body modification, tattooes, piercing, scarification etc history, origins, types of, and the...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Body Modification,


scarification etcHistory, origins, types of, and the Biblical answer

The Origins of Body Modification

Body scarification, tatooing, etc.has a long history

The Origins of Body Modification

The Origins of Body Modification

Body scarification, tattooing, etc, has a long history

These ancient heathen practices are found in all nations;

• a Maori tatooed man,1860;

Origins of Body Modification

Recent renewal of facial markings

• Maori Chief

History of Body Modification

In the Middle-east • from Iran 3500BC

(note ear piercing)

History of Body Modification

• from Iraq 9th century BC - King Assur with pierced ears

History of Body Modification

• Chinese Buddha, 13th century

History of Body Modification

• Polynesian chief

History of Body Modification

Africa scarification

History of Body Modification

African head-binding

History of Body Modification

Zulu customary scarification

History of Body Modification

Customary protection rites

History of Body Modification

• Lip plate - Ethiopia

History of Body Modification

Alaskan man with nose ring, 19th C

History of Body Modification

Chinese foot-binding

History of Body Modification

Borneo woman with stretched ear lobes

History of Body Modification

British tattooed man from 400AD

History of Body Modification

South American

History of Body Modification


History of Body Modification

In Borneo tattooingis mostly associatedwith head-hunting

History of Body Modification - Occultic connections

• Primitive scarification is almost always connected to religious and occultic practices.

(Middle Eastern Muslims pierce their cheeks in aritual)

History of Body Modification - Occultic connections

• It is believed here that children hold several spirits insidethemselves. This little girl is believed to hold the spirit of a weasel in her and this makes her extremely vulnerable for seduction

History of Body Modification - Occultic connections

Hindus in Singapore

History of Body Modification - Occultic connections

Tattooing, among pagans,is considered a powerful tool: for at once the pigment was laid upon the skin, the indelible mark served as both protective shield and sacrifice to the supernatural.

Various types of Scarification

Tattoos Body piercing Mutilation

Various types


Various types

• Tattoos, Hindu god

Various types

• Tattoos

Various types

• Tattoos, on leg

Various types

• Tattoos, on stomach

Various types

• Tattoo, branded by burning into skin

Various Types

Tribal, Oriental, Celtic

Various types

• Branded birth chart

Various types

•Body piercing,naval

Various types

•Body piercing,tongue

Various types

•Body piercing (and tattoos),tongue studs

Various types

Nasal bridge

Various Types

Labrets - tribal heritage

Various Types

Ear piercing

Various types

• Mutilation, the ultimate form of body modification

an ear beingadjusted

The painful process

The process is painful

The painful process

The problem with nose jobs for modification purposes is that the pain and problems may start later:

Nose jobs

Observe Michael Jackson’s nose...

The painful process

A nose job

Various types

• Mutilation and pleasure through pain

Various types


Various types

• Self-flagellation, pain for penance

Various types

Some go so far as crucifixion

Popularity of tattoos

Even among many Christians the once-forbidden tattoo is welcomed with open arms (and legs, and necks, and backs, etc)

Not surprising the major perpetrator of the Christian tattoo is the Christian rock music community.

Popularity of tattoos

And fast following their Christian rock idols, thousands of Christian young people are getting "marked for Jesus" with the tattoo.

A Christian Tattoo Association (CTA) has been established

Popularity of Tattoos

Modern and Primitive

Popularity of Tattoos

Coptic Christian - Ethiopia

Popularity of Tattoos

The Tribe - Modern Primitivism Movement

What does the Bible say?

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.” Lev 19:28

Throughout history the tattoo bears the mark of paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism etc

What does the Bible say?

The tattoo has NEVER been associated with Bible Believing Christians. And whenever and wherever, in history Christianity appears – tattoos disappear. The only exception is recent, lukewarm, carnal, disobedient, Laodicean Christians.

Christ’s piercing for us

• “He was pierced for our iniquities”Is 53

• No self-inflictedinjury is necessary

• He has paid theRedemption price

• Christ has inscribed,or `tattooed’ youon His handsIs 49:16

Christ’s victory over death

Christ’s death and resurrectiongives us life. The tattooculture is obsessedwith death.

Christ’s victory over hell

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. . ."Revelation 6:8

“Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” Matthew 25:41

Christ’s victory over hell

Tattoos are preoccupied with death, hell and the flames of hell

Christ’s victory over the devil

• And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound…”Rev 22:2

• “Neither give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27

His mark forever

Revelation 7:2-3: “...till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.”Revelation 14:1: “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, ..., having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

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