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Future ReadyStephen Abram, MLS

Burlington Public LibraryBurlington, ON

Nov. 21, 2011These slides are available at Stephen’s Lighthouse blog

Avoid the Climate of Poverty

Symptoms of Dysfunction

Terrible Advocacy Poor response to the e-Book challenge Generational disrespect Workplace friction Slow Technology Adoption

Is there still life in libraries in a web world?

Yes, but . . .

Change: Are libraries Future Ready?

Fill That Gap




What Are Libraries Really For?

• Community• Learning• Discovery• Progress• Research (Applied and Theoretical)• Cultural & Knowledge Custody / Conservation• Economic Impact




It’s the Whole Experience

News Flash “The Internet and technology have now

progressed to their infancy”

7 Gifts to Libraries, Publishers & Booksellers

1. The book isn’t dead or dying. It is evolving.2. Our users/customers are improving.3. Technology is going social and can support social

acts.4. The PC isn’t dead, but, again, it’s evolving and more

mobile.5. We know more about our customers than ever

before.6. Talent, Insight, Community, have social value.7. Opportunities always exist more in times of change

NextGen Library Staff

They hate the term ‘NextGen’(or any label for that matter)

Some hints from the research

Boomer vs GenYDon’t use family metaphors Offer non-compensation rewards, flexibility Involve them in decision-making Offer real development opportunities Prioritize social media freedom, device

flexibility, and work mobility over salary Listen, both ways – No telling! Respect goes a long way. The right to advise

must be earned

“I didn’t quite my job because it was too hard…I quit my job because it was not the best use of my short life.”

Social Responsibility Green Involvement Programs (YPO) Grapevine . . . Versus Control Make room for mistakes and you or your kids . . . What did you dream?

Change can happen very fast

What is an EXPERIENCE?

What is a library experience?

Books are a Poor


The Book Comet

Harper Collins fiascoAmazon “authors” Google Bookstore Amazon Subscriptions and Lending 24Symbols Bookish Pottermore Recommendation Engines Apple . . . iStore, iBooks


What does all this mean?

The Article level universe The Chapter and Paragraph Universe Integrated with Visuals – graphics and charts Integrated with ‘video’ Integrated with Sound and Speech Integrated with social web Integrated with interaction and not just interactivity How would you enhance a book? How do Libraries play the game?

Can we frame the e-book issue so that it can be addressed rationally?

Why do people read?

Why do people read?1. To learn2. To engage in hearing other’s opinions (to agree or disagree or understand)3. To develop more knowledge about myself and develop as a whole person4. To be entertained and laugh, to engage and interact5. To address boredom and the inexorable progress of time6. To research and keep up-to-date7. To participate well in civil society (everything from news to voting)8. To be informed (and maybe smarter)9. To understand others (individually and culturally)10. To escape our day-to-day lives11. To stimulate the imagination and be inspired or spiritual12. To write and communicate better through reading others13. To teach14. To have something to talk about15. To connect with like-minded people

The Evolution

of Answers

Sensemaking: Too much choice

Why do people ask questions?

Gift:Content Spam

List of content farms and general spammy user generated content sites:

All Experts (allexperts.com) Answers (answers.com) Answer Bag (answerbag.com) Articles Base (articlesbase.com) Ask (ask.com) Associated Content (associatedcontent.com) BizRate (bizrate.com) Buzle (buzzle.com) Brothersoft (brothersoft.com) Bytes (bytes.com) ChaCha (chacha.com) eFreedom (efreedom.com) eHow (ehow.com) Essortment (essortment.com) Examiner (examiner.com) Expert Village (expertvillage.com) )

Experts Exchange (experts-exchange.com) eZine Articles (ezinearticles.com) Find Articles (findarticles.com) FixYa (fixya.com Helium (helium.com) Hub Pages (hubpages.com) InfoBarrel (infobarrel.com) Livestrong (livestrong.com) Mahalo (mahalo.com) Mail Archive (mail-archive.com) Question Hub (questionhub.com) Squidoo (squidoo.com) Suite101 (suite101.com) Twenga (twenga.com) WiseGeek (wisegeek.com) Wonder How To (wonderhowto.com) Yahoo! Answers (answers.yahoo.com) Xomba (xomba.com)


The nasty facts about Google &

Bing and consumer search:

SEO / SMOContent Farms




Panda Silver

What are your top 10-20 questions?What is the service portfolio model

that goes with those?

The Baker’s Dozen: LVA Top 13

1. Health and Wellness / Community Health / Nutrition / Diet / Recovery

2. DIY Do It Yourself Activities and Car Repair 3. Genealogy 4. Test prep (SAT, ACT, occupational tests, etc. etc.) 5. Legal Questions (including family law, divorce, adoption, etc) 6. Hobbies, Games and Gardening 7. Local History 8. Consumer reviews (Choosing a car, appliance, etc.) 9. Homework Help (grade school) 10. Technology Skills (software, hardware, web) 11. Government Programs, Services and Taxation 12. Self-help/personal development 13. Careers (jobs, counselling, etc.) 14. Readers Advisory was 14th

Knitting & Needlecrafts

Arts & Crafts

Television Shows




Traveling, Tourism & Vacations

Exercise, Cycling & Walking

Movies & Film


Cooking & Recipes

Recreational Reading

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Top 12 Patron Hobbies

Top Hobbies?Top Homework Questions?

Top Travel Destinations?What do you know?

Grocery Stores

Grocery Stores

Cookbooks, Chefs . . .

Cookbooks, Chefs . . .


The new bibliography and

collection development




Driving the Knowledge Portal alignment with User Behaviour

How would this look?

Top Reference and Research Questions Do you know them? Or do you know retail

sales numbers or circulation numbers better? Health . . . Career Advice and Job Finding Genealogy Homework Etc.

Mobility: Where the Patron Is


Fun Program Ideas

Act Like a User Day (signs, sign up, ADD, kids) Librarian for a Day – Homework Peer Coaching Fraud and ID Theft Prevention Facebook for Teens – Study, Sharing and Social Safety

Facebook for Adults – Work, Reputation, Jobs Top 20 Questions Portals Focus Groups eBay (Cameras, How to, Books, etc.) Perennial Trade / Garden Days Collections Slap Down Research Success for Adult Learners Download Faire / Digital Days 23 Things TNG

The Virtual Handout

The Value of Public Librarieshttp://stephenslighthouse.com/2010/04/06/the-value-of-public-libraries/

The Value of School Librarieshttp://stephenslighthouse.com/2010/04/06/the-value-of-school-libraries/

The Value of Academic and College Librarieshttp://stephenslighthouse.com/2010/04/07/value-of-academic-and-college-libraries/

The Value of Special Librarieshttp://stephenslighthouse.com/2010/04/07/value-of-special-libraries/

Library Advocacy: Save the Library Campaignshttp://stephenslighthouse.com/2010/04/01/save-the-library-campaigns/

Libraries Are Social



Respect the generations – learn from eachother End User Psychographic Centricity Focus on the Questions (Needs, CRM) Build or Buy Knowledge Portals (Meals) Emphasize Content Quality (not books) Expand Social Media Programs on Information Literacy Advocate and Align with the ListenerTell Stories, Have users tell stories Invest in Strategic Analytics – Measurements of

Impact, ROI and Value Collaborate vs. socialize

News Flash

News Flash

Shift Happens

The power of libraries

Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLAVP strategic partnerships and markets

Cengage Learning (Gale)Cel: 416-669-4855

stephen.abram@cengage.comStephen’s Lighthouse Blog

http://stephenslighthouse.comFacebook or Google+: Stephen Abram

LinkedIn / Plaxo: Stephen AbramTwitter: sabram

SlideShare: StephenAbram1

“IF ONLY …. I had taken the other job.” “IF ONLY …. I had chosen another college.” “IF ONLY …. I had gone to college!” “IF ONLY …. I never broke up with her.” “IF ONLY…… I never moved here.” “IF ONLY …. I encouraged my kids to stick with

music lessons.” “IF ONLY …… I hadn’t said that!”

Here are seven tips to help you move through the Land of “If Only” to the Land of Today!

1. Use your broken dreams, disappointments and “what ifs” as stepping stones towards a better future. 2. Those who are stuck in the “woulda, coulda, shoulda’s” often have a hard time forgiving themselves for not knowing better or not doing any better, which seems so obvious in hindsight. Self-forgiveness is vital.

2. Remind yourself that you do not know what would have happened if you chose the other path – it could have been worse.

3. Refuse to play the “Blame Game.”4. Realize that to be steeped in “if onlys” is to be stuck with

unproductive regret.5. Allow yourself to grieve.6. Embrace “The Swiss Cheese Theory of Life!” Accept the fact that

life is not smooth and predictable.

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