business bavaria 06-2013_en

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Business Bavaria Newsletter

What’s inside

Issue 06 | 2013

5 minutes with ...Jens Mühlhaus,

Chairman of Green City Energy

Page 2

In focus: Bavaria in Space

Bavaria – Heading into orbit

Page 3

Bavaria in your briefcase

Landshuter Hochzeit - A town goes back in time

Page 4

Experts from academia, politics and business will provide information on research

results, discuss legal frameworks and provide insight on current trends as part

of an exhibition. The objective of the congress, co-organised by the Bavarian

State Department for Economics, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology and

the Federation of the Automobile Industry (VDA) is to highlight innovations and

bring together potential partners in the value creation chains.

Future congress of the automotive industry

One of the centres for the commercialisation of space is based in the Upper Ba-

varian Oberpfaff enhofen, where the Anwendungszentrum GmbH (AZO), on be-

half of the Ministry of Economic Aff airs and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und

Raumfahrt (DLR), supports start-ups and ideas on commercial applications of

space technologies. It has already had visible successes – 66 companies with a

total of 1,000 new jobs have already been created by the work of the AZO.

The international industry get-together “Zulieferer Innovativ” is inviting

participants to BMW World for the first time, on 1 and 2 July. In its 15th

year the congress, organised by Bayern Innovativ GmbH, will be focusing

on “Sustainability and Emotion” among other themes.

Satellite navigation made in Bavaria

For the Bavaria Minister of Economics, Martin Zeil, and Jean Jacques Dordain, Di-

rector of the European Space Agency (ESA), the thousandth job marked a cause

for celebration. “This is a great success which clearly documents how our techno-

logy policy permanently advances the high-tech industry in Bavaria”, commented

Zeil during his visit to Oberpfaff enhofen.

One of the strongest drivers for innovation is the European Satellite Navigation

Competition (ESNC) co-ordinated by AZO. For the tenth time now, the competi-

tion looks for products, services and innovations that make satellite navigation

usable in daily life. Awards of up to €1 million are sponsored by partners such

as DLR, the ESA, the European Patent Office and the partner regions, includ-

ing Bavaria. Patryk Jurkowski and Patrick Henkel have seen their participation

in the ESNC pay off handsomely. In 2010 the two students from the Technical

University of Munich won the ESNC’s regional Bavarian competition and were

thus accepted into the Bavarian Business Incubator programme of the Euro-

pean Space Agency (ESA BIC Bavaria). Their company, AVNAVS, has progressed

steadily since then, they have filed several patents and are integrated into au-

tomobile and navigation development projects. Ideas for the ESNC 2013 can be

submitted via until 30 June.

Partners of the event are the automotive cluster and the Innovations- und Ko-

operationsinitiative Automobilzulieferindustrie (BAIKA) that was initiated by

the Bavarian state government. Bayern Innovativ GmbH‘s automotive cluster

supports the networking of companies and scientifi c players in Bavaria with

advanced services in focus areas such as electrical mobility. The BAIKA network

comprises over 2,200 companies and scientifi c institutions from 50 countries,

including about 1,100 from Bavaria.

Programme fl yer:

P a g e 1w w w. i n v e s t - i n - b a v a r i a . c o m


The HWWI / Berenberg city ranking 2013 once again awarded top marks to the Ba-

varian state capital. As with the 2008 and 2010 rankings, the results show that Mu-

nich and Frankfurt again form the top duo among the 30 participating cities. At the

same time, they agree that Munich has the best development trend of them all.

One reason for this is the dynamic influx: following a population increase of 9.4%

between 2005 and 2011, the number of young, well trained people has further in-

creased. Munich also has the best national results when it comes to the share of

people with specialised technical or university degrees. While the share in some of

the Ruhr district cities is far below 10%, more than one fifth (22%) of all working

people in Munich and Stuttgart are highly-qualified employees. Correspondingly,

48.1% of people employed in Munich work in knowledge-intensive areas. It is there-

fore no surprise that Munich – based on job market figures – is Germany’s most cos-

mopolitan city. Munich has the most foreign employees, at 16%, ahead of Frankfurt/

Main (15.6%) and Stuttgart (14.3%).

Since 2005 the Green City Energy company has made sure that we get cleaner energy from our power sockets. Jens Mühlhaus is chairman of the board of the

alternative energy service provider and co-founded the Green City e.V. environmental protection association. We talk to Jens Mühlhaus about wind power in


Green City Energy has been active in wind power

since 2008. What are the advantages of wind power?

Wind energy is basically a proven and very efficient

way of gaining environmentally-friendly energy

from renewable sources. Just as with hydropower

we get close to grid parity (Ed. note: Grid par-

ity means that consumer costs for self-produced

electricity are identical to costs for power from

the grid). This form of energy is thus far more

independent of political developments than say

photovoltaic technology. Of course, this is also

an advantage for investors in wind farms.

With no coastline, is Bavaria really suitable for

wind power generation?

It is in fact true that inland wind is not as strong as

wind in the northern Federal States or at the coast.

But technology has made tremendous progress in

recent years, with many manufacturers now offering

wind turbines with appropriate tower heights and a

larger rotor diameter, and so able to run economi-

cally at wind speeds between 5 - 7 metres per second

already. And this wind speed can be reached from a

certain height at some locations in southern Germany

as well.

You could also build one large, powerful offshore

wind farm at the North Sea. Why so many small

plants in Bavaria instead?

We want to use local potential and create a distri-

buted energy landscape under public control, without

reliance on a few large power suppliers. As a medium-

sized project developer we would not be able to easily

configure an offshore wind farm. Our citizen participa-

tion model is hardly feasible at such huge amounts of


Has your relationship with the weather changed since

Green City Energy started to produce wind power?

A sunny, windless day must be sheer horror for you


I would not say that. The moderate inland winds are at

a certain height anyway, so we build higher towers and

don’t need wind at ground level. And after the endless

rain here in Bavaria over the last few weeks, I would

have no objections whatsoever to a few sunny days!

Numberof the month 9.4 %

Jens Mühlhaus,

Chairman of Green City Energy

P a g e 2w w w. i n v e s t - i n - b a v a r i a . c o m

5 minutes with ...

Bavaria reaches for the stars. The State is well positioned, at a European level,

in commercial applications for satellite navigation, not least due to its outstand-

ing infrastructure and the technical support provided by the incubation centre at

the Oberpfaffenhofen application centre. With the Galileo Control Centre, a cen-

trepiece for the future operation of the European Satellite Navigation System is

based in Oberpfaffenhofen. The European competitor to the US GPS navigation

system is about to enter a critical phase.

Galileo – it is not just the name of one of the most famous astronomers of all times,

but also the promise of a great future for European satellite navigation. The State

of Bavaria is actively contributing to this future. Soon the Galileo satellite naviga-

tion system will compete with the American “Global Positioning System”(GPS). On

12 March 2013 a preliminary milestone was reached: positioning was successfully

accomplished for the first time, using the four Galileo satellites already in orbit. By

the end of 2014, a total of 18 satellites will be operational. These satellites are con-

trolled from the Upper Bavarian town of Oberpfaffenhofen, the base for one of two

worldwide Galileo Control Centres. The sister centre in Fucino, Italy mainly manages

the data provided by the satellites, whilst the 50 employees in Oberpfaffenhofen are

responsible for their supervision and control.

The first public services of the Galileo system will be available from 2014, until which

time the services are being thoroughly tested. On 65 km2 in the Bavarian Alps, Galileo

is already a reality. Berchtesgadener Land hosts the “Galileo Test and Development

Environment” (GATE). Master stations were installed on eight mountain peaks at

heights of up to 1,000-2,000 metres. These simulate the signals of the Galileo satel-

lites and supply real data that commercial and civilian providers can use to examine

the planned functionality of the services. With GATE users can test how Galileo reacts

to potential noise and how the system blends with data from the European EGNOS


The GATE project is managed by the international “Initiative Satellitennavigation

Berchtesgadener Land”, founded by the Economic Development Agency Berchtes-

gadener Land to create a network of medium-sized businesses and academic insti-

tutions from south east Bavaria and the Austrian Salzburger Land, with expertise

in satellite navigation. The initiative creates synergies within project planning, de-

velopment and marketing for the benefit of all the companies involved and impres-

sive market opportunities. In 2011, the European Commission estimated the global

market size for satellite navigation applications to be €124 billion with annual growth

prospects of 11% by 2020. Areas of application are mainly in the areas of mobility

and transportation logistics, health and tourism and security and emergency services.

An example of successful co-operation of the Berchtesgaden network is “System

Blue”, a system that transmits relevant real time information to rescue vehicles

onsite. The information logistics company, proTime and the Fraunhofer Institute

for Logistics and Material Flow worked together to create this. The system can be

extended to integrate mobile robots with “BlueBot”, which proTime developed in co-

operation with Dialogis, who provide expertise in detection logistics. Along with the

successful business incubator of the European Space Agency ESA and the Initiative

Satellitennavigation Berchtesgadener Land, the State of Bavaria offers ideal condi-

tions for companies planning to develop innovative solutions for commercial satellite


P a g e 3w w w. i n v e s t - i n - b a v a r i a . c o m

In focus: Bavaria in Space Bavaria – Heading into orbit

Every four years about 2,400 amateur actors stage the Landshuter Hochzeit (the

Landshut Wedding) – for them it means mobile phones and glasses have to stay


P a g e 4w w w. i n v e s t - i n - b a v a r i a . c o m

Fairs & Events

Image sources

P. 1: © Astrium

P. 2: © Green City

P. 3: © Jupiter Images

P. 4: © Roland Amschlinger |

A town goes back in time

Bavaria in your briefcase

Decorated horse-drawn carriages surrounded by princes, knights, maids and peas-

ants, in colourful costumes and waving large flags fill the roads of Landshut’s old

town every four years.

Why? They are celebrating the wedding of the Bavarian Duke Georg der Reiche to

Hedwig Jagiellonica, daughter of the Polish King Kasimir IV Jagiello – even though

the actual ceremony took place over 500 years ago.

The Duke and the King’s daughter tied the knot in 1475. In 1903, the Landshuter

Hochzeit was celebrated with a street parade for the first time. Since 1985

Landshut’s residents have donned medieval costumes every four years.  The event

will come round again this year from 28 June to 21 July. At weekends 2,400 actors

will again slip into their medieval robes and transport the capital of the govern-

mental district of Lower Bavaria back to the Middle Ages.

“The Wedding is of vital importance for Landshut and the entire area”, says Clau-

dia Seybold of the “Die Förderer” association, which organises the celebration. She

emphasises: “Over 700,000 spectators from all over the world will come celebrate

with us. Every actor has a defined role and must stick to clear guidelines.”  

For example, maids, peasants and princes must not wear glasses, watches or bring

mobile phones. “Everything should look as authentic and realistic, as if it really

were the Middle Ages”, explains Seybold whose family also plays a part in the

Landshuter Hochzeit. “As a resident of Landshut you are born into this tradition –

it has been this way for generations.”

The celebration has now been re-enacted for 110 years – there is even a silver com-

memorative coin marking this anniversary. Jousts and games take place in the

tournament arena which features a princes’ grandstand. The venerable Trausnitz

Castle and the Martinskirche provide an impressive backdrop for the tournament.

A historical camp, stalls and taverns attract visitors wishing to explore the Middle

Ages – a journey back in time filled with music, dance and theatre. “At weekends

we have over 90 events”, said Seybold, who plays the role of an ordinary citizen

during the celebrations.

… in Munich

SicherheitsExpo München 2013

03 – 04 July 2013

The SicherheitsExpo Munich is a security

fair with a congress on protection and

security for business.

… in Nuremberg

Mailingtage 2013

19 – 20 June 2013

The mailingtage fair Nuremberg is a trade

fair for direct and dialogue marketing.

… by and with Invest in Bavaria

Invest in Bavaria at the event

“Erfolgreich in Oberfranken.

Potenziale nutzen – Ideen verwirklichen“

on 27 June 2013 in Schlüsselfeld | Bavaria

Your contact:

Verena Sattler | Tel.: +49 89 24210-7514

The Morisco Dancers – Landshut Wedding


Invest in Bavaria – The Business Promotion Agency of the Bavarian Ministry of

Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology and Bayern International.

Widenmayerstr. 34

80538 Munich | Germany

Phone +49 89 24210-7500

Business Bavaria

Coordination: Alexandra Schmidhuber

Editorial Department:


Art Direction | Web: Alex Podolay

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