booklet - basics of oil analysis[1]

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]


    I t s b e t t e r t o k n o w.


    4th Edi t ion


    12715 Rya l Dr.

    Stard, TX 77477



    3401 Jack Nrthrp Ave.

    Hawthrne, CA 90250



    2450 Hassell Rd.

    Hman Est., IL 60195



    11350 Bluegrass Pkwy.

    Luisville, KY 40299



    3075 Crners N. Ct. NW

    Nrcrss, GA 30071



    3401 Jack Nrthrp Ave.

    Hawthrne, CA 90250


    Analysts, Inc. 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]



    Tday, cmmercial il analysis serves a myriad industries. over the past

    seven decades it has saved cuntless dllars in premature equipment ailure

    and cmpany dwntime. It has becme the cus magazines, seminars, and

    trade shws. And it is easily ne the mst eective and practive tls r

    maintaining the physical integrity internal cmpnents. With ver 50 years

    leadership and experience, Analysts has played a pineering rle in this

    industrys develpment. We are prud ur legacy. Mrever, we are wrking

    t create new innvatins and enhanced services in an ert t advance ur

    industry and better serve ur clients in the years ahead.

    Commitment to ou customes

    As a sign ur cntinued cmmitment t ur custmers, we are pleased

    t release the 4th editin ur Basics oil Analysis bk. This bk is

    designed t help yu gain a better understanding the undamental cncepts

    an il analysis prgram. It is ur hpe that all practitiners, whether nvice

    r experts, can gain practical inrmatin rm this bk t imprve yur il

    analysis prgram.

    INTRODUCTION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    The ith o an industy

    The extensive histry il analysis makes it the ldest all cmmercial

    practive-maintenance technlgies. over the past 75 years, il analysis has

    helped diagnse the internal cnditins il-wetted cmpnents and their

    lubricants in virtually every industry that invlves heavy machinery. While tdaysanalytical tls emply the mst advanced technlgies, early test methds

    were shckingly simple. The rst diagnstic techniques merely invlved smelling

    il in an attempt t detect the sur dr excess acid. other early tests

    included inspecting il with the naked eye r visual signs cntaminants r

    placing a sample drp n absrbent paper t detect cntaminant residue.

    In 1960, Edward rgern brught a new level service t the industry by

    unding Analysts, Incrprated the rst independent cmmercial labratry

    t er cmplete il analysis diagnstic services t all areas business

    and industry. Thus taking the rudimentary methds utilized in the eld and

    incrprating mdern scientic testing t prvide critical insight r maintenance

    departments acrss all industries.

    A moden ea o luicant analysis

    Present-day technlgy uses a cmbinatin physical and

    chemical tests t mnitr lubricant and cmpnent cnditins.

    These tests are established and reviewed by a number

    agencies, including the Internatinal organizatin r

    Standardizatin (ISo), the American Sciety r Testing and

    Materials (ASTM), and the Sciety Autmtive Engineers (SAE). In additin,

    a variety labratry and persnnel certicatins have emerged t ensure the

    highest levels lab technician quality.

  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]



    OUTLINE FOR AN EFFECTIVE OIL ANALYSIS PROGRAM_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    1. Determine your primary objectivesoil analysis can be applied t equipment and lubricant utilizatin, maintenance

    and management:


    Decrease unscheduled dwntime

    Increase verall cmpnent liespan

    Cntrl lube cnsumptin and il dispsal csts

    Assist prduct selectin, cmparisn and vericatin


    Identiy and measure lube cntaminatin alng with cmpnent wear r

    targeted crrective actin

    Reduce in-service ailures and eld repairs

    Establish prper lubricant service intervals


    Imprve reliability, prduct quality and prductivity

    Imprve cst cntrl r equipment, labr and materials

    Eliminate needless inspectins r repairs

    Cntrl spares and replacement csts


    oil analysis is an integral part the maintenance plan r pwer generatin

    and manuacturing plants, ver-the-rad trucking feets, -rad

    cnstructin equipment, aircrat, rerigeratin systems, prcessing and

    chemical plants. Any piece equipment that has a lubricating system is a

    ptential candidate r il analysis.

    A successul il analysis prgram requires an rganized and sustained

    ert. N TPM (Ttal Prductive Maintenance), lean manuacturing r

    Six Sigma initiative will reach its gal withut the prcesses t sustain

    imprvement. Bth the user and the labratry must wrk clsely tgether

    t lay the grundwrk r the prgram and achieve the desired results.

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    2. Carefully consider your best choice for an oilanalysis provider

    All il analysis labratries claim they are qualied. Althugh certicatins and

    requirements that a qualied used-il analysis labratry must meet are nw

    much mre dened than in the past, ne thing has nt changed: Yu, the il

    analysis user, must chse which labratry best satises yur needs.

    r example, Analysts has been eatured in numerus magazine articles,

    advertisements, and ther published materials. These secnd pinins are

    excellent surces reerence abut ur service. Hwever, the best guide t

    chsing a labratry and srting between the many claims these cmpanies

    make, is experience. Chances are, smene in yur eld is already using ne

    r mre the labs yu are cnsidering. Talk with them. Theyll cnrm hw we

    dene qualied.

    Choose a well-estalished laoatoy

    Analysts has been in cntinuus and evlving peratin since 1960 lngenugh t have develped cmplete, time-tested prcedures r purchasing,

    analysis, reprting, client cntact and supprt. We er a wide selectin

    sampling materials, including ur SureSample sampling cntainer, QSS

    sampling valves, and ther supplies, and make sure that these materials are in

    stck when yu need them. We prvide the additinal descriptive literature and

    training assistance needed t enhance yur il analysis prgram.

    Choose a well-equipped laoatoy

    Each Analysts labratry is thrughly cmputerized, and mst ur mdern,

    well-maintained instruments are autmated and directly interaced with the

    labs inrmatin-management system. We adhere t published, prven testing

    prcedures and use nly the highest quality chemicals. We encurage ur

    clients t visit ur lab acilities t see this r themselves.

    Choose a laoatoy with a well-tained, expeienced sta

    Analysts service and technical persnnel are respected members the

    reliability cmmunity. Mre ur sta members are STLE Certied Lubricatin

    Specialists r oil Mnitring Analysts than all ur cmpetitrs cmbined! We

    recgnize the specic technical requirements r yur applicatins and can

    answer yur questins ully. We have an rganized apprach r establishing

    yu as a client and can give yu sund, practical suggestins r vercming

    any bstacle yu might encunter in establishing and maintaining yur Analysts

    il analysis prgram.

    Choose a laoatoy with ecognized quality contol

    Analysts, Inc. has the strngest certied and registered ISo 17025 quality

    prgram in cmmercial il analysis. By attaining the ISo 17025 certicatin,

    Analysts demnstrates n a daily basis ur cmmitment t quality in every

    aspect ur business. In additin, Ana lysts quality prgram meets the

    requirements 10 CR 50, Appendix B the ederal specicatin r qualit y

    prgrams in nuclear pwer plants. All ur data analysts have ne r mre the STLE CLS and oMA certicatins, and mst ur technical sta members

    als hld these and ther credentials. With ur prgram dcumentatin,

    training, prcedures and llw-up, Analysts is recgnized as the leader in quality

    and service within the industry.

    As you look at price, quality,

    support and experience, dont

    orget to evaluate the laboratory

    instrumentation and methods.

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    Examine example epots o eliale ecommendations and

    easy-to-ead omat

    Clearly stated results and recmmendatins are vital t the success

    yur il analysis prgram. Analysts reprts are cncise and inrmative.

    our recmmendatins are specic, cmplete and easy t understand.

    The recmmendatins refect a real knwledge the perating and wear

    characteristics the cmpnent sampled. Test results indicating the need r

    a majr inspectin are duble-checked and veried prir t reprting t yu.

    All ur sta data analysts and chemists are members pressinal and

    technical scieties, and ur established psitin in the cmmercial il analysis

    eld ensures ready access t lubricant and cmpnent manuacturers data.

    Expect apid tunaound o analysis epots

    Analysts, Inc. prvides an average turnarund time ne day r less r rutine

    samples. over 80% the samples received are cmpleted the same day they

    are received. We ntiy yu immediately i critical cnditins are detected, and

    make yur reprts available nline instantly ater cmpletin. We prvide rush

    handling i yu require an immediate respnse, and ater-hurs special penings

    can be arranged in case emergency.

    Look o specialized summay epots

    T assist ur clients t manage and cntrl their il sampling prgram, we

    will prvide any a series eight specially designed prgram-management

    and summary reprts. These reprts cnslidate sampling activity t cmpile

    inrmatin such as Critical Cnditin (Units), Cnditin Analysis Statistics,

    Summarized Sampling Activity and Summarized Sample Cnditins. Thereprts are available n a mnthly basis.

    Look o a ull ange o inomation management tools and options

    Analysts maintains a cmprehensive website at This

    site als ers the ully web-based LoAMS (Lube oil Analysis Management

    System), develped in respnse t tdays practive reliability management

    needs. Thrugh LoAMS, yur entire il analysis prgram can be managed in

    the clud. rm prgram setup t prgram administratin, LoAMS prvides

    the user with easy-t-use eatures, such as reprt retrieval, equipment

    management, label printing, graphing, user management, and much mre.

    A samples transit time rom

    sampler to lab is always the

    largest part o the actual

    turnaround o a sample.

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    3. Build the foundation for your programrequently there is an assumptin that an il analysis prgram can be hurriedly

    established simply by taking a ew samples and sending them t the nearest,

    cheapest labratry. Nthing culd be urther rm the truth.

    Sampling point suvey

    Bere yu begin sampling, a necessary rst step is t identiy the systems yu

    want t sample, and cllect relevant technical reerence inrmatin n thse

    systems. Next, determine any histry perating r wear prblems, and the

    criticality any particular system (the impact dwntime and repair upn yur

    business prcess).

    Selecting tests

    Dierent cmbinatins physical and spectrchemical tests are used t measure

    the prperties the lubricant and determine levels cntaminants and chemical

    elements suspended in the lubricant. The applicatin and gals the il analysis

    prgram help determine the number and type tests that shuld be perrmed.

    The physical analysiscncentrates n measuring certain characteristics

    the lubricant, including cntaminants and il breakdwn by-prducts, as well as

    their general eect n the lubricant prperties. The spectrochemical analysis

    identies and measures selected metallic elements present in the lubricant as

    micrscpic particles. Test results are reprted in parts per millin (ppm) by

    weight. The relative cncentratins these elements are used t mnitr wear

    rates, detect cntaminants and determine additive levels.

    Analysts has develped standardized packages which are cmbinatins

    rutinely perrmed tests. These packages are designed t cver the general

    testing needs brad industry classicatins such as pwer generatin,

    manuacturing, cnstructin, mining, and ver-the-rad trucking. While these

    packages meet mst prgrams needs and bjectives, yu can develp yur

    wn custm test slates t meet yur prgrams gals. Analysts will assist yu

    in selecting the prper cmbinatin tests prir t beginning yur sampling


    Pope sampling intevals

    When beginning a rutine il analysis prgram, the usual practice is t sample

    the entire grup units/cmpnents as part the criticality assessment t

    establish initial baseline data and quickly spt any cmpnents with serius

    prblems. once this prcess is cmplete, the client and labratry then agree

    n an initial rutine-sampling interval. This interval is based n the resul ts

    the preliminary wrk, cmpnent manuacturer guidelines, client maintenance

    prcedures and service scheduling, and Analysts experience with similar

    cmpnents and applicatins. once the prgram is ull y established, the rutine-

    sampling interval may be adjusted.

    obtaining a representative sample is ne the mst imprtant parts a

    scheduled il analysis prgram. I a sample des nt represent the true cnditin

    the lubricant and cmpnent at the time sampling, the reliability bth the

    test results and their interpretatin is aected.

    Once determined, routine-sampling intervals should remain as

    constant as possible.

    Oil Analysis labs vary as do the

    tests they perorm. Choosinga lab should be based on

    testing capabilities, service and

    satisying your specifc needs.

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    Otaining a epesentative sample

    This is undubtedly ne the mst imprtant parts a scheduled il analysis

    prgram. I a sample des nt represent the true cnditin the lubricant and

    cmpnent at the time sampling, the reliability bth the test results and

    their interpretatin is aected.

    Sampling a component while it is running or within 30 minutes ater

    shutdown gives the most representative sample. This ensures that wear

    prducts and lubricant cntaminants are thrughly mixed with the lubricant

    and that the heavier wear particles have nt settled ut.

    Areas where lubricant ow is restricted or where contaminants and wear

    products tend to settle or collect should be avoided as sampling points.

    We recmmend the llwing sampling pints in rder preerence:

    A petcck r ther sampling access installed prior t the il lter (using

    Analysts QSS r similar valve)

    An il-dipstick tube r ther service pening (using the SureSample

    r avacuum pump)

    The sump r reservir drain

    The reservoir drain is oten the easiest sampling point, but it is so prone to

    sampling error that we discourage it.

    In special cases, samples may be taken rm lube lters. The lab shuld be

    advised prir t testing i this ccurs.

    once a prper sampling pint and methd is chsen r a particular

    cmpnent, il samples rm that cmpnent shuld always be taken rm the

    same pint with the same methd.

    4. Establish consistent oil-analysis-baseline informationIn a busy peratins and maintenance schedule, n ne wants extra paperwrk

    and recrd keeping. But, i an il analysis prgram is t urnish anything mre

    than test data, the user must prvide supprting inrmatin n the machines,

    cmpnents and lubricants in service.

    Initial equipment registratin can be easily accmplished by urnishing the

    labratry with a cnslidated equipment list based n yur sampling pint

    survey, r by cmpleting an individual registratin rm r each sampled

    system. In either case, the sampling pint ID and current perating data is sent

    with each sample.

    In cmpleting ur il analysis rms and sample-cntainer labels, the llwing

    brie denitins are helpul:

    Unit I.D. nume

    A unique reerence number r an entire unctinal unit. Examples include a

    cmpany asset r inventry identicatin r a vehicle serial number.


    The verall type il-wetted system such as engine, hydraulic, r gearbx

    rm which the sample is taken. other designatins such as let, number

    3, rear r an actual descriptin the cmpnents use such as an drive,

    winch r swing are als needed r clear identicatin. our rms prvide

    checkbxes r cmmn sampling psitins.

    NoTE: In industrial applicatins the unit and cmpnent ten reer t thesame mechanical system. In this case, the descriptin the sampled system

    will be recrded as the unit.

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    Time since new o since last ovehaul

    The perating hurs r miles since the sampled cmpartment was rst

    put int service, r since the last verhaul r rebuild was perrmed. Since

    nrmal wear rates change ver the lietime a cmpnent and break-in may

    resemble abnrmal wear, this inrmatin is needed as an nging reerence

    r interpretatin. This data may be btained directly rm an equipment r

    cmpnent service meter, r rm general perating recrds.

    Time since oil change

    The number hurs r miles cmpnent use between the time the il was

    last changed and the time the sample was taken. This inrmatin is essential t

    time-based trending.

    Oil type

    The manuacturer, prduct name, and SAE r ISo viscsity grade r the il that

    was sampled. Since a manuacturer may sell mre than ne blend the same

    viscsity prduct, the cmplete name is very imprtant in determining which

    testing reerence il t use.

    Oil consumption o makeup oil

    The amunt il added t maintain a crrect il-ll level in the sampled cmpnent.

    Cmplete il changes shuld nt be reprted as makeup il r identied as new il.

    A sample may nt be prcessed immediately i the client name, unit and

    cmpnent identicatin, r sample date are nt prvided. I yu have sampled

    a particular machine bere and d nt ensure that the unit and cmpnent

    identicatins match what yu riginally prvided, testing may be delayed while

    the needed inrmatin is established, r the results may nt be led crrectly

    with ther samples rm that machine.

    In additin t this must-prvide data r each sample, yu shuld reprt any recent

    maintenance, changes in perrmance r unusual perating cnditins. I yu

    sample at the same time that yu perrm ther rutine maintenance and servicing

    activities, yu shuld als recrd that inrmatin and submit it with the sample.

    Specic individuals shuld be assigned lng-term respnsibility r this pr tin the

    prgram. I this is nt easible, then a particular department shuld be designated r

    invlvement. once this respnsibility is established, a system recrd keeping and

    crrect sample identicatin shuld then be develped and initiated.

    Recording operating time on

    oil is absolutely essential to

    time-based trending the

    most accurate way to pinpoint

    abnormal wear conditions.

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    5. Use the lab interpretation of the test data properlyour lab interpretatin typically separates the verall cmpnent and fuid

    cnditin as related t the relative severity cntaminatin and wearint

    ur main classicatins.


    Physical prperties the fuid are within acceptable limits, and n signs

    excessive cntaminatin r wear are present.


    Specic test results are utside acceptable ranges, but are nt yet serius

    enugh t cnrm abnrmal cnditins r justiy diagnstic actin. Cautin is

    advised. The initial stages an abnrmality ten shw the same pattern

    results as temprary cnditins, such as extended usage r verlading.


    Lubricant physical prperties, cntaminatin, and/r cmpnent wear is clearly

    unsatisactry, but nt critical. A cnrming resample shuld be submitted.

    Additinal diagnstic prcedures may be needed t cnrm each cnditin.

    Crrective actins are necessary t prevent reductin service lie r verall

    lss perrmance.


    Lubricant physical prperties, cntaminatin and/r cmpnent wear is clearly

    serius enugh t require immediate diagnstic and crrective actin t prevent

    majr lng-term lss perrmance r cmpnent ailure. Increases in perating

    hazard are likely. Shrt-term lss perrmance may already be present. Large-

    scale repairs may be required. Yu may be advised t remve the unit/cmpnent

    rm service until a cnrming resample is tested and ther diagnstics cnrm

    that repairs are necessary.

    These assessments are relative and are assigned using both trend

    analysis and condemning limits.

    When trend analysis is used (primarily in the case wear elements), threshld

    values are develped t identiy the bundary areas between nrmal and

    abnrmal results. r wear metals, these threshld values vary r dierent types

    cmpnent, but are usually specic and cnsistent r each individual mdel

    a given applicatin. The values d nt prvide sharp lines nrmal/abnrmal

    interpretatins; instead, they indicate ranges increased likelihd that a prblem

    has develped t a par ticular pint. Generally, the lubricant and cmpnent

    cnditin can be cnsidered nrmal as lng as the wear, cntaminatin and

    lubricant deteriratin levels remain within the established nrmal ranges.

    Regardless the threshld values, any sharp increase in wear metals r majr

    shit in physical prperties can signal the beginning prblems. Therere, the

    threshld values cant be used as g/n-g criteria. A great deal cautin,

    judgment, experience and client technical input must be used in applying

    threshld values prperly.

    Clients are cntacted immediately by telephne n all samples where ur

    interpretatin detects a critical cnditin. urther, email cpies all critical r

    abnrmal samples are dispatched upn cmpletin ur evaluatin. on these

    reprts the lab will recmmend specic maintenance actins designed t crrect

    nt nly the indicated prblems but als the causes these prblems.

    Each reprt shuld be remved as sn as pssible r actin items. Analysis

    cpies shuld be attached t wrk rders r instructins. Access t electrnic

    versins the reprt(s) shuld be given t apprpriate persnnel.

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    6. Provide the lab with proper feedbackThe interpretatin guidelines accuracy is veried by cmparing the labs

    maintenance recmmendatins with actual cnditins cnrmed by inspectin.

    In this way, the test interpretatins are cntinually rened by practical experience.

    eedback rm the client includes:

    Abnrmal lubricant r cmpnent cnditins that yu suspect are present

    The ndings any inspectin perrmed as a result il analysis prgramrecmmendatins

    Abnrmal machine cnditins discvered that were nt previusly indicated

    by il analysis

    Nticatin servicing and/r maintenance perrmed

    Inrmatin cncerning perating envirnment r equipment

    applicatin changes

    These items may be nted n the sample inrmatin rm, recrded in LoAMS.

    I the eedback is sent separately, please prvide the cmpnent reerence

    number (n reprt, upper right crner, third line belw the Status Was blck).

    7. Measure cost ef fectivenessThe ecnmic gals reducing perating expenses and increasing prt

    margins have nt changed since Analysts was unded. Rutine il analysis

    will help yu achieve substantial savings in maintenance and repair csts. The

    prgram perates much like a medical checkup; i prblems are detected, they

    can be crrected bere they develp int serius and hazardus cnditins

    that are cstly t repair. When samples are reprted nrmal, then the immediate

    value il analysis is a persnal peace mind rather than an ecnmic

    return. As the number sampled pieces equipment increases, the nancial

    benet il analysis als increases. Greater equipment availability and reliability

    means mre prductin, less dwntime and increased prts.

    The imprtance tracking the savings generated by yur il analysis prgram

    cannt be ver emphasized. Manpwer, parts and tl expenses will all be

    aected. Hwever, because a well-run il analysis prgram is deeply integrated

    int a clients verall maintenance prgram, management must establish a

    strng platrm results measurement and dcumentatin t see il analysissunique cntributin t prtability.

    One simple way o measuring

    program eectiveness is to

    trend the number and type o

    abnormal or critical conditions in

    your machines over time.

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    Oil analysis is both predictive and

    proactive and is probably the

    most cost-eective maintenancetechnique available.

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    Althugh sme benets il analysis may nt shw clearly n the bttm line

    because they represent cnditins that were prevented, many the ecnmic

    savings rm il analysis can be calculated by cmparing:

    Parts and labr expenses r cmpnent repair, verhaul, r replacement

    Lss revenue during dwntime

    Reductin in cnsumable items, such as lubricants r uels

    Increase in prductivity

    THE FIVE KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL OIL ANALYSISAs with any diagnstic methd, the user must share in the respnsibility r

    success when using this well-established and widely accepted practive-

    maintenance tl. T achieve verall success r yur il analys is prgram, use

    these prven keys:

    1. Clealy defned client goals and pogam equiements ensure

    that the tests perrmed t the applicatin and that the service is being ullyutilized n an nging basis.

    2. repesentative samples ensure that the true cnditin the lubricant

    and cmpnent can be determined by reliable, accurate testing.

    3. Fequent la/client contact prmtes accurate interpretatin and

    leads t increased client cndence and interest in maintaining an active il

    analysis prgram.

    4. Complete sample inomation speeds prcessing and increases the

    Data Analysts ability t ully interpret the test results.

    5. Pompt epot eview ensures that abnrmal r critical cnditins are

    recgnized and acted n in time t prevent damage r prductin lss.

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    TESTS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Withut a wrking knwledge il analysis tests and their signicance, the user

    may be uncertain abut the value the service and hw each test interrelates

    with the thers t prvide a useul, accurate picture internal-cmpnent

    and lubricant cnditins. The llwing inrmatin is prvided as a general

    rientatin t what Analysts cnsiders are the mst imprtant il analysis tests

    r industrial and nnindustrial applicatins.

    SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSISSelected metallic elements present as disslved slids and micrscpic

    particles suspended in the fuid t be analyzed are identied and measured in

    parts per millin by weight. The analyzed elements are gruped int three main


    1. Wear MetalsRelative mtin between lubricated parts is always accmpanied by rictin

    between the ppsing part suraces. Despite the act that these suraces are

    usually cated with an il lm, rictin wears them away. Sme the particles

    prduced as the parts wear are small enugh t remain suspended in the

    circulating il. Since these wear prducts are cmpsed the same materials

    as the suraces rm which they riginated, the level each wear metal

    remaining in the used il indicates the relative wear rate the lubricated parts.

    Five of the most common types of wear are:

    Adhesive / ruing Wea

    This type wear ccurs when the il lm des nt separate the rughest pints

    the ppsing mving-part suraces, and they begin t tuch each ther.

    Adhesive wear ccurs nrmally during bth break-in and rutine service as

    the parts wear slightly t maintain alignment. I severe adhesin ccurs due t

    lad, speed r temperature cnditins, scung and scring will result. Metal

    may be trn the part suraces r transerred rm ne part t anther and

    eventual seizure the aected parts is likely. In nrmal service, adhesive wear

    is cntrlled with antiwear additives, which bnd t lubricated suraces and

    reduce direct part-t-part cntact.

    Aasive WeaAbrasive wear is a cutting r etching actin caused when either circulating hard

    particles r hard-surace prjectins wear away ster suraces. Surces

    abrasive particles identied by il analysis include cntaminants such as dirt

    entering a cmpnent il system and metal particles rmed during wear.

    Fatigue Wea

    atigue wear ccurs when cyclic r repeated lad stresses cause cracking,

    spalling, and pitting the cmpnent part suraces. This type wear is mre

    cmmnly assciated with ball/rller element bearings and gears where the part

    suraces rll past each ther.

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    Coosive (Chemical) Wea

    Crrsive r chemical wear results when chemical reactins cause crrsin

    r xidatin part suraces and part mvement r fuid pressure disldges

    material rm this surace layer. This type wear is assciated with rust-

    prmting cnditins, crrsive cntaminants and excessively high levels

    chemically active additives.

    Cavitation Wea

    Cavitatin wear ccurs when metal is remved rm parts by the shck

    impact cllapsing cavitatin bubbles n the part suraces. Cavitatin itsel

    is assciated with partial vacuums rmed in a liquid by sudden changes in

    pressure and may be caused by vibratin, reduced r uneven liquid fw and

    ther actrs invlving particular cmpnent-part shapes and mvements.

    2. ContaminantsDepending upn the circumstances, many dierent substances may be classied

    as cntaminants. Silicn, in the rm silicn dixide (sand), is ne the mst

    cmmn cntaminants mnitred with spectrchemical analysis. Similarly,

    grease cntaminatin in an il system may be indicated by increases in aluminum

    r barium i the grease cntains metallic saps. Althugh the term cntaminatin

    is cmmnly assciated with substances entering a cmpnents il system rm

    an utside surce, wear metals themselves are als a rm cntaminant.

    3. Additives

    Additives are chemical cmpunds added t ils, uels, and clants t impart

    specic benecial prperties t the nished prducts (examples include:

    Anti-wear, anti-xidant, detergency, discrepancy). Additives create new fuid

    prperties, enhance prperties already present and reduce the rate at which

    undesirable changes take place in a fuid during service.


    SILICON Silicn is typically assciated with dirt cntaminatin.

    This cntaminatin can result rm any cnditin that

    allws dirt t enter a cmpnent il system.

    other surces silicn include seals, il and clant

    additives and greases.

    IRON allying

    element r cast


    Reciprocating engine: Gears and shats; blck; cylinder

    liners; valve train; cnnecting rds, rings and il pump;

    sme bearings; sme pistns; sme accessry systems.

    Turbine engine: Gears and shats; bearings;

    pumps; husings.

    Transmission: Gears and shats; bearings; brakes and

    disks; pumps and shit spls; PTo; husing.

    Torque converter: Shats; bearings; sme husings.

    Dierential: Shats and gears; bearings; husing.

    Transaxle/fnal drive/reduction gearbox: Gears and

    shats; bearings; husing.

    Hydraulic: Rtrs, vanes, pistns, and rds; husing and

    bres; gears and shats; valves.

    Reciprocating and rotary compressors: Gears and

    shats; case; valves; cylinder liners; crssheads; ringsand screws r turbines; bearings; sme il-cler tubing.

  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]




    allying element

    Reciprocating engine: Bearings; wrist pin and valve-

    train bushings; ther bushings and thrust washers; il-

    cler tubing. Als may be present as an il additive r a

    crssver cntaminant rm a leaking transmissin seal.

    Turbine engine: Sme main and accessry bearing

    retainers; bushings and nuts; sme il-cntrl valves.

    Transmission: Discs; bearings; bushings and thrustwashers; il-cler tubing.

    Torque converter: Retainers and separatrs.

    Dierential: Bearings; bushings, retainers,

    and thrust washers.

    Final drive/reduction gearbox: Bearings; bushings,

    retainers, and thrust washers; il-cler tubing.

    Transaxle/fnal drive/reduction gearbox: Gears andshats; bearings; husing.

    Hydraulic: Bearings and bushings; swash plate cups;

    valves; sme pistns; sme pump cylinders;

    il-cler tubing.

    Reciprocating and rotary compressors: Bearings;

    bushings, thrust washers and retainers; il-cler tubing.


    allying element

    r cast metal

    All components: Aluminum xides present in the

    envirnment, typically assciated with silicn (dirt)


    Reciprocating engine: Pistns; bearings; bushings;

    blcks, main and accessry cases and husings; sme

    il-cler tubing.

    Turbine engine: Main and accessry case, husings;sme retainers; seals; bafes.

    Transmission: Sme cases; bushings and retainers.

    Torque converter: Impellers.

    Final drive/reduction gearbox: Bearings; bushings,

    retainers, and thrust washers; il-cler tubing.

    Dierential: Bushings and thrust washers.

    Final drive/reduction gearbox: Bushings and thrust


    Hydraulic: Sme pump husings.

    Reciprocating and rotary compressors: Case;

    impellers, sme pistns and crssheads; retainers.

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    allying element

    r plating

    Reciprocating engines: Liners and rings; shats; valve train.

    Turbine engine: Bearings; shats and gears; seals.

    Geared components (general): Bearings; shats; seals.

    Hydraulic: Rds; valves.

    Reciprocating and rotary compressors: Liners andrings; shats; valve train.

    LEAD & TIN

    ally r fashing

    Reciprocating engines: Bearings; sme pistns,

    bushings and thrust washers.

    Final drive/reduction gearbox: Bearings; shats; seals.

    Hydraulic: Pump thrust plate; bushings.

    Reciprocating and rotary compressors:

    Bearings; bushings.

    Lead may still be ound (rarely) in industrial paints and primers.

    Tin may be present as an oil additive, usually in conjunction with

    lubricants containing molybdenum compounds.


    allying element

    r plating

    Reciprocating engines: Gears and shats;

    valve train; bearings.

    Turbine engine: Gears and shats; bearings.

    Geared components (general):

    Gears and shats; bearings.

    Hydraulic: Gears and shats, bearings.

    SILVER plating;


    General: Sme bearings and bushings;

    il cler slder; seals.

    Silver is also occasionally used as a physical tracer to indicate that

    wear has progressed to a certain point. In this application, silver is

    either plated directly onto a part surace or incorporated into a layer

    under the surace. The wear condition o the part can then be related

    to the amount o the tracer deposited in the oil. This usage is most

    oten ound in aerospace applications.


    ally r fashing

    General: Typically und nly in certain aerspace and

    heavy-duty cmmercial r industrial steels. May als be

    present in uels as heavy crude residual material.


    allying element

    General: Cases and husings.


    allying element

    General: Sme shats, bearings, and gears. Typically

    und nly in certain aerspace and heavy-duty

    cmmercial r industrial steels.


    allying element

    General: Certain types jurnal-bearing verlays.

    ZINC allying


    General: Brass ttings (with cpper);

    galvanized suraces.


    allying element

    General: Typically und nly in certain aerspace and

    heavy-duty cmmercial r industrial steels. May als be

    present in uels as heavy crude residual material.

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    ADDITIVESMst mdern lubricants and clants cntain rgan-metallic il additives.

    Sme these additives are rmed rm cmpunds ne r mre the

    same chemical elements used in cmpnent parts.

    MOLYBDENUM General: Extreme pressure additive r slid lubricant in

    specialty ils and greases; crrsin inhibitr in sme

    cnventinal clants r supplemental additives.

    MAGNESIUM General: Detergent, dispersant, alkalinity increaser.

    SODIUM General: Crrsin inhibitr in ils and clants.

    BORON General: Detergent, dispersant; anti-xidant in ils

    and clants.

    BARIUM General: Crrsin and rust inhibitrs; detergent;

    anti-smke additive in uels.

    PHOSPHORUS General: Anti-wear; cmbustin chamber depsit

    reducer; crrsin inhibitr in clants.

    POTASSIUM General: Crrsin inhibitr; trace element in uels;

    als und as a mineral salt in sea water

    (marine cling systems).

    CALCIUM General: Detergent, dispersant, alkalinity increaser.

    ZINC General: Anti-wear, anti-xidant, crrsin inhib itr.


    Viscsity is a lubricants internal resistance t fw at a given temperature in

    relatin t time, and is cnsidered t be the single mst imprtant physical

    prperty a lubricant. Changes in viscsity indicate imprper servicing,

    dilutin, cntaminatin r lubricant breakdwn in service. Viscsity is mstcmmnly determined with a kinematic methd and the results are reprted in

    centistkes (cSt)*. In additin t the viscsity result, the crankcase il viscsity

    class an engine lubricant may als be expressed as an SAE Grade.

    *1 Centistoke (cSt)= 1 square millimeter per second


    The presence water in a nn-water-base fuid indicates cntaminatin rm

    an utside surce r rm cndensatin. Excessive levels water prmte

    lubricant breakdwn and cmpnent part crrsin. Results are reprted in

    percent (%) vlume. Water cntaminatin can be assessed with the crackle

    test. In certain cmpnents and applicatins where water cntaminatin must

    be kept extremely lw, the Karl ischer titratin methd is used t measure and

    reprt water cntent in parts per millin (ppm).

  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]



    Fuel Soot y LEM

    LEM is the acrnym r Light Extinctin Measurement, an Analysts, Inc.

    patented prcess t determine uel st. LEM measures the uel st dispersed

    in the il diesel engines. This is an indicatin

    the cmbustin eciency the engine. An

    excessive cncentratin st prmtes il

    gelling and sludge in the engine, leading t

    pr il circulatin. It is aected by uel-injectreciency, injectr timing, integrity the ring-

    pistn seal, il cnsumptin and the lad n the engine. Results are reprted in

    weight percent (%). LEM is the mst ecient and accurate methd t measure

    uel st, widely specied by oEMs as the preerred measurement methd.

    Fuel Dilution

    uel dilutin indicates the relative amunt unburned diesel uel r gasline

    present in an engine lubricant. This dilutin is assciated with imprperly

    adjusted r malunctining uel system assemblies. Excessive uel dilutin

    lwers lubricant lad-carrying capacities, prmtes lubricant breakdwn

    and increases the risk re r explsin. uel dilutin is determined by gas

    chrmatgraphy and is reprted in percent (%) vlume.


    Psitive test results indicate the presence ethylene glycl, mst cmmnly

    assciated with engine-cling system leaks. Glycl cntaminatin prmtes

    wear, crrsin, sludging, and lubricant breakdwn. I the analysis indicates that

    clant additives r water cntaminatin is present in the il sample, additinal

    chemical tests are used t cnrm ethylene glycl cntaminatin.

    Inaed Analysis

    When an rganic cmpund, such as lubricating il, is expsed t inrared light, the

    substances present in the cmpund will absrb the light at specic wavelengths.

    The amunt absrbance at a particular wavelength is related t bth the type

    and quantity absrbing material. In this way, certain cntaminants and physical

    changes in the lubricant can be directly measured as a mlecular spectrum. Glycl

    (clant) cntaminatin, sulates, acid and base changes, and certain additives

    may als be detected, alng with an extremely wide range rganic cmpunds.Inrared analysis is mst requently used in il analysis t mnitr:

    Fuel Soot

    The amunt uel st carbn suspended in the engine lubricant. Higher

    values indicate reduced cmbustin eciency due t cnditins such as air

    intake r exhaust restrictins, injectr malunctins r excessive idling. Test

    results are reprted n an absrbance scale.


    The chemical incrpratin xygen int and subsequent lss lubricant

    perrmance due t aging, adverse r abnrmal perating cnditins r

    internal verheating. Test results are reprted n an absrbance scale.


    The rganic nitrates rmed when cmbustin by-prducts enter the engine

    il during nrmal service r as a result abnrmal blw-by past the

    cmpressin rings. Test results are reprted n an absrbance scale.


    Water cntaminatin prduces a characteristic peak in mst ils, which can

    be easily measured. Test results are reprted in % vlume.

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    Neutalization Nume

    Bth the acid cntent and the alkaline cntent a lubricant may be measured and

    expressed as a neutralizatin number btained rm a wet chemical titratin:

    Acid Number (AN, TAN)

    Measures the ttal amunt acidic material present in the lubricant; multiple

    methds have been develped t perrm this test. Generally, an increase

    in AN abve that the new prduct indicates il xidatin, r mixing with a

    mre acidic prduct r cntaminant. The results are expressed as a numeric

    value crrespnding t the amunt the alkaline chemical ptassium

    hydrxide required t neutralize the acid per ne gram sample.

    Base Number (BN, TBN)

    Measures the ttal alkaline cntent present in the lubricant; multiple methds

    have been develped t perrm this test. Many the additives used in engine

    ils cntain alkaline (basic) materials intended t neutralize the acid-rming

    prcesses aging and uel cmbustin. A relatively high BN is assciated

    with increased prtectin against ring and cylinder liner crrsin, and damage

    t yellw metals, such as cpper and brnze. Abnrmal decreases in BN

    indicate a reduced acid-neutralizing capacity and/r a depleted additive

    package. The test rst determines the amunt acid required t neutralize

    the alkaline cntent the sample. The nal result is then expressed as an

    equivalent amunt alkaline ptassium hydrxide per gram sample.

    Paticle Counting

    This test uses instruments with special detectrs which cunt and size particles

    present in the fuid. Results are reprted as numbers particles in a specic

    size range per a given vlume sample.

    Analysts uses tw dierent methds t perrm the particle cunt: the pre

    blckage/fw decay methd, and the APC (autmated particle cunt), a laser-

    based methd. Each has particular strengths and apprpriate applicatins.

    r these methds, three size ranges represent the current ISo 4406 standard:

    >4 micrns, >6 micrns and >14 micrns. Three additinal ranges (>21 micrns,

    >38 micrns, and >70 micrns) cmplete the cunt where detailed sizing is

    required by a particular standard r custmer requirement.

    Results rm the particle cunt are then used t indicate fuid cleanliness via

    ISo classicatin cdes. The ISo Class cde is expressed as three separate

    numbers (r example, 20/15/12). The rst number represents the relative

    cntaminatin level rm the rst size range, and the secnd and third rangesare similarly calculated. Abnrmal particle cntaminatin levels are assciated

    with increased wear, peratinal prblems with clse tlerance cmpnents,

    fuid cntaminatin r degradatin and lss lter eciency.

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    Particle Counting Chart: Feogaphy

    errgraphy is an analytical technique in which wear metals and cntaminant

    particles are magnetically separated rm a lubricant and arranged accrding t size

    and cmpsitin r urther examinatin. It is widely used in il analysis t determine

    cmpnent cnditin thrugh direct examinatin wear metal particles.

    There are three stages in a cmplete errgraphic analysis: (1) direct reading

    (DR) errgraphy, (2) analytical errgraphy and (3) the errgram interpretatin

    and reprt.

    DR errgraphy precipitates the wear particles rm a sample and electrnically

    determines the quantity large (ver 5 micrns) and small (1 t 2 micrns)

    particles present in the sample. Wear calculatins rm these results indicate the

    rate, intensity and severity wear ccurring in the sampled machine. In cases

    where the DR errgraphy wear trends indicate an abnrmal r critical wear

    cnditin, analytical errgraphy can reveal the specic wear type and prbable

    surce the wear cnditin.

    Analytical errgraphy uses the errgraph luid Analyzer t cncentrate n

    direct micrscpic evaluatin the wear particles. A errgram slide is prepared

    by drawing the il sample acrss a transparent glass r plastic plate in the

    presence a strng magnetic eld. An experienced evaluatr then examines

    the errgram t determine the cmpsitin and surces the particles and the

    type wear present.

    An analytical errgraphy reprt includes specic type and quantity

    classicatins the metallic and nn-metallic debris present n the slide, a clr

    phtmicrgraph the errgram, an assessment the sampled machines

    verall-wear status and a detailed interpretatin the errgraphy results.

    ISO CODE PartIClES/1m

    30 10,000,000

    29 5,000,000

    28 2,500,000

    27 1,300,000

    26 640,000

    25 320,00024 160,000

    23 80,000

    22 40,000

    21 20,000

    20 10,000

    19 5,000

    18 2,500

    17 1,300

    16 640

    15 320

    14 16013 80

    12 40

    11 20

    10 10

    9 5

    8 2.5

    7 1.3

    6 0.64

    5 0.32

    4 0.16

    3 0.082 0.04

    1 0.02

    0.9 0.01

    0.8 0.005

    0.7 0.0025


    Old 4402ranges

    > 2

    > 5

    > 15

    > 25

    > 50

    > 100

    > 4

    > 6

    > 14

    > 21

    > 38

    > 70

    > 4 to >70

    > 6 to >70

    > 14 to >70




    = ISO 22/20/15







    New 11171ranges

    Total of ranges:RawCount

    Changes in particle cunting calibratin and redened reprting

    size ranges have cncerned many il analysis users because

    the pssible eects n histrical trends and cleanliness target

    guidelines. The new ranges have been chsen t maintain

    cleanliness target pints and minimize the eect n cmparing

    the current values t the testing histry. We all benet rm this

    change: imprved instrument accuracy and repeatability means

    superir quality results.

    The ISo 4406 cde table is still in use, nly it nw reerences

    the new ISo 11171 size ranges. Thi s table shws hw the

    Cntaminatin Class reerence chart supprts bth sets

    particle cunt ranges. The particle cunt results are reprted as

    three cde numbers separated by a /, r example, 22/20/16.

    The rst cde number crrespnds t ttal particles greater than

    4 (r 2), the secnd number crrespnds t ttal particles

    greater than 6 (r 5), and the third t ttal particles greater than14 (r 15). The cde is btained by crss-reerencing the chart.

    Althugh the results themselves shit slightly in the new system,

    n signicant shit in ISo cde number ccurs due t the changes

    in the autmated particle cunter calibratin methd.

  • 8/2/2019 Booklet - Basics of Oil Analysis[1]




    Analysts has develped an innvative test Quantitative Spectrphtmetric

    Analysis (QSA) t accurately determine a used lubricants likelihd t

    prmte harmul sludge and varnish build-up. Based n the lubricant type

    and the applicatin, the basic QSA rating allws a trained diagnstician t

    determine the presence r likelihd internal sludge and varnish build-up.

    There are numerus types insluble cntaminants und in lubricating

    systems. Insluble cntaminants are thse materials that will nt disslve in

    the il. The tw mst general classicatins insluble cntaminants are hard

    cntaminants, such as dirt, debris and wear particles, and st cntaminants,

    cmpsed the varius il degradatin by-prducts.

    Varnish riginates rm these st cntaminants. It is a thin, insluble lm that

    ver time depsits thrughut the internal suraces a lubricatin system.

    The degradatin prcess accelerates as the lubricant underges cntinued

    expsure t air, water, and high temperatures. The presence varnish in

    hydraulic and lubricatin systems causes many serius prblems, including

    but nt limited t the sticking varnish-cated cntrl valves. Als, nce the

    varnish has rmed, it takes a majr investment in time and mney t clean up

    an aected system.

    Specialty Testing

    Test slates r certain industrial systems, greases, uels, clants r ther

    special investigatins, ten include nn-rutine r ASTM specicatin tests. A

    cmprehensive verview these tests can be viewed n Analysts, Incs website

    at: our ully equipped labratries give us the widest

    pssible testing capabilities, and we have specially designed analysis prgrams

    r certain applicatins and fuids. Please cntact us r detailed inrmatin

    related t yur specic needs. A list ur acilities and cntact inrmatin can

    be und n the back cver.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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