bonacci alex ted_talk

Post on 27-May-2015






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TED Talk With Rodney Mullen

By: Alex Bonacci

Rodney Mullen

Pop an ollie and Innovate!

Rodney Mullen

How Skate Boarding and its environments drive creativity and ingenuity.


He started off his presentation by showing some segments of him skateboarding from over the years and proceeded to skateboard on stage.

He maintained the audiences attention with his enthusiasm and passion for skateboarding. He was both detailed in the process and showed great energy when speaking.

Commandment 3

Throughout his speech. Rodney Mullen was full of energy and you could see the passion radiating from him. He would go from energetic talking about a trick, to very calm and serious when explaining the mechanics behind it.

Dynamism = 5

Rodney Was full of energy through his presentation. He mixed spikes of enthusiasm with the mellow mood of explaining a trick in fine detail. Overall he was comedic while still stressing the point of being creative and using that to give back to the community.

Tips were used from Reynolds and Duarte.

Rodney combined the usage of pictures, videos, and personal stories both informational and comedic during his speech. One in particular was when he was escorted off the USC campus which he was in the auditorium for during his speech.

I have learned that delivery is unique to the person and the topic of presentation. Like Rodney mentioned, “everyone has their own silhouette”. This is true when delivering a speech.

Rodney Mullen in comparison to Sir Ken Robinson was more comedic while Sir Robinson was more serious during his presentation. Overall the way they present and present themselves is different as Sir Robinson is highly educated, while Mullen has been an athlete. Overall they are both very influential and great speakers on their expertise. Lastly Mullen is the living essence of the fix Sir Robinson sees fit to bring back creativity into the world.

Tips: Be well thought out and organized, don’t jump around or change directions too quickly in your speech. Show enthusiasm and energy when you speak. The audience will be bored or uninterested proportionally to you being monotone and not wanting to be there if that’s the case. Otherwise enjoy sharing and be yourself. Because awkward or sophisticated, there is an audience right for you.


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