brochure pt mba 20110713 vlerick

Post on 30-Sep-2014






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Vlerick Executive MBA 2012Part-time or Modular Master of Business Administration








The School’s rather unusual name – Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School – is the result of a partnership between the former De Vlerick School voor Management, the K.U.Leuven, and Ghent University. Professor André Vlerick (1919-1990) was a successful banker, politician and academic, who laid the foundations of the School in 1953. He was Minister of the Economy, and is widely credited with managing the development of the Belgian economy to its current position as one of the most dynamic in the world. His legacy forms the basis of the School’s endowments and his spirit lives on in the School’s values.

What’s in a Name

Welcome from the Dean 3Why take a Master of Business Administration (MBA)? 4 Part-time or Modular MBA? 5Programme Description Part-time MBA 6Programme Description Modular MBA 8Admission & Application Requirements 10Fees 12Why the Vlerick MBA? 13 A dynamic approach 13 A diverse student body 14 Business project 16 International study trip 17 Networking opportunities 18 Outstanding research and teaching quality 19Vlerick Graduate wins ‘Battle of Talents’ 20Best female entrepreneur of the year 2011 21Rankings & Accreditations 24Corporate Partnerships 25Meet Us 27

Ghent Campus

Welcome from the Dean

Prof Dr Philippe Haspeslagh• MBA(1977)andDBA(1983)fromHarvardBusiness


• FormerFacultymemberandDirectorofthe


Issues in M&A programme at INSEAD Business School


• EntrepreneurandChairman&BoardMemberof

several listed and unlisted companies

• DeanofVlerickLeuvenGentManagementSchool

(2008-) 3

As a leading Business School in the heart of Europe, and one of the first with triple accreditation (AMBA, AACSB and Equis), we offer a high-quality solution to your personal and career development needs.

We pride ourselves in being close to business, attentive to your needs, and professional in delivery. At the same time as an academic institution we believe sound theory can be eminently practical. Our lecturers teach from own research findings, developed through both academic research and the many research for business partnerships Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School has developed with leading edge companies.

This brochure highlights our Part-time and Modular Executive MBA Programmes, which are purposely designed to allow you to combine your studies with a full-time career. The two different programme formats offer you a choice in terms of campus and class schedule. Whilst we obviously take pride in the content and quality of the teaching, we know that our Executive MBA is as much an opportunity for self-reflection and taking stock before engaging in the next phase of your career. It is also a unique opportunity to build a lifelong peer network of successful professionals.

We are constantly seeking to improve our offering. This year for example we are adding a personal development track with 360° feedback to the programme, and are also offering placement support to self-funding students. I hope you decide to join us in the renovated and resolutely modern environment of our Ghent and Leuven Campuses. Our faculty and staff are ready to challenge your thinking, foster your learning, and engage with you on an individual level. We look forward to being your partner in this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Prof Dr Philippe HaspeslaghDean, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School


1. Developing a global view The MBA is a generalist programme, providing a

helicopter view on all aspects of management. It helps you understand what a business is all about and gives you new perspectives to supplement your own expertise. You broaden your mind with the big picture.

2. Accelerating your career track An MBA challenges you to move beyond your

comfort zone and take on new responsibilities. It gives you the self-confidence to change your career track, to lead a team, to take on managerial responsibilities, or to start your own business. You take on new challenges.

3. Bringing best practices and new ideas to your organisation

An MBA provides you with tools to do your job even better and make more insightful, well-founded decisions. Throughout the programme, you are encouraged to apply theoretical concepts and models to your own professional environment. You improve your effectiveness.

4. Expanding your network You meet new people with similar interests and

a variety of backgrounds. An MBA offers unique networking opportunities, which often result in lasting professional and personal relationships. An MBA is just the beginning.

Why take a Master of Business Administration (MBA)?There are countless reasons for taking an MBA. The four reasons that are most often cited by our MBA participants are:


Meet a fascinating mix of people with a variety of backgrounds


The Part-time MBA Programme

in Ghent was the most practical for

me for several reasons: it was close to

my workplace, and I could integrate

the MBA course work into my normal

working hours. This gave me some

free time on the weekends, as well as

the chance to travel on business to

the Middle East.

In my opinion, the Vlerick Modular

MBA delivers exactly what it promises:

highly practical information delivered by

great professors with hands-on industry

experience, lively class discussions and

challenging group work that enables us

to share our knowledge and experience.

The programme’s schedule - with weekend

sessions and 4 full resi dential weeks - is

another important advantage, as it

minimises disruptions to work and

personal pursuits.

Tony Nawar (Lebanon) - Part-time MBA 2010Market Manager, Milliken Europe

Julia Mikerova (Russia) - Modular MBA 2010Head of Consulting, OCO Global

Part-time or Modular MBA?

More testimonials:


The Part-time MBA enables you to earn an MBA degree while you continue to work full-time. New (first-year) programme participants join a group of students who have already completed one year of the programme and are in their second year. The programme runs from early September to early July for two years. There are 9 hours of class each week, which are spread over 2 days.


The Modular MBA Programme enables you to earn an MBA degree while you continue to work full-time. The programme covers a period of 18 months, starting in January and finishing in July of the next year. Classes are scheduled every third weekend and on 4 additional residential weeks.



Part-time MBA: spread over 2 years At the start of each year, you first go through a series of introductory courses, which are designed to refresh or introduce the basic knowledge required to effectively follow the core module. Afterwards, each year kicks off with a 2-day opening seminar on social and interaction skills or industrial and organisational psychology.

The core module addresses the full range of management disciplines, divided over the 2 years. Classes alternate with various exercises and games throughout the programme, and in the first year there is a 1-week study trip abroad. At regular intervals, you are assessed through a mix of exams, papers, case discussions and presentations. The programme culminates with the in-company project, in which you tackle a business issue within your own company by integrating and applying what you have learned during the programme. At the end of your journey, you receive a well-deserved MBA degree from Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

AttendanceThe School pays a lot of attention to class interaction and group dynamics. For this reason, students are required to attend minimum 80% of all classes in order to graduate.

Programme Description Part-time MBA


INTRODUCTION MODULEEarly-September to mid-October

OPENING SEMINAR2 days, mid-October

CORE MODULEMid-October to end June




Year A




•InternationalBusinessinContext (international study trip - first year)



Ghent Campus• Mondays: 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm Tuesdays: 2.30 pm - 6.00 pm 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm• Thursdays: 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm Fridays: 2.30 pm - 6.00 pm 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm

Leuven Campus• Thursdays: 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm Fridays: 2.30 pm - 6.00 pm 7.00 pm - 10.30 pm

Certain courses and the residential parts of the programme, may include days outside the regular class schedule. These dates are communicated well in advance. The programme starts in the first week of September.

INTRODUCTION MODULEEarly-September to mid-October

OPENING SEMINAR2 days, mid-October

CORE MODULEMid-October to end June




Year B




•InternationalBusinessinContext (international study trip - first year)


Class Schedules


Programme Description Modular MBA

Modular MBA: spread over 18 months At the start in January, you first go through a series of introductory courses, which are designed to refresh the basic knowledge required to effectively follow the core module. After that, you move on to the regular courses during the weekend modules and seminars on social and interaction skills, leadership skills and management integration during the residential weeks.

The core modules address the full range of management disciplines, divided over the 18-month period. Classes alternate with various exercises and games throughout the programme, and in the first year there is a 1-week study trip abroad. At regular intervals, you are assessed through a mix of exams, papers, case discussions and presentations.

The programme culminates with the in-company project, in which you tackle a business issue within your own company by integrating and applying what you have learned during the programme. At the end of your journey, you receive a well-deserved MBA degree from Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

AttendanceThe School pays a lot of attention to class interaction and group dynamics. For this reason, students are required to attend minimum 80% of all classes in order to graduate.


INTRODUCTION MODULE (January - March 2012)

CORE MODULE 1 (March - December 2012)

CORE MODULE 2 (January - July 2013)

OPENING SEMINAR (residential week January 2012)









Class Schedule Modular MBA 2012-2013

January February MarchM 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26

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April May JuneM 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

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January FebruaryM 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25

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May JuneM 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24

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2012 2013

• Class weekend • Residential week • 1 week international study trip • Graduation


Admission & Application Requirements

Basic requirements before applying:

1. Hold a university degree (*) You must hold an academic degree (at least 3 years

normal study duration, minimum 180 ECTS credits) from an academic institution that is recognised by the relevant authorities of the institution’s home country.

(*) Applicants who hold a 3- or 4-year professional degree are also eligible, provided they have good GMAT scores (min 550) in addition to the other requirements.

2. Have at least 3 years of full-time working experience after graduation

You should have an excellent professional history, with at least 3 years of business-related experience.

3. Pass the admissions process You can apply for admission in one of two

equivalent ways: • Anon-campusassessmentor • Adistanceassessment

The admissions process is highly selective and strives to build a diverse and ambitious class. Applications are processed on a rolling basis through our online application system. Since the number of places available in each programme is limited, we strongly recommend applying early.

O RApplication Routes

On-Campus Assessment Procedure

The on-campus admissions test is administered on several fixed dates during the year. It consists of four parts:

1. Analytical testThe analytical test assesses your ability to recognise, understand and apply mathematical and statistical reasoning. The test is designed to assess higher level numerical skills involving deduction, interpretation and evaluation. You do not need to prepare for this test.

2. Written testThe written test assesses your comprehension and writing skills in English. You are requested to write a structured summary of, and comment on, a business article that is read aloud.

3. Knowledge/Management potential interviewIn this interview the jury will assess your oral English language skills as well as your knowledge of current events and the socio-economic environment (e.g. Financial Times, The Economist, CNN, Business Week).

4. Motivation interviewThe motivation interview probes your motivation to attend the programme, your background, your interest in management sciences, and your insight into your own personal strengths and weaknesses. The jury also assesses your communication skills: i.e., the way you express yourself during the interview.


The on-campus procedure:

1. Start your application online at:

2. Select the admission test date of your choice: • Wednesday26October2011,LeuvenCampus • Wednesday14December2011,GhentCampus • Tuesday21February2012,LeuvenCampus • Wednesday4April2012,GhentCampus • Tuesday10July2012,GhentCampus • Tuesday28August2012,GhentCampus

3. Complete the application form and submit it at least 3 weeks before your chosen test date.

The distance procedure:

1. Start your application online at apply.vlerick.com2. Complete the application form and upload all required

documents.3. Submit before: •31October2011fortheModularMBA •31July2012forthePart-timeMBA

How to apply

O RApplication Routes

Distance Assessment Procedure

To apply through the distance procedure, you must:

1. Take the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)The GMAT is a standardised test that is generally used by business schools worldwide to assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced business studies. It measures your verbal, mathematical and analytical writing skills.

• WerequireaGMATscoreofatleast550 (with percentile scores of 50% for both the verbal and quantitative parts).

• GeneralinformationonGMATfeesandtestprocedures can be found at:

2. Take an English Language TestAll applicants are requested to take an English language test, except for native English speakers and applicants who have completed their entire undergraduate education in English.

• WerequireeitheraTOEFLscoreof100(internet-based) or 600 (paper-based), a IELTS score (minimum band 6,5) or a PTE Academic score (minimum 68).

• GeneralinformationonTOEFL,IELTSorPTEAcademicfees and test procedures can be found at:, or


Programme fee

The tuition fee is split into 2 parts: a first part of €17,500 must be paid before the start of the programme, and a second part of €13,000 must be paid before the start of the second year.

For both programmes, this fee includes costs for books,course materials, use of computers and accommodation for the international trip.

CateringGiven the fact that our students usually come to the campus straight from work or spend full days on campus, we provide a hot meal or sandwiches.


Financial support

LoansSelf-sponsored candidates can apply for a loan from KBC or from their local bank to (partially) finance the programme.

Educational leaveThe Executive MBA Programmes are elegible for educational leave. More info:

Education vouchersAvailable for self-sponsored candidates only. Application for these vouchers is possible until 2 months after the start date of the programme.

More info: (Dutch site)

Subsidy by the Flemish GovernmentThe Flemish Government provides subsidies under a new regulation called KMO-Portefeuille, which applies to SMEs with no more than 250 employees. Under very strict conditions, these subsidies can be used to partially pay for Vlerick educational programmes. More info: (Dutch site).

SMEs located in the Brussels Region can also benefit from subsidies. More info:

Well-equipped campuses


1. A dynamic approach

Our faculty stimulates teamwork and active participation in class. You will learn as much from your peers as you will from our faculty. Many lectures are built on real company cases or testimonials from entrepreneurs and business leaders from a wide variety of companies. You will learn to write a business plan and take part in a challenging competition through business games and simulations.

Why the Vlerick MBA?

Our 2011 students received guest lectures from:

Ackermans & van Haaren, Allen & Overy, Barco, Bekaert, Claeys & Engels, Crop’s, DAF Trucks, Deloitte, DHL, EOI Academy, Equazion, EU Commission, Hudson, Insites, Kipling, KULeuven, Philips, Piramide, Right Brain Interface, Umicore, University of Stellenbosch Business School, Vandemoortele

Choosing the Vlerick MBA means making a long-term investment in your career. Our programmes have 6 primary assets that distinguish us from others and assure you of an investment well made.

> Practice-based

> Intensive training in management skills

> Teamwork and multidisciplinarity

> International perspective and networking

> Different MBA programme formats


A dynamic approach


2. A diverse student body

Our MBA Programmes attract students with very diverse backgrounds. The rich contrasts in business and social cultures add to the entire educational experience and result in a very ambitious and challenging class.

Part-time MBA

Professional background of 2011 students

• Economics - 23%

• Engineering - 49%

• Exact Sciences - 12%

• Law - 6%

• Medicine - 6%

• Philology - 4%

• Banking/Finance/Insurance - 11%

• Consultancy/Corporate & Professional Services - 8%

• Consumer Products/Luxury Goods - 12%

• Energy/Petroleum/Clean Tech - 6%

• FMCG - 5%

• Industry/Engineering - 17%

• IT/Telecom/Media - 19%

• Non-Profit/Public Sector - 5%

• Other - 4%

• Pharma/Biotech/Healthcare - 13%

Student body in 2011

Academic background of 2011 students

Nationalities of 2011 students

The Part-time and Modular MBA 2011 students came from an exciting mix of companies, such as:

AB InBev, Abbott Vascular International, Accenture, AF Widehorn, Alcatel-Lucent Bell, Alural, ArcelorMittal, Ariez Medical Publishing, Arseus Capital, Atlas Copco Airpower, Barco, Barry Callebaut, Berner Group, BMW Group Belux, BNP Paribas Fortis, Campbell’s Europe, Cargolux, Cartamundi, Catalent Pharma Solutions, Caterpillar, Chemical Marketing Company, Cid Lines, Cisco Systems, Inc., Colruyt, Dentsu, Dexia Bank, Dredging International, Dun & Bradstreet Belgium, Elia, Ericsson, Ernst & Young, Eurocontrol, Febaco, FedEx Express, Ford Motor Company, GDF Suez, Group Maes, IMEC, ING Belgium, Johnson & Johnson Medical, KBC Securities, Keppel Seghers Belgium, Kraft Foods, Levi Strauss, Milliken Europe, Mobistar, Ortho Group, Pfizer Manufacturing, Roche Diagnostics, S & V Management Consultants, Scandinavian Tobacco Group Houthalen, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Sony Europe, SWIFT, Tessenderlo Group, The Rezidor Hotel Group, Thomas Cook, ThromboGenics, TNT Express, TomTom, Toyota Europe, Umicore, Web Retail Company

Belgian, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Colombian, Dutch, French, Indian, Italian, Korean, Lebanese, Portuguese, Serb, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Swiss, Tunesian, Turkish

Average age 32.7

Average work experience 9 years

International students 18.3%

Total number of students 142

ModularProfessional background 2010

Modular Academic background 2010

Part-timeProfessional background 2010

Part-time Academic background 2010

ModularProfessional background 2010

Modular Academic background 2010

Part-timeProfessional background 2010

Part-time Academic background 2010


Modular MBA

Professional background of 2011 students

• Economics - 20%

• Engineering - 44%

• Exact Sciences - 12%

• Law - 8%

• Medicine - 4%

• Philology - 8%

• Psychology - 4%

• Consulting/Corporate & Professional Services - 12%

• Consumer Products/Luxury Goods - 8%

• Energy/Petroleum/Clean Tech - 16%

• FMCG - 4%

• Industry/Engineering - 12%

• IT/Telecom/Media - 28%

• Other - 12%

• Pharma/Biotech/Healthcare - 8%

Academic background of 2011 students

Student body in 2011 Nationalities of 2011 students

American, Belgian, British, Colombian, Dutch, French, German, Indian, Greek, Irish, Italian, Korean, Pakistani, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, TurkishAverage age 35

Average work experience 10 years

International students 44%

Total number of students 37


ModularProfessional background 2010

Modular Academic background 2010

Part-timeProfessional background 2010

Part-time Academic background 2010

ModularProfessional background 2010

Modular Academic background 2010

Part-timeProfessional background 2010

Part-time Academic background 2010

Gathering in-depth knowledge


3. Business project

The business project challenges you to apply the theoretical concepts and models you have acquired during the programme to a real business problem. Specifically, the objective of the in-company project is for you to develop a ready-for-use solution to a specific management challenge in your own company or to design a ready-for-implementation business plan. Needless to say, if you receive financial support for your MBA from your company, this project offers you the ideal opportunity to give your company good return on investment.

The business project kicks off in the first year, when you submit a project proposal and are assigned a Vlerick supervisor who will coach you throughout the project. At the end of the programme, based on a written report and an oral presentation, the quality and usability of your analysis and recommendations are assessed by a jury of both academics and representatives from your company.

The very purpose of an in-company project (ICP) is to

transfer knowledge to the MBA participant’s personal work

context. The result of the ICP is not so much a master’s

thesis, but much more an internal Management Consultancy

Report. The ICP gives the MBA participant the opportunity to

put into practice - on a real business case - what he or she

has learned in class. In this way, it also serves as a kind of

ROI for the company. People who take the MBA indepen-

dently can make a comprehensive Business Plan – many

participants have started their own businesses based on the

plans they developed in the ICP. The deliverable for the

in-company project is twofold: in addition to formally

drawing up their report, the participants defend their work

in front of a jury, which is our best simulation of the ‘Board


a short Q&A, you get a ‘yes’ or you don’t. In this respect, the

in-company project can be seen as the ‘icing on the cake’ of

the MBA experience.

Prof Dr Dirk Buyens, Academic Dean, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School


More testimonials:

I particularly enjoyed the inter na tion al study

trip to Stellenbosch University in South Africa. The

lectures and company visits were exciting and opened

our eyes to how to do business in that part of the

world. By travelling to another country during this

programme, MBA students are introduced to new

opportunities that they would never be aware of by

staying in their own country. Plus, having students

taking different Vlerick MBA Programmes, coming

together at one of the international study trip

destinations (Mumbai, Beijing, New York, etc.) really

adds to the quality of the MBA Programme – it is an

exciting mix of people with different nationalities,

backgrounds, viewpoints, etc.

Kurt Melens (Belgium) - Part-time MBA 2011 General Manager, NTGENT


4. International study trip

In April, you embark on a 1-week study trip abroad, which is hosted by a local business school. Depending on your business interest, you can choose from destinations such as: St. Petersburg (Russia), New York (United States), Mumbai (India), Stellenbosch (South Africa) and Beijing (China).

During the trip, you are offered a combination of lectures, plant visits, sightseeing and networking sessions with other students and Vlerick alumni abroad.

Study trip to New York


5. Networking opportunities

The worldwide Vlerick alumni network unites over 14,000 graduates, spread over more than 100 countries.From the moment that you start the programme, you are considered an “alumnus-in-waiting” and you immediately benefit from a members-only package which includes free access to many debates and networking events, free access to the complete alumni database.

The alumni association offers a broad platform of private and professional contacts who frequently call upon the School for recruitment services and in-company projects. The alumni remain closely involved in the School’s activities as members of the Board of Directors, as guest speakers, or as jury members at the admission tests for our MBA and Masters Programmes.

Networking at Vlerick Alumni events


Our faculty members are not just academics. True, they all hold PhD degrees, but the majority of them have also gained managerial experience in a range of international environments. Our faculty conduct practice-based research in cooperation with a variety of companies, and they publish in top academic journals. Based on this research, they develop case studies that are used as teaching material in our programmes.

Furthermore, not only will you learn from our faculty, you will also learn from your fellow students. Through interactive teaching and teamwork, our faculty are expert at stimulating our students to participate and share their views. Thanks to our high admissions standards, we pride ourselves on the quality of our students, all of whom have excellent academic and professional backgrounds.

• ProfHansCrijns(TheNetherlands) Professor of Entrepreneurship Former President of the European Council for

Small Business (ECSB)• ProfDrNigelRoome(UnitedKingdom) Professor of Business Ethics and CSR PhD in Natural Resource Economics from

Cambridge University• ProfDrMarionDebruyne(Belgium) Professor of Marketing Management PhD in Applied Economics from Ghent University• ProfDrDevaRangarajan(India) Professor of Marketing Management PhD in Marketing from Houston University• ProfDrHansGeeroms(Belgium) Professor of Economics PhD in Economics from the KU Leuven and

Expert to the European Commission• ProfDrCélineLouche(France) Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Erasmus


• ProfDrBehzadSamii(Iran) Professor of Operations Management MBA from Carleton University and PhD in Supply Chain

Management from MIT• ProfDrAndréThibeault(Canada) Professor of Financial Management PhD in Business Administration from University of

Western Ontario• ProfDrDavidVenter(SouthAfrica) Professor of Negotiation Skills Former Director General of the South African

Communication Service• ProfDrAnnVereecke(Belgium) Professor of Management Integration MBA and PhD in Management from Ghent University President of EurOMA• ProfDrVenkatSubramanian(India) Professor of Strategic Management PhD in Management from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)• ProfDrRalfWetzel(Germany) Professor of Management Behaviour, PhD in Business

Administration at Chemnitz University of Technology

Some of our core and visiting faculty

6. Outstanding research and teaching quality

Jurgen De Backer (Belgium) - Part-time MBA 2010Business Development & Marketing Manager, OTIS Belgium

An MBA at Vlerick goes way beyond the standard education

in management-related issues; my two years at Vlerick have also

broadened my managerial skill set and sharpened my analytical

problem-solving capabilities. The efficient implementation of

real-life cases, teamwork and group discussions encouraged me

to apply the knowledge I was gaining in my workplace on almost

a daily basis.

Last year, a number of Vlerick students participated in the first

edition of the ‘Battle of Talents’ competition.

This virtual game presents ambitious MBA students from

different schools with a continuous challenge to analyse

business plans, decide on investments and coach young

entrepreneurs in order to improve their projects.

I am confident that the cross-disciplinary and practice-based

approach of Vlerick was key to my victory in this competition

and I sincerely hope that we can keep the title in Vlerick hands

in the next editions. ”


Vlerick Graduate wins ‘Battle of Talents’


Part-time MBA Programme at Vlerick.

That same year, together with my

fellow student Guido Vandenabeele,

we took over the illuminated

advertising company Elecenter,

which we renamed and reoriented.

This not only turned my entrepre-

neurial dream into reality, it also

laid the foundation for the Sepia

Promotion Group, which has since

developed into a marketing support

firm specialised in promotional

services (Sepia) and visibility

materials (Tinta).


Programme opened my eyes to


Bärbel Buysse – Part-time MBA 2002Managing Partner, Sepia , Tinta Belgium

Vlerick Graduate wins ‘Best female entrepreneur of the year 2011’

Bärbel Buyse, Managing Partner of the SMEs Sepia and Tinta, and Part-time MBA alumna 2002, received the WOMED Award (Women in Enterprise and Development). The award was presented by the Belgian Princess Mathilde.

This prize – awarded annually by Markant, the network of women entrepreneurs – honours the best female entrepreneur of the year and serves as a support and inspiration for all female entrepreneurs. The initiative is conducted in collaboration with Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Unizo, Trends and KBC.



My reason for taking an MBA was the drive to increase my general

knowledge of business and management. I love learning about the business

domains I never get in touch with during my day-to-day job.

A key element of the Vlerick MBA is sharing knowledge and expertise with fellow

students during group activities and classroom sessions. I met participants

with completely different backgrounds who challenged and encouraged me

to look at a business case from different angles. This broadened my business

perspective significantly. Theoretical knowledge is put into practice via

challenging business cases based on real-life situations. The MBA also enabled

me to apply the lessons learned in my company.

One more important point: Vlerick offers a broad alumni network and numerous

alumni events, which give me the opportunity to stay in close touch with my

MBA colleagues and other alumni.

Ellen Vander Elst (Belgium) - Part-time MBA 2010Senior Financial Analyst, Janssen Pharmaceutica

More testimonials:

After 15 years of experience in the

telecom sector, I wanted to go for an MBA

degree at a prestigious business school.

Vlerick’s Modular Programme was a natural

choice for me: sessions every 3rd weekend,

without compromising on my tight work

schedule; a study trip to gain first-hand

insight into how business works in a country

like China, India, Russia, South Africa or the

USA; meeting and networking with highly

experienced professionals from a variety of

sectors. These are just a few of the advantages

that Vlerick offers its MBA students. If you

want to broaden and sharpen your business

skills, don’t hesitate to join a great team and

programme at Vlerick.

Orlin Kolesnikov (Bulgaria) - Modular MBA 2011Service Delivery Manager, Ericsson


I always knew that I would pursue an

MBA in a first-class management school –

and Vlerick was well-positioned on my radar

with its excellent reputation and extensive

network. As my career has progressed, I’ve

encountered more and more challenges in

business management and strategy. I realised

that Vlerick would be the place to be to round

out my management knowledge and skills.

When the time was right, I enrolled in the

programme. I entered the programme with a

lot of questions and very high expectations.

I must say I’m very satisfied that many of my

questions are systematically analysed and

answered by great professors and through

interactive discussions with the other


It’s an immense learning experience – in

particular, I’m being enriched with insights

into a wide range of knowledge domains

as well as industry sectors I’ve had little

experience with before. The international

study trip to Cape Town was a fantastic

learning experience too! And I’m very happy

that I can apply the knowledge I’m gaining

almost every day in my job!

I decided to enrol in Vlerick’s Part-time MBA Programme

in order to develop my career and to gain better insight into

the business world. I decided that an MBA would broaden my

academic horizons and accelerate my professional growth in that

direction. Currently I am in the first year of the MBA Programme,

and I’m enjoying it very much! My classmates in the programme

have varied backgrounds, ranging from the financial sector to

biotechnology and IT. This brings several points of view to the

class discussions and keeps the professors on their toes and the

classroom discussions lively. Exposure to people in a variety of

fields is one of the real perks of doing an MBA.

Lei Li (China) - Part-time MBA 2011WW Market Director, Barco

Natalie Picot (Canada) - Part-time MBA, Graduation expected 2012, Project Engineer, 3E

More testimonials:



Rankings & Accreditations


Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School is consistently ranked amongst Europe’s top international business schools and as the No. 1 business school in Belgium. The academic reputation of our MBA and Masters Programmes has been acknowledged by both the Financial Times and the Economist.


Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School is one of a select group of management schools worldwide to hold accreditation from all three of the international quality accreditation bodies: AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS.



Corporate Partnerships

Vlerick has a unique series of partnerships with diverse businesses. In return for an annual payment (with the amount depending on the nature of the relationship), businesses are entitled to participate in

our research, have access to our alumni and graduate population, and demonstrate publicly that they support the work of Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.


The Belgacom Chair ‘Building Organisations that Last’

Joint Chair ‘Doing Business in Europe - the Legal Context’

The Deloitte Chair ‘Bringing ICT to board level’

The Gimv Chair‘Private Equity’

Bosal Chair ‘Doing Business in Europe - Doing Business in South Africa’

The Swift Chair ‘Market-Driven Innovation’

The Autonomous Management School of Ghent University and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The Autonomous Management School of Ghent University and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

The Eandis Chair ‘Resilient Supply Chains’

The BNP Paribas Fortis Chair‘Internet Banking’


Prime Foundation Partners

Knowledge Partners

Talent Partners

Campus Partners


Info Sessions

We organise info sessions at regular intervals on our campuses in Leuven and Ghent. During those sessions you can visit our campus and talk to current students and programme staff.

Prof Dr Koen DewettinckProgramme Director Part-time and Modular MBAGhent Campus

Sarah VerhaegheProgramme ManagerPart-time Executive MBA GhentT: + 32 9 210 92

Contact us

If you would like to attend a class, please contact us to schedule your visit. Our programmes are run by a team of dedicated programme staff.

These people will support you throughout the year and are always available if you need help.

Info Session Dates:

• Thursday,13October2011,LeuvenCampus,7.30pm• Thursday,29March2012,GhentCampus,7.30pm• Tuesday,8May2012,GhentCampus,7.30pm• Tuesday,12June2012,GhentCampus,7.30pm More info:

Meet Us

Programme Management

Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School

Leuven CampusVlamingenstraat 833000 Leuven, Belgium

Ghent CampusReep 19000 Ghent, Belgium

St. Petersburg CampusBirzhevaya Liniya 16St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia


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