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BulletinTishrei - Cheshvan 5779


www.BethEmethAlbany.org October 2018

The Bulletin this year is being generously underwritten by Margie & Larry Kirschin memory of their parents, Marion & Alvin Kirsch and Ruth & Archie Linn

Lunch and Learn withRabbi Norman Mendel

page 11

Susan B. ShpeenDonor Dinner

Sunday, October 21 page 5

TRG Dinner and Learnwith Cantor Schechtman

Friday, October 26 page 12

Friday, October 19 page 8

TeddyBearShabbatSisterhood Wellness SeriesYoga October 14

Making Time for Things that MatterOctober 18

Domestic Violence SpeakerOctober 28

Visit The Iselin Family Garden Terrace

pages 16-17

CBEYGApple Overnight

Saturday Night, October 27Bake with Youth GroupSunday Morning, October 28Come Buy Pies

page 9

High Holy Day Picturespage 18

Walk Over theHudson withBrotherhood

Saturday, October 27 page 12

As I sit here preparing for the final choir rehearsalbefore Rosh Hashanah and putting the finishingtouches on my Yom Kippur sermon, I am remindedthat the Jewish holidays extend beyond the Yamim No-raim, the Days of Awe. In fact, they extend even be-yond Sukkot and Simchat Torah. I am talking aboutElection Day.

We Jews have not only the privilege, butthe obligation to vote. We have notalways been afforded this right, and weshould never take this gift for granted.As Americans, we are free, and the freedom to vote isa precious part of our heritage. Exercising this right

allows us to put our Jewish teachings into action andgive voice to our Jewish values.

New York State elections are scheduled for November 6.On that date, the State of New York is scheduled tohold elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor,Attorney General, Comptroller, U.S. Senate, U.S.House of Representatives, New York State Senate, NewYork State Assembly, and various others.

Please check to see if you are registered to vote, and ifyou are not, register online today. Please visitwww.elections.ny.gov for more information.

As my dear friend, Rabbi Joel Mosbacher wrote,“Voting is about optimism and hope, about envisioninga world more whole and committing to enact thatvision, and about seeing ourselves as partners withGod in the ongoing work of creation.”

Praise to You, Adonai our God, who has made us free,and gifted us with the privilege of voting. May we allmake good use of this precious gift, this year and inyears to come.

Warmly,Cantor Schechtman


A Message fromCantor Schechtman

2018-19 Board of Trustees

Front Row: Cantor Jodi Schechtman, Kathy Golderman, Robin Sobol, Robyn Marinstein, Andrew Safranko, Michael Lurie, MelissaGreenberg, Rabbi Scott Shpeen, Shara Siegfeld, Debbie Sokoler Middle Row: Carolyn Ginsburg, Margie Dorkin, Jessica Richer, Mo Bonder, Karen Kaufman-White, Abby Nash, Jim Milstein,Steven Shrager, Alison Johnson Back Row: Steve Lobel, Katherine Rosenblatt, Emily Schoenblum, Jill Hildreth, Mark Swyer, Fred Simon, Rob Kivort, Barry Davis,Julie Koenig, Joe Schwartz

Voting is our Voice


Did You Know...Congregation Beth Emeth, established in 1838as Beth-El, was the first synagogue in upstateNew York and the first synagogue established inNew York State outside of Manhattan. It was thefifth synagogue in New York State. The first fourwere Shearith Israel in 1730 (or 1654 accordingto its own history), B’nai Jeshurun in 1825,Anshe Chesed in 1828 and Shaaray Zedek in1837.

Congregation Beth Emeth BulletinDeadline for the November Bulletin is October 4.Published monthly except in August.Please submit to DebbieSchaffer18@gmail.com.

Monday, October 1 10:45 am Sh’mini Atzeret Yizkor/ Memorial Service Friday Evening, October 5 5:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service Shabbat B'reishit Genesis 1:1−6:8Saturday Morning, October 6 9:30 am Torah Study in the Larner Library 10:45 am Bat Mitzvah of Callie KoenigFriday Evening, October 12 6:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service Shabbat Noach Genesis 6:9−11:32Saturday Morning, October 13 9:30 am Torah Study in the Larner LibraryFriday Evening, October 19 6:00 pm Teddy Bear Shabbat (see page 8) 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service (later start time) Shabbat Lech L'cha Genesis 12:1−17:27Saturday Morning, October 20 9:30 am Torah Study in the Larner Library 10:45 am Bat Mitzvah of Hayley VogelFriday Evening, October 26 5:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service Shabbat Vayeira Genesis 18:1–22:24Saturday Morning, October 27 9:30 am Torah Study in the Larner Library

Worship ServiceSchedule

For me, the High Holy Days provide a needed stop inmy daily schedule and allow time to contemplate onthe past year and to focus on the upcoming year. I enjoyour family’s gatherings and showing my children theimportance of our Jewish heritage. My children arefortunate to spend the holidays with four generations offamily. These family gatherings and time together issomething I cherish and look forward to every year.

As an officer of our congregation, the holidays providea sense of community and pride in our temple. Thereis comfort in looking out from the bima and seeingmany familiar faces. At this point, I am often able toidentify where families sit year after year. I also enjoygreeting everyone as they enter services and welcom-ing new members to our congregation. We arefortunate at Beth Emeth to have a large and thrivingcommunity that supports one another in good and badtimes and circumstances.

Our members are what makes Beth Emetha special place to be a part of and the HighHoly Days exemplify how lucky we are tohave such a remarkable congregation.

A special thank you this year goes to Rabbi Shpeen andCantor Schechtman for their hard work and for creatinga memorable High Holy Day experience. Change canbe hard and to transition prayer books and maintain thesame level of spirituality and community was not easy.We are very fortunate to have beloved clergy, a dynamicprofessional staff, and committed lay leadership.

I hope everyone enjoyed our new prayer books andthat the High Holy Days provided time to reflect andenergize for the upcoming year. For those who may bestruggling, please know that the Beth Emeth family ishere to help and support you.

Andrew Safranko, President ARS@LamarcheSafrankoLaw.com or 518.982.0770


New Year,New Focus,Same CBEFamily

Our Temple FamilyIt is our practice to acknowledge congregants onspecial birthdays (starting at age 35) and anniversaries(beginning with the 10th) in multiples of five years.Please send events you want to share, or ones we havemissed to Bulletin@BethEmethAlbany.org.

October BirthdaysKelly AlfredAndy AlpartNorma BallPat BelairJane FeldblumMarcia FeltmanJeff FudinLibby GodfriedBea GreenbergHarriet GreenbergHope HymanBill Ketzer

Nancy LozmanJudy MadnickPeter MecklerBob PiechotaDoris SagorMichelle SandersCamille SchnerMyron SerlingNancy SiegelSally SternDarcy StrykerAmy Walbroehl


A Special Thank

You To...Becky and Paul Kasselmanfor underwriting the manyexpenses of our High HolyDay services.

October AnniversariesJenna and Chris Shersky ~ 10 yearsLisa Levine and James Cloutier ~ 15 yearsMuriel and Jim Church ~ 20 yearsSusan and Paul Lipman ~ 45 yearsWendy and Larry Perlmutter ~ 45 yearsCookie and Peter Siegel ~ 50 yearsSara Lee and Barry Larner ~ 55 years

New MembersWe welcome to our Beth Emeth Family:Kevin Olbrys, Lisa Kamerling, Adina Olbrys, Shaina Olbrys and Isaac Olbrys

David Brown, Danielle Brown, Alexa Brown, and Maxwell Brown

Jed Bierman, Jennifer Bierman, Lila BiermanHenry Andrew Kauffman, Douglas Fish, Gabrielle Fredman, Evan Fish and Hannah Fish

Taylor VogtAlex Clymas

Mazel Tov to...Chaim Avraham Chalom on his bar mitzvah. He is theson of Sabrina and Dr. Edmond Chalom of Israel andthe grandson of Marion Greenberg and the lateMerill Greenberg.

Marvin and Miriam Grode announce the engagementof their granddaughter Alana Goldfine to Creston Irbyfrom Northern Virginia. She is the daughter of Jill andHoward Goldfine of Richmond, Va.

In MemoriamBeth Emeth recognizes with profound sorrow thedeath of our members:Fred Stanton AckermanHusband of Harriet AckermanFather of Sheri Townsend, Pamela Ackerman-Garcia(David Garcia), and Julie (Andy) SafrankoBrother of Stuart (Jenny) Ackerman

Reva JacobsonWife of Dr. Herbert JacobsonMother of Trudi Jacobson (John Vallely) and Carol Weston

Leon Ratzker Father of Nora (Neil) Isaacs and Leslie Felner

Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in ourcongregation who have lost a loved one:Frances Nash-LevineMother of Marc (Abby) Nash

Esther SochinMother of Sharon (Jeffrey) Radden

High Holy Day Prayer Book Fund

We are so pleased with the wonderful reception wereceived to our new High Holy Day prayer books. If you would like to dedicate either a Rosh Hashanah orYom Kippur volume in honor or in memory, you can doso through a $36.00 (Double Chai) contribution to thePrayer Book Fund. An inscribed bookplate will then beplaced in a volume. Please contact Alex Clymas atAlex@BethEmethAlbany.org if you are interested.


Sh’mini Atzeret Yizkor Memorial Service The Sh’mini Atzeret Yizkor/Memorial Service will beheld on Monday, October 1, at 10:45 am in theChapel. Listed below are the names of our loved oneswho have died since last year and will be recited atthis service. If you would like the name of a loved onewho died since last Sh’mini Atzeret (October 12, 2017)included in the service, please contact Susan Debronskyat 518.436.9761 ext. 224.

Dr. John W. AbbuhlFred Stanton AckermanRalph ArchitzelLorelei ArmmSara BarrPearl BloomSanford BooksteinRobert BoyleDr. Elliott BrodyPhyllis ChurchBetty CohenRosalyn ColemanHelena CooleyPhyllis DavisStanton H. DavisElsa deBeerDavis EtkinMarlene FavicchioHarold FischlerRobert FreedmanSuzanne FreedmanPaula GoldslagerCecil Markowitz Goldstein

Ida GordonMerill GreenbergElinor GreenfeldHelen GrundmanDavid Facher IselinRosalind ItzkowReva JacobsonPhyllis JohnsonIrving KoganMartin Langer

Arthur LederhandlerPhillip LeftonEsther LevineSaul LipnickLinda LippmanRuth ManasseBarry MargolisCarlotta MentorFrances Nash-LevineJoan PaleyNorman PaulGloria PearlmanMonio PilpelLeon RatzkerDoris RosenblumMarcia SapersteinRichard SeidenCynthia ShenkerMary A. SmitsEsther SochinRobert SonneMartin SteinDr. Leonard SternStephen StracherHarvey StulmakerLaura TepperBlossom Michelle TurkStanley WeintraubGertrude WolkenbreitYakov YerusalimskiyAllan YoungLucille Zeibert


Diane’s FarmSpending Quality TimeDoing Quality WorkWith Quality PeopleAs the growing season winds down for the year, I havecome to realize that I keep track of time in multipleways. We have our classic January-Decembercalendar, the school calendar and of course the Jewishcalendar. Marking off the seasons allows us to seegrowth and change and it’s important to not onlynotice but to honor these developments. Sometimeswe want to hold on to the moment we considerperfect, like cucumber season, but in reality, letting gois what is so often needed for positive growth. Thisseason we welcomed some new gardeners from thelarger community, had our fantastic Girl Scouts led byJulie Levine (who made the decision to complete theirSilver Award in our garden) and developed newrelationships with locally placed refugees. One of ournew friends has been very helpful in putting hissituation in perspective for me.

Yes, Abdullah likes the produce he takeshome after working but more importantly,he stated that in the garden he findshimself to be not only close to nature butuseful. I find that engaging in quality time at Diane’s Farmbrings together a multigenerational group of peoplewith a collective sense of purpose. These connectionsare healthy, invigorating and fun, all while purpose-fully growing and distributing organic produce toothers who experience food poverty. Many thanks andgratitude to all who support this mission!

Marni Tesser

Everyone can help in the garden!

Join Cantor Schechtmanand The Reyut CommitteeFor An Inspiring ConversationSunday, October 28 •Wolk Hall • Noon Luncheon

FAQ’s ...What do we do?•Mitzvah Meals, Home Visits, Shabbat Bereavement Bags, and More!How much time would I need to commit? •As little as 2 hours a year or more. I’m nervous about going to visit people I don’t•know – That is very normal. We partner youwith an experienced member for visits. Are there meetings? There is only 1 meeting a•year and it is not mandatory!Can I come to the meeting even if I’m not sure•I can help?Of course! We welcome you to join us tolearn more.How can I get more information?•Please contact the Reyut Chair, Katherine Rosenblatt, at 518.366.6424. She is happy to talk with you about what fitsyour interest and availability.

In Deuteronomy it says, “If. . . there is a needy personamong you …open your hand and lend him sufficientfor whatever he needs.”

Join us to learn how together we can meet the needsof our Beth Emeth members.

Jewish Family Services andNNORC present...

Food and Flicks:

The Darkest HourThursday, November 1at noon

An Academy nominated film, starring Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill during the early days of WorldWar II.

Lunch from Cardona’s will be served first. Please choose either chicken parmesan or eggplantparmesan. Served with salad, pasta and dessert.

COST: $13 for NNORC members, $15 for non-membersRSVP: NNORC at 518.514.2023


Tikkun OlamHealing Our WorldDuring our first program introducing CongregationBeth Emeth members to the needs of local refugees andimmigrants, we received great interest in helping todevelop a safe space for them to socialize and integratethemselves into the local community. To date, we havesupported RISSE by informing them about grantopportunities and sending our members over to helpdetermine current needs.

Some CBE members have already begunworking directly with refugees eitherthrough adopting a family or teachingEnglish as a Second Language.

We have also assisted by providing clothing and otheritems for them as requested. And the Social ActionTeam also donated $1,000 to the Legal Project’sRefugee Assistance Program, which was mostappreciated.

Stay tuned for our next meeting date and new volunteeropportunities!

I look forward to working with you throughout the year.Abby Nash,

CBE Social Action Chair Anash1@me.com or 518.466-1244

The Renaissance GroupHello, How Are We Doing?

The High Holy Days offered time for personal reflectionof the past year. Within our TRG planning meetingsthat reassessment of our mission occurs as well.

Are our events hitting the mark: cultural and artsprograms, adding a brunch to Torah study or Torahstudy at Tanglewood, adding dinner and learning to aShabbat evening, and volunteering at Diane’s Farm orthe CBE Soup Kitchen?

Attendance alone is not an indicator of quality orsatisfaction—so we are asking for your help. If youparticipated in a TRG event last year let us know whatyou liked, and/or what could have been improved. Ifyou haven’t attended a TRG event—tell us why. Is itscheduling or cost, or have we not yet offered topicsthat interest you? How can we do better?

Only with feedback can we meet yourneeds.Please email one or both of us with your responses and

suggestions. Thank You!

Two upcoming examples of TRG at its best: October 26TRG Dinner and Learn with Cantor Schechtman. HowReform Judaism Keeps Reforming. Enjoy a Shabbatservice and meal followed by the Cantor’spresentation and discussion. November 2 Join us for Love Letters, a very special performancefollowing Shabbat services and dinner, withCantor Schechtman and Bill Kellert.

Susan Hager, Susan.k.hager@gmail.comJoe Schwartz, joeyschwartz61@gmail.com

TRG Co-Chairs

Abby Nash, pictured in front, working with the supportof others, at our Beth Emeth Soup Kitchen

Learn about the benefits of legacy giving as CBEpartners with Federation and Life & Legacy.

For more information, contact:Rob Kivort at Robert@KivortSteel.com Mike Lurie at MLurie@LurieCPAs.com

Teddy Bear ShabbatFriday, October 19


B’nai Mitzvah

Callie Koenig, daughter ofJulie and Mike, will become a bat mitzvahon Saturday, October 6. Callie is an 8th grader atAlbany Academy for Girls.She plays hockey andlacrosse.

All b’nai mitzvah participate in candle lighting andKiddush at services on the Friday evening prior to theirbar or bat mitzvah.

Hayley Vogel, daughter ofMeredith and Steve, will become a bat mitzvahon Saturday, October 20.Hayley is a music lover andplays the piano.


Stein Family K’TanimFor Families With Little OnesJoin us as we create community for our families withnewborns to pre-school age children.

We will celebrate the holidays through stories, music,crafts, schmooze and a nosh!

Sunday, October 14, 9:30 am - Celebrate Shabbat

5:30 pm6:00 pm

Pizza in the lobbyTeddy Bear Tot Shabbat and Blessing of NewbornsChildren (with their teddy bears) and theirparents are invited to join us in their pajamas for a very brief, special service inthe chapel with the Rabbi and the Cantorwhere we will sing songs and blessings together to welcome Shabbat.

Mah Jongg Lessons Ever Wished You Knew How to Play - Or Had Time to Play?Now You Can!

Throughout the year, while students are inSunday classes at the Einhorn Center for JewishEducation, we have a few volunteer teachershelping newbies learn the game of Mah Jongg.Check the calendar for dates.

We are always looking for help teaching, aswell as new learners. Even if you played yearsago, and need a refresher - this is for you!

The more, the merrier - bring a friend, or meetone there.

Craft Fair November 18Calling all CraftersThis fund raiser for our Religious School will runfrom 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. There will be vendors sellinga wide variety of items, and raffles too! If you areinterested in having a booth, please contact Lisa atBethEmethCraftFair@gmail.com or 518.221.1187.


The Einhorn Center forJewish EducationThe Spirit of Israel My two feet are firmly planted on the ground inAlbany, though my thoughts regularly wander to thatincredible land of ours by the Mediterranean, Israel.After spending the last year studying at the iCenter inChicago, for a Masters concentration in IsraelEducation, I am even more excited to promote greaterconnection to Israel in our school. Hebrew musicplays in the halls throughout our day, learningcommon Hebrew phrases, playing map games andvirtual reality visits to historic sites, the spirit of Israelis strong. Even during prayer time, we discuss thethemes of Israel and the fact that we turn East towardsJerusalem as we pray.

A discussion takes place in the Mishnah about the

direction of prayer.

What if you can’t turn your bodytowards Jerusalem? Then turn your headsay the rabbis. And what if you can notturn your head? In that case, turn yourheart toward Jerusalem and our HolyLand.For me, during this holy day season, part of my heartwas in Israel, not far from Jerusalem, with my 10thgrade daughter spending this semester studying there.While I miss having her home this season, I look for-ward to visiting with her later this month. I know sheis already preparing for her return to Albany thinkingof creative ways to share her experience and newfound love of Israel, with our students.

Shara Siegfeld, Director of EducationSharaSiegfeld@gmail.com

CBEYGThe New Board Welcomes New High School Teens

Although it is bittersweet to miss last year’s seniors,there is an excited new board ready to continue thefun. This new board consists of (pictured above, left toright): Emma Norton (NFTY Representative), Sam Lefton(VP of the Treasury), Zev Armour-Garb (Religious andCultural VP), Leah Vener (Social Action VP), Sarah Cohen(Programming VP), Mara Warford (VP of Communica-tions), and Emily Schoenblum (President).

My role is to maintain CBEYG’s social media and keepthe temple updated on CBEYG’s activities. I am veryexcited to be a part of this year’s board. If there’s onething I’m good at, it’s social media. I’m a teenager - Ican’t help it! I love to post about my friends, food, anddaily encounters. You can count on me to keep youupdated on what’s going on in CBEYG. Some things coming up:NFTY-NE’s Fall Conclavette is October 12-14 at EisnerCamp. Teens will get a chance to choose a certaintrack to follow throughout the weekend, including So-cial Justice, Arts, Environmental Justice, Jewish Textsand Oral Histories, and Songleading. Our Annual Apple Overnight is October 27-28!CBEYGers stay up all night baking apple pies that wesell during religious school drop off Sunday morning.These pies will be sold for $12 dollars each or two for$20! These pies are a once-a-year delight, so makesure to get yours before they’re all sold out!

Until next time!Mara

Executive VP of CommunicationsShara with her children before the

first day of school 2017-18.


October CalendarMonday, October 1

Saturday, October 20

9:30 am10:45 am

Torah Study with Cantor SchechtmanBat Mitzvah of Hayley Vogel

Friday, October 12

5:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service

Thursday, October 11

6:45 pm Chapter One Book Club

Sunday, October 219:45 am6:00 pm7:00 pm

Mah Jongg LessonsDonor DinnerDonor Dinner Program

Saturday, October 6

9:30 am10:45 am

Torah StudyBat Mitzvah of Callie Koenig

Monday, October 15

7:00 pm Opening Night of Knit and Nosh

Friday, October 19

Friday, October 26

Sunday, October 7

9:30 am Brotherhood Bagels and Board Meeting (offsite)

Saturday, October 13

9:30 am Torah Study in the Larner Library

Friday, October 5

5:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service

9:00 am6:00 pm

Brotherhood Sunset Walk Over HudsonCBEYG Apple Overnight

Saturday, October 27

Wednesday, October 10

No Religious School

Sunday, October 148:30 am9:30 am9:30 am11:00 am12:15 pm

Brotherhood Hike and Schmaltz BrewingARBA Stein K’tanimSisterhood Yoga8th Grade Meet and Eat

5:30 pm6:00 pm7:00 pm

Pizza and Pasta Teddy Bear Tot Shabbat Erev Shabbat Service (note time change)

5:30 pm6:30 pm

Erev Shabbat ServiceTRG Dinner and Learn with Cantor Schechtman

9:30 am10:00 am12:00 pm12:15 pm

ARBASisterhood Domestic Violence SpeakerReyut Information Session MeetingGrade 8 Meet and Eat

Sunday, October 28

Temple Offices Closed - Shemini Atzeret

10:45 am Shemini Atzeret Yizkor ServiceTuesday, October 2

7:15 pm Board Meeting

Thursday, October 4

7:00 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting

Monday, October 8

Temple Offices Closed - Columbus Day

6:30 pm Brotherhood Card Night (off site)

Wednesday, October 17

12:00 pm Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Mendel

Thursday, October 18

7:00 pm SisterhoodMaking Time for Things That Matter

Monday, October 227:00 pm Knit and Nosh

Tuesday, October 239:00 am Mah Jongg Tournament

Wednesday, October 2412:00 pm Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Mendel

7:00 pm Knit and Nosh

Monday, October 29

12:00 pm Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Mendel

Wednesday, October 31

No Religious School for Grades 9-10

Religious School schedule unless otherwise noted:Kindergarten - Grade 6: Sundays, 9:30 – noonGrades 3 - 7:Wednesdays, 4:00 - 6:00 pmGrade 8: various Sundays, 12:15 - 1:45 pmGrades 9-10:Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:00 pmCBEYG Grades 9-12:Wednesdays, 5:30 - 7:00 pm


Events For any registration questions, please contact Deb Sokoler at 518.436.9761 x230 or DSokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org.Checks should be made payable to CBE unless otherwise noted.

Brotherhood Hike and Brewery Share a drink with friends after a gorgeous hike!

Sleeping Beauty Mountain on the east side of Lake George is a moderate(3.6mi Round Trip) hike. We will relax on the summit, enjoying the viewsand a self packed lunch. 10:30 am, Arrive at Darcy Clearing Trail Head; 3:00 pm – Depart DarcyClearing, heading for Shmaltz Brewery; 4:15 pm – Arrive Shmaltz Brewery5:30 pm Return to CBE Parking Lot. This event is open to all.

COST: FREE (Bring money for drinks at Shmaltz)CONTACT: Mark Swyer at 518.857.2850 or MDSwyer@hotmail.comRSVP : Thursday October 11

Sunday, October 14 8:30 am,

Meet at CBEfor carpooling

Chapter One Book Club + Dinner Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen

Wednesday, October 106:45 pm

In Ayelet Gundar-Goshen's thriller, Waking Lions, an Israeli doctor pays big-timefor a clandestine crime. New members welcome. We meet in room 10. On

November 14 we will be discussing, Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan.

Contact: Nancy Lozman at NLozman1@gmail.com or 518.469.0272

Sunday Morning Yoga Namaste

Join us for a soothing, relaxing, and strengthening yoga practice suitablefor all levels. Babysitting can be arranged at The Parenting Center (RSVPby the Wednesday prior).

COST: $12 per person

REGISTER: Online at BethEmethAlbany.org or 518.436.9761 x230

Sunday, October 14, 10:45 am

Knit and Nosh Knitting friendships with each other

If you like to knit or crochet or want to learn how, this is the group for you!Join us for a relaxed evening of shmoozing and knitting. One of ourprojects is knitting/crocheting baby blankets for Mary's Corner.

CONTACT: RSVP to Marion Greenberg at MarionLeeG@aol.com

MondaysOctober 15, 22, and 29, 7:00 pm

Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Norman Mendel “In the beginning... now what?”

Rabbi Mendel will lead the discussion about “From our Genesis throughour Exodus and Beyond… Where are we Wandering Now.” In our modernage how can the texts of Torah inform and direct our understanding andresponse to technology and the cult of the instant. Are we to wander whilea new generation is born or are we to chart our destiny using our past as amoral map for our future? You bring lunch, dessert and coffee are on us.

COST: Free and open to the communityCONTACT: Deb Sokoler at DSokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org

Wednesdays,October 17,24 and 31noon


All events are open to all congregants. Even if an event is sponsored by a specifictemple organization, it is still open to all.

Dinner and Learn with Cantor Schechtman TRG Sponsored Event

TRG is sponsoring a lovely evening of dinner and discussion with CantorJodi Schechtman, entitled, “Reform Judaism and How it Continues toReform.” Dinner includes Salad, Chicken Marbella or Stuffed PortobelloMushrooms, Vegetable, Roasted Potatoes and Dessert.

COST: $10 per personREGISTER: by October 22, online at BethEmethAlbany.org or mail

check to Debbie Ratner, 709 Walden's Pond Rd., Albany, NY 12203

Friday, October 26following services

Mah Jongg Tournament Test your skill, strategy, intelligence and luck

Beth Emeth Sisterhood sponsors a monthly all-day Mah Jongg tournamentat CBE. Bring a brown bag lunch. We have cash prizes and refreshments!National Mah Jongg League rules will apply. (next one is November 20)

COST: $22(inclusive entry fee)CONTACT: Jan at JanR@nycap.rr.com or 518.459.4118REGISTER: Online at BethEmethAlbany.org or mail check to:

Jan Rubenstein, 17 Frantone Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211

Tuesday, October 23

9:00 am9:30 am

Bagels and CoffeeGames Begin

Domestic Violence and How it Effects the Jewish Community Member/Speaker

Sisterhood presents Dr. Amy Weintraub, who was born in Albany but nowresides in Manhattan. Dr. Weintraub holds a Master's degree from Brownand a Ph.D. from Columbia University. For over 25 years she directed theCenter for Victim Support at Harlem Hospital. In addition, she teaches acourse on Domestic Violence, Rape and Sexual Assault at Mercy College.Dr. Weintraub will be discussing domestic violence in general as well ashow it relates to the Jewish community.

Sunday, October 2810:00 am

Making Time For the Things That Matter “Crazy Busy”

In this Sisterhood sponsored wellness event, Dorothee Racette, who ownsand operates Take Back My Day, will help us take a look at our prioritiesand explore ways to create more space for big goals, meaningful growthand a life that fits.

COST: $8 for Sisterhood members/ $10 non-membersCONTACT: Jami Eisenberg at JamiAndPete@gmail.comREGISTER: by October 15, Online at BethEmethAlbany.org

Thursday,October 18, 7:00 pm

Brotherhood - Walkway over the Hudson Hudson State Historic Park

Walk across the Hudson River with breathtaking, unobstructed 360 degreeviews from 212 feet above the river. Total Distance is 3 miles round trip.This is a family and dog friendly (on leash) park. We may stop at one of thelocal restaurants for a bite to eat before driving back to Albany. Cars stoppingfor food will return to CBE at 6:00 pm. (4:30 pm without stopping)

COST: FREE (bring money for food)CONTACTS: Jay Hurewitz at JayHurewitz@hotmail.com or 518.439.7226RSVP: Thursday October 25

Saturday, October 27, 9:00 am

More Events


Save the DateShabbat Unplugged TRG Shabbat Unplugged - Love Letters

Shabbat services, including celebrating of October and November birthdays,followed by dinner, then a moving, funny performance of Gurney’s Pulitzer Prizenominated Love Letters. The play centers on two characters, that sit side by sideand read the notes, letters and cards that over the years discuss their hopes andambitions. Join Cantor Jodi Schechtman and Bill Kellert for this wonderful evening.

5:00 pm Pre-Neg Nosh; 5:30 pm - Service; 6:30 pm - Dinner; 7:15 - Show

COST: $7 per adult / kids free - Pasta with meatballs.Veggie option pasta with sauce. Service/show - free

CONTACT: Deb Sokoler at DSokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org REGISTER: For dinner only by October 30

Friday, November 2

A Guided Beer Tasting Meet the Bro’s at Real McCoy

Meet Brotherhood and friends for a unique opportunity to sample themeticulously crafted beers produced at The Real McCoy Brewing Co,20 Hallwood Rd. (behind the post office), Delmar.Finger food by Brotherhood.

COST: The Cost for the food is $8 - Brotherhood/Sisterhood Members / $10 - Non-Members. Cost of Beer is TBD.

CONTACT: Mark Swyer - 518.857.2850 or MDSwyer@hotmail.comREGISTER: by November 11, online at BethEmethAlbany.org

Thursday, November 15, 6:00 pm

Special Shabbat Lecture with Professor Spehen M. Berk

Shabbat service, followed by a dinner of baked chicken with shiitakemushrooms and tomatoes, baked salmon, salad, roasted rosemary potatoesand a seaonal vegetable (stuffed portobello mushrooms as veggie option).Afterward, Professor Stephen Berk, Professor of History, Holocaust andJewish studies at Union College will be speaking.This program is underwritten by Robert and Jocelyn Kivort in memory ofStanley Kivort.

COST: $15 per person; kids freeREGISTER: by November 11, online at BethEmethAlbany.org

Friday, November 16 5:30 pmService6:30 pmDinner7:30 pmBerk Lecture

Don’t miss a thing! Thanks to a B’nai B’rithGrant, we can arrange and pay for a ride foryou. We are happy to help! Call Alex at 518.436.9761 x222.

Ladies Night Out Ya gotta eat!

Join your friends in Sisterhood for a fun night out! We will meet at Druthersfor dinner and relaxing conversation. We like to accommodate all, so wewill be getting separate checks. Come by for a salad, or dinner, or a drinkor dessert! Even if you can’t stay for the whole time, please join us!

RSVP: By November 5 to Debbie at DebbieSchaffer18@gmail.comJenna at JShersky@yahoo.com

Thursday, November 8, 7:00 pm


CBE mails receipts to individuals whohave made contributions in excess of$100. Notification cards are mailed to allrecipients, and appear in the Bulletinshortly thereafter. This list includes newgifts received by September 3.

Clergy Funds

Rabbi Scott Shpeen Discretionary Fund  Richard Bass in memory of Merna Miller

Roberta and Ned Berkowitz in memory of Ruth Manasse

Sorelle Brauth in appreciation of Rabbi Shpeen

Carol and David Grand in honor ofthe 55th wedding anniversary ofPat and Bob Friedman

Cynthia Grant in honor of the 90th birthday of Alfred Klein

Marion Greenberg in honor of the bar mitzvah of Chaim Avraham Chalom

Jill and Scott Hildreth in appreciation of Rabbi Shpeen

Kathie Kaplan and family in honor ofthe graduation of Evan Ginsburg, son of Carolyn and Bruce Ginsburg

Amy and Larry Jacobson in memory of Rose Vener

Carol and Alfred Landess in memory of Robert Freedman

Davey and Jerry LeBoyer in honor of the birth of Raphael Nemzow,great-grandson of Dr. Edwin and Barbara Simon

Ruth Mendel in appreciation of Rabbi Shpeen

Joan and Fred Paul in memory of Norman Paul and inappreciation of Rabbi Shpeen

Ellen and John Tomlinson in memoryof Sanford Bookstein

Hon. Leonard Weiss in honor of thebirthday of Bradley Rosenstein

Rabbi Shpeen DistinguishedArtist FundKathie Kaplan and family in honor ofthe graduation of Evan Ginsburg,grandson of Sara Lee and BarryLarner

Steven Ostroff with wishes of mazeltov to Leslie and Barry Feinman ontheir new home

Judy Roth in honor of the special anniversary of Sandy and Charlie Stern

Cantor Jodi Schechtman Discretionary Fund    Jill and Scott Hildreth in appreciation of Cantor Schechtman

Kathie Kaplan in honor of the special anniversary ofCantor Schechtman and Gene Laks

Eleanor and Arthur Taub in memory of their parents

Helping our Synagogue

180th Anniversary Endowment FundRobyn and Ed Marinstein in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Hazel B. Wagner Memorial FundSandy Stern in appreciation of Sandy Kletter

General FundKathi Egnasher in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Marc Kessler

Nancy S. Levine in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Deborah and James Pero in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Debbie and Lee Ratner in honor of the new granddaughterof Ted and Robin Sobol

Suzanne and Charles Rosenblum in memory of Linda Lippman and the father of Wendy Lippman

Anne and Harry Rosenfeld in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Dona Wildove in memory of Martin Stein

Nancy and Eric Yaffee in memory of Sanford Bookstein

Mendleson Chapel Fund Louise and Lawrence Marwill in memory of Benjamin Mendel Jr.

Patricia Snyder in memory of Benjamin Mendel Jr.

The Tribe Programming FundSusan and Aaron Lieberman

Helping ourWorld

Social Action Tzedakah Fund Nancy and Frank Allen in honor of the marriage of Michael Sanders to Jessi Solomon

Karen and Steven Fein in honor of the marriage of Michael Sanders to Jessi Solomon

Sandy and Stuart Kletter in memory of Sarah Dakota Skarulis

Linda and Larry Schechter in honor of the special birthday of Carol Grand

Toby and Fred Wander in memory ofLinda Lippman


Helping OurChildrenDavid Iselin Memorial CBEYG / Youth FundThomas Whalen in memory of David Iselin

Fund for Jewish EducationMike and Marcia Horelick in memory of Norman PaulJoni Lieberman Basen and Don Basenin honor of the marriage of Mike Sanders and Jessi Solomon

Jen and Dan Steil in honor of Andrew Safranko

Rose Rogers Singer FundPaula Schenck in memory of her aunt, Mimi Singer

Sisterhood YES FundDorry Kotzin in honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Robin and Ted Sobol

CBE Sisterhood in honor of the special birthday of Virginia “Connie” Dubins

CBE Sisterhood in honor of the special birthday of Doris Galek

CBE Sisterhood in honor of thespecial birthday of Elizabeth Godfried

CBE Sisterhood in honor of the special birthday of Bea Greenberg

CBE Sisterhood in honor of the special birthday of Dr Betty Lubitz

Tree of Life FundElaine Freedman wishing Barry Larner a speedy recovery

Carolyn, Bruce, Emily and Evan Ginsburg and Eric and Hannah Larner in honor of the 55th wedding anniversary of their parents/grandparents, Sara Lee and Barry Larner


Craig AlfredNancy and Frank AllenMarcia AronowitzSusan and Gerald BenjaminCelia BerkPhyllis BerkHoward BerkunGreta BerksonMargot and Arthur BernhardtDwight and Nancy BooneClaire BrandtSorelle BrauthElaine BurrickJames CampbellBeverly and Neil ColmanJoan and Peter DanzigerJoanne DavidoffMargie and Rob DorkinLois and Jan DormanSheril Cohen-Dropkin and Robert Dropkin

Ileen and Daniel DuffyRenee and Evan FeinmanAnita FitzPatrickCynthia FreedmanSharon and Marvin A. FreedmanSharon and Marvin Freedman Patricia and Robert FriedmanGail and Barry GinsburgCarolyn and Bruce GinsburgBeatrice GlucksmanAllen GoldbergKathy and Billy GoldermanCarol and Harold GoldmanShirley and Herbert GordonDonna and Michael GordonCarol and David GrandCindy and Neal GreensteinDiane and Stephen HarrisonHelene and Ed Haven

Selma HeflichGloria HerkowitzAmy and Michael HoffmanMarge and Barry HollanderAlan IselinLauren and Harold IselinBecky and Paul KasselmanSusan and Arthur KatzJosephine KivortJudith KoretzMichael KosovskyKathy and Richard KotlowDorry KotzinDavidine and Jerry LeBoyerMarsha and Myron LevinSusan LiebermanSusan and Paul B. LipmanSherry Gold and Michael LorangMelissa and Michael LurieJill Goodman and Arthur MalkinRuth MendelAllison and David MeyersKathleen and Richard MeyersJo Anne MilhausenNan MillerSigrid and Raymond NaarAbby and Marc NashCaryl NewhofJoan and Fredric PaulJeffrey Kellert and Robert PiechotaSharon and Jeffrey RaddenJason RiceJessica and Alan RicherIrene and Alan RichterDonna and Lee RosenKatherine and Michael RosenblattCarol and Robert RosenblattBonnie and Stuart RosenbergCarole RosenblumHarry and Ann RosenfeldCarol G. RosenthalLauri S. Rosmarin-PlattnerLisa and Malcolm Z. RothJan and Alan RubensteinBetsy Ruslander and Louie RizzoMurray SapersteinPeter and Judith R. Saidel

Linda and Lawrence SchechterPya and David SeidnerLynn ShawRabbi Scott ShpeenSherrie and Mark ShuketCookie and J. Peter SiegelNancy and Barry SimonJayne and Jeffrey SilverMarilyn and Ronald SilvermanSofiya SmelyanskayaPatricia SnyderRobin and Theodore SobolValerie and Spike SolomonZinaida SosnovskayaNancy Hoffman and Thomas SpagnolettiFlorence SpeigelEdwin SperberSamuel and Heather SpitzbergArleen SteinMarion L. StrasserEleanor and Arthur TaubSarah TillmanAlla UmanskayaHerman UngermanBarbara and Mark WarfordLynn and Andrew WarheitBertold WeinbergRenee WhitmanHarriet WicksNancy and Eric YaffeeEstelle YarinskyBarbara Zaron

Yom Kippur Appeal


Over the next few days, we will hear much about the fragility of life. If anyoneneeds evidence of that, well, you are in the right place. It was just over 6 monthsago that David was taken from us – suddenly, without any warning and due tosome catastrophic medical condition that we still don’t fully understand. Sincethat day, we have lived with unbearable pain, but we want to thank those of youwho have been there to support us in a meaningful way.

Last fall Lauren and I decided to make a gift that supported the capital campaignand specifically the garden terrace. However, after we lost David -- Alex,Michael, Lauren and I, chose to dedicate the terrace in his memory. We did sobecause we hoped the terrace would be a place of remembrance and recollectionnot just for David but for all those who donated bricks in honor of loved ones.We hope that when you come to this beautiful space, you will think about thoseyou chose to honor and that those thoughts will bring a smile to your face.

For those who knew David, we hope that you will take a moment to rememberhim as we do: a person who was fiercely loyal to his family and friends, who hadan infectious sense of humor, who could laugh at himself, who was courageousin the face of adversity, who was quick to get upset but even quicker to move pastit, who always told people what he thought but was so compassionate to thosewho faced their own challenges. David – we think about you every day and youlive on not only in this space, but even more importantly in our hearts.

-Lauren and Harold Iselin

Dedication of Iselin Family Garden TerraceIn Memory of David Facher Iselin


A Special Thank Youto All Those Who

Made the180th Anniversary

Campaign A Success

Campaign Leadership

ChairsLauren and Harold Iselin

Development Committee Co-ChairsJill GoodmanMark Rosen

Development CommitteeBarry DavisSteve EinhornEvan FeinmanMarvin FreedmanSteve GonickMichael LurieBenjamin Mendel, Jr. (z”l)Lee RosenAndy SafrankoCindy Shenker (z”l)Rabbi Scott ShpeenIlene Sykes

President Lee Rosen

Development ConsultantSusan Axelrod

AmbassadorsHoward BerkunBarry Z. DavisJoy DavidoffMargie DorkinRobyn EastonKaren & Mark GlaserMelissa GreenbergBill KahnGene LaksMadeline & Bret KauffmanRobyn MarinsteinDebbie RatnerJessica & Alan RicherCantor Jodi SchechtmanNancy SimonRobin Sobol

Amazing AdministrativeSupportSusan DebronskyTeresa LounsburyJoan Paley (z”l)

It is never too late to add a brick to The Iselin Family Garden Terrace.

There are 3 different sizes 4“x8”, 8”x8” 12”x12” available

Call Teresa in the templeoffice for more information.

519.436.9761 x223


FROM RABBI SHPEEN:Thank you for the many kind and heart-warming comments and feedbackabout our High Holy Day services andespecially the new prayerbooks.People have inquired as to the songwhich the Cantor and I introduced aftermy Rosh Hashanah sermon, IF NOTNOW by Carrie Newcomer, whichechoed the theme of my remarks thatmorning. I first heard the song thiswinter during my sabbatical in Floridaon the Shabbat following the shootingin Parkland at the Reform synagogue inBoca Raton I was attending thatevening. The Cantor there shared thesong with the congregation as part of aprogram of healing, prayer and inspiringpeople to take action in the aftermath ofthe violence and to make each momentcount in life. Both Cantor Schechtmanand I were excited to introduce andshare that piece of music with all of youespecially since it so poignantly high-lighted the message I had wanted toconvey in my sermon. The music isavailable for listening on YouTube.

High Holy Days5779


Yahrzeits Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whosenames are perpetuated in Permanent Memorials establishedby their families. We invite your inquiries about thisthoughtful way of remembrance.

Yetta AbramsonRobert M. AdlerAaron BarrickHenry G. BerneBernard L. BernsteinJeannette S. BookheimDavid S. BoyerDr. J. Clinton Brand, Jr. Paul BurmanElias CadanRuth Goldberg CantorRose Pearl DavisPhilip DworkinAlbert M. FensterAlice C. FinksCharlotte Burg FisherGeorge W. FitzPatrickBeatrice ForstedBlanche Auer FriedmanMinnie FriendReika Weil FrommBernard GinsburgPearl Cohen GreenArnold S. HatchCalmon HellerIsaac M. HydemanAlbert Iselin

Abraham Jacob KaplanMarion Brower KaskelEva KatchmanJacob M. KatzRachel KolpHerman LapinCarl C. LavineSolomon MannMatthew MargolisLeon MendlesonHerman D. MuhlfelderLena Barnet NathanSimon NewhofBonnie OstroffElias RosenbergFannie RosenbergIrene Marcia SapersteinNathan ShapiroPearl SiegelFannie SonnenfeldSarah StahlJulia SternMichael J. TaubHelen M. WeissCaroline WolfsheimerDr. Albert Yunich

Herman DavidoffDavid Alexander FischerBarbara Hellman Iselin

Dorothy Lincoln KoppChaylie SaxeMyron S. Strasser

Sh’meni Atzeret October 1

David AvrachJerry N. BalanMordecai BresslerTillie BrothersNathan BrownIda F. EinhornDavid H. FisherRuth Bookheim FisherJacob FulderBarry Alan GoldDavid GoodmanSarah Stern GoodmanFannie D. GuthmannMartha HahnHenry HandlerBelle Stanton HaroldJanice P. HarrisC. Lester HerskowitzBertram HessDella HirschfeldEdward HymanGilbert IllchLillian IsaacsRalph N. IselinGeorge Jacobs

Joseph KarpMary KneznekFrances Vener KripsPaula LagusRudolph LagusRuth Lagus LangdonIrving M. LefkowichJ. Frederick LewisMany LincolnHelen Roskin LyonsBenjamin Mendel, Sr. Kurt MuhlfelderSamuel NisoffSylvia Pinals NovikClara NussbaumLouis PaulDr. Mark A. RothenbergBessie RubinArnold SandersHerbert SiegalJulius SpeigelSamuel N. SperberMinnie TaubeMildred Sass Weikers

Shabbat of October 12-13

Shabbat of October 19-20

Shabbat of October 26-27Helen Holzer BachMorris BerinsteinDavid H. BerkeFrances BernsteinPhililp BrothersMay Forman BuchmanMildred EfronIrving EnglanderHarry M. FeinmanSadye H. GisserMiriam HerkowitsAnita K. IllchMary IsaacsLois Weiss KartenRose Koblintz KintischEthel Rosenthal Kirchenbaum

Abraham KoblintzErving R. KraftEva Hotchkiss LandauRose G. LevyLillie Mann Lewis

Fannie Cohn LiebermanSilas H. LivingstonIsaac MannJanet Ruth MannGabriel MecklerDaniel H. MyersJacob M. OlshanskyThelma B. OppenheimHenry L. Oppenheim, Jr. Sadie L. RabineauAbraham ReinerDr. Irving M. RichterPenny RosenHenrietta SchechterBenjamin ShwartzerJ. Stanley SteinbergCora D. SternGeorgiana Egers SummerBernard J. SwartzMortimer WeinbackZachary Wellman

Walter BegleiterBrownie L. BlumeEva BrennerIrene ClahrHugo DublinPhilip W. FensterFrances FischerIda Lifton FisherLeo W. GilbertLewis GoldmeerPhilip GranoffIda V. HatchShirley JackofskyGeorge KasselmanMary Brownstein KasselmanClaire V. KaufmannJean Kneznek Korn

Celine LeefsonTea Hellman LittleHelen Mendleson MannLillian MannCora Livingston MarxEmil PelzerGail Spector PhillipsLouis RoseJanet RosensteinWillard M. SaidelDavid H. ShapiroCecil A. ShulmanMax SolomonCharles J. SwartzSilas SwartzLyubov TabakSamuel D. Weitzman

Shabbat of October 5-6

HHD 5779 Rosh Hashana BakersThank you to all of our amazing congregantswho baked delicious treats to share at ourRosh Hashana Dessert Reception. Even the rain couldn’t keep our spirits down.

Our bakers helped start our year sweet!

This fund enhances our synagogue campus and bimawith flowers. Please send the name of the donor, andthe name of the deceased (with date of Yarhzeit) or thename of the honoree, with a check payable to CBE toLynn Warheit, 17 Marion Ave., Albany, NY 12203 orsend an email to BeautificationFund@gmail.com.Listed are the donations received by September 4. Donations received after, will be listed next month.

Shabbat of June 22-23 In Memory OfJason Falk Blanche Ashkenas

Shabbat of August 24-25 In Memory OfSteven Fischer David FischerBetty and Norm Shapiro Sally Shapiro

Shabbat of September 7-8 In Memory OfKaren and Steven Fein Archie Pearlman

Shabbat of September 21-22 In Honor OfJessica and Alex Brand B’not Mitzvah of

Madalyn and Isabelle BrandIn Memory Of

Nancy and Dwight Boone Dr. Aaron L. BuchmanSteven Ostroff and Thomas Hunt Julius Ostroff

Shabbat of September 28-29 In Memory OfElizabeth T. Lizan Julius MuffsonEllen Reohr and family Shirley FlastersteinBarbara and Algird White Charles Harry Schlang

Shabbat of October 5-6 In Honor OfJulie and Michael Koenig Bat Mitzvah of Callie Koenig

Shabbat of October 5-6 In Memory OfMichelle, Max and Julia Davidoff Gail Spector PhillipsAlice Firsty and family Ida Lifton Fisher Steven Fischer Frances FischerBecky and Paul Kasselman George KasselmanSid Markowitz Leo GilbertIrene and Alan Richter Sidney RichterCarole S. Rosenblum Max SolomonJudith and Peter Saidel Willard M. SaidelBetty and Norm Shapiro Louis RoseGary Weitzman Samuel Weitzman

Shabbat of October 12-13 In Memory OfDoris and Joe Abelson Martha HahnMarla and Robert Blumenthal Belle Stanton HaroldSherry Gold Barry Alan GoldThe Goodman/Malkin families David GoodmanBecky and Paul Kasselman Mary Brownstein KasselmanRuth Mendel Benjamin Mendel, Sr.Carol Porter and Gail Pipito Arnold SandersDonna, Lee, David and Jamie Rosen David AvrachHarriet and Doug Spector and family Nathan BrownFlorence Speigel and Cindy and Neal Greenstein and family Julius Speigel

Edwin Sperber and family Samuel N. SperberMarion Strasser Ruth Lagus LangdonMarion Strasser Paula LagusMarion Strasser Rudolph Lagus

Shabbat of October 19-20 In Memory OfThe Adler and Freeman families Robert M. AdlerNancy and Frank Allen Michael TaubPhyllis and Celia Berk Carl C. LavineThe Boyer family David BoyerAlice Firsty and family Charlotte Burg FisherCarolyn, Bruce, Emily and Evan Ginsburg Bernard Ginsburg

Marc Ginsburg Bernard GinsburgVerna and Don Thorn and family Herman L. LapinKaren and Ed Martin Beatrice ForstedAllison and David Meyers Dr. Albert YunichKathleen and Richard Meyers Dr. Albert YunichThe Ostroff family Bonnie OstroffSteven Ostroff and Thomas Hunt Bonnie OstroffJackie Rosenthal Elias CadanLinda Rosenthal Elias CadanLinda and Larry Schechter Bernard BernsteinCookie and Peter Siegel Pearl SiegelEleanor and Arthur Taub Michael Taub

Shabbat of October 26-27 In Memory OfNancy and Dwight Boone May Forman BuchmanIleen and Daniel Duffy Sadye Hendler GisserMarion Greenberg and family Rose Koblintz KintischThe Herkowits family Mariam HerkowitsJudy and Stuart Madnick Abraham KoblintzLeslie Newman and Mark Rosen Penny RosenPhilip Oppenheim Thelma and Henry OppenheimLinda and Larry Schechter Henrietta Schechter



Perpetual MemorialsEstablishing a Perpetual Memorial ensures thatKaddish will always be recited for your loved ones.Each year the name is added to the Kaddish list anda plaque is hung in the Chapel. Notices are sent toremind you of the upcoming Yahrzeit and the nameis listed in the Bulletin. You can also add your lovedone’s name to the Yahrzeit list by calling the officeby the preceding Thursday. The following PerpetualMemorials have been established:Jodi Boyle and Matthew Kohn have established•a Perpetual Memorial in memory ofRobert M. Boyle.The family of Rosalind G. Itzkow has established•a Perpetual Memorial in her memory.The family of Richard Steven Seiden has•established a Perpetual Memorial in his memory.The family of Ruth Manasse has established a•Perpetual Memorial in her memory.


Beth Emeth CemeteryNice Locations Are Available

Talking about plans for after you or yourbeloved family members have died are notalways pleasant.

Planning though, relieves the burden on yourfamily, both emotionally and financially.

Our Beth Emeth Cemetery is a beautifulresting place with a staff that makes sure it is well kept.

Call Kathy Golderman for information518.436.9761 x 225




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CLERGY Scott L. Shpeen Senior Rabbi Jodi Schechtman Cantor

STAFFKathy Golderman Shara L. Siegfeld Deborah Sokoler

OFFICERSAndrew SafrankoMichael Lurie Robyn Marinstein* Melissa GreenbergRobin Sobol*


*Sisterhood Leadership Team

100 Academy RoadAlbany, NY 12208

Phone: 518.436.9761

The Einhorn Center for Jewish EducationPhone: 518.432.1392


General Inquiries:info@BethEmethAlbany.org




Connect Belong Engage

President1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentTreasurerSecretary

Executive DirectorDirector of EducationProgramming Director

Moshe BonderBarry Z. DavisBrotherhood Co-President

Marjorie Dorkin*Carolyn GinsburgJill HildrethAlison JohnsonKaren Kaufman-WhiteRob KivortJulie Koenig

Steve LobelJames MilsteinAbby NashDebbie RatnerJessica RicherKatherine RosenblattEmily SchoenblumCBEYG President

Joe SchwartzSteven ShragerFred Simon

InsightfulShabbat withProfessorStephen M. Berk

November 16 page 13

Love Letters with celebration of October andNovember Birthdays

Friday, November 2

Craft Fair November 18Calling all Crafters.

November 18 page 8

Thumbs up for our newest CBE trustees

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