building your online brand - ad club 101 series

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Part of the Advertising & Marketing 101 series for the Advertising Club (NYC), this was the last in a series of weekly presentations over 3 months.In 52 slides we covered how to build your own personal brand online using sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, SlideShare, friendfeed, and delicious. Also included tracking and brand monitoring (Google Alerts, twazzup). Enjoy!


building your online brandadvertising & marketing 101 series - nyc

january 27, 2010

prepared for

by @cherwenka

before search engines and social media we might have asked about the fish

things have changed

what do they know about you?

what do you know about them?

how can you build your brand?

what do they know about you?

LinkedIn is a wealth of reputable, indexed information controlled by you

common friends, events, recos, discussions…

publicly show your interests, associations …

join groups, engage in discussions

facebook is as valuable as it is dangerous.



personal blogs on the right platforms are a great way to showcase your expertise.

twitter is your public thoughtstream and social interactions, controlled by you

make sure your tweetstream isn’t all about you.

be informative and engaging.

(and don’t call yourself a guru.)

post informative content that shows your expertise

use to gather all your interesting finds in one place and publicly build your brand

high indexing and rankings

less indexing of your content

your brand ecosystem

blogs & forums social networks

build ◦ connect ◦ synergize

search engines your content

what do you know about them?

in addition to the usual suspects …

1)join groups

2)search for people you want to meet

3)meet them

1)invite friends of friends

2)find out where they socialize

3)meet them

how can you control it?

you can guide your online presence, but not with pinpoint accuracy

Fergal OP's Flickr photostream Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike

if you don’t know knots, tie lots

monitor mentions of your name with

set up Google Alerts to track mentions of your name and target contacts/companies

use friendfeed to syndicate your social activities across all touchpoints and track others

your brand ecosystem

blogs & forums social networks

build ◦ connect ◦ synergize

search engines your content

Where to begin?

•Determine what your brand will be - your voice, your message, your best username and photo

•Complete your LinkedIn profile, join groups

•Audit your Facebook public search result or disallow search (settings–privacy–search)

•Audit all Facebook tagged and uploaded photos

•Buy your own domain name (bonus points for creating a site)

•Add key site URL’s to your email signature

Ongoing activities

•Join Twitter and post intelligent industry-related tweets; scan Twazzup often to monitor your name

•Comment on reputable industry-related blogs and forums

•Connect with people you’ve met (LinkedIn, FB); follow people you want to meet (Twitter, Foursqr)

•Set up a Delicious account, tag relevant content

•Syndicate your activities using FriendFeed


andrew cherwenka

For a copy of this deck please visit and search “cherwenka”

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