bracebridge heath - linden homes home… · for the development of land east of bracebridge heath,...

Post on 28-Apr-2021






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WelcomeWelcome to Linden Homes’ public exhibition displaying emerging proposals for the development of land east of Bracebridge Heath, Lincolnshire.

Linden Homes has an interest in this land and is currently in the process of preparing proposals to develop a high quality housing scheme on the site.

We have organised today’s event to provide you with an opportunity to comment on the plans prior to the submission of an outline planning application to North Kesteven District Council.

We are keen to hear your views so please do speak to representatives of the project team and submit your comments on the feedback forms provided.

Thank you for visiting.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay

Bracebridge Heath

L i n c o L n s h i r e

P r o P o s A L s f o r L A n d At b r A c e b r i d g e h e At h , L i n c o L n s h i r e

Previously completed Linden Homes developments

1 | WeLcome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

About UsLinden Homes is the country’s fifth largest housebuilder. We are the housebuilding division of galliford Try, one of the uK’s leading construction companies.

We are based locally in Peterborough and are one of 11 regional offices that operate right across england, from Cornwall to Northumberland.

With a reputation for bespoke and creative developments in prime locations, Linden Homes prides itself on its high quality of design. Linden Homes was named Best sustainable Developer at the Housebuilder Awards 2014 and Housebuilder of the year at the ideal Home Blue ribbon Awards 2014 and 2013.

engaging with local communities is central to the work that we do. We understand that if we are to deliver houses that not only meet the aspirations of those who seek to live in them but also enhance the existing neighbourhood, then we need to talk to and engage with local people.

By seeking out local knowledge and listening to local opinion, we are able to build a fuller picture. We can identify the wider benefits that development can bring to the existing community.

Linden Homes is proud to be part of the Considerate Constructors’ scheme and works hard with local communities throughout the construction process.

Previously completed Linden Homes developments

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | AboUt Linden homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

site backgroundLocated on the eastern edge of Bracebridge Heath, the site is bordered to the north by Canwick Avenue (B1131); to the west by the existing homes on Carlisle Way, Westminster Drive, southwell Court and Bath road; and to the south and east by arable land.

The site forms part of the withdrawn Central Lincolnshire Core strategy Allocation known as the Lincoln south east Quadrant. This area was previously identified for growth in both the east midlands regional spatial strategy and the 2007 structure Plan. Linden Homes has no interest in or control over the wider site.

Linden Homes’ site measures 5.54 hectares and is situated in a sustainable location, being within close walking distance of the village centre and its facilities.

Aerial view of the site

Planning policy

The provision of housing is a national priority, reflected in government planning policy. North Kesteven District Council (NKDC) is currently in the process of developing its Local Plan jointly with Lincoln City Council and West Lindsey District Council. A previous iteration of this plan was withdrawn in December 2013 after a planning inspector determined it needed a ‘fundamental review’ as it was ‘seriously flawed’.

NKDC is required at all times to maintain a supply of housing land equivalent to at least five years of the overall provision. At present, NKDC is unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land.

in the absence of an up-to-date Local Plan and sufficient land supply, government policy in the National Planning Policy framework (NPPf) makes clear that planning applications should be determined in line with the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

The site was previously identified for residential development as part of the Lincoln south east Quadrant, and as such Linden Homes believes that development of the site would provide a logical extension to Bracebridge Heath, helping to address the identified need for both open-market and affordable housing in a sustainable manner.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | site bAckgroUnd

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

Constraints and opportunities plan

constraints and opportunities The constraints and opportunities plan shows what Linden Homes’ architects have had to consider when designing the masterplan. This has been used to help inform key elements of the masterplan.

• The access / egress to the site will be from Westminster Drive, with the extension of this road into the scheme.

• The sensitive residential edge along the western boundary where existing houses either back on to the site or have their gable (side) onto it has been given careful consideration.

• site levels are important in helping convey surface water run-off away from existing residential areas and towards swales and water attenuation features towards the east of the site. The land falls towards the east.

• Hedgerows to the western and southern boundaries and two hedgerows running east-west through the site will be retained and integrated into the scheme. Hedgerows will be within open spaces and within gardens marking boundaries.

• frontage towards the sports field to the south-west of the site ensures that properties do not back-onto this area of recreational open space.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | constrAints And oPPortUnities

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes



Bath road

Westminster Drive

Pedestrian access to the recreation ground

the masterplan Linden Homes is proposing to submit an outline planning application for up to 150 new homes. Details of the precise mix of homes would be determined at a later stage through a subsequent reserved matters application, should outline consent be granted. However, the development would likely comprise a mix of family housing, including two, three, four and five bed homes.

• A proportion of the homes would be classified as affordable housing, helping to address the housing need in the district.

• Linden Homes takes pride in its ability to deliver affordable homes that are indistinguishable externally from its open market properties.

• Areas of public open space and landscaping are proposed on the site, including the retention of the hedgerows on the western and southern boundaries as well as the two that run parallel across the site.

• vehicular access to the site would be from Westminster Drive.

emerging masterplan

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | the mAsterPLAn

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes










Landscaping and ecology Landscaping

The existing site comprises arable land with woodland, scrub, hedgerows, grassland and vegetation of low quality all present. The surrounding area is dominated by arable land. The site is currently divided into three segments by two hedgerows which run across it.

• The hedgerows which run across the site are proposed to be retained, as are those on the western and southern boundaries.

• The plantation woodland situated in the southern part of the site would also be retained, where possible.

• New areas of public open space are proposed on site, providing areas for informal recreational use.

• New planting is proposed on the eastern boundary to provide a landscape buffer.

An arboricultural survey has been undertaken on the site which did not identify any notable trees or any with significant amenity benefit.


ecological surveys including a Phase 1 Habitat survey and a reptile survey have been undertaken to assess the suitability of the site and its immediate surrounds to support notable habitats and protected species.

• No evidence of protected species including reptiles was found on the site or in the immediate surrounds.

• The site was assessed as having potential to support badgers, bats, hedgehogs, hares and a variety of birds.

• in order to mitigate any potential impact on this wildlife, the hedgerows and associated verges are proposed to be retained and enhanced. The existing trees and vegetation on the site are also proposed to be retained where possible.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LAndscAPing And ecoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

highways, Access and infrastructure Linden Homes has appointed highways consultants to undertake a comprehensive Transport Assessment, which will be submitted as part of the planning application to North Kesteven District Council (NKDC). This examines the relationship between the development and local transport infrastructure including sustainable modes of travel. it also assesses a number of key junctions in the vicinity of the site, taking into consideration the number of vehicular movements likely to be generated.

• Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) has assessed the traffic impact of the development using the greater Lincoln Traffic model (gLTm).

• LCC has determined that the development will generate 113 vehicular trips in the weekday Am peak (8am-9am) and 100 trips in the Pm peak (5pm-6pm).

• The modelling demonstrates that the traffic would split fairly evenly onto Canwick Avenue to the east and west of the junction with Bath road, and disperse with distance from the site such that the impact on the highways network would be modest.

• it has been agreed with LCC that the impact will be assessed in more detail at those junctions closest to the site where the impact would be greatest. This work is ongoing and the findings will be presented within the Transport Assessment.

• Access to the site would be from Westminster Drive. The highways authority at LCC has confirmed that one access point is adequate for a development of this size.


Linden Homes will hold discussions with Lincolnshire County Council to understand the current education provision and likely future need.

if there is found to be a shortfall in provision, Linden Homes will be required to make a financial contribution to ensure sufficient spaces for children living on the development.


The site is located in flood Zone 1, which is land assessed as being at the lowest risk of river flooding (less than 1 in 1,000 or 0.1% annual probability).

Linden Homes is committed to ensuring that surface water run-off from the development is no greater than the current greenfield rate.

As part of the planning application, a full flood risk Assessment will be submitted. This will include a detailed strategy for the disposal of surface water drainage, incorporating sustainable Drainage system (suDs) principles.

initial work undertaken by Linden Homes’ drainage consultants has indicated that the ground conditions are likely to be suitable for the disposal of surface water to conventional soakaways.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | highWAys, Access And infrAstrUctUre

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

case study: ogwell brook, devon• 186 new homes are currently being built

• 25% (or 46 units) are affordable and are being made available through a local housing association to people on the local council’s waiting list

• 95% of all homes for sale have been bought by local people living within 15 miles of the development

• A direct investment of £19.4 million into the local community

• Up to 280 jobs generated (research by the home builders federation concludes that every home built delivers 1.5 full time jobs on site and in the supply chain)

• 73 jobs have been created on the first two phases of this three-phase scheme, two-thirds of which are with firms based less than 30 miles away

• A further 13 architects, surveyors and engineers are retained on the project, in addition to our team of four locally-based Linden Homes’ staff

• Local businesses have undertaken the majority of the work on site

• 90% of our contractors are based in Devon and Cornwall

• Three-quarters of our suppliers are also based in the south west

• Working with local firms, we have been able to train 11 young apprentices

our experience at ogwell brook is replicated on the majority of schemes across our entire national development network.

When we say that we work with communities, we mean it.

national Apprenticeship ProgrammeDuring 2013 Linden Homes launched a national apprenticeship scheme with first 4 skills (a national training provider).

our aim• To have 500 apprentices

within the next three years

the importance of apprenticeships • Apprenticeships are key to

developing skills vital to uK house building

• Without a skilled workforce, house building will struggle to deliver the new homes we need

Achievements to date• 100 apprentices recruited as

part of our pilot programme in the south west

our 100th apprentice in the south West

Pollington Decorators (24 miles from our site)

Barkwell Plumbing and Heating ( 51 miles from our site)

Clarkson and Evans (129 miles from our site)

O’Leary Wall and Floor Tiling (30 miles from our site)

Lucas Carpenters (18 miles from our site)

Robert McDonald Brickwork (7 miles from our site)

AJ Wilson rendering (48 miles from our site)

some of the local businesses working with us at ogwell brook

Western Counties Roofing (6 miles from our site)

Mackenzie Glass (18 miles from our site)

Europlas Windows (3 miles from our site)

Burgess Cleaning (4 miles from our site)

Trimseal (11 miles from our site)

Barkwells (51 miles from our site)

for many, the visible sign of Linden Homes’ investment in their local community will be the new homes that we build.

We are proud of the quality of our product but we also know that our investment stretches far beyond bricks and mortar.

our houses provide homes for families, work for local businesses and opportunities for new apprentices.

We undertook a case study of one of our schemes in Devon, the findings of which are presented to the right.

investing in Local communities: a case study

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | investment in LocAL

commUnities: A cAse stUdy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

community benefitsThe development of the site would deliver a number of important benefits to the local community, including:

• A direct investment of £14.6 million into the local economy.

• The delivery of much needed open market and affordable housing to the area.

• A New Homes Bonus payment of nearly £900,000 to North Kesteven District Council and over £200,000 to Lincolnshire County Council.

• financial contributions towards local services and infrastructure through a section 106 agreement.

• As many as 225 new jobs* created on site during the construction phase. These would be primarily with local contractors, as our case study (see previous board) shows.

• opportunities for local people seeking apprenticeships in the building industry.

• Highly energy efficient new homes built to the latest standards, helping to reduce the cost of utility bills.

*Professor michael Ball, reading university, The Labour Needs of Extra Housing Output (2005)

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | commUnity benefits

10 | NexT sTePs AND TimesCALes

next steps and timescales

Artist’s impression of the proposed development


review consultation feedback.


finalise outline planning application.

submit outline planning application.

march – June

ongoing discussions with North Kesteven District Council.


Likely determination of planning application.

freephone information line: 0800 298 7040



following today’s public exhibition we will review all feedback received, prior to finalising the proposals and submitting an outline planning application to North Kesteven District Council.

The project team looks forward to receiving your feedback and is grateful that you have taken the time to attend today’s event.

should you have any further questions or comments or if you would like to discuss the proposals with the team after today, you are welcome to contact us using the details on the right.

thank you.

At t h e e x h i b i t i o n to d Ay1 | WeLCome

2 | ABouT LiNDeN Homes

3 | siTe BACKgrouND

4 | CoNsTrAiNTs AND oPPorTuNiTies

5 | THe mAsTerPLAN

6 | LANDsCAPiNg AND eCoLogy

7 | HigHWAys, ACCess AND iNfrAsTruCTure

8 | iNvesTmeNT iN LoCAL

CommuNiTies: A CAse sTuDy

9 | CommuNiTy BeNefiTs

10 | next stePs And timescALes

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