bulimic people

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Hey what’s bulimia???

Bulimia nervosa is when people eat a lot in a short amount of hours. These “binges” often happen in secret and involve high calorie foods. After these “episodes” (80 to 90 percent) purge, use laxatives or diurtics.

What type of people suffer from it?

Bulimia usually begins between the ages of 12 through 21. It does happen with both sexes but usually in women. The weird thing is they maintain a normal or high body weight. Some have weight flucuations.

She’s purging after she ate a “big” meal

What are the consequences of bulimia?

Constant vomiting causes dehydration and loss of minerals. Vomiting can cause tears in the throat, esophagus and stomach. It can cause cavities. Over use of the laxatives and diuretics can cause lose of sodium and potassium, which increases the risk of heart damage. Also seriously irregular bowel movements and constipation. Just like anorexic people, bulimics suffer from clinical depression, anxiety, OCD, and other psychiatric conditions.

What are treatments for Bulimia?

1. Break the binge and purge cycle

2. Change unhealthy thoughts and patterns

3.Talk to the person who you suspect might have it.

She probably ate a “huge” meal…struggling with what to do…this was her only choice she believed.

EWWW this is what happens every time maybe not the first, second or third….but it adds up!

That food was good…but now I feel fat so…it has to go some where…

The image in the mirror is how you see yourself…but the way you really look is the image outside of the mirror.

Anyone can have it female or male. Usually between the ages of 12 to 21 even older. This could be your daughter. Oh but don’t go jumping to conclusions im sure shes fine.

Don’t let this control you! Its nothing but a number. Don’t pay attention to it. If you feel like you might start going towards an eating disorder, talk to someone before it even happens.

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