building strategic patnerships

Post on 02-Mar-2016






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Heart and Soul Conference 2012


Building Strategic Partnerships

The Revd. Canon Yemi Adedeji

Building Strategic Partnerships

What is Partnership?

Partnership of any form is a voluntary collaborative agreement between two or more parties in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities, resources, competencies and benefits.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Why is Strategic partnership different?

A strategic partnership is a formal alliance between two or more ministries when each possesses one or more ministry leverage that will help the other party. It is a ministry position where one of the parties lack capacity for delivery or do not want to develop internally what it can benefit from the other party.

Building Strategic Partnerships

The Rule of Engagement

"Never approach empty handed".

Always position yourself or your organisation from the position of specific competency.

Building Strategic Partnerships

The Dynamics of Engagement

You must become a "PIMP".

P - Player

I - In

M - Management

P - Position

Building Strategic Partnerships

The Theology of Strategy Partnership

Avoid Esau to Jacob strategy of engagement.

• Lack of understanding of the value of what you possess.

• Settling for immediate gratification at the expense of long term benefit.

• Not counting the cost of the relationship.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Explore Joseph to Butler strategy of engagement.

• Clear understanding of what he has to offer.

• Clear demonstration of what he possesses.

• Clear message to the authority

Building Strategic Partnerships

Types of Strategic Partnership

• Political

With Councillors, Mayors and the local MP’s

• Relational

With local schools, hospitals, Prisons and the Police.

• Collaboration

Local churches within the community. Homeless, Old people's home and Youth Movements.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Leveraging in Strategic Partnerships(What do you have to offer?)

• Ministry outlets - Prayer ministry, music, hospitality, etc.• Part of a larger denominational body. • The number factor.• Professional and gifted people within the congregation.

Doctors, Fitness instructors, Legal Advisers, etc.• Generic Social initiatives within the church.

Building Strategic Partnerships

• Media

Local Press, Generic media outlets, PR and key people of influence.

• Festivals and events

Participation and presence at National Christian festivals, civic and landmark ceremonies.

• Partnership

With notable Christian and charitable organisations.

Building Strategic Partnerships

• Teachers in the church for the community, social workers in the church, community volunteers in the church, Street Pastors, etc.

• Resource or building facilities

• Building space, car park, venue for events and conferences.

• What success story is available?

• Document it, publicise it and shout it from the roof top.

Building Strategic Partnerships

How to position your church for strategic partnership?

Research• Research the needs of your community.• Match the needs of the community with what you can offer. • Have a plan• Identify and approach key decision makers and gatekeepers.s

Building Strategic Partnerships

Write, invite and visit

• Write, invite introduce yourself and visit your local Councillor, MP’s and the Mayor of your city.

• Write and request to become a Hospital Chaplin and offer yourself to help the local Police.

• Visit your local media house and invite the Editor for a meal.

• Offer your facilities for local council events or seminars.

Building Strategic Partnerships

How to manage strategic meetings• Present your idea and focus more on what the other

party is open to benefit from you.

• Talk less on what you are going to receive but what you have to offer.

• If the potential partner is not keen, use the opportunity to affirm their vision but cement a personal relationship of benefit for the future.

Building Strategic Partnerships

How to encourage others to be strategically positioned

• Encourage your members to be JPs if you live in the UK.

• Encourage your members to be politically active and vie for political offices.

• Encourage your members to be School Governors and make your self know to the schools around you

Building Strategic Partnerships

Long term Benefit of Strategic Partnership

• Your church will become a governing church.• You will be actively involved in major decisions that affect

your community.• You will become a community and influencing church.• It will open opportunities for grants and gifts from various

donors. • Ultimately the holistic gospel will be preached to all.

Building Strategic Partnerships

• Offer yourself as a member, Trustee, Director of different voluntary and local organisations.

• Attend meetings of Churches together in your area and volunteer yourself for leadership.

• Encourage your members to be local chaplains.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Questions and Answers

Building Strategic Partnerships

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