broward county darting association · 2016. 12. 15. · the broward county darting association...

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County Darting


By-Laws Effective September 2016

Broward County Darting Association

Mission and Purpose Statements

Mission Statement The Broward County Darting Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "BCDA") is an

organization formed to promote competitive English darts within Broward County



It is the intent of the Broward County Darting Association to develop sanctioned league

play and to establish and maintain competitive relationships with similar darting

organizations. To promote competitive “Steel Tip” Darts within Broward County.




The Broward County Darting Association’s goal will be to provide a service to the

community, which is consistently fair to all who participate. This will be achieved

through the establishment of such programs as: Consistently fair team selection

processes, adherence to code of ethics.




It is necessary as a non-profit volunteer organization to provide services at the lowest cost

possible to the participants. The Broward County Darting Association will pursue more

participation from our community businesses through sponsorship, marketing, promotion,

and advertisement.


The Broward County Darting Association shall seek to demonstrate and promote the

concepts of team participation, spirit of competitiveness and fair play.

Table of Contents

Article 1 Organization Page 1

Article 2 Definitions Page 1

Article 3 Amendments Page 2

Article 4 Quorum/Proxy Page 2

Article 5 Fees, Refunds, Tournaments etc Page 3

Article 6 Sportsmanship Page 4

Article 7 Governing Rules Page 4

Article 8 Meetings Page 4 & 5

Article 9 Meeting Agendas Page 5

Article 10 Terms and Qualifications of BCDA Board Member(s) Page 5 & 6

Article 11 Removal or Resignation of Board Members Page 6

Article 12 Committees Page 7 & 8

Article 13 Executive Committee (Board) Responsibilities Page 8 & 9

Article 14 Authorization to Expend or Commit to Expend Page 9

Article 15 Table of Organization Page 9, 10, 11 & 12

Attachment 1 Additional Documents Incorporated Page 13




The Broward County Darting Association (hereinafter referred to as "BCDA") is a non-profit

organization under the laws of the State of Florida. The address shall be P.O. Box

________________, Florida ____________. BCDA shall be vested in the BCDA Board Members.

These By-Laws shall be considered accepted after reading and approval by a two-thirds majority of

the BCDA Board Members present who constitute a quorum.



“Participant(s)” shall mean any dart player who is registered to participate in a league in the

BCDA program in the then current Fiscal Year.

“Voting Member(s)” shall mean (a) Participants who are registered in the then current year; and

(b) all BCDA Board Members. Voting Members shall be entitled to one (1) vote for all elections of

members of the BCDA Board.

“BCDA Board Member” shall mean the President, Vice President, Secretary, Statistics Secretary

and Treasurer.

“Executive Board” shall mean the President, Vice President, Secretary, Statistics Secretary and


“General Meetings” shall mean the March meeting at which elections will be held and the

September meeting which shall be mandatory for all Team Captain’s.

“Fiscal Year” shall begin on July 1st and end on June 30th of each year.

“Good Standing” shall be defined as those Participants and Board Members, BCDA Board who

may not be specifically identified, who are current with all financial obligations and are not subject

to any disciplinary action, investigation, or complaint.

“Rules” shall mean the rules established for the operation of the league and State Teams as

conducted by BCDA. These Rules shall be created and adopted as approved by the BCDA Board.

The League Rules may be amended prior to the start of each season and amendments shall be

approved by the BCDA Board. The State Team Rules may be amended prior to the State Team try-


“BCDA Website” is the electronic website maintained by BCDA for informational and

communication purposes. It shall be used to inform the participants of BCDA, with the means to

contact Board Members, and a means of notifying the Participants of sign-ups, schedules,

standings, tournaments, public notices required in accordance with these By-Laws, rules and

regulations, general public relations and news items, and other information approved by the BCDA





These By-Laws may be modified, altered, amended or repealed, or new By-Laws may be adopted at

the General Meeting of the BCDA Board Members by the affirmative vote of a majority of the

number of the BCDA Board Members fixed by these By-Laws, provided notice of the proposed

amendment has been posted on the BCDA Website 2 (two) weeks prior to being voted on by the

BCDA Board, repeal or adoption be contained in the notice of such meeting; and provided further,

that the foregoing notice requirement shall not prohibit the BCDA Board from adopting the

proposed amendment, affecting the proposed repeal or adopting the proposed new By-Laws as the

case may be, in a modified form which is not identical to that described or set for in the notice of

such meeting.

Any amendment to these By-Laws shall be proposed in writing or by electronic mail to the

Secretary, and notice of such amendment shall be given by the Secretary to each BCDA Board

Member not less than three (3) days in advance of the meeting at which such amendments are to be

voted on. Notice must be written, it cannot be oral, by phone or by text, and may be communicated

to each BCDA Board Member in person, or by electronic communication.

Notice of a proposed amendment to these By-Laws and the meeting date shall be published at least

seven (7) days prior to the meeting date at which the proposed amendments are to be considered.

Said meeting shall be an open meeting with discussion permitted from the floor. Changes in the

participant rules or State Team rules shall be governed by Article 7, and does not require an

amendment to the By-Laws.

Any amendment shall be in writing and shall be attached or posted electronically to these By-Laws.



Quorum: A quorum shall consist of half (50%) plus one (1) of the duly elected BCDA Board

Members be present at the meetings and a majority vote shall govern, for the transaction of business

at any meeting of the BCDA Board, provided that if less than a majority of the BCDA Board

Member(s) are present at said meeting, a majority of the BCDA Board Member(s) present may

adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.

Proxy: Proxies at any BCDA meeting shall be used only in a manner specifically provided for in

the By-Laws and shall not be given when the duly elected officer or member is personally present.

A Board Member shall be allowed to proxy in writing or by a printed electronic mail to the BCDA

Board prior to any BCDA Board or General meeting. Said proxy may be given to a BCDA Board

Member. Said proxy shall contain the name of the person giving the proxy, the name of the person

assigned the proxy, and the specific subjects covered by the proxy. The proxy will only be valid for

specific subjects listed on the agenda for the meeting. No one person shall be able to vote more than

one (1) proxy. All proxies will be announced at the outset of the meeting.




Fees: The BCDA Board shall set bar sponsor fees for team registration. The primary purpose of

registration fees is to meet the operating expenses of BCDA. A Mandatory late fee will be assessed

if the bar sponsor fees are not paid within three (3) weeks of the season start date.. The bar owner

may contact the Treasurer to set up a payment plan if needed, An administrative fee of $25.00 will

be charged in addition to the fees for any returned checks or any uncollected fees. Each team will be

accessed a $20.00 packet fee, the $20.00 shall cover the costs of the score sheets and the cost to

print the rules and team schedules.

Refunds: Fees are non-refundable.

Financial Obligation: Participants or Bar Owners who have any financial obligation to BCDA for

fees, for any reasons, shall not be permitted to participate in any function, nor shall that person be

permitted to serve in any administrative capacity or function as a BCDA Board Member until such

financial indebtedness to BCDA has been satisfied.

Tournaments: Sanctioned tournaments shall be those tournaments, including invitational

tournaments, programmed by regional or national organizations that recognize and/or are

recognized, and approved the BCDA Board.

Special Events: The BCDA Board shall approve in advance all BCDA Special Events.

Trophies: Individual trophies shall be presented to the Participants of all first and second place

teams within each division governed by BCDA. Additional trophies may be given by for All-Star

points and perfect scores. The BCDA Board will purchase all trophies from an agreed upon vendor.

Suspended Participants: The Rules Committee Director will be responsible for informing the

BCDA Board in regard to every participant (in writing) that has either quit the sport or has been

levied a suspension, with all details and documentation relating to the incident that caused such

action to be taken. It will be the responsibility of the Rules Committee Director of the BCDA Board

to document (in writing or via email) to supply an updated list prior to each registration period to

prevent any conflict.

BCDA Vendors: BCDA has or may have agreements in place with vendors who provide their

services to BCDA, such vendors shall be listed on a separate attachment which shall be

updated from time to time as necessary and made a part of these By-Laws. It shall be the

responsibility of the BCDA Board to obtain at least three (3) bids from prospective vendors who

supply equipment or services at least every other year. It is the BCDA Board Member’s

responsibility to obtain the best quality at the best price. If a BCDA Board Member knows that

another BCDA Board Member has a relationship with a vendor who supplies any services or

equipment to BCDA, the BCDA Board Member must disclose such relationship to the BCDA

Board prior to utilizing such vendor to avoid any conflict of interest. The BCDA Board must

approve all vendors participating in any BCDA Event. Any vendors who wishes to participant in

tournaments or events held at bar’s must be authorized by the bar owner in addition to the BCDA





A. Good Sportsmanship shall prevail during all BCDA competitions. Any attempts to distract

an opponent while they are throwing will not be tolerated. Complaints may result in

disciplinary action(s). If so requested by a shooter, all spectators must align themselves out

of the line of vision, and/or behind the position from which they are throwing. Heckling or

other harassment is strictly forbidden. It is the Home Team’s responsibility to maintain the

best order during league play and both captains’ are responsible for any actions of their

team members.

B. If a Player puts his/her hands on another player in a threatening manner that Player will be

suspended from league play for a period of 6 weeks, or such longer period depending on the

severity of the Players actions. If after the suspension the same Player threatens any Player

such Player will be banned for a period of up to one year or life depending on the severity

of his/her actions. The BCDA Board Members will advise the Player of the actions taken by

the BCDA Board.

C. BCDA has a zero tolerance for un-sportsman like behavior. It is the Captain’s responsibility

to immediately report un-sportsman like behavior to the BCDA Board Members.

Sportsmanship as stated herein may be amended by the BCDA Board without the approval of

the BCDA members, such changes will be incorporated in the League rules.



League and State Team Rules: shall be those Rules presented to and approved by the BCDA

Board Members and made a part of these By-Laws.

Rule Changes: A rule may be changed after the commencement of a season if it is approved by a

two-thirds majority at a meeting of the BCDA Board Members. A majority vote of the BCDA

Board Member(s) present shall be required to approve a change in rules. After a rule change is

made it SHALL be published/disseminated to all Participants.



Regular Meetings: There shall be a meeting of the BCDA Board Member(s) at 7:00 PM on the

first Monday of each month; however, said meeting date and time may be altered if approved by a

majority of the BCDA Board Member(s) eligible to vote thereon at the previous monthly meeting.

Scheduled meetings of the BCDA Board Member(s) should be held at a minimum of eight (8) times

per year (one of which shall be the Annual/General Meeting conducted in March of each year).

Notice of such meetings shall be communicated to all BCDA Board Member(s) not less than 48

hours prior to the meeting with a copy of the advance agenda. The annual meeting held in March

shall not be subject to change, unless otherwise published.

General Meetings: The General Meeting in March shall be for the purpose of of electing BCDA

Board Member(s), and for any other business, which may arise. The newly elected BCDA Board

Member(s) shall take office on July 1st of that same year, unless the newly elected BCDA Board


Member is replacing a BCDA Board Member that was appointed by the BCDA President. The

newly elected BCDA Board Member replacing an appointed BCDA Board Member will take office

effective immediately. Prior to the March Elections Meeting, the President shall appoint a

Nominating Committee. At said meeting, the Nominating Committee shall be subject to the

approval of a quorum of the BCDA Board. Notice of this meeting will include notice of the Annual

Elections. An announcement of the elections will be made at the February meeting of each year and

will also be posted on the BCDA web-site one month in advance of these elections so as to provide

for individuals to be nominated and run for any of the available positions. The September General

Meeting will be mandatory for all Captains. The September meeting will be to discuss general

business and any issues the team captains would like to bring before the BCDA Board Members.

Special Meetings: Special meetings of the BCDA Board shall be called for by the President upon a

minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice to each BCDA Board Member. The BCDA Board

Member authorized to call special meetings may fix any place for holding any special meeting

called by them. Only those subjects specifically noted on the agenda of the special meeting shall be

brought forth before the BCDA Board for discussion and decision.

Emergency Meetings or Votes: An emergency meeting or vote may be called by the President or

by a majority decision of the BCDA Board upon a minimum of two (2) hours’ notice to each BCDA

Board Member. Only those subjects specifically noted on the agenda of the emergency meeting

shall be brought forth before the BCDA Board for discussion and decision. Said vote or decision

shall be conducted by electronic mail in order to give all members, including those BCDA Board

Members not in attendance, the opportunity to vote on the emergency subject. Said electronic vote

shall stay open until a majority is reached, but no later than 48 hours.

Notice of Waiver: Any BCDA Board Member may waive notice of any meeting by providing

written or electronic mail waiver of notice to the President of the BCDA Board. The attendance of a

BCDA Board Member at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except

where a BCDA Board Member attends a meeting for the express purpose of objection to the

transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. Neither the

business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of, any regular, special, or emergency meeting of the

BCDA Board need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such meeting, unless

specifically required by law or these By-Laws



The President shall set the agenda for all BCDA meetings, including the General Meetings.



No member shall be eligible for election unless he/she is a member in Good Standing of BCDA.

The number of BCDA Board Members shall be increased or decreased as needed upon a majority

vote of the BCDA Board Members eligible to vote.

a) The term of each BCDA Board Member shall be two (2) years.

b) In order to preserve continuity through staggered terms, at least two (2) BCDA Board

Member(s) shall be elected each year. The positions of Vice President, Secretary and Stats

Secretary will be elected in odd years; the President and Treasurer positions will be elected

in even years.

c) Bar Owners cannot be elected to the BCDA Board.


All positions shall be elected by the Voting Members, unless otherwise stated herein. Each

candidate may run for only one position. All vacancies during the year shall be filled according to




Removal of a BCDA Board Member: A BCDA Board Member(s) may be removed from office

for malfeasance (malfeasance shall be defined as intentionally doing something either legally or

morally wrong which a BCDA Board Member had no right to do involving dishonesty, illegality, or

knowingly exceeding such BCDA Board Members authority for improper reasons) or misfeasance

(misfeasance shall be defined as management of a BCDA program or other responsibility in which

there are errors and an unfortunate result through mistake or carelessness, but without evil intent

and/or violation of law). Charges in writing against any BCDA Board Member may be brought

before the BCDA Board Member’s. Said charges shall be directed to the BCDA Board which shall

investigate the charges and make recommendations to the BCDA Board Members. Written

notification of the charges, stipulating the name of the accuser, and the recommendations must be

sent to the BCDA Board Member in question by the President via facsimile or by certified mail,

return receipt requested, seven (7) days prior to the Special Meeting to be held to deliberate the

charges. The BCDA Board Member in question may appear before the Special Meeting of the

BCDA Board Member(s) convened for the sole purpose of reviewing the charges and the Executive

Committee (Board) findings. At said Special Meeting, the BCDA Board Member may be removed

from office by a two-thirds vote of the BCDA Board Member(s) present; excluding the BCDA

Board Member in question, provided a quorum is present. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a

BCDA Board Member knowingly and or intentionally commits any act that is not in the best

interest of the overall BCDA program and such act or inaction is causing a negative impact on the

overall BCDA program, the BCDA Board Member’s may upon a two thirds majority vote remove

such BCDA Board Member or ask such BCDA Board Member to resign his/her position on the

BCDA Board. Additionally, the BCDA Board may determine additional options as may be required

as alternates courses of action in reaching resolution for this section. The decision of the BCDA

Board is final and binding and in force for the time period set forth in the final decision. A BCDA

Board member automatically resigns when; without sufficient cause as determined by a majority of

the Board of Directors, he/she fails to attend two Board meeting and or Special Meetings during the

course of his/her term in office.

Resignation of a BCDA Board Member: Any BCDA Board Member may resign at any time by

giving written notice of such resignation to the President or Secretary. If the offices of the President

or Secretary are vacated by resignation, the resignation may be submitted to any other BCDA Board

Member. The acceptance of any resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. At the time

of resignation, all materials and/or records belonging to BCDA, shall accompany the written

resignation, unless other arrangements between the BCDA Board Member resigning and the BCDA

Board Member receiving the resignation are made at that time. BCDA Board members resigning as

shall not be permitted to run for office at the subsequent election.

Vacancies: A vacancy on the BCDA Board shall be filled temporarily until a new individual is

elected to fill the vacancy at the next March General Meeting. Vacancies on the BCDA Board shall

be appointed by the President. The term of office for the new BCDA Board Member will terminate

upon completion of the original term elected.




Executive Committee (Board): The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Stats

Secretary shall constitute the Executive Committee (Board). The President shall act as chairman of

the Executive Committee (Board). In the event of the absence or disability of the President, the Vice

President shall act as chairman of the Executive Committee (Board), unless otherwise determined

by the President or by the Executive Committee (Board). Except as otherwise provided by statute,

the Articles of Incorporation, of these By-Laws, any and all business may be transacted at any

meeting of the Executive Committee (Board), and neither the purpose of, nor the business to be

transacted at, any meeting of the Executive Committee (Board) need be specified in the notice or

waiver of notice of such meeting. Except as otherwise provided by statute, the Articles of

Incorporation or these By-Laws, at all meetings of the Executive Committee (Board) the presence

of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee (Board) shall be necessary and sufficient

to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority of those present at

any meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the act of the Executive Committee

(Board). The Executive Committee (Board) shall have and may exercise, when the BCDA Board is

not in session, all of the authority and powers of the BCDA Board in the business and affairs of


Executive Committee (Board) Authority: The Executive Committee (Board) may appoint an

Attorney, an Accountant, or an Auditor, or such other person to advise BCDA.

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Secretary and two

BCDA Board Members selected by the Secretary from a list of volunteers and approved by the

BCDA Board. It shall be the responsibility to the Nominating Committee to determine the

eligibility of candidates for all elected offices and conduct the election in accordance with the

BCDA By-Laws.

Election Notice: Prior to the March General Meeting the Nominating Committee will place a

notice of general elections in the BCDA newsletter or on the BCDA Website, the notice will be

similar in content to the following; “BCDA will hold its General Meeting of Elections on (date.

The chairperson of the Nominating Committee is the Secretary. All nominations must be received

by (date); Nominations will not be accepted after Midnight on (date)(This date will be set 7 (seven)

days prior to the meeting to allow the Nominating Committee to review the eligibility of the

candidates). The BCDA Board will announce the location of the March General Meeting of

Elections; the meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 PM.” The notice will state all positions up for re-

election along with the pre-requisites for those positions.

Voting: Election of BCDA Board Member(s) will be by secret ballot, with Voting Members in

attendance (no proxies) only voting for one BCDA Board Member at a time beginning with

President, then Vice President, then Secretary, then Treasurer, then State Secretary, then the balance

of BCDA Board Member(s) as required. It shall be the responsibility of the members of the

Nominating Committee to conduct the election including the counting of the votes cast. The

candidate receiving the highest total votes of the Voting Members present shall be deemed elected

and will be announced by name only. A vote count will be provided upon a request from any

Voting Member who casts a vote. Each newly elected BCDA Board Member shall take office on

July 1st and shall hold such office until his/her successor shall have been duly elected or until he/she

shall resign or otherwise be removed from office, unless the newly elected BCDA Board Member is

replacing a BCDA Board Member that was appointed by the BCDA President. The newly elected

BCDA Board Member replacing an appointed BCDA Board Member will take office effective



Grievance Review Committee: A Grievance Review Committee shall be appointed by and

chaired by the Rules and Ethics Director and shall be comprised of BCDA Board Member(s) only.

The Grievance Review Committee shall have full power to levy measures to Participants for

violation of rules or misconduct. Any charge submitted to the Grievance Review Committee shall

be in writing and signed, and said copy of charges shall be sent to the plaintiff in question. The

accused shall be invited in advance to appear at the Grievance Review Committee meeting at which

the charges will be discussed. Decision of the Grievance Review Committee will be considered

final and will be in force for the full period of the time set forth in the decision. Appeals may be

made to the BCDA Board Members.

Committee Exceptions: Except for the Executive Committee (Board), no Committee shall be

vested with the power to enter into any agreement or contract, or otherwise obligate BCDA. No

BCDA Board Member has the authority to make an agreement or contract with any person

attempting to bind BCDA in any manner, and in no event shall any Committee have authority to

sign any agreement or contract binding BCDA If said Committee should approve and authorized the

making of any agreement or contract, it shall be presumed that the President, attested by the

Secretary, shall sign, and in the absence of the President the Vice President, provided that in every

case the signature shall be attested by the Secretary.



President: The responsibilities of the President shall be those normally associated with such office

and include the President acting as the principle executive officer of BCDA. The President shall

preside at all meetings of the BCDA Board. The President may sign all legal documents, appoint all

committees and perform all duties pursuant to the office of President. The President shall appoint

those committees necessary in order to carry out efficiently the objectives of BCDA. The President

may appoint BCDA Board Members to fill any vacancies on the BCDA Board,

Vice President: The responsibilities of the Vice-President shall be those normally associated with

this office and include, in the absence of the President the performing of the duties of the President

and, when so acting, shall have all the powers and be subject to all the restrictions of the President.

The Vice-President shall perform other duties as defined in the table of organization or as assigned

by the President.

Secretary: The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be those normally associated with this office

including the performance of the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-

President. The Secretary shall perform other duties as defined in the Table of Organization or as

assigned by the President. The Secretary shall direct the recording of the minutes of all meetings of

the BCDA Board and the Executive Committee (Board) and will present such writings to all BCDA

Board Member(s). The Secretary, or designee, shall, in advance of the meeting date and time, notify

all BCDA Board Member(s) of all regular, special and emergency meetings in accordance with

these By-Laws.

Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall be those normally associated with this office and

include having charge of all receipts and monies of BCDA and depositing same in the name of

BCDA in a depository designated by resolution of the BCDA Board Member(s). The Treasurer

shall disburse said funds as necessary as ordered or authorized by the BCDA Board Member(s). The

Treasurer shall keep accurate records of and collect all charges due and shall keep regular accounts

of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall submit such records when requested. The

Treasurer shall cause to be prepared all checks for withdrawal of funds from the banking account on

behalf of BCDA. The members of the Executive Committee (Board) shall be authorized to sign on


the accounts. The Treasurer shall also maintain vigilance over the non-profit and tax exempt status

of BCDA and file such reports as are required by the State of Florida and the Federal Government

to maintain the legal incorporated status of BCDA. The Treasurer shall prepare a statement of

financial condition at the conclusion of each fiscal quarter and shall present this report to the Board.

Statistics Secretary: The responsibilities of the Stats Secretary shall keep accurate records of the

standings and individual all-star points, deliver the standings to all Bars and in accordance with the

rules. Issue notice of meetings and perform other duties as needed, any of the above duties may be

split with other BCDA Board Members as circumstances and equipment availability may dictate.



The BCDA Board Members individually and collectively assume a fiduciary responsibility to the

Participants and Voting Members, and this fiduciary responsibility shall be exercised to the best of

their individual and collective ability.

State Team Expenditures: In addition to the required fees, State Teams will require additional

funding for travel and tournament expenses, along with other expenses deemed necessary by the

BCDA Board. All expenses will be deemed necessary on a team by team basis. Funds may be

raised to defer the team’s expenses through any and all approved BCDA methods for fundraising

such as sponsorships, sales, raffles, or donations. The funds, once raised, will be considered a

donation to BCDA and will be credited to the particular State team’s account. At no time are funds

raised for the benefit of an individual player. Said individual players are not entitled to any refund

claimed for fund raising activities that result in a surplus of a team account, whether the player

leaves the team for any reason whatsoever.

It is intended that the BCDA Board Member(s) authorizing expenditures, individually or

collectively, shall do so in a prudent manner and for just purposes and that the BCDA Board

Member(s) acting individually or collectively, shall be able to justify expenditures in compliance

with the fiduciary responsibility granted by the Voting Members.

Voting Members of BCDA may inspect the financial books and records of BCDA, upon giving the

custodian of such books and financial reports seven (7) days advanced written notice. This right of

inspection shall not include the right to remove the books, the right to receive copies of said items,

or to electronically download, copy, print, or email any of this information. Any violation in regard

to this item shall be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law and BCDA By-Laws.



The BCDA Board shall consist of the following positions:

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Treasurer

4. Secretary

5. Statistics Secretary

General Responsibilities of all BCDA Board Members:


Each BCDA Board Member shall:

1. Attend all regular and special BCDA Board and General Meetings.

2. Be aware that BCDA Board duties supersede other activities within BCDA.

3. Conduct oneself with the best interest of the entire BCDA program.

4. Represent the Participants, keeping in mind that communication is important in dealing

with any problem.

Each BCDA Board Member shall perform the specific duties of the position to which such

BCDA Board Member is elected and as defined herein. Any BCDA Board Member refusing to

perform his/her assigned duties as outlined herein shall be automatically discharged from the

BCDA Board and the vacancy filled according to Article11.

Rules & Ethics Committee Director: The Rules & Ethics Committee Director’s responsibilities

shall include reviewing, challenging and if necessary enforcing the rules, draft procedures, formats

and guidelines prior to the start of each season. Upon review of the rules and guidelines, the Rules

& Ethics Director can recommend ways to improve the program. Once completed, the Rules and

Ethics Director will provide any comments needed prior to the BCDA Board voting on any changes

to the rules, draft procedures, rating formats and Guidelines. In addition, this position shall include

first review of all grievances that come before the BCDA Board after all attempts have been made

to resolve such grievance by the individual sports board. The Rules and Ethics Director will be

responsible for convening a grievance committee to hear all grievances.

BCDA Board Member(s) Specific Responsibilities

The President

A. Preside at BCDA Board meetings.

B. Represent BCDA at all official functions.

C. Direct and coordinate all BCDA Board Members in their special duties.

D. Appoint Committees.

E. Ex officio member of all Committees.

F. Authority to sign checks drawn on BCDA funds.

G. Represent BCDA in all national organizations and local inter-organizational activities.

H. Vote only to break a tie.

I. Preside at General Meetings.

J. Make general report to the BCDA Board Member(s).

K. Be present at and work all BCDA Tournaments and or Events.

L. Prepare Meeting Agendas with the Secretary,

The Vice-President

A. Assist the President in all his duties.

B. Represent the President in his absence.

C. Authority to sign checks.

D. Serve as member of Executive Committee (Board).

E. Be present at and work all BCDA Tournaments and or Events.

The Secretary

A. Prepare meeting agenda with the President.

B. Assist the President and Vice-President.


C. Record and maintain minutes of all meetings.

D. Notify all BCDA Board Member(s) of all regular and special meetings.

E. Maintain a copy of these By-Laws and amendments thereto.

F. Maintain all general records of BCDA.

G. Be present at and work all BCDA Tournaments and or Events.

The Statistics Secretary

A. Shall keep accurate records of standings.

B. Shall keep accurate records of individual All-Star points.

C. Issue notices of meetings on the website and Facebook.

D. Perform any other duties as needed.

E. Be at present and work all BCDA Tournaments and or Events.

The Treasurer

A. Collect and disburse monies.

B. Maintain financial records of BCDA.

C. Have yearly audit of BCDA.

D. Permanent Chairman of Finance Committee.

E. Prepare financial statement and detailed expenditure report on monthly basis.

F. Coordinate budget inputs from all BCDA Board Member(s).

G. Authority to sign checks.

H. Be at present and work all BCDA Tournaments and or Events.

The following positions shall be considered Non-Voting BCDA Board Members

Tournament Director

A. Create all Tournament Flyers

B. Get all Tournaments approved by the FDA and the ADO.

C. Advertise all Tournaments on the website and social media.

D. Negotiate the Cherry Bomb Location and Contract in conjunction with the President

and Vice President.

FDA Representative

A. Shall report all FDA business to the BCDA board.

Public Relations Director

A. Produce a weekly Newsletter

B. Work with the Stats Secretary, State Team Director and Tournament Director for all

updates for the Newsletter.

C. Take pictures of players along with a brief bio on league nights.

D. Create flyers as needed for special league events.

State Team Director

A. Will be in charge of all fundraising activities.

B. Will set the State Team Practice schedule with the captains.

C. Will order team pins


D. Will communicate all events with the captains prior to advertising any such events on

the website or social media.

E. Will schedule State Team players to help set-up and break down at the Cherry Bomb


F. Will provide all information regarding State team shirts to the captains and will order

the State team shirts.

The Rules & Ethics Director

A. Investigate grievances and present findings and recommend penalties and/or action to the

Executive Committee (Board) or President with regard to any appeals made by an

individual, captain, board member player, to the Executive Committee (Board) by

following the Appeals Process as defined in the BCDA By Laws.

B. Maintain a list of all individuals suspended for one year and distributed to each BCDA

Board Member prior to each registration period.


Attachment 1

BCDA Vendors.

Following documents are included and attached to these By-Laws:

Any and All Amendments

BCDA General Rules

BCDA State Team Rules

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