bribery & corruption in ghana

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Bribery & Corruption In


ByK S Nketiah and E M


Presentation delivered at the GHAFES Mid-Ghana Zonal Conference, Oct 10, 2015

Presentation Outline Definition and Context Forms of Corruption Current State of Corruption in Ghana Effects on Corruption Current Perception of Corruption in Ghana Fighting Corruption and Living a Corruption

Free Life

Definition and Context -1-Bribery“the act of taking or receiving something with the intention of influencing the recipient in some way favourable to the party providing the incentive”(Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Definition and Context -2-Corruption“the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”(Transparency International, 2011)

For every act of bribery, there is corruption but not all acts of corruption involves bribes.

There are several forms of corruptions

Forms of Corruption -1-Bribery Fraud

Forms of Corruption -2-Nepotism Extortion

Current State of Corruption in Ghana -1-

Globally, Ghana ranks 61st with a score of 48% in the latest corruption perception index (Transparency International).

Corruption in prevalent at every level of government (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary) and in every sector of the economy: medical, forestry, agricultural, education, etc. (Agbodohu and Churchill).

Current State of Corruption in Ghana -2-

Gargantuan Judgment Debts: Woyome Case – GHS 51.2 m

Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) Saga $ 2m

National Service Ghost Names GHS 86.9m

Police Service (No research has attempted to quantify this), etc.

Current State of Corruption in Ghana -3-

Men at Work? Pay or you’ll go to prison

Current Perception of Corruption in Ghana

Corruption is becoming systemic in Ghana i.e. it is perceived as normal act.

Most people are either complicit or unconcerned about acts of corruption around them.

Effects of Corruption“When public money is stolen for private gain, it means fewer resources to build schools, hospitals, roads and water treatment facilities. When foreign aid is diverted into private bank accounts, major infrastructure projects come to a halt. Corruption enables fake or substandard medicines to be dumped on the market, and hazardous waste to be dumped in landfill sites and in oceans. The vulnerable suffer first and worst” (Ban Ki Moon, 2009)

Fighting Corruption -1- Leadership - for proper house cleaning and

repairs, it is a good idea to begin by fixing the roof

Credibility – States must be able to prosecute perpetrators of corrupt to serve as deterrent to others

Participation – All citizens must be willing to root out corrupt at all level

Fighting Corruption -2- Responsible Press – to gather, analyse,

organize, present and disseminate information is vital to create greater public awareness and to provide the momentum for undertaking reforms to overcome corruption.

Institutional Reforms - improving the legal framework; promoting the efficiency of the police force, etc.

Fighting Corruption -3-

Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism (Joe Biden)

Living a Life Integrity Find Contentment: “He who has love for sliver never has enough silver, or he who has love for wealth, enough profit. This again is to no purpose” (Eccl. 5: 11). Study the Bible“Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man whose ways are corrupt” (Pro 28:6) Focus on Salvation and Denounce what is wrong"Until I Expire I Shall Not Take Away My Integrity!" (Job 1:1-2:10; Daniel 6:1-28)“Do not model your behaviour on the contemporary world.”—(Romans 12:2).

Conclusion Corruption is abusing power for personal

gains. Bribery is just one of the numerous forms of

corruption. Corruption pose a grave challenge to

economic development. You have a key role to play in curbing

corruption. Salvation should be your ultimate goal, not


References Mauro, Paolo, 1998. “Corruption: causes,

consequences and agenda for further research”, IMF/World Bank, Finance and Development, 35(1): 13.

Transparency International, 2015. Corruption Perceptions Index. Berlin.

William Agbodohu, Ransford Quarmyne Churchill. Corruption in Ghana: Causes, Consequences and Cures. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 1, 2014.

World Bank, 1998. World Development Report 1998. New York, Oxford University Press.

Thank You

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