bringing your mind online

Post on 04-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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Your mind and thus your life also work in this exact same manner. When you’re mind into being is in a state of growth and expansion, you naturally make decisions that are in alignment with that mode. This is when absolutely anything can in the world is your oyster but as we inevitably take hits we have a tendency to get locked down and trapped in protection mode.


Bringing your mind online

Everything that is alive on this planet works in 2 different modes; growth or protection and it is impossible to be in both modes at the same time. Everything from the salves your body is made up of all the way up to the very universe we live in is either in the mode of growth and expansion or a mode of protection and digression.

Everything on this planet works in 2 different modes, the duality of life is all around us at all times. Day implies night, light implies dark, life implies death… hot implies cold and you get what I’m talking about by now.

Your mind and thus your life also work in this exact same manner. When you’re mind and being is in a state of growth and expansion, you naturally make decisions that are in alignment with that mode. This is when absolutely anything can in the world is your oyster but as we inevitably take hits we have a tendency to get locked down and trapped in protection mode. Protection mode is dangerous because everything on this planet that is not growing is going… everything on this planet is not moving, evolving and progressing is stagnant, digressing and dying.

To be exact these 2 modes of operation that we create our reality from our called faith and fear. Every decision we make, every word and every thought we entertain is in alignment with Faith or fear consciousness coming straight from the deepest levels of our being.Byron Rodgers

When it comes to this the mind is like a computer, when we are in a mode of fear, logic or protection we do what we understand and what makes sense based on our level of experience and the information we have readily available to us. This is much like using your computer and all the software that comes with it. You can do some amazing things using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In fact these programs are very necessary to do most of the things you will need your computer for over the period of time you’ll need it. However your computer is capable of doing so much more.

Byron Rodgers

When your mind will and being is aligned with faith consciousness you are now able to tap into the field of infinite intelligence that is all around us and that is here for us.

How do all great things that have been achieved by human beings get done? Is it not always by faith 1st through vision and then secondly through consistent action does a man or woman navigate the arduous, painful and tumultuous path long enough to persevere until success is achieved?

As human beings we are involved in the only thing that truly matters, reality creation and as you learn to live and walk by faith while understanding your purpose you will be able to get on the road to your destiny.

When your mind is aligned with faith consciousness it is like bringing your mind online and bringing your computer onto the Internet. Because now you can access your inspiration, your intuition and your serendipity.

Look around the room that you’re sitting in and realize that everything within your presence has been created to times, once in the conceptual world of the mind and then brought into the physical reality that you exist in right now. If it weren’t for people of faith in themselves and their ideas you would be sitting in an empty room right now. If it weren’t for people who were willing to get inspired and to do something with that inspiration mankind would not be even half of what it is today.

Byron Rodgers

Find your purpose live with passion reach your destiny!When you learn to believe in yourself and get in the loop of your higher levels of consciousness you will bring your mind online and unlock your true power.

ThanksDo you ever feel that your life was supposed to be different … that there are two versions of you, one that IS … and one that SHOULD HAVE BEEN?

Byron Rodgers can show you how to transition from what IS to what SHOULD BE for you and your life’s path. You already inherently know that your life can be different. Byron Rodgers helps you pull that inner knowing to the surface to create the future you absolutely want.

CONTACT: 844-801- 4203

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