building the right team to engage in sustainability - business beyond tomorrow conference 2017

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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Building the Right Team to

Engage in Sustainability

Business Beyond Tomorrow Conference

March 18, 2017


Retail Training - Microsoft

Marketing and Operations - Unomy

Community Garden Educator – Amir Project

Business Development Lead – Corporate Knights

50,000 foot view

BuildBringing it together

Activity – Sprint Solutions

The PlayersPeople measuring


TrendsFuture of work

Activity - How Might we?

Table StakesSetting up the problem

Activity – Graph the problems

Lets put what you learned today through the ringer

~ 20 minute chunks

capture your ideas along the way so we can build out solutions in the end

Table Stakes

Table Stakes

Toby leaves job writing about personal finance to co-found Corporate Knights

2002CK publishes it’s first ranking of the Global Top 100 sustainable corporations

2011 CK spearheads

the of the Council for Clean Capitalism comprising leading Canadian companies

2012 CK develops

Rovr, further providing investors the tools to invest with their values


“The Feeling is not Mutual”

125K magazines circulated per


Leaders rewarding responsible corporate behaviour

provide information empowering

markets to foster a better world

“Capital is the oxygen for the Economy”

Table StakesThe “moral” case for sustainability

3 6 12Sources: Population Reference Bureau, Science Advances Journal , OECD

The Organizatio






Depends on products

Rely on salary

Sense of worth, social identity

Where the company operates

Pays taxes

Literally own the company

Send capital – demands a return

Trusts products do what they say

Table StakesThe “business” case for sustainability

Volkswagen Emission Scandal

Enron‘s creative accounting

Uber’s Toxic Culture

Rana Plaza collapse

Table StakesYet … we still continue to see a lot of these

Table Stakes

External Internal


Not mandated

Absence of government regulation

Competition isn’t doing it

Measuring is too hard

Motivating employees

Doesn't make business sense

People and planet


No longer a nice to have

Affects stakeholders at every


Internally drivenProfit vs


Table Stakes

Future ofWork

Future of Work

Food for thought – North America

1. What does the workforce look like today (Canada)

2. What are top trends impacting all industries (7-8)

3. What are the top concerns facing change managers in the organization (4-5)

Anecdotal evidence is fine here


AirBnB: How might we get people to book through us?

“Everybody takes a trip in their first or second week in the company and then they document it. We have some structured questions that they answer and then they actually share back to the entire company. It's incredibly important that everyone in the company knows that we believe in this so much, we're going to pay for you to go take a trip on your first week.”

GE: How might we make MRI less frightening for kids?


Sources: World Economic Forum / Statscan

Eg: How might we leverage big data to measure our resource efficiency


Bad news …

Good news…

James Temple Chief Corporate Responsibility

Officer (PwC Canada)

“The number of PURELEY CSR jobs out there are few and far between”

The Players

The Players

Sustainability will become / is a core focus of our collective working lives

Ikea Blue Apron

1. What is a sustainable business practice?2. How would you measure the success of that metric?3. Who do you need in your organization to buy into this practice?4. What are your constraints? (think previous slides)

The Players

Ask yourself…

Here are some examples to get you started


BuildPut it all together

The Players• What are we

measuring• Who’s buy in

do we need Future of Work• How might we…• What change

makers care about Table Stakes• People, and

planet positive• Barriers to

incorporating sustainability

We have aquired some value information in the past hour now we can put it together to answer

some important questions


Select a sustainable business practice

Use “how might we’s” and map out the journey from beginning to end

- Who is impacted along the way

-keep in mind individuals who need to buy in

What might this program look like? Draw a sketch of an actual program

Where does each actor come in at each step of the way

-How does it achieve your sustainability goal

Explain the process to a neighbor and assess someone else's work.

Rapidly come up with 2 alternatives


ExampleIncrease Safety performance (perhaps on an oil rig)How might we Educate Workers about the new proceduresHow might we measure the outcomes How might we operate within our resource constraints Who’s buy in do we need (Risk managers, onsite crew)

Thank You@mauryrubin

Additional Thanks toCorporate Knights - @corporateknightJames Temple (PwC Canada) -@CSRjamesHala Beisha (Resilience Factor)- @msbeishaGeorge Wang - @GeorgeWang89Sajan Mathews - @isajanmathew

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