brand identity - eastenders

Post on 26-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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In the first 3 seconds of the opening credits, the audience can already identify where the soap is set from landmarks shown.

The O2 Arena is shown which tells the

audience that the opening credits

are modern as the arena was only built

in 2007.

The River Thames is shownthroughout the opening

credits. This makes it obviousto the reader that the soap is

set in London. Because of the obvious links to London, the audience can use their knowledge to identify that Eastenders is the only soap located in London.

The BBC logo is located in thetop right of the screen

throughout the opening credits. This makes it clear

which institution broadcasts it. The logo is also shown

right at the end of the credits to emphasise

the institution.

THEME TUNE• The drums at the beginning of the theme tune is the most iconic part of the tune.• The drums emphasise the drama that you expect from the soap.• Minor chords are used throughout the theme tune to give the idea of sadness.

There are sports bags placedat the bottom of the stairswhich implies that a child

lives at the house. This couldalso be shown by the felt tips on the floor. The child

is probably a boy as the bagsare both blue and there is

a football on the stairs.

The teddy bear and other pinkitem shown on the stairs could

imply that there is also a female child living at the

house. The fact that the toys are cluttered could show the children are of a young age.

The child’s joggersPlaced on the banister

Could show that the maleChild is a young teenager

as they look quite big.

The woman looks in her fifty's and is coming down the stairs fasteningher dressing gown. This could show that she has just got out of bed and

needs to cover up.

The decor of the home is old-fashioned and looks like its not been decorated

in a while. This implies that the woman maybe can’t afford to decorate or is maybe old fashioned herself.

The woman contrasts with the cafe

because she looks as though she cares

about her appearance.

The cafe looks quite drabby unlike the

woman who is wearing lots of

jewellery and has done her hair and

makeup.The builders highlight the working class


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