books that get you out of depression

Post on 07-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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As Published on the Zoloft Birth Defects Website

Actor-comedian Drew Carey has once treaded the path down to the dark and lonely road of depression. As a way of conquering his depression, he opened up to the public that he has a problem. Suicide was even one of his options when all the negativity was too much for him to bear; he knew he should get help. During the interview with Nancy O’Dell, Carey said that he used self-help books to get him through depression.

Due to the severe side effects of antidepressants, mothers have filed lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies that are manufacturing them.

These books are not only used by Drew Carey but also many people afflicted with depression. For some people, these books are whiffs of fresh air, empowering them to conquer their hopelessness.

There are many self-help books that have been published to help people suffering from depression and a good number of them are best sellers. Depression-stricken individuals are empowered to find ways in easing the symptoms of depression. Some of the therapies are found inside the pages of such books.

The technique upon which most self-help books are based is cognitive behavioral therapy, which entails evaluating the thoughts and feelings that are associated in any action. Psychiatrists asks thought-provoking questions like “How does that make you feel?” to let their patients examine themselves.

Short-term therapies mainly employ cognitive behavioral therapy because it is time-efficient and can be done in several ways. Coping skills are then learned by patients while they master the art of self-evaluation. They begin to rationalize the situations that they are in and would slowly do away with the negativity.

Another theory used in most self-help books is psychodynamic theory which tries to find the missing experiences or stages that were missed as the person was growing up. The stages that are missed by the person would create a void, for which they would find all means to fill. As popularized by Dr. Sigmund Freud, this theory seeks to explain the human personality into three parts; the id, ego and superego.

To interpret the feelings, actions and thoughtsof a person is the main goal of psychodynamic theory in self-help books. These books reduces the use of Zoloft and other antidepressants. Zoloft side effects may be avoided by patients when they use the books to resolve their depression.

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