bsb cover · websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you. be sure your...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Your step-by-step guide to long-term business success

Section 1: Your Business Mindset

Discover why you want to start a business

Help keep you motivated.Keep you on track and compel you to get up and work each day.Create a vivid picture and write it down.Keep it in the forefront of your mind every day.


Your business is not a “job”

An important quote from Theodore Roosevelt


Don’t treat your business like a jobWe are taught to follow directions and take ordersDrop these thoughts and think for yourselfYou’re not paid just for showing up to workIncome only grows as you put in the work

Some people around you may doubt you“That will never work” …”All that make money online stu� is a scam.”Ignore them and realize that they don’t matter.Stay focused on your business goals

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no e�ort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Be open to multiple streams of income and multiple businesses

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.Keep your cash �ow consistent.

Section 2: Multiple Income Streams

Why do you want multiple streams of income?

Create a product

O�er a coaching or consulting service

Write a book

Start a blog


Having multiple income streams can o�set the ups and downs you are bound to have when you’re running a single business.

You’ll sleep great at night knowing that you have money coming in from a bunch of di�erent sources and you’re not fully dependent on any of them.


Section 3: Keeping Track Of Your Money

Set up a �ling system

Keep track of your income and expensesIt comes in handy for tax purposesYou can use a simple �ling cabinet and tabbed folders.


Get receipts for everything you purchase for your business

Keep a ledger

Purchase your business items and personal items on separate transactions so you can keep separate receipts.You can use your business account debit card for business purchases.You can also get a credit card that you only use for business expenses

Write your daily income and expenses and your current business account balance. Make sure you record all receipts in your ledger.You make your own ledger, or purchase ledger paper at an o�ce supply store.Check your ledger against your bank account statement when you get it to make sure they match.Fix any discrepancies immediately.

Get accounting software

You can input your business cash �ow into a basic accounting software program on your computer like Quicken.Once your business grows this will make it easier for you to track your �nances quickly and easily.

Open a business bank account

Have all the money associated with your business go through this account so you can track it.Keep your business �nances separate from your job income so you can easily see how much money your making from your business.Taking this step may also make it easier to secure a business loan


Section 4: Managing Your Time

Realize that “time management” is technically a myth

There are only 24 hours in a day and time doesn’t change. All we can actually manage is ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.

These time management tips will help you increase your productivity.


Implement a time management plan

Use time management tools

Change your behaviors over time to achieve whatever general goal you've set for yourself, such as increasing your productivity or decreasing your stress.

Track your goals over time to see whether or not you're accomplishing them.

A software program such as Outlook, for instance, lets you schedule events easily and can be set to remind you of events in advance, making your time management easier.

You can use a Day-Timer or a software programKnow where your time is going now and plan how you're going to spend your time in the future.

Prioritize ruthlessly

You should start each day with a time management session prioritizing the tasks for that day and setting your performance benchmark.If you have 20 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish?Make a “To-Do” list for the day and number each of them in order of priority. Work on the more important high-priority tasks �rst and worry about the low-priority tasks later.

Find out where you're wasting time

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Learn to delegate and/or outsource

For e�ective time management, you can let other people carry some of the workload.Websites like allow you to hire people to do tasks for you.

Be sure your systems are organized

Take the time to organize a �le management system.Stay organized so you can quickly get what you need.

Get in the habit of setting time limits for tasks

For example, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it. Set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it.

Don't waste time waiting


From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's not always possible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs.

Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign.

Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.


Section 5: Setting Goals

There are certain tactics you can use to ensure that your goals signi�cantly aid you in achieving success:


Be Passionate about what you’re doing

Be Realistic

Be Value-Driven

Be Detailed

Plan your goal

Remain Accountable

Have Fun

Believe in your goal

Seek Support

Don’t Give Up

If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up.If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive for them.


Section 6: Make Your Business LegitSetting up your own corporation

Owning your own corporation is simply a matter of �lling out certain paperwork which is all available on the Secretary of State’s website.


Corporate tax treatments

Owner/Employee bene�ts

Lets talk about the bene�ts…

A business owner who works in his or her own business may become an employee and thus be eligible for reimbursement or deduction of many types of expenses, including health and life insurance.

Tax advantages of a home business

Aside from the independence and the ability to be your own boss, one of the perks of owning your own business are the tax advantages you’ll get.Some people start a home business JUST so they can take advantage of the tax bene�ts.You’ll want to talk to a professional accountant when tax time comes around but lets explore a few of the major deductions you might qualify for as a home business owner…

Owners of a corporation only pay taxes on corporate pro�ts paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends.Depending on your business income, creating a Corporation could lower your tax rate.

Limited Liability

What are your time-bandits?Net sur�ng, reading email, making personal calls, etc.Eliminate your personal time-wasters.

Home o�ce deduction

The Home O�ce Deduction allows you to deduct some or all of the expenses of your o�ce at home and related expenses.To qualify for this deduction, your home o�ce must be the principal place where your business is done.The o�ce space must be used exclusively for business use to qualify. Set aside a room as your home o�ce where possible.


If you own your home and pay homeowner's insurance, you may deduct a percentage of that expense, as with mortgage or rent expenses.If you have additional insurance coverage that covers things speci�cally for the business, you may deduct these expenses in full as direct business expenses.If you incur a loss that is not covered by insurance, if it is equipment used exclusively for your business, you can deduct the entire loss.

Building-Related Expenses

Repairs and improvements to your home o�ce are completely deductible. Mortgage interest is deductible as a percentage of the total mortgage paid for your home.If you rent your home, the percentage of your home used exclusively for business use would also be deductible.


You can write o� utilities such as electrical, gas, and other utilities as business expenses.


Phones and Communications

Meals and Entertainment

If you take a client or prospective client out to lunch and talk about your business, it is often tax deductible as a cost of doing business.If you are doing business out of town or at your convenience on a business-related task, you can typically deduct the cost of meals.If you are entertaining a client, the expenses related to the meeting are deductible if they have a business purpose.If you plan to take deductions for these kinds of expenses, be sure to keep receipts for everything.Keep records of what the money was used for

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses incurred directly to learn industry-speci�c skills needed for your business are often tax-deductible.

Purchasing a course to learn accounting and bookkeeping skillsHiring a personal business coach.

For example:

Additional phone lines for business use, including cell phones used for your business, are tax deductible.Internet service provider fees or broadband costs such as high-speed cable connections are deductible as a percentage of business use to total usage.


If you work primarily out of your home, you can write o� the transportation expense of getting to and from your clients' places of business and other business-related transportation costs.Transportation is one area where detailed records are critical. Typically, you will want to record the odometer mileage of your car before and after your trip to determine the number of miles traveled.If you have places that you often travel to, you can just record the number of miles once and then multiply by the number of trips to determine total mileage.


Section 7: Learning From Others’ ExperiencesHaving someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're �ying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you �nd a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to �nd a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to �nd a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation!


Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored speci�cally to �t your business needs and reach your �nancial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll bene�t from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to �gure out things on your own.Pick up your phone right now and call them at 866-219-1450 to get your FREE one-on-one consultation and get your home business o� to a running start.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can o�er you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

Section 7: Learning From Others’ Experiences

Having someone to turn to

You don’t have a boss anymore to turn to for advice or direction. You're flying solo!Everybody needs a good reliable opinion from a trusted friend who actually knows what they’re talking about, and sometimes just emotional support.


You can make important business connections

How do you find a mentor or business coach?

Explore your own personal network. Distant relatives, friends of the family, former bosses or professors, people you meet through professional associations or networking groups, or even online social networks.

Who do you admire and respect? Who has already been a role model for you? Is there someone who has already been helpful to you on a smaller scale that might be willing to formalize a more in-depth relationship?

The easy way to find a mentor and business coach

One of the easiest ways to find a mentor and business coach is by getting in contact with the Business Coaching Success Team.I’ve worked out a deal with this company and anyone who has purchased this product gets a FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business mentor!

Here’s how you to get your FREE one-on-one phone consultation with a business expert… Simply expect a call within the next 48 – 72 hours… That’s it!

One of our business success coaches will call you for your free consultation. They’ll go over your personal goals with you and help you map out a game plan to reach your goals in the shortest time possible!

Bypass the learning curve and be successful faster by leveraging the knowledge of a successful businessperson.Get customized coaching tailored specifically to fit your business needs and reach your financial goals.You’ll get unlimited access to your business coach/mentor for 12 months. So anytime you need assistance with your business they’ll be there for you.You’ll benefit from the 1-on-1 sessions that continuously assess where you are currently, and what you need to do to take your next step and move forward.More money for you and less time wasted trying to figure out things on your own.Remember to expect a call from your business success coach and get your home business off to a running start by having a

FREE 1-on-1-phone consultation with an expert.

They’ve mentored 10’s of 1,000’s of business owners in the past and they are true business experts that can help you jump-start your business.

Your mentor is likely to have an extensive network, and can offer you access to far more people than you currently have.They will be far more willing to open that network up to you than some casual acquaintance from a networking meeting.

They’ve been in your shoes

Having a mentor means you can learn from others' mistakes and successes.Their role is to share with you lessons from their experience in the hopes that you can learn them a bit more quickly and easily.

With this personal business coach you’ll be able to…

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