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Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

1 Copyright © 2016 Simon McArdle,

Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

2 Copyright © 2016 Simon McArdle,

Branding and Logos for Real Estate

Agents and Brokers

Why You Need a Logo that Reflects Your Brand

By Simon McArdle

Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

3 Copyright © 2016 Simon McArdle,

Legal Notice:This eBook is copyright protected. This is only for personal use. You cannot

amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part or the content

within this eBook without the consent of the author or copyright owner.

Legal action will be pursued if this is breached.

Disclaimer Notice:Please note the information contained within this document is for

educational purposes only.

Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable

complete information no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.

Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in rendering legal,

financial or professional advice.

By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances

are we responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a

result of use of the information contained within this document, including –

but not limited to errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

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Table of Contents

Introduction…………………..………………………………….pg. 4

Creating a Winning Real Estate Brand……………....…...…pg. 9

Logo Design Process………..……..…….……..……..…… 15

Conclusion………………………….…………………..…… 33

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The right logo can serve as a magnet, attracting new clients to you on a

daily basis. Sometimes, small business owners, including real estate

agents, underestimate the importance of having a compelling logo. They

think they can rely on reputation alone.

You don’t need to settle for a generic logo that could belong to any real

estate agent in the country. You deserve to have a logo that is as unique as

you are – one that truly represents who you are and what you do. When

potential clients see it, they should feel confident that you are the perfect

person to help them find the house, apartment, investment property, or

office they need. When you have the right logo, you can be sure that you

will convey all of those things to prospective customers with a single


Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

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About The Logo Company

My name is Simon McArdle. I founded The Logo Company back in 2001. It

started as a small company, and has since grown into one of the most

recommended logo-design companies in the United States. Employing

more than 100 designers, we pride ourselves on our ability to work with

clients and produce a logo that clearly represents them and their business

– one that will help them attract new clients every time it is seen.

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We have a unique design process that sets us apart from other companies.

Instead of assigning a single designer to your project, we have five

designers each design at least one logo for your company. The team

working on your logo will be specially selected based on your industry and

requirements. We’ll deliver five or more logos to you within just three

business days – and we let you make unlimited revisions. You can combine

design elements from two or more logos if you want to do so.

We will work tirelessly with you to ensure that you end up with the perfect

logo. We even offer a 90-day money-back guarantee if you decide you

don’t want to work with us – but our goal is to make sure that doesn’t

happen by delivering a beautiful and effective logo that can help you create

a strong brand for your business for years to come.

What You Will Learn in This Book

The goal of this book is to help you understand why you need to have the

right logo for your real estate business. We understand that the real estate

business is all about trust – if your clients don’t trust you, they’re not going

to want you to help them buy a house or investment property.

The first thing I’ll talk about is the importance of building a winning real

estate brand. Every industry has its own particular challenges and needs,

and at The Logo Company, we have a deep understanding of the real

estate business and what goes into branding yourself in a way that will help

you to connect with your clients.

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After that, I’ll go into some of the details of the logo design process

specifically as it relates to real estate. A logo is more than just a design –

it’s a symbol of who you are and what you do. Some of the things we take

into consideration include using the right colors and fonts, conveying trust

and reliability, and making a design that will look good anywhere you use it

– online, on printed materials, and on signs and other advertisements. I’ll

also talk about how you can use your logo to give potential clients a sense

of your specialties. At each step of the way, I’ll share some of our most

effective real estate logos with you so you can see how we translated our

clients’ needs into the logos that have helped them create successful


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At the end of the book, I’ll give you some specifics on why I think you

should use The Logo Company to design your logo. I’ll also provide you

with a direct link to our website so you can place an order if you choose to

do so.

By the time you are finished reading, I think you’ll see that having the right

logo for your real estate company is a must – and that The Logo Company

can help you accomplish that goal.

Let’s get started.

Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

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Creating a Winning Real Estate Brand

Branding is important in every industry. Any time you try to gain the public’s

trust, whether you are selling an inexpensive product or shepherding clients

through large real estate sales, you need to overcome the potential

objections and fears of your target clients. For most people, purchasing a

home or property is the biggest transaction they will ever undertake.

Nobody goes into the process of buying or selling property without some

concerns about the eventual outcome. Your job as a real estate agent is to

reassure potential buyers or sellers and convince them that they can trust

you to help them.

The process of winning potential clients starts before they ever meet you.

Regardless of where your business is located, you have competition. Every

client in your target audience has multiple options when it comes to

choosing someone to represent them. If you want them to choose you, you

need to brand yourself in a way that demonstrates your reliability and


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Your brand is about more than just your logo. In reality, your brand

encompasses everything about your company, including your name, your

logo, and your reputation. The things you say about yourself, as well as the

things that other people say about you, can all contribute to the common

perception of you and your brand. In this chapter, we will talk about some

of the specific branding concerns faced by real estate agents and brokers.

The Importance of Good Branding

Why does branding matter? What can having a strong brand do for your

real estate business? Understanding the answers to these questions is

crucial if you want to grow your business and attract new clients.

A strong brand makes it clear who you are and what you represent.

Everything you do should support and build your brand – because your

brand is what supports and builds your client base. It can turn a prospect

into a client, and a one-time client into a loyal repeat client. Here are some

of the things that a strong brand can do for your business.

1. A strong brand, supported by a strong logo, builds recognition. Think

of some of the most recognizable logos out there: the McDonald’s

golden arches and the Nike swoosh. You see those logos and you

know exactly what they represent. People are very visual by nature,

and when your logo accurately represents your brand, people will

remember it.

2. The right brand can make any company seem legitimate and

polished. Your brand is what tells people who you are, and if you

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brand yourself properly, you can begin to build trust with potential

clients from the first moment that they encounter your brand.

3. Branding can help you grow your business when you pair it with

effective marketing. When you have the right logo, you can use it in

all of your ads and marketing materials. It can give everything you do

a cohesive appearance – and when your brand conveys the message

that you want to convey, it can work wonders for your business.

4. Having a strong and recognizable brand can increase the value of

your company, both real and perceived. The more people encounter

your brand, the more likely they are to view your company as

successful. The perception of success and value is essential in any

business, but it is especially important in real estate.

As you can see, good branding can help your real estate business in a

number of important ways.

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How Branding Affects the Real Estate Business

While it is important to understand the general principles of branding, you

must also know something about the specific issues that relate to branding

your real estate business. Not all industries are created equal. Each has its

own special challenges.

In real estate, one of the primary challenges is competition. The

Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO) estimates that

as of 2015, there were more than two million active real estate licenses in

the United States. Even in small rural areas there is competition for clients

and listings. In big metropolitan areas, the rivalry can be fierce.

What can help you stand out from the crowd? Branding is a big part of

distinguishing yourself from your competitors. If someone in your area is

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looking for a new home, they are far more likely to call an agent whose

brand they recognize than someone who is unfamiliar.

On average, it takes eight exposures to a company or brand to create

familiarity. That is true of any industry. The more recognizable your brand

is, the more likely potential clients are to trust you and want to work with


The right brand can help you:

Define the area you represent. Research shows that 69% of all

buyers start their online search for an agent with a keyword that

includes their location. Your brand must help the people who are

searching for properties in your area find you.

Single out your area of expertise. Do you specialize in single-family

homes? Luxury properties? Ranches? Rental properties? Whatever

your specialty is, your brand should clearly delineate it.

Define your target demographics. Some agents focus their attention

on first-time buyers, or on people who are searching for investment

properties. Your brand can let people know if you are a good match

for their real estate needs.

Help you keep a consistent image regardless of what marketing

media you choose to use. When you have a strong brand message, it

can help connect your online branding with your offline branding. It

can link the signs you put on lawns with your social media pages, and

so on.

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In other words, having a strong and consistent brand image can help you

place yourself in the market. It can help your target clients find you and feel

confident that you are the best person to represent them.

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Logo Design Process

Branding is important, and having the right logo is an essential part of

branding. When your logo is striking and simple, it will also be memorable.

Having seen it once, people will remember it. When they see it multiple

times, whether it’s on your website, in an ad, or on a sign, they will develop

a sense of familiarity with you. They will know who you are and what you

do – and they will be inclined to reach out to you in the event that your

expertise matches their real estate needs.

What Makes an Effective Logo?

How can you tell if a logo is effective? Different industries have different

standards and requirements. Here are some of the things that an effective

real estate logo should do:

The three most important qualities in a real estate agent are

trustworthiness, friendliness, and organization. In other words,

potential clients want to know that you are honest, that dealing with

you will be pleasant, and that you are capable of handling the

different aspects of your job with ease. Your logo can and should

convey all of these things.

Your logo needs to be distinctive – it can’t look like every other logo

out there if you want it to be memorable. In order for your logo to be

effective, it must be unique. It must be specific to you and your areas

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of specialization rather than looking like a cookie cutter real estate


That said, your logo must also be immediately identifiable as a real

estate logo. You can’t afford to steer so far away from industry norms

that your logo is indecipherable. That means that your logo may have

to incorporate an image of a home or apartment building. The key is

to balance uniqueness and familiarity.

Your logo must use colors effectively. A color like blue denotes

reliability, while green evokes feelings of serenity. Choosing the right

colors is essential if you want to convey an appropriate message.

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Practicality is also a concern. You might envision a multi-colored

logo, but it is important to keep in mind that you will be paying to print

items with your logo on them many times. A logo with two colors is

more expensive than a single-color logo. In fact, the costs of printing

increase with each additional color. The best format for a logo is

vector format, which allows you to adjust the size of your logo easily

without distorting the image – something that is impossible if your

logo is made of pixels. The Logo Company always provides our

clients with their logos in vector format.

The graphics should be simple and work well even without color. You

want the shape and design of your logo to be effective and instantly

recognizable. When a logo is over-designed or lacks balance, it can

lose much of its impact.

Our goal, then, is to design a logo for your real estate company that

encompasses all of these characteristics. Our design process allows you to

choose from multiple designs and oversee the design process. We

guarantee results, so you will have the opportunity to work with our

designers to fine-tune your logo design until it suits all of your needs.

The Science of Color and Design

Designing a great logo is both an art and a science. The best logos

combine the two, balancing things like color theory and symmetry with

beauty to create a harmonious whole.

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Color Theory

Color theory is a field that looks at specific emotional responses evoked by

exposure to certain colors. Our interpretation and understanding of colors

has evolved over time. Research shows that the colors in your logo can

inform as much as 85% of a client’s decision to contact you, so you can

see that picking the right colors is essential. Here are some of the most

common color associations.

Red is energetic and conveys a sense of urgency

Orange is aggressive and may be an effective spur for a call to action

Yellow is optimistic and cheerful, and may help to promote sales

Green is calming and can also convey a sense of nature and wealth

Blue is a color that denotes both trust and security

Purple is soothing and calming

Pink is feminine and can also convey creativity

Black is sleek and powerful, and is often used to sell luxury products

Of course, there are also other colors to consider. For example, gold can

convey luxury and wealth. We used it in this logo for an agent who

specializes in luxury properties.

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Another thing to keep in mind when using more than one color is that not all

colors go together. If you want a logo with two colors, consider using colors

that stand opposite one another on the color wheel, such as this logo that

uses the complementary colors blue and orange:

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You can see that the colors chosen make a big impact in both of these

logos. If you are unsure which colors to choose, we can work with you to

find the perfect shades to represent you and your business.

Design Theory

When it comes to designing real estate logos, there are some industry

standards that are important to keep in mind. For example, we already

talked about the fact that your logo needs to make you instantly

recognizable as a real estate agent or company. The last thing you want is

to have people look at your logo and feel uncertain about what you do.

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However, there are also some universal truths that apply to all logos. Both

the shape and symmetry of your logo can play a role in how it is perceived.

When it comes to design, we tend to think of three basic shapes – although

there are some variations.

Circles convey comfort and warmth. They also represent a feeling of

continuity and movement, and a sense of security and protection. A

lot of real estate agents like to use circular shapes because buyers

want to feel secure when they are buying or selling a property.

Triangles convey energy, power, and strength. They may also have a

feeling of balance. An agent who specialized in big investment

properties might benefit from using a triangle in their logo.

Squares convey logic and order, as well as a sense of security and


Of course, the logo you choose may not fall neatly into one of these

categories. However, the overall shape of your logo will probably convey

emotions that align with the shape it most closely resembles. Notice how

the circular shape in the center of this logo gives it a feeling of comfort and

warmth. The yellow surrounds the house at the center of the logo with a

warm glow that speaks of home and security – ideas that work well for an

agent who specializes in single-family homes.

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Symmetry is important because the human eye tends to prefer symmetrical

shapes over those that are out of balance. That doesn’t mean that the two

sides of your logo must be mirror images of one another. However, you do

want to have a logo that presents, on the whole, a balanced and

aesthetically pleasing image. Notice the symmetry and balance of this logo,

which combines the reliability of blue with the power of red:

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The final consideration when it comes to design theory is the graphics of

your design. Many real estate logos use images of homes or buildings as

part of their design. Some also incorporate images that help to relay their

geographical location.

Here is an example of logo we did for a company that specializes in rentals.

As you can see, the graphics clearly convey the idea of apartment living.

It’s a strong and powerful graphic that quickly gets the point across. It’s

memorable and effective.

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Note that this logo also incorporates a circle. The most effective logos are

those that combine colors, symmetry, and graphics into a unique and

memorable whole.

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Market Awareness

A good logo should also take the specific market in which you are operating

into consideration. For example, a real estate agent who wants to convey a

sense of success might choose to use a luxurious color – even if they don’t

specialize in luxury properties. Earlier, I showed you a logo that used the

color gold to convey luxury. Here is another one of our logos. It combines

silver (another luxury color) with purple, a color that is often associated with

royalty. The circular shape suggests a medal or award, and a look at the

company’s website reveals that they have won multiple real estate awards

in recent years.

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You know who your customers are and what the market conditions are

where you work. Armed with that information, we can work with you to

create a logo that is uniquely suited to your target clients and your market.


As I told you before, a large majority of people who are searching for a real

estate agent begin their online search with terms that are specific to their

geographical area. For that reason, it is important to consider incorporating

some indication of your location into your logo. For example, this logo uses

palm trees (plus the word “Pacific”) to let anyone who sees the logo know

that this particular company is on the west coast.

This is an example of a logo that uses two shades of the same color, blue,

to convey stability. The lighter blue hints at the color of the ocean, which is

appropriate for a company located in Southern California.

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Building a Brand

One of the most difficult things about branding, especially in a competitive

field such as real estate, is finding a way to make your company stand out

from your rivals. It can be hard to find a unique angle. After all, most of your

competitors are likely to focus on the same qualities you are –

trustworthiness and expertise would be high on anybody’s list of desirable

traits for a real estate agent.

Let’s take a look at a logo we designed for a company that has a really

unique brand.

This logo does a number of interesting and effective things at once.

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1. It uses the color pink, which is extremely unusual in real estate,

where many of the logos are red or blue. Pink is feminine and

creative. This company wants to appeal to female clients.

2. Both the graphic of the woman running and the slant of the letters in

the logo convey a sense of fast movement. Looking at it, the sense of

movement tells viewers two things at once:

a. First, that the people who work at this company are busy and

active, which conveys a sense of popularity and success.

b. Second, the company will move quickly to help them find the

property they want.

3. The simple image of a home behind the graphic (as well as the small

house dangling from the key chain) lets the people who see the logo

know that this agent specializes in single-family homes.

This logo is unique. It is unlikely that anybody who sees it will forget it – and

that’s very important when it comes to creating a brand for yourself and

your company.

How Your Logo Can Affect Your Reputation

Now let’s put everything together and talk about how your logo can affect

your reputation. Your logo is a combination of your company name with

strong graphic images and other design elements. It can communicate a

great deal of information about your company in a split second. In fact,

when somebody looks at your logo for the first time, they are likely to make

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a rapid-fire judgment about who you are and what you do based on what

they see.

A poorly-designed logo can make even the best and most experienced real

estate agent look like an amateur. You simply cannot afford to throw

together a logo on your own, or to entrust your brand and logo to someone

who lacks experience and credibility. Let’s look at one logo as an example.

This logo plays on the company’s name and creates an unforgettable


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The word “Ninja” is unique and different, especially in real estate. The word

itself evokes an image of ruthless efficiency and accuracy. When someone

is described as a ninja, we think of them as an expert. However, there are

few real estate professionals who would want to be thought of as ruthless.

The cartoon of the ninja, who is smiling, helps to emphasize the name of

the company as well as to soften it a bit. This isn’t a scary ninja – it’s a

friendly ninja who can help you get an accurate appraisal that you can trust.

Imagine this logo with a frightening ninja instead. Perhaps a company that

used a logo like that would attract a few customers. However, many more

might be put off by the image. This logo strikes a nice balance.

Here is another logo that strikes a good balance. Its predominant color is

red, which conveys power. However, the graphic and the overall look of the

logo is warm and almost intimate. The design incorporates the initials of the

agent into an image that suggests – without overtly depicting – a single

family home. The tag line underneath it (your path home) is also warm and

inviting. The overall image is one of an agent who is strong and powerful,

yet who also understands what it means to buy a home.

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The key to choosing the right logo for your company is to strive, always, for

a sense of balance. You need to be thinking about all of the following


Who is your target audience? How old are they, how much do they

earn, and what are they hoping to accomplish?

What geographical area are you in? Is it important to communicate

that information with your logo?

Do you specialize in a particular kind of property?

What is the brand image you want to convey?

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What emotions do you want people to experience when they see your

logo for the first time?

Where do you intend to use your logo?

The information you give to the designers who will work on your logo will

help them to incorporate the elements that are most important to you as a

business owner. The more accurately you describe your brand and target

audience, the more likely it is that we will be able to arrive at a logo that will

suit your company exactly.

The wrong logo can have a detrimental effect on your business. Instead of

communicating the experience and traits you want your audience to see, it

can backfire and drive people away from your company. The key is to strike

the right balance. Our designers can work with you to ensure that your new

logo works with you, not against you. We know the real estate business,

and we can help you.

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Thank you for reading Branding and Logos for Real Estate Agents and

Brokers. I hope you have found this information about real estate logos to

be helpful. Every industry has its own particular challenges, but our

experience designing for real estate agents makes us uniquely qualified to

design your new logo.

Why The Logo Company Should Design Your New Logo

I have included many real estate logos in this book to help show you what

we can do. In case you are still wondering whether hiring The Logo

Company is right for your real estate business, I would like to point out a

few reasons why we are the best choice.

Unlike other designers, we do not put limitations on our clients. We

will start you off with a MINIMUM of five logos created by five

experienced designers. Each designer will be provided with your

specifications and wishes and will arrive at a unique design created

especially for you.

We never use clip art or take design shortcuts when we design logos

for our clients. Each designer begins by hand-drawing a logo. The

logo is then refined and color is added. Finally, the designs are

transferred to the computer where we will put the finishing touches on

them before we present them to you.

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Once you receive your logos, you can choose a favorite or work with

the designers to refine the logos based on your feedback. You can

even combine elements from two or more logos if you want to. We

will give you as much time as you need – and do as many revisions

as are necessary – to ensure that your logo is exactly right.

When we present the logo to you, we give it to you in multiple formats

so you can easily use it anywhere you want. We will automatically

include the following formats:




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The EPS format is the format that will allow you or your printer to alter

the logo in Adobe Illustrator so the quality of your logo will NEVER

suffer. You will be assured that you will always get a beautiful and

crisp image. If you need other file formats in addition to the six listed

above, all you have to do is let us know and we will do our best to

provide them.

We offer affordable prices for logo design and (if you choose)

printing. You can choose from several packages depending upon

your needs.

Last but not least, remember that we always offer a 90-day money-

back guarantee. If at any time during the 90 days following your order

you decide that you don’t want to work with us, we will return your

money quickly and with no questions asked.

All of these qualities are what make The Logo Company unique. We never

settle for second best. We will get your initial designs to you within three

business days of your order, and all changes will be delivered within two

business days. You will never have to worry where you stand because we

will respond quickly and professionally to every inquiry.

What Happens Next?

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I hope that you are as eager to work with The Logo Company as we are to

work with you. Each new client who comes to us represents a design

challenge – one that we want to embrace. Our goal is to deliver great

results every single time.

If you would like to take a look at some of our client testimonials, please

click here. We don’t expect you to take our word for the quality and success

of our work. We prefer to let our clients speak for us.

Finally, if you would like to place an order and let us design the perfect logo

to represent you and your business, please click here to go directly to our

order page. You will be asked to complete an order form and answer a few

questions that will help us understand your business and brand. We will

use the information you provide to deliver a minimum of five bespoke logos

within three business days.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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