bush, clinton, bush presidencies 1989-2008. george bush #41 domestic policy budget deficit:...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Bush, Clinton, Bush Presidencies1989-2008

George Bush #41 Domestic Policy

Budget Deficit: Regan’s spending practices led to a huge deficit. Bush went back on his promise to not raise taxes.

Civil Rights & Unrest: Riots in Los Angeles and other cities in 1992 after a jury found white policemen not guilty in beating a black man – Rodney King

Americans with Disabilities Act 1990: prohibited discrimination based on disabilities and required public facilities to be accessible.

George Bush #41 Foreign Policy

Invasion of Panama: sent in troops to capture drug-dealing dictator Manuel Noriega and restored democracy

End of the Cold War: Berlin Wall was torn down, Germany reunited, and the Soviet Union became independent states

Persian Gulf War 1991: UN military action led by the US to remove Iraq from Kuwait

Somalia: airlift of food and military action against warlords who threatened food supply

Bill Clinton #42 Domestic Policy

Health Care Reform: proposed to give every American health insurance. No plan ever passed

Economic Recovery: closed several military bases, boom in computer sales and internet stimulated the economy. NAFTA boosted trade with Canada and Mexico

Impeachment & Scandal: investigation of personal finances uncovered an affair with an intern. Clinton lied about the affair and impeachment was recommended

Bill Clinton #42 Foreign Policy

Yugoslavia, Bosnia & Kosovo: NATO forces intervene to end persecution of Bosnian Muslims in Kosovo

Terrorism: following the bombing of two US embassies, Clinton ordered air strikes of Afghanistan but failed to capture terrorist leader Osama bin Laden

China: Clinton tried to use US trade to promote better human rights policies in China. The policy failed.

George Bush #43 Domestic Policy

Election 2000: Gore won the popular vote but the outcome was so close, neither had enough electoral votes.

9/11/01: worst attack in US History War on Terror: Osama bin Laden –

primary suspect and Taliban – rulers of Afghanistan who refused to in bin Laden

Patriot Act: expanded law enforcement powers to investigate suspected terrorism activity

George Bush #43 Foreign Policy

War in Iraq: Fear that Saddam Hussein had nuclear or chemical weapons or provide them to bin Laden lead to military action

In 2005 Iraqi voters elected representatives to draw up a constitution for the first Arab democracy in the Middle East

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