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  • 7/29/2019 Butler_Understanding_the_St.pdf


    Understanding the Structure of the Universe

    A Basic Structural Toolkit

    By: Paul N. Butler

    Rather than attempt to explain all of the wrong Basic Physical Assumptions in mans current

    understanding of the universe, I think it will be much more productive to introduce some basic

    conceptual tools that (if understood and used properly) can lead to a greater understanding of

    the universe that will make it obvious which of mans current Basic Physical Assumptions are

    correct and which ones are incorrect.

    I will cover them only at a very basic level and leave the full development of them to those who

    can see their value. This will be done partly because an in depth discussion of them could easily

    fill several volumes and partly because I will need to leave this world at some time and it is

    possible that my ability to pass on information to this world could be hindered at some point in

    the future, so I desire to encourage others to develop patterns of thought that can best be

    established by actually using and further developing these and other tools to increase their

    understanding over time. If this happens, the end result will be of much greater and enduring

    benefit to this world than I could ever hope to accomplish from my individual efforts. I will give

    some examples of their use in examining the real world, but will not attempt in any way to use

    them to completely describe the world, as that would take many libraries full of volumes to

    accomplish. Not to mention that there is only one who possesses all that information and it is

    not me. Since there seems to be a belief in many that Quantum Physics (Mechanics) tells us

    that all we can understand about interactions at very small size scales such as between sub-atomic particles is the probabilities that each observed type of interaction will occur, I will start

    out with an introduction into Probability Structuring.

    Probability Structuring

    Probability Structuring is based on the concept that probabilities are not existent physical

    structures in themselves (I am not talking about information structures here), but are just

    resultant outputs of existing physical structures and, or their interactions. Such structures can

    either directly generate the probabilities or they can modify or limit the probabilities generated

    by other structures. When looked at in this way it can be understood that observed

    probabilities (other than possibly 0 or 100 percent or completely random probabilities) are best

    looked at as clues to help us gain an understanding of the hidden structure that generates

    them. Even if one looks at the existing probability information and from that information

    comes to a conclusion of the hidden structure that generates the observed probabilities that

    ultimately is shown to be wrong or incomplete, such visualization would likely encourage

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    further observational studies that would generate additional new information that not only

    could correct any minor flaws in the original concept or cause the original concept to be

    scrapped as wrong, but could also lead to the generation of new more accurate and more

    extensive concepts that can increase the understanding of that hidden structure. As an

    example, the concept that all material objects are composed of some smallest sized object thatwas named the atom instead of being continuous objects led to the completion of many

    observational experiments to test that hypothesis. Along the way of proving that concept

    chemistry was developed. After the atom was discovered it turned out that further

    observational experimentation indicated that the probability of interaction was greater near

    the center of the atom than farther out from the center. This was interpreted to indicate that

    the atoms structure was not that of a point object or even of an extended object that was the

    same throughout, but an object that contained a dense center core surrounded by something

    less dense. Even though further observational experimentation proved that the atom was not

    really the smallest part of matter, the concept generated much research that greatly advanced

    mans understanding of the overall structure of matter. Today in Quantum Mechanics a

    condition exists in which observational information shows that when two matter particles

    interact there can be multiple possible outcomes, each with its own probability of occurrence.

    Instead of seeing that these multiple outcomes and their probabilities are indicative of

    underlying hidden (currently unobserved) structure, there is more an attitude that we should

    just accept them as not understandable. This is sort of like believing that the earth is the center

    of the universe and building a mechanical model of it as celestial spheres rotated by various

    arrangements of gears and when it is later found by observation that the planets dont rotate

    neatly around the earth as was supposed by that theory, but make odd back and forth motions

    at times, to just add additional gears etc. to allow accurate predictions to be made and say we

    may never know why it works that way, but why bother to try to find out when we have a

    model that works to make the predictions of the positions of the heavenly bodies that we need

    to make. This way of looking at things is very dangerous to the progression of scientific

    knowledge because it tends to inhibit experimentation that could lead to an in depth

    understanding of what causes the multiple outcomes and what structure generates the various

    probabilities. This is todays Galileo moment. The direction that is taken today will determine

    whether physics stagnates for an extended Dark Age period or advances as it should, to greatly

    increase mans understanding of the universe that we live in.

    What kinds of concepts might we consider concerning the multiple outcomes and their various

    probabilities? Although there are many, I will just mention a few. First they indicate that

    matter particles are not solid point objects. The multiple outcomes are indicative of internal

    structures that can vary how one particle sees the other during an interaction depending on

    which structural parts of the particle interact or what the motions or other states of the

    interacting structures in the particles are at the time of the interaction. The various specific

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    probabilities of occurrence of each outcome indicates that one (or more) dynamic structural

    variable(s) is present within the particle that varies the outcome as a result of the specific

    structural phasing relationships of that variable(s) that exist between the particles at the time

    of interaction. The fact that matter particles have been observed to possess wave like

    properties suggests that they contain internal cyclical motions of some sort. The phasing ofthese motions between the particles at the time of interaction can explain the specific

    probabilities, as an example. With a little thought I am sure many other concepts can be

    developed also. Then it will be up to the development of further observations to narrow the

    field down to the one(s) that explain things as completely, accurately, and simply as possible.

    Some may say that it is not possible to do such experiments, but remember that the same could

    have been logically said about the concept of the atom at the time it was developed. It was the

    desire to determine if the atom concept was true that over a long period of time lead to the

    development of the observational equipment that ultimately allowed the concept of the atom

    to be proven to be at least to some extent true.

    Structural sequencing

    Another way to gain insight into the nature of hidden structure is to follow the chains or

    sequences of interactions or changes between the most basic structures that can be observed

    in an attempt to find the most basic observed structure and to learn more about the nature of

    the basic structures. At present the most basic structural entities that man has discovered are

    the energy photon and matter particles. One might say that quarks are more basic than matter

    particles, but if they exist, they have not yet been individually observed. Observations of

    interactions such as low kinetic energy interactions between matter particles and anti-matterparticles have shown that matter particles and anti-matter particles can be changed into energy

    photons (Note that any quarks that were in the particles are apparently destroyed in the

    process and are, therefore, only transient structures at best and may only be output indicators

    of the true underlying structures involved). Furthermore, it has been observed that energy

    photons can be converted into angular motion such as when an electron in an atom absorbs a

    photon resulting in the electron transferring to a higher level orbit within the atom. This

    interaction can also occur in the opposite direction in which the electron decreases its angular

    motion amplitude by transferring to a lower orbit and generating an energy photon in the

    process of the interaction to carry off the excess motion. An energy photon can also bechanged into linear motion such as when a high energy (high frequency) photon interacts with

    an electron in an atom and transfers enough motion to it so that it completely escapes the

    atom and travels off from the atom in some direction at a velocity that is dependent on the

    amount of motion transferred to it from the photon such as in the photo-electric effect. This

    sequence of interactions makes it clear that a matter particle, an energy photon and motion are

    all manifestations of the same basic entity. It is obvious that motion is the simplest and most

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    basic entity of the three. The observation that motion is the most basic building block of all

    structure in the universe opens up a whole new way of looking at the world and how it works.

    All one must do is to determine what individual motions an energy photon or a matter particle

    are composed of, how those motions interact within them and between them, and how the

    motions are stored within them. Once these things are understood a great leap inunderstanding the various outcomes that can result from interactions and the causes of the

    various probabilities that each result will occur can be obtained. From this it can be seen that

    looking for chains or sequences of structural change or transfer within a system can lead to vary

    great and often profound breakthroughs in understanding.

    Structural Analysis

    Structural analysis looks at the observed structural properties and behaviors of an entity and

    then attempts to trace these observations back to the existent structure(s) that generate(s)

    them. Since motion seems to be the simplest structure of the three existent structures coveredso far, I will look at that first. Motion is actually a very simple structure to define when

    interactions are not involved. In general, any three dimensional motion can be looked at as

    existing at a specific point (position) in space in any point in the motion continuum. Its existent

    position changes continuously in a specific direction in space (this direction can be looked at as

    a composite of three individual dimensional directions) at a specific rate (compared to some

    other motion entity) that is due to its internal motion amplitude. Its motion amplitude can also

    be looked at as the composite result of an individual motion amplitude in each of three

    dimensions. When looked at in this way, its apparent direction in three dimensional space is

    determined by a combination of its individual dimensional directions with its individualdimensional motion amplitudes. As an example, if we define dimension ones directions to be

    north and south, dimension twos directions to be east and west, and dimension threes

    directions to be up and down, if the motion entitys dimension one direction is north, its

    dimension two direction is east, and its dimension three direction is up, and if it possesses the

    same motion amplitude in all three dimensions, the apparent direction will be at an angle of

    forty-five degrees between north and east and at a forty-five degree angle between the two

    dimensional plane of dimensions one and two and the up direction. If we (in order to simplify

    the example) look at only dimensions one and two, we see that the dimension one and

    dimension two directions determine the directional quadrant (north to east, east to south,

    south to west, and west to north) and the amount of difference between the motion

    amplitudes of dimension one and dimension two determines the specific angle of the motions

    direction within the quadrant. In the above example, if the motion amplitude in the north

    direction is reduced to zero, the motion will be directly to the east within the two dimensional

    plane. If instead the motion amplitude in the east direction is reduced to zero, the apparent

    motion will be to the north. Equal motion amplitudes in both dimensions result in an apparent

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    motion direction that is exactly in the middle between north and east or forty-five degrees to

    either dimension. The addition of the third dimension can be looked at as generating two

    quadrant structures with one located above the dimensions one and two plane and the other

    located below it. The up or down angle is also added to the selected quadrant, of course.

    There are other ways to look at this, but I chose this method to make it as simple as possible tovisualize. To sum it all up, at any point in the motion continuum, in the absence of an

    interaction, any motion entity is located at a specific position and is continually changing that

    position in a specific direction at a specific rate of change (compared to some other motion) as

    determined by its specific motion amplitude. So each motion entity contains three information

    variables. In the absence of an interaction its position continually varies, while its direction and

    motion amplitude remain constant. During an interaction its direction and motion amplitude

    can vary, but its position is usually not varied by the interaction, but is varied indirectly as a

    result of changes to its direction and/or motion amplitude. Looking at it in this way, external

    interaction information inputs feed the direction and motion amplitude property value

    computation structures and the direction and motion amplitude information feed the position

    change computation structure. The motion entities primary output into the dimensional

    structure is its position change information. One could also consider that it has secondary

    outputs of its direction and motion amplitude information into the interaction change

    computation structure. Presenting it in this information format is meant to show that there is a

    definite flow pattern of information into and out of a motion entity. The details of that flow

    and of the dimensional and interaction structures that generate it are a part of pattern

    structuring, which is well beyond the scope of this paper and are presented for you as a

    concept to develop if you wish. During an interaction, motions do not cancel out even if they

    are in opposite directions. Total input motion content into the interaction is conserved in the

    output of the interaction. An individual motion entity can cease to exist, but in the process of

    doing so its complete motion content is transferred to one or more other motion entities.

    The energy photon is a little more complex because it contains two motions. First it contains a

    straight line motion that is basically the same as in a basic motion entity except that whereas a

    basic motion entity can have a motion amplitude in a continuous spectrum basically from zero

    to that motion amplitude that is commonly referred to as the speed of light, the motion

    amplitude of an energy photon for the most part servos at the speed of light level. The energy

    photon also possesses an angular motion component that generally acts at ninety degrees to itsin line motions direction of travel. This angular motion component is cyclical in that it acts first

    in one direction for some time and then reverses and acts in the opposite direction for the

    same amount of time. This cycle continues indefinitely. Its motion amplitude as determined by

    its dynamic mass effect seems to be continuously variable from almost zero to some maximum

    level. It appears that this motion varies in a linear fashion from zero motion amplitude up to its

    maximum value in one direction and then returns in the same linear fashion to zero amplitude.

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    It then appears to do the same in the opposite direction. Another possibility is that it always

    travels at the same motion amplitude level, but instantaneously changes to the opposite

    direction as a result of an interaction with some boundary. In that case, the apparent variation

    of its motion amplitude from zero to some maximum level could be caused by some variable

    that limits its dynamic mass effect in an interaction in a cyclical way from its maximum value tothe zero level instead of it continuously being at its maximum value as one would expect if its

    motion amplitude is constant. One way to visualize this concept is to consider that this angular

    motion component travels in a fourth physical dimension that intersects with our three

    dimensional structure at ninety degrees like the other three dimensions, but is extremely small

    in size. If we assume that all motion entities are of some minimum size and that this fourth

    dimensions size is three times that size, so that as the angular motion travels from one end of

    the dimension to the other, it completely leaves our three dimensional structure just as it gets

    to the end of the dimension then bounces off the dimensional boundary and travels in the

    opposite direction until it reaches the dimensional boundary at the other end of the fourth

    dimension just as it again leaves our three dimensional structure, we can see that as it begins to

    enter into our three dimensional structure only a very small part of it is in that structure with

    most of it still outside of it and thus it is not able to fully interact with full effect with entities

    within our three dimensional structure. At this point in its travel it would have almost no mass

    effect in an interaction. As it moves more and more into our three dimensional structure, its

    mass effect becomes greater and greater in an interaction until it reaches the full effect that

    one would expect it to be due to its fourth dimensional motion amplitude when it is completely

    within our three dimensional structure. Its dynamic mass effect then continually decreases as it

    begins to leave our three dimensional structure until it reaches zero at the point that it is

    completely out of the three dimensional structure. It then bounces off of the fourth

    dimensional boundary and does the same thing again except this time in the opposite direction,

    so that its dynamic mass effect in an interaction would be in the opposite direction. There

    could be other ways to visualize how the ninety degree motion works to generate the observed

    effects, but I have chosen this method as it is the simplest method that I have found. Like in all

    endeavors to acquire knowledge it is usually best to start with the most basic model that fits

    the currently observed data and then modify or replace it with a better model as new

    observations dictate. You always have to start somewhere. In any attempt to model the

    photons effective motion at ninety degrees to its direction of travel, one must consider that

    any cyclical motion generally requires one or more interactions because the motion involved

    must leave a point and return to that same relative point at least in one dimension. In my

    example the fourth dimensional motion is used to create the cyclical motion and the interaction

    of the motion with the dimensional boundary is used to change the motions direction to allow

    the cycle to be completed in that dimension. A circular bounded infinity motion could be

    considered, but the interface would have to allow each half rotation to appear to be in the

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    opposite direction thus complicating the dimensional interface structure, etc. The other main

    consideration is that the motion must be made to at least appear in the output structure to be

    continually changing in motion amplitude from zero to some maximum level and back to zero in

    a cyclical fashion. In my example this is accomplished by the variable interfacing of the motion

    entity with our three dimensional structure from zero to maximum (full) overlap. Feel free totry to make your own model. There are many possibilities. Of course, only one is completely

    true to reality, but all of reality is not presently known by man, so you only need to fit it to

    current observation. It can then be changed or replaced with a better model as needed to

    match new data. As you can see the photon is more complex than a simple motion entity

    because of its dual motion content one of which is a cyclical motion generally requiring internal

    interactions. The cyclical motion gives the photon its frequency, wavelength, and dynamic

    mass effects. The greater its motion amplitude is, the faster it travels from one end of the

    fourth dimension to the other, so that it can complete a cycle more quickly thus increasing its

    cyclical frequency. It can then complete a cycle while traveling a shorter distance in its linear

    motion at the speed of light. This shortens its wave length. Its greater motion amplitude

    means that it contains more total motion content that can be transferred during an interaction,

    which increases its dynamic mass effect in an interaction. If we consider that any attempt to

    add motion content to the photon in one or more of the first three dimensions causes that

    motion to be transferred instead into its fourth dimensional motion or any attempt to remove

    motion content from one or more of the first three dimensions causes some of its fourth

    dimensional motion to be transferred back down to restore its linear motion to the speed of

    light, we can see why the photon servos at the speed of light. All that is necessary to

    accomplish this is to consider that any composite three dimensional motion that exceeds the

    speed of light induces the excess motion into the fourth dimension due to the characteristics of

    the interface of the fourth dimension with the lower three dimensions.

    Matter particles are still more complex than energy photons. We know that matter particles

    can be converted into energy photons and that energy photons can be converted into matter

    particles, so they must contain much of the same base structure, but there must be at least one

    variable that makes one a matter particle and the other an energy photon. The main

    differences between their observed behaviors are:

    1. A photon continually travels at the speed of light and any attempt to slow it down only

    either completely dissipates all of its motion content into one or more other entities, so

    that it completely ceases to exist or only dissipates some of its fourth dimensional

    motion, so that it leaves the interaction as a lower frequency photon still traveling at

    the speed of light while a matter particle can essentially stand still and it is very difficult

    to increase its linear motion to near the speed of light.

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    2. A photon possesses only a variable dynamic mass effect that is somewhat directional

    while a matter particle exhibits a static constant level mass effect that is non-directional

    (It is the same mass effect level regardless of the direction from which the interaction

    comes to it).

    One similarity between them is that they both exhibit frequency or wave properties. This

    suggests that a matter particle also contains a fourth dimensional motion like that of an energy

    photon. This would make their structures the same up to that point. The question then

    becomes, how can the linear speed of light motion be contained, so that the particle can stand

    still as a unit and how is the static mass generated? We can get a clue about the mass

    generation from the dynamic mass effect of the photon. Since a very low frequency photon

    exhibits a very small dynamic mass effect compared to one of very high frequency it is apparent

    that most of the dynamic mass effect comes from the photons ninety degree angular motion

    component generated by its fourth dimensional motion and not from its linear speed of light

    motion. What is needed for the matter particle is an additional motion that can generate a

    three dimensional angular motion that can generate a static three dimensional mass effect and

    at the same time can contain the linear speed of light motion into a cyclical pattern of limited

    size to generate a static particle. Both of these things can be accomplished by a motion in

    another (fifth) dimension that has an interface with the lower dimensions that causes it to feed

    extra motion into each of the lower three dimensions in a cyclical pattern that causes the path

    to be curved such as to produce a three dimensional curved enclosed path of a small size. This

    enclosed path becomes the particle. The angular motion content introduced into each of the

    lower three dimensions generates the three dimensional static mass effect. This structure can

    explain many things about the structure and behavior of matter particles. First it can explain

    why matter particles and anti-matter particles are changed into energy photons when they

    come together with low kinetic energy. If the matter particles fifth dimensional motion is

    traveling in one direction in the fifth dimension while the fifth dimensional motion of the anti-

    matter particle is traveling in the opposite direction it can be easy to see how these opposite

    angular motion components can cancel each other out with the result that their fifth

    dimensional motion is forced back down into their fourth dimensional components effectively

    converting them into photons. It also explains why a photon that contains enough total motion

    to produce a matter particle doesnt just spontaneously change into a matter particle because

    an interaction must occur that introduces the proper angular motion component to allowtransfer of motion from its fourth dimensional motion into the fifth dimension. Moreover it

    explains why matter particles dont exist in a continuous range of sizes and masses because in

    order for the particle to be stable its fourth dimensional frequency cycle must fit properly into

    its enclosed path size in such a way as to create a balanced overall center structured mass

    effect. It also explains why some patterns are completely stable, others are somewhat, but less

    stable and others are completely unstable, so that the matter particles that are produced with

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    those patterns are completely stable, stable enough for the particle to exist for some short

    time, but ultimately leads to the cancellation of some or all of the particles fifth dimensional

    angular motion content, so that the particle either degenerates into another particle(s) with

    lower static mass and/or is changed to an energy photon, or so unstable that no particles can

    exist to any degree at those mass levels. One key to understanding these things is theminimum motion content that is required to generate a transfer from the fourth dimension to

    the fifth dimension. The continual cyclical motion components present in matter particles

    generate the various different possible outcomes from interactions between matter particles

    and also explain why some are more probable than others, but an explanation of how all that

    works is too large to fit in the remainder of this paper, so I leave it to you to figure out as that is

    what this paper is all about. Its purpose is not to give a complete understanding of how

    everything works, but to encourage others to begin to observe the world around them in new

    ways that can lead to much greater understanding of it and can give the pleasure that can be

    obtained through that endeavor. I have, therefore attempted to make this paper as

    understandable to as many as possible. I hope it helps you to increase in knowledge and

    understanding. As the famous saying goes (maybe not yet in this world, but I still have hope): if

    you give a man a new technology, he will be indebted to and dependent on you forever, but

    give him the means to develop it himself and you just may have created a whole new

    civilization that someday may be able to work equally with you for the benefit of both.

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