but you, man of god, flee from all this, and pursue right- · 2019. 10. 9. · dearly beloved in...

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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Dearly beloved in Christ,

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue right-eousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1Timothy 6; 11-12)

Timothy was a young man who responded to Christ’s call. He was one of Apostle Paul’s special assistants. He had been led to faith in Christ by Paul himself. Paul called Timothy ‘my own son in the faith’ (1Timothy1; 2). He wrote letters to Timothy to encourage and advice him on ministering the church. He also gave three warn-ings to Timothy that will help him in his ministry and his personal life as a ‘man of God’.

Flee (v.11a) A servant of God should be set apart from false teachings and ungodly practices. Joseph fled when he was tempted by his master’s wife (Genesis 39:12). David fled when King Saul tried to kill him. Paul wanted Timothy to separate himself from sins such as pride, the folly of ignorance, an unhealthy interest in contro-versies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife and love of money.

Follow (v. 11b) Paul instructs Timothy to pursue a life of good character, conduct, faith, love, endurance and meek-ness. When we look into the life of Joseph again, we can see all the above qualities in him. He forgave his brothers and even assured them of his constant care. ‘I will nourish you and your little ones’ (Genesis 50; 21). As God’s children through faith in Christ, we must hold on to what is good.

Fight (v.12) A Christian must fight the good fight of faith. Near the end of his own life, apostle Paul wrote,’ I have fought a good fight’ (2 Timothy 4:7). Apostle Paul reminds that Christian life is a battleground. The battle is fought against the enemies -the world, the flesh and the devil (Ephesians 2:1-3). We need to take hold of the ‘eternal


life’ which is our reward. We witness our savior Jesus Christ in all our life’s battles.

Albert Schweitzer was one of the most recognized figures of the 20th century. He was a theologian, a musician and a missionary doctor who enlightened the dark continent of Africa. He was asked the reason why he went to Africa, leaving the comforts of a luxuri-ous life in his own country. He replied, “Everyone works for their own joy and satisfaction. I find joy in serving these poor people”.

Let us thank the Lord for His guidance and providence in the completion of our parsonage. I thank everyone who prayed, con-tributed wholeheartedly and worked behind it. I congratulate the parsonage construction committee, particularly Dr. Joseph Mattackal, the convener, for their tireless efforts and commitment. It will be a place for prayer, fellowship and a home for the parish members. As we are planning to conduct the dedication service on 24th October 2019, I request the prayerful presence of all parish members. May the name of the Lord be glorified.

May God bless us all,

With love and prayers,

Sajit Achen

The Vicar is Just a Call Away

A visit from the Vicar can be scheduled at any time according to the time and convenience of the people in need. Special prayers can be organized during birthdays, wedding anniversaries and any other important family events. The Vicar can also be met in person at the parsonage or at the Church.

The Vicar will also be available for a cup of tea to discuss struggles in your life.

Even if there is nothing special happening in your life, you could invite the Vicar home for a prayer and a chat on just how life is moving on. You could schedule an appointment either by calling the Vicar, text or e-mail. Phone: 516-208-3523 Home 516-589-1606 Cell and email:revsajit@gmail.com


Dearly beloved in Christ,

October is a great month of reflection, especially in our lectionary calendar. Each Sunday in October is special as it really calls us to understand our lives in retrospection as well as introspection to humbly as a servant leader showing out the love of God through our lives. The first Sunday guides us to understand our calling as priesthood of believers. We are all baptized and called to live out the Gospel message through our lives. St. Francis of Assisi puts it clearly “preach the Gospel, if necessary, use words”. Are we able to love those around us as Christ loves us?

That love should also be reflected as we move on to the second week commemorating those who are differently abled than us. Christ in His earthly ministry showed compassion in all humanity, He ate, and preferred to be around the least and the lost (or as defined by the world). Christ humanized them and had them come to the center from the margins and recognized them as His children who are worthy of His love. In our lives journey, we will encounter many people, some who will be different from us, and may even go through struggles and face challenges that makes it difficult to live. As Christ, we being His called out people should continue the ministry of love and compassion, not bringing others down and trying to place ourselves above others, but rather hum-ble ourselves so that others can increase and find worthiness through Him who is love.

The last week of the month is known as family Sunday. Remem-ber that God has ordained three institutions in this world: Family, Church, and Society. Christian love and nurture should be taken heed in the home itself then only it can be shared to the church in encouragement as a worshipping family and therefore making the society whole by understanding the love of God and His reconcil-ing peace.

The third Sunday we will commemorate as the Youth Sunday. Please pray for the youths of this region and their journey in life. Let us pray for our younger generation to grow to know God more and more at a personal level and in all that they do, they can mold



their lives to be what God wants them to be. Hope all the youths remember the NERYF Holy Qurbana Service on October 13 evening at the Long Island MTC.

Have a happy and blessed October and hope all can remember to turn your clocks forward (unfortunately) this month.

Much love,

Jess Achen



When you are down

Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping

Psalm 6:8

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to get us down, doesn’t it? Even on the sunniest day, an unkind remark from a friend, bad news from the family members, or even a misbehaving child can put a cloud of gloom over everything, making simple tasks as struggle. You know you should be joyful in God’s goodness, but everything seems to be against you.

King David must have been feeling that way when he wrote Psalm 6. He felt sickly, troubled, forsaken, weary and sorrowful. But he knew what to do when he was down. He looked up and trusted God to take care of him.

When we look up and focus on God, something good happens. We get the attention off ourselves, and we gain a new appreciati-on for Him. Next time, you are down, try looking up to God. He loves you; He considers you and He has a purpose for your trials.

Life can seem unbearable at times. But don’t let the circumstan-ces put you down. Meditate upon God’s words and talk to Him. He will give you strength to help you get up when you are down.

May God bless us all

Kurien Thomas (Mony) Parish Secretary



Parsonage Dedication is scheduled for Thursday, October 24th, 2019 at 5:00 PM. His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan will dedicate the parsonage and grace the occasion. The Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos will also be present along with the Metropolitan to bless the occasion.

On behalf of the Parish I want to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Parish Construction Sub-Committee Members, Office Bearers and the Executive Committee Members for all their sincere efforts and hard work to complete this project. Also for all members who contributed and supported this project.


On Thursday, October 24th, 2019 at 6:00 PM, we are also plan-ning to lay the foundation stone for the above project. His Grace the most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan along with the Diocesan Episcopa Rt. Rev. Dr. Isaac Mar Philoxenos will grace the occasion.

Requesting all parish members to attend both occasion prayer-fully.


The song book is printed now and will be released on Sunday, October 6th, 2019 after the Holy Communion Service.


A funeral service booklet is also under printing and will be re-leased shortly.


Sunday school General Assembly begins at 9:00 AM.



Little and Junior Blessings will begin on all Malayalam Service Sundays at 9:00 AM.


Attention all Sunday School Girls from Kindergarten to 12th grade!

Do you want to make a difference in your community while streng-thening your faith? Girl Scouts of Nassau County Troop 2358 at Long Island Mar Thoma Church has a great opportunity for you to help make the world a better place while developing new skills and building character. We offer a mixed troop with various levels of girl scouting with individual and group volunteer opportunities.

All girls are eligible for prestigious awards such as the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, Bronze, Silver & Gold Awards, and scholarships. Even a girl in kindergarten can be recognized at the Annual Merrick Girl Scout Association Awards Night by completing just 26 hours of volunteer work during the entire school year. Some examples are volunteering to collect school supplies, Beth-page Turkey Drive, Operation Christmas Child, Making Holiday Cards for Military and joke cards for patients at St. Joseph's hospi-tal etc. Participation in Church Events and choir also count towards the award requirements. There are also many other awards and scholarships that girls will be eligible for at their local schools just for being a Nassau County Girl Scout (i.e. National Junior Honor Society).

For more information, please contact Mrs. Leena Mathew (jijiand-leena@yahoo.com) or Mrs. Sarah Jacob (sarahjacob0726@gmail.com).

Information about Tommy Mathew's Eagle Scout Project for Long Island Mar Thoma Church

Hello, my name is Tommy Mathew (aka Thomas Chacko Mathew). I began my scouting journey at the age of six with the Cub Scouts in Pack 382 and at age eleven, I crossed over into Boy Scouts Troop 382. I am now a Life Scout and I have completed over 20 Merit Badges. I have also held several positions of responsibility like Senior Patrol Leader and have been very active with all troop activities.Currently, I am the Troop Guide and help to instruct the younger scouts with their skills development. My long journey is


now at the point where I am working toward earning the highest and most honored rank in Scouting, that of Eagle Scout.

To earn the rank of Eagle, I must plan, develop and provide lead-ership to others in a service project helpful to the community. For my Eagle Scout Project, I have chosen to restore and beautify the grounds of the Long Island Mar Thoma Church in Merrick, NY. I chose this place to conduct my Eagle Project because it is the parish where I attend Sunday School and where my family regu-larly worships so I know personally just how much it needs out-door renovations. Since my Church has many elderly parish-ioners, I decided to focus on creating an area for them to sit out-side after the church service. Many of them have mobility issues and wait for their rides there because it is a shady area. This project will also benefit the community of Merrick because there are also many neighbors who like to take a walk through the Church grounds and sit near the trees. The Daycare at the Church will also use these benches as parents usually wait to pick their children up in the same area.

I will conduct my project by first fixing an area of grass where people usually step and create mud pockets for the rain. After fix-ing the mud patches, I will address the outdoor seating situation as requested by elderly parishioners at my church. I will do this by installing 3 new benches. Next, I will remediate a concern pre-sented to me by the Church treasurer. There is a line of dirt in the parking lot that was incomplete and did not have evergreen bush-es which lined the rest of the Church. Therefore, I plan to plant about 30 Emerald Green Arborvitae bushes. In addition, I will be repainting the parking lines and using stencils to create no parking zones in the Church parking lot.

This is an extensive project that will require many hours of volun-teer labor and a lot of materials to complete. With the help of our Parish youth, young families, my friends, as well as members from Troop 382, we will complete this project and accomplish the goals set forth. I humbly request your prayers and support for this project.

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)

Thank you

Tommy Mathew 8


Begins at 9:30 AM on all Sundays


Divine Service in English will begin at 9:20 AM.


There will be no intercessory prayer in Malayalam in the month of October 2019. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP

Meeting will be announced at the Church.

The North East Regional Youth Fellowship (NERYF) is going to have a combined Holy Qurbana in the evening for each center for the youths.

CENTER A: Sunday, October 13th, 2019 at 6:30 PM at the Long Island Mar Thoma Church, Merrick, NY 11566.

Let us hope and pray that the combined youths evening Holy Qur-bana bring utmost glory to God and a blessed fellowship among the younger generation.


Bring Your Bible to School Day — a nationwide, student-led movement happening on October 3rd.

Here is a link if you would like to share or check it out: https://www.bringyourbible.org/

*Also reminder that October 13th will be our YFF bake sale. Kindly requesting everyone's prayerful participation.

*Every 3rd Sunday we will have our YFF monthly meeting in up-stairs classroom; majority of the time lead by Jess Achen and


Kochamma. However, occasionally we will have some guest speakers.

*Still looking for more recipes for Church Cook book, again every-one's prayerful participation requested.

*Northeast Region Young Families One day retreat on Octo-ber 12th is arranged to be hosted at St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church.

Please fill out the form that was sent to you via email or let One of the YFF committee members know; so we can arrange kids care.


SPEAKER: Dr. Shawn Rajan




Meeting will be scheduled later and/or will be announced in the church.


Sevika Sangham day was observed on Sunday, September 8th 2019. Members actively participated and assisted in the Service. Mrs. Sosamma Thomas, a member of St. John’s Mar Thoma Church, Queens Village visited us and shared the gospel.

Our member Mrs. Susy Abraham visited the St. John’s Mar Thoma Church, Queens Village and also shared the gospel message.

Weekly Bible study will be held on every Tuesday at 10.00 AM at the church.


North East Region Sevika Sanghom Kalamela (Talent com-petition) is rescheduled to be held on November 23rd, 2019 at Epiphany Marthoma Church, Ozone Park, Queens, NY.

he XVIIII Diocesan Sevika Sanghom National Conference will be held on October 10-13, 2019 at Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Houston, Texas.


Weekly bible study classes will be held every Thursdays at 7:30 PM at the Church.




Miss Priya Susan Varghese, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Vinod Varghese, 239-13, 86th Avenue, Bellerose, NY 11426 was added to the membership with her family.

The LIMTC welcome Priya to our Parish and Fellowship.

All her respective information such as birthday and extended parish directory were updated in the system.


The following baptism took place in our Church last month:-

Michael Thomas Philip, son of Mr. & Mrs. Gibi Babu Philip, resid-ing at 6 Albert Road, Hicksville, Prayer Group - D, was baptized on Saturday, September 7th, 2019 and was added to our mem-bership.

The LIMTC welcome Michael to the Parish and fellowship.



A baby girl, Kaira Rose Chacko was born on Saturday 9/6/19 to Mr. & Mrs. Lijo T. Chacko. Congratulations to Lijo and Jerin and also proud grandma Mrs. Rosamma Chacko, residing at 136 Pear Street, Brentwood, New York - Prayer Group - E (Eastern Long Island).

A baby boy, Ezra Varghese Thomas was born on Wednesday, August 28th, 2019 to Prijo and Jocin. Congratulations to Prijo and Jocin and proud grand parents Mr. & Mrs. Yohannan Varghese, 25 David Avenue, Hicksville, NY 11801 - Prayer Group - D.

The LIMTC welcomes the new born babies to our Parish commu-nity and bless them in the years ahead.


The following members have changed their residence and address:-

Ryan and Julie (Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Jacob) have moved to their new home in Syosset and their current address is 40 Parkway Drive, Syosset, NY 11701. They will now be part of Prayer Group - F.

Roy and Merissa (Mr. & Mrs. Roy Thomas), Mrs. Soosamma Thomas, Manoj and Rintu (Mr. & Mrs. Manoj K. Mathew) have also moved to their new home in Hicksville and their current address is 58 Gables Drive, Hicksville, NY 11801. They will now be part of Prayer Group - D.

All their respective information such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, one call, and extended parish directory were up-dated in the system.

Congratulations and blessings to the new homes.


A meeting will be scheduled shortly to review and evaluate needs and support to the members.



The Vicar and members of the Parish express their sincere thanks to Area Representative Mr. Joseph Thomas and members of Prayer Group – B for their assistance at the pulpit and arranging flowers and providing refreshments during the month of Sep-tember 2019.

During the month of October, 2019, the above responsibilities are assigned to Area Representative Mr. John Chacko and members of Prayer Group - C


The Parish Convention, English is scheduled for Friday, October 18th through Sunday, October 20th, 2019. The speaker is Mr. Tom Philip from Redeemer Mar Thoma Church, New Jersey.



A date is yet to be finalized and as soon as we have a confirmed date, we will announce in the Church and publish it in the news-letter.


The 20th Yuvajana Sakhyam Diocesan Conference will be hosted by Christos Mar Thoma Church, from Friday October 4th to Sunday October 6th, 2019 at Bushkill Inn Resort, 159 Pocmont Loop, Poconos, PA.

The Theme for the Conference is taken from Corinthians 4:6 “Be the Light: Walk in the Light”

October 2019 Prayer Group - C Mr. John Chacko

November 2019 Prayer Group - D Mr. Mammen Samuel

December 2019 Prayer Group - E Mr. Lijo T. Chacko



The XVIIII Diocesan Sevika Sanghom National Conference will be held on October 10-13, 2019 at Trinity Mar Thoma Church Houston, Texas.


The North East Regional Activity Committee is organizing a Chri-stian Musical Concert at Felician University Auditorium, 262 S Main Street, Lodi, NJ 07644 on Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at 6:00 PM. The team titled “Solid Band” led by Stephan Devassy will be performing live. The Regional Activity Committee of the North East Region is also planning to form a Regional Choir with 101 members and they will have a unique opportunity to sing two songs with Stephen Devassy’s Orchestra during the concert.

The proceeds from this program will be utilized for the mission en-hancement programs of the Diocese through the Carmel Mar Thoma Center.


The directory of the Diocese is outdated and hence the Diocesan Council has decided to publish a directory in 2020, with updated details of the Mar Thoma Members in the Diocese of North Ameri-ca and Europe of the Mar Thoma Church.

The information in this Directory will benefit the members in main-taining closer relationship and to get connected to one another. It will be strictly for the use of the members in this Diocese.

The following members along with the Office Bearers of the Diocese constitute the Directory Committee:-

The promoter assigned in your parish is Mr. Kurien Thomas

Kindly furnish all the details of the Parish before December 31st, 2019.




10/4-6 Yuvajana Sakhyam National Conference, PA 10/6 Youth Fellowship Sunday 10/10 - 10/13 Sevika Sangham National Conference, Houston 10/13 Edavaka Mission Sunday 10/18 - 10/20 Parish Convention, English 10/19 Sunday school Regional Talent Fest 10/20 Yuvajana Sakhyam Sunday 10/26 Musical Concert - Stephen Devassy at the Felician University, 262 South Main Street, Lodi, NJ 07660 10/27 Family Sunday


11/2 World Sunday School Day - Hosted by LIMTC 11/3 World Sunday school Day / LIMTC / Sunday School Anniversary 11/6 Regional Clergy Meeting - Hosted by LIMTC 11/9 Fall Fest / Talent Night 11/10 Unity Sunday CNI/CSI 11/17 Diaspora Sunday 11/28 Thanksgiving


12/1 Thanksgiving Sunday 12/7 Sunday School Christmas get-together 12/21 Christmas Carol Service 12/25 Christmas Day - Holy Communion Service 9:00 AM English 12/28 Yuvajana Sakhyam Regional Christmas Celebration, LIMTC 12/31 Watch Night/ Holy Communion Service 9:30 PM




10/1 Mathai Koshy 47 Barry Drive Westbury NY 11590

10/2 Stefan K. Philip 19 Main Parkway Plainview NY 11803

10/2 Soney J. Mathew 5 Oak Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/3 Ajin P Thomas 17 Starlight Lane Levittown NY 11756

10/3 Reni Benjamin 40 Roseanne Drive Roslyn NY 11576

10/5 Ruth Mariam Zachariah 190 Bregman Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/5 Lucas Joseph 65 Capri Drive Roslyn NY 11576

10/6 Philip K. Mathew 19 Main Parkway Plainview NY 11803

10/7 Leelamma Daniel 75-31 249th Street Bellerose NY 11426

10/8 Alana Susan Mathew 5 Oak Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/10 Mary Philip 90 Georgia Drive Syosset NY 11791

10/10 Dr. Elizabeth Thomas 920 Bryant Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/10 Roy Mathew 189 Canterbury Road Williston Park NY 11596

10/11 Smitha Koshy 7 Wedgewood Drive Westbury NY 11590

10/12 Ava K. Cheriyan 56 Allen Street New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/12 Dr. Anil Chacko 775 Beech Place New Milford NJ 07646

10/12 Dr. John Benjamin 104 Nottingham Road Manhasset Hills NY 11040

10/12 Aincy J. Keneth 21 Ray Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/12 Shobin J. Chacko 270-03 78th Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/13 Ramani D. Thomas 1 Clinton Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/13 Josh P. Mathew 315 Andrews Rd Mineola NY 11501

10/13 Nicholas Mathew Philip 725 The Plain Road Salisbury NY 11590

10/14 Mathew Sabu 870 Kallas Court Valley Stream NY 11580

10/14 Suja Joseph 32 Violet Lane Levittown NY 11756

10/14 Shibu Varghese 10 Bretton Road Garden City Park NY 11040

10/15 Melvin Cherian Kurian 267-07 77th Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/16 Luxuly Abraham 22 Chaffee Ave Albertson NY 11057

10/16 Elizabeth Ninan 10 Genesee Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/17 Jinu Ann Mathew 153 Bismark Avenue Valley Stream NY 11581


10/18 Gracy Babu 80-42 257th Street Floral Park NY 11004

10/18 Belsy Mary Mathew 189, Canterbury Rd Williston Park NY 11596

10/18 Sarah Vinod John 725 East Meadow Avenue East Meadow NY 11554

10/18 Arvin Eapen 2365 8th Street East Meadow NY 11554

10/19 Jairus Thomas Mathew 1557 Rosser Ave Elmont NY 11003

10/19 Bindu Varghese 5 Tudor Road Hicksville NY 11801

10/20 Yohannan Varghese 25 David Avenue Hicksville NY 11801

10/20 Joshua Joseph Varghese 260-7, 75th Avenue Glen Oaks NY 11004

10/20 Derryl Thomas 1 Tinkers Place Hicksville NY 11801

10/21 Bobby Mathews 11 Greentree Road Mineola NY 11501

10/22 Cherian Kovoor 1766 Grant Avenue East Meadow NY 11554

10/22 Josiah G. Mathew 245 Green Valley Road East Meadow NY 11554

10/22 Syril George John 725 East Meadow Avenue East Meadow NY 11554

10/23 Thomas K. Cheriyan Jr. 56 Allen Street Herricks NY 11040

10/23 Jaiya Benjamin 40 Roseanne Drive Roslyn NY 11576

10/24 Babu George 114 Haverford Road Hicksville NY 11801

10/24 Deepa N. Jacob 325 West 9th Street Deer Park NY 11729

10/24 Sunu Jacob 10 Genesee Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/25 Jessie Mathew 155 San Juan Ave Albertson NY 11507

10/25 Amy Jacob 1859 Casper Avenue East Meadow NY 11554

10/26 Blessy J. Mathew 534 E Washington Ave Woodbridge NJ 07095

10/27 Elizabeth A. Chacko 775 Beech Place New Milford NJ 07646

10/28 Dr. George K. Cheriyan 56 Allen Street Herricks NY 11040

10/29 Roy Mathews 1584 Madison Street Elmont NY 11003

10/29 Dr. Benson Babu 133 Cold Spring Road Syosset NY 11791

10/29 Shajan Samuel 46 Maxwell Drive Westbury NY 11590

10/30 Annie Sabu 15 Kingston Street New Hyde ParkNY 11040

10/30 Neppu Mathew 114 Hillwood Lane Plainview NY 11803

10/30 Jason Philip 1671 Pershing Street Valley Stream NY 11580

10/30 Joji Joseph 80-53, 269th Street New Hyde ParkNY 11040

10/30 Jennifer A. Kaithavana 1635 Highland Avenue New Hyde ParkNY 11040

10/31 Sharon George 1702 Broadway New Hyde ParkNY 11040

Offer prayer and thanksgiving on Sunday October 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.


Offer prayer and thanksgiving on Sunday October 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.


10/31 Thomas Chacko 21-27 4th Avenue Garden City Park NY 11040

10/31 Noel John George 7 Milburn Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/31 Rachel Eliza Thomas 14, 7th Street Garden City Park NY 11040

10/5 Mr. & Mrs. Abey Kaithavana 1635 Highland Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/7 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dethose 143 Grace Street Plainview NY 11803

10/7 Dr. & Mrs. Zachariah Varghese 190 Bregman Avenue New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/8 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Cheriyan 56 Allen Street Herricks NY 11040

10/9 Mr. & Mrs. Aby Abraham 5 Tudor Road Hicksville NY 11801

10/11 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mathew 189 Canterbury Road Williston Park NY 11596

10/13 Mr. & Mrs. Avinash Daniel 3620 Martha Blvd. Bethpage NY 11714

10/13 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Mathew 451 Horton Highway Williston Park NY 11596

10/17 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Thomas 3 Prose Street Hicksville NY 11801

10/24 Mr. & Mrs. Lagi Thomas 1 Tinkers Place Hicksville NY 11801

10/27 Mr. & Mrs. K. C. George 1702 Broadway New Hyde Park NY 11040

10/27 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob T. Chacko 6 Maxwell Drive Westbury NY 11590

10/31 Dr. & Mrs. Benson A. Babu 133 Cold Spring Rd Syosset NY-11791


Date Time Schedule and Weekly Theme

Sunday October 6th

9:00 AM 9:20 - 9:50 AM 10:00 AM

Sunday School General Assembly Praise and Worship Holy Communion Service - English Priesthood of the Believers (Volun-tary Evangelist’s Day)

Sunday October 13th

9:00 AM 9:20 - 9:50 AM 10:00 AM

Sunday School General Assembly Divine Service - in English Holy Communion Service - Malayalam Solidarity with differently abled (Day for the differently abled)

Sunday October 20th

9:00AM 9:20 - 9:50 AM 10:00 AM

Sunday School General Assembly Praise and Worship Holy Communion Service - English Youth: God’s expectation - Youth Sunday)

Sunday October 27th

9:00 AM 9:20 - 9:50 AM 10:00 AM

Sunday School General Assembly Divine Service - in English Holy Communion Service - Malayalam Family: Place for faith formation - Family Dedication day



Date 1st & 2nd Lessons

Epistle Gospel

Sunday October 6th

Isaiah 6: 1-11

1 Peter 2: 1-10

1 Thessalonians

5: 12-22

John 17: 9-20

Sunday October 13th

2 Samuel 9:1-13

Acts 9: 32-35

2 Corinthians

12: 1-10

Mark 3: 1-6

Sunday October 20th

Daniel 1: 1-15

Acts 6:1-7

Titus 2: 1-14 Mark 10: 17-22

Sunday October 27th

1 Samuel 1: 19-28

Ephesians 3: 14-21


6: 1-9

Luke 2: 41-52


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