buzz shop front

Post on 25-May-2015






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Buzz Shop Front created by Newport College Students 2012


Timmy FlemingTimmy FlemingTimmy FlemingTimmy FlemingBuzz PresentationBuzz Presentation

Shop FrontShop Front

““Action Research”Action Research”

Action Research: (essentially interventionist, employing Participant observation).

-The management of group art projects. -Shop Front ‘commissioned’ by school stakeholders. -The formulation of projects and project briefs.-Creative design work and the immediate relevance of REV of dealing with large scale work. -The place of judging panel and proposals, students pitching their work etc. -Visual Culture/ Popular Culture Content.

““Brief & Gathering Data”Brief & Gathering Data”Brief-Shop Front: This brief came about when I was approached by the schools stakeholders to help refurbish the school gym/hall. The hall is also the canteen at break and lunchtime where students get to order their lunch and sit and eat it. It was decided as a group that something should be done to highlight this so students are getting the chance to design a shop front along with holding a competition for the whole school to come up with a name for it.

Brainstorming: Students were instructed of the brief & project, they were then broken up into groups to brainstorm and come up with ideas.Presentations: When the students were finished brainstorming and had come up with their ideas. Each group was given the chance to present their ideas to the rest of the class and principal. Votes were cast for best layout and shop name.Note Taking & Drawings: Students and myself to keep a clear and accurate depiction of events, problems, tasks to be done etc.Photography: A number of cameras were made available to the students so that they could each have a go at documenting the work being done.Video Camera: Students learned how to use a video camera with a number of students documenting the work as it was being created.Voicethread: A voicethread was created so that students and myself could comment on the project as a whole.

““Key Points”Key Points”• To research different types of artistic/professional briefs and to look at the work that was completed from these briefs. Then to discuss were the key points met??? What worked well??? Relevant??? etc.

• To design a brief that communicates clearly the task in hand to students.Also presentations and research of media/ imagery suitable to the task at hand.Presentations of group proposals- students have the chance to pitch their plans and ideas. Research on how to deliver a clear and accurate presentation using all resources available.

• To manage and maintain the groups progress and creative designing of murals and shop front. (Times, Deadlines, Student allocated jobs, etc). Student participation was key here. Deadline: VEC Awards Night.

• To demonstrate to students how to use and work different forms of computer related software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, PowerPoint, CAD and Voicethread. Also on the practical side to work safely with tools and machinery from the Woodwork Room- Bench Saw, Jigsaw, Drills etc.

““Shop Front Research & Ideas”Shop Front Research & Ideas”

““Eyeing Up The Work”Eyeing Up The Work”

· Brainstorming

· Sketches & Ideas

· Work On Boards

· Research Of Shop Fronts

““Brainstorming And Brainstorming And Presentations”Presentations”

““Professional Approach”Professional Approach”To achieve a more professional outlook for the design, students learned how to use different formsof computer software.

The most successful of these was using Illustrator.Started with line, b&w detail,And then experimented with different colour schemes.

““Illustrator, CAD & Photoshop”Illustrator, CAD & Photoshop”

““Illustrator Designs”Illustrator Designs”

““Template For Shop Design”Template For Shop Design”

““The Work Begins”The Work Begins”

““Painting The Frame”Painting The Frame”

““Putting Up The Frame”Putting Up The Frame”

““Making The Stars”Making The Stars”

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Click ToPlay Video >

““Making The Roll”Making The Roll”

Click ToPlay Video >

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““Making The Letters”Making The Letters”< Click To Play Video

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““Making The Guitar”Making The Guitar”

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Part 1 ^

Part 2 >

““Painting The 3D Objects”Painting The 3D Objects”

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““Finished 3D Objects”Finished 3D Objects”3D Objects of an ElectricGuitar and a Salad Roll were used as symbols to interact with the shop name:

“Rock N Roll”

The 3D Objects were mounted on the shop frontframe.One was placed on the left and the other on the right side of the frame.

““3D Pieces Mounted”3D Pieces Mounted”

““Letters & Clock In Place”Letters & Clock In Place”

““Ready To Rock N Roll”Ready To Rock N Roll”

““VEC Awards Night”VEC Awards Night”

““Before & After”Before & After”

“From an idea, to a sketch, to a plan and then to a finishedpiece to be very proud of!!!!”

““Research Outcomes”Research Outcomes”Throughout this project the students have :-learned to understand what a brief is and how to work to one.-learned how to brainstorm and work in teams.-become more confident in themselves as individuals and art students by undertaking different tasks, talking about the artwork, presenting their ideas, setting goals and completing deadlines.-learned how to be more critical about their work, what works??? did not work??? and have the ability/confidence to start again and go back to the drawing board if needed.-learned how to research an idea and also learned new skills such as CAD, Photoshop, Illustrator etc, a more professional way to present ones work.-learned to evaluate, review and reflect on the work, their input into the work and how they worked as a team member.-learned how art can be taking outside of the classroom and have a real impact on the surrounding area and the people who are in it.-achieved a great sense of pride in their work by creating the shop front piece which will be still in the school long after they have left/put their stamp on the school!!! 

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