brochure spanish program, eafit university

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Here is information about the Spanish for Foreigners Programa at EAFIT Univesity in Medellin, Colombia.


Internationally accredited by:DELE exam center



for Spanish proficiencyA world class program


Welcome!A warm welcome awaits international students at EAFIT University in Medellín. People come from all over the world seeking a place to learn Spanish at an affordable price and in a comfortable environment; a place where beauty and excellence come together.

• Class sizes between 2 and 9 students, guaranteesparticipantsindividualizedattentionfrominstructors.

• Ahighly qualified teaching staff that hold advanced

degrees in education and have extensive experience working with international students.

• A Conversation Partner Program that provides its

participants with the opportunity to practice the language with native speakers on a one-to-one basis.At thesame time,studentsmeeta varietyofpeople,andhavetheopportunitytoattendundergradclasses.

• Cultural Orientation programs that familiarizeparticipants with Colombia’s diverse culture.

• Extra curricular activities such as swimming,football,rugby,music,theater,concerts,etc.

• Fullaccesstothefacilitiesandresourcesofaprivate

university:sportsfields,alanguagelaboratory,theuniversity library and a 600-seat auditorium.

• Auniversitycampuslocatedinacitylargeenoughto

offer a variety of activities where students can easily becomeacquaintedwith theColombiancultureandits people.

• Classes in an undergraduate and graduate

environment allows students to experience a Colombian university firsthand.

We invite YOU to become part of EAFIT University’sinternational community.



1. Medellín

The city of eternal springFounded in 1675, Medellín is the urban heart of ametropolitan area set in a large valley. At 1,538 mts.(over5000ft)abovesealevel,itswonderfulyear-roundclimate of 24°C (76°F) has earned its international recognition as the ‘City of Eternal Spring’. Medellín is a green city, with well-designed streets and avenuesadornedwithmanykindsoftrees,includingfruittrees,which give shelter to more than 150 different species of birds. It has a rail-based mass transit system (the Metro) that crosses the city from north to south and from east to west. This modern means of transportation is, atpresent, a one-of-a-kind in Colombia and an exampleto the entireworld in regard to order, cleanliness andsafety. The local public utilities are the best in South America, with a 98% coverage provided by EmpresasPublicas de Medellín (the municipally-owned multiple utilitycompany),proudlystandingoutasoneofthebestin both North and South America.

People from the Medellín metropolitan area and surroundings are hospitable by nature – this is the great quality perceived by those who enjoy the privilege of visiting the city.

Medellin’s sophisticated system for collecting and treating home and industrial waste water ranks third behind Monterrey (Mexico) and Sao Paulo (Brazil) forenvironmental sanitation in Latin America.

Throughoutthecity smallsandfactoryoutlets,onecaneasilyfindreasonablypricedtextiles,qualityshoesandclothing of varied design. For this reason,Medellín is considered the fashion capital of Colombia.

Medellin is also a city with a large number of tourist attractions. There are a great number of hotels, and aconvention center where important events such as the fashion fair and the book fair are held every year. The downtown area has been renovated and developed into whatisnowcalled“BoteroCity”.Manytouristsvisit“PlazaBotero” to see the numerous statues world renowned artist Fernando Botero graciously donated to the city.


2. EAFIT University

It is a private university well known in Colombia for its faculties in Management, Engineering, Scienceand Humanities. With over 12,000 students, thecampus offers different environments for learning and recreation. The University has an infrastructure that supports research as well as educational and cultural activities.TheFounder’sAuditorium,LabCenterandthe“Luis Echavarría Villegas” modern library (,greatlyreflectEAFIT’sdeterminationto establish itself as a center of knowledge and culture inthecity.Infact,EAFIT sSymphonicOrchestraandart

The most important tourist event of the year is the flowerfestival.ThehighlightofthisistheparadeoftheSilleteros, where flower growers from the rural areasaround Medellín createtheSILLETA,aheavychair-likestructure with an intricate flower arrangement madeto be carried on a person’s back. The bearers parade through the streets exhibiting their creative art.

People from all around the Medellín region are renowned for their natural hospitality – something greatly enjoyed by those privileged enough to visit the city.

exhibits show how it contributes to the development of arts in Colombia as a whole.

The University’s place in cultural and social progress has fostered the creation of new academic spaces that respondtoColombianneedswithinaglobalizedworld.Consequently,ithasopenedbranchesinBogotá,Pereiraand Llanogrande, offering graduate and continuingeducationprograms, researchandconsulting servicesknown for their academic excellence.


4. Spanish for Foreigners Program

The EAFIT’s Spanish for Foreigners Program began in 1995 with few occasional students. Through theseyears, it has gained a valuable experience and hasconsolidated its curriculum so that more and more students from different walks of life have learnt to communicate and excell in the Spanish speaking communities. Nowadays, the program receives morethan 500 students a year from more than 60 different countries.

Our program was the first Spanish for foreignersaccredited program in Colombia (2010) by the Instituto Cervantes (Spain) in recognition to:

• Curriculumquality • Teacherstaff • Organization • Resources&location

Founded in 1991, the Language Center is an important part of EAFIT University and responds to its commitment to the Colombian society. It makes part of our Continuing Education Department and offers high quality languageprograms that provide students with optimum learning environment of foreign languages. In addition to the Spanish Program, the LanguageCenter offersEnglish,German,Japanese, French, Italian, Portuguese, Colombian SignLanguage,and,inthenearfuture,Mandarin.

The Center is able to serve a student population of 5,000 with a professional and highly-trained facultyencompassing an academic research and teacher’s training unit, specialized pedagogical resources, andmultimedia labs.

The Direction of Languages is the only institution in ColombiatoholdtheinternationalqualityaccreditationofACCET from the United States.

3.1. Methodology The EAFIT University Language Center adheres to the communicative approach to teaching a language leading totheacquisitionofcommunicativeconfidenceonthepartof the participant. This approach demands an eclectic yet informed use of teaching practices. A foreign or second language is acquired through: comprehensible input,interactionamongtheparticipants,focusonmeaningaswellasonform,useofauthenticmaterials,useoflanguagelearning strategies, recognition of learner differences,creation of language by individuals through trial and error and giving of ample time for cognitive processing of the concepts presented. There will be a strong emphasis on autonomous learning, on the teachingandpracticingoflanguage learning strategies, and on the recognition oflearner differences.

The skills that are developed simultaneously in the program are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.Theareasofgrammar,vocabularyandculturearestudiedand included within the development of these skills.

3. EAFIT Language Center


4.1 Program’s academic curriculum

4.1.1. General objectives

To promote the acquisition of Spanish as a SecondLanguage through the development of oral and written skills by way of a communicative approach. To immerse participants in an authentic University environmentthatallowsthemtoparticipateinacademic,cultural and social activities that will enhance their language learning process. To immerse participants in the local culture.

4.1.2. Levels and courses

The SPANISH PROGRAM is structured around the three levels of proficiency defined by the “Common European Framework”: Basic user, Independent userand proficient user.

BASIC LEVEL: courses 1, 2, 3, 4.At the end of the BASIC LEVEL, foreign students willbe able to comprehend and use the language produced in predictable and controlled social and learning environments aimed at satisfying concrete needs. They willbeabletodescribeexperiencesandevents,dreams,and give reasons and explanations for plans. Students will also be capable of writing personal letters and e-mails as well as understanding standard speech on daily and familiar matters.

INDEPENDENT LEVEL: courses 5, 6, 7, 8, 9AttheendoftheINDEPENDENTLEVEL,participantswillbeabletointeractwithacertaindegreeoffluency,explainaviewpointona topical issue,writeanessayorreport,understand extended speech and lectures and present detailed descriptions.

PROFICIENT LEVEL: Courses 10, 11, 12, DELE Preparation, Spanish for Business. At the end of the PROFICIENT LEVEL, students will beable to understand and produce the language to satisfy the demands of academic and professional environments. They will be able to understand and interpret structurally complex literary and non-literary discourse. They will have an excellent command of idiomatic expressions so as to communicate spontaneously, fluently and with ahigh degree of precision. They will also be expected to maintain a high degree of linguistic accuracy.

CEF EAFIT Course No. hours

Basic user Breakthrough (A1) 1 38

2 38

Waystage (A2) 3 38

4 38

5 38

Independent user

Threshold (B1) 6 38

7 38

Vantage (B2) 8 38

9 38

Proficient user

Effective operational proficiency (C1)

10 38

11 38

12 38

Spanish for business 38

DELE Prepa-ration course 38

Total of hours 532


Our course schedules respond to students’ needs. Soweofferthreepossibilities,accordingtothenumberofhours per week.

Intensive CoursesFour hours a day, Monday through Friday (with a 20minute break). These courses are completed in a two-week period.

Semintensive CoursesTwohoursaday,MondaythroughFriday.Thesecoursesare completed in a four-week period.

*Immersion time may be increased by auditing undergraduate courses on campus (see Complementary Services)

Class hours will also respond to students’ needs and interests. These mostly are:Intensive:8:00to12:00n.Semintensive: 10:00 to 12:00

Conversation PartnerEach student has the opportunity to have a Colombian conversation partner (a University teacher or a student) to practice the language at no extra cost. At least two hours per week are given for this activity.

Multimedia Language LaboratoryThe Language Center has a language laboratory that is availabletoallforeignstudents.Inthisfacility,studentscan find language related software as well as other software that may be used to support classroom activities and complement individual language practice. Besides this,studentscanaccessInternetandcheckemail.

Attending Undergraduate Courses (non-credit)Participants are given the opportunity to attend undergraduatecoursesonano-creditbasis,atnoextracost. The range of courses that students can choose from is based on their language proficiency. Most of the courses available come mainly from the faculty of Social Science and Humanities. Students who have a basic level of proficiency are not able to take advantage of these courses but can take sports or art related courses.

Extracurricular ActivitiesThe Language Center, permanently schedules plannedvisitstomuseums,amusementparks,historicalsitesandother places of general interest at a low cost paid by the student. A guide will be with students at all times. EAFIT University has diverse cultural events, concerts, films,

Students with previous knowledge of Spanish must take a placement test before the registration process begins. This placement is free of charge and does not take part of class time.

5. Placement

6. Course schedules

7. Complementary services

ORIENTATION Upon arriving at EAFIT University to begin the academic program, the participants will receive an orientation session of the Language Center and University campus and will be informed about the facilities available in the city. There will also be information on immigration issues.


Costof living for foreigners isreasonabledueto the lowcostof transportation, foodandshopping in thecity.Thefollowing information can be used as a guide for monthly budgeting (in U.S. Dollars):

fairs,artexhibits,mostofwhicharefreeofchargeforthestudents of the Language Center. Participants may find more complete information in a monthly bulletin called Agenda ( Students are also invited to attend all University sponsored sports events.

Library ServicesToimprovereadingskills,thestudentmayborrowbooksfrom the Central Library at no cost by showing their Language Center Student ID.

BankingEach student will have assistance in opening a bank account in a financial institution located on campus.

Social IntegrationThe Spanish Program at EAFIT also places great importance upon SOCIAL INTEGRATION of its students. There aredifferent activities throughout the courses to allow students to interact with Colombian culture and daily life.

Airport Pick-upUniversity personnel will pick up students at the airport and will serve as mentors for students until they are

properly settled in their housing accommodation. This service has an additional cost of US$ 60.00 and has to be booked before departure from the country of origin.

Student Health ServicesInternational health insurance is required beforedeparture from the country of origin. In addition, afulltime nurse, doctor and dentist are available oncampus several days a week. EAFIT is within a five-minute walking distance from a major clinic if further treatmentisrequired.

HousingThere is no on-campus housing, but modestly-pricedhousing is readily available within walking distance of campus. Many students share apartments with fellow students or find rooms in the homes of Colombian families previously visited by a University member. The student may be provided with a private room and bathroom but meals and laundry services are optional. The LanguageCenter Officewill assist you in locatinghousing that is convenient and affordable. The student is in charge of paying housing costs directly to the landlord.

8. Budgeting



months prior to traveling to Colombia.

•AcopyoftheHEALTHINSURANCEisrequiredfortheadmissions process.



•Astudentvisaisrequiredforforeignersplanningtostayin Colombia for more than three months. If the student planstostayforlessthanthreemonths,itisrequiredthat they obtain a Temporary Visitor’s Stamp (not a

9. Admissions and visa information



Host Family (room + board + laundry) $350 to $550

Host Family (room + laundry) $300 to $450

Furnished Apartment/Flat $800to$1200

Hotel (Breakfast included) $50 to $150

Hostel From $15


University Cafeteria $ 4.50 a meal

Average Fast Food $ 7.00 a meal

Restaurant $15.00 a meal


Buses&MetroTrain $ 2.00 round trip


$ 3.00 short ride

$ 5.00 average ride

$ 15.00 long ride


Medellín-Bogotá-Medellín $200 to $300

Medellín - Cartagena - Medellín $300 to $400

Medellín - San Andrés - Medellín $500 to $600

touristvisa). Ifsuchisthecase, it isrequiredthatthestudent notify the Language Center at EAFIT so that the proper paperwork can be prepared.

•Paymentofadmissioncostorregistration. Afterthestudenthascompletedallthepaperwork,they

must send it with full payment of the program to EAFIT’s localbankaffiliate.Ifnoaffiliateisavailable,thestudentneeds to send all previously mentioned information to the EAFIT e-mail address. Without the payment being processed, the applicant cannot being the course.

Student temporary visaToobtain thestudent visa in their countryoforigin, thestudents will need the following:


I have been studying Spanish for that last three months in EAIFT: fairly a long time but I have liked it all. The university’s “Centro de Idiomas” has well prepared innovative and flexible instructors or professors wellput and personnel. This is a power house for any study of a language.

TheSpanishclassesarepersonalized,thereforeprovidingthe possibility to learn fast and have a one to one contact with the professors. The center personnel also have a veryprofessionalapproach,whichinturncreatesaveryconducive environment for foreigners and all those that visit the center. Interaction (subordinate, students, andprofessors) at the language center is another advantage for those that are learning as they have the possibility to meet and talk to the natives. This makes it possible to practice what one learns in the class.

The physical facilities at the university campus are well developed and I guess are in tune with world standards. The university has a library, bookstores, restaurants,sporting,internet,bankingfacilitiesofferedatthereachof the students. The location for the university is also strategic transport wise – one has the possibility to use thebus,metroortaxi–anditisallatawalkingdistance.Medellin as a city is friendly and welcoming. The people ingeneralaregenerous,openandassistwherepossible.

Inconclusion,EAFITLanguageCenterismostlikelyoneof the best language cente rs in Colombia and maybe in the whole of Latin America. Keep up with the standards and aim even higher.

•ACERTIFICATEOFREGISTRATIONwhichtheLanguageCentercansupply,thoughprospectivestudentsshouldsend the registration form in advance.

• The EAFIT University legal document sent with theCertificate of Registration.

10. Fees

11. Reactions from our alumni

For course fees please see the attached page. Fees must be paid in full prior to arrival. The admissions process has a cost of US$50 dollars (non-refundable). Please make a wire transfer for this payment:


NOTEAfter completing a wire transfer, please fax or email EAFIT the name of the student whose payment is being made, the course in which the student has enrolled, and the date the student plans to begin. FAX number (574)

After the student has paid the admission cost, anotherwire transfer can be made to bear the course cost or via web at:

Awiti Maurice, Kenya


At first sight I knew Medellin was where I wanted to spendmysixmonthsinColombia.Itisaclean,moderncity, with great weather, immense culture, incrediblykindpeople,anextensivetransportationsystem,wheresafety isapriority.Uponarrival, I foundthiscity tobeacomfortablelivingenvironment,easytoadjustto,nomatter what country you come from.

Likewise, EAFIT University represents the cultureand future of the country. Its beautiful, fully equippedcampus is ideal for anyone wanting to study in this city. Students from all over the country come to EAFIT due to its elite reputation.

The EAFIT Spanish Program consists of individuals of allages,fromvariousbackgroundswhocometostudySpanish for both professional and personal purposes. This unique program is perfect for anyonewanting tostudySpanishinaflexiblelearningenvironmentcapableof accommodating individuals from novice to advanced levels. Professors use a diverse array of multimedia educational tools and activities rather than standard teachingmethodsusedbyotherprograms.Additionally,EAFITs Spanish Program provides a better return on one’s investment as students are able to utilize allcampus resources available to full-time students at EAFIT University. The program coordinators and language center staff go out of their way to accommodate new students and make sure they enjoy their experience in Medellin as well as EAFITs Spanish Program.

I studied in EAFIT for 6 months and had an excellent time there. I was extremely impressed by the qualityof the teaching and the friendliness of all the staff in the language centre. The university is a very pleasant environment to study and Medellin is an incredible city to live in. I met loads of people and made a lot of friends here who I hope to stay in contact with for a long time to come. I was just sad to have to leave Colombia at the end of my six months!

I crossed the half of the world to come from Russian Siberia to a beautiful city of eternal spring - Medellin. My choice to study Spanish language in EAFIT University was obvious. Only here you can find well structured,flexible Spanish program, experienced teachers andbig library with all the kind of video, audio sourcesabout the language. EAFIT provides many activities for all the students – concerts,workshops, salsa classesand many others. In Medellin I met a lot of people from differentcounties,differentreligionsanddifferentages,but we had one goal in common – we came here to study new language and new culture. This experience is unforgettable and valuable for me.

Diana Ardehali, United States of America Peter Low, England

Svetlana Alashinova, Rusia

12ín, Colombia, South America

For additional information

Spanish Program CoordinatorLanguage Center Universdad EAFIT


Spanish Program Logistic Assistant


Office Hours Monday- Friday

8:00-12:00and14:00-18:00Languages for Attention to students:

English and Spanish

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