building business relationships

Post on 12-Jan-2017






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Friendship is an essential ingredient of human happiness

The way friendship enhances well-being has nothing to do with quantity & everything with quality

Aristotle classifies friendship into three categories

Friendship of pleasure e.g.: people with whom you can go for a movie

Friendship of Virtue You are friends because of the person – The highest kind of


Friendship of utility Those in which you gain tangible benefits

This presentation talks about how to create & maintain friendship of utility

What you talk is more important than what you wear

Weave a strong personal story

Connect patterns from insights to weave an engaging story

Opening of doors depends on your energy level – Be vibrant

Meet people proactively because getting introduced Is easy

When many people are waiting, wait happily behind the queue to use quality time with your friend

Always carry a big smile

Share good news beyond scope of work

Every good conversation starts with good listening

Identify nuggets in the conversation to stress them & address them later on

Tell them what you admire in them

Make it personal by asking them to guide you with their knowledge

Build on trust & intellectual ability

Trust is the conduit for influence. It is the medium through which ideas travel

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds talk about other people

Talk less about yourself & more on your dreams about the future

Frame interesting sentences in a way they can imagine what you are saying

Flow against the crowd & get noticed

Never strike a powerless pose

Identify & offer one skill of yours that will be helpful to your friend. They’ll remember you when in need

Make it obvious to them on what you can offer & others cannot

Just like maintaining consistency in any work, maintaining a relationship is also difficult

Follow ups & constant updates are the basis of any relationship

Invest time & energy in building the relationship

When they ask you to get something done, get it done no matter what! Preferably in a better way

Share all news, Good & bad!

Stand by them in both good times & bad times

When you screw up, say sorry

Treat juniors & seniors with the same respect

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