brussels, yours to discover

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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This guide presents Brussels, through its streets and its people, as well as a large number of suggestions for breaks and activities. Be careful though! Many people have fallen in love with this warm-hearted, royal, musical, and surrealist city!




to d




he European cultural T




Mont des Arts/Kunstberg, where cultural


A short walk away from Gare Centrale(the central railway station), Mont desArts/Kunstberg has a name that suits it per-fectly: it’s literally covered in fabulousmuseums. And it’s buzzing with excite-ment! ‘SQUARE’, the trendiest conferencecentre in Europe, has just opened there.With its giant glass cube, the Kwint bras-serie, which was designed by theAntwerp artist Arne Quinze, the finestpanoramic terrace in Brussels and itsfood shops beneath the arcades, ‘SQUARE’is well worth a detour even if you’re notthere to attend a conference.

To get your tour of the museums off to agood start, call in, first, at bip, rueRoyale/Koningsstraat and stock up oninfo and good tips. Make the most of itand visit Experience Brussels, a free exhibi-tion in which natives of Brussels tell youabout their city. As you leave, you’realready facing Musée Magritte Museum,which attracts crowds of fans of the

undisputed master of Belgian surrealism.170 mysterious and mischievous worksawait you there in an original sceno-graphy. On rue de la Régence/Regent-schapsstraat, five centuries and under ahundred metres separate the Museums ofAncient and Modern Art. You’ll move onquite naturally from masterpieces byJérôme Bosch and Breughel to JamesEnsor and Delvaux. If it’s history thatfascinates you, go into the CoudenbergMuseum and plunge, literally, beneathplace Royale/Koningsplein to see thevestiges of Charles V and the old palaceof Brussels. Or learn about the captiva-ting history of this funny little countryat the BELvue Museum.

Go down again towards the grand oldstore ‘Old England’, covered with ironand glass arabesques, which houses thevery fine Musical Instruments Museum (MIM).Don’t forget to go up to its roof terrace toenjoy the breathtaking view… and thelittle café. Further down, on the samepavement, you come to Brussels’ Centre forFine Arts (BOZAR). In this brilliant architec-tural maze by Victor Horta, something’salways happening: concerts, exhibitions,theatre… or the screening of a silent filmwith live piano accompaniment at theCINEMATEK, the cinema museum that’sthe envy of the world.


CARD72h, 48h or 24h

This card gives you admission to

around thirty museums in Brussels

with free public transport, loads of

reductions and an illustrated guide.

www. brusselscard. be40.00 €, 34.00 € or 24.00 €

Tourist Information Brussels -


Rue Royale 2 - 4 Koningsstraat

1000 Brussels

Tel.: +32 (0)2 513 89 40

Every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

closed 25/12 and 01/01

Europe lives Musée Magritte Museum

Gare Centrale/Centraal Station

Place Royale/Koningsplein

Metro Parc/Park





he art of good living in the TT

Capital of the European Union



Spoiled for choice !If you think that the Belgians’ love ofchips (French fries) is a bit of a myth,it’s because you haven’t tasted a realpaper cone of chips from a real chipstall yet. Here, we eat chips with ourfingers, ideally served with a goodbeer. And, if you’re interested, you’vegot more than 400 beers to try: from asimple Pils to beers characteristic ofBrussels, brown ale, lager or fruity….And there are even more places to trythem: from old-style cafés such as leCirio or la Mort Subite (city centre) totrendy brasseries such as le Belga(Flagey). It’s customary to go from oneplace to the next to vary the enjoy-ment. And if, on the way, you comeacross some comic strip heroes makingtheir way along the streets, it’s not thebeer’s fault: giant frescoes cover anumber of walls in the lower part ofthe city.

When it comes to gastronomy, you’regoing to be spoiled for choice.Alongside tasty Belgo-Belgian special-ities such as prawn croquettes, solemeunière or filet américain (steak tar-tare), which reign supreme in thelower part of the city, the upper part ofthe city has developed a very cosmo-politan gourmet style which willsatisfy all the taste buds of the world.While bobos are to be found on placedu Châtelain/Kasteleinsplein side, thehip and trendy have got their HQ onplace Flagey/Flageyplein.

The finger-licking city

The GOURMETFrom quick snacks to fine dining,

everything that’s on the menu of

Brussels’ gastronomy is in this free

guide, available at the Tourist

Information Brussels - TIB.


And what could be more natural thanmaking the most of your trip to Brussels toenjoy the subtleties of Belgian chocolate.Brussels is full of traditional chocolate-makers who will sometimes invite you tovisit their workshops. Soon, you’ll learneverything there is to know about‘manons’, ‘ganache’ and ‘praliné’. At night, Brussels shakes off its some-times demure image and joins the ranks

Take a seat on Grand-

Place/Grote MarktThe best viewing points for studying

the finest square in the world are the

terraces of its many cafés and res-

taurants. With a nice Gueuze in front

of you, you can take your time

contentedly admiring the subtleties

of its wonderful stone filigrees.

of the big names of European nightlife.The posters of the concert halls, theatresand alternative venues feature the big-gest stars and greatest surprises. The barsand clubs attract the best European DJsand, for that matter, many of them areBelgians! The casino does a roaring trade.Here, the nights are as long as the ale islight. And the chip stalls don’t closeuntil the bakeries start to open.



he art of communing TT


with European nature


The city where you walk from park to park


Thanks to its many parks, gardens andforests, Brussels has no fewer than fortysquare metres of green space per inhabitant.It’s the greenest capital city in Europe. Right in the centre, a short walk from theGrand-Place/Grote Markt, enjoy a strollin the Mont des Arts/Kunstberg gardenor have a lie-down on a hammock seat inthe little park opposite the cathedral.Nearby, the broad walkways of the mag-nificent Park of Brussels are an invitationto stroll. At the lower end of rue de laRégence/Regentschapsstraat, enter thepretty square of Petit Sablon/Kleine Zaveland admire, on the railings that surroundit, the bronze statuettes depicting all theold trades. Next, go back up rue auxLaines/Wolstraat and into Egmont Park. Puretranquillity! And to think that you’re just ashort walk away from the hustle and bustleof place Louise/ Louizaplein! Yes, you reallycan walk across Brussels and meet almostnothing but trees along the way!

The further you go from the centre, themore awe-inspiring the green spacesbecome: Cinquantenaire Park/Jubelpark andits museums or Woluwe Park with its 71hectares of English-style parkland. Rightat the end of avenue Louise/Louizalaan,Bois de la Cambre/Ter Kamerenbos leads youseamlessly from the city to the heart ofthe countryside. At the lakeside there,take the ferry to the chalet on the littleRobinson island. This quaint inn has justbeen restored and you get to it by ferry-boat.

Cycling is the perfect way of exploringthe hidden treasures of this green city.

On your bike for Art Nouveau !

Ixelles/Elsene has some magnifi-cent examples of this amazingarchitecture. There’s nothing bet-ter than a bike for criss-crossing thedistricts and stopping whereverand whenever you like to admirethe extraordinary creativity ofHorta, Hankar & co.

The City by VILLO 180 bicycle hire stations all over the

city offer good, sturdy and easy-to-

handle bicycles 24/24h for riding

across the city. You drop the bicycle

off again at any of the network’s

drop-off points and the first half-

hour is free. Payment is made by

chip-and-pin card and the prices are

very reasonable.



he European Tower of T Babel



Rond-Point Schuman/Schumanplein, in theheart of the European institutions dis-trict, is a kind of Tower of Babel becauseit’s a place where you can hear every lan-guage spoken. Here, you’re at the epicentreof Europe; so, you should feel more orless at home. But you’re also at the heartof an authentic Brussels district that hasretained all of its original character.

After visiting the imposing EuropeanParliament, stroll around the charmingLeopold Park or cross Cinquantenaire Park/Jubelpark and see the treasures of the RoyalMuseums of Art and History or the gleamingvehicles of Autoworld. Stray off the beatentracks and see the local sights: the specialatmosphere of the little Wiertz Museum, orPaul Cauchie’s amazing Art Nouveau house.Make a detour, too, via squares Ambiorix,Marguerite and Marie-Louise, where the bestarchitects of the Art Deco and ArtNouveau period vie with each other inimagination.

Fancy a quick bite or a long drink? Onplace du Luxembourg/Luxemburgplein, cafés,brasseries and restaurants with hospitableterraces welcome you with open arms.Place Jourdan/Jourdanplein is a wholemicrocosm of its own, as cosmopolitanas it is friendly, where all the cuisines ofEurope happily come together. Duringthe week, you’ll see some very seriousEurocrats there, forming a queue in frontof ‘Antoine’, the most popular chip stallin the city. Join the queue!

The city with a European lifestyle





Seven signposted trails and a map

for each district: slip this little guide

into your pocket to explore Brussels

without missing out on the best places.

7.00 € at the Tourist Information

Brussels - TIB

A Museum unlike the others

If you like very old things, a visitto the Museum of Natural Sciencesis a must.There, you’ll meet life-sized igua-nodons, triceratops and all theircousins. A fascinating experienceand the only one of its kind inEurope! Interactive exhibits forchildren and adults take you fromdream to scientific


ocal creativity in a world L




Shop windows of desire

The whole of Brussels inyour pocket!

1000 great places and a map.

Available at Tourist Information

Brussels – TIB (Grand-Place/Grote

Markt) and at bip (Mont des Arts/

Kunstberg) - 4.00 €

Cool designersBelgian fashion design schools are

inexhaustible training grounds of

talent. No doubt because, in this

crossroads of culture that is

Belgium, open-mindedness and

curiosity work wonders. To discover

today’s new talents, who may well

be the big names of the future, go to

If Paris has its Champs Elysées and NewYork its Fifth Avenue, then Brussels hasavenue Louise/Louizalaan and boulevard deWaterloo/Waterloolaan. The most famousinternational couture houses fly the flagalongside leading Belgian names such asNatan and Strelli. Retail therapy addictswho want to do more than window-shopwill have a great time in the little shopsof the avenue Louise/Louizalaan bottle-neck and its shopping arcades.

If you like strolling along peacefully, farfrom the chain stores, you really must goto quartier du Châtelain/Kasteleinswijk. Betweeninteriors shops, fashion boutiques, lingerieand second-hand book shops, you’llappreciate the peaceful little town feel ofthe place. Don’t miss the city’s most stylishmarket on Wednesdays, on place duChâtelain/Kasteleinsplein.

The places to go for fashionistas are all inthe lower part of the city, in the rueDansaert/Dansaertstraat and Place Saint-Géry/Sint-Goriksplein district. That’s wherethey find, in fashion and interiors, thelatest trendy labels and brand names, thecreations of the most specialised fashiondesigners and the best little vintageshops. A genuine showcase of the geniusof a handful of fashion designers, inter-ior designers and jewellers who havemade Brussels a determinedly avant-garde city.




in the European village2010

This cultural diary tells you every-

thing you have to see and hear,

where to eat, drink, go out and go

shopping… in other words, every-

thing you just have to do in

Brussels ... Available more or less

everywhere in the city.


This is our Earth 2: from Kyoto to Copenhagen10/09/2009 – 30/03/2010Following the huge success of the first exhibi-tion, this one asks you to become aware of thefragility of biodiversity and to understandclearly global warming and the issues of theCopenhagen conference.

Frida Kahlo15/01/2010 – 18/04/2010Art as a weapon of survival. An enigmaticand revolutionary body of work, whichpresents itself as a reaction to the artist’sphysical ordeals, the anguish of her existenceand her tormented passions.

Heart-made. The avant-garde ofChinese architecture.Until 21/02/2010As part of Europalia China, an exhibitionwith an innovative approach presentsChinese architects and artists who are sha-king up design and town planning.

Ars Musica02/03/2010 – 02/04/201023rd year of a festival of sounds as strangeas they are pleasant. Thirty or so events onthe theme of mathematics in music and atribute to the composer Xénakis.

Museum Night Fever06/03/2010Fifteen or so museums don their party clo-thes for the 3rd Brussels Museum Night.Surprise, after-party programme for night-owls.

Symbolism 26/03/2010 – 27/06/2010An ode to that ‘fin-de-siècle’ spirit, ofwhich Brussels was one of the capitals. Anexhibition between dream and reality,which recounts the development of sym-bolism with, topping the bill, FernandKhnopff, Félicien Rops and many others.

55th BRAFA – Brussels Antiques& Fine Arts Fair22/01/2010 – 31/01/2010Nothing but beauty at one of the oldestantiques fairs in the world. 120 rigorouslyselected exhibitors and expert valuationdays, for which people come far and wide.

Dautzenberg ExhibitionFebruary 2010 – April 2010From the name of this unique collectionfrom the early part of the last century,which gathers together 4.5 million shellsof 40,000 species. The exhibition displaysforty or so superb photographs accompaniedby texts.

Anima12/02/2010 – 20/02/2010For fans of mangas, animated fables orplastinated fantasies, the animated filmfestival presents more than 150 films witha special focus on young Chinese animation.

The three dreams of the Mandarin 22/10/2009 – 14/02/2010The artistic and intellectual world of Chinesemen of letters, whether men of power (man-darins) or artists, between the 16th and the18th centuries.

Whales and dolphins14/10/2009 – 29/08/2010The Museum of Natural Sciences sweepsyou down to the ocean depths to discoverthese fascinating marine mammals andour sometimes ambiguous relationshipwith them.

Felix Gonzalez-Torres16/01/2010 – 24/04/2010The Wiels lends its space to a retrospectiveof the works of this Cuban artist, who wasable to revitalise minimal and conceptualart by incorporating emotion into it.


Eurantica18/03/2010 – 28/03/2010Collector’s items and Champagne bubbles,that’s the eclectic combination of thisfamous fair, which brings together rareobjects from 150 antique dealers fromEurope.

Short-film Festival29/04/2010 – 09/05/2010Spotlight on the ‘short’ in the area aroundFlagey. Public and professionals rub shoul-ders there in an artistic and entertainingapproach. And when the shorts end, thenights go on and on…

Queen Elisabeth InternationalCompetition 2010 – Piano03/05/2010 – 29/05/2010One of the most highly-regarded testswithin the international world of music,every year this competition gathers togetherthousands of informed music-lovers insearch of impeccable auditory sensations.

Les Nuits Botanique (Botanic Nights)

07/05/2010 – 16/05/2010Rock beats, electro vibrations and otherunclassifiable styles set to French lyrics,the ‘Nuits’ add colour to your May eve-nings. An exciting programme and high-quality discoveries.

KunstenFESTIVALdesArts07/05/2010 – 29/05/2010Theatre, music, dance, film, fine arts…and every imaginable combination ofthem. This festival, which gives pride ofplace to original new Belgian and foreignproductions, is a barometer of today’stalents.

Lesbian & Gay Pride15/05/2010 (to be confirmed)The big annual coming-out of the homo-,bi- and transsexual community ofBrussels. Straights and others are wel-come to this event, which sparkles withglamour and humour.

Zinneke Parade22/05/2010City brass band, urban exuberance andpoetic carnival along the city centre boule-vards, the Zinneke makes all your child-hood dreams come true. The theme thisyear, “À table” (Come and eat!), is alreadymaking us hungry.

International Fantastic FilmFestival 08/04/2010 – 20/04/2010Off-the-wall screenings, body-paintingcompetition and a real vampires ball. Twoweeks of guaranteed thrills and shivers.‘Kids-allowed’ and ‘Enfantastiques’ ses-sions for the family audience.

The Royal Greenhouses of LakenFrom late April to early May 2010Two weeks to visit the ‘little’ winter gardenof King Leopold II, an environmentalistbefore his time, and let yourself be wonover by these voluminous spaces of glassand metal bathed in the intoxicating fra-grance of flowers.

Art Brussels23/04/2010 – 26/04/2010Photographs, paintings, sculptures andlive happenings, trashy or elegant, alwaysastonishing… 150 international galleriespresent a shock showcase of contemporaryart.


Brussels Jazz Marathon28/05/2010 – 30/05/2010Mister Jazz descends in force on the capitalfor a hundred or so live music gigs in theopen air, in bars and on four big outsidestages. And it’s free!

The Brussels 20 km 30/05/2010Good jogger or hardened athlete? Thecity’s finest avenues and Bois de LaCambre/Ter Kamerenbos unfurl beneathyour feet while a crowd of enthusiasticBrussels residents cheers you on.

Bruneaf – Baaf – BoafJune 2010The very aristocratic Sablon/Zavel districtturns into a showcase of the best achieve-ments in the field of Asian, pre-Columbian, Oceanian and African arts.

Marcel Broodthaers15/06/2010 – 29/08/2010The works of this visionary anti-establish-ment artist, one of the greatest Belgianartists of the 20th century, are being exhib-ited for the first time in their entirety.


Couleur Café25/06/2010 – 27/06/2010Make a date at the Tour & Taxis site for across-cultural, altruistic and ‘caliente’ fest-ival! Reggae, ska, salsa, hip hop, dance,funk… a gigantic multicultural fiesta, justlike Brussels itself.

The Ommegang29/06/2010 and 01/07/2010Brussels takes a leap five centuries back intime. Nearly 1500 extras in Renaissancecostume walk in solemn procession fromSablon/Zavel to the magnificent Grand-Place/Grote Markt in tribute to EmperorCharles V.

Brosella Folk & Jazz10/07/2010 – 11/07/2010How can you resist the charm of thiscompletely free festival tucked away inan open-air theatre, just under theAtomium spheres. Bliss!

Brussels Film Festival03/07/2010 – 11/07/2010This specialist summer festival is a realtreat for cinema-lovers. In the style ofSundance, it puts on amazingly high-quality films that are sensitive, originaland, above all, personal.

Carpet of Flowers14/08/2010 – 17/08/2010The master-horticulturalists of Ghentcome and enhance the magnificentGrand-Place with stylish designs anddecorations. The outlines are kept secretuntil their final execution.

James EnsorJune 2010 – September 2010A fresh look at ‘the Prince of painters’, thisbrilliant and complex artist, fascinated bylight and death, inspired by Breughel andBosch.

Brussels RollersEvery Friday evening from Juneto SeptemberLeave your cars behind and get your skateson. Miles of Brussels boulevards are reservedfor you to enjoy a funny sort of outing onlittle wheels, which will end with a partyin the heart of the city centre.

The Studio of Franquin and Cie15/06/2010 – 26/09/2010This exceptional exhibition recreates thesetting of the imagination and inventive-ness that would give life to the most exu-berant works of comic strip: Lucky Luke,Spirou and Fantasio, the Marsupilami, Bouleand Bill, the Schtroumpfs and many more.


Tour of the Royal Palace± 25 July to mid-September 2010Every summer, the Palace of Brussels, inpure Louis-16th style, opens to the public.The ceiling of the hall of mirrors decoratedwith one and a half million elytrons ofThai scarabs alone is well worth seeing.

Brussels-on-Sea (Bruxelles les Bains)

Mid-July to mid-August 2010Fine sandy beach, coconut palms, pétan-que green, fountains and Mojito cocktails,DJs and live music are the spicy ingre-dients of this summer festival in the tropicsof the canal, in the heart of Brussels.

Brussels Summer FestivalAugust 2010For 10 days, the Mont des Arts districtbecomes the special setting of big musicstages, street theatre and children’s shows.

Memorial Van Damme27/08/2010This is the unmissable annual gathering ofthe greatest athletes on Earth and of anenthusiastic crowd of spectators. It’s alsoan indescribable atmosphere, a musicshow and a big fireworks display.


Brussels Marathon03/10/2010A stunning route that takes the runners tothe loveliest parts of the capital and fin-ishes triumphantly on the most beautifulsquare in the world. A half-marathon(21km), a mini-marathon (5km) and a kidsrun (1km) are included in the programme.

Klara Festival – InternationalBrussels Music festival03/09/2010 – 17/09/2010This year, the world of Gustav Mahler isthe focus of this music festival, whichcombines great symphonic repertoires,dance, electronica and musical theatre.

Beer Weekend03/09/2010 – 05/09/2010Take a city with an age-old brewing tradi-tion, a beverage that comes in 400 differ-ent flavours, mix in the most beautifulsquare in the world and some ‘bonsviveurs’ ready to clink glasses together...and enjoy sensibly.

Late-night Opening of BrusselsMuseums23/09/2010 – 16/12/2010Every Thursday evening, for a modestsum, museums open up their doors andtheir secrets to you in a friendly atmo-sphere with guided tours, drinks, activitiesfor children and concerts.

Wim Delvoye. Knockin’ on Heaven’s door10/10/2010 – 11/01/2011After the Cloaca faecal machine, the tat-tooed pigs and other works symbolic of anapproach that mixes genres, cultures andpractices, now Wim Delvoye tackles theGothic and metamorphosis.

Charles Van der Stappen20/07/2010 – 26/09/2010This jack-of-all-trades sculptor died justabout 100 years ago. He owes his fame tothe sculptures of the Botanic Garden andhis collaboration with Victor Horta. Theexhibition presents the many differentfacets of his work.

Heritage Days18/09/2010 – 19/09/2010For a whole weekend, the public can slipinside original buildings that are rarelyopen to the public and see some unexpec-ted interiors and well-hidden treasures inthere.

Design SeptemberSeptember 2010Design in all its guises is the subject of fiftyor so events: exhibitions, conferences,films, debates, studio visits, second-handshops, urban trails… The cool date of theautumn.


www.brusselsinternat ional .be

The best in Brussels information

Skoda Jazz FestivalOctober 2010 – November 2010Blues, free jazz or rock, every version ofinternational jazz invades the best halls ofthe capital with a single objective: to pushthe blue note as far as it will go.

To life, to death: Death in theMiddle Ages, 6th – 16th century02/11/2010 – 24/04/2011Learn about Medieval man’s attitude todeath, depending on his rank and socialstatus, through burial rituals, beliefs,mourning and memory.

Fashion designers’ trail22-24/10/2010For 3 days, take the pulse of fashion designin Brussels. Designers, students andfashion houses invade unusual venues inthe city centre to exhibit their collectionsthere.

Winter WondersDecember 2010In the Place Sainte-Catherine/Sint-Katelijnepleinand Marché aux Poissons/Vismet district,take a magical, food-lovers walk along thelittle stalls of the Christmas market. Warmup with a mulled wine and ‘croustillons’(little doughnuts) before stepping onto theice rink or the Big Wheel.

Francis AlysOctober 2010 – December 2010An exhibition co-produced with the TateModern and the MOMA on this Belgianartist who lives in Mexico. His subversivework questions society and the place thatart assumes in it.

Orientalism 15/10/2010 – 06/02/2011A journey into Orientalist art from the late18th to the early 20th century or how, ondiscovering the Orient, the West devel-oped an enduring imagination.



Arau (Atelier de Recherche et d’Action urbaines / UrbanResearch and Action Workshop)Architecture speaksBoulevard A. Max 55 A. Maxlaan - 1000 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 219 33 45 - Fax: +32 (0)2 219 86 75E-mail: - www.arau.orgSince 1979, the Arau guides, specialising in architecture and town planning,have been offering themed guided tours explaining the growth and develop-ment of the city from every angle.

Arkadia.beLearning to lookbip - Rue Royale 2-4 Koningsstraat - 1000 BrusselsTel.: + 32 (0)2 563 61 53 - Fax : +32 (0)2 563 61 60E-mail: - www.asbl-arkadia.beLearning by looking. Guided tours led by art historians with a passion for thesubject, to help you see, understand, experience and love even more thetreasures of Belgian and Brussels heritage.

BrukselbinnenstebuitenOff the beaten tracksRue du Houblon 47 Hopstraat - 1000 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 218 38 78E-mail: - www.brukselbinnenstebuiten.beOn a constant quest for the unusual and avant-garde, these really are gui-des who can lead you off the beaten tracks.

Brussels by Water / RivertoursBrussels, going with the flowBoulevard d’Ypres 84 Ieperlaan – 1000 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 218 54 10 - Fax: +32 (0)2 218 54 50E-mail: - www.scaldisnet.beEvery week, Brussels by Water organises guided boat trips and day excur-

sions in Brussels and from Brussels to other cities and regions of Belgium.Boats are a unique means of transport that let you explore Brussels and thesurrounding areas in an unusual way.

Bus Bavard/ChatterbusOriginal and passionateRue des Thuyas 12 Thujastraat - 1170 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 218 38 78 E-mail: - The chatterbus trails: original, fascinating and friendly guided walks for explo-ring, dreaming about and loving Brussels…

Calèches Carlos Moens-StassensAn old-style rideWatermolen 1 - 9300 AalstTel.: +32 (0)53 70 05 04 - Fax: +32 (0)53 78 63 27A short ride around the city centre to the clip-clop rhythm of horses’ hooves.(Horse-and-carriage tours, only for groups and on request)

CulturamaÀ la carte toursBaron de Vironlaan 140 - 1700 DilbeekTel.: +32 (0)2 569 27 74 - Fax: +32 (0)2 569 31 44E-mail: - www.culturamavzw.beThemed tours of museums, the metro, the city centre, architecture, literature,the fine arts, folklore, gastronomy, the age of Breughel and Charles V. Tours onfoot or by bus.

Dédale CultureOn foot, by bus and even at nightAvenue de la Nivéole 10 Lenteklokjeslaan - 1020 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 268 42 26 - Fax: +32 (0)2 268 21 14 Themed walks, bus tours and Brussels by night..

D*ToursBrussels in your earsAvenue des Klauwaerts 30 Klauwaartslaan - 1050 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 648 80 77 - E-mail: - www.d-tours.orgAudio trails, colourful and historic, comical and curious, entertaining and dream-like, off you go for a tour on the Grand-Place/Grote Markt, a walk in the Marollesdistrict or a walk in the delightful Place Sainte-Catherine/Sint-Katelijne area. Now to download on

THEMED TOURS, A number of organisations offer themed tours to help you explore

all the most original and eccentric aspects of the city. Sometimes

extremely scholarly, always very characteristic and at all times very

lively. It would be surprising if you didn’t find that something ‘extra’

to make your stay even more memorable…


La FonderieSocial, economic and industrial life Rue Ransfort 27 Ransfortstraat - 1080 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 410 99 50 - Fax: +32 (0)2 410 39 85E-mail: - www.lafonderie.beAn original approach of highlighting the working and daily lives of the peopleof Brussels. Their studies and programmes evoke the economic, social andindustrial life of Brussels. The present and future of the region and its in-habitants are considered on the basis of historical analysis.

« Hop on, Hop off » Tourist busTourist Information Brussels – TIBThe perfect sightseeing tourTown Hall - Grand-Place/Grote Markt - 1000 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 513 89 40 – E-mail: Every hour, double-decker buses leave from the Gare Centrale/CentraalStation and public transport stopping points to explore the city.

ItinérairesTailor-made!Rue de l’Aqueduc 171 Waterleidingsstraat - 1050 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 541 03 77 - Fax: +32 (0)2 541 03 73E-mail: - www.itineraires.beBrussels seen through its celebrities… real or fictional. Through music withJacques Brel, or the mysteries of the Freemasons narrated by Victor Horta.

Klare LijnLively toursRue du Village 40 Dorpsstraat - 1070 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)493 50 40 60 - Fax: +32 (0)2 520 83 93E-mail: - www.klarelijn.beThe Klare Lijn guides love their city. A tour with commentary turns into arelaxing time for the visitors. The aim of the guides is to create a dialogueabout the city, its specialities, the architecture, the people and the literature.

KoreiBehind the scenes of history Sentier du Verger 18 Boomgaardpad - 1120 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 380 22 09 - Fax: +32 (0)2 380 22 09E-mail: - www.korei.beKorei shows you around, sways you and banters with you in the chiaroscurobetween architecture, literature, currents of thought and the savoir-vivre ofthe 18th century to the present day. Stories told in a particular place in thecity or by a fireside, in a museum or at an exhibition.

Onthaal en Promotie BrusselStart by reading the menuRue des Princes 8-10 Prinsenstraat- 1000 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)800 13 700E-mail: - www.uitinbrussel.beNeed more information about classic walks? Looking for a specific pro-gramme? This organisation covers around fifteen guide associations and willhelp you to find what you’re looking for.

Pro Velo2 wheels and 5 sensesRue de Londres 15 Londenstraat - 1050 BrusselsTel.: +32 (0)2 502 73 55 - Fax: +32 (0)2 502 86 41E-mail: - www.provelo.orgA pleasant and active way of exploring the city with neither windscreen norroof in your way and giving you a completely unimpeded view.

VizitGourmet trailTel.: +32 (0)9 233 76 89 - Fax: +32 (0)9 225 23 19E-mail: - www.vizit.beWalks for lovers of food and culinary experiences in the city centre and theMarolles area.

Voir et dire BruxellesPersonal and alternativeTel.: +32 (0)2 563 61 51 - Fax : +32 (0)2 563 61 61E-mail: - www.voiretdirebruxelles.beUnder the fitting name of “Voir et dire Bruxelles”, a few associations havepooled their knowledge and enthusiasm of the city by creating individual the-med tours.

Official Guides GBB – Guides Brussels BelgiumThe original in 12 languagesTown Hall - Grand-Place/Grote Markt - 1000 Brussels Tel.: +32 (0)2 548 04 48 - Fax: +32 (0)2 514 45 38 E-mail: From the Brussels of Charles V to European capital, official guides accom-pany you in a choice of 12 languages as you step out for the first time here.(On request).



Arrival by airBrussels AirportBrussels Airport is 14 km from the city centre. Trains run to the Gare Bruxelles-Nord/Brussel-Noord, Gare Bruxelles-Centrale/Brussel-Centraaland Gare Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid every 20minutes. Journey time: approx. 30 minutes. •

Arrival by trainRailway station Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid, 15 minutes from the Grand-Place/GroteMarkt, is the main interchange for inter-national services, particularly TGV (Thalys)and Eurostar.

Passenger information• or

•Tel. +32 (0)2 528 28 28 national services(weekdays and WE 7 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.) •Tel. +32 (0)70 797979 (0.30 €/min) international services and reservations (week-days 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. - WE 9 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.)

Travel on public transport Metro, tram and bus• or

Places to stayHotel bookingsBookings and last minute bookings:Tourist Information Brussels - TIB,Town HallHotel bookings online: •

Youth hostels •

Guest-house roomsBed & Brussels•

Taxistop - Bed & Breakfast•



Tourist Information Brussels - TIBTown Hall of Brussels Grand-Place/Grote Markt, 1000 Brussels•Tel. + 32(0)2 513 89 40•Fax + 32(0)2 513 83 20•••

Opening hours: Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, summer: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; winter: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 1/1 till Easter: closed on Sunday. Closed: 25/12 and 1/1

bip Rue Royale 2-4 Koningsstraat – 1000 Brussels•Tel. + 32(0)2 513 89 40•Fax + 32(0)2 513 83 20•••

Opening hours: Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Closed: 25/12 and 1/1

Gare de Bruxelles-Midi / Station Brussel-ZuidTourist Information:Central concourse

Opening hours: Winter: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 8p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday andbank holidays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Summer: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 9p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Closed: 25/12 and 1/1

Tourism Office for FlandersRue du Marché-aux-Herbes/Grasmarkt 61 - 1000 Brussels•Tel. + 32(0)2 504 03 90•Fax + 32(0)2 513 04 48••

www.brusselsa i r l



Belgian Tourist Offices USA Tourist Office for Flanders - Belgium New York officeThe New York Times Building620 Eighth Avenue, 44th floor - New York, N.Y. 10018 - USA•Tel. +1 212 584 2336 3002 •E-mail:•

UNITED KINGDOMTourism Flanders-Brussels Flanders House1A, Cavendish Square - UK - London W1G 0LD•Live operator: Tel. +44 (0)207 307 7738•E-mail: •

SCANDINAVIADenmark / SwedenDet Belgiske Turistbureau Flandern-BruxellesVester Farimagsgade 1, (3rd floor), DK - 1606 Copenhagen V•Tel. +45 33 93 01 30 •Fax +45 33 93 48 08•E-mail: •


JAPAN Tourist Office for Flanders - Belgium - Tokyo officeHeiwa Daiichi Building 1-4-5 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku - 102-0093 Tokyo•Tel. +81 3 3237 8032•Fax +81 3 3237 8075•E-mail:

CESKÁ REPUBLIKÁFlanderská turistickáInformacní kancelárTáboritská 23/ 1000130 87 Praha 3 - Ceská Republiká•Tel. +420 2 670 92 444 •Fax +420 2 670 92 650•E-mail: info@flandry.cs •

CHINA - BEIJINGTourist Office for FlandersRoom 612B, Beijing Kuntai International Mansion, 12-B, Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyang District - 100020 Beijing - China•Tel. +86 10 5879 0785 / 86•Fax +86 10 5879 0787•E-mail:•

INDIATourist Office for Flanders - India – New Delhi officeRepresented by Mileage Communications Pvt. Ltd.

30, Hauz Khas Village (3rd floor) - New Delhi 110 016 - India•Tel. + 91 11 2651 1423 / 2651 1342•Fax + 91 11 2651 1246•

Tourist Office for Flanders - India – Mumbai OfficeRepresented by Mileage Communications Pvt. Ltd.306,Abhishek Building (3rd Floor)New Link Road, Andheri (West) - Mumbai - 400 053 - India•Tel. + 91 22 2673 1108•Fax +91 22 26731 109•


By road:Via France E42 (Calais-Lille-Tournai-Namur)Via Zeebrugge E40 (Ostend-Brussels)

By rail:EUROSTAR: High-speed trains from London to Brussels. Numerous crossings daily. Journey: 1h51Info:


By coach: Eurolines: various destinations•

By air: Frequent flights between UK cities and Brussels.

By ferry: Several ferry companies have crossings to Belgium:NORFOLKLINE-FERRIES (Dover-Dunkerque) (Rosyth - Zeebrugge)•

P&O FERRIES (Hull-Zeebrugge) •

Superfast FERRIES (Rosyth - Zeebrugge) •

Trans Europa Ferries (Ramsgate - Ostend: for cars, caravans,motorhomes) •


A publication of: Brussels International - Tourism & CongressOriginal texts: BI-TC and Sophie DufourPre-press: KatsuraOriginal photographs: Axel Addington, Binstok, Phile Deprez, Ricardo DelaVita, YvesFonck, Museum of Natural Sciences, Paul Louis, Jérome Latteur, Christophe Licoppe,J.P. Rémy (OPT), Etienne Tordoir, O. van de Kerchove, Strauven, Jean-LoupVandewiele, Marcel VanhulstResponsible Editor: Philippe Close, President – Brussels International - Tourism & CongressEvery care and attention have been taken and all reasonable checks have been carried out in preparing this brochureand the editor/publisher cannot be held liable for any unintentional errors or omissions.

Brussels International - Tourism & Congressbip - Rue Royale 2-4 Koningsstraat - 1000 Brussels

Tel. +32(0)2 513 89 40 - Fax +32(0)2 513 83 -

Brussels is a member of

Completely crazy!A symbol of the fifties, the Atomium representsan iron atom standing 102 metres tall. Designedin 1958 for the World Fair, it embodies the daringdreams of a generation. It was built to last 20years but has just celebrated its 50th anniversary.And, following a complete renovation, its 9 spheresare shinier than ever.

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