brothers conflict v1 ch.1

Post on 08-Nov-2014






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manga novel



Brothers Conflict Volume 1 Chapter 1

This is Kichijoji, the city I will be living in from now on. The place where my new life

will begin.

I was walking towards the residential area of Kichijoji on my way back from school.

"Let's should be straight down this street, it seems."

"Seems like it."

I double checked the map Papa gave me as I quietly conversed with the squirrel, Juri,

whom was riding on my shoulder.

Yup, it seems like it really should be on this street.


If I go straight here, I should be able to see it.

Right now, I am on my way to my new home- the “Asahina” household; a mansion

known as the "Sunrise Residence". The house where unknown heart-pounding

experiences are waiting for me.

"The Onee----Chan standing over there! Get---out---of the---way-!"


I heard a loud voice yell out from behind me.


At the same time, I heard the sound of bike wheels going round and round with great

momentum. The bicycle was imminently coming in my direction.


I quickly dodged the bicycle, but that movement caused me to carelessly stumble and fall

onto the sidewalk.

"I-I'm so, so sorry! O-nee-chan, are you okay!?"

"Y-Yeah....I'm okay."

The boy riding the bike peered at my face with an extremely worried and flustered look.

(Uwaaah, how cute......)

I don't think it would be nice to tease boys by calling them cute aloud though.

But he really is cute.

His short bobbed hair suits him well with its soft and fluffy appearance.

"Oi, oi, oi, Wataru, did you hurt her?"


A gentle man who looked like he was in his late twenties came over.

I wonder if he is this child's.....Wataru-kun's father?

"Are you all right? I'm sorry, my younger brother was misbehaving..... Did you get


"Ah, no.....I'm all right. I only scrapped my knees a little, and there isn't any blood


I was surprised when he called Wataru-kun his younger brother. So this was his older

brother, not his father.

"You did? Let me see where."


"Oh, I'm a doctor, you see. Well, a pediatrician, to be exact. So if you got hurt a little, I'll

exam it."


"I-Is that so? O-Okay......"

Having said that, the older brother intently examines my knees.

S-Somehow, this situation is incredibly embarrassing......!

"Onee-chan, I really am sorry."

"Don't worry about it; it's okay."

The dejected Wataru-kun seems just like a scolded puppy. I can even imagine his floppy

ears tipping down in dejection like a puppy too.

I just couldn’t get angry at this boy

"Yup, doesn't look like there's a problem. There, there. Pain, pain, go away~~."

"Th-......Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

The older brother smiles brightly and extends his hand out to me.

(A large and warm hand......He seems like he could really be my big brother.)

As I gripped his hand, that thought slipped through my mind.

(Even though, I'll be meeting my real "brothers" soon.)


That's right, I'm going to go meet my brothers at my new house now.


"Hm? What is it?"

With a tug-tug, Wataru-kun, who was standing next to me, pulls on my skirt and tries to

hand something to me.

"These are a token of my sorry feelings!"

When I spread out my hand, pieces of candy fell onto it.

"Thank you!"

"Not at all. It was my bad."

"How grown up of you, Wataru~!"



Wataru-kun smiles and laughs as his older brother pats him on the head in a manner that

rustled his hair.

Somehow, it seems like I've met an adorable pair of siblings.

It would be nice if the people who are to become my "siblings" are like Wataru-kun and

his brother.

It was December of last year that my adventurer Papa told me that he was getting

remarried. Since then, it was on March of this year that I met the woman who was to

become my new Mama.

I don't know my real Mama. It seems that she died right after I was born. Papa raised me

as a single father. That same Papa said that he wants me to welcome his new family.

Thus, as his daughter, there's no way I can't support his decision, right?

My new Mama's name is Miwa-san. Despite being a year older than Papa, she is the type

of career woman who has a very powerful impact, works hard, and can do her job easily.

She's kind and very reliable..... I was able to immediately understand why Papa fell in

love with her. Dinner with Miwa-san was more enjoyable than I thought, to the point that

the time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

When Miwa-san was leaving that night, she asked me, "I wonder if we might be able to

become a family?"

The person who had been speaking confidently and cheerfully until then said those

uncertain words. That was the first time I thought that Miwa-san was also nervous.


That's why with all my might, I cheerfully said, "Please take care of me!" and bowed my


It would be great if Miwa-san's anxiety went away, is what I thought.

Everything will definitely be all right. Of course, that's something that might not happen


After that, I learned for the first time that it had been decided that we would move into

the Sunrise Residence that Miwa-san owns.

Miwa-san has eleven sons living at her house. In other words, all eleven of them are to

become my "siblings" or "Brothers".

"I wonder if this is the place?"

I check the memo in my hands as I look up at the mansion before me. The address is

certainly the same as what's written.

(Miwa-san really must be a successful career woman to own such a big mansion.)

The mansion before me is "Sunrise Residence"----The place that is to become my new


(But, with that said, will it really be all right for a lone girl to live in a house that is made

up of all boys?)

According to what Miwa-san told me, they are all "brothers" with unique personalities,

but none of them are bad and no misunderstandings should arise.

Papa also met with everyone already, and said that he thought the same thing.


Unfortunately, due to a lot of things, the timing to meet them hasn't worked out, so I have

yet to meet my "Brothers".

(But it's not like I can pull out now after I've come this far.)

With a gulp, I swallowed my saliva as I rang the doorbell.



Through the intercom came a cool male voice.


I placed too much effort into thinking about one problem after another that could occur

during my greeting. A string of nonsensical words ran through my mind.

"From today onwards, I'll the care of this household........"

"........Might you be the young lady who is to become our sister?"


Unintentionally, my voice seems like it's tripping over itself. Because, this is the first

time I have ever been called a sister......


"Please wait there just a moment."

The intercom disconnected. After a few moments, the door opened, and from within a

man appeared. Upon which he, for some reason, looked shocked to see me. The look

only lasted a brief moment though............


I wonder if this man is to going to become one of my older


"It is a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our home. I am the

second son, Ukyo. Please come in."


He was wearing glasses and had intelligent and refreshing

looking eyes. Upon closer look, a sunflower badge was glittering

on his suit.

(He must be a lawyer then.......)

I remember seeing in some drama that such a badge is proof that

someone is a lawyer.

We both got on the elevator as Ukyo-san directed.


"Right now we are going to the fifth floor, which is the living

space we brothers share. We eat our meals and do other things

together on that floor."


I see, so normally they spend their time in their separate

bedrooms. The elevator arrived at the fifth floor at the end of his

explanation. Getting off the elevator, I noticed there was only

one door on this floor.



"I believe you would have probably already heard this, but our home is made up of

nothing but sordid brothers. There will probably be many inconveniences along the way,

but please understand that everyone does cooperate to work things out."

Ukyo-san opened the door as he said those words.


"Has Onee-chan coooome!?"


This couldn't be......




It really is him! The boy on the bicycle from earlier, Wataru-kun!


"Oh, were you two already acquaintances from before?"


"That's right--! We just met out on the street, right?"


I was surprised. I would have never imagined that Wataru-kun would be one of my


"........Wait! Perhaps does that mean that your doctor older brother from before is also


"......You called?"


The elder brother that was together with Wataru-kun earlier peeked his face into the room.

"Wow, to think that you were the girl we were waiting for---. Coincidences really do




"You are also acquainted with her, Masaomi-nii-san?"


"Yeah. Well, only by a brief accident though. Wataru caused a bit of trouble for her on

the roadside earlier."


"Did you properly apologize to her?"


"I apologized pro~perly~! Didn't I, Onee-chan!?

Relieved by my nod, Ukyo-san lightly smiled.


"If you did, then that is good, but---- Wait, we should not be standing around talking here.

Please come inside."

What should I do? My heart is beating really fast.


"Onee-chan? What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing."

In my hesitation, Wataru-kun takes me by the hand.

With my resolution set, I set foot into the living room.

"Hm, she's here."


What suddenly came flashing before my eyes as soon as I entered the room was a violet



"Welcome to the Asahina home, Imouto-chan~♪"


Somehow or another, without me knowing how, I ended up in that kimono. Or to be

more precise, the person wearing the kimono was hugging me with all his strength.

"U-Umm! Um, e-excuse me.....!!"


"Oi, Kaname!"



Ukyo-san used all his strength to hit the kimono-clad person on the back of the head.

A fine sound!


"That hurt, Kyo-nii! What was that for.....-"

Is this person also one of my older brothers!? Though rather than calling him an.....older


(Wouldn't it be better to call him a host!?)



"I apologize for him. He is a poor mannered, crappy Buddhist monk, you see. This is the

next younger brother after me, Kaname."

"A monk.......?"

So he was a Buddhist monk! At any’s fine that he is a monk and all, but.......

(Am I going to forgive this monk!?)

Now that I think about it, isn't this kind of Kimono called a Kesa (Monk's robes)? But he

has many piercings all over his ears, and on top of that, his hair seems to have been dyed



"If you ever want to hear a gratitude evoking sermon, come to your Onii-san anytime,



As he said that, Kaname-san took my hand and....kissed it in a way that made a sound!




"Hey, would it be all right if I kiss somewhere that's not your hand next?"

"I-It is not all right........!!"

W-Who the heck....does that guy think he is!?

"Kana-nii really does embody the appetites of the world. I want to learn from that


"......And you are like the embodiment of gaudiness yourself though."

"W-Who are you guys?"

Two men who look to be slightly older than me are looking at Kaname and I with marvel.


"Imouto-chan, does this mean that you have more interest in these two than you do me?"

"K-Kaname-san......Please let me go!"


"Oi, oi, Kaname, put an end to your distasteful fooling around, and introduce Tsubaki and

Azusa to her."


"That's--right. Kana-Kana, introduce her to Tsu-kun and A-kun!"

Seeing the situation on the opposite side of the room, Masaomi-san and Wataru-kun came

to my rescue.

Thanks, you two!


"Aaw, all right, all right. These guys are Tsubaki and Azusa. You could say they're


By identical, does he mean identical twins?



"Oh, could it be that you thought we aren't alike? I'm Tsubaki, and he's Azusa. Nice to

meet ya~ ★"


"It's nice to meet you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you both........."

Even though they said they're identical, they both give off a completely different aura.


"Imouto-chan, these boys have nice voices, right?"

"Eh? Haa....."


At Kaname-san's comment, I look from Tsubaki-san to Azusa-san, during which Azusa-

san smiles with a laugh.


"We're voice actors."

"V-Voice say.....?"

I wonder what voice actors do........?


"Tsu-kun and A-kun are the television manga voice people-!"


I finally understood what it is they do with Wataru-kun's explanation.


"Do you understand now~?"



"It's not fair if just Kana-nii gets to do this! So I will too~!"

This time I was being hugged by Tsubaki-san.

As I panicked over what to do in his embrace, Tsubaki-san suddenly let out an "Uwah!"

and held his head.


Behind him stood a smiling Azusa-san with his fist clenched.



"If Tsubaki ever does anything to bother you, tell me, okay? I'll be sure to scold him."

"I-I see......."


"Ah! What's with telling her something like that! How mean! Or more like, don't hit


Somehow I get the feeling that I've come to a difficult place........



"Now that the problematic children have been introduced..... Subaru, Iori."

Having been called over by Ukyo-san, the two who had been silently waiting in a corner

of the room came over.


"This is Subaru, a college student."

"Um, it's nice to meet you.........."



Subaru-san quickly bowed his head as he said his short greeting. I lightly bow my own

head. Maybe he's a bit unsocial? Or rather, he seems to be reticent? He also won't look

me in the eyes.

(Maybe he's thinking he can't accept me as his younger sister or something.....)


"He may look unsociable, but his only issue is that he's bad when it comes to dealing with

girls! So you don't have to worry about him."

Having possibly noticed that my mind had wandered off thinking about what might be

the issue, Tsubaki-san tossed me a lifeboat to pull me back.



Upon which, Subaru-san was shaken and his face immediately turned red.

(Thank goodness, it isn't because he can't accept me as his sister after all.)

I was relieved to know that.



"And over here is Iori. He is a year older than you, and a third year high school student."

"It is a pleasure to meet you."


"It's nice to meet you too."

Iori-san extends his hand out to me as he smiles sweetly. I timidly took his hand.

He has a very handsome face with nice features....... I met his gaze as I was thinking such

a thing.


"Is something the matter?"

"N-No......Ah, your uniform....You must attend Bright Centrair."


"Yes, I do."

His uniform is from a school called Bright Centrair Private Academy, an extremely

famous Christian school that focuses on preparing students for college.

He must be smart.......! Amazing! I might look up to him a bit now!



"Well.....this should be everyone who is not currently at work right now......."

Just as Ukyo-san was on the verge of summing things up, the door to the room opened

with a loud BA-NG!

"Sorry! I-I'm late!"


"Ah yes, there was one more left."


I accidentally shouted when I saw the boy whom came bursting into the room.


"Eh!? Wha-.....!? Why is Hinata-........!?"

That's my line! Why is Asahina-kun here!?


"Oh-oh, are you guys acquaintances or something?"

Tsubaki-san asked his question while my mouth was still flapping open and closing.


"R-Rather than saying we're acquaintances, it's that we're from the same class at


N-Now that I think about, his last name is Asahina!!

Why didn't that fact click with me earlier!?


"Eeeeeh---You're from the same class? That is something to be shocked about!"


"Tsubaki. I should have told you earlier to convey this fact to Yusuke beforehand........"

Upon Ukyo-san's comment, Tsubaki-san stuck out his tongue proving he probably did it

on purpose.


"Curse you! Tsuba-nii you jerk, you kept it quiet on purpose, didn't you!?"


"To claim I did it on purpose is character framing~★"


"I-I won't accept this! It's impossible for your classmate to become your sibling----


With a grin, Kaname-san hit Asahina-kun on the forehead making him cry out.


"Or so you say, but in reality you're actually really happy, aren't you? Happy that such a

cute girl has become one of your siblings. Isn't this something to brag about at school?"


"D-Don't say something so stupid, Kana-nii! Who could brag about that!? There's no

way I would want to even say it!"


I-It looks like he is in complete denial about the situation, but am I the only one who

thinks he didn't have to take things that far? Although, it is a fact that it'd be a bit strange

to suddenly have a sibling in class......!

"........So Asahina-kun is bothered that I became his sibling."


"!.......B-Bothered by....It isn't the same meaning you're thinking of though!"


"But you seem to really hate it with all you've got."


"What you're saying I hate isn't what you think...........What I mean is.......Dangit.......AA--

---HHH! What a pain!"

With both hands Asahina-kun morosely pulls on his hair.

And then---


"Forget it! Absolutely do NOT mention anything about us being siblings at school, okay!?

Don't let anyone find out!"


What's with the way he's talking to me!? Isn't he being a bit mean!?


"Now, now, now, don't get so threatening with each other on the first day, you two."

Masaomi-san cut in between me and Asahina-kun.


"But Masa-nii......!"


"Even if you have your buts and becauses, you'll just have to endure with this!"




Masaomi-san stuck a lollipop in Asahina-kun's mouth that he must have pulled out from



"And next, here, say 'Aaa-h'."

"Eh!? Ah..............!"

The same exact kind of lollipop was popped into my mouth too. The extremely sweet

honey flavor spread throughout my mouth.


"And, well, there you have it, the birth of a new family member entering the Asahina


As he said that, Tsubaki-san worked his way in-between me and Asahina-kun.


"Hey, hey, I have a question for you."

"W-What is it.......?"


"Won't you try calling me “Onii-chan” at least once?"


I wasn't quite sure what he wanted, but I tried saying it once after I took the lollipop out

of my mouth.


"Nice! Very nice! Once more!"



"Yea~h........ ♥"

What exactly is going on here?


"Now that I think about it, Tsubaki has an infatuation with little sister characters."



"What's an infatuation with a little sister character mean?"


"It's something that you don't have to know, Wataru."

Not wanting to further go down that explanation, Azusa-san said that to Wataru-kun.


"Imouto-chan, call me by that too~♪"


"Wha-!? Kana-nii, don't interfere! Say it one more time! One more time!"


"That's not fair! Imouto-chan! Why won't you call me that too?"

In the end, that day I ended up in the awkward situation of constantly saying "Onii-chan"

over and over again.

Late at night.

Finally left by myself, I let out a sigh of relief in my yet to be straightened up room.

"Chii, you must be tired, huh?"

"No, I'm all right."

I talk with Juri in a quiet voice as I straighten up my room.

At any rate, today was filled with heart pounding and surprising moments. But, despite

that, today turned out to be fun.

My lively and unique "brothers".

(Ah, I can still hear voices.)

Clearing my ears, I hear someone's noisy voice coming from somewhere. Is it Kaname-

san? Tsubaki-san? Or could it be Wataru-kun? Not likely.....

(This is something I would never be thinking of in the house I lived alone in....)


Having a family is nice. So are "Brothers".........

Thinking of such things, I lay down in bed, roll over, and close my eyes.

Today has become a special day to me. March 22nd. It's the special day I received the

special privilege of having "Brothers". I'll probably never forget this day for the rest of

my life.


All the boxes with Japanese text that has been left unedited are the Author and Artist's

cute little notes. We will have them translated for you guys when we finish the whole

volume, since we would like to do them all at once!

Translation Notes:

Onii-chan/San- Means big brother. The boys use many variations of this.

Sometimes they just say nii-san, or add it onto the end of the name like

Kana-nii. These are closer terms of endearment than just Onii-chan.

Onee-chan/-san- Means big sister. It has similar variations as above.

Imouto- Means little sister.

-chan- Is a closer term of endearment when it comes to honorifics. Usually

used on girls.

-kun- Similar to -chan, but more often used with boys than girls.

-san- Is a more polite and distant honorific.

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