booz allen and smart power fact sheet

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Ready for what’s next.

Booz Allen and Smart Power

An Integrated Approach to Whole-of-Government ChallengesAs technology and communications have made the world seem smaller and more accessible, the challenges we face—such as terrorism, energy security, climate change, pandemics, water shortages, and catastrophic natural disasters—are increasingly complex and intercon-nected. Addressing these issues effectively calls for equally complex and interconnected responses from across the government.

In recent years, all parts of the US government have wrestled with how best to work together to advance the national security agenda. Making our world safe, forging creative alliances, and bringing the full breadth of resources to bear requires a strategic integration of defense, diplomacy, and development tools and capabilities.

Today, the term “Smart Power” is used to describe the skillful combination of military, diplo-matic, development, economic, and cultural resources to achieve US national security objec-tives. First articulated in 2007 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Smart Power implies the synchronization and integration of multiple government organizations to secure our national interests around the world.

Although the concept makes sense, how do government organizations translate Smart Power into operational realities and activities? What are the capabilities, expertise, and mechanisms that a variety of players can bring to bear? How do agencies with overlapping missions coordinate their organizations, cultures, budgets, processes, and technologies to achieve a common goal?

Booz Allen Can Help You Be Ready For What’s NextFor more than 95 years, Booz Allen Hamilton, a leading strategy and technology consult-ing firm, has been a trusted advisor to senior leaders across the government. We serve our clients with expertise, thought leadership, and innovative solutions that address challenges across all areas of the global enterprise. Integrating strategy and technology services, we bring together domain and functional experts from across the firm to provide “whole of firm” resources to address “whole of government” challenges.

About Booz Allen

Booz Allen Hamilton has been

at the forefront of strategy

and technology consulting for

nearly a century. Providing

a broad range of services in

strategy and organization,

technology, operations,

and analytics, Booz Allen is

committed to delivering results

that endure.

For more information contact

Dave Karp

Senior Vice President


Bill Wansley

Senior Vice President


Roger Cressey

Vice President


Jon Allen

Senior Associate


Cheryl Steele

Senior Associate


S T R A T E G Y & O R G A N I Z A T I O N | T E C H N O L O G Y | O P E R A T I O N S | A N A L Y T I C S

We Bring To Each Engagement:●● Mission Integration Expertise. For more than a decade, we have explored and analyzed

dozens of shared mission challenges facing government agencies.

●● Innovative Solutions. We pioneered the concept and implementation of “megacommunities,” which bring together disparate stakeholders to address complex issues.

●● Thought Leadership. Leveraging our relationships and insights within the public and private sectors, we provide a cutting-edge approach to solving global challenges.

●● Hands-On Engagement. Our deep subject matter expertise, developed over years of working side by side with clients, gives us a unique perspective into how to help them collaborate with other government agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and the private sector.

Booz Allen’s Services and CapabilitiesBooz Allen’s cross-firm services and capabilities that help clients address Smart Power initiatives include:

●● Mission Integration●● Mission-Informed Decision Making●● Modeling and Simulation●● Socio-Cultural Analysis●● Economic and Business Analysis●● Organization and Strategy●● Capabilities-Based Analysis●● Supply Chain and Logistics●● All-Hazards Health Preparedness●● Policy and Strategy Analysis

Booz Allen’s Smart Power SuccessTo help clients formulate counterinsurgency strategies, the firm conducts strategic simula-tions and experiments, provides senior staff to the US Combatant Commands and supports the intelligence community.

In the realm of health preparation, Booz Allen supports another US Combatant Command with pandemic planning and training in African countries and supports a major government program related to AIDS prevention.

The firm has developed a graduate-level program for government leaders interested in civilian-military collaboration in the field. We have also supported a civil-military fusion center, which gathers, analyzes, and shares information provided by different US government agen-cies, United Nations agencies, and relief providers pertaining to natural or manmade crises.

Booz Allen provided the Internet domain and portals for a joint coalition network to support the Haiti Earthquake Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief response. NGOs, partner nations, and other US government agencies can access the network to coordinate responses to this critical effort.

The firm worked with a US government client’s planning division to develop federal inter-agency plans for all-hazards scenarios, including shaping contingent supply chain plans to support federal, state, and local responses.

Whether you’re managing today’s issues or looking beyond the horizon, count on us to help you be ready for what’s next.


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