buddhism. 300 million + adherents primarily in china and s.e. asia originated near modern nepal...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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1 300 million + adherents primarily in China and S.E. Asia Originated near modern Nepal around 530 BC by prince Siddhartha Guatama.Indian traders brought it to China in 1st century AD. By 6th century it had lost its hold on India, but was now in Korea and Japan.

2Buddhism began in the foothills bordering the Ganges Plain about 500 B.C. For centuries remained confined to the Indian subcontinentMissionaries later carried it to other countries and regionsChina between 100 B.C. and A.D. 200Korea and Japan between A.D. 300 and 500Southeast Asia between A.D. 400 and 600Tibet A.D. 700Mongolia A.D. 1500Developed many regional forms and died out in its area of origin

3The Four Noble Truths

1) sorrow and suffering must be endured by all2) suffering and sorrow result from the greedy desire for pleasure 3) escape from such suffering and sorrow is achieved by giving up such desires 4) reaching a state of enlightenment and perfect peace called nirvana by following the Middle Way

4The Eightfold Path right views right intentionsright speechright action right livingright effortright mindfulnessright concentration

Birthplace of Buddha

5 Karma - your past bad or good actions determine your progress toward Nirvana through reincarnation. You are your own God.Theravada - the older, more severe form which requires the renouncing of all worldly goods and desires.Mahayana - focuses on Buddhas teachings and compassion.

6Spread of BuddhismAfter Buddhas death, followers collected the Tripitaka (3 baskets of wisdom)DutyGolden ruleOvercoming evil w/ goodTwo SectsTheravada original teachingsMahayana easier for people to follow pictured Buddha as a god & defined nirvana

Buddhism declined in India.

7Cultural and Biological Exchanges Along the Silk RoadsThe Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism Insert map on page 257

8Relic Worships at Stupas

Relics are parts of the Buddhas body (hair, nails, bones, teeth, etc.) that have great power and can bless those who worship themStupas are Buddhist temples that house a relic of the Buddha9Asokas sponsorship of stupas

10Buddhism & Hinduism ComparedGrew from the same traditionsBoth stress nonviolence and believe in karma, dharma, moksha, & reincarnationBuddha rejected priests, rituals, and many Hindu gods.Buddha rejected the caste system and offered the hope of nirvana to all.Buddhists seek enlightenment through meditation11

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