b.s.b.i. news no - bsbi archive · b.s.b.i. news ediled by edcaa d. wiccins cowpallure fann,...

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B.S.B.I. NEWS Ediled by EDCAA D. WICCINS Cowpallure Fann, Fdi.ulowc , Suffolk IPI I 9RD


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OmJ:mriM nplwtriJr•l• o d<l. K<nh Sp111Jrn

S.plcmMr 1981 No.28

G 11

" Top h.df o( ne m 8 lrumncdlale kll C CoroU1 0 DoraaJ wlcw E. Prul F Sqoob.,biU. .......,.. G. 11. I F"'d A ..S>

lt.L.S 11.6.1911

A. B. G. ll. I Nil • .U. (' 0 . 1. 1 o!IJ~rl) ...,.,

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ADMINISTRATION HON. CEN. SEC. (Ccnml Enqwnn) Mn. M.Jlrigs. White Cot!aJC.

Sllnfold . HORSHAM, Wesa Susa, RHI J 7RC. tiON. TREASURER (Payment of Subxnptlom and cbmgc of addreu}.

Mr. M. Walpok. 68 Out•'OOCIJ Road, LOUCHBOROIJCU, Leics. LEII l LY.

(Plcue quote membcrllup nwnbor on connpondcnc:<> <oonocntins mcmbcwup 01 JubiCrlptl,oru).

HON. FIELD SEC. ( ln fonn•tlon on Ratcl,anu, Flcld Mcctlnp clc.)

Mi>J L. Fancll, N.C.C., P.O. Box 6, Cndwin House, Ocorae Su ""' ·


AXNOAL EXfffBmON MEETING. NOVEMBER lit The ciOilllJ date fo• applicauom f<>• uhlbttlon ll*C 11 thJs mmlna hu been brou&ht

ro.,..ard th.s ye:o1 to OCTOBER lht If intondina uhibllon ,...,uld plcuc take note of thb dlle and litnd In opplioulon funm rwly 11 wdl ~tly ...Ut the otpnbcn, both with thc alluulna of bench space and wlth the prepantlon of the print~ proanmme. We plltlltulllly thank lliry Chorley for her help with oetUns out thJs prosammo. fo• .,.hlc:h lhc chceko •nd •uppli<ll mlllty of lhc ref<,.nctc and oulhoritiOJ, and fot her n\CIIculoua typmg.


Advtnecd NoUec of dote •nd loc51lon. S.lurtlay , 15th May 11 Unnun Society and Chchca Jlhydc Card en. lktai!J avoihb~ wuh next maihns.

F.utlt.Y MDIBERS Somo hlllilJ )lanbcn who u P'....,. - """"' or IIS81 \"twt, Cllt&ll 111<1 Notku of

Moctlop Cln lddltiOO "'!boi<Jea! to IIIo lull Mtmbor ofllll Frtalbl ~IDdiarled IIUI111c11 do oor require ta.. at,. ooplo.

111 fuiWt. lol wJcw of pG1bl< -... •-ouillnp •ill be aa1 ONLY 10 I bOx h mPy Mcmbat who lfiOCIIklllt roql><il ~Mm. If JO• ""'r ~rmllt \4- ..! •oulcl llto 10 reed,. I he llllillro&•. pk:l.~t write 10 lb& Hoa. Ttc:U&lft:l (tdcbca •b0'111 1.0 lnfOHI hlm lhll you 4o whtl 10 mminu1 10 -"'" lhc o1a copies (The Ord111uf Mmber of lhr f•mUy "Bl '"''omalkallytcod,. all maUinp on f111b1icalkuu.

COUNCil. M EMB ERS 1981 - 1982

Pror. J.l',\1. B100&11 (Praldmlt) : Mr IJJI. Kt:nl .. ~ r 1'.<. llall. ~~~ lt.W. D••ld. D1 Ul. Waltm.CIIbo Pruldcnl•); M" M llrip (Jion.. Ckn Sec: H ~~ M, W1lpolc. (II<Jn, T rr.uurcr}! Ur S.M tl'...dt-"· Or N.U4 Rob.aa, th t-A. St.~aee.. Ur U.L W(&.~ttoa, tllo.n.. ldhon h'ttrJOn.,u: Nlu J_ \J•d, (lion. lolccdnpS.c:.): M•• I.. I am:U jllon. ~-,.Ill Scc.l;

flcc:11d C~Hu•cil in onlcr or te2Uorily. Ru.lt 10~ .llr K.C \k-. 01 l'..lol W..S.. llr ~..D WlrJ.Ia'- \h iU, I'&nl.lou..a.Ors.L.J~.DrG.IbiiiWy. 111 H.A W<Aii""'· lol' A O.O.W, Or AJ M_, llr 11\C. IIuky.MJ> A. Loollriii \Cr ll.T, Mol>c)'.

lcpttWniU~ on nau~. R uJc- I I Mr 1 h(; C'urtt. Cln:IIDdl. llr C. Wynn<, l"'•k•llM,.0.\1 51""" l$catbndf

KC"p~llnf N&hitc(' lli'M'n'"lnC) ( .. ovncil• lh R.A 11. Sm~lh



Every membtt of the Socict)' wUI be ucllglned, and join in heartiest cong11tulatlons to our lion. General SecreW)' on the oward to her af the MBE In this yw'• Binhdoy tlonuurs. TI•• official announcement reads:

Milt)' Bras. Hon. Seuetory. Botonial Society. As the Hud of one or our leadtng conservation bodies put h : "riclrl)' doen·td by )'rAJ JHNOtl<lll)'. it u olso • /111/tllf rtCOgnitlon of the BSBn txmuibutlun to the publk tood. nptdiJ/Jy In the eonrat of tht lilfJdli{eond Countrysklt 8£11':


I would bu. throuJ)I uNews"to express my lflthude to membcn of BSBI for dectin& me Praident, and reeonl my deep <ClUe or the JIStlt honour h confers. I shall endeavow to &erve the Society and Its Interests In e~ry ..,.y I c:an. My own membeohip mrted In those days, now seeming far off and very different. when Dr Drucc wu still a reunt momory. Our knowltdae and awareness or 8ntuh plants have made enormOU5 llrid .. forward stnee then, In laiJ< measure due to the lllmulw and encou11gem<nt or BSBI mcmbcrL I look forward "'ry much to helplna malntoln thot pr01fess during my term of office. I itnd all of you my thanks and very best wishes.

J.P.M. Bnman, The Herbarium, k.tw.

HON. GEN. SECRETARY'S NOTES Conanatulatlons to the followlna iiSBI rncrnbers: Tite British Museum (Naturol lllstory), holder of the current llrillsh title 'Mweum of the Year 1980' and now awardeu .. pectal commendation In thccnmpetltlon for European Museum of the Year 1980, O.vld E. Alien who h .. hecn IWUtdtd the Bloomet Medal or the Unn••n Society of London: Or John li. Blrks awarded Se.O., Cambridge. and to David C. Lona who has recel"'d the Silver Medal of the 8rnuh Veterlntry /woctatlon for Research by a practiling , .. , on the u>e of Ulatruonlcs as • cure for mu.scul1r skeletal disorders. Our good wish~ also to Mouri« Coplcy on hh retlrenl<!nt 1fter 29 years u Secretary of tho Hallux Selentlflc Sodety.

From BSBI Scottish Ne,.'$1ottu No. 3 "Congratulations to Elllino Dullard BSBI vc Recorder for Orkooy who wu awarded

the MBE in the 1981 N.,.. Yu1 lionuoll UJt. for services to naturt oonservanon. ln addulon to her BSBiacthitles Eloine has, fur many years, been active In Scotthh WUdllfe Trust affairs In Orkney,at>d frequently CCM>perotes closely with the NCC In sitclnvw;. ptional work in the Islands".


Bluebell Ti .. The SocJcty's motif h .. been embroidered into navy blue Tcrylonc tics. These ate

available for £4.2S post pllld from Oundle Lodge, Oundle, ~terborough PES ITN.

Records and Referees The new Honomry Sectetary of thls Cornm!Uee will be Davld McColh who lakes

0\'0r from Fmnk l'<lrring. The final handover or papers will take place AI the Recorders Conference at Cortre.ne College, Wremam from llth - 14th September.

An updat<d lis< of Rl!<!orde"• and Refereet. wllb addresses, Is In prepatation and will be ~nt 10 all members when avallilble. Pl.EASE REMEMBER to send S.A.E. with I ll enquldes 10 v.c Recorders aod/or Referees and SpcciniiS1s -or return pottage if any spedmenu•nraterequlred to be rerurned. •(An upd!ned Un of lh~ v.c. Rcaude.rs in Scotl2nd b publi•tlt:d in the amen I BSSI Scottish Ncwa. lencr.NumbcrJ 191Ut .

Wildlife and Countryside Bill Since reponed In BSBI Nt!WJ 27:p. S (1981), the Bill h:u spent hwtdrod! of hours In

Commluee, and had a record I ,700 amendments tabled to it. As the BUI R!tumed to the .floor of the-Commoru on IJrh July for Report Stage the Government made some oon· cessions, in portiaular rltar lmndowner. now must rl()tjfy the NCC before doing anything thar could affecr ran SSSI. Conservatlanlst• hod suggesred thb, believing it 10 be the bore mininturn requirement 10 give any safeguard to SSSI's, and the amendment will allow rho NCC the opportunity to try to persuade an owner not to dC$Uoy an SSSI.

ll Is hoped to get the Blll through the Commons and back to Lord! by the end of the summer sitting, bul the Lords will do tloo Bill after the summer recess in October. We hope to publi•h • •ummlll)' of the complered Bill in BSBI News 29 ,

WUd Flower Society Mrs C.M.R. Schwtrdt, Presidenl of the WFS writes In lhe Wild Flower Moaazlno

No. 39 1 Summer 1981, on tloe links b01w""n WFS :md BSBI. Recoiling the 1920's and 30's when Or Claridg• Oruce was " the emlnenr botanlsl of the day", both societies were then 111ucb S1I1Jlller mod they combined for " l 0 highly >uocessful Conver$1%iones 41 the Grelll Cenrrol Hotel In U>ndon'' - Mrs Schwerdt comments on the 2SO (approx.) BSBI members who currenlly also belong 10 WFS. and thar four members of WFS hove been p>St Pre:udenl> of BSBI. We would radd thar we are pleased to count Mrs Schwerdr IUllong the Honorary Members or ilr/1 Society. Now there ne new links between the Sodeti ... with BSBI member Mrs Eliubeth Nurm•n •• Hon . Gen. Sec. of WFS. and Micboel and Ann Walpalo now the membenblp odmlrrlstntilon for WFS- as for BSB!. Ti 11 therefore most important when wrilin& to 68 Outwoods Road. wughborough. to quore your BSBI membership number ( thi> number will be on the address label of your maiUng).

Sinaina from Wales Congnuulatluoa 10 Goronwy Wynne. Chairman of BSBI Committee fo.r Wales. for con· duellng hJJ Trelawnyd Make Voiee Otolr into the llnols of the BBC Wales Mole Voice Choir Chompioruhip. The Seererary or the Committee too has bean singing, raking p~n In • sponsored hymn sing tlntlght lhraugh Hymns Andenr •nd Modem In one 30 hour ICI$ion for the ben~fit of tbe NSPCC. We oiTer odndration 10 OUt WeWt coue.,ues thing up to lhelr expected musical tradllions.

TM FW-"1 of Brllobr JJid Thr C"mmon Ground We ha'" ju.t hnrd rrom rht BBC thn tbm mm Th• Fla-.Ynltl tl/ Brli«UI, bue<l on

!M book of rhll tlllr by Ricl111d Mabry •nd Tonr E•-.n• (to br rulo,..rd on k .. r.10ni<r 14:1) wUI be rcpclllcd on Suncby 26th July, IID.ng brcn cbot<11 •CSJXdafl~ for tht pre-Wrddlna Sunday• I hope rhar mcmbrn wliJ ha\-e '""" thh moot bautlful ponlllyal of our wild Oowrn. The Olm Includes stwtnina photopplly •.J· Ill<' mtadow no .. -.n In CO!OuofuJ medley I<C.D thtOtq/1 lhc dose-up of I Jingle fiO,..,I aocl I Well chO&Cn scrip! poncnrcd by Rlchaod wirb quierlincrrity. AJ in rh~ book. hh penon1l ob~tmuon and experience 11 rrOccrcd m phnucs such ., - dcswibons rho Ondln& of Jllll one Oy or<hld •rhc dinky lnOorrsetnce>, val•"et-bodied, blue watctcd, ,winr up In frnnr of your face In the aJoorn". We had hoped 10 give members od••nce nor ice of rhe tepcar dale for I his next WIOwfiiK Of ihc Olm bur , OS litis lm nuw b .. n brOUShl furw•rd, WO ore told th•t anollroo is unUkcly before the l~te tu111Jller of 1982 on BDC l Mcdolwlille Tit. Cdmmo11 Grouitd by Rich~od M•bey, in eonjunerion with rhe Natute Con~trv•ney Council, reviewed In ll'or.1011lll 13:4 (1981) 11 to h• publt~hcd on p•pcoblck by Arrow Books on ~IJI Scpt•mbcr 1981, at ti .9S. h lw not bten pc»:~lbltlo lnduc1c the tctlour ph01ographs at lids price. but rhls p•pcrlud: edhlun ... m aerulnly brina the l>ool., with Its dearly Mt.oClUI C(IIIJOtvatlun ~. ""thln dtc ondo ul a much will•• •udlenco. We are plawlllili )'Cil• lo .. ~leomt Rlchud Mabey au Coundl .Momb<r.elccttd Jltht AGM on May 9th. and on hltlppoinrmcnt ro rhc Co~~KtYttlOn Contmhlte or BSBI•Iso.

Not o .. y Allms on Rul>blsh Tlpt

Prof..., Jobn Fmnlln, who b ..-.11 known fen hb mlduoU> huntlnl for unLUUal planll In oil cor non of Brltaln. made 1n unuswd dlsa!woy on ltb Unl .. nlty dump somt yran l&'l· 11 ,., .. Prlostley's air pump. a piece of app:mtus wltll hodz.onl.ll eyllndrr. plunJ<t, valm •Jid I plltfarrn for b<D-jar. cWmcd IO br on tXCtllcnt cumple of the 18th cxntuoy craftsman lnnrumcnt-makct's m . In BirmlnsJlam ltn Octobrr thc ltoyal Soelcl)• of Q•cmomy and British Oxnen Comp1111y orpnlstd the trknniAI BOC l'rltllley Conf~oenc:.e, and Prcrr .. nr Frcrnlln's ph•age prowess Wll •d:nowled&cd h)' hb inl'iuulon 10 the Confe;cnce Dinner . Jweph Priettley LLD. FRS. wu m011 r11nous •• the dls­eovorc.r of oxygen, and tile dla.>overy of JIIJ pump b rnorc sltutlfieanl u "'"'' of hb equipmenl w11 lull when hiJ house •nd labonuooy were burnt down In 1791. The pump i• now on mdcOnilc loan from ih< Univcnily u( Bimungh•nr 111 lho Koy,l Soototy of Chtrnltloy and Is on dbplay lhcrt 11 Burllngton llooac. l~""•dllly, London.

T1Uplc«J• I , I hQVtjwt tud that lhrb•oa Woodlooosc Clln write JOO l<lllt,. • d.iy by lend in& -lUC·

clllo ttpUet'' •.a- " Use • doll~ ch1ln-. I"""' yet h> thinluf • hmonk:llcquiYlllenl ony IIJUCILIUns? M.B.

2. Sent In by Rlchirtl P:onkhullt; O..Crhc2nl lt 1 pony ' 11'/lm 11 M drJU~ or rlr<' "YdcmJ•' 'llr'l JUI rhc BSBIACM' 'Oft dtJJr, dtrt:~llrr Dt 4r•.w' '

3. AI rhc end of our W<Calfuii\CiM mc-.uo~ held un ~lliY qth ot rite Jodrcil t .. boretury, Royol Butanoc Coo~ens. Kcw,thert~nndcmonSirollonol rnl«1nJIItUUUIIJII f\l.Oper.llktn .. i><:n the Krepcr 11f the lieobarlum. Kcw •nd rhe K .. pcr ul llm•n)'. Bollhh Muocuno (N•tuflll Hbtuoy) wuhed aocl dried thcaucl.<f) u~t.S by lhtm<tllnt~.ln p<tfttl hotmuny.

Moo y l111)1J:.S

MORE ABOUT V ASCULA by Mll)' Brigs Funlla oo .,, """ la 8$111 ,...,. 11 I ...,.. ...,.. ,....;...~ • oalal ~ of _,.u <Uh • lth

I hbtofYud a d\~a of' ill OWL

I ""' .Ca i.J I aGI>Ot P.. tile oxt ......,. ot die ddiPifi>l pk<llt• ooprod....S """•· lt feD from • _..., o..:l t..ua..:t -- foo..:t lo (tb< utlt!l my p:uodf•lha'.o h..,,., u4 -lbly anbkd ,._,.m...,. Tolnfor itoT•

=-- · .. Or Rolllllll boumWn&

In the 111ry ht'ie f"UI.ed rrom 4V. x 1 lneheJ (a_ mo» w~Jieillw:o pedtu~l, to 10 x l l locb~J, made f1Dlli dn. ''on and c:oppor t fl.d painted black, "rilhc or ~fUn decotilod with rox,, u the dali&luful bmlootn don.utd by o, OX. Ounct~L nb anl~u.e. Unub tctlli me, belon,ed lO bttlfttll'tlllnllmot.hu'• aittc.r wf1o died in 190& apd 91 UrJUll and her ratbct found 11 in tho bou.M when they lnhcrilf!ll lt In 1927. ,.. weU .. lhc pou u.Md bon!CI 1llld noru bouquet paint..! on !he ouuld.o •• addltlolllll furun or init ial b • Uflall .cptnJC CIOmp&nmctll panltloocd off 11 (I(IG end.. A Umila. n;culum. &ncnlllld point..! wWo d...,ouJ•• plctu~et,.. obowo tt U!c AMIIal ~.t.b.lbiiJ"n Mcctl"' lo 1976 by c.y M-• - thb hod hdo"'<d to hl,o .. ,,,.~ "'me' """" •-•Or oft' ... d by tbo titolotlal Sdqcu lkp"t •• ~C"Irf Onlwn:lt)fftl OM or. pllcm tlul t.hc: ()ep•t u.Jed tu tu .... mM•Ioci.Uif tor ulc to their lio-n lloO.I!)' St....,u for ll.

A oew mcmbc-t. lln Non Mdfillu. kl:ndlr dorW.ifw: hc:f ntll!\l.lu_...tdh rt)ll}ut •• btft"!,QaD&u·tbk 'l"dClU .. mlich gJed In her aath-s: Ul..rcr •ben .._.-a .a ")!rot~ ~f IM =4biy t'ncpl" ~n Mo­WIIl..u now wrh part_.lntt: •• U•Ycnq..WCC'oa:nty Mtne'llftl-: .t. ha m~ butllho • hau .nht oud-..,. pluood to......_,. bt:r liiiSBI.

Tbc.Urettt •-.ulwa that l hne t"ntaU.fttucd ~ w E.S.. t:..s .... •lto tdb ,_tAll 1\ tneUUtts

11 • 10 >$~ ........ old thot lt b i4oll (Of hlo Rub< colloal ... f.tl< •uloa ~11\MIIMIII lho t""lft .. htly pstUd thc plull• ••nula la plOd .....tltloa 1 .. laur doyo. y..,. ..,. •b<o "" hod 1 bnmblr l>oU4q n o>Cd to lilt tbo boot of the .,., wolll p,_, 1llld popu •n4 I h"" to ..,..., houn ~ry f"'Cl''iftc dt)'lq planu and tbo fQpctr.--'llowld.i,., •""'l' eo • ...,. fut a ton,'VII-wi.end &nJ doLl~ •ual•hra 111o't ICI home. l"bt bnmblft tn the vu:nllum an;:. cuily M.-"ParAI.:d h)' halt !itt('(ll ut M'l'(JltpCf. I hJ'o'C tried pot, tit.,.. boJ> ., auku, but br01111bk• u. pri'*b< llllnf' 1nd lt I• • llililllllfl j<Jb loavltOJ to tlt


the pitce.J totethor. Orvc mo my two vqcula (one tJ Jlightb· am11.Uc.r), one in CJt h hMd, and let me much off b\to • wood . l met • pmekC'e"per onc:~v.·ho lhoucht I wu pDDehiAg rabbltL When I showed him • nlcc piece of RubUJ nc-mOI't11il be wu q1.ait~ liken sbackl ''

AnothcJ anecdote eom.os. from Jtm MUMr wb-o rteA.IIs tiUlt on V.'1U·ti_~qe mUiW)' .t«Vice the spa~ between hcJmct.&nd p s muk earrlc.r madc111n ideol plont conLDincr for o(foduty bot:anieiiJ sonla..

Mn E.F. \\'ubws dnruted the v:ucuLI from het attic In re5ponk 1a our appca_l In BSBI Ntk'l 21 :4 0981) A VRJCUium In tht Auit: -_-wr.U uiC'd in hlltorlc Oeld 1A>ort wbcn our ''CTW r:lor." wu In prt.1Jmt1on~ Anothtr htu been offered by Mlu Ruth Uar-11a Jachon. tnd a.lhlaethu now 28 n...:u.la h.IYC b«n p-w cd on tbro1.agb th.c. bSllt VaM.'Uium Pool. Any .mcmbtr with •-J.Cnulnc need ror 1 vasc:ulum ""'ul4 plelJc conUlo< tht llan. GM Sor::owy (add,... on rap 2).

Or Ursula l.hanean tcndt us th.b funhernote DID THE REV. C.A. JOIINS USE A VASCUI.U1ol1

AJ 'IUCUII arc 11ill in the nc:ws it occ1.arred lo me eo loo~ a.t a. copy of lohn1' Flowcnoftlrt fit!ld whJth m)' &rtat aunt (abtet or the OM who o-wned the v.ucu1um• bouchtln 1882. 10 see ll Lbo m tbor b depleted carryin& a Yueutum ln abe new.spapu cuttinc wbkh Mis:s Ounl!lln pasted opposito the title p.J~c. Her~ b an amu.dn,a lkc:u:h of an eldetty Jlentlenum warinJ •· top hat perohtd half·w-:y up u lmpoJ:Iiblc diff with row• of imperturbable tea binb on IWce:t bcJow him. Ue b impeded by _. luac oblott& tec:tanculu object }UIW'ipg the. appearance of a plant p«n or pouibly a •ascruluu s.lu.n& on hh shaolder. Underneath is printed : 'A CLASSIC EXMIPL& or IIOW NOT TO CO P~LANT.COv lECTIN(): TH E REV. C.A. JOIINS SCAW'C TII£ CU FFS AT CUE GRAZE ON THE SOUTII COAST OP CORNWAll.' . And below; •stUJ 1 wa.s not afc - I was now hb.m:cd on my hands And one lcnte on the ed.~:o or .o eU{( one lea wat 11UI ha.n&i:na CJYrr Idle - and my book which I H:ld not had the mc111n1 of ceniqa rid of. bsd dipped round Ln (mnl and insened jtsclfbc:lwCC!n my body u ti the roclt • ~

Wha1 wa1 thi• took'? The.utbt dw:ly did 001 know,


New Va,cula - w~ ue Informed UiJt atlhoutft ihc:k arCr .nlll In produe1ion, the !Inn •upplylnt them 4ae< nat nonnally ""' la lndMd•.t.. Thd< modcl Ou.U,pc ~ • • VkT~.U I• of llah.,...i!!ht n.nodllcd alumln.ium 38 c-m ~'- 8 tm ~ 13 cm ....-11h n .il bljr for curylns coUccdnc jars. Lid ca.n be: opc:Qcd and cloted \\ilh one )1and. Complete wl~h adjuttablr- w-e:bhfnJ: shooldLT'ttfillJ. The ctlrre:nl prier £30. 7s- plut patklng and poliiJe !2.00 piU• VA'r !4.9 1. Mcmbcn purc:Huln1 •hould .t.tatr clazrl) t theytJrr mffmb~rrof BSBI •nd cnd me remht.uK"c of tl1.66, and atddrcu 1h.c order to· CRIFFI N ~ C EORCE l TD .. Cemud UloloJieal <:entre. Wouhl"" Ro.od. ~AST PRESTON, W. Su_...., BNI6 IAS.


British M=um (Natural History) Centenary Open Days In celebration of 100 yean ·at South Ke111ington , there will be Open O.y$

at the Museum on WednM<I>y •ntl Thursday NOVEMBER 18 and 19 10.30 -16.30. More than 100 eJChlbiu wUI be shown ond staff will be on hllltd to talk about their reseatCb •~nd services. llSBI membcn ore invit<d 10 go .. behind lhe ~ones" in six or lho DeparlmCniS:• Botlllly. Zoology, l'lllaeontology, Mine111Iogy, Entomology and~ Ubmry Services.

TickeiS for admiuion will not be iuu<d ,butthost who wish to alt<nd are oskcd to infonn ihe 'Open Days orn.,.·, B.M. (Nat. lUst.). Cromwell Road, LONDON SW7 SBD. Telephone: 01 ·589-6323 Exu. 667 and 206.



The fJnal yur or the Block Nla)>uhade Sun>oy yidded a fUnha 63 completed atds, lnlldn& I pnd tOUI or 341 rc<onb dUfin& lhe lhRC )'WY of lht .AIIYC)'. Ahho"ib these ne•· -.Is apln roprestnted a fairly wide r>:OF or oioe counties. whh the cxecpllon or S. Un.coln (v.e. S3), none ~r• reeci,..d for 2ny or lhe other -tee cOWJtlo from IO!lleh reeorcb we~ ml.W.a and whkh were listed In my Seoond Interim Report (IISBI Nn<n, 24: 20·11. 1980), Tha ...... 1 little disappolnling, Slllee the Atla ofllrltlsll Flol4'0if!JI l'lonrr (Pernna. F.H., Sell. P.D. and Waltell, S..!tl.) &Ives fairly plentiful reoorda for 'S. nlg111m' In E. Cclrnwall (v.c. 2), Bedford (v.c. 30), Hereford (v.c. 36), Ctrmulh•n (• .c. 44), Nolllnl!l•am (•.c. S6) and S.W. Yoduhlre (...,, 63).1iowc,..r,thcAr/as does also verify the absence of records for this speCies from Brecon (v.c. 42), Rlldnat (v.o. 43), Mon1gomcry (v.c. 47) !lnd Arl&lesey (v.e. 52), wldle gtvtns ro!JU .. Iy few roeorda for ll In SurrTord (v.c. 39). Ctrdlpn (v.e. 46) and Ctrnarvon (vJ:. 49).

By the lino! year, ntoJt of the dlrficulties encountered dwlnatlro .carina or the more variable and oumple~ morpholaalcal clum:11:rs seem 10 have b«n u ... rcomc, hopefully u • result or the cxplaruuory notes Included in my First and Sceond ln1ertm Repons (/JSBI N..ws. 2/: 12·13, 1979,ond op. c/J.).

The complcled records wue apln prcdomimntly of the pulple}bltck· or bltc.k-benled nru.nt of S. n/gnlm I- subsp. nftnmt. Two pos&ible rcoordt wcte aiJO received of rhe yeUow/~t«n-ben•cd •-.rfa:nt of this IUbspedes; thctt "~ from S. Euo: (v.c. 18) .mt Ldcatcr (•.c. SS). Approdmmly 26 recorda of this y.Uow/areen-benled •arwn wno I'CClOI¥cd duJin& the SUM)', fndlcatln& llw lt is companth~ely 1110 In the Brftbh bla, and thot 1t b more common In the JOuth. putlcularly In the toulh-c.ut. Most or lhe r.-dJ eamo ftom e. SuJscx (v.c. 14), W. Kcn1 (u. 16). Suncy (vJ:. 17), s. Eau (v.c. 18), N. Essex (vJ:, 19), licn(onbhirc: (v.c. 20), E. Suffolk (v.c. 25), W, Suffolk (•J:. 26), E. Norfolk (YA. 27) and Norlhamplon (•.c. 32).

Follow!IIJ my piu in I he S<cond lnlcrim Report (Of members 10 be p1r1lcularly on the loolc<!UI for lhe aJaclulot-balred S. n/gnlm I- sub~p. ~~:trult~$1/ (Opll) WCL, three acldltloral rccordt of llw 'ubspedcs were "'a:l•cd. Utese were from W. Kcnr (v.c. t6) and Middlesex {v.c. 21), whereas those received lul year were from S. Essex (vA. 18) and W. Norfolk (v.<:, 28). So, allhou8h this subspecies seems lo be eomparttl .. ly ntrc In the Br!Ush Wes. it Is more or less conOned 10 the south..:asl whare,lauspecl,lt la a Uttlc more common lhtn our records auuest .

Among the cuual rclalivu or S. n(lrum found In the British I.Jtcs, 1 fUrther four recordJ or S. .lllm1l!hukJts Scndtn. were rcc:elvcd.,IUid these lnelu.dod f new vice county (W. SUrTolk. v.c. 26). nu:se addhiorud recorda wereall oflhc form wilh I he half .. ccre:scent calyces. This spea01 b 1p10 luscJy confined lo the south ond uJt, whc"' 11 oppeld 10

be r.Utt ... ty oummon. Durins lhe wney . the variant wtth the twr"'"mcenl calyces wn I'Mlfded from E. Suo- (vJ:. 14), W. Kent (v.&.. 16), Surny (v.c. 17), BuclclnalwnshiR (• .c. 24), W. SUITolk (v.&.. 26), Cambrid&• (v.c. 29). W. Clouoost., (•.c.l4), Wora:~ter (•.c. 37) md Sllropohhc (v.t. 40). Only two recon!Jo.fthc comp1Bll..,ly rue \'ltil:nl with lhe fully occrtteenl eaiyl:u wen rtcdvccl. md lhcse "~" from S. Essex (v.c. 18) and lierlfonbhlrc (v.c. 20). Pcrhapo I should mention here, rhor one record of 1hc hybrid bc,..cen S. rrJrrwn •ubsp. lll#lU1I and S. 111T1Uclroolos, namo.ly .t • procurrem l.nlle. was also rccri\'Cdlhis year. lhls coming from A.C ~sllc , who orl&fnally dilc:owced ond described 11 .

Wllh repnl to lb.c rcrn.llnlng euull.s robe round In tile Britlsb. ll.lcJ, Ull.s yur, bo&h S. ch~tiQpcxl/oiln lam. ond S. llXJbrwn MilL were m:orded. Bolh were noted u escapes


from the recorder'• prdcn. m s.E. Yorblun (u:. 61). Althoup. I recca...S••-eral poaib~ m:ords of the tiny-noo;rrcd S. ""'DiciJmmr Mm. durins the aumy, fn>m the lnfomllltlon ~~~ppllcd, none of thoac ....,re milbblt: u pom;., recorda of thb spoda. ~maps sur· prisinsJy. no podtl,... or ... n poaible. rcconl.s ~re reori\'CII of the rtmalnlna ..W. the red· or oranc<obttri<d wnplold S. villoJUm Uun.. dtlttt u !M alanduliJ-h•llcd IUbtp. •UJ011m1. or •• the <&Jmdultt-laolrcd .subap. pwrktum (Kh1chlcaet) EdmondJ. Thiupecleslaqulte oommon In Europe,ll>d ha been recorded In the Bntlth iJiu.

1 ltJ•oe called UIIJ the "11atrd Interim Report" rather than u~e "Fi111l Report ... llnoe a full report of tiUIIUM)' wUI be wtfuen up for pubUcnlon In due counc ,ond hopefully, for 1\'at.ovnla. TIIio wall anc.lude dl"ributlon mapa of the two &ubapedet of S. nlpl1m and of S. saTTrlchu/da,and wUisi, .. full !nfonnulon on the morpholosJcal .. riatllln dlaplayed by these two rpeclcaln the Drltllh lsies,and on the Ylll'iety ofhabllltl that they colonllc.

Tire Block Nl&htthwle Survoy hu resulied In 1111 e.xtenllYe conespondenco wllb li IArsc numbe.r of DSBJ member~. which has provided a gr .. t delll of lntcrestlna lnformallon on the planu I<Ortd tnd on their babltala. This bat brouaht me lnao contact with • ar<~a mmy eaathu•ilutlc •nd wUIIng 'helpe11'. mmy of whom p•tlontly rcviahtd tltu to collect p~es of parllcuiarly dll'llcult plants, 10 llw I could tonflrm their ~e«lna and ldtntl· llcatloau. llholl &rutly mluthls upea of the SUI'\'e)', and .. ..,uld like to record my llnal dunb to .U those membe11 who hclptd In this 1111''<)1. and especially to thank thme who wotkcd 10 Jmd on my behalf, ~Cndfn& in larae numbea of compltted cardJ uch yen. Without you, the rumy .10 worthwhile which hu yidded 10 much inval~le informatio.n on S. nipvm and rclmthu an the Bnlish bles. would not hur bten poaiblc. IENNIFER M. EDMONDS Now of: Dep:utment of Aglwhucal Sdcncr . Unl.....uy of Oxl'ord . l'arb Road ,OXFORO,OXI 3PF.


O..r lht put few yea11 whilst working 11 various sites of nue spccl01. I have COmt •=• many vlsltlna botanlsil who ha\'f 110r obtJlned pennlulan from the NCC or the lppropdmto County Naturollm'Tuitt. Perml«ion 11 wu•Uy &Ill tiled tt.a bonm Ode botonbtJ unless the rpeclea toncerncd Is under panaculor stresund would surTor further from vlslto11.

onen the lllnte people te•vilh • site year orter year jwt to ••• how tlla colony Is p!Ogtt'U.In&. Tiuslnforrnatloul! alroudy b<lug collcctcd.ln mony tileS by omtbi monltoll, ond I he loa! NCC omcer can provide o recent repon of the nm of pluy If uked . Visa toll •r• uOen not aware of the mony t«dllngs and young plama that dtey dam<~ie whilst cloady uamlnlna or phOtotnphln& nowerin& Jptclmoru

Once people hav-e been 10 I Ule the) -=m wntrnc to p ... on the whereoboull of the nt< species 10 olhen. Wltilout tellin& them ID obtain perm!Jiion n~tt. Or <OruiderJna whether the lncrcued numbtr of >isltors nuy aeriouJiy afftcttht wtOobeln& of the planll. Would wcU~nrcnrioned BSDI mcmbt~t plene co~rarc tn rho work of CONCI¥lllion by ll•)'ln& """'Y from \'lllncrable sites.

If membe~t wilh 111 hclp by monltorin& or wmlcnlnc 11tea ln th•lr own nelaJtbourhuod they should eh her conuu:t me. or the loaf NCC officer. or County Nilunllsb' Trutl orna,r. Tire)' Co)uJd llatn""' fur thetnJcll'e:l th< problcans e•W<"d by ll«dJeu.Wtlna.

If I do ent..untcr Ill)' moat unaothorilcd >iJltorJ they hod better be p«p•acd to run rur or plus their ellS. ror I Wlll be ••=dlngly angry.

LYNNE FARRE:Ll.. NC'r (address on p. 2).



Symposium organised by the BotanlealSoclety of_£dlnburgh to be held on 24 -26 September. 1982,at


Thli wlU commence with sn Open Session on the aftemoon ofFrlday24 September, 1982 when •nyonc m1y submit a paper on mther more tpedallsed upccls of the study of arborescent birches (prior noUOeation to A. llennell, RBG, £dinbu1J!h). A poster session b being organised for the sanu: period.

Conference fee .t:S but contributors wl!l be t11e guem of the Society.

FRIDAY Afternoon: E•enlna: SATI1RDAY Mornlna :


EvcninJ: SUNDAY Mamm,:

Summ.y of Ptopa..rmnc

Open Session RtaNJ Kttpor RUG ; PmidtM BSE; Hbtory or Bln:tou by HJ.B. Birb.

Taxonomy and Ob:tribudun: Ecoloslcal upceuo: Aa,e .ll.Ne:tu.rc In natural com­munitin;Reprodudlv'c chuactcr and Yarladan. NuUi<nr c:yd<1 In blr<!lwoodt: Phyoioluslr:al nodle•: C)'tolosy •nd Gtnttl<r. EplphyttJarbin:h. Macrofungi or bitehwoocb: tttycorr:bi.uJ: Funpl pathQie.nJ: VlNICI ot blrr.h...

lnKCU or blrt.hwoociJ~ Hablt.au or olher invcrtc.br.tu; £xotfc birches; Hlrch In hordcu ltu tc-..

Afternoon; M.n't Ute or birch. put and p.nrtcnl;Bt'rum MIIIJ Furthet lnfonnatlon from: Or RoyWaUJ.na~ Royal Botlnk:.Gitrdcn, EDINBURGH £113 SUt



By cowtesy of TI1e Nationlll Swedlib Protection Bo.rd,tentltive plaos arc being mlld.e for on expedition to the Gavle am of Sweden , bued for 12 days at the Jadru Field SiJltlon about 100 mile• north or Stockhobq to study the rich local flora including &fix JPP. of wtllch then: are a great wriety. Excursions to the many lntcresung n1oitals In this region will be led by R.D. Meilde.

Aec:ommodallon In student qillrters IYaUable to members at adYlUltageous rates. ll Is ant icipated that transport to tht field otlllo n wilt be either by ear and ferry

(4 pAssengen the ear goes free) or by air from HeaUuow to Stockholm and thence by hired vehicle or public traruport. Whether or not il Is feasible to hire a vehicle wDI depend on the numberr without a place in a private cor,

The estimated cool , ba.ed on current prices is t:IOO and Including llliYCI to nnd from the field srallon, we o f ear or hired transport, basic accommodallon ond rneJtb.

Persoru wlsblng to W<e pllrl In tlili expedition should contact me no bter than lhc I Sth October, 19 81 , in o rder that I he potantlal support can be ossemd. E.R.T. CONACHER. An Fharroid , l..llwmamock Rd. BRIDGE Oli WEIR, Rcn frcwshire , PAll 3AI'.



Darwin Colle&e Cambcl<lac IJ llklnathe -man of lhe Centenacy of ClwleJ Darwin's death to promote a Conference to surYoy the present Stile and prospects of cvolutlonacy theories In • wide ran&• of sclenunc domains, u seen by their ludln& exponenu.

The Conference wDJ be primarily ldenUOc nther th111 historical, but not Intended only for specllllsu. To cncourqe Informed and aenenl discussion, the Conference wDJ be strictly limited In du, and u demand Is expected to be heavy, carJy application b advised.

There wUJ be a Re&Jslntlon Foe of £40, and fuU board and lod&Jn& can be provided for participants ot about 00 a day. For more details and app.Ueal.lon Corms, send post· card to the Honoracy Semtocy, Darwin Centenacy Conference, Darwin CoUeae, Cambridge CB39EU.


In coMectlon with the note by Jarnes Whlte In BSBI News 27, de:aJJna with protection of rue Irish plants, memben may be lntttested to lmow that In addition to olne of the species whkh are also In cultiV>tlon at the National Bottnle GardetiS, Gl,_vin, n-.. othe11 a.re in cultiYatlon In the Botanic Garden of Trinity CoDeac, Dublin. These are:

G ymfiOCIITpium robmllmum O.mbt lllllrirlm# TrlfoUum subrtmln<Wn Umonlum rtanl'tWIIiDnum Poa 11/p ira

In oddhlon to these there is I condderable collection or mod.crately rare, vecy variable or otlterwlse lntereuln& species, aU of known Irish oriJln, u well os a seed-banlt of ldsh plants. lt Is Intended that these collections wnl be added to In the courae of lite next year or two. Material of them can be supplied on ceasonablc notice to boM fide research workcn.

!•. WYSE JACKSON :tnd D.A. Wl!BB, School of Botany, Trinity College, DUBUN 2.


Mr T •. B. Ryves, well known foe hit work on wool allens,ltas a large number of dupll· cat< specimens from his extendw collection, which he b wllllna to make available to memben who could make good use of them. Mr Ryves oxplalns that much of the material 11 ·•somewhat unidentified and wUI take quite a lot or time and effort to get lt into order; good practice for an enthullut." In view of the decreuln& we of shoddy u 1

fenDizer owr recent years, the specimens wDJ have 1 special and apprcclatln& value. Interested memben should write to Mr Ryves at the address shown below, lndlcatlng lholr specW lnteren In ac:qulrin& these duplicates.

T .B. RYVES,44 Galsworthy Road, KINGSTON lULL. KT2 78S.

ORKNEY ISLANDS MEETING CANCEI.UD (June 27 to July 4) Our commi<eroUons to those momben who had plAnned to join this meetln& (it wu

fuUy booked). El11ne Dullard writes that unfortunately it had to be cancrlled u the boat wu wreekod earlier In the summer.


ALIENS and ADYENTIVES AOVENTJVE NEWS 20 compOcd by Eric: J. Ocmcnl

SWEFT BROMECRASS IN BRITAIN The C.lifomfan Bronwu cwriMWJ Hook. & Am. now dollllDIICJ NVCIII miles of low·

path and roadvcr11n cenlrrd aboutKcw(Sunry);iloppcanln Or C.S. IIubb~n!'t Cnmcs (1968) only u • (0011101< 10 p. 13 (no1 p. 71, u In 1bt fnde.c). ancllhctc b no por11111. Nor doet BuLChc1 ( 1961) supply one. Lysbetb Rlcbanh fw kindly Oiled the pp, de· plcUna for us a pbnt rrom near Xc:w brldgc. cnv JfveJ • JOOd dcteripUon: tl~e few and brge, hcovy.JooldnJ, stronaJ.y eomprcSS<d. glistening splkolcll wltlt awn1 S • 10 nnn long make 11 a diJlblOI and conspiCllous g11ss - rudDy confused only with lhc afways-cuu•l B. tmlololdn (awnt only I • 3 mm). 11 wus first round 11 Kcw as an cscapo from the Royal lloc . Odna by Clltl abou1 1919, bu1 no1 until 1945 w11 h round In Mlddlc~ex on the other llde of !he mighty R. '111ame1. Since 1hct1 h fw spread f111 - m O.H. Keni 's voluoble notn In /.OndJJII Nat. 46:39 (1967). I!$ prOICn.., .. Oxford wu nnt noled In 1937; lt .. llttill uound In the Oxford area, C$J1etlally along the Thomn towp:ath S. or !be c:ity. h prefer~ opon, wum 10ib and dl)eS no1m•ade moturc cloNd 1rusland a don B. itrrmrb~ (comm. Or HJ.M. llowen). HJMB telb me ollo o( hb recorda from 4 loealllics In &rb (1965·77), Tcw~ury (E. Clo1.) In 1977 and Watcharn (Oortet) In 1978. Rcccnl 'CR'• lndude Durham (I locality) ancl E. Suffolk (see below, I loc:allly), Mlu B. Jhvles bad 11 on • l'al.tY IOllbide IIUl CbJdc {Ocnb~) In July 1979. !XL EJC.

I wonde1 how thb SftJS nolurally sptodd lu l.aiJe teed size (1000....4 wcfahl or atound 10 Jl'lnu - compa~d whh 2·3 pms for Lo/ium mulll/llWM) don 001 •Jd db:pcnionl Ancl the -.1 b m>rkedly l>cldnlln IIJ abffity 10 lldbete 10 clcdtlns or (w. IIJ p~dllectlon for sma verges IUIJCSU tbn grus<:ultinl machinery macht be a rnojor feature of ns spread an Br. (The YCry broad-bllldcd lcsftl and lu dtor1~lved perennial dUIItlon make dellbc11tc IOWinJunlltinbble). In my own Klnpton-on·Thanaa (Surrey), hs only silo tbal I know of b hnmcdla!cly outJide !he Coundlshods where 1he mowcn IIC IIOredl A Cow yea .. aao I ..... I few plan!$ on neatly·irlmmcd ICJidtnUa) rosd YCr&ct

In neuby New Maiden and Worcester l'llrk exJnlng by 1rec-base1 whotc the mower could no! cui . They have pcrllhcd. whcreu at equo!Jy ncarl>y Ill m !he rousl• grua verges brbtlc wilh !his bromo. By I he Thameo, il friglnonlnsJy domlnoles to! ally ;nd ouJI~ oul all compotl!lon from arw •nd l~erb• alllce. I conclude llaal •horl and reaular euulng elfmlntes ll. bul oa:ulonal euhlng grc•tly enccx111gea 11. hs vel)' vlaorous JmW!h, <tpodally In laie lllnUttCr. tOJolhor with my obtei'Ylltlons or tbc JI'IU'I •bUlly IO ltl ieed In olrno•l ncr~ month ur I he ycu cerwnly helps it. Such Oowc111tc clolstopmo,. -Indeed. I could Ond , m Oct 19'78. any d!>smogamous Oowero for our arllfl 10 d11w. (Nor h .... I tocn aey &inoc!). The earyopsis de•-elops hnmedblely: 1hc Ndlmcn1ary m thus 111 on top or !he ovary(,.. drawin3}.

And no.,. aJrlculwrc la belplrt& !he sprud. Mr JJ'. ShUdrick (Sporu Turf RCSCllcb lluutute. Bln&Jcy. W. Y01b) and Mr D.T .A. Aldrich (NIAJI. Cani>ridl•) ~nerously

supplied me With mucb ~nfonmtlon , pomtmg ou1 t1w funber. widespread records are unmmcnt. Bromus awiNfllJ 'Ocbollh' fw reanlly been wtddy IDitoduocd lnlo IJTI· cuhuml Ut< In !he U.X. o a pot.crulaUy bel let >hcmalivc to Cod.&fool (D«:tylh) for dry ~rou 01 111/11 10U•- )loa~tcd by !be wdl-lcnown firm Dunm Snsl •llil Cflin Lld. of Coruwn, WUtt, u SWe.:t Bto""'lfUS ('~ Re•,lutlonary an exdlln& new JWS for Mkl«oJOn producllon'1, ll has lived up 10 Its proml~ In lndcpcndcnl t<tlJ by 1he



j/ 1 ~ j


West of Scodand Aarlcultwal CoUess(w.e Teeh. Notr No. 24, Apr 1978, by R.D. lia:kess) and by the Natlonal ln.stltule of AarlcuJiwal Bouny (NIAB) Ill Cambrid••· Dr TJ. Erne~ of /)uJtJU, who W'1J raponlible for Its s<JoctkMI, kindly wrote ID mt 11 ltn&th (18.11.1980), anrll quoic:

""'' A111Cid &o w01\ Wlih lhe 'fMI'XI an the: 1960"& a.nd Lhc. vanctr n• tMQIUiht Into commcru m t.b< mid IJ70' .. ll b bu<d oot.., eeot~o.,. ••lddlcoloalocd m U..Th..,.. Valley oftu.....,U., from lho 1180 11 Kew, onil thr O<lm orfllmu.d from """""""'' modo on thr <lopo or the And,. In urlo """"la.. l'hc oriamol pl.u!U .,. •• "'*"'"" to tlmulat<d &tuJnt UUU!!.Uit • .., t<l.ctod pl.uiU WU'C' u..S t.o pronlt ao•ns• o.n w'hkh ~b1CIQ.Yt:D1 btCltdlnt ..-ort •u catricd out.

"The •orldy o.bor.Jt b oomewtu.r ll>.oner. bor. ooruldcnbly mote l...ty and 01.otc dlcntlblo tbllll lh< od!lul oco(J'pco. Vuiout q .. ltty onolyJct wcu c:arriocl out with thevaricty,•nd h ''"'"'own to he r<nottUy '"Y blab In outrltlvo volue. The rwtlc Swcel btotne lt my ow.o crcctk>n ond it b bated on the fat1 that le• 10lublc t:upr oontcnc b bJahcJ lhan an)' ot.hc:t Bromill spcdtt an6 1hb la auoala1od with hiJb ~ololoblllty. The SwKt bromo .. ., .. lhuerorc, d ... de.ctlbe lhe cJrUIClabde• or tlre mncd.aJ In • munlntful way 10 the fumcr. 11 h U1Ual ro lu~c • 10-(;.til:d t'<llflln(Hl (Uintl, • tubltlh.Jie for lhc bou.oJctJ rwtte. but a.t lho tpee·ic• wu not In u• p.rlo1 10 ow- lnt100.ucdoo. l thou,hr tht lbo lntroclucdoo or ' new comm,ln n11m#. woukJ 1bo be: appropdan ..

-r:hc tprud or ltt. u t~fe or Dcborsh h wery eom:idenb1e. •Dd tttctdta ftOt:n CotnwaU 10 "col In •• E'ott·W .. , dltcetlon ond •P IQ A 'If •nd l!dlnboqh la rbo North. Thclo b conJitlcnblc •-I• the E.ut<UI countlot or 14Jand .. woU.. Onr cauld orln!W1y •Y tbtt tlwt lt u- In ,....,. oou».ty. In this,.._., I •m r.alltUllocly or Od>onh, ........,. then "" oo olllcr...,lla, oeo~ypco or llnln• of lbo""" -"'"" wllleh - .Id be <llhrr In prinu"' <OilUKt'Cial lliC.Ptb to lhord-ollhe oc<d "' .. ~ u .... -~· 00 otllb&llon or "" tpeda m 1bo u.x~ wlilllhc cxtol'do• ot toflltl- empln Jn tbo Rarol 8otuloC...W.."

The ctunsc of name from Clbfomhn Brome (Us<d lhro"'hout USA) to S..ut Bromc: Is unfortunate, bUl I think Br Odd bollmlsl.l should foUow suit: that iJ how it 11 liOid to our rlll11I<H. 'Ooborah' hu pt1formcd well, too,uan«part to AwtraUa, Fnnce,Swcd~. et<:. But, at CARB Rcocmh Station, Bwulodac. Albma. Canada. 11 Oopprd .. htn c:ompa:<d • ith 8. bwm!J, ptcSUIIIIbly due to t.hec:olddlmuo. Contrut the 1976 droulbt in Brilaln, when 11 wu reponed u the only ll""n pss In the Bristolatca. l conclude with my only ree>otd Jupponina tho aboYC f1on : ha no ono obe JpOilod tl u a crop rebcY (or an arop).

Don.sely liOWn, narrow llrip 11 odzc or fteld loft uMut and now meracd Into aroso ••ra• of roadJide. In Harbtead Lane, Woolvorstone (E. Suffolk), Sept 1978. Mrs I!.M. llydc. Hb. E .t Mll. Conf. EJC. The rarm·miiJUge•explained tbA.IIl WUi'own for sliaae, lll\d wu • drou&hHcllatant ntcc called 'Dobotllb', Ful'lll.er spread from here 11 predlctoblc. 11 ts stUI unknown by boranlau In W. Suffolk and In many other vc'a.

lollXED .BA.C Sewr>l or tile records below ore now,or ncarl.y new, to Br. ll lJtCI1lltlalble how some

quite wnunon pnlen planu h..., MNT born tq>art<d as uapcd, or "appucnlly wUd" . before. Rfc«dt or rort allcnt 01 ad"'ntlves are somet ime~ pubi!Jhcd In tho countlcss local ncwslcuero or jounuls: ,.,_ of lllllotul inwesllhould be rqn!ntod, or 01 ltut ,..,rcrmc<d, in BSBJ N...,. Contributions of this Ollurc I tlwa)'IIIUUY ..,.komr:

Aconitum 1'11/pllrilt! U!Jc P•ldl on ~ or dmiJaae dlldl In pauureland , by road from Dunncll to DuMCit Head (Cahhnen), July 1978. A.L CrcnfoD. Wilhtn 100 yona or the wdl-lalown Sma:ln llllitlr/1 Jile, q: BSBI Nrw. D. p.8.

A lt"- tGIIJfllbbul L : Was~osround. ear-pMk oui»CCe RJIS C1rden, Whlcy (Surrey), Sep11973. Or A.C. lnllc. fib . ACL Now &one, but uW In cull. by ACL al CuDdfurd.

A""""nlhlu /Mtlut L : Grand Ooull , Rue S.u••· St. Samptw>li• (GucmJO)'), 1980. Carolyn li.Uycr. Dei . EJC. Only one a liter rca:n1 record c>uats1. 11 follows: arown on byC.C. 1-ltruon from wool•hoddy ox Ne.wnhtm (l·lcru), 1973. 1ib. EJC. In 1980 Cli ot.o


collected lhe perennial A. dtf/aUl L (conr. EJC) frnm by lhe Power Slatloo, Vilk (Guernsey), but Litis l'l!ry similar species Is woll-known and es1abll&htd in the Channel .Wands. Dandy (19S8) hu lhc wrong plant out or this pair in bls Lilt!

Aqurugo pm<:Umbi!IU L : A few plants at tdge of SUl!llr-Otct field, Sudboumo {E. Suffolk), June 1980. MA. Hyde. Hb. E &. Mfl. A vinoally wccd·frce field wilh no ossoclottd aliens. No olher recent euual records are on my rues, yet 1t IJ still lhorougbly naturalized ot just ono spot in Br (5inee 18481) - on the shorr below ell ITs at Auchmilhie (Angus). Pllgrims vi<lt it each year! Curiowly, lt is a fully csllibUshcd.allen in Greenland in various locllllllcs, including "on difl'J" (Ptderson , 1972:10).

Chenopodium Cllpitatum (L ) Ascllcrs.: ln.carrots, West EndFarrn,Stevington ( Beds.), Oct 1980. Or J.G. & Mn C.M. Oony. LTN. "Ow greatest pleasure litis ycnr'', wrote CMD. 1 1 tt Br record for some years, ud a spocies to be removed from Dandy's LiJr Br VaJ<:. Planer! lt was m Btd1., Herts, etc. some 20 years •go, but ltJtJ nor been 5CCn 11nce. Or HJ.M. Bowen's 1972 record, from Oxford tip, Is the only other correct one known.

CJematls tarwutll:<l (Maxim.) Kor&h . : Ouany •t Cotltill, Oxon (vJ>. 22. Bcrks), 1976. R.C. l'lllmcr. OXF. Del. OMeC. Comm. toMB & J . Mlhon. Oumpln& here stopped In c. 1962, so this vine was apporenUy long ovedooktd l.n the BBONT nature reserve, and Is now extinct (killed by lhe winter?).

Cardamine mphDni/olia Pouuet: On ri>er bank, betw<en Fentongoose and Hugus (W. Cornwall), June 1981. Jean MoNaughton. Comm. K.!.. Spu!Kin. Conf. E.JC. More than 100 planu, in shade of deciduous 1 roes, stretching o•er 7Sm, I SI record for Cornwall. Kclth Spurgin hos metlcuously portl\\ytd his plant for us: I his species may be o""rlooktd eiJewhere. CIW, p. 163. gives Its statw; as ·•occasionally estnbUshed'' , which Is still ""IY true, but d=ribing the /tuft (not seeds) as "winged" is an obvious error. When without its deep lilac n., h could be mistaken by Its leaves as a Barbtrrm sp. (I have done so!).

Comus macroplrylla Wallich: Notur:tllted by R. Wey. Godalmlng (Surrey). 1978. Ml"l J.E. Smilh & Or AJ. Stevens. (Surrey F7nm Commluee NitWJ/etrer - Marclll979). 1st Br record .

DialllhuJ cvs; New roadside verge, ot end o£ A40, Astli1D Borrow (Oxon), 1980. Found independently by IUMB and Dr P Machperson from lheir respecti\'C cars! IUMB collected a voucher for RNG, labelling h "D. plumarlu1 L - or hybrid? - fh pink, ba$0 ccn.c, bcarded; fragrant", PM sent me $lx small samples: all differtd Jo some OJ<tcnl and they roggmed D. c:aryophyllus • grrulanopo/1/anus ~ plumarlm In variow; eomblnatlon.s - four were D. cary. x prll. and one was D. c:ary. xplum • ... I belleve .

Dkksotrla alllarctka LabW. : Woods W. of Knlghtstown. Valencia Island (S. Keny), Sept 1960. D. McCIJJ!tock. RNC. Dtt . C. Jenny, 1961. Sevcro.ll•fl• tluntps. 6 n tall , tn competition with nlllive plllllts. All without spores. J.M. Mullln conllrms that h is :t natzd in W. lleland and the Scillies. W . M>rgens repons that this Tree Fem ''seeds lt"'lf freely In some of lh< lArger {derelict) estatesln W. Cornwall - there 1J a good colony ncor Falmouth on the roadbanks of a road going through an mate. One can nearly always find at least SO sporellnp here''.

Ec/JdUium <IDterium: On rough slope by promenade, WestgDte (E. Kent), Aug 1961. B. Wur:zcll. Hb. BW. DeL JEJ.. uNaturallxed". but no more recent reporu exist for Kent/ Sussex. C{. BSBI News 26, p. 16. There arc no Br &hccu of Squirting Cucumber In BM (not even an hlstorlcoJ gathering). In RNG there Is just onc.fromThornton-wlth-Cicvclcys rip. nr. Blackpool (W. Lancs.). Nov 1959. coli. Rev C.E. Shaw. "fu about 2 ins lcmg. curo•td like • sausage. with spines". it was repontd •• • weed in Oxford Bot. Gdn. some S yenrs ago, and there lJ just one rec:otd from wool &hoddy (Btds, 19SS, Hb. toMB).


To $CC lt &hri'fina. one mus1 eo 10 Jcney (DDk lhu lhc Olannd hlanclt ate consldcnd u GJ (af.--) In FlJn fiJuoptuJJ 1-S), •dtcte U ii ....Util&b!IJiwd (•.a 1 weed la !M Faouulc GJrdcnt).

H)'Pfrl<t;m plft«<Ditm,-1 N. Robton: RI.., Junk. In woodland, 11 Gwn,.,nfT (W. Cork), AUJ 1979 R.C. Stem. Du. Or KllB. Rob11111. ~re •ere t number of buabcs, e. hn tall, ..., I trod aloq lhc riftr bmlc. JOmt duunct from howa, and oatamly looldna m&unUud, 11 •u loc:aUy """""' as "Rot< or Sluron"' The only olhcr ahcn pmenl wu IIJwxludmdtOII polllbm (ISUIIIQC &be Arl>urw to be nau ... IMtc). NKBR wro1e (O.c 1980) "U lt not /1. {otratil(u misdd. EJC} b111 /L pldldoltmryf N Robaon (In J. Roy. /lot'l. Soc. 95:493 (1970), whidt wu lnuodue<d Into cullintlon aomewlta1 nrDer than H. /o"ntU. lam mOSI tntcrmod to know that h hu become n01uralaod an Ireland . There are no 01hcr recorcb of lhb spec<$ - or,lndcocl,of any 01hcr member or ,..,, Aa;yrtlll e~ccpt IL et~lydrwm - for the Brltbh hles, d0$phe the popularity of 1hb JlOUp or spccitJ lu prdCIIJ, 'llidcote', or COUISC,Is lltrlle".

Iris orltmu/ls MWce, 11on Thllll.b. (£ odtrolau:o L) Outtfdc ol~ •• udcu, AbboUbury (Dorset), 1960.jl(), De II.J,M. Bowen. This dislincli'l> plan~ la peobably boner rqarded u I whhe·yeUow Od ... . or/ .. tpUTJ4.

L.tzrruuck6J OJJJml (1..) Mocnch' Rl.u shingle, Galaahleb (Ro~ueah•.). June 1979. M11 O.M Sltwan. E Olp Slrwan lw klndly depktocl lhls prcny, oenamenl&l arw for us: lt b 1 1111&11, Medltemnean OMuai with brftln srecn la\OU ood a lil...ry~«n inflor­..,.ncc IUmiiiiiO IJihl brown l1 m>tW11)', and oft<ft unaed •lth purple or &Old . lt hu rrputoclly (bu1 111dy) come 11110 Br WGh .....ol tlloddy. Colnadcnully, "Goldas Top" wu fwured. ••nh a dnw .. , ll Yftd d: FJon 66· I:!J.I!S{Oec 1910) 11 lwi>Hn lcDown on !M Olpc for 80 yean, 1Kt1 has am - spread doewtwrc lo S AlrJca. "'a barip lrmoder". Out Royal Na.y 1111y haft lnOJ(crred h to !M dodcy•d 1hc11 from Ma111 .•

Urlotdum Wliftlli.m (Sm.) 0 . Kuntl!le. Waae sround at ed&t of nuh<ay, Hlslc>n (Cambs.), July 1973 G.M.S E.uy. "CroW!llocally ua bortlc:ul&ural nop"

Unum IIUitri«um 1.. up. IIUJtn«Um : N.., ra.dJide '"'I' . t1 end of A"O. Aslhall Barrow (Oxon), June 1980. Or P M>cpbcraon. Hb. EJC. One plane , aomc 10 yard• from the Dlll111hu1 compln (uo above) Presumobly introduced c, 2 years •ao whh graa-.1/ whhe-dovee mix , nu other aliens were pr0$0nt. h b 1 perennial v.ry closely aiiJed 10 1.. Dlll/klmr, bul hu smaller aap•ulc1 and seeds nnd reeur.ocd fruit pcdlceil. lnexpllcably, the d111wins In Uuechcr (1961), I :SI9, Is a good n!Jich for lhil aUeul I h••• no ollt.er modern eccordJ for lhil C. & S. Europcansp .. bue no&cworthlly 11 b naturuiJtcd In Dcnmork (Hb. EJC). le may have bcon overlooded en Br'/

RARE BlR(),SEED GRASSES C.C. lbtlron lw, for aomr )an, m<tlrulousi)IIJO"'D dlfttM wnplti or blnl«oi

mixtures 1ft hb p.rden and lfetllhDI* 11 Vt'ate. Hc111. Almotl alltht common puund IIOIIPJI Up Jp<an DOIIIIIII)I auumed 10 ~ of bud-.! Ol!pl Ill now "pro..,o" a rtprcb lldJ "'CCOI O( IDU'od- {pnlups ODO O( ~raJ 1ft 101111 spp .). Some acod (nol~ly lhtt from Ethiopia) lftlWIIy ptootd OC.I) dtfflcuh 10 ....,.nate and 10 pow to awurfty, and indao!. h mlahl ,_,~·In !M wild rn Be,bul the atDOnlllwy raui&s IIC wonhy Of rKOfll here. Sot.-rthily, 0t>e or lhc moll dJfTicuJI OJICS, th< BtdcDOpsh. did prosper tn Scpl 1965 In a rai!Wll)l-1ard In Rouerdam hllboue (llolland) - ..., &he Ono drawln1. lobcUcd u 8. cf. JNtio/mis. en GorrtN l :5S·S6 (1966). CEH WIOIC (13.7.1976).


o del. otp M. Sl..,.-.n 1981


'"The Eflli'Ollb (BS 140) b Ollt of the Rlll11trous ntiella of E. lt/(l.uce.) Ttoner, whlch dlffct In tlv fonn of lhc paald.t m! la the colour and olu of the spikdcts. Tbc l'lriNm (BS 2J7) b a form of I' pm mu LThe Pmnunwm ltlht E.ut African l'.tlilbrvm Steud~ probably frons Ethiopia. Tilt Seurl!l (BS 2JJ) Is S. JPir«dau (Sdwmldtcr} Stapf .t Hubbanl, a pcrmnlal Afncan spcciu. wlrlaptcad from W. Tropbl to E. Tropocal and oowh to S. AfriCa: u lull bit« leaf blades and ln.llo<...,.~~«~ than S. fNI/lidWu<w which b 1ft annllal"

CEH wrote fut1ht1 (1.3.1977): "'Tbtre ue IOmt lntcratlna lfl"kt,lndudfna 1/ypu­rlrtm. mtltistirloltln (A. Rich.) Stapf, or N.E. Africa which I do not remember -1ncu 111 Introduction befor~. Abo Dfrluritz larrd14 (A. Rid!.) Slap!, of tropf~ .t S. ACrlt1, which oeeaslonally comes In u 1 wool alien: this specimen Is not fully de..: loped , tiro fruit tumln& blaekhh at maturily. The q>edmcn or tho African arus Sporobolus panlt:olda A Rich. 11 very youns and consequently does not show the c:lraracterutlc 11180 brown &ralnt. noe Jtlls wltlt the petiolate leaf-blldet b Dtdtrvpslt tHtlo /Jtr/1 (Uochtt.) Pia 4 de Not. of N.ll. Atria, whlcb I bcUovt you have had before. Slmllotly StlJUia spJr«tlata, 1 ~ry commott Af<iean srass.LuUy Dllltvw lllfiiiUilllllls",

Other oxtraord bouy planu &rown from the Ethiopian ntaor seed (Cullotlllllbyuink<l) were the bruad-bladod crccprna JflUI Oplisnwau hlndi!AJ (l.) Beau•. and B«lcoops/1 nub/ea Fit- A dt Not. Of the laucr, CEH wtOte (6.2.79)• "it b "'IY probably th!J annual pul or -th tropical A(rla (N"~ 10 Sudm and Ethiopll), butll .. ncenury 10 have the Iowa pen of the plant 1.0 be eettalit,IS la the cbcly.Wtd 8 ~tiD'-'U the Iowa lt.r-blada lu-. a cordato, asJUate or rOUDdtd but and 1 Iona ~tlole (up 10 $Ins lo..,."

ERACROS77S NttJJIEXJCAIIA V..-y h 11 renwklble tlul li. ~ should hive appastd 11 Br~on tip (N.

Sommct) (or three oonoccull..., yan, 1978-80, c:olkt:ltd by T .C Evam. A L. Crmfdl and od!frt. CEIIw1s 11 nm non<Ommital about Its ldtntlty, but then he wrote ( 12.1 I. 1979): h Is " /i. nt0mab1111 Vuey with gl.andull.t deprcalon• on the luf sheat.hs. foUowln& variow American Interpretations or tlw 1pcclea. While the type-coUectlon Is eaJandular, llltchcock (M•nu•l ()/the Cra:ues of tho Umttld St•tts, cdn. 2, p. I S1 (195 I)) write• or lt 'oOen with alodular deprmlons alone the keel or nerycl' (or the leafahearlu): I have gcn alnndular apcclmens from the United States. Slntllooly In Ourkart'l Flort1 flb.IINd• ll' E111rt RlfJt / AIJtntlne), hm 2. 175 (1969). lt NltorJ deiiCrlbct {In Spanish) the le.II shullu and marlins or the bllllles u gettolllly with susllo alanda. I have seen alandlllll ntlletUI from pans of Europe where the speclOI has been lntroduccd,IO for the meantime 11 lrrut , your pllnr may be pi~ under £. n<OmakoN"

Tbls conRrmod his c:ommcniJ o( 3.9.1974 when Mrs J F. Uslio found 1t on the rt ftm· Up at Cuildfonl (Surroy) In Oct 1971 Ht wrotr· • •• a alandubr form of£.,_,. ....... widdy dJmibuttd bi:O:.&. s. ~with qlandul.u and abndul.u f«IIII.IO )'Out

sptdJicn the pedal bcatl • t.lo&l• &land btftmh the splt.dct. • 11111 or dcprmtd aJ:-U bmcath cad! nod<. and numcrcus t an:uW of dbptic suakra &Jandl alone the ribs os the leaf 11rwhs"

Plcur, r bq. ler mo know rr you spoc erroo 111 AdrmtM Neo.~ (pro( on popcr lllpa. S" x J"). I do not want to m. dud the authora or FOG Bland othm. TIIlnk you. ERIC J. Cl.llMENT, IJ Sltelfotd. Barritt Rood. KlNGSTON.ON·TIIAMES. Surrey, K.TI 3111L



A !J.rte number or tnUI<!Ulll canton with 1t$ponsibDity fornatunl tdc~ coOettiOliJ hiM been coDIIboratlna 11 a twn 10 ream! the OJdnencc (or known fate If toll) of aD ooDcclionJ of naruralaqcncc specimeru to lh• Brillsh IJlos. Roccnrly lhc Fedcndon for Natural Scl<nc:cs Coltcetion ~rdt {FENSCORI!) vns formed, with rcptttcntJlivet from many major proYlncial musoums and from all the relevant national mUJCurns. The lnformac.ion belns &leaned obou1 collections Is fed throu&h FENSCORI! Into the national d~tlbuc beln• compUed by the Maochuter Museum Computer Cotalosulng Unit on the Manchcller UniV~>nlly computc.r.

'The primary purpQJe or the doubm Is eo provide rcsewdocr~ wllh • mcaru of rapidly IOCIItln~ collections conlalnlna molerlal of rdevanao to choir Jludlu. For c.umplc, dctoliJ can readlly be ·~trlcvod or the eullcctloru known to:

I) Cont1ln motorial or a &l"'n poup 2) lk asscdatcd whh a particular pcraon or expedition 3) lk pthered £mm a particular area or the world

UntU reuntly che cunton Involved h- been concentndng on colltctlons hdd In provind11 ntUS<.umt and ldruUed lnstltu11oas, but now wish 10 exp>nd the ocopo of the Rcsisttr to lndudc details of coDoc:doaJ ouui.U muacwm,sud! as thOIIO In prfvnc handJ or in lhe teac!tina dcpanmcnrJ of educatiollll esublhhmcnu.

I( you own, or •.re In darst of, botanicol. pl,.tc.l and/O< molotpeal coUcctlonJ. and you think lt• exhrcnco ~1ould be reconlai In rhe Rcprcr, !hen plwe att In touch with Mr l'clllll 11 rile addreos aJvcn below, note lhu arru~&cmenlt c.an be made 10 ice<p \he predJc Joc.Uon or Vlluable eoUectlons confiddlliiL.

You will be IC!nt the nc=auy formJ and illJUUcliona. toscthcr w;th the name and oddreu oft he ncu<JI Invo lved cunrtoo, lowhom !he complelal iorms should be returned, ond who wDI be oblclo amwcr•ny qucoo you may hl\"e.

The wurk ur conrplling rhc Realuer Is unfunded, m 11 would be opprcclared If you could Include uuunpcd.addreued env<lopc (at Jcast 9" x 3~'') wllh your leller.

CUARLI!S I'I!TTITT. ~bnch<Jicr Mu10um. Oxford Rood. MANCIU!STI!R Ml l 9r L


The oourhem pan of the London Borou&ll of l!allnJ! has brucxrcrulvcly bull! up since the eatly pan of the pteJCnl century, a.nd Vlo/Jr riWniAllll b:as. un1U !he 111\t three ycan. b« n a m e plw.llncerlni only In • few suniYin& shady dltd!H and htdceb•nkl.

In 1978 V. rirln£t1., appcmd u a .,.eed In my mull prdcn and 1n1 nared also In other prdtns In !he dblrkt.. Since thlll time 11 has ~prcad wllb arcat nrpidlry ond Is no,.. !mown ill aonre thirty locations In m :ua of about l square mll<>. lt fovours aludy dtuallons under shrubs and call hctb1 and occurs olso In crevices betwocn pnhlJ lion .. and p rden wa!IJ. AlthOUJdl I ha~ long cuiU..tcd V. WOIJIIQ 1 have 11 no 11me srown V r.rvinrantt. I •hould be rnleroled to heor if rhiJ phenomenon h11 h«n noted in o lhcr bullt·up oreu. 0.11. KENT. 7S IW<Ialdo Rd , W. l!ofing. LONDON WIJ 9RD.



Rrfrrnnc 10 1ht Wlttsponda~« on the abo\ .. <ptdos (BSBI l'>owt lS p. 24.lbl4 16 p. 27·28) n Will be apprtalltd tha1 ~ of incruana diiTk"h)' •nh lra>dbna I am now no lon,n able 10 fulfil my prombe to .U.1 ad! a1c111 pemn lmtcacl,ltuget:~ lht folowtna p.-.lurc 10 ...,d me malabl for ldmtlllcauon, of lhh and othtr cridal tua.

(I) Two frail lndhkhaal n-. oao obout to ••· 1he olhtr abo.,. 11 and ia bud (2) Two b..cu, ono brlnathc low.'UI, the othtt hJ&hct up tht 11comc (3) Two lea m, on<~ betna the low.st, tht othtral middle of lufy 11chb. (4) Tmum!Jslon In amaU plutlc tube, circa, 4 cm Iona x 2 cm wide, plugecl wuh

eouon wool to prevent mo~cnt (material In spirit lt undealr~blo). (S) Send by Orst da11 poll, preferably on a Monday to avoid delay over wecktnd. (6) l'hoto&r~rha hclpflrl as an :ldjunc1 to I - 3 above, with th< caveat th11 the

f1IIOIO&npher1 Code of Consctvllllon is stricll)' obaetvecl , I.e. CIJCrui "illiJdenJns" and no onlookers.

Thu luu bttn IUbmltrol ro mtmbm of our CDrum-atlorr Olmm/rttc who «rr~ rhattlru Is unllkdy to l!fiUHthe dmth of the pLmt.l/mlltll::ulourly amftd our, Ed.

As r<prdt the planl 11ac:ribecl and mustnttd In BSBI Nro.'l 23 pp. 16 .t 17. OaYid una and I arc both of the lirm opution Uut th< ~~~ EprpiClb 11 £ ltdltbo<rnt (I..) Crantt and 110tlllfW dw The llmos1 "'borlncubr lawalluf In the sltclc:h b c:haroeltnstk of the rpecin. l .. •hm 11 OCOln wblch Is faldy often.

AlthouP 11 lt on tht clldt tlw E. mtu/Jeri Godf<t)' could tu1t1 up In S.E. Enal•nd tome day I ha"C had Ill C)t IO tiUJ for at k:ut lm )'Un I would DOl 1\UBftlce lO spo1 il 11n011p1 h. lrtfld>oritw, althoup. I sm l'nte of 111 duratlm (mo<c nvc thlll many. ha11tla attn tt Jrowln&in N.W. France). lnadrnlllly.£ lqw•drlJ.Illll E. pltyflmzhes m.at hal't becn Ol'trlookecl for ynn. until the bte Col \llchatl Godfery tpOIItd tht former at E l lonley In Sumy. Or J.H.T KNICIIT, tuve .. nead tloUtt, 20 Esham A¥mut , EXETER. EX2 <~RC.

OAK and IVY We know th•t young Oaka, Oec~h and Hombeam do nolahtd I heir lcavcaln I he autumn.

For 1he purpose or thu onqulry m•y we con.dder jwt the Oaka. Tiatae nulure treet &hod their ltav« from aU Uac mature br•nchu but frequent ly

retain them throuahout the win ter on the ynuns trunk brenchletaand bull riaooll. In January or 11111 yctr I noalaecl thar "'"•• IV)' Is prosent on the uunk the youna

biiDc:hiCII arowlnaln the Ivy lttl appear aiW1)'$ to &bed the.lr le net From JltiUit)' untO April I CJWnlneclevery Oak that I could Ond and it d0t1 - m that

If Ivy Is on one lido of the trunlc the )'OIIII&Ica,... wW Call. whD• on tht •c~t:IJ)• dde they wW tem.tlll 11w lllnteffttt appllts....,..and btlow the Ivy lltar 11w only ve«puon I haY< found Is •hen a rtuOnlbly morure brmdt I"""' out from the rvy ara. In tlut cuo, tht lea m Call MJt the Ivy but oftm mtain further alofta the bnnch.

My mqutrlts to ~~ arborisu md aomt ranrch contrn Indicate that 110 ont il owarc of thh fact, l! fact k proves t:o be.

If any rtad<r hat WO<Ud on lwy. ond(or this question. it would be most !nttresllna to 1 .. m If lwy hu any Jptdal ptoptrties lhll could Induce lnf fall Fot txamplt , dO<J u libcnuc la!JC quantltln or ethylene? lAMES CROSS. Sl Crcx:kfonl Park Road. Addlt~lonc. WEYBRIDCE. Su11ey KTI S 2l.X.



lulrina rtccntly embark~ upon an aut..,olllCic:al nudy of C '"'""''" lt b clnr that this retlrin1 water pllnt ls b<COtnlna lnerusln&Jy hard to fwl. Oun,a alooa the Rloer Ouenih, Kent, h~m appvently h.r •rl,...,. clrecu on tN spccle$, althouah In puu or NoitlnaJwn•hl•• aml Ldctstmhltc lt b ltlll proeru In hnllhy OUlllb. Pttt of out wtco­IIJSical nurly Is do:pendnn upon dcstriblnath< communitla and condition1 under which C tnmrt~tG lfOWJ and we would be !11011 inroraud an nubna contoct wnh anyone with pcr.>nal knowleds• or present sitCJ of this rpcd ... OR P.M. WADI! .t R. BARRY, Department oHturnanSdmces,Unlrr.rdry ofTechnoiOI)', LOUCHROROUCU, Leics. I.EII .>TU.


I am currently r"*'orchlng Into Britblt hetcrotrophlconglospcrmsand would opprocbtc lnl"omaation on two p~ttleularly tlualwc rpcdu, namcly Flu Dodder, O•sCllra qJilfm•m and Bnnched Rmonuapc, Orolxmt'h• "''"" " ·

If anyone b fO<tunatc enough to locll< tltbcr of tbne species I "'"Oulil bclfltcful for lhc followJna Information:· I) Grid Reft.rence, 2) Bti.C description of the lubltat. 3) Approxlmotc number of planu, 4).Apparcntllclll plant. Pie ... omd (posup n funded) to: M. JONES,6 ul!lM Un<. BUCXI.EY, Qwyd, Notth Wales.

Lett..,. of the late OR C.E. HUB BARD My appeal In BS81 Nn-n 27 on behalf of the llccor1ls Comml11oe ror lcntn from the 111e Or Hubbanl, b proving ~UCCusful. flow...,,. 111hh a pcrsorul collection or o .. t 20 ycan, I realise that people may be reluctam to part with the orlslnab. Apart form sugestions that collections may be ton by Wlll Ill the Society, it often hoppcru that the best or lntentionJ arc not fulfilled. Would members pleiiSe consider either ~endlns me photO<"JliCI ur loon nrc the orlglnili which will be returned after copying?

P J .O. TRIST, Chi .. IS, 28 High St. BALSIIAM, CJrrnbs. CB I 6DJ.

Al..EXANDRA PA LACE&PARX Th< l.aadocapc Architect of tbc Ala:andn l'>laer Oevelo~nt Tom Wliles th>t the

Dri&!Dii I"- c:o<tl-.intd I PaJtn Court 11.nd 11 b hOped IO r<eonliM:t tb1J o.nd pla111 it up with a horticultural oollection. If any mcrnbct happens to know or any palms or other witoblc planto which will be m oale wath thc build"'ll (and m')' OOOJe<lut"Otly ha .. oullrown other slushoui<S and bulldlnp) Mr St"'-e Dale would be pleucd to hear of these. I can supply lW •ddrus on requeJt .


One or our rncmbcn has • dupllate copy or Vol. 2 of Uutdaer's A Nrw 11/rmratrd Britiur ~loru wlnt h he ,. unxmUJ to Kll. Enqu11rca sh(lul~ be by phone to Clllll'S"TOW (STD 029 1'!) 7080'2 .

BSB!NEWS29 Contribut ions inrend.,.J for public-~tion in this issut'

"'"'' =d• tilt' Edilor BEFORE 29th OCTOBER. 19111

2 1


11 b not oflen tlut a Brltllh plant makes the front 1111• hudllnes in one of our prestige n.otlonal nc-.npapon. Yet sadl WIJ the c:ut In the SUndq T~plr of July 26, 1981, In which Is dc:seribtd the l~ YiJif on the one tlllJ)t specimen, of lady's SUpper Orchid , fenced In aplnnlhe ravqesofoandah. The stCX)' Is UluSIJitcd oo.itb • line drwwlnc, an4 lu Ad reduction In numben Is mrlbuttd to plauiJtlns. lltalnqe and the we of ch<mlt-11 sprays.

An trtide by Brian HoWwell of Kcw. throws a different lisht on itt clisappean.ncc. He writes:

Lady's SUppu Orthld - eo-m for Its l'lc:~avation Cyp~trJium Nlcwhll the Lady'• SUpper Orchid Is probsbly the rarut or our wUd

Oowcra for it 1t now reputeclly conOncd to one locality In the Brltllh bios. Rather too lAte lt at lut hu the law to protect lt, • pity that tills could not ha~ ha.pponed two or m01o unturiu earlier. 11 it doubtfullrlt wu ewr common in this country but ill almou cornplne clluppoarwnc:c is clue to mbluidcd plant cnthusiuu who have clu& 11 up to transplant Into tbcJr prdom. Bow lolll 11&0 thb stlll1ed cannot be latown but John ~ wuarowlnah labb prdon at the end of the 16th centwy. Almn~t C'lcryprdcnct of note in the century which foDowcd hid 1t In hb prdcn: John Parfc!nJon, Sir Thorrw Hanmor. John R.ea an4 the Tnder«oJ.s, fothor ond oon. Tcrrestrisl on:hlds ,...,,. fuhlon· sblc In 17th contury prdcos and 1t would -m there wss more IUccestln their culil· niion than la achleved nowadays. Tod1y their Ufe In a prden is oflcn obort; wu h very much longer three hundred years ago or wu it jun that prdcn wrltcn then did not admit their faDutut John Parklnson, In Iris book Przntdlsus In Soft pubU•htd In 1629, didn't octually odmlt to follure, but u he rccolvtd pllnu regulady one SUifi"ClJ that they did not always thriw. ln bb book he records, "lt poweth Ukewlsc In Lancaildre nearo upon tho border of Yorkshire In 1 wood 01 pl1ce eaU <cl the Helices. wlllch la three miles ftom lnpuon u I am cnfomrcd by a couneous Gentl.,.-oman, a grut I<Mr of these dclla/tts. caUcd ldlst:rls Thomuln 1\lnstall, who dwcUeth at Bull-b•nke, nwo tlomby Cutlc In m- p~rts, and who hath onen sc11t mcc up the rootcs to London, which haw bo- falre no ... on in my prclcn."

Rqiruld Farrr r, almost three hundrod ycao law In 1\11 book My R«l Glftltll pub· lished In 19ZO, wu.cs wrwtbfuBy about Mlmcu Th01111.11o. ~A wonby acndewoman indeed! 0 Mistrea Tomasin, If only you had lo¥Cd theoe dcUsht• a Utile Ius ruinously for future pncrwtlonsl Do you deep qul<t , you wonhy arntlcwoman, [n Tl!Mtall church or doe& your uneasy rplrite nlll hount the Hclke Wood In vain longing to undo tho wront you dJd7" 1-lr! 8""' on [n ilini!OI vein. "And after Mlllrlli Tomuln hlllilona been dead ;u the Cyprlpedlun11 she unt up to l'arklnson, rherc come a ma.Xet prdenor, 1 baso soulmnlmoled only by the lovt oflucre (and thus be domned loa far lower tkU tb•n the worthy tr over-zealous gentlewoman), who anrbbed up all the CJ.11dpedlums th11 &he had lcfi,and potted them up for Die. I he HelkU WOOd, now,ls 1111 oyster forel'er robbed o f tu po•rl." ConllnuJnc about !he fate of the lady's S1Jppc1 Orchid he moves to another psn of Yotbhlre. la the Amtdlffe Valley the W.tory of the Lady's SUpper hu beon evtn darker. nere In those rnounttln eopKS. e .. r lln.. the time of Wlthrrtna, the Cyprl· podium ha been lcnown. And OM old ...,., kept careful wstch o..,r h, and wrnl "''"I)' year to pluck lhc Oowm and 10 keep the plant .. r •• for without the now~T you misht. lfunlnstructcd, take tltt plant for Uly-of-thf.Vallcy. Th.e.t one year he feU Ul.


The plant wu allowed to blossom; wu discovered and uprooted without mercy, and there wu an end or him." Hning ehided I &tnllcwoman and d•mned • market prdcncr, Fancr then lUmJ his wrath upon 1 scientist, 10mcone who ousln to hJVe known belt et. 'And worK iJ to foOow: fOf a prvf0$10r from the nonh - I will not unfold whether 11 were Edlnbu<Jb, or CJusow, or Aberd~n. or none or thete, thJt prod~ this moruter of men - put a price on the head or the C)-pripedlum, lnd oiTered the iohabillnl.l 10 m.ueh for cV~:ry rooted pllnt they sertl him. The ..Ucy wu aa:ortlingly swept bare.' He lennlnates his diatribe with. -Accuraed for cvonnore, Into the lowest of the Elgin Hot HcUs, be aU m:ldess uprootctJ of nritlet, from prvf<UOn downwmh.

Would piJOl conservation benefll more If writen with I fine IUm or pluue llke Farrer, cxpn:ned their abhorrence of uprooting planu 10 forcefully 1

(Edllor .. lfO": 8581 mcmben. even lhotc: not Jined with a One turn or phrut. can eontlnue Fam:r~• ,ood wort by conuibutltla ankla. 1cuen.. poenu etc. to loc::aJ publla aion.s. 111ch u MW'I'ItMII, porlth mtp1inu. XhOOI mqulnco. lntcmoJ hOUJO journah.. £dlton of JUeh ptriodka.JIItO IJWI)'I Ihon O( &ood 'copy' tnd Wt.ICOml tremS O( teune:nt publi' lntueu .. USH 1, ol coutM,lt always ready to bc:lp with IUh&blc matc:rb.IJ

LETTERS E..u.h Names of Wild FloMn

The nm edition of thb book hid lis unsallsfoctory featuros, despite the Immense lndusuy or Or Dony. The ropr!nt Introduces mort.

What b the vllue of the tlnker!np set out In News 27 ? Why only four .Utns tdded and not four hundred 7 11 is prtdsely bert, amona new<omen, that 11 is imporllnt to mn oiT with unamblp111 n•mes. The photo-litho allowed for 1 score or more of -slpilllcantM allmtlom. indudln& tbo mt...Up at the top or P• JO: lt could have allowed for more. What a mlucd ehanoc.

A a~rious addition b tbo dlffocult-t<Hq»Dte CiU!Jim tmrum. I WIJ perplexed by the exlllot In Newa where thb wu to be a liedJe-bedllllw, when C. moUu10 0121 a Hedge BedJttaw. Hlvln& now the reprint. I see both are now hyphened. but thOle who, flllrly enou&h, do nol lhlnk they need buy the new version , may well puzzle.

Why produc:c: Wutorn Clover for Trl{olhrm ocddmtale, when on several prnlous ocxaslom, lndudlng two books •lx ycan ago, I had galled 11 Allontlc Oover ? Surely this b apler for Its dlttrlbutlon 7 EtluaUy , In one of thete bookJ, I had argued opln&r chtn&lng f'lu~eaved SI John'o·WOrllo Tood.nax~eavcd . Wu this not bestlcfl 7

Much, much wom. however Is the confUJion bound to arhe by chongln& the appll· collon of Engllah names. To 1hoae who hove the or!ginol edition , Moi'Jh Yellow-creu wm be Roripp<z Wanri/Cfl. To lhoaewho lookal p.l21 of the reprlnt,ll will be R. pdhatrlJ. But wlmare weexpecled to mJke of p. SI ? - R. /Jt.urd/ca MII'Jh V •••• PtJIUJtrU MiltSb Yollow-creu 7 Could those ~~eSpQnJiblotand up ? DAVID MeCUNTOCK. Brockcn lllll.l'llu. SEVENOAKS. Kent TN IS SJIL

AN EARU ER COUNTY FUNGUS FLORA Re the note tn BSBI NNn 27 p. 10.1 •m •uro I ahaU not be the only member 10 writ<

and rofer you to 1 publlalion of 1905, of whleh I hl•-c • copy. ontllled Tht Fu1!fUS FIOtG of YCNkshln by M woe and Crosslllld.

I do not clolm thtl thb Is 1he ni'JI of Its kind but IIIJ Cl!llainly urller th1n 17r~ FulllUJ r1oro of WGI'Wicklltlre

CI1RIS HEMINCWAV, 10 Klnpwoy, SEAFORD. E. Suuex UNlS 2Nil.


I'OLYSTICHIIJI JIUNJTUJI Pm! - • ,_ Bririoh olloe V .c. 17 Surrey ll_,mbe, tti'O plants at IlK lOp of the bank of 1 shady, IUnktn lanc,

ORAI/996.1103 K.W. l'locc. E. V. Pllchcr, A.C • .t.JJ'. Lalic,S Aprl1981 . lkrb. Act. Fbu British~ f<K the Wcwrn Sword Ftrn.

(One of thcot planu hod prO'IIowly been ......nled here In October 1980 (KP A EVP) bur hid bctG dt1mr&nod os 1'blypotUun brrtlft!Cl>lm (lkrb. EVP)).

11 b • la,.e. hatdy. I"$IJRICQ r- with rrouds oflm 3-4 n lq.llmply pinnate • ..;th spbl..tooo teeth aftd an OCIOtiiUIC lobe ('IUill:lt') 11 tho buc of -h pinnule (on rho Atle - the frond apex). The fen De pinllules ueoot DOC.Iceablydlotlncr from the rcmlllldtr aad the 10rl, wldcb m•)' be In -ra1 rows, do not co¥er the whole of !he lower surface. The lnduda are papWooe~oorhed 10 cilarc.

This wm Nonh American opcdco Is Ji.mll.ar to the outorn P. tK:tOitlcholdet Sdtou whklh lulloocculonally&rown in rhb counuy. Thelaucrhu ohorter frond• (up ror. 2 rt.) aftd ooruplcuouoly ornallcr and narrower fertile pion .. , whOH lower surface may be com· plercly cowrod by rhe rporc muses. lt lw ghbrow and enllre lndwla. The only Dritbh spcclea likely to bo confuJCd wirh P. munlrum b P. lunclrltl< and this can rudUy be told by beln& much ahoflet and In lu lower pinnae bdnJ reduced to mcrerrlanaular loba.

The IOUfCI of tht"' pl•nts b cltarly the derdiet woodltnd prden ~ I he lane. where there Ill oUmtiOW One d11111p0 oi tbls attrllcli'fe fem. l lownct, I he position and rdath'e Jlu or the rwo reoorded allow indicate. llw rhcy are •lf·10wn oporthnp. ouuldc lhc bounlb.rla or lha old &atdm. A.C. WUE.Iolor>blltc.r, 72 Bo.qro"' Rood, GliiLDfORD. Surrey, CUI I UO

Wllo ....,.. • local flan ' Wbaa Ouadoe ,.._ clcadcd 10 publisb the FloN of,...., 011Ut1 lhb yc.u, n

WUC uoctrlaln or the IUppoct llul •-e milltt aptcl 10 tccelw. Wllh the &<nttollJ offer Crom lhc B.S.B.I. to pay for 1 pUbliaty lealkJ aftd rbc lnnllllble adolco or Or Frank Pc.rrina. wo rmbarkad on rhe vent we, cllsrributlna rbc luOet nely lh10u11> porendaUy lnreruted orpnbatlom.

Ple-pubUcarlon Ales rumed our ro be most pllfylna. amounting to Sl2 oopla (or which S4'-' wenl to 8 .5.0.1. mombc11). The vlce..:omltal dbtrlbullon or putdwers proved lntereallna whh , not surprblnaJy, rho gre~test number rrurn rho ldjolnlna vice· counllos or Sourh Abard .. n, Eut l'erth llld Fife. Tito aurpri&lna factor wu the amaunr of lnterel1 from (urlher aOeld. 221 cofrla wore orden:d (mm l!ngland and Walu whh scauered onea from 1he tall or rhc world . Tite distribution in Bnaland was chanctetbcd by a thin &cncral eo"'' whh ''ltoc apou" or bollnlcalacllvhy nollbly In Surrey. Middle· .u (lncludtna London), O.tfOftl, Cambrid&• and South Lancultlre.

lnretatlq IOdal aftd profadonal umds wen obJCmbl& "'ban our 1111 or IUbscribero wu compared w11h tbal ol WUII&m Gudlnet's llora orthe counry or 1848. Tradrtronally bouny wu .-dated wltb lhc laftd-owaiq md ldJWtd llrlla or MXlety, .,_, lhll has ch.anpd dwin& rbc Wl 140 ycan. Canllot:r'slbl or ono hundred'~" llldudcd 6 lltlts aftd 7 nw4 of rhc dolh. ~mustered only 3 titla aftd 2 ck'D'f"CII out or sn.. Oa the olhct haftd Gatdlnor coanrcd only 3 profc:aon aftd 7 docton .. oPf"*d to 9 profnaon aftd SS docton m 1981 (COIZII'rilizll tniUIIy prnrtlllonal bollrlliU),

The ptt1'ubllcatlon ordcn hnt aU been dr:apaldted , onyo~~e who hM nor recci'rtd lhtiJ oopy should wrhe 10 lhe addrca ""'" below. Copies may be obu lned from the same addrm 11 the publlahed price or £7.25 (poll free) HJ. Noltlc. R.K. Brlnklow DUNDEE MUSEUM. Alhrtt Square, DUNDEE. DDI IDA.

Z/ZJPHORA CAPTTATA L - oew 10 1be Brilll.h b1es

About fllh• )'can •10 I purchucd a 11.1& of a propncury brand of arpnU: manure.or which about half hu ao• been wed SfWiniJy u a feed for prden planu ou111dc m lt!JC pOU, hcttll S Ducnlh, W. Kent.

In 19110 llll>tlcal 11111 a Jmal biiJICblna Jliftk4lowcrecl Labiate bad appeated la -of lhe pou, Luer detctmllled by EJ Ocmmt • lhe abo.., opccin. from s.E.. Europe. z~ L 1t a emus or ctnrr IMIUI bed>~ or tub..tuub._ thyme<likc In appurmco wilh lci1TIIMI &Joboae beada o( Oowvs.

A few )'UB qD Selu,.,m _,.,,.,., l...un. If"" on the Jurf- o( I pD1 11 $ Oarct\lh from I he anw tubrunce. Th4 type or malcrill b rold nalionwlcle in coml4cr~blc q111111l· ties and 11 lr lnlcratln& 10 opccula1e whether oome o( 1110 un....W ad..,ntlvu whldt now •nd apln 1ppc1r In pidcru spontanoowly •••d lnoxpUc1bly, ate In ftctaurlbulable 1o this l(lU reo.

J.R. PALMPR, 19 W1ter Mill Way, South Dorenth, OARTFORO, Kenl , DA4 988.

Lo,.a .. m!*

RdtrTtna 1o Dt \lcOintock's not• In BSBI Nn.-. n. p. J I , 1n 1979. whlbt 11furbWIID1 I •dl-kftown prden at Eddnaton, 11UJ ~are, Worc:s .. lldtnllfied I numbrr of lnttr· tsllnJ weedJ lncludln& I RubUJ fruJimfiiJ W1J11 llllo •llh In 1nnualotem lciiJih o( l3 (I

6 w . (The tl.-er IJ dooe by but lluJ iJ no fahy 1101')'). I did howner Ond 1 S.lbt c.pnr~ whlth had mlna&<d. UllltCOIJUJ<d.lo lllaln. hdshl orIs feel by Jhter ln.ldlownw. P.F. WIUTiliiEAD. "Moor ~ys", Utile Combcr1on. PERSIIORE. Worc:s WRIO 3EP.

Tbe Frx~~Gf 1881

Euclly 1 hundred tcm 180 Jhe Bo1an1W EMII•III" Oub (as lhc BSBI Wll lhon caiJed) wu rt..,n by 1 mysterious row. Cclllln of lhe membm.led by I!.F. Llnlon. ~eem 10 haw 11bln aerlous exception to tli< n<w Stcretary. Chulu 81110)'. doUbUna up u DIJlributor (In the abt<nee of any volunt..,r) 1nd nuklna eommenl In that capadly on lhe spcdrMnl contnbutecl Aocordln1 to Dtucc, 1 clrcul.u "by no mcens pleuanl" in lu wO<dina wao lj>ftl round to Ibis e((ocq and 1hhoush llallcy lmuckled under, epperonlly the dhaiTecllon ..... such 1hll I ICCIIon or lhc Club Willed 10 throw In lulol wllh lhe ri\'21 Watson Club when 1h11 mned up in 1884.

Without kno"'lnl more 11 is dlffkuh 10 bl1<rp11t this dwly nalher ltlumalie epboclo In lhe Socltly'a history. I am lherefore plt11cululy tnJtioUJ to ltlce any copy or the crrmlat iJI q-ton (wluch wu presul!lllbly pnnted) 1lw "'"Y stiD UISI The reply made by 8tb111Jton 10 the an:ulat appcan 011 p )IJ) of IUJ p.blbbed C4frnpondtDCC and refU!s tlut 11 wD daltd 20 JanUit)' 1831 aad wcftl 04il o .. r the....,... oflbt Dbuibutoc rorlhlt yur. bmo Cn~•u. Juu polllillly 1 copy ha btcft pr.....-..1 by bdns bowld bl w!lh aome llbr11y'• aet ollhe BEC Reporu.

D.E. AIJ.E:-1. l..cS'Iey Col Ill•· Mldclle Road, WINCIIESTliR.,IIanu,SOllSEJ



AI the 11111 Exhibition ~lffiltla I dlspla)~d a munbcr of problem spcdmcm, 10mo my o...,,10mc from friends, and ubd forhelpwilh IUillin! them. Thb vnentcd a antl!ylna amount of inltrcll and I h>t of hdp (...., bdow). I said that If other mt~ !eh the c.lUciJc wu worlhwhllc, I wotJid mount l simllar cxhlblt tiiiJ yur and lnvUc IJIYM< l.o brinK or Knd theb own bulbetll alona.

GiYOn the all&htal cncour~gcment,thatlrwfut I now mtcnd 10 do. I aometlmos get Jlutk 0\'Cr the ldentiliallon of a plllnt , whldll then pre» and put In

the herbarium 'until I pi round 10 h'. (Sometimes I ne~r do aet around ro Ill). The difficulty may arise ft11m a ®mberof causes,c-8.:·

Puts may be mlulng,auc:b u flowers or fruits. h may not belli the boolu to hand, Aliens for lnsunce . The KeylrtM out just will not nlllkt stnse.; even the be.st boolu conUIIU or tOtl.

TheR con be txiCCrbated with lpOcimtns cotlocted on hoUday. beCIUII! you c•n't ao bJtk for another look.

No doubt someone ehe would l<eo!!nlsc the plant a to glllnce, ne...,nhclcJSonc m•Y be clwy of ~ending it 10 an tl<pcn for sc.,nl rciSOns: he/she lltoo busy, I don't w1n1 to bother them, I upcct h b only a common <pccleJ In any caae, and wuaDy, I am too embamllloed to uk.

llerc la your chance to avoid all thCII! problrmo. Bnn& your own buab«n to me at the nut Exhrbitrun M .. tina. or ICnd them to me wcU m adnncc,and lwUI display them and m thtWscJI plhenn1 ofbolllnisU In the COWIIry IO Identify them for you. lfyou ..till, •• an do this anonymowly;Jwa dop'tlign the sh«ul

11 b a c:banec abD for the tl<p<rts to enjoy thcmRI>a by knocldna off 1 few ·usy' o"" a.o.d chcwtns o ... r JOmc of the or her> in congdll.al company; m:aybe ..,n slJpplna In 1 few or their own bulbnn. Remember, """rYont Is an upcrr 11 somethlnJ. and 1

nov1oe al JOmtlhina cl.se. So. con I hl\'• loll of apcdnttna, pr~fcrobly mounted. burins In mind the 11rl01 rules

reprdlns the collection of wild planu. •nd either .end them ro rnc or at lout let me know how rn•ny ICJ e.xpect.

The Elthlblt wOI he called simply " llllLP". Even the oxpcrll don't alwoys set h riJ!ul l.ttn ye111 one card ms mArked thurt·

Expcn I Bmnrur unln/oldcs .. 2 Croncd outrrnlo/0/dcs, and llucned ccriltllrur 3 Ticked auimuu .. 4 Dcnlcd uniOioldes .. s Connrmcd ct1riMIUJ

6 IXnicd eQnmrru ~ 7 Re-lrucned ulflololdes

8 Ttd;cd .. .. 9 Unclerllncd 10 Re·trerated Uld Jilned u .. 11 Confirmed uniololdc Yelb.Uy

This could be put (un !

Sf.AN KARLEY. 30 Uarrowdcn Rood, WELl.lNCBOROUCII, Nonhanu, NN8 J BH.



Tht mll4 "''"' '' In W Krn1 led me to do mDre bcuankal uplaratlon tlwt llllDI,.Ilh ,.., meouncJna m.ulu, pvtlcwady., reprds reeon1> fa< the foohcomlna Krn1 llort.

M mf&)u be expccttd l.hc bene nu are pU1lcubrly nwttd In tcnlb an4 .--iland uu wllm leaf fall can rC'UI wunrr-p<rn herbs an4 ~IJ'ff'llhNbt noc nocmally notlc:td.

Amo111 the unolrnhNb• Dttplrtrt l:JunDb.. llJaon.. H«<nupp. 11,.1/om, l().,mamt 'I'P· are all m<Wr \'UIIIe In wlnw and 1m0111 tht htrbt lltlhbt>tlli opp., /ru fotdJruiJM Domnlnlm •pp. Ptl'll.,knl/1, S«<um 'PI'· 1Amium lll«tl/4/llm "orno 10 mlnd u putl· cub rly notknbk. Ftrnt are • ortb too~ fo1 ln winltt, for tntl&n« l'o/ystlthum Jttif<tUm almoJI unknown In thiJ p~n of Ktnt , wu found In aomc quanmy near WUmington. Uowever, 1he moll inlcrcslins fe.1ure of !hit win1er oe~l•lty wu th~l natu11llsed evctJrecn thrubt ond the! r blrdtown seedllnp becmn1e much mote noticeable.

All the (olluwlna WOIC found tu be wcll ntlUI'llliseU In thb p•rt or the Counly,a(lcn In scwllll dlffmnt lacollllu Cotom'fmtr afflnls Llndl .. C frfiWtu WoU. u Llndl., C. llllicl/oliuJ ""'nch., Phm111 lml/alliCII L , P. laun>e«mJul 1 ... h'latGIIIUJ omobella1a Tlwnb., J.I~11J/flllllll>'lll/fillllllll Husk. liutmynau /O{XJIIkUJ Thunh ., Ttl(nt mun11nssular"' (L) C. Kodl, 0fff/J,)·o '"""'" Kun~heo, lltbt J;Z/JdfoiJIJ (G. Fortttrl l'cnnell, l'lbumum rhylldoplr)•/Jum llcmo.l ., V litiUt L~""""""" ~ l.IJ . Room,

~bny dllfutnt spcdn of conlfm art w.dl n>luraUIN locally and nwc:h utler 10 ,.~ In "'lnt<r, but I do""' ptopooolo list theoe Ill this sttJO. J.R.. PALM ER, 19 WaJ<YioW Wq, S.. Daralth, DARTFORD, Km I DA<I 980.


R'""''J''Iilll the tllmlli!Jhq area of old lllOJIIcn>~ JIW .,MY~~~~ I he 1\'<J! Wala Natw· alistJ' TrUU, u a ttllllt or Ill Dyf'td Wlltlllfe Appul, •-u ln 19711 ablt lo put(hU< tome 40 oerct of wet huLhy patiUtt known as Rhos Glyn•y•·•lttya. nnt G0f11och ,CcrcdiJ)on. The anuorl<s old troditlon of winter IITIZinB 10 1110"'101 lhc \'OICIIIIun to Ouumh in ohe IUtnmcr, ond wilh no unprovcmcOIJ 10 droinnge Or the addition or f«<llltcn and hcrbi· cldu, wUI bencnt I he strlklnaJy rich nora,lncludlng ,.•era! JP<C~"'' orchid ,

Tltc Trwt hu 11ow ~ecn <HTnrU•d "·" npporo unity of pu rch .. lng l'unr amoll P"'lltru, ls,tln or an unhnpru•od type. un • dry JUnny slope known u('aeau Ucty Cybl at Uangbl. nc11 UlmptiCI, ·,he p•tllculor habot•t here hu brcomc ''"Y tentcc ond unduubocdly the the would be Improved for acrlculture if nnl purdmcd 11 a nal\ut reserve One plllk:ularly not...,.,nhy •peck• I• the Gr0>1<1 Butterny Orchld which wam in all fout p:utur<S, I ho<oah t. te~~rtdy known tb«whe"' in Ctrtdipln .

The ln1-po411nc:C' 10 I'UIIUtt m nscrnlion or unimptoftd meJduwt benau1h 10 wamnl a lfi"CUI oppul f01 fund• Undoubtolly 01b<r SlitS will become nol4blt from ti!M 10 llmt and the Trlllt mutl IN ablt to ad quicld} 111 onlt r tu m111re thot • rtptumiOIIft

ocnn of thtJoc hobltau • malrllalntd In 111« .,_ of~u Utty ()blour u,.t t> L9J)OO. "'"- • 1htnluf thiJ ha beta ralttd. " toilt a loan of lbJ)OO ha~ rtttMd from th« Lud h mcl or llv Royol Sodtl)' fm S.rurc Collln>'>tlan. "• UIJctOII)' nad t6.DOO b) Janllat) 1981 to rcpoy the loan and"' complcu tu purdo- orc.uu Lkly ()bi

'Wt u~ allth<»c •loo •"11ut ohr nncd counlt)ade ot Waits. Fntll•wly to wppwt olut Appul and tO htlp pootn:l o)Ur hrnoor;r.

Can you htlp •• achieve our tlflel? Addras for contnhutktn• <11 lunheo lnrutmatiOn ORCIIIO APPEAL. W, Wol .. Natu12llru'Tnw1 , 7 ~brkrt St, IIAVERFOROWEST Oyfnl,


BOTANY AT BOSTON SPA Wb•~ Is Boston Sp<a and whu Is so boWllally specbl thout lt? A la,.e .UIIB~ In

W. Yocb, 1101 10 be eonfw..d with Boston, lines. ot !M W. London lllbutb of Boston Manot, Situutd In ~M oetlllt of • triaJ!&)e bounded by York IJ.mopte - Lo«<s, 11 is not woll known em~ tholllh i1 enjoys an intc:mulontl ~q~~~iiUon in the world or lcamhll. llere, dote by thclowc:t rctclles of !M Rl>er Warft. the Btltl&h Ubrary, Lend in& Division Is located.

The BRITISH UBRARY wu act up In 1973, brinain& toplhortc,..lll watlnanatlonal Ub11rits. Tltc:te were: lite Brltl&h Mtac:um library and the National Refetcru:e Ubrll)' o! Sdc:nao and lnvrnllon, (formerly the Patent Office Ubtary) wltlclt ltu 1 btanah aovorin& all ur. Sclencc• In llolborn. bolh being orpnised fot tefetc:ncc u OPPONd 10 lcndlna. L<ndtna fadlltlcs were provided by the Nuio~l Cent11l Ubrary, ••llbllahed In 1916 u • mainly non«lonllnc coll..:tlon, llt1d the Nulonal Lending Ubrary for Scloncc and Technology (NLI...ST) created In 1960 at lloJton Spa 10 glvo a rapid pollal borrowing se1Yiee.

The aim of NU.sr.now mc•&ed Into the Brili&h Ubnary Lendln& Olvlalon,ll to c:ollw all Utc:nuure likely 10 be roquired by other libruiea for lending to their own llltl1, 11 offm 1 lendln& and photocopy tonice 10 lhc:oc other llbrarict, whttltcr JT1Unldpal, ocadtmlc or commcrdal, provldlnc them wllh cuy acao~~ to matcrill 1!l.y ate uked for but do not hold In 11ock.. Tbe Dl.ulon handles oeuly three mWlon auch requcm fot liktatlm uch ycu,IS ptr eent ofwhlclt eomc: from ouisldc Ill& UJL

1b.tnb to IU dllll olflln the colleciJOJJ ll Bouon Spa b extremely CGnprchonll>t. The !ofUST, rl&h• from IIJ mcrpuon, Jdoptecla poUcy ol ti>lbKribloa ro IlD perlodic:ab Ukdy ro be nctded by sclentbu rqudlcss of pna<, Llna~~J~e or country or onpn. Thl• pollcy cocnlnuct and today the Lcndlnc Di.ulon suba:nbc to mme rhan S4.000 pttlodlc:ah, In all llcld1 of knowlcdac. Books, u dlsllnct from perlodlc:ah, ate purdw<d on the ume buls bur, wllh the exception ofsdenUOc books In Russian , books Ill forclaJl lanau~&<l are only acquhed If they are not rcodily ani!Bble elsewhere In rhc U.K. Some 8.000 Ruman books arc ob1amcd every y .. r, bur there u mud> lcu dcrn•nd for book1ln other l.mguages. Altogether the Division holdt 140.000 perlodlelll rltlea and 214 tnllllnn books, aiJ of which IIC IVAliablc 10 I ruder throu&h hi$ local, COllege 01 nnn'sllbmt)'.

With such a mass of matcrllll ll iJ 1101 po!Wblc to say how it la dl•trlbutctl among•t the various disciplines. BoJ!on Spa's main purpoac Is to p1ol'ide • rapid tnd cfnclcnt poJIIJ londma servtce. To addove tills a libr~ry mokmg a roques1 mull •upply precise dcliUJ name of periodical, -olume and page numbers ro&elher wilh ourhor and title ­of what 1$ WAnted, bCClluac tht Lendma Division Is not equipped to 11an:h out subject reC.m~tt~.

Pcriodlcab ond books arc not dt~~IRro by subject but arc atmnaod by title rcpidlcu of tople. Howe\'Cr, by usloa the "Keyword" approach h 11 polliblo to loate owr 700 l.ltlos conu.uuna the word "Bocany" or its oquinknt rn ..no.., lanau»at~- A funhcr 70 titles will be round under "~". """" regional and national 001111 bdna In llodr., some Iona outdated, but nc""nhdt~~ nluable on that ~unt. Thb nBI luon the probkm or locallns ooo1b where the tltlo does noc contaiP the MIUJht-rOt keyword. ln lhetc 01>0 o '""d' of othct blbllopopbical rde=« and ab>JracllnJ publlcailoDJ muli fim be made. The for:t th11 a book ml)' ~ qui1e old does not preclude lit belnJ round at Boston Spa th•nu to donations and eJ<altmges. MD<co> .. r, accat may bc hlld to cc:rtam spedllllcd llbrarlu wlm wDI only lend their stock at ~M rcqucll uf the BL L<ndfng Oivi>lon.


AJ w~ll u jour~b and boola, tit~ Dh•lslon abo coll~u publish~ conference pro­teedinp, co• .. mmcnt and other ofOclol publlcar Ions. One of the moll valuohle resources Is the !rulexed collection of uarularloiU. These lilt of articles from forel&n languqe joumols made by eompcrcnt trarulators btlon&Jns to commcrdal ~ompanles. r~uch wochtions, o~cmk bodies and by prlnrc individuals. The monthly intake of con· fem~te reporu Is tbout 1.000 and tllare Index~ by key words. a fin of new IIXessiruu bclnaenllohle to libnuillU and r~ucbt:n.

So far little hu betn aid u to how tht Individual reader con dtrl¥< btnclh fn>m, or Ill¥< ICCCSS to, this vast treasure hollle of infomuUon. Hit apprcech muJt be throu&h some rccoanlsed library to which he has lctta end to which the undlns Df.Won will lend or acnd o photocopy. l-lowe¥tr, for those who can v!srt Boston Spa pc.-.omlly, an extremely pleuant publlc Reading Room Is prov!d~ where any member of the public Is wekome. 1t Is well $1otk~ with reference books plus 1 comprehensfvt collection of abnractlna end lnduln& work& ready to hind. Thus for botonbts the &lint Blowflclll Ab1trac11 can teadlly be coruulted as well u more spceltiUsed aervlces such u Wctd Ahsmcrs. lly handing in o request ot the desk, ony hem • reader may wish to coruult , wUl, tr In Jlock , be brought to him within liliccn minutes and photocopyin& fadllt!es arc avaUable. Even the inner man Is atered for, the Dlv!aioni canteen being open to visitors.

The Ubrary, which Is 2\S miles via 1 Ji&npoll~ tu mina off the AI Wcthert>y by-pass, hu on hourly busiCrvtce from U.ds, and is weD worth 1 visit If you ueln the v!clnlty. lnilell on tht Ubrary and the acrvlccs lt offers are anllable on request. The address Is THE BRITISH UBRARY (Lending Division), Bonon Spa, WETIIERBY, W. Yorla, I.S2J 7BQ.

NCC Bibllopphia. The Noture Coruervation Commission lnformotlon and Ubrary Services announced

in June the publicllion of No. 4 in their series of Biblio&rapldu which comprbes four titles. viz:

(I) Natu" Conrtnat/on and Atriadturt - Ll.OO (2) Wild lift Ill tht Oty - Ll.OO (J) Tht N~ 1-ornt- 0.00 (4) Na111ral Emlro11111<nt of tht SI!Hm EstutiTJ' (mainly concerned wrth =• and

ut twine upetts) - 0 .00 and one publhhed jolnrly by m and NCC en till~ Pmt/Jrnd EcoiOf)l rn tht British lsln compiled by Ut. riCid end D.A. Coode !4.00.

Orden tor any of rhe above should be accompanied by remit~nce for rbe amount lndicot~ (which Includes VAT and posuge) and addrcsscd to: Tht UBRARIAN, NCC. Calthorpc Ho11$e, Otlthorpe Street, 8AN9URY, OX16 SEX.



In tho Janu.ry part o( Wat«>nla, Vol. 14 (I), lt b hoptd to Include revlews o(the rollowlng books:

Hiswrical Plant G<Vxraplry, by P. Stott. Adas of tlrt Nctherlant4 Floru, •·oL /,by J. Mcnnclllll, AJ . Qucnc·Botarenbrood ond

C.L Piate. Atllu de la /lore btigt tl lwwllbourgOIIe (cd. 2) •nd Comnumtalrt~. by£. van Rompoey

and L Delvosalle. Flowers of the Balkanl'cmlnsu/a, by O.l'olunin. Origin of Sp<cit•. The book or the Brit. M us. (Nat. Hin.) centcnory e.Wibition. Orr:hids ofGrt«e, by J.O. I..qlpor. A ncient Wood/a/Id, by Q , Rock ham, Tilt &u:l(/tatden 1\1{/d/ife $allCJIUUJ' BcKJ!c, by R. Wllion. Sunwanerf/ura ••on Mlttt i.,Jropa. vol. 11( I }: l.;•oopodilz<'"'" bll Orr:llldaceat, by SJ.

C.sper and ti.·D. Krawch. Thrtedbnenskmal strncmrt of wood (td. 1), by B.G. Bunerfield ond B.A. Meylnn. A taxonomic Rt111lcw of tilt r.enu1 Origonwn ( IAblatae), by J.H. letswun. BII:Jchemlt:JZI Evo/ut/Qn,edlted by H. Out(reund . Name tlrat Succultllt, by G. Rowley. Gardening wit!J Otildrtll , by Alilon Ross. The Oxford l!llcyclopaalia of Trttt of the World , edltcd by B. Horo. Tlummr~ Aualytfcal K(!)• to tht Famillet of Ffowerlng Plants, by R. Gtesink , AJ.M.

Leeuwenberg, C. E. Ridsdole and J .F. Vddkomp. 100 FamilleJ rJf Flowtrirrg Plants, by M. l:llckey and C.H. King. Flora of lrtlq, •'UL 4, edited by C.C. Townsend and E. Guest. Halgerow, by E. Thomas and J .T. White. A Handbook for NoJtcrolisu, edlted by M. Seaward. Ch.emosysremutlcs~ Princlpi<J and Practice, edited by P.A. Bllby, J.G. V~uglrun ond

c.A. Wright. Tilt Flowm•~ uf Brftaln, by R. Mabey and A. Evans. Tilt Wlldflow.rK~y,b)' Fnmcb Rose. A Common Gru 11. by D. Synnott.

Th.e roUowing books have been tetolved reeontly. Titose that will NOT be reviewed in 11/atw nia are marked wi1h an u1erisk:

17te Slraping of Cambrit/gttBotany, by S.M. Waiters. Om.rm•tJJ/011 a/Id livolut/Q II , by O.H. Fntnl<el •ud M • .E.. Soule. The Flora of A ngus . by Ruth lngram ond HJ. Noltie. Bible Plalltl at KI!W, by F .N. Hepp<r. W/IJ Flowm anti Other Plants of tht Peak District, by Penny Anderson and D. Shimwell. /11de:r HolmleruiJ, •·ol. J , edlted by H. Tralau. 7'1~ Ntmhw .. t Europtt~n Poll~rt Flora, •oL J , edited by W. Punt and G.S. Oarke. The E•oMtlg Blosphtre,odilcd by P.L Forey. l!voiUJion and Pollution, by A.O. Bntdr.hav. 1111d T . McNeiUy. The Natural History ofGrtru Rrlta/11 a/Id lrtland, by Heather Angel <I al. The Evolution rJf Plants and FlowUJ, by B. Titomas. OJIIbts Gukle 10 the Pe111, Dlscastl and Dlwtdtrs uf Gatde11 Plams, by K..M. Hatr£s ond

S.T. Buczuekl.


'Cittai«J~~t (}( Plants ill tht Otmbrldgt Ut~lvtrrlt)• Bota11k Ganitn, by 11,F, Ytu •nd CJ . Klna. C.mbrld,c Unl•mlly Boranlc Cimlcn, 1981 f'rice norindklled. AJ •cl • • l>t ot c.IOOO .... otpl.w.rrv-oiollooC.oka 0.~ 1910 ...r oa up.......,.

lollod.ruoo. 11111 caLtlopt - • ....._.. fo- by lho DlndDt ot lho c;..s.., Wu ,. • .,...._ -· -· .,...,._. rcr Ilia ...t oa. p...- louJiitc.,..,. C-.;dp. hIll t....s •• tlw OCitliMa of IJw,...... c..dftl"1 iClit4 \ I ,,._,.

' Mo..nt•ur t.ilJ/I(r, by R.l'\my Cruom Helm, Loodoa. 1981. Pna fb.9S (ISBN 0.7099.0247-6) Thlo boot oo tile wl4llfc ol .....,. .... -~~~~ Ulc _ .. loducko du;ll<n oo "TTie Up-• or

lnuh" •n4 -n.. lljpb.od• ol ScaU.U.S". Allboualt •- .n ocry lor&<IY d...,,.., 10 tile ....,... kJnplom. lhe.re .,.. two p.,a OQ plaaC -...oc:cuioft o.n Uw \IU&aute •mmh•' and 1 frw ttffrtDCCt to pbnl Oibpl>llon (wch .. I be birlb producdtm or pollen •• hirlh lflitudnl. an4 .., ... tp«illc pbnh lie mrrlllofK!d U hiMh, provkllrw food Jnd(Orahc-lttr ( ()f I ~lllkty Of tpetWJIItd t.ntee!liOrOihlf l nlrnala.

' l'ilrtJdlse lmt, by An&ela King 1111d C. Coot•"Y· Frlcndi or lhe Eorrh, 'I I'Oiond St., L.ondon WIV l OO. 1981. Price 9Sp + pomJe. I hb lllt~~etl't'fl) ptnnuN bouldct. •hh rcncwotd by Oa.,ld lld amt.sfvn In 1 '""t.tw:U' lhf ta~lt

1u~ ~um on wtkUUc habhaA IoN and lhc •a -v.hkh mu•• be !~eed If we 111-c to c:on•m our nlliUIJ h.ah-.c

' A l'li~~~U• fltJnJ o( Wonnc.b/Qrr, edited by M.C. CliJk~. 1980 Bntlih MycoiOClCJI Soeicl), London. Pncc !8.00. (ISBN o.9()J.JJOO·S·X) nu. llofl. tile oll!t l\dly dcDJiod COital) Flon _,.,. -lnlt 10 lio..,J. 1'--dl -. .,._

ronaarloo oo •••uu. <llwihutoa :ard io._ dcbilo < - uoo .-.cl-.tlol­by D.C IJIIOI•y aiiiiii,..OOIQ'Ulal odlldt ""'"' o- dun.,. Ulc ..,..,., lolltlo&M lo I tu, "" .. hlcl! IJM ....... lo .... ,_ ... - ..., ..................... or lbc ....... , or mt«*v In >boC'<Iuoly.

NJCB ROBSON, lkitany Ocp't, Bnlish Mwcum (N11 lhst,) LONDON SW1 SBD.


Natunllud Druroftitvlftl

The f.diJot tqN'It lhc omi_.n from AC: l.lstlit•• .Mtidt bt IS61 1\•rw~ 21 p ll of h•o U.u: bxllcallooo lo _,.,. l or •• by ... ~"" - 1"014

! aa..lloa,..•H'a. hl """" conlace:...,kubu..Or I.J. -•~ <•s mm •- • • • • • • • --o<lra

J laal iN'"'-' mo&l_yllu.a:t•;caplnda u..ay l ·l mouly > •s oom biOII<I • • • • •• • ••••••••••• J

WBI.-..d<n ploo'" omcnd lhc~ <"''ln IIO<OJO!InaJy

We tpolot,illt' (qr the om~kan ot ltowmll')' Wl.t't 4"0nlribudon. proml-..1 f01 thl• l'w~. Gft thr dtftirw of •Id pt.1n1 e.. whlr:h •·~ hope to pubU_, in lhc nc\1 BSBI ~·t'tln.


Contributiolt!i intrndcd (or pubhc llion in chi' i.'''"' must 11'Xh the Editor




Add.rc:ucs.. , .. • .. , • , • , • , , •.• , , ••• , , ••• , •••• , • , , •• , , , • • , , ... , •. • • • • • • ..2 Ellhlbls1Qn M«dna- d.J1~ (et 11ppl:lc:atl0w ••• ••• , • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..1 AC.M 19-Sl.. • • •••• , • • • • • • • • .. • • • ... . ...... ... .. ........ ........... .. .. .. 2 F11Tily Mctnbcr1 -pub~c:auoru . . • , • • • , • , , • , • • •• , • , • •• •• • •., • •. . . • .l CoiJnd! Mcmbcn 191U -82 •• ••••• •••• . •• •• •• .•••• •••••• •• ••• • ••• •• ••• • l

MAI\YURICCS MBE •••.• , . . . .... . ..... ....... .. .. . ........ .. ....... . ... J PRESU)eKJ''S MESSAC"E ••• •• • 0 •• • 0 •••• 0 ••••••• I 0 •• •• 0 .. 0. • • • • • • • • • • • • .)

IIO)I,GEN,SECIUoTAI\Y'S SOTES .......... .. ........ ... .... ...... • .... • • .J IUI.Ie.bcUTla •••..••• . • ••• . ••• • ••• . •• · •••······ ... ..... . . .. . .... .. .... .. Reeordm "-Mcfcrr.a - .-w lbt.... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·"' WQdlllulld COWIIIYllilk BIU .. • .. • .. • .. .. .. .. ...... • .. • .... • • .. .< WDdO...., Soci<ly- BSBillAic ....... , ... - . .. ... . . . - .. ...................... ~ Fl>.....tiiJ o{Hrlr.ln 1011 Q>mm011 C,...,.J - books and 1\11111 • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. ... • .5 John Priesdcy; air-pump onrubbbh lip , • • . . • • •• •• ••• •• • • . •••• ••• • •••••• S

Mor~· Jboul v.t~:ULI , ~. , • .• ••••••••••• , ~. ~ , , , , , , , , o , , o • o o • o o •• o o •• • • • •• • • • .6 I:LM. {Sal. l.ntt.) Open Days ln~talion • • • , • • • • • • •• , •••••••••••• , , • • ••••••••• • 1 Bbek nJah.t.lhld.e s.um y lnt Rr-pcw·t, • • • • • • • • • •••• •• •••••••• , , , •• ••• •• , • •••• • • $ Art Bountm raDy lntncsatc! In Consc.rvatlo:n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .9 NOTtc£S ·· · ····· · · ···· ··· ·· · ·· ·-·· --- · ·--·· --·--------·· .......... 10

Sco1tlsb Bitcha - Sympot!Um, Stpt 1912 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• 10 Swcdilh Field M:ectil'la. A111 1982. • • • • . ......... .. ........ .. .. ..... .. , •• 10 Darwin Cct1coazy Conrcttttei". Ju.l)' 1912 .. . ... .. .................... ...... . ... 11 bilh pllnta CCJCIJitTCd 11 Dublin , • • •• •••• • •• •• ••• •• •• •• •• • •••• •• •• •• o ••• • • •• J l WoolaUe.fU - dupUtatl s·I)Cd.nlltn' • , o •••••••••••••• • •• o • o •• o • •• o o • • • • . 11

A UENS 1.nd ADV!:NtlV£!1 ••• o o •• o •• • o ••• •• •• •• o , ~ •• •• •••••• o •• • •• .-.o. o • • • o 12 Adwnti" NcWJ lO ••. ..• o o ••••••• • •••••••••• • •••• , ••• •• ••• • ••• • •••• • •• • 12 Sweet BrOfDC 1,... b\ lhitalft , , • , • o •, • , , , • . , • •, o , o, •• , o . o, • • • • o. o. o • • , o , . 12 Miud b•a .. 0 0 • • •• 0 .. • •• 0 0 0 ••• o •• o 0 •• ••• • ••• •• ••• o ••••••• o. • • • • • ol4 Rtre blrd61!1ed fi1'M'l· ••••• • , • • • • • • •• ... • • • , •••• o •• • •• , ••• o, ••••••• • • o •• 16 f~u nmmC~rblllf • • • •••• •• o • o •• o • • •• o •• o •• • •••• , •••••• o • o o ••• • •• o il

REQUESTS . . .. • .. ... .. ... ... . .... .. ...... . .... ................... 19 Colleetlom ltcsetrcb. •• .. ••• . •••. ,. o • ••• • • o •••••• • • o •• o •• •• o •• o • • • o o •• , •• 19 t'b &l rt'rtniuu , , o o 0 ••• o ••• o • ••• •• , ••• •• o o • , ••• • o • •• , . o •••••• • •• o • • • . l9 l:tplpoctll. mvclltrt , • • • • • 0. , . . . .•.•..••. , •.• , , • . .. o •• , ••• • •••• • •• o • o • o10

Oak and I 'IY - effect on lf'tf ftll.. . . ••• o • • • ••• o •• o • • • , • • • o o • , • • o • , ••• , • • o • • o 20 Callltti:M lnA~tt:~~tlt - d.tere~Jina1 ••• 0 • o •••• o • • • o • • , • •• •• 0 o o • ••• o • o •• • • o ••• • o o l l

Oocldc.r and 8roomnpc •• o o , o o •• o • , • o o ... o. , • , o o , • o, , o., , , , •• •• o •• • , .l.l t.au.m o r ttw late c..Eo llubb.ttd. • • • , o • , • • • •• ••• ••• • • ••••••• o o ••• o • • o 2 1 A)eund.ra Palaeund. Plrk - ftqot.U (M palano • • • . • •• . •••••• • • . •••• •• .•.. ••. .••• 2 1 f'rw llbnrnrttd 8rld.tlt F'kJr. Vol. l for uS. • , • o o , o • , • o o o ~ ••••• o o. o o •• o •• o •• , ol l

Ladyl Slipper OtchJd - pul and pU!ICtlt con:NtntiDn .,_ , o., •••• o-o o , •• , • o, ••• •• , o • •• o • .21 t..£11'£RS • • o o o o , o .o o- o o ' o r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 o 0 • 0 0 o o • • , ]3

£n&!Ub natnc~ of'Wild FJI.)ftn •.•••• t.. o • , •••• , , o ••••• , • , •• o ••• , o •• • • o •••• 23 1\Jtyllitlaum mu.11ttum - • nf11118ttlish IUtn ... o •• o 0 • •• o o • • o • ••• •••••• •• •• o. o l 4

Who b II)'S a Joe&J nora •• .•• • . • o .. . ... . . .. . ..... o , •••• o o ..................... 2A ZU.Ipltotv aplht• - new to Brltbh hln •• , • • • • • • • o • o • • • • • • •. • • ol5 l.o.Q& bratnbJn • , • • . • . • • , • ~ •• , ••• , , , •••••• ._ o o •• o • • • • o olS

Tilt P.E . .C. fnu:•or 1881 . .... . ... o • woo •• • , • • • • •• •••••• o •• •••• ~.. . • • • • • .15 lbw a 10 - at nut E.lihibltloa mect.lttt •• . •• •.• •• • . ••• • ••• •• • ••••• • •••••••••••• • • 16 Winter Botanblnf • • • o • , o • •• o • o o o • • ••• o •••••• • o • o ••• o • •• ••• , •• o •• o • • • • 21

APPEAL - Orchids in W,Wtle:t • , • o ... ,. o , , • • , •• , • o • • • , , o.... 17 BOTA.'•'YATBOSTON SP-< , ... •• .... •••• • .... ... . 28 NCC BlbU .... I!hln .. .. .. .. . .. .. • • , .. .. • .. . 29 Book!'loa.. .. • ... ... .. .. .... • .. . .... .... .. .. .. ... 30 Corr«tlon • •• . •.• . ••• •. ••• . •••• . •••.•••. . ••• ... • . . • • • .. ••• .. 0 0 ••••••• • • J I

AI tui and iDuJIJitiomappeuiAa in BSBI NnvJ 11• copyriatu and no reproducdon In any rorm may be ·madewhhout wriUu pamlumn from die Edlt ...

'"B·SBI NIWt"" IISSN 030N30X. ls JXbllahld br. thCI SotanQI SOd11y of thl Britilh fst-. Enquiries conc.mlng tht Soclfty's actlvitln and mtmbenh p shoolci be lddren:ld to :.

Tl'wt Hon. Gtn, Sec •• do Bot1nv Dept. Brhhh Muaum IN~t, Hln ••• Cromwell Roto, London SW'/580.

l'finrft/ bY, Suffolk Oflm, SO V/caorl# Srrw, F'tlinro~'t. Td: 77117

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