business affiliates guide - · how do i...

Post on 16-Jun-2020






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PARUS SOLUTION MARKETING, INC. 2756 Sunnydale Dr. Clearwater, FL 33761 |


BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS AFFILIATES TEAMYour Business Affiliates Team is one of the most important and immediately gratifying aspects of your business. The rate at which you add names to your team will strongly affect the growth of your business. Your ability to generate referrals from your Business Affiliates, established member companies, will in turn help to establish and build credibility to your business. If you believe people want to help other people and at the same time build their credibility with their friends and associates, then you can understand the following:

• How important it is to educate your Business Affiliates about what you do and the type of clients you are interested in.

• How important it is to inform them of changes in your business or new items of interest so they can sound better informed.

• How important it is to remind them constantly that your business as well as theirs is built on growth and that depends on referrals.

• For any business, but specifically for a Realtor, it cannot be stressed enough that the most important source of business comes from people you know and referrals from people who know you.

• Getting total strangers to work with you or use your product or service is vastly more difficult than attracting people who trust those individuals that trust you and refer you. Referrals are the single best lead any business can get!

Sometimes, the types of people who qualify as your Business Affiliates would surprise most people. Why is your hair stylist in your Business Affiliates Team? It is not because they plan to buy or sell a house but because they know you. If someone is looking for a product or service you offer then it is likely your hair stylist will refer YOU and would be happy to get referrals from you.

WHY IS A BUSINESS AFFILIATE TEAM BENEFICIAL TO YOU?Over $70 BILLION and growing is paid out in gross closed commissions annually, making the real estate industry the second highest paid profession in the world! We know that the top producers in the US say that 90% of their income comes from their sphere of influence. When real estate transactions occur, all types of businesses are rewarded: mortgage, title, inspection, appraisal, home warranty, insurance, etc.




You are handing these businesses, new clientele,without financial return from them! Most of the time you don’t even get a thank you! From your services as an agent, you are presently giving others referral business, real estate related or not (lawn service, interior decorator, carpenter, electrician, pool service, etc…), and not reaping any of the rewards. This should warrant you to gather these businesses into a network that would benefit you both, financially in the form of fast marketing money but more importantly for the long term by guaranteed new lead generation.

The Purpose: To establish a network of Business Affiliates that will:

• Provide the cost for 1 year of advertising on your Landing Page.Amount will be decided by you. • Generate at least 1solid lead or referral to you, the agent, which would become a transaction by listing or by sale. • Interact and share lead generation within your Business Affiliates Team utilizing each others’ services. • Attend meeting(s) set by you at your discretion, to share ideas and leads with all BusinessAffiliates Team members. (Optional)


Your Business Affiliates can be a network of 10, 20, 30 businesses or more gathered by you that are directly and indirectly related to real estate.

The easiest way to begin is by making a list of anyone that has a business that can be related to property sale or maintenance.

Now, think of the best way to reach your Business Affiliates.

What events might you attend where you can meet possible Business Affiliate members?

Think about community activities and groups that you might consider joining that will help you reach and broaden your Business Affiliates.



Some examples are: • Mortgage Companies • Title Companies • Home Inspector • Floor Refinisher • Exterminator • Handyman • Heating & Air • Electrician • Staging Consultant-Interior Design • Plumber • Painter-Interior & Exterior • Wallpaper / Faux Finishes • Tree Sculptor • Lawn / Landscaper • Concrete / Asphalt

• Resurface / Counter tops • Appliances / Fixtures • Home Cleaning Companies • Fireplace / Chimney • Windows • Furniture • Movers / Packers / Storage • Insurance • Carpet Cleaners • Pool Companies

• Personal Contacts • Telephone • Direct Mail • Email • Memberships in Specific Organizations • Advertising • Newsletter • Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner meetings • Social Functions • Golfing Events • Sporting Events • Visits to Clients Businesses • Seminars • Open Houses for Clients • Presentations for Community, Business or Professionals • Organizations • Associations • Clubs • Trade Organizations • Charitable • Civic Clubs • Religious Organizations • Recreational • Social or Political Organizations Continue with your own ideas…



SO WHAT IS THE BENEFIT FOR THESE COMPANIES TO JOIN?• Advertising on your Marketing Materials with their logo and contact information that you will be giving to prospective clients, new homeowners and past clients.

• Their company logo and contact information on your Landing Page with possible links to their website.

• Any coupons or literature they might provide, you can include in a closing / welcome packet if you choose to offer one.

• The opportunity to interact with other members to generate new leads for themselves and to share ideas. Most businesses rely on repeat clients and word of mouth to bring in new prospects. This is where the: “They trust them, they can trust those they trust”, comes into play.

• Exclusivity. Let them know that they are the only company in their field that you will be contacting and including in your Business Affiliate Team, so that there are no conflicts of interest.

• First right-of-renewal. When the contract is up after the year, they will have first choice to renew with you again and sign another year contract.

WHAT DO WE CHARGE?Keep in mind that YOU ARE NOT charging for referrals, you are selling advertising in your business marketing campaign. Mortgage and Title companies are usually larger entities and have more to gain from being involved in your Business Affiliates, so you may want to charge a higher fee as they generally generate more profit from each client you send them.

You may set your price for the program at whatever you like, generally, we have seen agents succeed greatly when they charge $365 / year. When the businesses hear that they can buy advertising for $1 / day, it’s definitely worth JOINING! In regards to the larger companies, (ex. Mortgage and Title), $500 / year is an acceptably proven fee.

Just imagine how much marketing income you could generate before you even shoot your videos?!

What could you do with the money? More importantly than the money, is the lead generation promised to you by all 14 businesses, 14 LEADS! Think of your Business Affiliates as a “Business Mall”. You collect rent from the businesses that are in it. You are doing the building and the marketing and keeping the mall neat, clean and bringing customers in to the businesses in the mall. Why would local business owners pass up the opportunity to “piggyback” someone else’s marketing program?


What about RESPA?For those of you who have questions about whether networking this way violates RESPA, the following pages have the RESPA statute. You will see, as long as you disclose to your clients that they are not required to use any of the services you have in your network and that these businesses are paying you for “actual goods or services”, in this case, actual advertising just as if they were to advertise themselves in a local paper, they are receiving a “product or service”, therefore no violation has occurred. If you have any concerns about any other regulations or state statutes I would recommend consulting an attorney who specializes in the Real Estate Industry.

Could you find these businesses in 1 week, 2 weeks?If you only signed up 1 business per day for 2 weeks that would be

14 x $365 = $5,110

10 businesses x $365 = $3,650

20 businesses x $365 = $7,300

10 businesses x $500 = $5,000

20 businesses x $500 = $10,000


What do I say to companies to convince them to join my Business Affiliate Team?There are many ways to express how to recruit a person or business to be part of your Business Affiliate Team. You need to take into consideration whether you have done business with this person or business before or not. The following is an example script of a direct invitation of what to say.

EXAMPLE SCRIPT-A“Hi, my name is _____, and I have hired a national real estate marketing company to help me build my real estate business. I am putting together a network of businesses that I am calling my Business Affiliate Team. I want to develop a team of reliable, proven professionals who will work together to provide services specifically needed by home buyers and sellers. As a Real Estate Professional, daily I am asked for recommendations of businesses by new homeowners to the area, past clients and even possible new clients. If we work together to become a team we will benefit by helping each other, and the new homeowners will benefit by having a group of dependable specialists easily available to meet their needs.”

“I am presenting this idea specifically to you and other businesses like you, based on my understanding of your reputation and commitment to quality service. Each business will have exclusivity to their type of business for a period of one year and first right of renewal. Your cost is only $1 A DAY!”or whatever you are comfortable with.

“You’ll be able to count on me and my business and the other Business Affiliate members to generate leads and business to you. Can we count on you?”


This last statement is very powerful and must be delivered in a positive and direct way.REMEMBER…You’ve got to make them believe you believe, before they believe what you believe!


EXAMPLE SCRIPT-B“Hi, I’m ________, is the business owner available? I am a Real Estate Agent here in the area and I am putting together a network of businesses that my clients will have access to through my marketing programs. I would like to have one business per category that is featured in all of my listing packets as well as other marketing materials that I give to all of my clients and potential clients such as my personal Marketing Landing Page where all my videos are placed.(Be careful not to mention” in the videos” becausewhen they are edited into your videosit is forever. Unless you pay extra to have them edited out. Stay with the Landing Page and Business Affiliate Section.) I would like to offer you the opportunity to be the one (business type) that is put directly in the hands of my clients for the next year. The only investment on your part is $_____ and that is for the entire year in the program.”

“The way this marketing network or Business Affiliates work is that you and the other businesses in my network will be featured on my marketing materials. You will be placed in listing and closing packets and as a new feature you will be placed on my web page with your company logo and contact information with possible links to your company site.

I will also host a meet and greet for all of the members involved in my Business Affiliates Team so you may further refer each other to your clients. All this for you with a minimal investment and no work required on your part!” “Since many of my clients are new to the area you will be the first ______ (business type) they are exposed to when they move into the community.”

“You can count on me and my business!”

“Can I count on you to be a part on my network?”

“Great! When would be a good time to come by with the agreement, pick up a check, and get some general information from you that I can use for advertising?”

“Thank you. I look forward to working with you!”


Remember! You do not have to follow these scripts exactly. If you have worked with a business before, you may take a more relaxed approach. Just do what feels comfortable to you while remembering to touch on all your “selling” points. You might want to make an outline of these to follow to help guide you through the discussion. Have fun with it!




Example Advertising Agreement

This agreement is for advertising with (Agent)_________________________________________, beginning on ___________________ for a 12 month period, ending on _________________________. The total investment is $________dollars for advertising between _______________________ and: _______________________________. Member shall be promoted on business marketing materials. The price also includes each member to be featured on my personal Landing Page in the Business Affiliate Section with business information, comments from myself or coupons, and direct links to YOUR member email and website. Member shall also have first right of renewal at the end of the term agreed upon. (AGENTS = Place any extra added features / benefits offered here!!! And remove this!) Payment is due in full on the date of agreement and any logos or information to be used for advertising must be submitted electronically, in the highest resolution format for the online representation and print quality. All coupons submitted by company must be valid and up-to-date. Also, member agrees to provide at least one referral during this campaign to Realtor. No refunds will be given unless both parties agree or the agreement has not been executed as stated above, by either party.






Come advertise with YOUR COMPANY NAME!


Member Signature Company Date

Agent Signature Company Date



I am pulling this network of preferred providers together simply to have added service to my clients so they know where to go when they need various services. You will be placed in the hands of hundreds of my clients throughout the year with minimal investment and with no work required on your part. You will be able to count on me and my business to generate leads and business to you.

Now can I count on you to do the same?

How the marketing process will work:

Once I receive your payment for advertising, I will upload your general business information to my online marketing plan. Me and my team will professionally prepare all your important business information and combine it with ours. You will be advertised for 12 months (or longer) with YOUR COMPANY and YOUR NAME.

Featured as a preferred provider on my website. (Direct link to your website)

Placed in all my listing and closing packages, marketing materials.

Yearly mail outs and post cards campaigns sent past and potential clients.

A meet and greet cocktail gathering for all members. (Optional)


All payments / checks are to be made out directly to YOUR NAME OR BUSINESS. This is part of a program that I have personally paid for up front and have invested in.

There will be an Advertiser Agreement Executed at time of payment. That agreement is proof of money paid and the terms of advertising being provided.

Thank you for your business and I’m looking forward to a prosperous relationship!




Do you have established relationships with your business affiliates? Let us help you offset the cost of your DIRECT MAIL Campaign.

Why should you utilize Direct Mail Marketing?

While it’s true that the landscape of advertising is always evolving, the research seems to be showing that methods like direct mail aren’t going anywhere just yet. Here are 7 facts that may surprise you about the continued strength of direct mail marketing.

FACTS • Direct mail remains the largest single direct marketing expenditure - a $93.6 billion industry. • 73% of consumers actually prefer traditional mail over other advertising methods. • Direct mail has a 25% response rate compared to email • Four-fifths (79%) of consumers will act on direct mail immediately • 57% of people say they are most likely to remember a message by mail. • 39% of customers say they try a new business because of their direct mail advertising. • After receiving a mailer, 44% of people visit the brands website

"Working with Homes2value I am on target to dominate the market share in my Farm. Not only has it increased my listings but the awareness of my brand and my Real Estate company. I like working with Homes2value because they take care of the entire marketing process from A to Z. It is seamless and effortless on my end. Shane andH2V design team are on target with the market trends and the pieces are custom to my brand and they go out like clock work. Homes2Value and their parent company (PARUS) have helped my business differentiate myself from my competition with video branding as well. Overall, I am currently seeing over a 500% return on my investment by using Homes2Value. Do your business a favor and contact Homes2Value!” Tatyana Sturm-Storck

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Introducing our proprietary tracking solution for all our direct mail programs! This allows you the comfort of knowing exactly where your mail is at all times!

Targeted Consumer Mailing ListThe first step to direct mail is identifying who your target audience is and the second step is effectively reaching those future clients. To do that we only use a high quality consumer list. This gives us complete control over who receives your mailer and enables us to successfully oversee your campaign.• Consumer Data is the highest quality and most responsive data on the market• Differentiate between a Homeowner and Renter• Each Mailer Includes the Home owner’s name• Length of Residence• Year Home Built• Home Value• Eliminate P.O. Boxes and Businesses

Consistency in your geographic marketing IS EVERYTHING.

Each postcard has a call to action!Every campaign comes with a custom lead generation page.

2756 Sunnydale Dr. Clearwater, FL 33761www.PARUSinc.comOffice 727-266-4522

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