boy's and girl's club for lubbock, texas designed by

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Boy's and Girl's Club for Lubbock, Texas

Designed By Charles Brenon

Thesis Fall of 1996

Prof. Peters

A Boy's and Girl's Club for Lubbock, Texas

by Charles Brenon

A Thesis in


Submitted to the Architecture Faculty of the College of Architecture of Texas Tech University in

Partial Fulfillment for the degree of

Bachelor of Architecture

Chairman of the Committee


Deat\ uoUege of Architecture, May 199 7

Table of Contents:


Thesis Statement Scope of Project Context Statement

Theoretical Basis Supporting Theory Architectural Issues Case Study

Facility Issues

Mission Statement Goals and Objectives Facility Organization Activity Analysis Spatial Analysis Case Study

Contextual Issues Overview Goals and Objectives Social Context Natural Context Cultural Context Built Context

Space Summary



Thesis Slittemenl

Tockiy ilic young people have ni;iny problems lo worry about, such as drugs, crime, gangs, guns in school, icen pregnancy, as well as many other problems. By moving eftorllcssly through simple rooms the user will promote social interaction by what he/she does. By promoting social interaction the youths can relax and learn how to act in society.

Scope of Project

Currently there is a Boy's and Girl's Club located at 24th street and Redbud Avenue on the East side of Lubbock, Texas. This neighborhood has a high percentage of low income families.

Currently this facility accommodates about 75 young people in a total area of approximately 9,835 sq. ft. The additional space that is needed adds up to 111,816 sq. ft. and will accommodate about 225 more young people. The new building will be 121,651 sq. ft. in total area.


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Context Statement

This Boy's and Girl's Club is located al 24th Street and Redbud Avenue on the East side of Lubbock, Texas. There are currently two building on the site. The first building was the first Boy's and Girl's Club and is currently the residence of the director of this facility. The structure is a stucco building that was built in the 1940's. The second building is the current Boy's and Girl's Club. This building was built about the same time as the first Boy's and Girl's Club. This building is made of concrete blocks that are painted.

This site runs along Yellowhouse Canyon and has a slope that runs toward the Canyon. The drainage is naturally towards the canyon. There is not much vegetation on the site. The best view is to looks towards the canyon.

i luor i t ieal Hasis

Supporting Theory

In "Introduction to Community Recreation" by George Butler it says that "In recreation Ihe individual finds opportunity for self-expression and from it he derives fun, relaxation or pleasure. hi playing games and doing things with a group of people some people can forget about their problems." Recreation can help the young people to get out of problems. Recreation can also help them to do the right thing by following the rules when we play games.

Promote Social Interaction

The youths of today need social interaction to communicate with other people and to grow as a person. Through social interaction the youth should form small groups that help them feel as if they belong and it helps them to be self-expressive to their peers.


Articulation of spaces can provide interaction within the facility in different ways.

• Two spaces will be linked by a third space. The third space will be shared by both spaces thus creating social interaction between the two spaces by the participation intermediate space.

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P 1 One method of relating the path and the space can also provide areas of

' George O. Butler, Inlroducliiin lo c:()nimunily I^ecrealion, 1940, p. 4 5. - Fnintis D. K. Ching, Archilcctuic: l-'orin, Spiice and Order, 1* 79, p. 202.

interaction. Paths can lead us to spaces that will provide a place of interaction within the path.

These possibilities will provide areas of interaction within Ihe facility that will help the youth to interact with each other and start to become a part of our society.

Potential Design Responses:

• The circulation space should be large enough to organize the other spaces.

• The circulation space should become a gathering place where people can interact.

• The spaces need to provide adequate visual stimulation without being distracting through the use of color and simple shapes.

Some rooms need access to natural light and to a view of Yellowhouse Canyon

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This community needs a sense of pride in themselves and their neighborhood. To help with this, this facility will provide a place where the young people can come together to learn about themselves and each other. Also this facility will provide a place where the youth can express ihem.selves in many different ways. This facility is not only for the youth but it is a place where

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Mud, p. 2H2.

everyone can come together. In doing recreational activities most people forget their problems and they are able to relax. If people are able to relax with their surroundings they are more apt lo be more self-expressive. To be more self-expressive the users need to feel secure from crime and violence. Because this area is a high crime area there needs to be some ways to limits the crime that happens around the building. By limiting the crime around the building the u.sers will feel more secure."*


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Design Response:

• The form of the new addition should be as simple as the current building.

• The building should be friendly and inviting to the users and to the neighborhood.

• The new addition should be the same scale as the current building.

• The new addition should use similar material as the current building uses.

• The use of natural surveillance by people looking around.

• The u.sers should be limited to one access into the building to deter crime.

View of Yellowhouse Canyon to this sile is Yellowhouse Canyon. Yellowhouse Canyon is a place


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I^lena Marclieso Moreno, Coping With Threals rri)in Fiombs tt) Hreak-lns. Architectural Recorils, March 1996, p. 44-4.5, p. I I I . ' Ibid, p. 44. " Ihid, p. 44.

where some people come lo drive along the river and some come to view ihc canyon. This design needs lo use this natural resource of the canyon.

Design Response

• Many of the new rooms should take advantage of the view of Canyon.

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Case Study: The Alabama Judicial Building.

This building is located in Montgomery, Alabama and was designed by Barganier Davis Sims Architects Associated Gresham Smith & Partners, Associated. This building looks like a federal judicial building, but there are some security measurements that are hidden from view. The community wanted the building to be open to the public and this can work against security. The local police wanted bulletproof material and panic buttons, but the judges decided against it because they did not want to be separated from their constituents.^ This building contains the latest security system that monitors all of the doors from one central location.^




Tom Ichniowski, Courthouse Design: CJrowlli l i c id I 1996, p.98. "The Alabama .Judicial Building. Aichilectural Recon

oiins A .Sure Market. Architectural Records, March

k. March 1996, p. Il)l)-I()3.



Facility l.ssues

Mission StalemenI:


To create an en\ironmenl for young people where they can come together lo inleract with each other. This facility should provide spaces in which the young people can express themselves through the activities that they participate in.


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This facility should provide an extremely clear and simple circulation system for the young people.

This facility needs to take advantage of the views into Yellowhouse Canyon.

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This facility needs to be inviting to the users at the same time to be secure from gangs and vandals.

Entrance Spaces

This facility needs a space that will welcome people. The entrance corridor will divide the existing building and the new addition to the facility. The entrance corridor needs to be 30 ft. x 140 ft. with places to sit along the corridor so that the people can stop and talk to different people. Natural light needs to be brought into the entrance corridor from windows located above the second floor. Most of the rooms in the current facility and the new addition will be to the entrance corridor so that people will not need to go through one space to gel lo another space.' The

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' Tiine .Savers Standards; Building Types, 1990, p. 7.55.


entrance corridor needs sturdy furntlure to hold up lo the youth's playfulness.'" The entrance needs lo be secure with security devices, so that the devices are hidden from plain view, so that guns and drugs are not allowed into this facility

Physical Spaces

The new weight room will include different types of work out equipment so that the youths will have many different activities to stimulate their creativity. The weight room in the new addition needs to be 50 ft. x 50 ft. to accommodate 50 youths. The weight room should have free weights and different equipment so that different people would use the facility. The weight room needs to be located near the new gymnasium and locker rooms. The weight room needs to be acoustically treated to reduce unwanted noise. The weight room needs to have a drop ceiling to conceal the HVAC system and to provide fluorescent lighting.

This facility currently teaches karate in the gymnasium. The youths need spaces where they can be taught karate, dance, and judo and other activities with the right equipment. The youths need to be taught karate, dance, and judo so that they will have self-confidence in themselves, these activities will stimulate their creativity and imagination. The users for these activities are to be taught in three different multi-purpose rooms. Each of these rooms needs to be 60 ft. x 40 ft. to accommodate a large group of youths. The minimum ceiling height needs to be


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Robert T. Bron/,an. New Concept in Planning and Ininding Athletic, Physical liducation and Recreation Facilities, 1974. p. 49.


16 ft. so that things can be hung from the ceiling Itkc punching bags. The Hoots should have non-skid padding to prevent common accidents. The floor needs lo be level so that the rooms can be used for different activities." The walls need to be acoustically treated so that the activities will not disturb other people. The rooms need to have large windows to look out onto Yellowhouse Canyon and to let in natural light.

Recreational Spaces

The current gymnasium is 90 ft. X 64 ft. with a wooden floor that covers 90 ft. X 52 ft. of the gymnasium floor. The gymnasium is the main space for the current building. Lighting for the gymnasium is from direct and indirect lighting. The direct lighting comes from high-intensity discharge lamps. The indirect lighting comes from small windows that are located near the ceiling. Currently there is no HVAC sy.stem and no insulation for the gymnasium.

The current gymnasium is to provides many different activities for the youths. There are going to be no changes in the form or use of the current gymnasium. The north wall of the gymnasium needs two doors put into the wall so that people can enter from the new addition into the current facility. The windows that are currently in the north wall need to be changed to larger windows .so that people that ate in the new addition will be able to look into the current gymnasium. This gymnasium needs a HVAC .system to keep the space cool. This space also needs mote

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Tune Standards: Bu i l d ing Types, 1990, p 76.^


insulation to reduce the in ihe space and to help lo conceal the HVAC system.

The current shop is 20 ft. x 30 fl. and is currently being used as a weight room. This space can accommodate 12 people. The current shop is too small as a weight room. The only equipment that is available is free weights and there are not enough free weights for the boys to use. The current shop will be used for storage of large equipment that will be used in the current gymnasium.

The new gymnasium is to provide more space for the youths so that they can be more creative and to provide space to hold tournaments. In the new addition the gymnasium needs four different basketball courts. Each basketball court needs to be 94 ft. x 50 ft. with ten feet of unobstructed space on

I "y each side of each court. There needs to be fifteen feet of space for bleachers so that spectators can watch tournaments. The ceiling height needs to be higher than twenty feet.' Lighting for the gymnasium should be direct and indirect lighting. The direct lighting needs to come from high-intensity discharge lamps.''* The indirect lighting needs to come from small windows that are located near the ceiling. The new gymnasium needs a HVAC system so that that space can be kept cool. This space needs to have some insulation to reduce the level of noise that is going to be produced in this space and to conceal the HVAC system.

In the new addition the gymnasium needs storage for all the equipment. This storage room needs to be 100 ft. x 100 ft. lo hold all of the

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Architectural Graphic Standards, 1994, p. 67K. " 'Time Standards; Building Types, 1990. p. 757 758. '•" Planning a Community Recreation Building, 1955, p. 51 52.


equipment. The door to the sloiagc room needs to be six feet wide and .seven feet high lo accommodate a flat mat truck and a trampoline.'''

There should be two different game rooms. '' One game room is in the current facility and is to be used by the younger youths. The other game room is to be in the new addition and is to be used by the older youths. The game rooms are to provide a space where the youths can go and interact with people their age and relax.

There is currently a storage room near the game room and the current library. It is 12 ft. x 12 ft. and is used to store equipment for the game room, the library, and the office.

The current game room is to provide space where the younger youths can interact and play games with youths that are their same age. The current game room will not change in form or in use. The current game room is 45 ft. x 28 ft. which is big enough to hold 50 young people. The game room is an uncomplicated form so that the room is flexible and that the game table can be rearranged.'^ The ceiling needs to be twelve feet high to minimize damage to the ceiling. The ceiling needs to be acoustically treated to reduce unwanted

I n in the room. There are windows so that the youths can look out towards Yellowhouse Canyon. The window on the north side of the game room needs to be changed to a door so that the younger youths will be able to go from the new addition to the current game room without have to go through the current gymnasium. There is currently a storage

' Time Standards; Budding Types. 1990, p. 75K. "• Ibid, p. 755. " Ibid, p. 756. "* Ibid, p. 756.

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room near the game loom and the current libtary. It is 12 fl. ,\ 12 ft. and is used lo store equipment for the game room, Ihe libtary, and the office. The door frotii the game room lo the storage room needs to be changed to six feel wide and seven feet high to accommodate a Ping-Pong table.'''

In the new addition the game room is lo provide additional space for the older youths to interict with people their age. In the new addition the game room needs to be 40 ft. x 40 ft. to accommodate 50 older youths. The ceiling needs to be twelve feet high to minimize damage to the ceiling. The ceiling needs to be acou.stically treated to reduce unwanted noise. The game room needs to be an uncomplicated form so that the room is flexible and that the game tables can be rearranged." There needs to be a storage room for equipment near the game room. The storage room needs to be 15 ft. X 15 ft. to accommodate the different equipment that the older youths use. The door from the game room to the storage room needs to be six feet wide and seven feet high to accommodate a Ping-Pong table.^'

Educational Spaces

The young people need a place where they can study and do homework with some help. The current library is 24 ft. X 12 ft. and needs to be acoustically treated so that unwanted sounds from outside of the room will be reflected back and the sounds from

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'•' Ibid, p. 758. -" Ibid, p. 756. -' Ibid, p. 758

Texas Tech University Architecture Library


inside the room are kept at a minimum. The room needs to be attractively furnished so thai the u.sers will the space to .study and do homework.'"^ Currently there are two computers that the youths can use lo do homework. There need to be moveable book selves so that different book can be brought in so that the youths can read them.

Social Spaces

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There need to be spaces where the youths can come together to interact with their peers in meetings and be able to view Yellowhouse Canyon. In the new addition there needs to be a club room that is 60 ft. x 30 ft. that will be used for large meetings. Then the large room needs to be separated into three .separate smaller rooms with each room being 20 ft. x 30 ft. that will be used for smaller meetings. Each section needs to be separated by flush folding partitions that provide acoustical privacy for each section and to provide flexibility to accommodate any type of meeting, luncheon, or dinner. " The club rooms need to have a view of Yellowhouse Canyon so that the young people can look out into the canyon after their meetings. The club rooms need to have large windows facing north so that they can catch the natural light and to provide a view into Yellowhouse Canyon. There needs to be a drop ceiling so that the HVAC system can be concealed. The larger room needs to be acoustically treated so that the from outside of the room will be reflected away from the room.

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Ibid, p. 757.

Ibid. p. 756.


The young people need a place where the can interacts wilh each other and enterlains each other in some social events, such as concerls. ihal has a view of Yellowhouse Canyon. In the new addition there needs to be a social hall and stage that is 90 fl. x 100 fl. to accommodate many different activities. The stage needs to be in a prominent area of the room so thai everyone can see the stage. The stage needs to be two steps up from the floor so that small children will not play around the stage and hurt themselves. The stage needs to be 20 ft. x 60 ft. to provide enough room to put on plays and concerts. There needs to be a ramp, with a non-skid surface, to the stage so that the handicapped and the aging will be able to perform plays. The ramp is needed so that equipment can be moved easily onto the stage for concerts. The room needs to be equipped with a modern public-address system that is permanently installed so that concerts can be performed." An off stage area needs to be provided so that the young people can practice without being disturbed or they can change their costumes. This off stage area needs to be 20 ft. X 20 ft. and be located behind the stage. There needs to be modern lighting system for the stage area that should be controlled from a dimmer-control cabinet equipped with a rheostat. There needs to be a television installed so that the young people can watch television or they can watch video tapes of programs." There needs to be small areas where small groups can gather together to talk and not feel like they are in a large rootn all by themselves. There needs lo be large windows lacing north



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'" Ibid, p. 76.V -•* Ibid, p. 764

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so thai people can look oul and sec Yellowhouse Canyon. The windows needs to be large enough lo lei in natural lighl. These windows need to have blinds on them lo control the amount of light that is permitted into the .space. There needs lo be eyebolts installed into the walls so that decorations and pictures can be hung. These eyebolts need lo be between 6 ft. and 15 ft. from the floor at one foot intervals."'' The ceiling needs to be 22 fl. in height to provide enough room for the sound system and the decorations. There needs to be a drop ceiling to provide for fluorescent lighting and to conceal the HVAC system.

The current equipment room is 18 ft. X 12 ft. and is u.sed as the concession stand at the present. There is no entrance from the gymnasium into this space, but there are two entrances and they are through the office or through dressing room two. This equipment room will be u.sed as a concession stand that will provide food and drinks during tournaments for the current gymnasium.

The youths needs a place where they can interact with each other where they can sit down to talk and relax. In the new addition there needs to be a kitchen and snack bar that is close to the club rooms and the social hall so that dinners can be served." The kitchen needs to be 20 ft. x 25 ft. and the snack bar needs to be 20 ft. x 20 ft. to accommodate different needs. The snack bar needs chairs and tables so that people can sit down and talk. The snack bar also needs to have a view of Canyon so that people can sit down and enjoy the view of Ihe canyon.

•'• I b i d , p. 763.

• ' I b i d , p. 756 - 757.

Administration Space 21

The directors need spaces to run the facility efficiently. The current office has I 16 sq. fl. of space and there arc three directors that use this .space. The check room is currently 4 fl. x 5 fl. and is being used to store documents for the current facility. With the walls being torn out the office would be 12 ft. x 12 ft. and the documents could be " tored near the new unit directors office. The olfice currently has a desk, a file cabinet, and a copier for the office.

To run this facility there needs to be two more offices in the new addition. The offices need to be located near the entrance. One of the offices needs to be 15 ft. x 15 ft. and is for the unit director who is responsible for the whole facility. The unit director should have views of the people that comes into and goes from this facility. There needs to be Venetian blinds over the windows so that there can be complete privacy during consultation and interviews.•^^

There needs to be a storage space for all of the offices that needs to be 10 ft. X 10 ft. so that different things can be stored away. There needs to be a burglarproof door so that valuable supplies and equipment can be stored.^^

The second office needs to be 12 ft. X 12 ft. and is for the program director who is responsible for the programs that goes on in the facility. All three offices need to be attractively furnished so that people will know that this is a nice facility.

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Ibid. p. 760. Ibid, p. 765.

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Current Facility

The current facilily materials are Ihal all the exterior walls and the walls of the gymnasium are made of 8 in. haydite concrete blocks and the interior walls are made of 4 in. haydite concrete blocks. In the existing gymnasium there are haydite pilasters to reinforce the walls. All of the walls are painted. All of the floors of the existing building are concrete unless they are specified. All of the windows in the existing building are aluminum projected type of windows that are not operational. There is no HVAC system in the current facility, but an HVAC system will be installed in the current facility.

The current dressing room one is being used to store food and equipment for the concession stand. The rooms that are included are a shower that is 9 ft. x 7 ft., a toilet that is 5 ft. x 7 ft., and a dressing room that is 20 ft. x 10 ft. and is currently filled with food and equipment. This dressing room will be used to store food and equipment.

The current dressing room two is used by the boys as a rest room. The rooms that are included are a shower that is 12 ft. x 8 ft., a toilet that is 8 ft. x 5 ft., and a dressing room that is 25 ft. x 12 ft. and is not being used as a dressing room. This dressing room will be used as the boys rest room.


Case Study: South Boston Super Club.

This building is a Boys and (itrls Club Ihal is located in South Boston where there are a lot of disadvantaged children. The architect is l^ers Weizapfel Associates Archilccls. This building added a gymnasium, a lounge, an aerobics room, a weighl room, and meeting rooms so that the youth would come back and use this facility. This building has one entrance that is below grade. This building has two corridors on each floor in which almost every room is accessible from these




' South Boston Super Club, Architectural Records, .lunc 1995, p. 104-105.


Contextual I.ssues



Currently there is a Boy's and Girl's Club located al 24th Street and Redbud Avenue on the Hast side of Lubbock, Texas. This neighborhood is a residential area wilh low income housing. Most of the residents are African American with some Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian and most of these people live below the poverty line. Most of the individually owned houses do not follow a typical style and they create their own identity. The only other public buildings are the Dunbar Junior High School and several churches.

The current Boy's and Girl's Club is on a site that naturally slopes down into Yellowhouse Canyon. This facility currently services 75 young people and could serve more people if it expanded as planned for this project.


• To take advantage of the views into Yellowhouse Canyon.

• This facility needs to use the canyon as an asset to get the people to use the facility and to help the facility.

• This facility needs to be visible from Yellowhouse Canyon and from Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Social Context

Today lliete is an increasing problem with our youths. Because there are so many families that live below the


poverty line in this neighborhood that many of the youths want a better life than their parents possessed. The youths are involving themselves in gangs and drugs more and more each year. The gangs to gives the youths a sense of belonging, importance, and territory. We can see an increase in the youth's involvement in crime through the news media. There is a lack of facilities that can provide a place for the youths to get away from the gangs and drugs. In the city of Lubbock, Texas there are only a couple of facilities that provide recreational activities for the youths. The boy's and girl's club wants to provide a place for the youths to come to, but at the present they do not have enough room to support any more youths. With the increase of space this facility could provide the attention needed to get the youths off the streets and out of the gangs.

Therefore this facility should provide a place in which the youths can express themselves and have a sense of belonging.

Natural Context

The natural context of Lubbock, Texas consists of a semi-arid area. The annual rain fall consists of 13 inches per year, the general portion falling in April. The average temperature high is 95 degrees F in July and the low is 25 degrees F in December and January. The average wind speed is 12 mile per hour from the South. The Yellowhouse Canyon borders on north side of the site. In the canyon is the Yellowhouse


Canyon Lake Park in which people can park and sit and have picnics. The Brazos River runs through the canyon.

Therefore to get a view into Yellowhouse Canyon there should be several different rooms that are either on the second or third flood. These rooms should have large windows for the view into the canyon and to let natural light into them. Because there are not very many trees on the site for shade there should be more trees added. Large overhangs or small windows located on the South, east, and west sides of the building to provide shade from the hot sun.

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Cultural Context

The cultural context consists of young people between the ages of six and fifteen, but they are looking to include any age to use the facility. The young people of today need a place to learn about the decisions that society put on them and how to make the right decisions about society. The decisions that the young people make today can affect what happens to them in the future. Therefore the facility should represent an image of growth and self-expression with simple forms.

Built Context

The built context consists of middle to a high number of low income housing. The site located on a residential street in a neighborhood that has many low income families. Dunbar Junior High, several churches, and the South Plains Boy's and Girl's Club are the only non-residential buildings in the neighborhood. Almost all the individually owned residents create its identity by not following a typical method of construction, or style.

There are two buildings on the lot. The first Boy's and Girl's club built in 1957 and is the current director's resident is the first building. The current director's resident constructed of wood frame and stucco walls. The current Boy's and Girl's Club serves about 75 young people and is over crowded. The director would like to expand the building to serve about 250-300 young people not only from this neighborhood but from other neighborhoods on the East side of Lubbock, Texas. The current boy's and girl's club constructed of concrete blocks and steel joists. The windows are moveable because the is no air conditioning, but they do plan to put air conditioning in the building.

Therefore this building should incorporate the same type of construction as the current boy's and girl's club. To give the neighborhood a sense of pride this project should add more trees.


Existing Site



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Spiicial Summary


Entrance Spaces

Space No Rooms Si/c ,Sq. fl.

Enlrance corridor 1 30 \ 140 4^200

Total 4,200

Net Total x 1.3 5,460

Physical Spaces

Space No. Rooms

Weight room 1 rooms 3

Total 9,700

Net Total X 1.3 12,610




Sq. Ft.




Recreational spaces

Spaces No. Spaces



Game rooms


Men's Locker Shower Dressing Bath

Women's Locker Shower Dressing Bath

Si/e -Sq. Fl.

129 X 280 90 X 64 lOOx 100 20 X 30

28 X 45 40x40 12x 12 15 X 15

36 X 36

27 X 12 I2x 12

20 X 12


27 X 12

16x 12 23 X 12







144 255

1,296 324 144 240

1,296 324 192 276

Total 50,131

Net Total X 1.3 65,170

Educational Spaces

Spaces No. Spaces

Computer room 1

Size Sq. Ft.

2 4 x 1 2 288

Total 288

Net Total x 1.3 374


Social Spaces


Club rooms

Social hall / stage Off Stage

Kitchen Snack bar

No. Spaces


1 1

1 1


60 X 30

100x90 20x20

20 X 25 20x20

S{|. Fl.


9,000 400

500 400

Concession stand 1 12x18 216

Total 12,316

Net Total x 1.3 16,011

Administration Spaces

Spaces No. Spaces Size Sq. Ft.

Offices 2 12x12 288

1 15x15 225

Storage 1 10x10 100

Total 613

Net Total x 1.3 797

Current Facility 37

Balhtoom one .Shower Toilcl Dressing room

Bathroom two Shower Toilet Dressing room

9 x 7 5 x7

20 X 10

12x8 8 x 5

25 X 12

63 35


96 40 300

Total 734

Net Total x 1.3 954

Total Spaces



Physical Spaces

Recreational Spaces

Educational Spaces

Social Spaces

Administration Spaces



Gross Total x 1.2















.Mabaiua .lutlicial Building, Ajxhilccluial Rwt:<»rds,M.itch. l9'Ki.

Aichilectual Graphic Slandaids, Ninelh Ldilion, lidiled by John Ray Hoke, Jr., FAIA, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1994.

Biiwen, Wilbur P., and Mitchell, Elmer D.

The Theory of Organized Play: lis Nature and Significance. New York, A. S. Barnes and Company, 1925.

Bronzan, Robert T., New Concept in Planning and Funding Athletic, Physical Education and Recreation Facilities, Phoenix, Phoenix Intermedia, Inc., 1974.

Butler, George D., Introduction to Community Recreation, Prepared for the National Recreation As.sociation, New York, Maple Press Company, 1940.

Ching, Francis D. K., Aichitectuie: Form,

Space and Order, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1979.

Ichniowski, Tom, Design: Growth Field Form a Sure Market, Aichilcclural Records, March, 1996.

Mason, Bernard S., and Mitchell, Elmer D.. The Theory of Play, New York, A. S. Barnes Company, 1939.

_ _ _ _ _ ^ " ^ Moie i io , Elena Maichcsn, Copjng^/n jh

Tlircats FniijiJj()nibs lo Bic.ik-]iis. Archi lccluial Records, March l ')9^.

Nash, Jay B., Thcl^rgamzancjij .mci iMoiIijisUliiic) njTilT kiy^o im cLa n d RiXMcalmn, New York, A. S. Barnes and Company, 1931.

"Planning a Conimunily Recreation Building.' National Recrcalion Association, Inc., U. S. A., 1955.

Selected 1990 Census Information by Census Tract Maps, Prepared by City of Lubbock Planning Department, Lubbock County, 1990.

Selected Income and Poverty Charactcrisiics by Census Tract. Prepared by City of Lubbock Planning Department, Lubbock County, 1989.

Selected Population and Housing Characteristics by Census Tract. Prepared by City of Lubbock Planning Department, Lubbock County, 1990.

South Boston Super Club, Architectural Records, June, 1995.

Time Savers Standards: Building Types, Third Edition, Edited by Joseph De Chiara and John Callendar, McGraw-Hill Inc., N. Y., 1990.

The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book, Inc., Chicago, U. S. A., 1995.


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