istapt V iceChancellor has now given a written opin.on, in which thehistory of tiie Rcf-jrination, the subject of Church Govern¬ment, iiV. are alluded to a: gnat length, ana exhibitingmocli deep research. II« concluded by observing tLat thedele rut ants do not appear to have departed from the stand¬ards ol faith o! tbe church at its formation in 1763, or thatthe positions of the complainants could be sustained, andordere thfiS the Bill bedismis»ed. with costs.thus decidingthroughout in favor of the new board.

SüXDAV, September 2J%Police Office..Robbing a Shipmate..Yes¬

terday a black man named Thompson, the cook of the shipHector, was arrested for stealing $23 out of tbe forecastle,the property of one of the deck hands named John Harris jtally committed.Runaway Convict.Mr. Ruckel,late Deputy Keeperof

Blackwell's Island, arrived here this morning from Albanywith an escaped Penitentiary convict who was confined fora petit larceny, bnt was to be tried fur a higher offence thisterm of the Court of Sessions, His name is William Mor¬row alias Murray.Grand Larceny..On Saturday evening five men went

into the store of Messrs. Miller i. White, No. 153 Chatham-street, under pretence of making a trilling purchase, whenone of them took U'.> a piece ol cloth worth $3tf, and ran oilwith it. One only of be party is at present arrested ; hisname isllenry T. Field aiiola offender and be is fully com¬muted.Stealing Coffee..Two colored n.en uamed Abraham

Griffen and William Tyne, were arrested and committed'or stealing a bag of coffee worth ?16 from tlie store ofMr-Charles A. Hoard, No. 156 Soulh-sireeLStealing Boots..JohnSteven-on, colored, was arrested

and corumillod for stealing a pair ot $7 boats from the storeof Edward F. Collen, No. 167 Bioadway.

Saturday, September 3.Coroner's Office..The Coroner held an in¬

quest to day at the hoe residence of the deceased, rear ofNo. 50 Lewis-strewt, on tbe body of James Clements, a na¬

tive of Euglsnd, aged if) years. The deceased in 183a en¬

listed as a soldier andse ved three years in the Florida War,since which lime be has been in bad health ahd died atoneO'clock ibis morning without, for a l«ng time, having bair]medical attendance. Vertuet dieü of the disease of the liverami lungs.

Also «t the liDUsr of the widow ot' deceased, corner oi

West and Harrison-Street, on the body of Michael Donoiiue,aged52, a native of Ireland The deceased bad been illwith rheumallmi. i.e. ond had not done any work tor ten

years past; Thursday be was attacked with extremedebility and bec^n-e so ill on Friday that he di» .! r.t ten (/clockthat night wiliiout having a physician. Verdict, came to hisdeath by chronic inflammation ol tbe s:o:.iacb and liver.

Sunday, September 3.Pu k ed cp IN an ALLEY..This morning tbe Coroner IHrf

an inquest atNo. -12 Delaney-street, on the body of an un¬

known male imam a few weeks old, found up tbe alley wayol 224, wrapped up in some rags and the buoy much de¬composed. Verdict, iicath fr«*m causes unknown to thejutors.Distressing ACCIURNT..The Coroner to-day also held

an inquest ;il No. 11 Peel; slip, on the bady of a young man

named Edwin F. Acklcy, a cierk to Messrs. Keeler, How¬ard la Co. corner of Broadway and Wall-street, merchanttailors. The deceased, who was a very steady-young man.

was on his return borne to Williamsborg, bis residence, I st

evening, about 8 o'clock, as was bis custom and on goingdown to the Peck slip ferry he attempted to get on boardhe boat thai bad just come in, but in tlie darkness of thenight; no lights being ever provided, he stepped betweendie tloHt and the dock and was drowned. Veruicl of Ihrjury, death by accidental drowning at the Peck slip ferry,owing ti tbe culpable negligence of the ferry Companyiu not providing lights.TJ' JLertry & Co. will introduce ibe full styles for

Gentlemen's Hat, Saturday, September 3d. aulS ist!"

CT Spencer'« ansitu:ion LTIolewktM I!at.-rhis popular article is commended to the public as pecu¬liarly desirable, at the present tirae. for its economy. Fot

ilegance and durability, it competes successfully with tt»most costly Hats worn. Price 1*3 25. SPENCER,alGtf Fashionable I latter. No. 2i5 Broadway.

¦¦ aa» -TT lint* of t!ae Fall Style are now ready.[Tbe model lor the season is a slight modification of the

prevailing Paris mode.JSPENCER'S Sale? Room.September 1st. ": " s2tf

TJ- Fntl Style of Gelrfttcsncn'* IIat*.-Bi!'.D, ot Pine ami Nassau-streets, mis uow ready (or in <.-

don and sale .the Fall Standard Pattern tor Gentlemen'sHats. September 1. si FjSjM&.W*TT Chnrlcn Watson, Ilnt-and Cap ITInn-

ufacturer.V» hoiesale and Retail, up stairs.Stores 154 Cbathaiu-sL and 160 Bow-erv.Terms.Cash or approved paper. aul5 istt

TT WutNonN .Silk Blut«, only $2 50. is recommended to tbe PiUdic, not only tor iis economy, but as

possessing all the elegance of contour of the most co-tly,combining utility with beauty. This article cannot fail torecommend itself to the connoisseur as well as economist.

WATSON, 154 Chatham-street, and 160 Bowery.N. B..Cassimere Hats $S 50, of the finest quality ; Bea¬

ver Hats $4 50 of ibe finest quality.Fall Fashion Ready. auSl istfTT Hat«! Hais ! Hat«!.FALL FASHION..

Tlie subscriber invites Ike attention of the Beau Morde tohis beautiful, graceful, and tasteful low bell-crowned Hat,toeing the only really factorable article of the kind extant,though be cannot expect but imitators will spring up, andclaim tbe benefit en' bis own original conceptions.To say that these Hats surpass nuy thing of the kind in

point of style, finish, an.l graceful appearance, is to claimro more than is warranted by an experience oftwenty yearsin the business, ind.he invites gentlemen who study graceand fashion, to call and examine for thVmselvesiA large assortmentof Traveling Trunks, C«rp*t Bn-is,

Oat Cases, and, iu fact, evtry thing necessary fur a gentle¬man's traveling outfit, may al<o be Ibnnd at

E. BLOOMER'S, 179 Broadway,auSltf is opposite Howard**Hotel.TT PARTICULAR Ni>'FVcK..Those persons havm;

farmtare ofany description to dispose of, or who are hreak-iu;r up house-keepmg, will find s ready sale lor any portionOr all of their prods, by sending Iheir address, or caMingapoc the subscriber. Goods to any amount purchased.

F. COLTON 4i CO.. ls>7 Chatjrnm-s«.At Private Sale.2 firslrata Piano Fortes, thai will be sold

vtry low. y -,_ ie20 if

Read! Bead! ! Read.*! !From the Editors of the iVetc York Methodist Christian Ad-

\-oeat: and Journal, Aug. 10.UTSear.s" Biu^k BioGRAruT..This is a most beauiilu

work, so far es paper, priming, embellishments, and binding are concerned. It is an octavo volume, and contcdus.191 pages of letter pre*-,, iliu»trated with some of the mostspirited engravings we have seen tor a long tirae. Thefrontispiece, by Lossimr, represents D iddridge's motherleaching him Scripture' history by Duco tiles. This is anexquisite picture, and one on which the eye may rest withmore ibau ordinary deligi.L We have not had time lo readihe wyrk, but from the notices giv*u of it by some of themost respectable journals, we judge it will be well re¬ceived by Uie religious public Price, $2.5o. Solet at No.122 Nassau street. New York. aulS laiis*

S7To !Vcw-York luraiida..Del John Thom¬son, No 343 Broouie street, ihird door fron; the Bowery,in consequence of the rapid increase of bis business, b:i> se¬cured die abk' assistance of bis brother. Dr. Cyrus Thomson,ot Gcddes, Onondaga County, (both ot wooai are sons oftbe founder vi the Tbomsonian practice,) wLo has alreadyarrived tuiscity. They tl.iner themselves that their unitedexperience ot upwards «f 20 years each in the cWperatechronic disenses ol the country lias been such as will war-ranl their counsel of tbe first order in the Tbomsonian prac¬tice. Such invalids as can rind no relief bom oilier practicewtli do well to try thtssy stein under theirdirection, as theywill wr.rrant n-> mjury Crom ths u-t ot tlie medicines, if norebel is gained, r.s mdhous can testily who now rejoice iuits triumphant sncce*s over Uie most absunate diseases oflh«« country, and especially from the destructive use ofMercury. The Kings ol Fi ance and Prussia have noticedtheir svstem of practice by highly complimentary lettersibe French King's tetter was accompanied by a massiveand valuable medal. The letters aud the aied..l may beseen at the office. JJfi au311 w .

rrGen Hemsen** Vail Hat»..W ARN 0 C K'SFail pattern Hau axe now ofiersd for sale, comprising theMcieikin, Nutria and Cassimef-s Beaver

PARISIAN* STYLE OF HATS.The attention of gendemen is particularly invited to the

inoseriber's benuiffally fabricated Silk HaLvJjSKter knowna* '. Warnock'» Moleskin Hat».' This atlienr. since its ;n-

troductitiD, has rapidly acquired and successfully maintainsiu popularity, produced by tho subscriber in a manner al¬together superior to any of the kind thit has been or is nowbetöre the public, a-.-t is wortbjjofnotjee as possessing: .-IIthe qualities of a superior hat, a.? lightness, beauty of finish,permanency of color, and capacity foe service.That the Moleskin Silk Kat pa&sev*s the vrry elements

studiously aim'/:! at in the production of a perfect article,it need? only to be stated ihn the foandstion or body isoiantffactnred from the fines: description of -toes, and tbeplu-ti or covering of the finest quality silk, than which, itwlü readily be admitted, there is nothing of die nature offabric more durable. To who have not given theabove hats a tnal. it is remarked that th-y have been foryears the most popular, and are now almost exclusively thefmhiorjible Hat of Paris.tii'n, to say tbe least, it a strongreco2uner;dation. To such gentlemen as have pre erencefor French manmacture, it is remarked that from tbe sub-scribe:'a observations daring a recent v;.it u> tbe F: t-r. .

metropolis, he is enabled to say, that though in one or two

particulars the Fiencb excel, yet in the main, th° article»r>!d by bim » rjnrr.or. Tbe pattern for the fall and winteri? at once a model of symmetry and beauty.

FOUR DOLLAR HATS.Tbe peculiar condition of the monetary affairs of tbe pres¬

ent time, demanding of the mass of tho community theadopt-ou of retrenchment and econamy, the subscriberdeems it expedient, for the time being, to deviate somewhatfrom tbe system hitherto strictly adhered to in the conduc¬tion of bis business, (that of «.-Hing none other than tbe firstquality,) now offers to jrendemen dUposei! to economise, a

superior ha: at the moderate price of Four Dollars. Thisarticle possesses in a large measure the constituent parts ofthe most coaly, prepared with all their neatness and exter¬nal finish, and are stld at a smill advance upon tbe cast.

They are " lints for the Times:'sep52ffis WARKOCK, 170 Broadway.T'j The American TLnborer for September

will be for saie at tbe TtUBUXE office tins day. This num¬

ber contains the able'speecb ol Hon. A. H. II. Stuart,ojVirginia, on the Necessity of Protection to the Agnen.turalinterests of tbe country. Al-o the speech ol Hon. C. Hud¬son, of Mass. on the New Tariff Besides these speeches, thisr.jmlier contains the address of Uie Central Committee of theHomeLeagce; History of the Passage ol the Tariff lawtI Editorial); the row Tariff, condensed statement of its pro¬visions, kc. kc.We particularly commend the attention of Fanners to tbe

speech of Mr. Stuart, a:.d ofMerchants and Traders to thatol .Mr. Hudson.3ZT Price ol ihr Laborer 75 cents for tbe entire volume of

12 numbers. The back numbers can be supplied. Singlenumbers Ci cents, s5 6t

.SO* A Young {Lady engaged in teaching Musicwishes a situation foa private family,where instruction uponthe Piano Forte and in Singing would be considered suffi¬cient remuneration for her board. A line addressed to It. J..Tribune oflice, will meet with immediate attention, si lwis'

M0NEYJV1ARKET.$ulea nt tbe Stock Exchange, SSpt. 3*

25 Del. k Hud.s30d 81JM00 Fnrwiers* Loan..bGOd ID100 Mohawk It.s3" 3925 do.s-JOd 383

10*i L Island.cas 5160 Stonington R... .s60d 1650 do. 16 i.50 Firemen's Ins. Co_855o Manhattan Gas.Git

75 do.säOd S550 i>52ö Mechanics Bank .... 5860 Ilk of State NY. 75DO Mechanics' Bk- Asm 6015 Amer Ex Bk..'. 6045 Fanners' Loan . ID10 do. 1RI

second KOAttD.60 Farmers'Loan.19 |l5n Harlem. 155o Hartem. Hj 100 do. I4j5*1 do.a. stlO lö i £*) do.b3d 15

eJonimerciai. and IrTioney .Unite?..Satcrday P, M.

The transactions at the Steck Board were not to any greatextent, but generally at advanced rates. The advices perCaledonia were considered favorable and calculated to pro¬duce this effect. Del. and Hudson improved J per cent,MechanicsBank 1, Mccbaoics Banking Association a fur¬ther advance of ti per cent, Farmer»' Loan 1, Stonington ],Harlem J.State Stucks were firm. City 7's sold nt 102, and after

the board considerable amounts of both State and City 7*i-old at 2 per cent »rem. For Ohio Cs 186», 74 offered;Kentucky .Vs60 offrreti ; State6*s 1862,91 offered ; 5's lö3U,33 offered; Arkansas SO offered; Alabama 50 offered; Mi¬chigan 18 offere i; Pennsylvania 20 offered.$ 12.000 N'.V. .">}, 1251_341:91,0cm Illinois ü«, 1s70_ IS*.$5,000 K'ky ssixes,.78 !>5,<h)0 Indianac*.21 j$5,0001118s, 1370...:l)Cpd J'JNo change in Foreign or Inland bills- and very little

doing.We learn from a private letter from Lan.ton, that Mr.

Roblnson.onr financial agent,'who went out to negotiatethe 12 milhon loan, bad left London tor Antwerp on his wayto Amsterdam, fcaiglish capitalists would have nothing to

say to him, and no better prospect existed for the negotia¬tionon the comment.The amount of Treasury Notts outstanding on the 1st

hist was $o,771,i)9S,99, being: about $132,000 less than la»tmonth.At a meeting of tbe Directors of t'.m Merchants' Ex¬

change Bank, James Van Nostrandj E.-q., wa« ihi> u.ornii gelected President, vice Peter St.igg, deceased.Some surprise having been fell at a discrepancy between

the dates and numbers of the Banks of the Slate of Ken¬tucky, thai is thai bonds ol" a certain dale should be num¬bered higher U.a.i bonds uf a Liter date, ibe Secretary ofKentucky has published a statement. He explains thatsome bonds regularly numbered but not dated, were depo¬sited iu the Northern Bank ; one of tlifcte bonds were paidout and dated al ibe lim« of payment by the Cashier. Thishas created the discrepancy.From k. communication in the Albany Argas the Safety

Fund appears to be in better condition than wns anticipa¬ted. Twenty-two banks have availed themselves of Ikelaw allowing them to pay in six years contributions In one

sum. in brokeu bank notes at par. They have paid in$200,000 aud otbrr Inrge banks are preparing to doth?"same. It also appears that the Fund will gK material re¬

lief from amounts to be repaid by the Commercial Bank,($131,73]) the Lafayette, Clinton,.Watervliet, Lewis Coun¬

ty, Commercial Ban!;, Oswego, kc. Holders of suspendedhank notes, it is supposed, may look for a much earlier re¬

demption than was supposed six months ago.All tbe banks of Lancaster, including that of the Colurn-

bia Bridge, resumed payment of specie for all their note,und deposites; on ihe first instant, agreeably to their previ¬ous arrangements.The approach of resumption in Virginia, 115th fnsL) has

reduced the rates of discount between Baltimore and Rich¬mond, to 1 percent on drafts and 1J on bauk notes. Wheel¬ing notes 4J a 5. At Wheeling exchange on the East was 3

per cent prem.At Charleston there was very little doim; in exchange,

and sight checks or New-York were very scarce. 60 daybills were selling at} cent discountA mutual Insurance Company is being formed at Charles¬


Specie continue* to tl-jw to New-Orleans from ail quarters. In addition to $200,000 to $300,000 horn New-York,Vera Cruz, Cincinnati, kc. $16,000 have been received fromMarti.: -pie.The suit of the State of Louisiana against the Comtuer-

tnercia , Canal, Citizens' and Consolidated Banks for a for-leituie oi their charters came cn on the 26th ult. before theDistrict Court- The coun-el of ihe iwo first basks pro¬duced evidence to show that tkey bad placed themselveswithin the limits of the Bank Law, by having in Uieirvaults an amount of speüe equal to one-third of their circnl&tion. The suiiagi instihera was consequently dropped.The case of the Citizen»' Bank will be argued ou the 2u

September,and that of the Consolidated Bank ou ibe Mon¬

day following.The Mies of suspended bank notes at Ncw-Orleans were

in some few instances gelling better. Exchange was

scarce and rales lending upward. Sterling 4a5 prem.Francs 5,50; sigh: New-York, par lo 3 per cent uiscouui;50 days 2 a 2i discount. American gold plenty ami dull.

Treasury Notes scarce, -elliug at j a 1 discount. The Ca¬nal Bank received $70,000 in »pecie on tbe 26tb. The Con¬solidated Bank has also obtain«d specie enough lo arrest die

operation of the law.

Market«.ASHES..The sales of Pots are about 75 bis. at $5,50. We

bear of no Pearls selling, but they can be bad at $5,75. The

asking price is 5.87J.COTTON..The effect of the news per Caledonia has

been an advance of about i cent per pound ou all grades.The sales have not beeu very large bui shippers have comeinto market lo some extentFLOUR..The advices from tLe other side in regard to

Corn markets give no hope that Bread stuff* will be ship¬ped from this country to pay a profi:, until ihe markets here

are much tower Ihau nov/. A letter from a commercialnouse in Liverpool, stale* that not more than 19s. a 2^s. couldhe calculated on, which would rcqairetlour to cost less ü.aa

$4,00 here. The current rate tor Geuesee to-day is $4,-74., at

which considerable sales were made. A sale ol 700 to 800

b:rre!s Ob to tor Brazil was made from $1,75 for commorrto$5,00 for «x:ra brands. Troy $4,31. The supply of Michi¬gan is very light- The quantity dour afloat is cot very

large and coosisU principally of Genesee. In Southernthere is less doing than for some days past- New George-tovva aad Brandy wise $5,0i) a 0,12*. Old do.$5,37i. Smallsales Jersey Meal at $3,00. 31eal is still scarce. Rye flourwas offered at $3,25.GRAIN..Tbe market was rather quiet A small parcel

400 bushels Illinois Wheat soid at 90c for milling. Cora isnot ia quite as brisk demand. We hear of no sales Jerseyand Northern are held st6ec. Scatbrrn at 54c. Sales 2C00bushels Rye for distilling at 5Dc. Oau are without change.Canal 31 a C2c. River i9 a 30. New are scarce. -

TT The Iflimec Harms will r same their Schoolfor lounc Ladiu, on Monday. September 12ib, at the re¬sidence of their father, R. Harens, Esq., No. 22 LafayettePlace.They have sem-ed tbe a:d of a French lady, of high cha¬

racter end attainments, w! n will reside in tbe family.Boardinr: scholars, especially, will thrrefwre enjo- eyeryfacility tor the acqnisitiou ofa correct practical kuowi-u.eof tbe French lan-mage.Parents and guardians desirous of ascertaining th* cha¬racter of their school, wid be re ered.oa application, to any-of their present wr former parrot:*. s5 twu*


Paswengen» ArriyedIn tlie steamship Ciledonia, from Liverpml for Halifax.

Hon J B BU.jd and, RAimo.i. MrsAnderson, Alexan¬der Frazer, o Dwver, fl Pow, E BaBs, Wm Solomons, HorD Daly.10.

Fr,r Boston.Mr Wat:. Mrs Dempsey, M:*s Dempsey. Ba-r<m*-s« it'Lor.qmvpi, Miss G;ar.:, Mr« Stedman, two M saStedman. Jno Parier sn ¦> '-idy, Tohu Dempsy. J Fox.JMoss ami Lady, WiJuajn K.;.-;on, A Barbejr, Tuekrrnun,J W Andrews, B A MnwtoM, Lbriag D ChafSn.J \:k t..and lady, Homer ?-..<l 1*4?. c Wolfe. I Wolfe, T Tborhley,

Thomlev. Pierce. Crncr.^b. C W Tlcn«.»«.. B Bovitert,J D 3iacey. J Irris. Dr Rol] a, Shepherd, B Meyer, vi Ab-Uotsrn, Noyes. J Rodtrersj Jr, Mailer, Trefooesi.. will j. ...

Emerson, Boardman E Beatschi, Km e. Rose, H»n Geo-jeCook,TXD,"Waher Cn q W onn. Chadwick, Fowlri«. Le-land, jiootli, Willi.vT' So**, Siebte, ien. G R Pre-j-t>s. Krnr.edv, Binder, two Chtldrrn and servant. Binder,C Mclrer.

Fror, Halifax for Boston.Rev T 5 W Molt and son, FStedman, Atkins. Smith. Anderson Bev E A Crawlev, TTwining, Hon S B Roble and lady, Harriet Black. Wil¬liams.



the SU?» I the moon t rui.L iri.hues 5 36 I Sets 6 21'Rises 6 32 Moni pv 3-1 Eve. 9 19

Latest Dates.lo.vdok.Aug. 13 havre.All?. 17Li^crfool.Acg. ID rr r. w-o at; c A ni.A uc 27

CLEARED on saturday.Ships Stephani, (Ham) Flor, Hambarg, Scbinldi St Bal-

chen: Georgian*. Belor,, Antwerp, G F Gerding; Bowddch,Crowell, New Orleans. Dunham it Dimoo.Barks Duche«, Baxter,.Marseilles, S Broom i. Co; Pan-

cliiu> Gp!v, Newburypartj S W Lewis.Brite- Li Grange, Burr. Lisivon, B Richard-; Telegraph,

(Br) Levin, Liverrool, N S. and Barbadoes, Middleton StCo; Arixene, SIcClintnck. Apalschicola, Post S: Pliillip;.Schrs Dream,Smitli, Key West and Tampa Roy', WW

Pratt; Solomon Rosevell, B"enjarn>n. Richmond, A B Cooleyt Co; R Tomürt, Hann, do do: Dai:ie< Baker, Adams, Bal¬timore; Millieent. Cole, Baltimore, increase, Warren, Pbila-deiphia; Girard, Stevenson, Saco; Cambridge, Had,Boston. a

akuived.Packet ship L'nited States. Britton. S3 clays from Liver¬

pool, with dry goods lo Ri.bert KermiLShipTnilahasse,Johnson, todays Irom Liverpool, with

mdse, to Tay lor St Merrill.Bremen Bark Atlantic, Grave, 45 days from Bremen, with Meyer it Siuckon. U2p.issen^ef*.BrigMOhigan, Lewis, 3 days from' Philadelphia, w'ui.

mdse, u) master:Br brig Leon. SLswell. S days from Windsar (NS) with

plaster, to Soule it. Whitney.Brig Lrances Amy, Park, 12 days from Havana, with so-

jrs-, tc. lo Geo. L. Meacbam.Sehr W. H. Small, Farriegton, 10 days from Key West,

with cotton, Stc to Robi Mailland.Sehr Boston, Crane, b* days from Lubec, with Piaster, lo

tlie master.S--hr Splendid, Brown, from Harrington. Me, with lum¬

ber, to ma*ter.Sehr Texan, Clayton, from Easlport, with lath and ptas-

ler, to master.BELOW.1 ship and 2 brigs.Her Majesty's frigate Warspite is at anchor at the South

West Spit in the Lower Bay, wind bound.

Whig*, to your Pool* ! The Battle Begun !


ginal Life of ** Harry of tue West." prepared under theauthority of the Whig Committees of New York, and in¬tended for circulation in every hamlet in the Union, will ke

PUBLISHED ON MONDAY, SEPT. 5,and mr sale at the office, No. 30 Ann street, by the singlecopy, price Gl cents, or at $.5 per hundred. It is embel¬lished with

A FULL LENGTH LIKENESS,handsomely engraved from Frnnqumet'* celebrated pic¬ture representing Henry Clay sealed in his studio at Ash¬land. TZr Orders from Committee- anil Clay Clubs, (en¬closing cash,) are requested to be forwarded immediately.Address, J. WINCHESTER, SO Ann st., N. Y.: .' <5ii't Pab.2nh«dl rVo. 1 of the Radinut,

« nioiuiiis ioarasl ol l.umor. Wit and Scotlmcnt.emlxlisbeii with two fine.steel piite engravings, and several .-.

morons and spirited engravh-es on wood, illustrative of theletterpress. 48 pages. $3 per annum, or 25 cents singlecopvTlie above work a!«o cont'dr.s a pti7.zle,for the solution of

which, a premium often dollars will be paid by tbevub-lither. CONTENTS or THE SEPT. NOi

Tue Exbilarntiri^ J'>ki.J"engravings.Bridal Solemnity.a Dutch Gem.Editor's Budget.various and humorous reading.Hell Gate -lllustrided.Tlie F;.ir Incend'ary.How to iic'. an office.Every uog has his day.Pleasure F.xcursion to Columbia River.Who can she be.'.illustrated:Cross-Reading. Sarnh-Nade.Repudiation Futurity.Fashions lor t!:e month.A Puzzle.a premium ofjlO will be piven for its solu¬

tion.Letters should be addressed toTHOS. W. DOUGLASS,

1.5G Fttlwii-Mreet postuge paid.Agents wanted lor every town in the U. States. s2 3t

TT Bernember the Kcrnovaf of the KraiCauaphiue Oil, Spii iu and Improved Burner, to I t

Fayette Hall, 597 Broadway, opposite Niblo's, at prices r»-.luced nearly 50 per cent. G. W. McCREDY, 15 lm

_ _


MARKIED:On the 2d September, by Rev. Williani M. Siillwell, at

112 Christie street. Captain William Porter, to Mus Catha¬rine Talmon, ot this city.At AuLum, Sept. I, hy Uie Rev. G. W. Montgomery, Mr.

Pitnrv R Pomery to Mis' Ellen Andrew .>, all ofAuburn.\\: L'lica, on the 31st ult. bv die Rev. Dr. Proal. James M.Weed, of New York, tu Rachel B. daughter of R. Siiyder,of tbe ti.rmer place.At Na 9, Canandaigna, »n Saturday, August27, by tiie

Rev. G. Osbdrnie. Rev Horace Harts, of No.'J, to Mis.-Charlolte A. Salisbury, ot the sau.c- place.Same village, on the Stlb ult, .Mr. William B. Peckof But-

falo. t» Mis* L»ura E. Betnis, daughter of Mr.James D. Be-mis, ol that viliajje.At Pincknty, Mo., August ICtb, Rev. Hiram Cbamberlin,

of St. Charles, lo Miss Anna lAdeli.i Griswold, Idle of Hart¬ford, Conn.In the citv of Caraccas, on tbe 24th u!i. Adolplius Wolfe,

Esq., President ot the National Batik 61 Venezuela,lo MissEmily Clementina, eldest daughter'of Bcnjamia Rensliaw,E»q , ft S. Consul for Laguayra.

DIED:On Friday evening, 2d insL John Burtis, son of A. K. and

Fliza Hobr>y, aged ök months.On 2d insL afiera lingering illness, Mr. Alexander Walker,

in the 75th year ol his age.On tbe 1st inst. Cornelia W.,wife of Charles IL Smith,

Esq., in the 29th year of her are.Oi the 2d iast. Mary Jane Ellison, eldest dautrhtpr of the

late Tho.-. Ellison, Esq., and relict of Thomas J. Delaucy,E-q.Oh Friday, Sept. 2, MartinVan Buren, yonngest sou ot

Egbert G. and Catharine Sweet, ogedS months and 25d3y».'.a Osdensburefa, Aosrust 28th, Mrs. Mary Brown, wife of

Hoa. A. C. Brown, in the 53d year of her a e.In Mobile, on tlie 27th Aug., Townsend Frank¬

lin, aged 32 years, *onof me iate Abraham Franklin, ofibis city.

iYEW DRY GOODS STORE..The1* subscriber has just opened a Dry GnodsStore at No.4 Maiden Lane, where he w3i always be happy to seelho»e persons ^-ho wish to puich.ise a go'<o article to coin-cide-aiih the tidies. His Goods are alt NEW, and ot theLATEST patterns. Thpy have been selected fiom thelatest importaÜoHsby goodjudces, and have been purchasedal a reasonable priee. Thereiore heflnite-s himself that hecan supply those who choose ro call oo him, with both Falland Winter Gocds. CHEAPER than any of ha neighbors.Please call and see, to satisfy yourselves.

WILLIAM IL BUTTS,No. 4 (south side) Maiden Lane.

s5 St_2 doors from Broadway.

BATTERY" KETfSsTl^«nPäÜ7,Roll and Sheet Brass of all kinds, German Silver.all

of good quaiity, from the Woicottville Brass Co., bvs5Im* L. WETMORE, 190 Pearl-st- up*stair.-.E\V GOODS..Selected from the lat-e« Importations, at tbe


Strangers and oouers arriving in the city, wishing to re¬

plenish their wardrobe, are invitid to call and examine onrstock before leaving their orders, as we are now makm»daily purchases for cash, and we offer great inducements to

ca-h customers. Our assortment comprises a great rari* ty ofFrench and English wool black and fancy colored Clothsand Cassimeres, the best quality and latest styles Frenchelastics, so desirable for fancy pnm.s. A choice «election afFreuch and English Silks for vnrstings. Also a good assort¬ment of drapd'ete«, and fancy French drillings for summerwear- The subscribers pledge themselves that every articlemanufactured at their establishment shall be equal in styleand workmanship to that of any house in tho trade, and a:a great redaction from credit prices.Fall suits furnished at 24 hours' notice. Strict punctuality

observed in filling orders.CasH cudelivery, and no abatement in price,

al_J. C. BOOTH L CO.

CONOMY IN CLOTHING..Greatinducements are offered ia the price of Garments at

theestabiisImaentlSBrwdway. VmericanHoleL 3trails,enin the city will consult their interest in examing the assort*

meat of troods, which are madeup to order in a sty le secondno house ia Uie trade.aa« istf WM. T. JENNINGS, Draper and Tailor.



Paui's Church.P. T. Barauro Manager.GRAND GALA WEEK.

On Monday, September 5, and every Day and Eveningthis week.

It i» with no small decree of pleasure and pride, that theManner call* public,attention to the Trrmei.doc* array ofNovelties put forth here this we**k. including tue woudcrtut

MERMAID!Mr. HARRINGTON, the celtbrted Magician txrf Ven¬


(be r. nowned and unapproachable Ethiopian Danger.Wbitfock, tie unrivalled Bsnjo Player.Miss Taylor, tbe

p*nular Vocalist from tbe Pari tboaore.Mr. B. Boyce, tbemost r~'pular Comic Singer in the country.La Petite Ce-lesi .. the b. autiful dansesse.B dloon Ascensions from thrG des on tbe I p of the Mu earn..'00.000 Curiosities, andh»-i> of .-.ibe: ^rract.^ii-. novelties ard arnuseiacois: for par-tic oi«rs ol which *e« bills o: lb* day.Performances T» fee Even- Day.commetcitg at4 o'clock

and ~i oYlack. P. M.Admittance to the*ecu\garden and emertain-

nier:.25 cent*; Ch.ldren half piicr.TTILL'S NEW-YORK MUSEUM, No.JLjL 232 Broadway, opposite tiu City HalL.Dutiug thisvs. tbe follow popular performers wiil appear in a n>rie» of pen n ranee* in die Grand Pictorial Satocn:

l!r. \>INCHELL, delineator of Scotch, Irish, Dutch.French. Yankee and oiher Characters. Mrs. MOSSOP, thecelebrated Vocalist. Mr. DUNN, from Tremont Th-at:e.A full ami efficient Band ol Mu>.c in attendance. Fancy

Gbus Biowing by Mr Owens. The tenants of ihv.- forest,sei and air; Mineral Wonders, and a vast number of Pot>traits of Aaierican Worthies; an EgypdanMummy,JtcPerform nice at 8 o'clock. Tickets 25 Cent«; Childrenhalf price. sö lw"

'".ANTED.American and 5(GermanZ':ri*, at the temperance trust otlice No 139 Bowrry.

Housekeeper* will find the bestot help at this oriiee sep5?*

W\ TKI>.$ 1 'Oli on bond and mort-e-ue on iraprored real estate in Brooklyn, rear tbe

South Ferry.a very desirable location. A line addressedto R (<. W Tribune nltice, stating name and No. will re¬ceive immediate attention. sep5 if

WANTED.Employers for coachmen,waiters, grooms, tanners, boys for trad«s, mechan¬

ics of all descriptions, at the Temperance orace, 77 Nassaustreet. Honest sober help can be bad here without charge.«5 If

WANTED..A few good cloth tap ma¬kers at 84 Pearl-street, 2d story, to whom the high¬

est prices will be paid. None but those who thoroughlyuii'le-sr ind thr business need aoply. so tstf

ANTED-A y«ung white Protest¬ant Girl to da th:' waiting and chamber work of a

small isir.ily. Tbe best city references required. Apply at31 Olivers', between the haars of? A. M. and 2 P. M. s5 It1

r.\NTE!--.Situations by a rcspetableProtestant man and wife, who have bo children.

one to do up-stairs work or light house work, the other todrive an I take care Of horses and make himself gnnernl.)useful. He understands farming. Satisfactory referencecan i.e given for capability, honesty and indusny. Inquir»at 536 Broadway. so aV

MA Rill ED MAN wants a situationas Salesman or Clerk in a Wholesale Grocery". Wine

or Spirit Store.has been at the business for fourteen years,and understands his business oerfectly. For character andcapability l refer to John H Wbittaker, Esq., M. D.,510Broadway,or Doctor Baley, 301 Bowery. A line aadrcssenJ. J., at the otlice ol this paper, or 510 Broadway, will heattended to. %S Si*

BOARD in East Bröadway (]01) withfine front or back rooms on second door, may be ha<

by a family or a few single gentlemen of good moralsLiotiseand location unusually pleasant and desirable. Pri¬vate-family. Terms very favorable. s3 lw*

RI)1NG.The hrnTs«~42~Warrenstreet, formerly occupied by the family ol Gen. Ste¬

ven-, bus been neatly fitted up, and is now open for the re¦.epiion of boarders. sep5 1m.

T~HETäEV. J. F. MESSENGER'SCLASSICAL SCHOOL. 88 Rmier-street. Brnooklyn.

In compliance witii the r- pea>ed silii nations ofthefriends r>t

thisestablisbment,a PRLM\RY DEPARTMENT will b.opened (Jn Monday next (5th September) for the instrnrtiotoi juniors. Terms kc made known, on'application. s31o-

pEMALE SEMINARY at Noi 32 Riy-C ln-jton-street 'ne«ir the Bowery.) The Institution i-divided into three departmenU,witbeacbadistinctTeacbei«nd ail under the supervisioo of the Principal und is now

open for the reception of Pupils.A Primnn School is connected with the Institution am

also a School forsmall boys.Circulars may be had on application ns above, specifying

the stindes ot the,several classes and olso the terms, whbtlore made to sun the limes.

23r V. THOMPSON, Principal.PPRENTICES' LIBRARY. ThrApprentices? Library, at the Institution of the Gen¬

eral Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, No. S2andS-lCrosb] sir * t. will opeu tor the Sen^n on Monday evenitifihe 5th iost. Oprn every evening in the week from C to!>V|t.CkA Drawlag Class lor Apprentices is now formbtfir, t<omniencf in « few dnv-«. "hon« wilSMn«; lo avnl ihenv

-eive, of the opportunity alTorded by the Society ol a»

|Utiing a knowledge of this most t:*elul art tn mechanics,ai,1 pric to low s r.i place -i within d.e reach of every apprentice, will receive any information desired by applying.o the Librarian »3 .'t

7 i 1j . 1AMS1 fURG I f FIREINS ÖlANi E CO..Otfice In Giand, near First-Street

Williamsborgh.Agency "ilice, (11 Wall str"et, nbrtb-wncorn r ot Pearl st DIRKCT0R3.Samuel Willen, Frederick V> Favre, Andrew C Benedict.p nncisSn mheil, Thorn is McK.e. Cirarle<j 0 Hand)-,C Zaitri-lcle, Stepheri Willets, John Leggeit;VicboUsWyckotr.Jobu Skiliuian, Jeremiah Johnson,Lemuel Richardson.

This Company continursto insure against loss ordamagiby Fire,at the reduced tales of premium, at either of Iii«above plncfs,and losses sustained wiil be liberally adjustri

4 promptly paid. OKFtCERs.0. ZABRISKIE, Pretident.

ANoatiw B. Ho:x;r:s, Secretary.s5 it" WASMINGTOK POST. Age at, New-York.

L. M. ll»rt'man, Auctioneer.IMAGED FLOUR AT AUCTION.

_r.L M. HOFFMAN k CO. will sell on.Monday.5lb,

at iuo'clock,on pier 6, East river.5"'0 bids, superior brand*fj -nesee Flour, digbtly damaged by fresh v-n-r. s3 2t*

SHOW CÄSES! Whs)W CASES.»-For sale cheap at R. t M. EARL'S, 346 Broome-

one door West ol ihe Bowery. All persona ...'«hin:: to toilthemselves with a show case cau be accommodated at theabove place, a- are have a large iissortment ofnew and ,»e

cönd harid cases onstaolly on band. Also show cases,showwindows ami sioro sashes made to order at very short notices3 lm*_


otlice._»511»LI EE <;F IIKNiiV CLAV.J.i an Ex-

tra New World ; Price Oi Cents. For at N K E-LY'S BOOKSTORE, 221 B;.-«:c.ker»t. near Carmi .. . O If

OOD SCREWS..The Ncw-Emrland S<*rew Company's Brass and Iron Woo-

Screws, assorted, .from <J inchei4N6. 4 to 3 inches No. 20warranted superior to any iin|>nried or manuiacturwd bjany other tstablisbment in this country, for sale at the.itvacebonse, 94 John street.»3 MI lCjiELLk WJTHERELL. Agents.RJTANNIA METAL WARE, tea-Sets, Ceffee Urns, Coffee Boilers, Castors, Lamps

f oni i,-;mon Ware, Music Plates, Coffin Plates, i.e. madefroui refined rolii d metal by Leonard, Reed &. Barton, andfor salu by their soleasents,

s3 MITCHELL it WITHERELL, 51 Jobn-st

:,IES' SHOE KNTVES.Äcompleteassortment of these celebrated Knives for sale by the

manufacturer*' agents,sT_ MITCHELL k WITHERELL, Ü4 John rt.

MILLINERY «OÖDS very low forCash.STEVENS k GRUMAN, 95 Beaver street, 1

door trom Pearl st. New-York, have just received a largea»«ortuieni of Fall and Winter Millinery and Silk Goods oia lmost evi-ry description, most of which have been boughiat auction at ihe present unheard of I"W prices. Milliner,and Merchants who buy fur cash, wiil rind on band at al-times a large astonment of the iiMt fitsbionable MillioeryGoods in tbe city at price.* almost without exception lessthdncan be bought elsewhere. This Ls not put foilb ligb-ly, as

those wii-j have f ought of n* we 1 know ; and others navebut V) buy to Ue convinced. One of tbe linn makes itbusii.e««i to attend the auction sales daily by which arrange¬ment th.-vare enabled to avail themselves of many greatbargain- all of which they will sell al a small advance loanco-t. They bäve^ large assortment of Tarlatan Hat VelveLs aud Velvet Hat Ribbons to which ihev* would particularly invite atteiit.on. MerchanLs can always find a full a*-sortment of plain TatTefJ and Satin Ribbons from No. 1 u>16 at low pnees. a29 2mis

T>0^1EROY & C07S~NEVV^Y01iKJL ALBANY, TROY. BUFFALO CHICAGO ANDCicada Package Express, leaves daily (Sundays excepted!fhr the above and intermediate places. Office No. 2 Wallnrpet. New-York.N. B. Mark Packag« by " Pomeroy k Co.'s Express."an 13 Imis

C»HEAP CROCKERY STORE, 100' Bowery, between Grand and Hester «reel, where h

constantly on band a larsre stock of gr«o<l«, comprising everyvariety of style and quality of China, Tea aud Dinner Ware.Stone and Earthen do.'rich cutand plain Gla*.Hall. As¬tral and Manlei Lamps.English Britaanta Tea Setts, Can¬tors, 4tc Tbe aixive goods comprise oew aud elegant pa^terns from ihe best manufactories in E'inland, just importedbv lb* »ubscnbers, and lor sale at very low!5Inns M. i J. MERRI'I T-

ATCHES ÄND JEWELRY verylow..The 3ul>scriber fa seliiag ail desenpuons Ol

gold and sijvcr lever, anchor, escapemeht, lepiix aud vergeWatches, Diamond Kiugs, Pins, Gold Pencia-, Keys, kc at

retail, lower than at any other place ixthe city. GokWaadies as low as 5b to iO dollars each. Watches aad Jew¬elry exchanged or bought-

Ali watches -v^rrjuiied to keep good time or the moneyreirmed. U.C.ALLEN,Importer of Watches andTJeweiry, whoiosaU* and rewfl, 3r

« all creet. no <rt«<nt _d3° **[



ORISON'S Hygeian Medicines..-LTJL NOTICE..Whereas, A. A. Samaoos.of S4 Broad-wav, New-York, is making an Lnproper u*e of Messrs.Mcrtson k Co.'s appointment for the sale of their Medi¬cines. This is. therefore, to inform the public that Mr.Samao-is is not aathorited to s*il . MORISON'S PILLS '

in New-York,and that Messrs. .Mon.sous' only Agents inNe w-York arw Messrs. FIRTH k HALL, of No. 1 Frank¬lin souare. trora whom alone tbe Mediciae* can he had gen¬uine. (Signed) MORISON fe CO.Dated British College of Health, Ntw Itoad," London,

Jane 16th, 1^2. jy9 U'

AUCTION SALES.Joröb Richards. Auctioneer.

Y BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT,Store 1*6 Broatrwav.

^ Tvr.soAy, Aug. so-h, an'' foPowing »"ays.oOOKS..Tue »ale eg Sook* wifHx commenced »n Tue*,fi ,n~t,ir';>» Angus* 3t!.b. a*. I continued amly aatsl all are

,.* "taiogur emoracr« extensive invoices from tie

leadiog publisher-, throcgboct tteconnCy.STBapotyrs Pt-ATKs..The ca aiogüe also embrace*many valuable sets of St-reots pe Plates, v. itb copy riebt».Catalogues are now ready.A «jppicmentary eatslo-rje will be issued on the morn¬

ing ol sale, invoices l«r which should l*> received five tlay«previous. It will contain . valuable consignment ol Stereo¬type Plates, of the l2mo> ediUoo of Atarrvafs Novols ;S.ou'* Ivanhoe : »ulw-r% L.*; Davs or Pompeii; TomCringle's Log. ice icr, being »1*» works orißisiallv publishedami-r the title of' The Franklin Library '.23 völ* in ail.Ais«, plates to 'The Republic of Letters.' 2 vols 4to. 40*

pages, inrU.img many popular vr>rk»; »Kr\ tbe octavoedition ol die same work hi 4 vols, 416 pages each.Also, two sets of Diamond Bible Plates: phttes to Robin¬

son Crusoe. Brown's Concord o ca, an«! CraboeN Tal«« of:li.> Hal!; together with severs! forts ofType.The above Plates will b* sols without reserve on Wlctntay29th, at 4 o'clock. P. M.Liberal casu advances made on consignments for au«tic-a

-a Irs.

OY S. DKAPER, Jr..Slore 54 Wil-_U tlamatrceL corner of P ru*-stre-n

TUESDAY,Sej* 6-At 10 o'cloct it tie auction room.

Cloths asi> C*sstMEKEs.From the shelves.on a creditof six months, tor approved endorsedloatet.200 pieces supe¬rior West of England Cloths and Csssimeres, iusl imported,comprising wool dyed blacks, browns, invisible green, oliveand tancy colors, London bniwn. Russia green, woodedolive, citron green, claret, daLia, ice. ice

Also. 100 pieces Cassini* res. of various patterns aad des¬criptions.

THURSDAY, Septl.At 10 o'clock, at the auction room.

French Goods.By Catalogue..For approved endorsednotes at 6 months credit.100 case* French Goods coaa-;>r sing a srreat variety and extensive assortment of stapleand fancy articles ofrecent imjvrtations.Also, 25 cases German cottoa hosiery, black, white andslate.

Also, 13 carious German thread lacs, new and desirablepatterns.

Also, 3 case* blue black silk Velvet*, to close an invoice.Also, 7 cases German triagesAlso, 2 cases black and blue black Lvons silk Velvets ,

liest labric.Also, 3 cases Oelteos choice assortments.Also, 2 cases black Italian Cravats, 34 and 38 inch.Also, Stock Goods, the baftuicc of a concent decliningbusintss, consisting principally of while goods.Catalogues and «ampies on the morning ol sale.

SATURDAY, September 10.At lb o'clock, at the Auction Room.

Clotrs and Cassimejirs.From the shelves.on a creditof 6 months, for approved endorsed notes.200 pieces superWest »f England Cloths and Caisimeres, ju»t imported,comprising wool-dyed blacks, browns, invisinle green, ol¬ive and fancy colors, London brown, Russia green, woadedoliv«,citron green, claret, dahlia. kc. Jtc. 100 pieces Crtssimeres, of various pattenis and de¬scriptions.

WEDNESDAY. Sept. 14.At 12 o'clock at the .Merchants' Exchange.

Peremptory Sale of 19 valuable Building Lots favorablylocated on the 2d avenue, 23th and SOtb ttreels to wit:3 lots forming the entire-front on 2d avenue, west side, bu-

tween 17lb and 28th streets.3 lots oa the south side of 28ih street, between 2d and 3d

avenues.Immediately contiguous to the above, a new church is

building, and the surrounding property is rapidly improving.The avenue and street are grjtled and paved complete.

A!»o, 4 lots on 2Sih street, between 7th and 8th nvennes,aboul 100 feet west of 7ih avenue. And

4 lots on 29th street, immediately in rear of the above, of>ame dimenoons.Terms, 25 per cent on day of sale, 25 do. upon delivery ofdeed, ami balance on bond and mortgage.

BY A LBA KIMBALL.Office No. 42William-street, near Wall.

A. K. having made arrangements for the transaction of ageneral Auction and Commission business, solicits the pat¬ronage of his friends and the public.He will give his attention to the sale of Real Estate,

Stocfts, Bonds and other securities, Furniture and Out-DoorSa es generally.

It is believed that the selling of Stock« by auction as a

regular business In* ne^er been attempted in this city. InBoston und other clUes most of the sucks are disposed of atpublic sale. This mode of transacting business presents ad-vantages over the present custom. At auction sales tbedealers in stocks can always be present andjudge for Üiem-elves whether the sales are fairly conducted ot not, a privi-tege Of.which they are now deprived.The seller will have to pay no more commission than tbe

regular, brokerage, and the purchaser will by attending tothe sale save the amount of a brokerage.The numerous kinds df stock offered in this market that

ire uot-qnoted on the books of the brokers, and thereforeire rendered unsalable, will by the udoption of this planenable this holder to present them favorably before the pub-through the advertisement of the auctioneer. au20

R. AI. Bnker, Auctioneer.

BY R. M. BAKER..Store 149 Fulton-street, v THIS DAY,

For cash, in lots to suit purchasers, a quantity of Dryind Fancy Goods, Hardware, Guns, Pocket Cutlery, Ger-nan Silverware, i:c. Sale positive

ROMAN EYE BALSAM, for Weaknnd Ii darned Eyes..This Böham is a prescription of

mr of the most celebrated oculists, has been a long lime inuse, and is confidently recommended to the public ns thenest and most »necesful salve ever used for inflammatorytfoeiwes of lie eye. In casps where the eyelids are *erymuch inflamed, or the ball nt the eye thickly covered withblood; it Operates almost like magic.and removes all appear*mce niter two or three applications.In Dimness of Sight caused by fixed attention to minute

iljeci., or by imig exposure to a strong light, and in theweakness or partial loss ofsight from sickne-sor old age, it« a sure rest rer, and should be used by all who find theirye ight lading without any apparent disease.This Balsam bas restored sight in many instances where

dmosi TOTAL BLINDNESS, caused by excessive in'.ini-mation. bad existed foryears. Inilammation and sorenesscaused by blows, contusion., wounds on Uie eye, or byrex-traneaus bodies o! an irritating nature introduced under.'theeyelids. Is very soon removed by tb« application of the 3al-am. due trial will convince the most incredulous ol its.tficacv. iThe following evidenoe of its superior excellency is from

the Pastor ol me Episcopal Church 41 Harlem :

Haklbm. July, 13-iLMessrs. D. Sand-it Co..Gents: From motives of ha-

.uanity I am promptes! to infounyou that a few applicationsoi your' Roma« Eve Baham' have made d pertect cure indie case ofmy a^ed mother, who has sun'ered under a mootjiaintul ii tl immation of the eyes for twelve or fifteen yean.Physicians have given up the ense as hopeless on account ofdie patient's age, but by the blessins ol Heaven, your rem¬

edy bas verified the adage, . While there is Iiis there ishope.' Yoars most gratefully, R. Hott.

Mrs. Davis, No. 77 E*sexstre>U, has been cured of ir flam-..nation of the eyelids and weak ayes, of years' duralioc, byusing ouiy onejnr Ol tbe Eye Balsam.

Alis* Fitzgerald, No. 2 Market street, had for two orthreeyeais been so much alllicted with weak and inflamed eyes,thai ai tunes she could scarcely see to read. Her eyes havebeen completely restored by this Bal-nm, after all otkermeans had faller'. Hur;dred* have by its healing virtuosbeen restored to sight, where most toinl blindness, causedby excessive InfiammatloB, hau existed for year*. Put uphi small jars with full directions for use. Price 37J centa.Prepared .net sold, wholesaleand retail, by DA VkD SANDSü CO ,77 East Broad way, corner .Market-street, Now-York.Sold also by A. ß. ii D. Sands, 7a and 100 Fulton-street,

and by A. ß. Sauds ii Co., 273 Broadway, corner Cham¬ber» streeL sti lm

PURR'S LIFE PlLLS^.ItU impossi¬ble to calculate the many benefits la the human

race whirh must result from the discovery of Old Pnrr'i re¬cipe. The f'ne herbal medtcioe which is compoundedfrom its direction lias, in thousands ol cases, been tried andproved to be the most efficient remedy of the day. Nor isit confined in its usefulness to tbe diseases of Ihe poor, forit is sought by, and found in Uie medicine chests ol Uiemore wealthy classes of Great Britain ai d various parts ofthe continent of Europe.As a family medicine it is unequalled, and is all powerful

in removing bilious and other complaints arising from thederangement Of the alimentary ducti, and in purifytag tbeblood. It U certain in the cure of the more delicate complaints incident to females, grmelul to the taste, aromatic tolife smell, and at tbe same tune so gentle in its operatiou,yet so ejikacious, that no female ought to be without so.real a boon, left thera by iLs venerable discoverer, OldParr.

It has been but a short time before the public, yet theproprietors have received, numerous applications for Ihefibs from various parts of tbe United Slates, and have hadtrratilying testimonials of their good effects in removingdiseases prevalent ai this season of the year.To all, therefore, who are atOxted and in bad health, we

would say go to any of the undermentioned agents, wheredie Genuine Parr's Life Pit's winy »e had, viz:Rashtoa it A«pinwall, dragei«i» and chemiais, 88 William-

street, lift Broadway and 10 Astor Hoose.Abraham Sands it Co., droggist» and chemists, granite build¬

ings, 273 Broadway, corner of Chamber-street.P. Dickie. -113 Broadway, corner of Lispenard streetJohn B. Dodd, druggist, Broadway, corner of Bleecker-st.A. W. Badeau, Bowery -Medicine Store,260 Bowery.Symes' .Medicine Store, 63 Bowerv, corner of Waiker-st.A. B. Tripler, coraer Fulton and Water-streets.Horace Everptt, druggi-.t, 567 Greenwich-street, nexttothecorner of Franklin.

J. it J. Codiiingtoo, apothecaries, 227 Hudson-street, cornerof Spring-street

E. L. Cotton, ck'emist and apothecary, 263 Bleeeker-street,corner oi Jones-street

J. WewJover, druggist and apothecary, 141 Eighth Avenue,Brooklyn.Wm. Armstrong, need, drug and patent OLrdicixtewarehouse, 134J Fulton streetAnd wholesale at tlio proprietor's office.

T. ROBERTS k CO.,s3 lm Clarendon Hoas»», cor. Doane-st. and BroadwayÄ1IÖITSE TO LET IN BROOKLYN".j'*»» .Situated on the Heights, No. 81 Hicks street, Ita convenient two story dwelling, and will be let low till

1st of Mav. Pos*e«sioo immediately. Inquire on tbe prem¬ises, or of J. WINC riESTER, 30 Ann sr. sepfi tf

FURNISHED HOUSlTWÄNl^ir_.A small and highly respectable family are de¬

sirous of reniing a neatly furnislied Hoose where tne familynow occupying the boose (say from 4 to 6 persoos) wouldboard with them. A piou» family would be preferred..Any respectable family wishing to make *ucb arrangementsuntil May next, or longer if agreeable, will please address" Wallace." at the office ot this paper. 96 **.*

LEECHES, POISONS & CHEMI-CALv!..Warranted Poaons for Flies» Mosouetoes,

Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Rats, AnU aw' »-* »P'Cie» of Vermininfesting houses. Also, Fly Paper, Travelers' Comfort, SeaProtection,kc. u t vLEKCIIES-ImportedlargejtSwedish Leeches.CHEMICALS.Such as Lurar Caustic Copaiva, Cap-

sule« Acids Logwood Kxtracr, and DyerVs Materials, Spir¬its of Hartsliorne and Nitre, Ether, Chlorideof Loda. Iodine,tu-; Daguerreotype Chemicals suid De.lusts'Materials, Pal¬ladia a'c^ment, kc For sale Iryaulaim LEWIS FEUCHTWANGER, 1 Wallstrr tio-xl Hoard aud pleasant Rooms can be obtttieed

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