bukit lawang in gunung leuser national park

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    By Indonesian Vacation

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Orangutan is the typicalanimal which is onlyfound in Indonesia

    Since the orangutans

    only can be found inIndonesia, people areinterested to see them

    There are two mainplaces where people

    can find and see theorangutans, where arethey..?

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Gunung Leuser National Park is located inBukit Lawang

    Bukit Lawang is one of the UNESCO worldheritage sites where the severalendangered animals and plants live in here

    Bukit Lawang is the house for Sumatera

    tigers, Sumatera rhinoceros, and evenSumatera elephants

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    But if your main purpose is tosee the orangutans, BukitLawang is the right place

    Orangutans are protected andrehabilitated

    Now, the total amount oforangutan in Sumatera is onlyabout 7,500

    This animal is included asworld endangered species

    Their number decreasedbecause of the illegaldeforestation and forest fireswhere then the orangutansfinally lost their home.

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Would you like to know the differencebetween Orangutan in Bukit Lawang,Sumatera with orangutan in Tajung

    Putting, Kalimantan..?

    Click here for details:


  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    If you are interested with jungletrekking, you have to prepareyourself for the hard terrain

    A guide usually will guide peoplewho want to have the jungletrekking

    He will help you to find theorangutans by reading signs

    If youre lucky you will find one,two, or maybe some orangutans inBukit Lawang

    But, you really have to know thatyou cant be so close to

    orangutans, it could be dangerous You have to be 7 meters away

    from them A female orangutan is

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Dont worry if you cantget any orangutan

    You can go to feedingstation where you can

    feed orangutans There is a rule that not

    every food can be given They usually eat banana This rule is applied to

    protect orangutans fromany disease from thefoods that are given tothem

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Not only jungle trekking there, but also

    Camping and living in the wild..?

    Experience its exotic feelings Food? No problem..

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    From Medan, you need 3 to 4 hours to getto Bukit Lawang by passing PTPN andLondon Sumatera oil palm plantation

    You will find many public transportationspassing through this way

    The cost is aroundRp 15.000 from Pinang

    Baris terminal to Bukit Lawang terminal Another choice..

  • 8/13/2019 Bukit Lawang in Gunung Leuser National Park


    Click here for details:



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