book of artist - coast

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Orkhan Abbasov Coast

Orkhan Abbasov Coast

Leyla A - was born in 1990 in Baku, Azerbaijan.Graduated from Azerbaijan State University of Archi-tecture and Constructionwith Bachelors Degree in Architecture (2010) and Masters Degree in Urban Planning (2012). Had a long practice in her sphere, while living in Baku strarted to be interested in theater.

After moving to NYC she continues her professional ca-reer as Interior Designer, combining it with her hobbies : poetry and theater. Participating in poetry open mics, taking classes in stage and film acting

Leyla is writing from early age, on poetry websites, in exhibition catalogs, owns a blog.Her poems have been published repeatedly.

I remember the very first time i went inside the Ocean’s waters. I felt reborn, felt that will never be the same again. Probably that point of no return wasn’t a point but - a line, a process, not an event, but after that crucial plunge an idea of changes is traced in my memory...


Orkhan Abbasov CoastEssay by Leyla A


Essay by Leyla A

Chapter I - The Ocean,the Sky, the Earth.Part I Part II

Chapter II - Our presence, within Our abscence.

Chapter III - Particles.


From Author[EN PT RU]

Under the silent water a city was built. The city of single steps, single sticks. Little pieces of sand in the volume of endless deepth. Little houses with vast spaces in between. Strawberry fields of love among those who build.Fields of life for those who live.

I have never been a part of the city.I was a pure visitor, performer, observer, coming with time to come, leaving with time to leave.Like no one ever told me, like I never ever heard.

The city was built from nothing. The city became alive. The energy of the ocean was beating in every tiny window of every tiny house. Nature was rushing through the streets, finding those who were lost, bringing them home.Home was everywhere. Home was here. Home was me.

One never gone can never come. I was walking away from the city, from its tenderness, from its brutality. I was walking away from the warm living rooms of my favorite people. I was rushing through the faces of those who were afraid to never see me again. I was promising to come back, but I haven’t been sure I ever will. I was walking away from the rooms I rented, from the jobs I had, from the keyboards I tapped. I was walking away from structure, away from bronze, away from upholstered goods. I was.

I was standing at the edge of the world. Flying seemed impossible. Yet it was the only single truth I could speak.There was no wind power that helped me to get up. My body was floating in the air, as if it always knew how to do it.No wings I had. No wings I needed. Flying was simple. Flying - was swimming. Flying - was walking in very soft shoes on the very soft grass. Flying - was accepting, releasing, and giving in. Flying was demanding you, all of you, every tiny part of your body, to trust. Trust was the hardest part to learn. But once learnt, it would never leave you alone.

Once it was.

Once it was. The One I was.

There was sand under my feet and the sky above me. There was a world inside of me and the world around me.All the trees, all the birds, all the clouds of the world. All the silence.

I stood still, my bare feet in the ocean. The water was smooth and warm, and wild and cold. It was alive. I was alive.I listened to nothing, and nothing listened to me. I remembered no words, or phrases or thoughts I’ve ever had. I didn’t remember what they were made of. I didn’t know what I was made of. I had the sky, or the sky had me. I had the sun, or the sun had me. I had the world, and the world had me.

Sun rays were soft, the air was pure, and my eyes were open. I was breathing. I was watching my hands, like a child - when you stretch your fingers towards the sun, and see every cell of your skin filled with light...

I stood still until I felt the urge to walk. I was walking away from everyone I knew, from everything I’ve ever felt. I was walking through the grass, and through the sand, I was walking on warm round pebbles, and harsh river stones. I was walking fast, I was walking slowly. I was walking as if I had all the time in the world, and I was rushing as if I’m never going to make it to my goal.I had many destinations. I changed my destinations.

I was riding trains, cars and buses. I was riding horses, bicycles, and roller coasters.I was riding with people.I was listening to their stories, their songs, and their laughter. I was listening to her whisper, her breath.I was feeling their fears, their happiness, and their dreams. I was sharing their bread, their friendship, their love. I was silent.I was asking them for favors, for directions, for answers.I was helping them to fix their cars, their homes, their lives.I was taking their time, their kindness, and their words. I was giving them my stories, my photographs, my faith.

Essay by Leyla A


The Ocean, The Sky, The Earth.Part I

Chapter I

Part II

Our Presence-within Our absence.Chapter II

Particles.Chapter III


I am grateful to my family which never restricted and supported me in my interests and adventures.

My Mother who is always there for me - from childhood till now, despite the distance between us, thank you Mum.

My Father - who was always hiring individual teachers and funding my hobbies, thank you Dad.

My sister - with her gentle, pure soul taught me to pay attention to what is happening around me and respect it. Thank you Sis.

To my professor of the class of photography at Fine Arts Faculty University of Lisbon [FBAUL] - José Luís Neto, who helped me to clarify my ideas for this project, directed throughout it.

To my good - “Transatlantic” friend Leyla, who wrote the most beautiful, highly poetical essay I’ve ever read for this book.

To my cousin - Kamilla and to my friend - Rita, who helped me editing the text.

I am very grateful to Stephen Shore for his important series - Uncommon Places, which was very influential for me.

Especially I want to mention the beauty of the Portuguese Atlantic Coast, which gives the name and is the main subject of this book of photographs.

Orkhan Abbasov, Lisbon, 2015

I remember the very first time i went inside the Ocean’s waters. I felt reborn, felt that will never be the same again. Probably that point of no return wasn’t a point but - a line, a process, not an event, but after that crucial plunge an idea of changes is traced in my memory. Coming from time to time to the theme of seascapes, this project immerged itself while hiking at Vicentine Coast, south of Portugal.

Atlantic Ocean hypnotized me, i was looking how it moves back and forth, like a living creature, and it was interacting. Sky was framing it from above, Earth from the bottom, I took off the camera and framed it from the sides...

That’s how the first pictures and “The Ocean, the Sky, the Earth” chapter was born. Sky reflected in the Water, changing its mood, changing its color, from crystal blue to muddy grey. Earth delineated, sometimes gently, sometimes rough.

The scale of the Ocean in comparison to man-made structures has been amazing. Attempts by people to conquer it were rarely successful. The picture emerging on the Coast tells the story how the water regains, with the time, what once was taken from it. The only successful example of conquest appears through the punctual implantations - up the hill, or on a particular distance from the shore, deliberately selected, possessing minimal presence, and micro influence on the surroundings - evi-dences of our ancient habit to stake the territory. Our ambassadors - indeed “Our presence, within Our absence”

The last but not the least - People. Fragile and vulnerable in the natural context - we have polpulated the planet for millions of years. We have always settled near water sources and along the Coast. Even today in the modern era - we profit from close-ness to the water. We are ‘particles’ tiny crumbs, dreaming big - always.

P.S. Studying Architecture for many years has left its mark on my way of thinking and perceiving the world. I was trying to figure out the relations between the people and the Ocean: their attitude, how do they place themselves within that environ-ment. Our presence, material presence - of stone, concrete and wood, glass and steel. How do we occupy the Coast?

Not finding the answers to these many questions, I’ve packed a backpack and went on the road searching for them along the Coast.

From Author

Lembro-me da primeira vez que entrei nas águas do Oceano. Senti-me renascido, senti que nunca mais iria ser o mesmo. O ponto sem retorno não foi um ponto, mas sim uma linha e um processo. Depois deste mergulho decisivo, a ideia que tudo está sempre em constante mudança nunca mais me abandonou.

Iniciei este projecto com o tema das paisagens marítimas, fazendo caminhadas na Costa Vicentina, no sul de Portugal.O Oceano Atlântico hipnotizou-me. Observando os seus movimentos contínuos, para frente e para trás, vi como Ele era uma criação viva e como interagia comigo. O Céu emoldurou-o por cima, a Terra por baixo, e eu tirei a câmara e emoldurei -o dos lados.

Foi assim que as primeiras imagens e o primeiro capítulo “O Oceano, o Céu, a Terra” nasceram. A Água reflectiu o Céu, mudan-do a atmosfera e a cor, de azul puro para cinzento sujo. A Terra traçou com o seu perfil, algumas vezes suave outras vezes áspero.

A escala do Oceano, em comparação com as estruturas humanas, é incrível. As tentativas do Homem de o conquistar foram sucessivamente mal sucedidas. Uma imagem que surge na costa, fala da história da reconquista pelas aguas dos territórios que foram tirados delas próprias. Alguns dos exemplos excepcionais dessa nossa conquista aos mares aparecem no cimo das colinas ou a distâncias significativas da Costa, seleccionados com cuidado, com presença e influência mínimas. Serão sempre os nossos embaixadores, presentes quando estivermos ausentes.

Por último, mas não menos importante, as Pessoas, tão frágeis e vulneráveis no contexto natural. Habitamos a Terra já há milhões de anos, e sempre escolhemos viver perto das fontes de água e ao longo da Costa. Ainda hoje, em tempos modernos, usufruímos e precisamos desta proximidade com a água. Somos apenas ‘partículas’, grãos de areia... Mas sonhamos em grande – sempre.

P.S. Formado em Arquitectura, durante muitos anos desenvolvi uma certa maneira de pensar e perceber as coisas. Neste projecto, tentei entender as relações entre as pessoas e Oceano: o seu comportamento e como se posicionam dentro deste âmbito. E por isso questionei-me : Como ocupamos a Costa? De que forma a nossa presença material - da pedra, betão e madeira, vidro e aço - a influencia?

Não encontrando as respostas para estas múltiplas questões, fiz a mochila e saí, com a esperança de as encontrar ao longo da Costa.

Помню первый раз, когда я окунулся в воды Океана. Почувствовал, как будто заново родился, осознал, что больше никогда не буду прежним. Наверное, точка невозврата была не точкой, а линией; процессом, а не событием. Однако после того рокового погружения мысль о том, что все переменится, не покидала меня.

Проект возник спонтанно, во время пешего тура по Берегу Св. Винсента, на юге Португалии.

Атлантический Океан гипнотизировал, я смотрел как он двигался ко мне и от меня, взаимодействовал. Небо обрамляло его сверху, Земля - снизу, я взял камеру и обрамил его по бокам...

Так появились первые фотографии и первая глава “Океан, Небо, Земля”. Небо отражалось в Воде, меняя атмосферу и цвет, от прозрачно-голубого до глинисто-серого. Земля очерчивала своим профилем, иногда мягко, иногда резко.

Масштаб Океана по сравнению с человеческими строениями был впечатляющим. Попытки человека покорить его, редко заканчивались успехом. Картина, запечатленная на Берегу повествует о том, как Океан со временем возвращает себе, то что было отнято. Единственными примерами успешного завоевания являются точечные внедрения. На холме или на удаление от берега, выбранные не случайно, представляющие минимальное присутствие и оказывающие минимальное воздействие на свое окружающюю среду – свидетельства нашей древней привычки столбить территорию. Наши посланники – по праву указывающие на человеческое присутствие при отсутствие нас как таковых.

Последнее, но не маловажное – Люди. Слабые и уязвимые в контексте природы – населяющие планету миллионы лет. Мы всегда селились около источников воды и вдоль Берега. Даже сегодня – в современную эпоху, мы пользуемся привилегиями от близости к воде. ‘Частицы’, мелкие ‘песчинки’, всегда мечтающие о большом.

P.S. Изучение Архитектуры на протяжении многих лет не могло не наложить свой след на образ мышления и восприятие мира. Моей попыткой в этом проекте было выяснить характер связи между человеком и Океаном: наше отношение к нему, где мы видим себя в этой среде. Человеческое присутствие, материализованное присутствие – из камня, бетона и дерева, стекла и стали. Как мы населяем Берег?

Не находя ответов на эти многочисленные вопросы, я собрал рюкзал и отправился в путь искать их на Берегу.

Costa Берег

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