bulanauski, viola christensen, dennis beatty for st. paul ... · pdf file12:00 pm ash...

Post on 21-Mar-2018






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St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

910 Marne Highway Hainesport, New Jersey 08036-2666

Office Phone: 609.267.0740 Fax: 609.267.3798

E-Mail: stpaulslutheran@stpaulsh.org The Rev. Scott Schantzenbach,

Interim Pastor Beverly Grazioli,

Sunday School Director Rosanne Scassero, Church Secretary

Karen McMahon, Business Manager Denisemarie Ramos,

Director of Music

St. Paul’s Mission Statement Rooted in God’s unconditional love,

the congregation of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

commits mind, body, spirit and treasure to make all people

disciples of Christ, to share God’s abundance, and to proclaim the Gospel

in word and deed.

Keep these folks in your prayers… ...those who are hospitalized, ill or other: George Adams, Jackie Anderson, Lauren, Belle,

Sandi Berry, Fred Bertram, Steve Blum, Charlie Bohlen, Mark Boughen, Carl Brink, David Bulanauski, Viola Christensen, Dennis Beatty Cooper, Amanda Costa, Bethany Costa, Erin Craig, Cheryl Crain, Nina Davis, Joseph Denphy, Brian Drea, Barbara Earl, Jane Emrick, Casey Farah, Sharon Favaloro, Cindy Fow, Evan Frank, Clif Fernandez, Ernie Ferreny, Vandra French, Bill & Marge Gardner, Chris Giroso, Dale Hansen, Kathy Hanuscin, Holly Hilferty, Alice Izzo, Gussie Johnson, Rina Johnson, Janice Kaminski, David Keithly, Katie Kish, Richard Leonhard, Morgan Lowe, Bill Magyar, Midy Mangiante, Dennis Marks, Edward McLaughlin, Joseph McMahon, Gordon Moran, Debbie Norton, Elaine Orosz, David O’Reilly, Doris Palmer, Agnes Pape, Marilyn Parent, Martha Paul, Samuel Paul, Hans Ritt, Tim Shell, Darrell Soltesz, Julia Stanz, Christine Strimel, Bob Thomas, Katherine Thul, Donald Timony, Sheila Tolliver, Amanda Williams, Carole Winter, Christina Wood

...those who have long-term illnesses: Gerri Burns, Phil Boettge, Edith Crane, Robert Cross, Jack Dickson, Bob Grover, Ella Hikade, Arlene Kaye, Matthew Ottenwess, Virginia Sandstrom, Kathy Strano, Justin Vinluan, Violet P. Wise.

...those who are shut-in: Marcy Boettge, Victor Bush, Walt Cliver, Fran Craig,

Millie Guenther, John Johnson, Alice Karis, Nancy McKeown, Shirley Worthington

...those who mourn: Beverly and Joe Grazioli on the passing of Joe’s

father, Joe ...those in the military or other service: Michael Cobb, Navy, in Jacksonville, FL. Mark B. Moore, III, Army ...the following St. Paul’s families (You are all

members of the Prayer Team): The Don & Cindy Henry Family, Glenn Heppard, The

Dana & Kevin Heron Family, Ken Hibbert, Doug & Louise Hikade, The Robert & Jennifer Hoffman Family

...for peace and unity in our own country

Please help us keep this list updated. Let the church office know if someone should be removed from this list. (609) 267-0740 or stpaulslutheran@stpaulsh.org.

Worship Attendance

February 3 & 4, 2018

Total—211; 5:00 PM—29; 9:00 AM—115;

11:00 AM—67

The total giving for January was $41,888. Average giving for Mission Plan was $7663. Average giving needed for Mission Plan is $8500.

For Your Information—For Your Inspiration

News & Notes

for St. Paul’s Community

February 10 & 11, 2018

Worship Services:

Saturday, 5:00 PM Sunday, 9:00 AM Sunday, 11:00 AM Sunday School, 10:00—11:00 AM

The Great Thanksgiving... All baptized, believing Christians are welcome to the Lord’s Table. Come forward down the center aisle, pick up a glass and follow the directions of the ushers. Glasses of grape juice are available in the center of the tray. Gluten free wafers are available. If you are unable to come to the altar, please inform an usher so that the Eucharist may be brought to you.

For Children Ages 2—6: Busy Bags are available near the Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) Table in the back of the sanctuary. One bag per child, please, and return bags to the bin following worship. Nursery care: There will be no nursery care during the service.

The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus’ baptism and end with three disciples’ vision of his transfiguration. In Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus’ three closest friends hear the same words naming him God’s

beloved son. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus’ face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God’s glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see.

This Week’s Lessons

2 Kings 2:1-12

2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Mark 9:2-9

Next Week’s Lessons

Genesis 9:8-17

Psalm 25:1-10

1 Peter 3:18-22

Mark 1:9-15

Introduction from today’s lessons.

Social Ministry Luncheon

This weekend! Do you like to help? Spread the love of Christ? Come out on Sunday, February 11 at 12:15 pm and see what Social Ministry is all about. Bring your ideas! We’ll be planning for 2018! Lunch will be provided. RSVP to Pat Headrick.


Congregational Meeting Sunday, February 25

11:15 PM

All eligible voting members

of the congregation

are expected to attend.

Annual Report Booklets will

be available February 10/11.

One copy per family, please.

All children, ages PreK—Grade 8, are welcome to attend!

10:00—11:00 AM

We are Jesus and Child-centered! Where we HOOT OWL!

(Help Open Our Thinking Our Wise Lord)

Come join our positive energy on Sunday morning!

Team Sunday School invites you to join us!

We have a place for you!

Contact Bev Grazioli for more information!

Ash Wednesday Services February 14

A noon service will be held here at St. Paul’s for those who wish to sing some hymns, receive ashes, hear a sermon and receive communion on that solemn day. There will be a dinner at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at 6:00 PM, followed by a worship service at 7:30 PM. Choirs from both congregations will offer musical leadership throughout the service.

Mitten Tree

The Christmas tree will remain in the narthex for January and February and maybe March to receive donations of mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and children’s socks to donate to those in the area who can use them. Let’s keep the tree full!

Lenten Lunch Series

The Lenten lunches will be held on Wednesdays during Lent beginning February 21 as planned. Due to the damage to

the kitchen, however, we cannot use the stove or the dishwasher. If you sign up for soup, please bring it to church in a crockpot so we can keep it in the Parish Hall. Donations of bread are not affected and can be provided as before. We will also be using disposable bowls and utensils. February 21—Creation February 28—The Flood March 7—Deliverance at Sea March 14—Salvation Freely Offered March 21—Deliverance from the Fiery Furnace Any questions, call Sharyn Lyden at (609) 893-6349.

Fastnacht Pot Luck—6:00 pm

and Follies—7:00 pm

Tuesday, February 13

Come one, come all!

Food and Fun!

Games and Entertainment!

And of course…


Join us for a potluck dinner followed by the legendary

Fastnacht Follies!

Sign up in the Narthex!

Needle & Thread Group is in need of clean, washable material. Donations can be dropped off in

the church office. Thank you!

This Week at St. Paul’s

Sunday, February 11

9:00 AM Worship

10:00 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship

12:15 PM Social Ministry Lunch (PH)

6:30 PM Sr Hi Youth Group (SH)

7:00 PM Chorale (MR)

Monday, February 12

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

7:00 PM Bible Study (SH)

7:00 PM AA (PH)

8:30 PM NA (MR)

Tuesday, February 13

6:00 PM Potluck Dinner (PH)

7:00 PM Fastnacht Follies (S)

7:00 PM AA (SH)

Wednesday, February 14

9:00 AM Aerobics (PH)

9:00 AM Needle/Thread (SH)

12:00 PM Ash Wednesday Svc

6:00 PM Weigh-In (SH)

6:00 PM Ash Wednesday Dinner

St. Andrew’s Episcopal

7:30 PM Ash Wednesday Service

St. Andrew’s Episcopal

Thursday, February 15

6:30 AM Men’s Prayer Bfst (PH)

10:00 AM Bible Study (MR)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts (PH)

7:30 PM Christus Choir (MR)

7:30 PM AA (SH)

Friday, February 16

8:00 AM Friday Fellowship

Saturday, February 17

5:00 PM Worship

8:00 PM NA (MR)

February 10 & 11, 2018

Transfiguration of Our Lord Weekend

5:00 pm & 11:00 am

5:00 Prelude 11:00 Prelude Let Us Walk in the Light of

Christ, Chapel and Chi Rho Choirs Confession and Forgiveness Passing of the Peace Hymn #866, We Are Marching in the Light Greeting Hymn of Praise, Page 148 Prayer of the Day: Almighty God, the resplendent light of your truth shines from the mountaintop into our hearts. Transfigure us by your beloved Son, and illumine the world with your image, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. First Lesson

Together As One

Second Lesson

Alleluia Verse, Page 102

Gospel Lesson

Response Sermon—Pastor Scott Schantzenbach

Hymn #315, How Good, Lord, to Be Here

Nicene Creed, page 104

Prayers of Intercession

Offering Offertory, #204, Thankful Hearts Offertory Prayer Great Thanksgiving, page 107 The Proper Preface Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, page 108 Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer, page 112 Communion Hymns: Lamb of God, Page 112 #838, Beautiful Savior

#474, Bread of Life from Heaven

Post-Communion Rite Post-Communion Prayer

Blessing Hymn #318, Alleluia, Song of Gladness



Our Worship Assistants 5:00 & 11:00

Altar Guild: Claudia O’Malley, Karen Platt, Brenda O’Rourke, Evelyn Carmichael Bread Provider: Peg Biringer Communion Assistants: Ann Macintosh, Amy Bescherer, Ken Hibbert Projection Assistants: Trish Brining, Val Ramos Greeters: Ken Steel & Joy Lynch, ______ Lectors: Ann Macintosh, Amy Bescherer Ushers: Bill & Joan Lynch, Glenn Heppard & Peggy Bush To all who served as worship assistants this weekend, thank you for your ministry to the congregation.

February Food Collection

Suggestions for this month: peanut butter, jelly, granola bars, canned fruit and vegetables, toilet paper. As always, all items welcome!

Paper, plastic and cloth bags are also needed.

Please place the items on the hutch in the narthex. Thank you!

Flowers Provided to the Glory

of God…

In loving memory of our nephew, Barry

Doran from Uncle John and Aunt

Gussie Johnson

Celebrating Kurt’s 26th Birthday from

Natalie and Eric Houwen

Please fill the empty spaces for February

Worship Assistants. The sign-up sheet is posted in

the narthex!

Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex by the entrance.

Thank you!

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 4, 2018.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 8. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 4, 2018.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 8. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

Order Your Spring Flowers for Easter

It’s time to order spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary for

Easter services. You may choose from the plants below. Cost for each plant is listed with the type.

Deadline for ordering is March 4, 2018.

I wish to order: (Choice of Plant) (Number) Large Daffodil ($6) ________ Mini Daffodil ($6) ________ 5-bloom Tulip ($6) ________ Hyacinth ($6) ________ White Lillies ($8) ________ Total Cost $________

To honor: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In loving memory of: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

If you wish to keep your Easter plant, it must be picked up by April 8. The plants remaining after this date will be planted on the church grounds.

My name___________________________ My Envelope Number Is______________

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