business communication

Post on 26-May-2015






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communication in poitical scenario



2. COMMUNICATION Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of person. (DEFINITION) (PROCESS) 3. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION VERBAL NON VERBAL WRITTEN 4. MESSAGE RECIVER FEEDBACK SENDER 5. IS A SUBFIELD OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SPREADS AND INFLUENCES POLITICS. THAT IS CONCERNED WITHPOLITICAL science HOW 6. COMUNICATION POLITICSAND RELATIONSHIP 7. ELECTIONCAMPAIGNS - POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONS INVOLVED IN CAMPAIGNING FOR ELECTIONS. SIR BARACK OBAMA Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. 8. GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS THIS ROLE IS USUALLY FULFILLED BY A MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OR SIMILAR POLITICAL ENTITY. SUCH AN ENTITY IS IN CHARGE OF MAINTAINING COMMUNICATION LEGISLATION AND WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY AND REGULATIONS AS WELL AS ISSUING BROADCASTING LICENSES, COMMENTS PRESS RELEASES, ETC... INDIA AND CHINA AGREE ON NEED FOR STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION. 9. APPROACHES POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONS. TO 10. ACCORDING TO JAMES CHESEBRO, THERE ARE FIVE CRITICAL APPROACHES TO CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL COMMUNICATIONS: JAMES CHESEBRO Machiavellian POWER RELATIONSHIPS COMMUNICATION A WAY TO PROPLES MIND Iconic SYMBOLS ARE IMPORTANT SYMBOLS TAKE THE FORM OF WORDS, SOUNDS, GESTURES, OR VISUAL IMAGES AND ARE USED TO CONVEY IDEAS AND BELIEFS. Ritualistic REDUNDANT AND SUPERFICIAL NATURE OF POLITICAL ACTS - MANIPULATION OF SYMBOLS. Confirmation (leadership) POLITICAL ASPECTS LOOKED AT AS PEOPLE WE ENDORSE LEADERSHIP HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS A PROCESS OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE IN WHICH ONE PERSON CAN ENLIST THE AID AND SUPPORT OF OTHERS IN THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF A COMMON TASK" Dramatistic (NARATIVE) POLITICS IS SYMBOLICALLY CONSTRUCTED. (KENNETH BURKE) 11. He saw in ritual the potential to release people from the binding structures of their lives into a liberating anti-structure or communitas, Maurice Bloch argued that ritual produced conformity. 12. RAHUL GANDHI Vice President of the Indian National Congress 13. Kenneth Burke Burke called the social and political rhetorical analysis "dramatism" and believed that such an approach to language analysis and language usage could help us understand the basis of conflict, the virtues and dangers of cooperation, and the opportunities of identification and consubstantiality. 14. HOW DO USE MEDIA ?POLITICIANS 1. Staged Political Rallies 2. Newsless News Conferences 3. "Exclusive" One-on-One Interviews 4. TV Commercials and Print Ads Friendly, Harmless Media Coverage Family Photo Spreads Social Media Media as a Punching Bag OTHERS 15. Staged Political Rallies 16. Newsless News Conferences 17. "Exclusive" One-on-One Interviews 18. TV Commercials and Print Ads 19. USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA BY POLITICIANS 20. 4 Reasons Why Politicians Use Social Media Worldwide Reach Saving Money Donations Trust SOCIAL MEDIA 21. You can't trust politicians. It doesn't matter who makes a political speech. It's all lies - and it applies to any rock star who wants to make a political speech as well. Bob Geldof 22. Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. FREEDOM OF SPEECH 23. POLITICS SATIRE(SARCASM) Political satire is a significant part of satire that specializes in gaining entertainment from politics; it has also been used with subversive intent where political speech and dissent are forbidden by a regime, as a method of advancing political arguments where such arguments are expressly forbidden. 24. SPEAKER OF RAJYA SABHA 25. 1. LACK OF CLEAR OR ADEQUATE COMMUNICATION. 2. AN UNCLEAR OR INADEQUATE COMMUNICATION MIS COMMUNICATION 26. THE MAIN GAME HOW DOES THE POLITICIAN ACT BEFOREHE IS ELECTED? POLITENESS CONVINCING HUMBLENESS PROMISES CARING 27. COMMUNICATION VIA PHAMPHLETS AND OTHER MEDIUMS. 28. COMMUNICATION VIA RALLY 29. COMMUNICATION VIA MOVIES AND SHOWS. 30. THE MAIN GAME HOW DOES THE POLITICIAN ACT AFTERHE IS ELECTED? DOMINATING CHANGING COLOURS SELFISH 31. HOW THE POLITICIANS CHANGE THE WAY OF COMMUNICATING WHEN IN POWER. 32. BEFORE AFTER 33. I never expect to lose. Even when I'm the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 34. THANK YOU!!! 35. I have built Gujarat from the ground up (similar to his own story), and now I want to move this from Gujarats success story to Indias success story. Rather than highlighting examples from across the spectrum he picks and chooses his narrative carefully. He speaks about economic development (echoing the Gujarati entrepreneurial spirit) and infrastructure development. In order to woo the female vote, he even throws in how he has helped women progress. He doesnt overwhelm his audience with too many examples of success but instead chooses to go in to intricate detail for the few. His topics dont stretch too far out unless asked specifically (like speaking about health indicators or wage parity). He sticks to his story, repeats when needed and does not deter from it.

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