buro happold exhibition

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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“Engineering is a great profession. There is the satisfaction of watching a fi gment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realisation in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings homes to men or women. Then it elevates the standard of living and adds to the comforts of life. This is the Engineer’s high privilege".


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Operating from 25 offices worldwide, Buro HappoldÊs expertise draws upon multiple disciplines to create design solutions: from road schemes, bridges, harbours, schools, sports stadia and offices, to hotels, hospitals and tall buildings. It was founded in 1976 by Sir Edmund Happold in Bath, in Southwest England when he left Ove Arup and Partners to take up a post at the University of Bath as Professor, for the curriculums of Architecture & Engineering Design.

Today among the worldÊs most dynamic multi-disciplinary engineering consultancies, Buro Happold aims to produce high quality engineering design in concept, in detail and in execution, on time, to programme and delivering excellent value for money. The FirmÊs distinctive culture and ethos is based on the same principles of care, value and elegance that were established when the practice was founded. Its reputation for excellence has grown from the basis that engineering is always viewed as one important component of a projectÊs overall design solution as seen in many of their landmark projects aroundthe world.


“People, buildings, infrastructure and the environment working in harmony: that is our vision for a better, more sustainable future…one which Buro Happold, with its multidisciplinary skills, technical ingenuity, unrivalled experience and worldwide resources, is well equipped to deliver.’”

- Ted Happold Buro HappoldBuro Happold

Care, Value & Elegance

Care, Value & Elegance

Buro HappoldCare, Value & Elegance

“Engineers are not mere technicians and should not approve or lend their name to any project that does not promise to be benefi cient to man and the advancement of civilisation”

- John Fowler

Jaap Aanhaanen Maysam Abbas Brian John Abbs Ahmad Abdul-Aziz Bilal Abou Jahjah Firas Abou-Khamis Mousa Abulhawa Atif Abu-Samra Deborah Ackerley Stephen Adaikkalasamy Lorry Adalim Chris Adams Hannah AdamsWayne Adams Bill Addis Hazel Adie Paula Adin-Atherton Afi a Afenah Selena Afi lani Minu Agarwal Phyllis Agbasi Ferdie Agosto Samina Ahmed Gary Aitken Chris Aldous Alkis Alexakis Cheryl Algie Haider Ali Liyakath Ali Roy Alimonsurin Ray Allan Adam Allegri Rebecca Allen Peter Allsopp Bernadette Alvarado Christopher Ambrocio Haroon Amjad Stuart Amor Vas Ampelas Rob Amphlett Catherine Anderton Dave Andrews Sheryl Andrews Panayotis Andriopoulos Christos Angelopoulos Zelimir Anic David Appleby Marcos Armas Fernández Russell Armstrong Alistair Arthur Johnny Ashman Rana Ashour Naveed Ashraf Ahmed Askiri Bryan Astheimer Heather Astin Lyndsey Atkins June Atkinson Nigel Auger Melvin Auld Ian Austin Pamela Austin Usman Awan Dancho Azagra Muhammad Azeem Cecilia Bagenholm Ruth Bailey Stephen Bailey Louise Baird Scott Baird Ankur Bajoria Abu Baker Sean Baldwin Sid Bandi Rachel Banham Smadar Banker Rym Baouendi Mark Bargna Ante Baric Ella Barkham John Barnett Kathleen Barnett Phil Barnett Jean-Marc Barre Alejandro Barrero Bilbao Clare Barrett Mike Barrett Matt Barron Rasti Bartek Michael Bartyzel Ed Bartz Fazel Bashir Peter Bateman Gloria Bath Dave Bathurst Rachel Battilana Stuart Bauer Toby Bauly Steven Baumgartner David Baxter Carole Bayliss Sarah Bear Robert Beaumont Nick Beaven David Beck Ramesh Bedadala Steven Bedford Alex Bedoya Pierre-Brice Beguinet Christopher Behle Chris Bell David Bell Jon Bell Ben Benetis Adam Bennett Christopher Bennett John Bennett Luke Bennett Neil Bennett Thomas Bennett Fiona Benton Princess Berdiago Joachim Bergmann Sarah Berjaoui Iwona Bernacka Kevin Berry Daniel Bersohn Andrew Best Jacklyne Best August Best Sukhvinder Bhamber Dionne Biddie Cornelia Bieker Rupert Biggin Neil Billett Adrian Biltoft Rich Birch Matthew Birchall Debbie Bird Gordon Black Maurice Blackett Ross Blair Steven Blake Emma Blakiston Edith Blennerhassett Florian Block Allister Bloomer Oliver Blythe Steve Boak Marcin Bober Justin Bocian Dominik Boczarow Andrew Bones Scott Bonner Craig Booth Ian Booth Antonio Borges Rodriguez Jane Bosman Annie Boswell Martin Bott Colin Botter Simon Bourke Pat Bouton Helen Bowen Mark Bowman Tom Bowman Lee Bown Lydia Boylan Jane Boyle James Boyle Bruce Brace Mike Bracken Alex Bradbury Zachary Braun David Brazier Jake Brearton Kerri Brennan Paul Brenton James Brewer Rob Brewer Stuart Bridgett Matthew Briggs Laurie Brindell Cornel Brink Stephen Brinkman Gavin Briscoe Matthew Broadfoot Paula Brockhill Philip Brogan Anders Bronden Alice Brook Lara Brook Mike Brooks Kate Brown Stephen Brown Herbert Browne Gillian Browning Stuart Brumpton Dhana Bruyere Andrew Bryant Anthony Buccellato Richard Buckland Andy Buckley Claire Bucknell Richard Budd Roderico Buenabajo Garry Buggy Jon Bull Nigel Burdon Laura Burgess Sue Burn Keith Burns Andrew Burrell Stephen Burrows Dennis Burton Matthew Butcher Phill Butler Neal Butterworth Roger Button Andy Byrne Colin Byrne Conor Byrne Lee Byway Charles Cabahug John Caine Kolicia Caines Tom Calvert Jessica Camacho Christine Cambrook Ewen Cameron Mark Cameron Nick Cameron Richard Cameron Jon Camfi eld Andrew Campbell Cleron Campbell Kathryn Campbell Richard Campbell Ashley Canavan Lito Cancino Simon Candlin Annette Canepa Dexter Canlas Marco Capelli Gordon Capperauld Anna Cardona Kathleen Carroll Barbara Carter Ian Carter Jose Carvalho Daniel Carvan Maria Casabo Gomi Dan Cash Alfonso Caso Steve Cassidy Brett Casson Alexander Castellanos Holly Castleton Chris Catterall Jonathan Caulfi eld Mike Caulfi eld Pawel Cekala Eleonora Cervellera Emiliano Cevallos JP Chakar Krishna Chakhun Nick Challand Andrew Chan Poh Seng Chan Andrew Chandler Vinod Chandroth Ron Chaplin John Chapman Thomas Chapman Andy Chard Matthew Chartier Lee Cheese Darren Cheetham Ismail Chekkithanakath Ying Chen Mark Cheng Sarah Cheng Chris Chennell Rhoan Chevannes Ian Chisnell Victoria Chleboun Yewchen Chong Andrzej Chorazyczewski Eric Chowdhury Nick Churchill Maciej Cichon Stephen Clark Lizzy Clarke Oliver Clarke Steve Clarke Ruby Claveria Rick Clayton Lee Cleeton Chris Clement Terry Cleverley Kate Clough Robert Clough Andrew Coats J Cohen Brian Cole Emily Cole Pat Colgan Alex Colley Greg Collings Chris Collins Gareth Collins Pat Collins Lucy Colthart Andrew Comer Rory Condon Claire Connolly John Connolly Tony Convery Jim Cook Mark Cook Mike Cook Henrietta Cooke Jenny Cooke Robert Cooke Alan Cooper Frank Cooper Michael Cooper Niall Cooper Nicole Cooper Roisin Cooper James Coppack Belarmino Cordero Cristobal Correa Natalia Correia Bill Coupe Steve Cowan David Cox Jason Cox Jonathan Cox Paul Coyle Martin Craig Sal Craig Lucian Craig Laura Crawford Sarah Crawford Linda Crerar Kathy Crespo Frank Crichton Andrew Cripps Tom Critchley Andrew Cromarty Chris Crome Sarah Cropley Paul Crossland Jim Crouch Matthew Crouchman Adam Crozier Barry Crozier Mark Cunliff e Tony Curiale Trevor Curson Simon Curtis Stephen Curtis Zbigniew Czajewski Gary Dagger Shane Dagger Philip Dalglish Iain Dallas Hazel Dalton Steven Dalton Michael Daly Jolanta Dames Andy Dannatt Dominic Danson John D’Arcy Alex Dardevet Jon Dare-Williams Brian Dargan Andrew Daubney Anthony Davies Bethan Davies Chris Davies Rachel Davies Rob Davies Pauline Davis Rob Davis Stephanie Davis Felicia Davis Jill Davis James Daw Nadha Dawood Beata Dawszewska Adrian Day Martyn Day JoAnn D’costa John De Campos Cruz Nigel de Grey Concorde de Guzman Kristian De La Cour Bennie De Vries Olivier De Winne Amy Dean Jennifer Dean Andrew Deeks Neil Dely Kieran Dempsey Mike Dencher Mark Dennett Christine Dent Elizabeth Devendorf Karen Devine Padraig Devine Amy Dewar Kathleen DeWitt Serafi no Di Rosario Paul Diebel Rolf Dietrich Lesley Dinnett Sandra Dixon Lars Dobberstein Steven Dobbie Paul Docherty Fiona Dockerty Alan Doherty Mark Dollimore Amanda Donald Chris Donnell Alan Doolan Philip Dooley Brian Doran Srah Doran Carlos dos Santos Sousa Monina Doubble Luke Douglas Catharine Dowling Mary Dowling William Downie Alan Doyle Susan Draeger Rachael Drake Shirle Drake Claire Drayton David Dropkin Azucena Dudzik Mike Duff Martin Duff y Pat Duff y Benoit Dufour Megan Dumoulin Marc Dunbar Mark Dunglison Martyn Dunne William Dunne Andrew Durber Kim Dutton Lucy Dymond Laura Dysart Adam Dyson Matthew Echard John Edgell Madeleine Edwards Josephine Edwin-Hallpike Roland Eid Lauren Elachi Ron Elad Jalal El-Ali Manu Elayadath Manoharan Elayedathu Mark Ellerington Nicola Elliott Cathy Elliott-Scott Kerry Ellis Oliver Ellis Martin Elze Sasha Embleton Greg Emms Keith Emslie Rodica Enica Mike Entwisle Russell Entwistle Lucas Epp Alan Erickson Alper Erten Neil Essam Bob Etherington Justin Etherington Richard Eva Alastair Evans Gillian Evans Paul Evans Jaime Everard Damien Eyres Pavla Ezeh Roberto Fabbri Louise Facey-Campbell Doug Fagan Derek Fairey Farid Faiz Busola FalanaWinchester Falbe James Falconer Ed Falsetti Greg Fane Claudia Farabegoli Umar Farook Steven Farthing Angelo Fasano Gary Fay Shady Fayed Chris Fenton Matthew Ferguson Ian Fiebelkorn Gordon Findlay Grace Finlay Tim Finlay Katherine Finlayson Sarah Finnegan Richard Firth Al Fisher Amy Fitzpatrick John Fitzpatrick Matthew Flannery Krista Flascha Donna Fleming Jim Fleming Moyra Fleming-Scott Neil Fletcher Martin Flint Florian Foerster Billy Fogg Noel Foley Christian Forero Glen Forrest Craig Forrester William Forsyth Pete Foster Caroline Foulds Ian Fowler Caroline Fox David Fox James Fox Jonathan Fox Neil Francis Donald Freeke Andrew Freeman Keith French Michael Friedrich Lawrence Friesen Rob Frost Victor Frutos Juarez Simon Fryer Jason Fuller Justin Fung Clive Fussell Sarah Gaines Denzil Gallagher Jonathan Gamwell Joe Garbett Erin Gardner Jason Gardner Jackie Gardner Richard Gardner Craig Garrett Mat Gartside Marc-Henri Gateau Hazel Geddes Sergej Gelwer Deepu George Odysseas Georgiou Hanif Ghitt Laurent Giampellegrini Iain Gibson Neil Gibson Graeme Gidney Ryan Gilbert Thomas Gilchrist Joe Gill Manjit Gill James Gillic Kevin Gilsenan Eoghan Given Mike Glasgow Dave Gledhill Tony Goff Wayne Golder Michelle Goodchild Jonathan Goodliff e Darren Goodwin Stephen Goodyear Stacy Gourley Andrew Graham David Graham Ewan Graham Emily Graham Jennifer Graham Amy Grahek Panji Grainger Michael Granat Kevin Grant Mark Grant Matthew Grant Suzanne Grattan Gary Graveling Alasdair Gray Holly Gray Howard Gray Victoria Gray Konrad Grazka Nico Greco Lukasz Greczkowski James Green Mick Green Robert Green Richard Green Chris Greenhalgh Martine Greenhorn Ashley Greensides Nick Greenwood Richard Gregory Christian Greschla Matthew Grey Helen Gribbon Paul Griffi ths Natalia Grinberg Peter Grinyer Vanessa Groark Yanlu Guan Gabe Guilliams Kenneth Gunn Shawn Gupta Rodel Gutierrez Eloy Gutierrez Mata Lewis Guy Dualta Gwozdz Colin Gwyn Richard Haigh Jonathan Haire Thomas Hales Stefan Half Carly Hall Philippa Hall Rich Hall Alan Halliday Sandy Halliday Kenichi Hamada Mike Hamer Neil Hamill David Hamilton Emma Hamilton Rhoda Hammond Phillip Hampshire Mark Hancock Tim Hanna Billy Hannan Muhammad Haquim Alan Harbinson Ian Hardcastle Jo Hardy Jon Hardy Ian Hargreaves David Harkin Kerry Harkiss Jahan Haroon James Harper Jon Harris Matthew Harris Richard Harris Chris Harrison Lee Harrison Richard Harrison Roy Harrison Gez Hart Rob Hart Kalle Hartwig Neil Harvey Rafat Hashim Radek Haspica Sam Haston Dirk Hauenschild David Hawkins Richard Hawkins Tom Hay Graham Hayne Stuart Hazel Paul Hazlehurst William He Tom Headley Diarmuid Healy Ivan Hearty Patrick Heck Bipin Hemam Nathan Hemming Ryan Hendricks Joseph Hendry Peter Hendry Joshua Heng Lilian Hennessy Richard Hennessy David Herd Christopher Herdman Matthew Herman Hanka Herrmann Thomas Heyn Margaret Hickish James Hicks Kieran Hicks Steve Hicks Lee Higgins Andrew Higgs Fred Higham Tim Hill Matthew Hiney Yukie Hirashima Birgit Hirschmann Hsin-tzu Ho Simon Ho Kien Hoang Will Hoare James Hobson Sue Hodges James Hodgkins Toby Hodsdon Tony Holder Leigh Holford Manuel Holgado Lucy Holl Harshini Hollands Jon Holliday Jamie Holmes Bob Holmwood Estelle Honebon Teresa Hopkins Susan Hopley Tom Hopton Tony Hordern Kevin Horsfall Minela Hot Craig Howard Shaun Howard Marek Howes Victor Hu Michael Huang Michèle Huber Sam Hudson Simon Hughes David Hull Laura Hull Chris Hulmes Beata Hundertmark Gerry Hunter Robert Hunter Peter Hurry Rory Huston Alan Hutchins Anette Hvidt-Karlsson Eurico Ieong Alex Ilic David Illingsworth David Illingworth Gordon Inches Will Ings Mark Innes Nick Irwin Caroline Isaacs Andrew Isherwood Brian Jackson Delma Jackson John Jackson Alan Jackson Rashid Jamal David James Tara James Mathew James Anthony Jameson Lauren Jameson Duncan Jamieson Peter Jansta Keith Jeff erson Katie Jeff rey Medi Jelokhani Geraint Johns Alan Johnson Daryl Johnson Joy Johnson Les Johnson Lee Johnson Mark Johnson Michael Johnson Mick Johnson Alex Johnston Louise Johnston Richard Johnston Jonny Joinson Stephen Jolly Ben Jones Carolyn Jones Clare Jones Gavin Jones Ken Jones Laura Jones Paul Jones Sam Jones Michael Jordan Darren Joseph Nanding Juco Nick Jupp Katerina Kafaki Stefan Kamoda Damien Kane Pirooz Kani Hakeem Kannan Ben Kaser Namaan Kayyal Rosemary Kearns Bob Kearns Andy Keelin Trevor Keeling Ben Keen James Keenan Ferruh Keles George Keliris Andrew Kelly Mark Kelly Padraic Kelly Tim Kelly Tom Kember Joe Kenny Emma Kent Helen Kent Carl Keogh Ian Keough Lukasz Kepinski Damien Kerkhof Stephanie Kerr Duncan Ker-Reid Rob Kettleborough Orin Ketyer Michael Keverne Omer Khalaf Nishmin Khambatta Faisal Khan Nasser Khawandi Alexander Kheyfets Nader Khozoui Madeleine Kiddle Grzegorz Kielbasinski Dennis Killick Helen Kilmartin Hetty Kilminster Jean-Pierre Kim Francis King Vicky King David Kingstone Des Kinlough Thomas Kirchner Sean Kitchingman Hannah Kitson Kristen Kline Graham Knapp David Knight Chris Knightly Daniel Knott Graeme Knowles Ralf Koch Jean Pierre Kocher Andras Kocsis Lloyd Koekemoer Andrzej Kolaczkowski Grzegorz Konopka Chad Konrad Kasper Koppen Oksana Kornilova Piotr Korwin-Piotrowski Tomasz Korzeniewski Anna Kossmann de Menezes Chirag Kothari Dunja Kovacev Grzegorz Kowalczyk Sonja Kreuer Nara Krishna Richard Kruse Gregor Krzysiak Jens Kuhlmann Edith Kujas Alan Kukielka Anna Kulikowska Prabhat Kumar Roopak Kumar Omanakuttan Kunjan Pillai Cristina Kuo Lin Monika Kurpiewska Timothy Kwan Timothy La Touche Micheal Labib Zhi Lai Gary Lam Michelle Lam Agostino Lampariello Karena Lane Roisin Lankford Richard Larkham Paul Laroque Jun Laroscain Luis Larramendi Lukasz Laski Jeremy Latterman Antony Lau Gary Lau Jean Lauquin Kelly Lavell Siobhan Law Michael Lawrence Phil Lawrence Pip Le Gresley Nicolas Le Moal Marcin Lebiedzinski Daniel Lee David Lee Kar Lee Tiff any Lee Yin Wai Lee Zoe Lefeuvre John Legge Tim Leng Claudia Leon Pena Greg Leone Jordan Leslie Rachna Lévêque David Leversha Gareth Lewis Sallyanne Lewis Francis Li Yu Lan Li Davood Liaghat Gijs Libourel Anna Lidberg Carole Light Malgorzata Lilia Kee Lim Phil Lines Clive Linturn Paul Lipscombe Sue List Janine Liston Victoria Littlewood Jenny Liu Mei Kuen Liu Philip Lloyd Jack Lo Nikole Loayza Joanne Londal Harry Long Steve Long Simon Looi Jim Loughlin Brian Loveridge Jamie Low

Care Value

“Engineers participate in the activities which make the resources of nature available in a form benefi cial to man and provide systems which will perform optimally and economically”

- L.M.K. Boelter, 1957

“Engineering is a great profession. There is the satisfaction of watching a fi gment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realisation in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings homes to men or women. Then it elevates the standard of living and adds to the comforts of life. This is the Engineer’s high privilege”

- Herbert Hoover (1874 -1964)

Christine Lowry Gavin Loy Piotr Luczak Malgorzata Luczkiewicz Marko Ludwig Robert Luszczynski Hunter Lyden Ann Lyder Jo Lyons Joan Lyons Kenny Lyons Ben Mabbs Lisa Macauley Rod Macdonald Steve Macey Iain Macfarlane Paul Macintyre Simon Mackenzie Steve Mackenzie Allison Mackey Rhoda MacKinnon Iain Maclean Billy MacLeod Alastair Macnair Beth Macri Ian Maddocks Francesca Madeo Justin Maelzer David Magarian Colm Maguire Elizabeth Mahlow Adel Mahmoud Mark Maidment Danial Mailley Rafal Majsterek Hakeem Makanju Lucy Makhlis Tom Makin Malgorzata Malachowska Lindsey Malcolm Mark Malekshahi Tom Maleski Irum Malik Kamran Malik Hugh Mallett Bridget Mallon Marco Malpiedi Andrea Manenti Wolf Mangelsdorf Jim Mann Rod Manson Linda Mansouri Naser Marafee David Marchant Laurent Marechal Emmanuel Marfi si Alex Marin Geoff Marriott Craig Marsh Fiona Marsh Glenda Marsh Richard Marshall Magdalena Marszalek Chris Martel Aine Martin Craig Martin David Martin Jim Martin Michele Martin Oliver Martin-Du Pan Ruairi Martin Stuart Martin Christophe Mary-Rispal Joel Matthew Duenas Amanda Matthews Gavin Mattocks Ian Maxwell Vikki Maxwell Janice May Rob May Nick Mayer Peter Maynard Shoan Mbabazi Hugh McArthur Josh McBride Judy McCabe Peter McCallum Adrian McCarthy Lubna McCarthy Michael McCarthy Kevin McCay Chris McClean Steve McCleave Paul McColgan Michael McCorley Craig McCormick Fergus McCormick Shaun McCumskay Graeme McCutcheon Peter McDermott Emily McDonald Ashdon McFall Julian McFarland Sean McGee Paul McGilly Ben McGinlay Michael McGough Lucy McGrath Angela McGuinness Gary McIntyre Graeme McIsaac Linda McKenna Ann McKenzie Laura McKenzie Andrew Mckie Colin McKinnon Iain McKinnon David Mclauchlan Tony McLaughlin Carla McLean Ewan McLeod Adam McLoughlin Sinead McMahon David McMonagle Mark McMullan Hugh McNamara Malachy McNamara David McNeill Harry McShane Alistair Meachin Winfried Meijer Alex Melgar Giammichele Melis Tom Mellor Matt Melnyk Andrea Menardo Rishmila Mendis Laura Menzies Neal Merry Michelle Metcalfe Edmund Metters Barbara Meyer-Focke Magdalena Michalak Michael Migliaccio Victoria Milburn Richard Mildiner Katy Mildon Danielle Miley Jonathan Miller Kate Miller Lucy Miller Emma Millman Lorraine Milne Sean Milner Barry Milnes Hitesh Mistry Alison Mitchell Kevin Mitchell Tara Modeste Usama Mohamad Morteza Mohammadi Haidarbaghi Khader Mohammed Derek Monaghan Malcolm Monaghan Elmer Moncada Lesley Moncrieff Keith Monk Cyril Montauze Sean Mooney Bill Moore Christopher Moore Diane Moore Stuart Moore Tim Moore Terry Moran Nerissa Moray Jon Moraza Alexis Morgan Laura Morgan Mandy Morgan Matthew Morley Dmitriy Morozov Brian Morrell Mark Morrill Colin Morris Jeremy Morris Ray Morris Peter Moseley Robin Mosley Phil Moutousamy Caroline Mowat Rob Moyser DanMucklow Stefan Mueller WillMuir Anzar Mujtuba SaifMulla Joe Mulligan ShawnMulligan Shaun MundyMiaMunoz Peter Munzel AndyMurdoch David Murphy KathleenMurphy Stephen Murphy Alistair Murray Hensley Murray Ivan Muscat Simon Muse Francis Muzofa Emma Myers Ahmad Naccache Tomasz Nagorski Jagadees Nair Dan Najdrowski Jonny Narro Cara Nash Sue Naughton-Marsh William Naval Alica Nawaz Kyle Naylor Peter Naylor Marie-Jeanne Ndele Martin Needham Siobhan Neill Nick Nelson Melinda Nerecina Stratton Newbert Tom Newby Damien Newell Karen Newton Andreas Neymeyer Marco Nice Edward Nicholas Dave Nicholls Andy Nicholson Rossella Nicolin Alex Nikolic John Noel Peter Noonan Matthew Norman David North Helena Nugent Garrett Nugent Jonathan Oatley Sadegh Obeiszadeh Martin O’Brien Debora O’Connor Gerry O’Connor Jayne-Anne O’Connor Jenni O’Connor David O’Donnell Matthew O’Donnell Jaroslaw Odzioba Steve Ogden Chris O’Hara Frank Ohm Anneli Okoroafor Eugene O’Loughlin Derek O’Neill Janet O’Neill Sean O’Neill Ray Rayvoll Ormond Mike Ormston Paul O’Rourke Jane Orr Joanna Orr Richard Orriss Yusuke Osawa Seamus O’Shea Oliver Osterwind Etlana Ostrovski Omar O’Sullivan Greg Otto Samer Ourfali Mark Owen Mark Oxbrough Amber Oxley Javeed Paderwala Lauren Page Peter Page Tim Page Andrew Painter Angus Palmer Claire Palmer Craig Palmer David Palmer Anna Paluchowska Bud Pandey Andrew Pang Ray Pang Suresh Kumar Parameswaran Pillai Andrew Parker Jay Parker Mike Parkinson Mathew Parry Julian Parsley Maria Pascua Slawomir Pastuszka Louise Patch Kaval Patel Rupesh Patel Andrew Paterson Greig Paterson Derek Pattison Nichole Pau Stephen Paul Oliver Payne Matt Peacock Andrew Pearson Andrew Pearson Hannah Pearson Ian Pegg Anca Peltenburg Jane Pengelly Pam Penkman Sarah Penlerick Neil Penny Simon Penny Sophie Penny David Percival Jonathan Perks Dustin Permall Colin Perris Chiara Perrone Chris Perry Matthew Perry Hiep Pham Tuan Gemma Philipps Greg Philips Mark Phillip Amanda Phillips Claire Phillips Justin Phillips Leon Pietersen Pauline Pietersen Heather Pike Simon Pilkington Tony Piscopo Mike Pledger Valeri Pleim Nicola Plenderleith Nicole Ploetner Maria Podobinska David Poh Ingrid Pohl Philip Pointer John Pollard Sam Polson Anna Pora Richard Postma Varun Potbhare Jennie Potter Matt Potter Andrew Pottinger Lukasz Potyralski Neil Powell Yvonne Powell Silvia PrandelliMiroslaw Predki Richard Press Sarah Preston Martin Prewett Dickon Price Kelvin Price Sarah Prichard Craig Prince Phil Pritchard Gerry Prodohl Joshua Prol Steve Propsting Julian Prospere Roman Przepiorka Eddie Pugh Saleel Pulikalakath Syd Pycroft Mohammed Qavi Sara Quaglieni Jonathan Quinn Meghan Quinn Peter Quinn Nick Rabin Havanna Radford Alan Radwell Shabana Rahman Matt Rahnavard Stephen Ralston Jonas Rammoser Sandy Rano Jay Rao Elizabeth Rapoport Mirjam Rasche Siddhesh Raute Ed Raville Alex Rawlings Elizabeth Ray Hasan Raza Nassim Razi Matt Redfern Phil Reed Carolyn Rees Susan Reeves Alan Regan Carol Reid Fraser Reid George Reilly Hayley Reilly Tom Reiner Lilian Relovska Jacques-Emmanuel Remy Craig Rennolds Moya Revins Moana Reynau Richard Reynolds Nuala Rhodes Denise Richards Grace Richards Kathy Richards Tracey Richards Helen Richardson Mike Richardson Paul Richardson Simon Richardson Colin Riches Mark Riddick Rob Rieder Bob Riley Isaiah Riley Matthew Riley Susan Ring Franck Robert Yannig Robert Patrick Roberts Paul Roberts Andrew Robertson Dave Robertson Fin Robertson Lawrie Robertson Michael Robertson Tina Robertson Tori Robertson Adrian Robinson Gary Robinson Laura Robinson Oliver Robinson Robert Robinson Sam Robinson Spencer Robinson Fiona Roche Matthew Roden Rene Rodger Jonathan Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Lopez Damian Rogan Paul Rogers Toby Ronalds Gwen Rosario Chris Rose Sebastien Rose Ron Rosenman Tanya Ross Rob Rossiter Cillian Rowley Cindy Roy Jonathan Roynon Phil Royston-Bishop Jill Ruddell John Rundell Roshantha Rupesinghe Craig Russell Caroline Rutherford Robert Ruttledge Chew Pieng Ryan David Ryan Robert Ryan Michael Rysdorp Sarah Sachs Saud Saghir Renata Saif Hossam Saleh Manuel Salice Tony Salsi Rohan Samaraweera Margarita Sampol Murillo Ali Sanavi Dave Sandbrook Lindsey Sanders Tom Sanders Jenny Sandison Raj Sangha Taiwo Sanni Alexandra Saponja Ed Sauven Osama Sawalha Ashok Sawant Joe Sax Sheila Say Sumithaa Sayee Krishna Ronald Scaglione Helen Scanlan Birgit Schaff arra Tina Schafroth Volker Schmidt Alexander Schmidt-Narischkin Peter Schoch Stephen Schofi eld Judith Schulz Craig Schwitter Daniel Scollard Kerr Alison Scott Nick Scott Peter Scott Andrea Scotti Tom Scullion Daniel Scurlock Megan Seal David Sedlen Sarah Sedlen Mike Sefton Gunnar Sell Gonzalo Sepulveda Ricardo Sequeira Ana Serra Zareen Sethna Goldy Setia Lesley Seymour Amisha Shah Hemant Shah Parul Shah Eshraq Shaikh Maz Shakoor Raja Shankar Neil Shankland Jon Shanks Shrikant Sharma David Sharman Richard Sharp Danny Sheehan Alison Shelmerdine Alan Shepherd Eden Shepherd Julian Sheppard Philip Sherman Lisa Shirvell Gareth Shone Tim Shorey Chris Shrubshall Susan Sideserf Andrew Sieradzki Monika Sikora Nefeli Sili Nuno Silva Paulo Silva Saijie Sim Brian Simpson Hannah Simpson Sophie Simpson Gill Sincock Mandeep Singh Jason Singleton Fernan Siocon Kelly Siu Chong Philip Skellorn Artur Skupien Mike Slessor Mark Slodan Brian Small Tony Small Patrick Smallbone Ben Smallwood Igors Smirnovs Josephine Smit Chlodaugh Smith Claire Smith David Smith Jo Smith Laura Smith Matthew Smith Neil Smith Peter Smith Sarah Smith Tom Smith Ciaran Smyth Tim Snape Andy Snowden Jeremy Snyder Paul Soames Przemek Sobieski Maciej Sobotkowski Andrzej Sokolowski Lena Soldatova Tatyana Soldatova Edgardo Solis Jim Solomon Rashmi Sonal Omid Sooudi Elliott Soper Tony Soper Even Sørgjerd Emily Sorisi Mildred Soto Rebecca Spark Alice Spence Ian Spring Neil Squibbs Sree Sreedharan Pillai Stephen Stacey Robert Stachera Yelena Stadnik Steven Stainforth Peter Stair Andrew Stanning Nathaniel Stanton Krzysztof Staszewski Michael Steehler Sigrid Stessels Janice Stevens Jim Stevens Callum Stewart David Stewart Graham H Stewart Lee Stewart Byron Stigge Allan Stirling Chris Stoddart Justin Stolze Richard Stone Nick Strachan Sarah Straff en Willa Straker-Smith Laura Strang Oliver Street Martin Strewinski Ruth Stringer Michael Studd Peter Sullivan Ben Summers Shafi Surti Neil Sutherland Jeni Suttie Barnaby Swann Katherine Sydney Matt Sykes Russell Sykes Marek Szlarzynski Zsigmond Sztankay Agnieszka Szymczyk Marcin Szyszkowski Vincent Tabak Louise Taff el-Andureau Thomas Taggart Siamak Taghaboni Andy Tagoe Sudha Talatam Roberto Tamagnini Li Qing Tan Yi Yong Tan Nicky Tanner Phil Tanner Catherine Tansey Mohammed Tanwir Tao Tao Piotr Tarczynski Ian Tavener Yokasta Taveras Ying Tay Ben Taylor David Taylor Mark Taylor Michelle Taylor Ross Taylor Pankaj Teredesai Mike Terriere Bhavna Thakrar Derek Thatcher Bradley Thomas Bryan Thomas Gavin Thompson Ian Thompson Jeff Thompson Mark Thompson Peter Thompson Rachael Thompson Iain Thomson James Thomson Paul Thomson Beverly Thornton Gemma Tiernay Mark Tiley Mei Tillett Paul Timlick Mariusz Tkaczuk Khai Toh Andrea Tomarchio Bob Tong Fei Tong Sergio Toro Benjamin Torrance Steven Torrens Chris Toto Danielle Touma Barbara Towers Sarah Towers Chris Townsend Jane Tozer Alan Travers Jack Treble Paul Trew Maura Triarsi Jane Trout David Trujillo Mark Tucker Yasser Tufail Leyla Tugwell Tracy Tugwell Marcus Tunaley Irmak Turan Stephen Turgoose Greg Tuzzolo Steve Tyack Phil Tyler Syed Ullah Alison Ulldemolins Florinte Ulpindo Maria Ulrich Kristian Unger Paul Upton Daniel Urrutia Edward Valdez Carlos Valencia Viola Valentine Ian van Duivenbode Jeannet Van-Groningen-Jackson Joseph Vassilatos Andy Vaughan Matt Vaughan-Shaw Bernardo Vazquez Aixa Vazquez Erik Verboon Craig Verdon Nestor Veridiano Jonathan Vidler Wilhelmin Viloria Tobias Voegtlin Marios Vounatsos Guy Waddington Jonathan Wade Richard Wade Simon Wainwright Richard Walder Elspeth Wales Andrew Walker Gary Walker Ric Walker Simon Walker Nathan Walley Helen Walmsley Elaine Walsh Martin Walsh Joseph Walton Sharon Walton Tong Qing Wang Debbie Ward Jackie Ward Kevin Ward Robert Ward Jonathan Wardrop Bernie Warmington Simon Warner Alex Warren George Warren David Warwick Saipin Watanasirisuk Sonny Watanasirisuk Emma Waterland Nicole Waterman Alexis Watson Jamie Watson LynnWatson Ruth Watson JohnWatts Andrew Waugh David Webb Nicole Weber Andrew Websper Jeremy Wedge MarcWeintraub Dominik Weiss MichaelWejchert Anna Wendt Geoff Werran Robert West Paul Westbury Mary Whapshott Jade Wheeler-Osman Sean Whelan James Whetherly Mark Whitaker Chris White Gemma White Joe White Malcolm White Paul White Andy Whitham Hana Whittington Louisa Wickham Mike Widdop Sarah Wilcock Tomasz Wilczak Hugh Wildy Michael Wiley Lucy Wilkinson Peter Wilkinson Shaun Wilkinson Jake Williams Kira Williams Nigel Williams Orla Williams Stuart Williams Thomas Williams Clare Williamson Steven Williamson Alice Wilson Andrew Wilson Derek Wilson Stuart Wilson Trevor Wilson Victoria Wilson Wendy Wiltshire Damian Wines Rob Winkel Paul Winning Russell Winser Uta Witthauer Simon Woddy Krys Wodzicki Ewa Wojcik Maciej Wojcik Stan Wojnowski Grzegorz Wojtowicz Anthony Wong Gorman Wong Mary Grace Wong Sunny Wong Tin Chu Wong Graham Woodcock Chris Woodfi eld Charlotte Woodhall-Jones Emma Woods David Wookey Ben Worth James Worth Emma Worthington Debbie Wrate Simon Wright Yehui Wu Andrew Wylie Stuart Yalden Li Yang Chris Yang Yi Qin Romeo Yap David Yates Steven Yeomans Adrian Yeung Elsie Yeung Jian Kai Yi Melissa Yim Gee Varghese Yohannan Gokce Yontucu Sam Youdan Alasdair Young Jerry Young Ahmed Youssef Chaoming Yu Arwa Zaher Ismail Zaky Marek Zawadyl Maciej Zelechowski Hong Zhang Amy Zikri Nancy Zikri Firat Ziya Aris Zourmpakis Daniel Zuff ante

Buro HappoldCare, Value & Elegance

Ground EngineeringContamination & Remediation



StructuresLightweight Structures

Building ServicesSite Management

Traffic & Highways Cost Management



TunnellingDesign Management







Pink Floyd UmbrellasThis fascinating early project involved the design of eight 4.5m diameter umbrellas to protect rock group Pink Floyd’s stage shows from the sun and rain. Made of aluminium and covered with whitepoly-cotton fabric, they are raised manually from under the stage.

Client: Pink FloydArchitect: Frei OttoServices: Structural engineering

Munich Aviary, Munich, GermanyDesigned by Buro Happold in collaboration with lightweight structures pioneer Frei Otto, the spectacular aviary for Munich Zoo is one of the largest in Europe. It consists of a crimped steel wire mesh membrane tensioned over 10 tubular masts and anchored to the boundary walls.

Client: Muenchener Tierpark Hellabrun AGArchitect: Jorg Gribl with Frei OttoServices: Structural engineering

The Sainsbury Building, Oxford, UKThis early example of an environmentally friendly building is attractively sited overlooking a lake and parkland, its terraces, ramps and pitched roofs integrating perfectly into the romantic waterside setting. The public spaces cleverly reinterpret traditional college architecture and make full use of natural light.

Client: Worcester College, Oxford UniversityArchitect: MacCormac Jamieson & Prichard ArchitectsServices: Structural engineering, Civil engineering, Building services engineering

Vauxhall Cross,London, UK

Buro Happold and architects Sebire Allsop won a high profiledesign competition for the commercial development of the12-acre ‘Green Giant’ site at the south end of Vauxhall Bridge.The proposal involved one million sq ft of offices in six separatezigzag blocks, along with flats, shopping and leisure facilities.The design was uniquely granted planning and buildingcontrol approval through the House of Commons.

Client: ArunbridgeArchitect: Sebire Allsop

The Sainsbury Building, Oxford, UKThis early example of an environmentally friendly building is attractively sited overlooking a lake and parkland, its terraces, ramps and pitched roofs integrating perfectly into the romantic waterside setting. The public spaces cleverly reinterpret traditional college architecture and make full use of natural light.

Client: Worcester College, Oxford UniversityArchitect: MacCormac Jamieson & Prichard ArchitectsServices: Structural engineering, Civil engineering, Building services engineering

Hooke Park College, Beaminster, UKThis highly innovative project showed how timber buildings could be constructed in a more sustainable way using ‘worthless’ green timber. Pruned timber thinnings – which are usually discarded or pulped – were glued together to form the main structural elements.

Client: John Makepeace, Parnham TrustArchitect: Ahrends Burton & KoralekServices: Structural engineering, Building services engineering, Civil engineering

Solid State Logic, Oxford, UKContaining both offices and manufacturing areas, this RIBA award winning building is centred on a naturally lit atrium with a metal stairway linking the ground and first floors. The simple but elegant structural design enables a high degree of environmental control and operational flexibility.

Client: Colin Sanders (Chairman SSL)Architect: Michael Hopkins and PartnersServices: Structural engineering, Building services engineering

Imagination, London, UKBuro Happold provided structural engineering for the major refurbishment of Imagination’s 6,500m2 West End headquarters. A key challenge of the award-winning design was the construction of a new atrium, which has a lightweight PVC roof to minimise loading on the existing framework.

Client: Imagination LtdArchitect: Michael Hopkins and PartnersServices: Structural engineering, Building services engineering

1978 1980 1982 1985 1988 1990 1992 1995 1999 2001 2004 20091998 2000 2002 2003 2005 2006 2008




CardiffNew York Dubai

EdinburghLos AngelesBelfast


IndiaHong Kong

FaçadesFire Engineering Design and Risk Assessment(FEDRA)



Inclusive DesignBridge Engineering



SecurityCommunication and Control


Urban PlanningEnvironmental Assessments



People MovementWind Comfort

CoSAAcousticsHealth and SafetyAsset ManagementSustainability and Alternative Tecnologies


Wind EngineeringAudio Visual

Part L ConsultancyWhole Life Value

Langstone Sailing Centre, Portsmouth, UKHampshire County Council required a nautical feel for its new outdoor activities centre, with an emphasis on traditional shipbuilding technology. Buro Happold developed a unique faceted roof structure using pairs of interlocking baulk timbers to form a ‘locked chain’ effect.

Client: County CouncilArchitect: Hampshire County ArchitectsServices: Structural engineering

Al Khiran, Pearl City, KuwaitA spectacular waterside city is in the making on the Arabian Gulf coastline which, when complete, will be home to 100,000 people and will double the coastline of Kuwait. Buro Happold has been involved in this prestigious project from the start, providing technical research, masterplanning, geotechnical, infrastructure and environmental engineering services.

Client: La’ala Real Estate CompanyServices: Civil engineering, Masterplanning, Environmental engineering

Saudi National Museum, Saudi ArabiaBuilt to celebrate the centenary of the Saudi Kingdom, this stunning museum contains nine themed galleries which tell the story of the country’s history and achievements. Extensive use is made of local materials to add atmosphere and reflect the natural environment. The central design feature is a dramatic curved west wall made of local limestone.

Client: Arriyadh Development Authority Architect: Moriyama & Teshima ArchitectsServices: Structural engineering, Building services engineering

Wadi Hanifah, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaThe restoration and conservation of the Wadi Hanifah watercourse will provide a vital water and leisure resource for the people of Riyadh. This is a comprehensive planning and development project, based upon environmental sustainability, water resource management and urban planning.

Client: Arriyadh Development AuthorityArchitect: Moriyama & Teshima ArchitectsServices: Civil engineering, Masterplanning, Marine & coastal engineering

Greenside Place, Edinburgh, UKWith its futuristic styling and high quality finish, the award-winningGreenside Place footbridge is a distinctive new landmark in the heart of Edinburgh. The S-shaped frame consists of interlocked steel bars formed into spirals, with a glazed roof and aluminium deck

Client: La Salle Investment ManagementArchitect: Broadway Malyan ArchitectsServices: Structural engineering, Civil engineering, Specialist Consulting

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014Figure Skating and Speed Skating Arenas, Sochi, RussiaSchematic designs to support Russia’s successful bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Development of a 19,500m2 fi gure skating oval and a 36,000m2 speed skating arena. The projects are currently being progressed by local Russian contractors. Both venues will have innovative steel framed roof structures with the design fully integrating structure, building services and architecture.

Client: OlympstroyArchitect: Studio ZoppiniServices: Structural engineering, Building services engineering, Computational simulation and analysis, Acoustics, Ground engineering

Ain Al Fayda, Al Ain, UAEAin Al Fayda is a 2400Ha residential development project situated in the outskirts of the city of Al Ain, at the foot of the Jebel Hafeet mountains. The scheme is planned to be built in up to seven phases; Phase 1 will comprise approximately 1400 villas together with supporting community and leisure facilities. It is intended that the development will be an exemplar in sustainable development and quality urban community living.

Client: Al Qudra Real EstateArchitect: X-ArchitectsServices: Earthworks engineering, Highways engineering, Sanitary drainage, Storm drainage, Utilities engineering, Transport planning, Sustainability consultancy, Ground engineering, Building services engineering

Vizag Knowledge City MasterplanSustainable Masterplanning

Situated on the eastern shore of India, VIzag is primarily an industrial and port city. The Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA) has plans to expand the city by 1,000 acres due to its potential for growth in the future. The new masterplan for Vizag Knowledge City will feature a mixed use development based on environmental and social sustainability.

Pune Cricket Stadium Project Management

Buro Happold is project managing the design, procurement and construction of the

55,000-seater Stadium, which will host key cricket matches during the 2011 world cup. The

state-of-the-art Stadium is being designed as an amphitheatre to aff ord spectators maximum

visibility. It will include recreational facilities such as a swimming pool and gymnasium, as well as,

a ‘cricket academy’ for the development of the next generation of players.

Buro HappoldCare, Value & Elegance


Buro Happold worked with RTKL to develop a masterplan for the Tehsil Derbasi site on the outskirts of Chandigarh, with

the objective of providing a new township development to support the Special Economic Zoning (SEZ) Policy

introduced nationally. The mixed use development will eventually have a population of approximately 95,000.

Mugaon MasterplanInfrastructure design, Sustainability, Masterplanning

Mugaon will be one of several new planned developments that make up Lavasa, a new hill station development located in the Western Ghats of India, off ering a balanced life in harmony with nature. Based on the principles of New Urbanism, the master plan of Lavasa has been developed by the HOK Planning Group.

Guragaon City CenterBuilding services engineering, Sustainability, LEED services

The masterplan for this new 15 acre mixed-use site in Guragaon, India, will include offi ces, residential and amenity

developments. The fi rst phase will be a class ‘A’ commercial offi ce tower of approximately 600,000 to 800,000ft2.

In Asia

“ Our distinctive culture and ethos permeates throughout all of these schemes with the principles of care, value and elegance extending through all aspects of delivery.”

- Rod Macdonald Buro Happold

Tellapur MasterplanMasterplanning

Buro Happold provided sustainable masterplanning services for this 40million ft2 mixed use project in Tellapur, the developing IT district of Hyderabad, India. Property company Tishman Speyer created an integrated design team using expertise from both India and New York to deliver the best global thinking and local knowledge to this unique 400 acre site.

Alexandra Arch BridgeBridge engineering

Providing a vital crossing over Singapore’s busy Alexandra Road, this dramatic new bridge makes for a distinctive landmark in the city centre. Designed for pedestrian and cycle usage, it is an asymmetric structure comprising a single leaning arch supporting a curved granite surfaced deck by means of hanger fi ns.

The Sackler CrossingBridge engineering, Ground engineering

The elegant Sackler Crossing spans one of the lakes in London’s Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. An instant iconic landmark in this highly sensitive setting, the gently curving S-shape bridge consists of black granite sleepers lined by around 1,000 bronze posts which form the balustrades.

BridgesGreenside Place

Link BridgeStructural engineering, Fire engineering design & risk

assessment, Infrastructure & Transport engineering

With its futuristic styling and high quality fi nish, the award-winning Greenside Place

footbridge is a distinctive new landmark in the heart of Edinburgh. The S-shaped frame

consists of interlocked steel bars formed into spirals, with a glazed roof and

aluminium deck.

Metro West River Liff ey BridgeBridge engineering

Buro Happold and Explorations Architecture are designing the Metro West – Liff ey Valley Bridge following a competition staged by Ireland’s Railway Procurement Agency. The design tailors a recognisable bridge design to best suit the local conditions using an innovative yet proven structural concept. The design is wholly in keeping with the environment and addresses fully the requirement to minimise impact on the Valley whilst simultaneously off ering users the opportunity to experience the setting. The solution is iconic yet understated.

Dubai Creek Footbridges

Bridge engineering

Buro Happold was part of a design team led by Zaha Hadid Architects to develop

a proposal for two iconic footbridges that cross the Dubai Creek. The bridges

are intended to signifi cantly improve the usage of the waterway to access large-

scale developments further down the creek. Careful consideration was given to how the landing zones are integrated into their local

urban context.

Al Khiran Pearl City Bridges & Culverts

Bridge concept & detailed design, Construction supervision, Infrastructure, Waste & coastal

engineering & Structural engineering

Buro Happold’s Bridges and Civil Engineering Structures Group continues to carry out detailed design and construction

supervision of significant structures, including reinforced concrete culverts,

reinforced concrete bridges in addition to tidal gate structures. The structures are of strategic importance since their

design and construction methodology is governed by the construction logistics for

the whole development.

“We think imaginatively and inventively about structures, and we make the design engineering experience enjoyable. We try to match the opportunities and constraints of the site with construction methods that give best value in meeting client’s needs, thereby providing bridges of lasting value and service.”

- Davood Liaghat Buro Happold

XRL West Kowloon TerminusStructural engineering, Bridge engineering, Façade engineering, Sustainability

Buro Happold is appointed by an AECOM-Aedas joint venture on the West Kowloon Terminus of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link. The practice is providing a range of services including structural engineering and sustainability consultancy services for the above-ground station, including its roof and associated structures. 

Delhi Metro Contract 1ABuilding services engineering

Buro Happold has been appointed to undertake the design of all the Delhi Metro Contract 1A mechanical and electrical services, the inergen suppression systems

and building management systems, as well as the hydraulics (drainage and water services) and the multi-services coordination.

Applied forces

Distribution of forces through structure

Ground reactions

RailVerbus Modular Systems

Structural engineering, Building services, Acoustics, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Sustainability

Buro Happold and contractor George & Harding have developed the Verbus System which is a proven, globally deployed, patented

technology that allows high quality modular accommodation to be produced at low cost and delivered to any site in the world. The

Verbus System is robust, easy to assemble and can be adapted to suit any planning or end user needs. It has a considerable lower

completed building cost when compared with other modular system derived buildings and also off ers far greater levels of

robustness, fl exibility and cost-eff ectiveness than any other modular technology currently available.

Dresden Main StationLong span & lightweight structures, Structural engineering

The refurbishment of Dresden’s 19th century main railway station hall is the winner of the 2007 IStructE Heritage Award for Infrastructure.

As part of the recent major refurbishment of Dresden’s main railway station hall, the existing 19th century steelwork fi ligree was covered with a new 30,000m2 fabric roof. Buro Happold assisted the architect in the refurbishment of the wrought-iron fi ligree arch roof over the station, which was overlaid with fabric because modern glazing standards precluded the use of glass. Dresden Station won the 2007 RIBA European Award.

Haramain High Speed Rail (HHR)

Structural engineering, Infrastructure & Civil engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Building services engineering, Façade engineering, Bridge engineering, Acoustic

advice, Transport planning, Access consultancy, Environmental and Sustainability, IT & Communications, Waste management & logistics, People movement

Buro Happold, in a joint venture with Foster + Partners, is designing four stations along a new high speed railway line in the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia, which will link the cities of Makkah and Madinah via Jeddah. The Haramain High-speed Railway is a major infrastructure

project, conceived to forge new social and economic links by dramatically cutting journey times between the cities in western Saudi

Arabia and by providing a new transport option for many of the pilgrims making the journey to the religious cities of Makkah and Madinah.

“It is now time to draw together many of the skills and disciplines that Buro Happold has in abundance and place them within a railway context. We believe that our talented, enthusiastic and skilled engineers have something special to off er the rail industry at a time it faces new challenges. ”

- Neil Billett Buro Happold

Stuttgart 21, Main StationStructural engineering

Our unique and innovative solution for Stuttgart 21 led us to win an international design competition for the project. The station was to be located in Schloßgarten Central Park, a ‘green lung’ greatly valued by those who live and work in Stuttgart. Our plan located the infrastructure of the station below ground, enabling the green area to be preserved.

Tameer TowersStructural engineering (Civil aviation), Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Façade engineering

This spectacular new development on Reem Island consists of fi ve high-rise towers located above a 10-storey podium, the tallest of which is a 300m high offi ce tower housing the largest commercial entrance atrium in the world. Clustered around it are four residential towers, together with retail and restaurant areas and a private marina. Tameer Towers won six 5-star awards at the 2008 CNBC Arabian Property Awards.

Al Faisaliah Structural engineering, Building services engineering,

Civil engineering, Quantity surveying, Project management

The massive 245,000m2 mixed-use Al Faisaliah development in Riyadh is one of the most

striking buildings in the Middle East. The harsh climate in Riyadh presented a major challenge

for Buro Happold’s engineers. In particular there was a sharp focus on energy conservation. Our design makes extensive use of passive energy

control methods: a combination of carefully chosen glass in the façade, various external

shading systems and an air-conditioning plant which uses ice in the cooling process serves to

minimise the amount of energy drawn from the supply grid.

Buro HappoldCare, Value & Elegance

Bur JumanStructural engineering, Building services engineering,

Ground engineering, Infrastructure & Transport engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment,

Computational simulation & analysis

Buro Happold provided building and structural engineering services for the major extension and refurbishment of the

Bur Juman, a luxury retail complex in the centre of Dubai. The project involved new retail malls and a four level basement

for underground car parking. Existing malls were refurbished as well as a multiplex cinema, a 23 storey offi ce tower, 19 and

15 storey residential towers and a conference facility.

King Abdullah International GardensStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Civils & infrastructure, Acoustic consultancy, Bridge engineering, Communications, Computational simulation & analysis, Façade engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Ground engineering, Sustainability & alternative technologies, Security consultancy

Located in the harsh desert of the Saudi central region, these extensive indoor gardens will explore botanical evolution and the impact of climate change throughout the diff erent ages of the planet. The main building will be a 20 acre complex consisting of two interlocking crescent-shaped domes containing a huge variety of plant species. Sustainable features include solar power generation, rainwater harvesting and wind turbines.

King Abdulaziz Centre for Knowledge & Culture

Building services, Structural engineering, Ground engineering, Façade engineering, Fire engineering, Infrastructure, Acoustics,

Lighting, Computational simulation & analysis, Sustainability & alternative technologies

The King Abdulaziz Center is a visually spectacular new initiative to promote cultural and educational development

within the Kingdom. Resembling a collection of glossy pebbles stacked in the desert, the fi ve connected buildings

contain around 60,000m2 of facilities, including an auditorium, library, theatre, exhibition hall and museum.

Buro Happold devised an innovative post-tension concrete system to provide support for this non-traditional

cantilevered structure.

In Asia

“Our distinctive culture and ethos permeates throughout all of these schemes with the principles of care, value and elegance extending through all aspects of delivery.”

- Phil Dalglish Buro Happold

Diplomatic ClubStructural engineering, Ground engineering.

The Diplomatic Club in Riyadh is a huge sports and social complex enclosed by a massive inhabited wall. Activities requiring large spaces take place in two eye-catching lightweight structures or ‘roses’ which cling to the outside of the wall. The centrepiece is a beautiful stainless steel cable structure covered with hand-painted glass.

Downland Gridshell- Weald & Downland Open Air Museum

Structural engineering, Building services engineering

The award-winning Downland Gridshell is one of the most original and eye-catching

structures ever built. This remarkable gridshell combines the best of modern engineering and

construction methods with traditional craft skills and sustainable materials. The greenwood

structure features new techniques researched especially for the project.

Natural History Museum, Darwin CentreStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Infrastructure

Buro Happold provided fi re engineering services for the Natural History Museum’s £78 million ‘Darwin Centre’, a state-of-the-art scientifi c research and collections facility that will be used by over 200 scientists at a time. It is an awe-inspiring public space, inviting visitors to explore the natural world in an exciting and innovative way. It features a 65-metre-long, eight-storey-high ‘cocoon’ – the largest sprayed concrete, curved structure in Europe. Buro Happold’s work safeguards the building and its 17 million insect and three million plant specimens.

MuseumsThe Louvre

Museum, Abu DhabiStructural engineering, Building services engineering,

Civil & marine engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Façade engineering, Environmental engineering,

Acoustics, ICT and comms, Security design, Fire engineering design & risk assessment,

Project design management

The Louvre Abu Dhabi will provide a high quality exhibition space for art works on loan

from the collections at the Louvre in Paris. Located on the shoreline of Saadiyat Island,

this innovative museum complex will stand on a low podium at sea level and be covered by a striking 185m shallow inverted dish structure.

Low energy design is a key aspect of the project, with photovoltaic panels and passive

cooling systems currently being considered.

Boston Museum of Fine ArtsStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Façade engineering

Plans for the $500m multi-phased redevelopment and expansion of BostonMuseum of Fine Arts will include a bold yet simple glass and steel ‘jewel box’ toenhance the museum’s original central axis designed originally by Guy Lowellin 1907. The project has posed a series of complex structural and environmental challenges for our multi-disciplinary engineering team.

The Grand Museum of EgyptBuilding services engineering, Acoustic engineering, Fire engineering design

& risk assessment, Security consultancy, ITC consultancy

Situated at the edge of a plateau between the city of Cairo and the ancient pyramids of Giza, the spectacular new Grand Egyptian

Museum will occupy a 50 hectare site and will be home to over 100,000 exhibits, including the famous Tutankhamun treasures.

A key challenge has been to develop an environmental strategy that creates the ideal atmospheric conditions for the ancient, often

fragile exhibitions.

Layer 4

Layer 3Layer 2Layer 1

Dome Steel Structure

Single Layer ETFE weather barrier

Alluminium Honeycomb with collapsed patterns 1-4Inner-skin subframing

Glasgow Museum of Transport Civil engineering, Structural engineering, Building services engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Lighting technology, Ground engineering, Acoustic engineering, Asset management, Computational simulation & analysis

The Glasgow Museum of Transport will be situated at the heart of the former shipbuilding industry. Designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid, this landmark building will create a more accessible and environmentally stable home for Glasgow’s transport and technology collections. A key feature will be the spectacular pleated and curved metal roof.

“We pride ourselves on our considered approach to the conservation of original fabric and in our sensitive development of modern interventions. We appreciate the need to understand the cultural, historical and social signifi cance of a building, the site and its surroundings and its impact and value to the local and wider community.”

- Gavin Thompson Buro Happold

Thomas Deacon AcademyStructural engineering, Building services, Ground engineering, Acoustics, Infrastructure, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Sustainability, Computational simulation & analysis, Façade engineering, Health & safety, ITAC, Lighting

Thomas Deacon is the UK’s largest academy, with 2,200 students from three pre existing schools. As a part of the vision for the academy the educational concept will move towards a university type of environment where many of the traditional school lessons will be replaced with lectures, seminars and tutorials. The building’s internal space provides a well lit, fl exible environment which is considered to be inspirational by students and teachers.

Langley Academy of Science

Structural engineering, Building services, Ground engineering, Fire engineering design and risk assessment, Infrastructure,

Sustainability, Computational simulation & analysis, Specialist consulting, CDM Co-ordinator

Langley Academy caters for students aged 11-18 years, and specialises in Science and technology.

The structural shape and form of the building was determined by the environmental performance

of diff erent facade orientations, while the design includes many sustainable features such as

rainwater harvesting, a biomass boiler, ground source heat pumps and solar thermal technology.

EducationCity of London

Academy Structural engineering, Building services,

Ground engineering, Acoustics, Infrastructure, Fire engineering design & risk assessment,

Sustainability, Computational simulation & analysis

The City of London Academy in Islington is constructed on a tight, occupied site within a conservation area. To minimise the impact of construction on the existing school, Buro

Happold devised a prefabricated timber structural solution for the new sports hall. This allowed the hall to be built and fi tted

out within a single academic term, reducing the disruption to pupils and staff .

Haberdasher Aske’s Knights AcademyStructural engineering, Civil engineering, Geotechnical engineering

This new sports academy was built within the tightly constrained suburban site of the now demolished Malory School. Split into several phases, Phase 2 saw the development of the new build and core facilities on the eastern half of the site and Phase 3 the demolition of the remaining existing buildings and the creation of external play areas on the western half of the site. The project received a commendation at the 2008 Civic Trust Awards.

City of Westminster College

Structural engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Civil engineering, Building services engineering,

Sustainability, BREEAM, Security, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Acoustic engineering,

People movement, Pedestrian wind comfort, Access consultancy, Specialist lighting, Façade engineering

Buro Happold is on the project team for the College’s new Paddington Green Campus

that will be a fl agship for Further Education in London. State-of-the-art facilities include a

double-height sports hall, specialist science labs and workshops as well as a 140-seat

theatre. The Campus incorporates construction materials with a high thermal mass to create

a buff er against extremes of temperature and reduce running costs.

“With extensive experience in the design and refurbishment of academic institutions, we are in a unique position to help schools and colleges face the future with confi dence. ”

- Neil Squibbs Buro Happold

Building Schools for the Future

Building services engineering, Infrastructure & Environment, Computational simulation & analysis, Structural engineering, Ground engineering, Sustainability & alternative technologies

Buro Happold has provided building services engineering for four new schools under the

BSF initiative: the Bristol Brunel Academy, Bristol Metropolitan College, Brislington Enterprise College

and the Bridge Learning Campus in Hartcliff e. The environmental design focuses on key issues such

as natural lighting and ventilation, heating, energy usage, water conservation and the reduction of

carbon emissions.

Climate Change

Natural Resources





Reduce energy costs

Reduce water costs

Preserve OilPreserve


Preserve Natural


Educate Population


Reduce Electrical Demand

Reduce Water Demand

Climate Change

Natural Resources





Reduce energy costs

Reduce water costs

Preserve OilPreserve


Preserve Natural


Educate Population


Reduce Electrical Demand

Reduce Water Demand













Warm year 2050Warm year 2020

Warm current yearAverage year 09.00 - 15.30

09.00 - 15.30 One PC per student08.00 - 20.00

08.00 - 20.00 One PC per student0
















The Verbus SystemProject Management

Buro Happold and contractor George & Harding have developed the Verbus System which is a proven, globally deployed, patented technology which allows high quality modular accommodation to be produced at low cost and delivered to any site in the world. The Verbus System is robust, easy to assemble and can be adapted to suit any planning or end user needs. It has a considerable lower completed building cost when compared with other modular system derived buildings and also off ers far greater levels of robustness, fl exibility and cost-eff ectiveness than any other modular technology currently available.

Container City Project Management

The Verbus System was developed following Buro Happold’s successful experience with

the Container City project at Trinity Buoy Wharf in the heart of London’s Docklands.

Completed within fi ve months in 2001 the project delivered a three storey complex of twelve work studios across 4,800 sq ft and

after high demand a fourth fl oor was added to provide three additional apartments. As well as being cost eff ective the project was extremely environmentally friendly with over 80% of the

building created from recycled material.

ModularHeathrow Travelodge

Structural engineering, Ground engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Acoustics, Infrastructure, Building services engineering

The Verbus System was used for this 310 bed, six storey hotel at London Heathrow for Travelodge. The project was completed in only 58 weeks and this period included the

demolition of existing buildings, foundation piling and construction of the primary support frame. The Verbus

modules were lifted into place and locked together over an eight week period before the building was fi tted out

and fi nished.

Blackpool Premier InnStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Geotechnical engineering, Acoustics

Buro Happold provided structural engineering and acoustics services on the extension to the hotel built using shipping containers. To satisfy UK building regulations and hotel operation requirements a comprehensive compliance testing programme for sound insulation performance was conducted. The resultant high sound insulation levels of the container modular system was due partly to the reduced structural connections of the system in comparison with traditional constructions methods.

Nottingham University, Student AccommodationStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Fire engineering

design & risk assessment, Geotechnical engineering, Acoustics

Buro Happold provided structural engineering services for the 100 bedroom student halls of residence at Nottingham

University which was built using pre-fabricated bedroom units in two, three storey buildings. Corridor sections were

incorporated in each fl oor level and central core areas were constructed to accommodate staircases and lift shafts.

“ The possibilities for using modular construction in the creation of imaginative and exciting new buildings is now possible, by breaking away from some of the aesthetic conventions and technical constraints. With an imaginative team, it should be possible to reap the benefi ts of high fi nished quality and speed of assembly normally associated with modular construction whilst creating world class, iconic developments.”

- David Marchant Buro Happold

Bath Spa UniversityStructural engineering, Infrastructure, Ground engineering, Building services engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment

Buro Happold provided a range of services for the 473 bed halls of residence at Bath Spa University which is also used as hotel accommodation for adjacent conference facilities. The halls were constructed using prefabricated bedroom and bathroom pods and prefabricated mechanical and electrical services were included to speed up installation onsite.

The Cutty Sark Conservation Project

Structural engineering, Ground engineering

The Cutty Sark Conservation Project involves the conservation of the iconic Victorian tea

clipper and the improved presentation of the ship for public viewing. The innovative design

will raise Cutty Sark out of her dry berth, allowing visitors to pass under her elegant hull. This space, covered by a glass canopy, will also

provide entertainment, education and catering facilities.

Battersea PowerstationStructural engineering, Ground engineering, Flood risk,

Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Façade engineering, Accessibility, Civil engineering, Waste strategy,

Construction phasing & logistics

Buro Happold is part of the multi-disciplinary team aspiring to breathe life back into this landmark building with the

creation of a state-of-the-art mixed-use complex. The structural design of the power station project is a complex

balance between the requirements of the new development and the preservation and re-use of the existing structure.


Savoy HotelStructural engineering

The renovation and design of the historic Savoy hotel in London included removing original façade walls - which were left in place after

earlier improvements - from the internal space, allowing the rooms to be reconfi gured. New lift shafts, staircases, along with a new striking

ornate steel and glass dome over the River Restaurant also formed part of our detailed design brief.

Ickworth HouseStructural engineering, Building services, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Computational simulation & analysis, Ground engineering

Renovations to the west wing of this magnifi cent Grade 1 listed stately home involved the installation of two new upper fl oors to accommodate multi-functional spaces for the National Trust, including catering and performance facilities. A ground investigation was carried out to assess the ability of the existing foundations to support the new structural loads imposed on them.

Queen Elizabeth II Great Court,

British MuseumStructural engineering, Building services engineering

Fire engineering design & risk assessment, Geotechnical engineering advice, Planning supervision, Geometry

of the roof grid using sophisticated nonlinear form fi nding methods

Buro Happold designed the spectacular new glass and steel roof

and a range of active and passive environmental control systems.

One of the key challenges of the project was the limited access to

the site, restricting the size and type of equipment and prefabricated

materials that could be used.

“The built environment provides a unique set of ‘assets’ that if invested in wisely allow the existing building stock to be reused and adapted to meet our future needs. ”

- Steve Brown Buro Happold

Silken HotelStructural engineering, Ground engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment,Infrastructure (drainage), Health & safety/planning supervision

Situated at the east end of the Strand in central London, the Silken Hotel will occupy the site of the historic Marconi House. The new hotel will combine the existing listed façade with a new Portland stone building, illustrating a bold contemporary vision while maintaining a sympathetic restoration of a historically rich location. In addition to 170 bedrooms and 90 apartments, the five star hotel will provide restaurants, bars and a rooftop terrace.

Vasilievsky IslandSustainable Masterplanning

The Vasiljevskiy Island Masterplan consists of reclaiming 480 hectares of land from Neva Bay along the edge of the current coast line of Vasiljevskiy Island in St Petersburg. The extension of Vasiljevskiy Island will provide new residential, commercial and fi nancial districts as well as parkland and seaside beaches. A new marina at the centre of the development will allow up to seven large cruise ships to dock at any one time.Two bridges for the new high speed motorway will connect the island on the north and south sides.

Al Ain Emarat Masterplan

Planning & urban design, Transport engineering,Water engineering, Security consulting, Building services

engineering, Structural engineering, Ground engineering,Computational simulation & analysis, Environmental

impact, Infrastructure development, Bridge engineering,Sustainability & alternative technologies, Specialist

consulting, Asset management

This mixed use urban development of 900 hectares will extend the city of Al Ain and

eventually support a population of up to 115,000. The primary objective is to provide a mix of

sports and leisure facilities for UAE residents, including a championship golf course and a

40,000 seat multi-purpose arena.

MasterplanningDubai World Trade

Centre (DWTC)Masterplanning

The DWTC site will occupy one of the most prominent positions within Dubai, which is currently host to one of

the world’s largest exhibition facilities. Buro Happold’s multidisciplinary team provided input for all aspects of

the detailed mixed-use masterplan which has proved extraordinarily challenging. For example the density of the

development (FAR of 6.5) will mean 10,000 car trips are generated at peak hour and the site will require over 20,000

car parking spaces.

Hotel AmericaMasterplanning, Infrastructure engineering, Transport planning, Aviation, Back of house engineering, Sustainability consultancy, Structural engineering, Building services engineering, Security consultancy, Specialist services.

Buro Happold provided masterplanning, concept and scheme design advice for the Hotel America development in Dubailand. Hotel America will compromise an 800 bed hotel, 300 suites, 2500 seat theatre, 800 person ballroom and a series of restaurants and retail.

A full range of Buro Happold multi-disciplinary services were provided ranging from infrastructure engineering through to structural engineering. The variety of uses and scale of development meant a signifi cant demand for car parking and drop off areas across site. The transport interface had to be sympathetically designed to meet the client’s specifi cation in terms of security, compliment and enhance the architect’s vision; and ensure capacity and wayfi nding for drivers accessing the site was not compromised.

Beitun New CityMasterplanning

Located in the north west of China, the new city of Beitun is expected to be home to 250,000 people by 2025. The

design brief called for a green city that refl ected the natural beauty of the Erquisi river valley and that incorporated the

latest thinking on sustainable development, as well as having strong transport and infrastructure links to the rest of

the region.

“ This experience has given us an intensive knowledge of masterplanning and has underpinned the development of a well structured and tested approach. We think imaginatively and inventively about the design of cities and work in a collaborative fashion to ensure that our solutions are fi tted to the client’s vision and to the city’s constraints and opportunities.”

- Andrew Comer Buro Happold








Ramp Down Residential/office parking

Ramp up to Public parking

Ramp up to podium general access

General Access(including Emergency services)

Restricted Access (VIP/Taxi)

Service route at ground

Service yards at ground

Service access/ egress

Restricted service access/egress(non-peak periods)

Ground Floor


Ramp Down Residential/office parking

Ramp up from ground to Public parking

Ramp up from ground topodium general access

Podium level general access(including Emergency Services)

Restricted Access (VIP/ Taxi)

Dubai Metro System

Onsite people mover system

Principal pedestrian flow

Podium Level

To Jebel Ali

Al Khiran Development PlanMasterplanning

Al Khiran is a spectacular waterside development that is expected to take around 25 years to complete and will be home to a population of 100,000. Much of the 6,400 hectare site is salt marshland and two natural tidal creeks lie within it, providing unique challenges that require specialised engineering solutions. The objective is to create a high quality, sensitive waterside city that sets the standard for future developments in the Middle East.

Dubai AutodromeStructural engineering

Dubai Autodrome is made up of a number of unique and spectacular buildings, each of which required a diff erent combination of structural

solutions, materials and construction techniques. Buro Happold’s team

provided the structural engineering design for this project, working closely

with the architects and masterplanners Populous to help deliver a world class

motor sport facility.

Lansdowne Road StadiumStructural engineering

The redevelopment of Dublin’s famous Lansdowne Road Stadium in the new Aviva Stadium involves demolishing the existing

stadium and constructing a new 50,000 seat facility. All spectator seating will be protected

from the elements by a continuous curvilinear roof, while the area above the pitch will remain

open to retain the unique Lansdowne Road atmosphere.

Sports & LeisureEmirates Stadium

Arsenal Football ClubStructural engineering, Building services engineering, Geotechnical

engineering, Fire engineering design & risk assessment, CDM co-ordination, Access consultancy, Security specialist design

consultancy, Bridge engineering, Civil engineering

The spectacular 60,000 seat Emirates Stadium has been Arsenal FC’s new home since the start

of the 2006/07 season. This groundbreaking and iconic sports stadium provides safe viewing

facilities, a superb playing surface and an awe-inspiring atmosphere for spectators. The need to minimise environmental impact and refl ect

the aspirations of the local community were also key considerations.

Millennium DomeStructural engineering, long span & lightweight structures engineering, Façade engineering, Planning supervision, Site supervision, Quantity surveying, Geotechnical engineering, Waste water solutions, Site infrastructure, Building services engineering, Fire safety design & risk assessment, Project management.

One of the most recognised landmarks in the UK, and the largest of its kind in the world, the Millennium Dome was built to house a series of exhibition spaces and core buildings. Buro Happold designed the roof of the Dome as a huge cable net, 320m in diameter and clad in 80,000m2 of tensioned PTFE coated glass fi bre fabric. Twelve 100m high steel masts extend from the roof to support a tensioned net of steel cables, arranged radially on the surface of the Dome and held in place by hangar and tie-down cables at 25m intervals. An inner layer of covering reduces thermal gain and improves thermal and acoustic performance. Primary electrical and mechanical plant is housed in 12 steel cylinders that surround the Dome.

Motor CityStructural engineering, Building services engineering,

Acoustic consultancy, Façade engineering

La Ciudad del Motor - Motor City - is an exciting attraction for Alcaniz and the Aragon region’s cultural and leisure

scene. Inspired by the sleek and aerodynamic aesthetics of the racing car, it will off er a dynamic focal point to the

historic city. The building’s contour and volumes have been formed by both solar and wind patterns, and are topped

by a lightweight roof which rests lightly over the entire complex. This centre of excellence devoted to motor sport

will become a bench mark in sustainable architecture for Spain.

“There is no such thing as a typical design solution - each and every one must be tailored to suit the individual expectations, aspirations and history of the specifi c club. It must draw upon the history to provide focus for the present and must also look towards the future.”

- Steve Brown Buro Happold

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014

Structural engineering, Building services engineering,Computational simulation & analysis, Acoustics,

Ground engineering

As part of Sochi’s successful bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, Milan-based

architects Studio Zoppini Associati and Buro Happold have designed two major facilities:

the speed skating Oval and the Arena for the short track and fi gure skating competitions.

A combination of shallow arches and profi led trusses were used to achieve the long clear

spans over the main arena spaces, which are integrated with architectural form and

building services strategy.

Makkah Region Economic

Development StrategyConsulting

This regional development strategy is aimed at creating employment across a 140,000 km2

region of 12 governorates. Key objectives were to create an integrated development corridor

that linked towns to nodal markets and transport hubs, to identify keys sectors for growth and the steps necessary to promote them and to decide on the enabling interventions that needed to be taken to support the strategy and to produce an

implementation roadmap.

Wadi Hanifah Projects

Masterplanning, Civil engineering, Marine & coastal engineering, Water & Energy Resources

This project is to provide water and leisure resources for Riyadh through the restoration

and conservation of Wadi Hanifah and to reduce the city’s reliance on desalinated water from the coast. Using a gravity fed bio-remediation system to treat the dry weather flow in situ, we have been able to make 250,000m3 of water per day for

irrigation, agriculture and other non-potable uses and this is projected to increase to

1m3 million per day by 2021. This project won Top Award in the Plans Category of

the annual international Waterfront Centre Awards in Montreal, in 2003.

Strategic PlansWadi Al Asla Integrated

Development Plan Consulting

TA private-sector financed project to provide open space (2,442ha), leisure activities, 15,200 homes and 16,000 new jobs on the outskirts of Jeddah that also preserves 360ha

of wetland.

The scheme involved remediation of a sewage lake and the sustainable reuse of treated sewage effluent from the


On the basis of our work for the IDP, the client has obtained a SAR 1bn soft-loan from the central

government to commence with the remediation and site infrastructure works

in 2010.

London FirstSustainability Consultancy

Buro Happold’s groundbreaking report for business group London First, published in 2009, revealed that neighbourhood power could reduce London’s carbon footprint by 3.5 million tonnes. Cutting the Capital’s Carbon Footprint calls for collaboration between central government, the mayor and his agencies, energy companies, developers and boroughs to ‘decentralise’ a quarter of London’s energy.

Linking large heat users such as housing estates, leisure centres and hospitals to locally-placed electricity plants can deliver massive effi ciency gains, instead of centralised generation with its huge waste heat losses from many miles of high voltage cables. Some local energy centres may also produce power from renewable sources such as unrecyclable waste.

Jeddah Aff ordable Housing Programme

Consultancy, Master Planning

The JAHP is a pioneering housing initiative to address the city’s housing crisis. The programme has two objectives i. to implement development solutions for government

owned housing sites; ii. to capture the learning from the projects and create a

Housing Framework that contains policy, tools and templates to enable further projects to be developed. Happold

Consulting’s work included (amongst other activities), undertaking housing surveys, site analysis and prioritisation;

development of concept masterplans; comprehensive business viability modelling and development of site specifi c

design guidelines.

“ Addressing the complex challenges presented by today’s global cities and regions requires a holistic approach. We integrate creativity and innovation within an evidence-based process. In essence, we develop practical solutions to complex problems. Our aim is to maintain our position at the forefront of innovation in theory and practice for the built environment.”

- Padraic Kelly Buro Happold


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Jeddah Strategic Development PlanConsulting

The Municipality of Jeddah must sustainably manage the growth of a city whose population is set to nearly double in the next 20 years. An unresponsive property market and a relaxed planning environment have meant that the city suff ers from urban sprawl and a proliferation of unplanned settlements, most of which lack basic infrastructure. The sprawling plan of the city along its coast has resulted in a city dominated by the private cars with roads absorbing the majority of public investment, to the detriment of public services and open space.  Happold Consulting developed the ‘Jeddah 1450 (2028) Vision’, followed by the Jeddah Strategic Plan, a comprehensive cross-sectoral 20-year plan and policy document for the city region.  HC did so in partnership with the Municipality, based both within their offi ces and from London.

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