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  • 8/7/2019 brand audit LW


    Brand AuditApril 29, 2009

  • 8/7/2019 brand audit LW



    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary..

    Situational Analysis

    Property Analysis.

    Market Segmentation..

    Senior Market Overview.

    Competition Analysis.

    Current Climate.

    SWOT Analysis..


    Survey Results










    Prepared by:

  • 8/7/2019 brand audit LW



    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Executive SummaryA big high-five to parties and games and learning and fun.

    -from early Leisure World marketing brochure

    Assessing Leisure Worlds position in the market and its current image produces a studyin contrasts. When the community was created in the 1960s, it was without equal.Leisure World was developed on more than 620 acres right in the heart of fast-growingMontgomery County, well-positioned and pre-eminent among retirement communities.The Leisure World concept transferred easily from its West Coast beginnings to thisprime location in one of the nations most prosperous suburbs. A variety of home styleswas offered, ample open space and parking was provided, and the amenities made it aspecial community, the first of its kind. Government officials allowed the community tobe encircled with a fence a first ensuring a sense of security. Promotional

    advertising of the time touted Leisure World as resort living with convenience andsecurity and more activities than one could find time to enjoy. It was developed, as theliterature said at the time, as a small town environment at your fingertips.

    With the addition of the shopping center in the late 1980s, Leisure Worlds developercame close to delivering on that small town environment promise. Parks and walkingtrails enhance the community. The golf course a distinctive feature plays a specialrole: even if residents dont golf, they enjoy the proximity of the golf course with itsbeautiful open spaces and mature trees. Key to any small town environment is thefriendships and family connections that contribute in unseen but important ways.

    My children live elsewhere but my friends are here, one new homeowner toldus as she was moving with her husband to Leisure World. And so are my hairdresserand our doctors. She felt, as many do, that staying close to friends and familiarservices and within reach of her family was vital. Other satisfied residents pointed tothe many clubs and activities on the premises and beyond the gates that give thecommunity its vitality and contribute to that small town environment. In other words,Leisure World has lived up to its early billing.

    So whats missing? Is there a problem? Why are there more than 300 homes for sale,many with declining prices? Well, for every question there seems to be an answer. Wepolled residents and observers alike, analyzed the industry and studied thecompetition.

    After soliciting opinions from nearly 800 residents , we heard overwhelminglypositive comments from individuals in the 75-84 age range. They said it was secure,convenient, peaceful, beautiful, friendly, quiet, active, comfortable and pleasant.Younger residents were more apt to find fault, asking for better dining choices, a tot lotfor visiting grandchildren, more fitness facilities, a dog park, guest accommodations,etc. When we spoke with prospective residents or family members of prospectiveresidents, they were generally negative.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Executive Summary

    They used phrases like dated and old, too many rules, no pizzazz or style, lotsof fees, lack of modern or contemporary features and golf course is not thatgreat.

    We hosted a focus group of realtors who have long been active in Leisure Worldand who have multiple active listings there now. From this eager group, we heardboth positive and negative views. They saluted Leisure World for its fee-simpleownership, on-site medical center, great walking paths, beautiful grounds,fountains and golf, as well as its pea patches, multiplicity of activities, goodlocation and best kept secret in Silver Spring.

    At the same time, they said they didnt think Leisure World was keeping up withthe times. They said that the demographic has aged, theres a perception thatLeisure World is for old people, that the management is not friendly or welcoming(borderline nasty), that boomers are looking for more upscale units andfeatures, that there needs to be better public spaces, better restaurants and anactive town center. They also commented that the physical property of somehomes needs repairs, such as deck-washing and maintenance. The realtors alsooffered strong suggestions about the need for marketing, includingadvertising Leisure World as an active adult community, highlighting its strongpoints, and consider changing the name of the community.

    At one time Leisure World was the only game in town, as one realtor put it, butnow it has competition, most of which offer different levels of care. Ourcompetitive analysis showed that newer age-restricted communities arecompeting with Leisure World by offering more modern amenities, including starchefs, day spas, moving and relocation consulting services, full arts centers andindoor walking tracks, among other features. We found that these communitiesalso have the important ability to make development and improvement decisions,and adjust their marketing plans to appeal to the fast-growing, senior housingmarket.

    Conclusion: Leisure World is a star in the constellation of age-restricted housing.Like any star, it brightens and fades depending on ones view. Leisure World doescommand the largest property among the competition, is the only community witha beautiful golf course, offers fee-simple ownership and a wide array of housingchoices. Whats needed, according to our findings, is a renewed visibilityhighlighting its features to new home-buying prospects. A good marketingcampaign can certainly help remind prospects of the excellent small townenvironment of Leisure World.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Executive Summary

    They always say time changes things, but youactually have to change them yourself"

    -- Andy WarholUpdate image?

    As with anything in the business world 40 years old, updating or refreshing animage is usually in order and often advised. We are working on doing just thatfor the former White Oak Apartments, a 40-year-old community in east SilverSpring. The owner there renamed the complex Enclave Silver Spring. He isspending $60 million to renovate the apartments, build a new clubhouse andinstall a lavish swimming pool. His advertising and marketing efforts reflect thenew style hes bringing to this complex. After 40-plus years, he realized it wastime to do a major makeover for the apartments, not just a cosmetic face-lift. CanLeisure World follow a similar path? With no single owner, thats not a simplematter. More than 29 independent mutuals have a say in everything that happensin Leisure World. But without the will and a forward looking plan to update LeisureWorld, its a non-starter. Are there opportunities? We believe there are. Moreimportantly, there are people who see opportunity to refresh not change Leisure World and make it more attractive to coming generations.

    Whats in a Name? "The right name is an advertisement in itself."

    Very often, the first thing we heard when the name Leisure World was mentioned,the first comeback was Seizure World. We heard that time and again, both fromresidents and non-residents alike. Most people laugh it off. Others dismiss it as anunfair characterization. Changing a name can be done: Banks do it. Apartmentcomplexes do it. So do car dealers, law firms, stores, restaurants and evenuniversities. If a name change is contemplated, this could be the right time to doit, when there has been a void in the marketing of Leisure World. And if thesignature globe is an important and distinguishing landmark, it could beincorporated into a new name, for example: ParkWest a World of Discovery.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Executive Summary

    Sample marketing initiatives

    Create a marketing website. More than 70 percent of individuals shopping forhomes including older Americans go to the Internet first. This is in keepingwith universal shopping habits which find most consumers do their researchonline. A marketing website that extols the features and benefits of LeisureWorld should be created. This would enable Leisure World to compete forattention with other, emerging senior communities. This marketing websitewould, of course be linked to Leisure Worlds existing website. A well-designedmarketing website would include key words and phrases that would quicklysurface through search engine optimization when prospects are surfing the Webto find the home and amenities thats right for them at this time in their lives.

    Host events. This is the best way to engage prospects and have themexperience the brand of Leisure World. We heard many comments about howLeisure World should interact more with the broader community either throughon-site events or community participation.

    Host an Open House. With spring arriving, we recommend that Leisure Worldsponsor an Open House on a Sunday in June. New home developments host suchevents regularly, and advertise them widely. Competing senior communities dothe same, opening their doors and their clubhouses to prospective buyers. Eventhough Leisure World prospects always work through Realtors, the group of Realtors we surveyed enthusiastically endorsed this idea. An Open House wouldhelp dispel the image of Leisure World as being a restrictive, rule-boundcommunity. It would expose home buying-prospects to the beautiful grounds,the golf course and other features, as well as the wide variety of housingoptions. Realtors would, of course, open their listings and dress them up withflowers and fresh-baked cookies. Marketing would support an Open House withflags on Georgia Avenue, signage near the globe, and targeted advertising. Oncethe spring Open House is concluded successfully, a fall Open House should bescheduled.

    Build and sustain the brand through effective advertising. An advertising

    plan that is strategic and targeted is extremely effective in building andsustaining a brand image. The plan must be able to reach the target audienceagain and again and again for it to be most valuable. This creates a solid brandrecognition and helps to define the unique qualities of Leisure World.

    Attractive materials. Prospects need a take-away when visiting Leisure World.They are collecting these materials at every one of the competing properties.Having an attractive brochure will solidify the message and effectivelycommunicate the brand image of Leisure World.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisProperty Analysis

    Recent history

    Leisure World of Maryland is a private, gated community that is restricted toresidents who are 55 and better. Leisure World, located in Silver Spring inMontgomery County, Maryland is one of the first planned retirement communitiesof its kind in the Washington DC region and the nation. Residents began movinginto Leisure World in the mid-1960s and today there are approximately 8,500residents who own and occupy homes in the community.

    Leisure World is a 620-acre community with a very diverse collection of homestyles including single-family homes, townhomes and low and high-risecondominiums.

    There are 29 mutuals at Leisure World. These mutuals act in some sense like ahomeowners or condominium association. Each mutual appoints one or moreresidents to the Leisure World Board of Directors, the governing body of the entirecommunity. The Leisure World of Maryland Corporation manages the property withmore than 275 full and part-time employees.

    Since 1980, IDI Companies has built and sold more than 2,900 high-rise,condominium homes in Leisure World. During this time, the entire community hasbenefitted from the active marketing and promotion by IDI Companies. Thedeveloper has decided to put the final Villa Cortese residential building on hold andhas subsequently ceased actively marketing Leisure World of Maryland.

    Currently there are somewhere between 200 and 300 homes listed for sale inLeisure World. Leisure World Corporation and the Board of Directors recognize thatin addition to the downturn in the current real estate market, the community haslost its competitive position and that the lack of active marketing has been acontributing factor.


    There is a perception that communities such as Riderwood, Asbury, Ingleside andFox Hill are competition although Leisure World remains the largest independentprivate community serving the 55+ community in Montgomery County whereresidents have outright ownership of their homes.

    Newer age-restricted communities have enriched their offerings to compete withLeisure World in the areas of recreation, amenities, arts/entertainment andgeneral appeal to an active adult audience. While indoor/outdoor pools,clubhouses and service amenities are standard fare, top end communities

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisProperty Analysis

    targeting a very active resident have added star chef appeal to their restaurants,indoor walking tracks and enclosed walkways, an array of moving and relocationconsulting services, full arts centers with lecture halls and overnight and weekendtrips, allowing those smaller communities to enrich their sense of community.Even more important is the ability of these communities to market and makedevelopment and improvement decisions in a cohesive way, gaining efficiencies intheir marketing and advertising and improving their ability to react to competitivechanges in the marketplace.


    The perception of Leisure World varies between residents and prospectiveresidents. For purposes of this report, a survey was conducted of current residentsof Leisure World. Nearly 800, or about 10 percent, of the residents responded. Themajority of these residents have lived in Leisure World for less than 10 years, owncondominiums and are aged 75-84. This population provided overwhelminglypositive sentiments about living in Leisure World. Words used to describe thecommunity include:

    Beautiful Peaceful Stress-free Fantastic Secure Desirable Freedom Excellent Convenient Delightful

    Great Friendly Affordable Quiet Great Active Fun Comfortable Pleasant Easy

    The financial structure of owning a home and continuing to build wealth and equity

    was an important factor in the residents buying decision. Security, maintenance-free living and good location ranked among the highest whenasked about features of importance. A large number of respondents said that theopen feel, the social clubs, golf and other activities were also important. More than30 percent of the respondents have family that live in the area and said that thiswas a contributing factor in their buying decision.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisProperty Analysis

    Informal polling of prospective residents or children/grandchildren of prospectiveresidents was generally negative. Many of these people commonly used thefollowing words:

    Dated and old Not enough modern or contemporary features Too many rules Lots of fees Seizure World No pizzazz or style Golf course is not that great Too many old people

    It is also important to note that many people did not like the name and wishedit were different.

    Local Market Opinion

    A roundtable discussion was arranged to collect additional perspective fromRealtors who have had significant experience listing, selling and being a buyersagent at Leisure World. These realtors clearly knew the differentiating factors

    between Leisure World and the Continuing Care Retirement Community model.They stated that Riderwood is more isolated, not as attractive and much moreexpensive. They used the following words as descriptors with their clients:

    Great walking paths, beautiful grounds, fountains, golf Personal garden plots Medical center on site Lots of options Best kept secret in SS Buyers like the workshop, ceramic shops, location, theater group Golf is best value around

    The Realtors also offered their perspective:

    Leisure World has not kept up with the times Demographic has aged. Perception is that there are a lot of old people Boomers looking for more upscale units and features Perception is that management is not friendly or welcoming (could do

    that before because they were the only game in town. With competition,they need to lighten up)

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisProperty Analysis

    All the activities are geared toward older people Need better public spaces, more self contained (small convenience store,

    better restaurants, an active town center) People are asking for single family homes need to build more There is a low end and a high end and nothing in between Culture is criticized as borderline nasty Physical property of homes is need of repair (deck washing,


    The Realtors made collective, strong suggestions about marketing: Leisure World should be marketed as an active adult community. Need to attract people who are tired of home maintenance or going

    through a transition Should consider changing the name of community (its been done at

    other LW properties.)

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisMarket Segmentation

    (target audience)

    Demographics 60-75 years old One or two-person households May still continue to hold a job Solitary survivors Older Baby Boomers and Empty Nesters Currently own a home Average net worth of $300,000+ College graduates and advanced degrees Currently lives in Maryland

    Psychographics Like the Energizer Bunny they want to keep going and going Dont feel quite ready for retirement Passing over sedate retirement communities Active and athletic Knows what they want doesnt care about keeping up with the Jones All about change, charm, choice and connections Want things their way spoiled by service Desire healthy lifestyle

    Follows world and national news Well-read High value to family time

    Behavioral Likes to shop and dine for entertainment Wants to continue to learn new things progressive Seeks intellectual opportunities for enjoyment Belongs to a health club. Exercises at least three times a week (Adults aged

    55 and older now makes up a quarter of the health club memberships in theUnited States.)

    Wants to keep busy (activities or working) Does a fair amount of research before making large purchases Takes others opinions into consideration before making large purchases but

    ultimately makes up own decision

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisMarket Segmentation

    (target audience)

    Worked hard and now feels deserving Will shop around and is patient If a surviving spouse looking for more and new opportunities for

    companionship Wants someone else to take on the hard stuff (lawn and home care) Somewhat impatient (instant gratification and best of all worlds) Spend a lot of time on the Internet (similar to 18-35 age group but tends to

    delve more deeply into information. It is said that people aged 50+ spendan average of 45 minutes a day on the Internet.)

    Opinion on moving to retirement community Wants to continue to build and protect their wealth Doesnt want to live in their parents communities Wants to stay close to families, grandchildren, and friends If surviving spouse, wants security and companionship Wants to retire in their hometowns (backyard resort-style communities) Dont want to wait for amenities to come to their community need to

    already be in place Want the basic amenities like swimming pools, golf courses, nature trails,

    ponds but also want more active amenities like baseball diamonds and rock-climbing walls They dont have to move and can wait out the market. The more

    independent you are, the more you're tied into the real-estate market

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisSenior Housing Market Overview

    The senior market is huge and growing fast . Demand for age-qualifiedhousing designed for adults has been growing and is expected to continue togrow. The 65-and-over population is projected to double over the next threedecades, according to the National Council on Aging. Based on NationalAssociation of Home Builders forecast, the 55+ population will grow to 76.6million (24.5 percent of the population) in 2010 to 85.6 million (26.3 percent)in 2014.

    Seniors control 72% of the wealth . However, 37% of them have failed tosave for retirement. A year ago, the American Seniors Housing Associationfound that seniors 75 and older have a great deal of equity in their homes,largely because most have lived in them 24 years on average; 75 percent of seniors owned their homes outright. Now, more than ever seniors are moreconscientious about investments and looking to get more for their money. Theyhave a strong desire to protect and maintain a certain level of wealth.

    Most of the senior population are not ready for retirement. A largemajority of people 55+ still have children in high school and college. Much of them will stay in their homes longer and will not think about a retirement moveuntil age 65. The national average age at which someone moves into sometype of senior housing is 83 years.

    Many seniors seeing lifetime of savings evaporate. With more peopleliving longer in retirement, many seniors find themselves struggling to stretchtheir savings dollars further. Not only are they dealing with falling home valuesand dwindling retirement savings but soaring health care costs and rising livingexpenses are additional financial burdens.

    The more independent the more tied to the real-estate market . Activeseniors dont have to move now and they will patiently wait out the economy.

    CCRC (Continuing-care retirement communities) lead in productdemand . However, developers are continuing to build independent-livingfacilities for active seniors.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisSenior Housing Market Overview

    55+ market is demanding more services. Developers of new communities are tapping into this set of desires and offering the following:

    Delivery of chef-prepared meals Activity and wellness coordinators that plan numerous events for the

    community Weekly housekeeping and linen service Local transportation services Guest accommodations On-site day spas and salons Concierge service

    Many still seek simplified lifestyle. New retirees can care for themselvesbut look for independent communities that take them away from the everydayworries of chores such as cooking, cleaning, driving and home maintenance.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisCompetition Analysis

    (Montgomery County)

    Community Location Description

    Leisure World Silver Spring Private community of 5,600 privatelyowned condos, townhomes and single-family homes by residents who are 55+

    Ingleside Rockville A not-for-profit CCRC facility with 242

    apartment type units in a single building

    Riderwood Silver Spring A 1,947 apartment-style home community ona 120-acre campus for residents who are 62+

    offering CCRC amenities and features

    Fox Hill Potomac A luxury 16-acre community offering 240 unitson one connected building with opportunitiesto purchase 1-3 bedroom condominiums or

    CCRC units by Sunrise.

    Asbury MethodistVillage

    Gaithersburg A CCRC community situated on 130 acresoffering 796 residences

    Community Home Ownership Continuing Care(CCRC)

    Minimum Age

    Leisure World Yes No 55

    Ingleside No Yes 62

    Riderwood No Yes 62

    Fox Hill Yes Yes 55

    Asbury MethodistVillage

    No Yes 60

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisCompetition Analysis

    Community Amenities

    Leisure World Two indoor and one outdoor pool 18-hole golf course Two clubhouses One fitness center Theater/Auditorium Two restaurants On-site medical and rehabilitation center

    Some buildings have close circuit security through television

    Basic cable with Leisure World channel included On-site bank

    Ingleside Olympic-size indoor pool and fitness center Weekly housekeeping Art studio Day spa Relocation consultant Activities coordinator

    Riderwood Aquatic center and two fitness centers Day spa and hair salon Bank, convenience store/pharmacy Five on-site restaurants On-site medical center Theater Glass enclosed walking paths

    Fox Hill Indoor putting green

    200-seat performing arts center Exhibition kitchen Country club dining

    Asbury MethodistVillage

    Wellness center Indoor pool Indoor walking track 300-seat theater

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisCurrent Climate

    Political environment

    Leisure World is in a unique position. It is arguably the most important politicalprecinct in the State of Maryland. Unquestionably, it is the most important precinctin Montgomery County, which is known for its high level of political participation.In most elections, Montgomery voters turn out in record numbers. Leisure Worldresidents top them all, casting votes at the highest percentages. Politiciansrecognize Leisure Worlds political strength, and regularly trek to its forums andmeetings to introduce themselves and ask for votes.

    Yet, Leisure World rarely flexes its political muscles. This is beginning tochange, as new Leisure World leadership is starting to call on elected officials toexpress itself on a variety of issues. And when leaders from Leisure World dorequest meetings with their elected officials, they get the meetings. They getattention to their issues. The politicians make time to visit, listen and respond.

    How can this benefit the communitys marketability? It cant change the number of units available for sale. It cant refresh Leisure Worlds brand. What it can do israise its visibility always a major goal for marketing campaigns. Each time anelected official responds to an issue important to Leisure World residents, it couldbe publicized. It could be reported in the community paper and on a marketing

    website. The fact that Leisure World can command that attention keeps thecommunity in the news, and keeps it current in the publics mind. For the cominggenerations that are weighing their retirement options, an active and engagedcommunity, with real political influence, could be a distinguishing selling point.

    Economic environment

    There is no question that the weak home-buying market in 2008-2009 affectssales in Leisure World, just as it does everywhere else. When the economyimproves, home sales will pick up in Leisure World. Prospective buyers will be ableto sell their homes and have the funds to select their next home in Leisure World.A rising economic tide will lift all home-buying, including that in Leisure World.

    One significant difference that adversely affects Leisure Worlds home sales nowand in the future is the complete lack of advertising for the community. Since IDIstopped marketing its latest projects, there has been no public visibility of LeisureWorld. Its competitors routinely advertise in newspapers, magazines, on websites,and in specialty media: theater programs, bus ads, Metro dioramas and YouTube.When the market lifts, it is important that Leisure World has a presence, a visibilitythat allows it to compete for the 55+ home buyers.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Situational AnalysisCurrent Climate

    Social and cultural

    By any measurement, Leisure World scores high on the social and cultural scale.With more than 100 clubs on the premises and a wide variety of trips and outingsto choose from, there are few activities and interests not served at Leisure World.From photography, computer classes, water volleyball, woodworking and humorclubs to trips to casinos, plays, flower shows and theater, home-buying prospectswould be hard-pressed to find an activity that doesnt fit their interests.

    If there is a shortcoming in the social and cultural opportunities, its that someresidents said they would like to have greater access to activities outside thegates, to transportation and to Metro that will enable them to travel farther aroundthe Washington region. Thats a relatively small concern in the context of all thatLeisure World can offer the active adult, but the next generation of buyers is usedto having many options to choose from, without physical and financial limitations.


    If high-speed Internet service is available at Leisure World, it should be promotedprominently. If WiFi networks are in place to give laptop users easy and instantaccess to the Internet, it should be advertised. Some respondents to our surveysaid they would welcome FIOS service from Verizon. If it is available in the area,Leisure World should continue to pursue Verizon for installation.

    There is a computer lab in the second community center; thats good. To staymodern and plugged-in, it should be branded as the Technology Center. Onceupdated, the availability of the latest technology at Leisure World should be a sig-nificant selling point it will convey that the community is progressive, movingforward and welcoming to prospects who expect the latest technology whereverthey are, at all times, at low cost.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    SWOT Analysis

    Strengths Weaknesses

    Opportunities Threats

    Prime location Established Close to transit Four season community Ownership opportunities Strong sense of community Natural amenities Variety of housing types Wide range of on site

    activities Mature landscaping Good infrastructure Security

    Poor external perception Aging infrastructure Lack of central gathering space Multiple layers of rules Lacks appeal to younger

    retiree Dated facilities and activities Lack of contemporary services Isolated No active marketing Monoculture

    Reestablish brand Attract younger prospects Promote unique position in

    market Improve connection outside

    LW Improve aging facilities Limit or relax some rules Improve/increase dining

    options Enhance resident services Add new amenities Redevelop aging building

    Current economic climate Poor real estate market New competition will continue Some units will lose

    desirability Restaurant competition

    growing Multiplicity of choices for

    buyers Buyers are more patient Demands from Baby Boomers

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit


    To determine current public impressions of Leisure World, Maier & Warner polled1) individuals who recently moved into the community 2) individuals who are al-ready living there and 3) real estate agents who regularly do business in LeisureWorld and (4) children of prospective residents.


    Physical aspects Charming Multiple facilities Campus-like Apartments are spacious Newer units have more modern finishes Excellent light and sunshine in some apartments Abundant outdoor amenities Mature trees, landscaping, well maintained

    Intangibles Convenient Best kept secret in the Washington area Small town feel Close to home and friends Hassle-free services

    Services Medical center on the premises LabCorp on premises First Alert available Internal, inexpensive taxi service Buses to activities and events

    Amenities On-site restaurants On-site grocery and pharmacy Abundance of clubs for every interest Strong service retail presence

    Advantages Good price ranges Good housing choices Lots of clubs, activities, choices For residents from nearby, dont have to change familiar services Good bird-watching

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit



    Physical aspects Public spaces are dated, need remodeling Older residential sections should be redeveloped in stages Interiors in common areas are dated Cascade dining room appears dated

    Intangibles Many people dont like the name (a lot of people know it as Seizure

    World Owners wont drop their selling prices at all Too many inflexible rules Time, cost limits too strict on use of freight elevator

    Services Poor food quality Not easy to stage move-ins

    Disadvantages No overall marketing being done Population appears old Inflexible rules allowing home care providers/vendors to present their

    services Impossible to hold a community-wide open house Difficult to tour prospects through community, model units

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    ImpressionsQuotes Pro

    This is a community that has tons of features and facilities.

    Leisure World has a little town feeling. It should market itself as an activecommunity.

    The surrounding areas dont have any idea of all thats there.

    There are more than 100 clubs, a full workshop, theater group.

    The profile of todays new resident is of a spouse returning from Florida orArizona to be closer to family and friends.

    Good price points.

    Amenities are available to everyone, no matter what they pay for their home.

    Quotes Con

    Its not friendly there, not welcoming. Leisure World was once the only game intown, it could afford to be picky. It needs to change its image.

    I bought the floor plan. I didnt buy the community.

    Leisure World should consider a name change (expressed several times).

    They are bleeding.

    The competition markets itself regularly and prominently. Riderwood, Asbury,Ingleside we see nothing about Leisure World.

    The public spaces are awful; the clubhouse is the original from the 60s.

    The employees need a personality change. Some are almost borderline nasty.

    Newer prospects are looking for pizzazz.

    Customer service is seriously lacking.

    I never eat in the Cascade Room.

    Hallways are dated, dark and foreboding.

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Resident Survey Results

    746 Surveys collected from current residents

    Majority of respondents have lived in LW for less than 10 years

    Majority of respondents moved from Montgomery County. Otherlocations in the area include Prince Georges County, Anne ArundelCounty and Washington DC. Other locations with significant responseswere New York and Virginia.

    Nearly 100 percent of respondents own their homes

    Nearly 100 percent live in condominiums Majority of respondents are aged 75-84

    Approximately 30 percent have family living in the area

    Security, maintenance-free living and location were the most popularfeatures of respondents scoring 1-3.

    Golf and social clubs/activities seemed less popular with scores rangingmostly 6-10.

    Financial structure of home ownership was average scoring around 5

    Almost 100 percent of the respondents took the time to offer suggestionsfor amenities not currently offered. The following list is items that wererepeated in the majority of the surveys.

    Fios Another fitness center A town center Food delivery service Better restaurants (this probably

    was the most requested) Convenience store Concierge services Business center Salon Bowling alley Better transportation to places

    outside LW (Strathmore, OlneyTheater, shopping and to Metro)

    More walking paths and biking paths Ice cream parlor Guest houses or space for visitors (this

    was also one of the most requested) Dog park Car wash BBQ area Playground for grandchildren Younger residents

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    Leisure WorldBrand Audit

    Resident Survey Results

    Most respondents had positive words to describe LW Beautiful landscaping Peaceful Stress-free Choices Fantastic Secure Desirable Peaceful Freedom

    Several negative words repeated in the description of LW Old Outdated Too many old people Awful food Too low tech

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