bulletin september 27, 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


    P r e p a r a t i o n f o r W o r s h i p


    Thank you for joining us today! We are an historic Presbyterian

    congregation offering traditional worship and multiple ministriesfor persons of all ages. Please join us following worship

    for fellowship in the Social Room. Thank you for turning offyour cell phones, pagers, cameras, and other electronic devices

    for the duration of morning worship.

    Issues about culture are at the heart of Christian faith, becauseChristianity is about conversion. Conversion means turning.Conversion to Christ is about turning towards him. Before the timeof Christ, Jews had designed ways of welcoming Gentiles whorecognized the God of Israel and wanted to serve him in the

    community of Israel. Proselytes were circumcised, and baptized,and they entered the life of Israel by seeking to obey the Torah.It would have been very natural for that first, entirely Jewish,community of believers in Jesus to maintain this system. But theearly church decided that Gentile believers in Jesusalthough ex-pagans without the life-long training in doctrine and morality thatJews hadshould not be circumcised, should not keep the Torah,and should be left to find a Christian lifestyle of their own within

    Hellenistic society under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Theywere not to be proselytes but converts.

    ~Andrew Walls,The Cross-Cultural Process in Christian History

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009



    September 27, 2009 11:00 a.m


    PRELUDE Psalm Prelude (Three Psalm-Preludes, No. 2, Set 1) Herbert HowellsBut the meek-spirited shall possess the earth: (1892-1983

    and shall be refreshed in the multitude of peace.

    Psalm 37:11

    CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 89:1-4

    Pastor: I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever;People: with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulnessto all generations.Pastor: I declare that your steadfast love is established forever;People: your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens.Pastor: You said, I have made a covenant with my chosen one,

    I have sworn to my servant David:I will establish your descendants forever,and build your throne for all generations.

    People: Praise the Lord!Please stand for these parts of the service.

    HYMN 461 (blue) God Is Here! Abbots Leigh

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009



    God of everlasting love,we confess that we have been unfaithfulto our covenant with you and with one another.We have worshiped other gods: money, power, greed, and convenience.We have served our own self-interestinstead of serving only you and your people.We have not loved our neighbor as you have commanded,nor have we rightly loved ourselves.Forgive us, gracious God,and bring us back into the fullnessof our covenant with you and one another.Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


    ALLELUIA (Choir and congregation sing the refrain after the organ introduction) Taiz

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009



    WELCOME Chris Thomas

    Please print name and information on the Friendship Register and pass it to your neighbor.


    ANTHEM The King of Love My Shepherd Is arr. Dan ForrestChancel Choir

    The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never;I nothing lack if I am His And He is mine forever.Where streams of living water flow, My ransomed soul He leadeth,

    And where the verdant pastures grow, With food celestial feedeth.Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love He sought me,

    And on His shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing brought me.And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never;Good Shepherd may I sing Thy praise Within Thy house forever.

    Paraphrase of Psalm 23 by Henry Williams Baker, 1868

    DOXOLOGY 592 (blue) Old Hundredth

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him, above, ye heavenly hosts;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.




  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


    NEW TESTAMENT READINGS Mark 2:18-22 Holy Bible, p.38Luke 5:33-39 Holy Bible, p.63

    Acts 6:1-4 Holy Bible, p.118


    SERMON New Wineskins Richard Haney

    HYMN 374 (red) Be Still, My Soul Finlandia

    AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles Creed

    I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by theHoly Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third dayhe rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sittethon the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shallcome to judge the quick and the dead.I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communionof saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and thelife everlasting. Amen.

    GLORIAPATRI 579 (blue) Glory Be to the Father Greatorex

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be,World without end. Amen, Amen.

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009



    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdomcome, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this dayour daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine isthe kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


    HYMN 450 (blue) O Day of Peace Jerusalem


    CHORAL RESPONSE Threefold Amen Henry Hal

    POSTLUDE Postlude in C Major Henry Smart(1813-1879

    Join us in the Social Room following worship for refreshments and fellowship.

    The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memoryof George Stevenson Kemp, Jr. by the family.

    Alleluia, music by Jacques Berthier (1923-1994) 1986 by G.I.A. publications.All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under OneLicense.net #A-715262.


  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009



    Sunday 8:30 a.m. Handbell Choir Room 312September 27 9:10 a.m. Prayer Ministry Social Room

    9:30 a.m. Sunday School Education Building10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Room 108

    10:40 a.m. Session Meeting Chape11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuary12:00 p.m. Congregational Fellowship Social Room

    4:00 p.m. Prayer and Praise Gathering Social Room

    Monday 9:00 a.m.Grace Notes volunteers LibrarySeptember 28 10:00 a.m. Child Development Centers Worship Chape

    12:00 p.m. Presbyterian Mens Lunch Room B-4

    Tuesday 10:00 a.m. Staff Meeting Room

    September 29

    Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Carol Choir RoomSeptember 30 5:00 p.m. Junior Choir Room 108

    6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Supper Fellowship Hal6:40 p.m. Wednesday Night Program Fellowship Hal

    Drama The Life of Moses byGCPCs elementary children7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Room 108

    Thursday 9:30 a.m. Mothers Together FellowshipOctober 1 7:00 p.m. Worship Committee Meeting Room 213

    Sunday 8:30 a.m. Handbell Choir Room 312

    October 4 9:10 a.m. Prayer Ministry Social Room9:30 a.m. Sunday School Education Building

    10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Room 10810:40 a.m. Session Meeting Chape

    11:00 a.m. Worship Service: Communion (5 a meal offering) Sanctuary12:00 p.m. Congregational Fellowship Social Room

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


    E v e n t s a n d N e w s


    NEW PASTOR CALLED: We are very excitedthat last Sunday Grace Covenant membersvoted unanimously to call our new pastor!The Reverend Steve Cobb will begin hisministry here on November 1 and willpreach for the first time on November 15.For more information you may pick up aninformation sheet in the Narthex.

    BULLETIN DEADLINE: Submissions forSundays bulletin must be submitted by noonon Wednesday, to our AdministrativeAssistant, Janice Caldwell, in Room 204 (orvia e-mail: caldwell@grace-covenant.org).

    GRACE NOTES: Volunteers for thepreparation of the bulk mailing of Octobersedition of our monthly newsletter will beneeded tomorrow from 9:00 a.m. untilaround 12 noon. Please come to thechurchs library, on the second floor of theEducation Building, if youd like to assist forany, or all, of this time frame! Submissionsare due for the monthly newsletter on the15th of the month.

    DEACONS FUND: Grace Covenant has aDeacons Fund to assist members who are infinancial need. Please contact RichardHaney, our Interim Pastor, or Chris Thomas,our Associate Pastor, to make a request. Allrequests are confidential.


    AS YOU PRAY... please remember to keepour next pastor, Steve Cobb, in prayer as heworks to join us in November, as well as forour congregation as we prepare to be led byhim. Please also pray for Dottie-Ray KochMarge McFall, Elizabeth (Betty) PhillipsDottie-Ray is recovering from heart surgerylast week. Marge is recovering at homeafter spending several days at MCV

    following an automobile accident. Betty hasgone back to Westminster Canterbury aftespending several days at St. Marys HospitalIn addition, remember Nela Bostian, who isrecovering at Emeritus on Gaskins Road.


    CHURCH WORKERS TODAY: OpenerCaGray; GreetersBrian Baird, Kelly & DavidLacy, and Stephanie Thomas; NurseryVolunteersSamara Grinnan, Carson PricePatricia Clarke (and Nikki Hazlegrove)Worship KitsLisa Cardwell; CoffeeFellowship TimeJean Appich and familyGuest Register AttendantLisa and Cal Gray

    CHURCHWORKERFORWEDNESDAYNIGHTSUPPER THIS WEEK: Derek Rogers.CHURCHWORKERS FOR NEXT SUNDAY (onOctober 4): OpenerJohn LootensGreetersBob Copeland, Everett ReveleyLeslie Hartman; Nursery VolunteersStephanie Thomas, Katherine Arthur, JuliaPoppell (and Lauren Corby); Worship

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


    KitsLisa Cardwell; Coffee FellowshipTimeElizabeth Russell; Guest RegisterAttendantBetty Appich.

    CHURCHWORKERFORWEDNESDAYNIGHTSUPPER NEXT WEEK: Kent Cardwell.FELLOWSHIP HOUR: If youd like tovolunteer to make the coffee for theFellowship Hour one Sunday, then pleasesign up on the Calendar in the Glass Office.

    SERVE MEALS TO THE HUNGRY: Volunteersare needed to serve the evening meal onMonday, November 16, from 5:15 p.m.until 6:30 p.m. at Conrad Center, 1400Oliver Hill Way. If you are interested in

    helping, contact Patrise Sears at 737-1837.

    WOR SH I P

    WE INVITE CHILDREN over the age of 5 toparticipate in the entire service. SpecialWorship Kits for children are available in the

    Narthex. For children five years of age oryounger, we also have a crib nursery,toddler room, and preschool care.

    MUSIC NOTES: The lush harmonic style inthe choral and organ music of HerbertHowells is typical of English cathedral musictraditions. The prelude is a gentle musicalessay, which takes its point of departurefrom Psalm 37:11. The choral anthem is

    based on the hymn tune St. Columba (blue#171), a tune of Irish origin and is namedfor St. Columba, who brought Christianity toIreland. The postlude is a grand march byEnglish composer Henry Smart. Henrycomposed several hymns, including theChristmas carol Angels from the Realms ofGlory, and he was the editor of The

    Presbyterian Hymnal 1875.

    HEARING AIDS AND LARGE PRINT HYMNALSare available from the ushers.



    PRAYER AND PRAISE GATHERING: Join usTODAY at 4:00 p.m. in the Social Room aswe rev up ourPrayer and Praise Gatheringsfor the fall. This month we'll be doing ahymn-sing and hearing some stories of how

    God shows us grace in our everyday lives. Itshould be a good time; therefore, we hopeyou can make it!

    CHILDRENS CLASSES: If you have not yetcommitted to bring your children to Sundayschool this year, we urge you to do so. Itsone of the most important decisions youlmake for your childs well being! Infants

    Nursery, main level; ToddlersRoom 102;PreschoolersRoom 101; Grades 1-6Rooms 207-210.

    NEWADULTCLASSES: This is the perfect timeto commit to growing in new ways this year!We have four excellent adult classes gettingstarted; make a decision today about whichone will help you grow in the faith the most

    GRACE BIBLE CLASS: What God WantsFrom Me 9:45 a.m. in Room 212CONNECTIONS CLASS: The Person o Jesus 9:30 a.m. in Room 303VANGUARD BIBLE CLASS: A Study of Estherand Job 9:30 a.m. in Room B-4.FORUMCLASS: Led by Pastor Richard Haney 9:30 a.m. in Room B-7.

  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


  • 8/14/2019 Bulletin September 27, 2009


    GLOBAL MISSIONS AWARENESS WEEKEND!An Affirmation of Mission adopted by theofficers in February 1999 states the reasonfor Grace Covenants existence. One ofthem is to love our neighbors as ourselves.We do this by helping people in need and

    by supporting missionaries in their efforts tospread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In John3:16, Jesus says to Nicodemus, For Godso loved the world that he gave his onlySon that whoever believes in him shall notperish but have eternal life.Why should wehave concern for our neighbors? Theanswer, of course, is because God so lovedthe world that he allowed his Son to be

    sacrificed for us, all of us. The committeeinvites you to attend a Global MissionsAwareness Weekend from Saturday,October 24 through Sunday, October 25.Informative and exciting speakers will helpus understand what this means for us atGrace Covenant. It is hoped that at the endof this weekend all of us will have a newknowledge and understanding of the

    importance of participating in missionefforts. The Evangelism and Missionscommittee will host a luncheon after theWorship Service on October 25. Thecommittee asks that members, whose lastname begins with A-R, bring a salad, and allother members bring a dessert. We hopeyou will join us for this time of fellowshipand good food. Please sign up in the


    HONDURAS 2010: The next mission trip toHonduras is scheduled for January 10-16,2010. Those who may be interested inparticipating in the 2010 mission trip maycheck out our website, www.KHISH.org(Thats Kurtz Humanitarian Initiative fo

    Southern Honduras, named for the founderof this effort, which began in 2005). SusanPillsbury David (clwturtle@aol.com) oCherry Corley (ccorley@fpcrichmond.orgcan answer your questions about how youmany find your place on our team.

    Interim Pastor: Richard HaneyAssociate Pastor: Chris ThomasDirector of Music: Chris Martin

    1627 Monument AvenueRichmond, VA 23220

    Phone: 804.359.2463Fax: 804.278.6298


    Radio: WLES 590 AM

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