bsir application

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BSIR APPLICATION. Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR). November 16, 2004. Version 2.0. Provides a standardized web based reporting system that facilitates the reporting of financial information to the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Biannual Strategy Implementation Report


November 16, 2004

Version 2.0


BSIR Purpose

Provides a standardized web based reporting system that facilitates the reporting of financial information to the Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP)

Provides financial reporting on five grant programs in a consolidated format


Provides project based reporting versus the line item reporting required under the Budget Detail Worksheet


Overview of the ISIP/BSIR

Methods through which all Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), Department of Homeland Security (DHS/ODP) FY2004 grant recipients will report on their planned and actual grant expenditures in accordance with the goals and objectives identified in their Homeland Security Strategies (State, Regional & Dallas)

Facilitates the efficient and accurate collection of data to be reported to DHS, Congress, and other requesting agencies in a timely manner

The BSIR does not replace the Categorical Assistance Progress Report (CAPR). The BSIR represents the narrative section of the CAPR. (This is provided by the SAA).


BSIR Benefits

Pre-populates specific ISIP reports by grant year to pre-populate recurring grant year BSIR reports

Provides a standard reporting format available to all reporting levels

Provides a real time status of reports at the state and federal level

Replaces Budget Detail worksheets

Final format of grant reports to ODP


Benefits of BSIR Web Application

Easier Reduces need for


Web-based - no more burning disks and mailing them

Simplified format - less guesswork in filling out the financial information

Better Enhanced error

checking ensures cleaner data. No more “REF#”

More Secure

More Informative - ties State grant financial data to State Homeland Security Strategies

Faster Improved access

- SAA will have immediate access to forms from locals

Pre-populated - only change data if different from ISIP submission


Workshop Content

Module 1 BSIR Overview

Module 2 Registration and Process Flow

Module 3 BSIR Basic Operation

Module 4 Grant Funding Module

Module 5 Review, Approval and Submission

Module 1

BSIR Overview


Terminal Objective

The BSIR Technical Assistance (TA) will provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete and submit the BSIR.

To receive TA please contact either NCTCOG Staff or 1-877-612-HELP.


BSIR Components

BSIR web address:

Five modules contain all of the BSIR activities

Submission from local jurisdiction through the NCTCOG to TEEX and then on to ODP.


BSIR Reporting Requirements

Initial report will be submitted as the ISIPSubsequent grant year reports will be through

submission of the BSIRTEEX completed the 2003 ISIP, it will be each

jurisdictions responsibility to complete the BSIR every 6 months and the ISIP annually from 2004 forward.

Reports are submitted semi-annually as part of the CAPR July – December period is reported by January 31 January – June period is reported by July 31Final BSIR at closeout of grant


SAA Reporting Timeline






FY05 ISIP (Due 60 Days)

Jun Jul Aug JanSept Oct Nov DecFeb Mar Apr May

2004 2005Reports

Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan

Module 2

Registration and Process Flow


Terminal Objective

At the completion of this module participants will be able to complete the user registration process and will have an understanding of the defined user roles and user status.


Enabling Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Describe the process of establishing a user profile and associated user account

Describe the 3 step registration process

Describe the User ID and Password considerations

Describe the operations available in the User Management module


Registration Process

Initial visit to the BSIR Application:

Select “click here” to begin the registration process

Three step process

Enter contact information

Select user level (Federal, State or Sub-grantee) and user permissions (Jurisdictions and/or Urban Area)

Select a user name, password, and security question


BSIR Log-in


Steps 1 and 2Step 1: Enter contact information as requested

Step 2:

Select a user organizational assignment




Urban Area may be selected from the drop-down menu


BSIR User Roles

User Type Enter Review Approve





SAA Admin * * * * *

State User * *      NCTCOG LocalAdministrator * * * *  

Local User *        


Step 1 Registration


Step 2 Role Assignment


Step 3 User ID and Password SelectionEnter User ID and select Password

Password must meet complexity rules: Must contain at least three of the following four

characters: Uppercase (A-Z) Lowercase (a-z) Numeric (0-9) Special characters (#*$!)

Must be at least 8 characters long Cannot have same characters in succession Cannot be same password or contain similar strings of

last six passwords in history Case-sensitive


Step 3 User ID and Password Selection

Secret Question

What is your first pet’s name?

What is your mother’s maiden name?

What is your father’s middle name?

What is your high school mascot?

Who is your childhood best friend?

Password will require change at least every 90 days (no prompt given)

Three failed attempts will lock out account

Do not share your user ID and/or password


Step 3 User ID and Password Selection


Registration Approval Steps

Requesting User Authorized Approver

Federal (ODP) user assigned to requesting state

SAA role with administrator privileges assigned to requesting state

Federal (ODP) user assigned to requesting state

SAA role with administrator privileges assigned to requesting jurisdiction

Local role with administrator privileges assigned to requesting jurisdiction




BSIR User StatusUser Status Definition


Active users are current users of the BSIR. This denotes that the user has access based on the type of user account they hold. This is the most common status.


Pending denotes that a user has recently requested access to the BSIR. This is the second most common status.


Denied users are accounts that have been requested, but, for one reason or another, were not approved, thus, denied.

ExpiredExpired denotes users accounts that have elapsed a given period of time with inaction, and are thus locked.

InactiveInactive denotes users accounts have been manually locked by an administrator.


Locked denotes that a users account is inaccessible due to various reasons. An account may be locked because a user entered in an incorrect password three or more times, or the account is expired or inactive. Users with administrative rights may unlock users.

Module 3

BSIR Basic Operation


Terminal Objective

At the completion of this module participants will be able to explain the functionality of the five component modules in the BSIR.


Enabling Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Describe the purpose for each of the five component modules in the BSIR

Describe the process for each of the five component modules and reinforce with an example.


Returning User

Enter User ID and Password to gain entrance to the BSIR

Begin a BSIR session

Initial session page

Select a module on the left side to proceed with specific functions

Select a tab at the top to enter BSIR specific information


BSIR Session


BSIR ModulesOrganization Structure

User Management

Grant Funding

Review and Approval



Organization Structure (OS) ModulePurpose: Central location for the management of sub-grantees

Process: The state administrator will define all subgrantees. The assigned state users then link their assigned sub-grantees to their account

Example: A state with 342 jurisdictions may decide to have several state users to assist the SAA. In the OS module these state users will select which jurisdictions to be assigned to them. Later these BSIRs will be submitted and approved by the assigned state user


Organization Structure


User Management (UM) ModulePurpose: Central location for the account approval and

management for user access to the BSIR

Process: Users with administrative rights can review, approve users requesting access to the BSIR and reset passwords.

Example: A user password requires resetting. This action is accomplished in the UM module


User Management Module


User Management


Grant Funding (GF) Module

Purpose: Central location for the input of all grant, project and solution area funding information

Process: The ISIP information will be pre-loaded in a read-only format for all jurisdictions that submitted the ISIP. By stepping through six tasks (tabs) in this module, the users review and update the ISIP information

Example: A sub-grantee award revision would be accomplished in this module


Grant Funding Module


Review and Approval (R&A) ModulePurpose: Central location for users to review completed

BSIRs and for administrative users to submit them to the next approval authority

Process: NCTCOG (Local administrator) reviews, approves, and submits the sub-grantee BSIR to the state. The assigned state administrator then reviews, approves and submits to ODP

Example: After submitting the BSIR to the state, the NCTCOG (local administrator) should check the status of the BSIR. This is accomplished in the R&A module


Review and Approval Module


Help Module

Purpose: Provide information about operation of the BSIR

Process: Selecting help will provide a topical index to select the particular information needed

Example: A user needs access to the Users Guide. A copy of the Users Guide is available for review under the Help section

Module 4

Grant Funding Module


Terminal Objective

At the completion of this module participants will be able to complete the Grant Funding Module.


Enabling Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Relate the ISIP format to the Grant Funding module

Describe the six tasks required to complete the Grant Fund Module

Identify information in each task that is pre-populated from the ISIP and/or the DCT


ISIP Review

Five grant programs: State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) Citizen Corps Program (CCP) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program

Project funding is assigned from one or more of the four grant programs for each project as applicable


ProgramsGrantee / Subgrantee Projects

ISIP Template $11,700,000

CCP $1,000,000

Project A $3,750,000

Project C $1,460,000

Project B $3,600,000

Project E $2,100,000

Project F $0

Project D $790,000

Project K $0

Project I $0

Project J $0

Project G $0

Project L $0

Project H $0

Project M $0

SHSP $4,500,000



UASI $3,600,000

LETPP $2,100,000

TSP $500,000

ISIP Conceptual Design – Template Level


Solution Area CategoryProgramProject

Project A $3,750,000


Up to 6 per programUp to 5 per projectUp to 20 per template

Planning $250,000

SHSP $2,500,000

CCP $250,000

Equip $1,600,000

Training $650,000

UASI $1,000,000

ConductAssessments $40,000

Public Education $50,000

Develop Plans $160,000

Public Health $85,000

Law Enforcement $65,000

Fire Service $100,000

Total $250,000

Solution Area Sub-Category

Solution Area Discipline=

Total $250,000



Six Grant Funding Module Tasks

Award Information

Project List

Project Funding

Goals and Objectives

Solution Area Funding

Project Metrics


Award Information

Grant funding amounts that have been awarded to the state or sub-grantee are updated as needed

Obligated and Expended (new terms)

Obligated: Decision to purchase goods or services has been made, vendor selected and purchase order cut

Expended: Goods or services have been delivered and the purchase order funds have been paid


Award Information Task


Project List

Data includes project name, funding type, amount, and project status

Select “Create Project” to add a new project

Users may select Edit, Delete or Detail to change a project

Changes must be saved prior to leaving the page or the updated data is lost

Use the “Save” or “Save and Continue” button


Project List (cont.)

Project Titles entered into the ISIP are pre-populated in the Project Title field in the BSIR.

The ISIP predefined Project Titles are now under the BSIR “Project Type” field

A Project Type must be selected from the predefined list


Project List


Project Funding

Projects are pre-populated with the ISIP funding amounts

Funding may be changed by entering the new data into the appropriate BSIR field

Jurisdictions that share funding for this project are identified

Total project funding is displayed at the top of the page


Project Funding


Goals and Objectives

BSIR goals and objectives are pre-populated with the goals and objectives identified in the SHSAS approved strategy in the DCT as of October 15, 2004

A goal must be selected from the drop down box even if the ISIP goal still applies

If the goal has changed since the ISIP, click the check box

Objectives must be selected from the drop down box

Objective 2 is optional


Goals and Objectives


Solution Areas

Five solution areas plus Management and Administration

This task is completed one solution area at a time.

Each solution area is on a separate page. Navigate by selecting from the drop down box

For each solution area, update the amounts by funding source and for each discipline

Total Project Funding and Total Solution Area Funding is summarized at the top of the page

No entries accepted in the gray boxes


Solution Areas


Project Metrics

Project Metrics is a new function of the BSIR

Use information collected from state and local sub-grantees on the status of the metrics that apply

Metrics information is entered by solution area

Project Metrics data is required before the BSIR can be submitted


Project Metrics Section 1


Project Metrics Section 2

Module 5

Review, Approval and Submission


Terminal Objective

At the completion of this module the participants will be able to describe and complete the process for submitting the BSIR through each of the administrative levels of approval.


Enabling Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Describe the seven BSIR status indicators

Describe the different actions required at the local and state levels for approval of the BSIR

Describe the Change Request process


Review and Approval

Users input data and NCTCOG (administrators) approve/submit BSIRs

Once submitted to the next level, the BSIR is locked in a read only format

Change Request will “unlock” and return the BSIR to the NCTCOG (administrator) for additional editing

There are seven status indicators of progress on the BSIR

All user levels see the BSIR status


Review and Approval

The seven BSIR status indicators are:

1. Data Entry In Progress: Work has begun on the BSIR

2. Project Submitted: One or more projects have been completed. When all projects have been submitted individually, the BSIR may be submitted to the SAA

3. Submitted to State: The BSIR has been submitted and is awaiting SAA approval


Review and Approval (cont.)

4. Approved by State: The BSIR has been approved by the SAA

5. Submitted to ODP: All of the state’s BSIRs have been submitted and are awaiting ODP approval

6. Accepted by ODP: ODP has accepted the BSIRs

7. Change Request: The BSIR is returned for additional editing


BSIR Reporting Requirements

Initial grant year report will be submitted as an ISIP

Subsequent grant year reports will be submitted through the BSIR

Reports are submitted semi-annually as part of the CAPR

July – December period is reported by January 31 January – June period is reported by July 31


SAA Reporting Timeline






FY05 ISIP (Due 60 Days)

Jun Jul Aug JanSept Oct Nov DecFeb Mar Apr May

2004 2005Reports

Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan


Next Steps Devise an action plan to complete BSIR at the state and sub-

grantee levels

Identify users at the state and sub-grantee levels Consider locations with internet access

Grant funding Identify projects requiring additions, editing or deleting Accumulate obligated and expended funding information by

projects Gather project metrics Additional subgrantees since ISIP

Schedule additional Technical Assistance


Technical Assistance

BSIR Data Entry TA

Schedule through ODP

TA will be available December 6, 2004 – January 31, 2005

ODP Technical Support Desk


Hours of Operation (CST) Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.



Nov 16, 2004 – BSIR Training (Weatherford)

Nov 18, 2004 – BSIR Training (Lewisville)

Nov 30, 2004 – BSIR Training (NCTCOG)

Dec 2, 2004 – BSIR Training (NRH)

Dec 8, 2004 – BSIR available on-line to NCTCOG (tentative)

Dec 13, 2004 – BSIR available on-line to jurisdictions (tentative)

Jan 14, 2004 – BSIR Deadline!

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