
Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Mean Green Mother

From Outer Space

Ch 7

A Black Widow Challenge

Welcome back to more Mean Green Mother from Outer Space: a Black Widow challenge. Last time…. A lot of stuff happened that I don’t really remember. In fact, this entire slideshow I don’t even really remember how I had it planned out so… I’m gonna wing it! I just jotted down a lot of notes so that things will hopefully make sense. And hopefully my score doesn’t get lopsided into miscalculation territory.

Anyways, it’s time to collect on the insurance of our latest husband, the slob known as Ti-Ning. Since I can’t think of a more fitting death by… I chose lightning.

Death visits as per usual, probably thinking to himself, “At least this is number six. That should leave… what? Four more husbands to cash in on?” And do we ever mean to cash in on Ti-Ning! Cha-ching!

Laitus, “Ya know, even though this is the sixth husband I’ve gotten killed, I think I’m really going to miss this one.”

Laitus is so distraught, she can’t even care for little Clarissa.

Ti-Ning’s grave adds to the other five in the back corner of the family lot, though the weeds growing makes it difficult to keep things coordinated.

Laitus, “Why hello Mr. Mailman. How are you this fine day?”Mailman, “I’m doing well enough. Sorry to hear about yet another one of your husbands dying. I’ve got the insurance claim right here.”

Laitus, “I honestly don’t know what’s causing it. You’d think I was cursed or something. Everytime I get married, my husband dies. At least I’m able to cash in on the insurance with the kids being born.”Mailman, “Yea, lucky break.”

Laitus, “By the way, Mr. Mailman, have I ever told you how good looking you are?”Mailman, “Uh huh huh… yea, think I’ll be going now!”Wait, don’t go! We need an at least one NPC as a husband!

Zelma, “How come my grades aren’t so good? I blame the roaches!”

Zelma, “Hello?”“Hello. I’m calling to speak to Laitus. Is she available?”Zelma, “Yes… um, who is calling?”“A friend of her’s.”Zelma, “Oh ok! MOM!”

Laitus, “Hello?”“Laitus, it’s me.”Laitus, “Like that’s not so very vague.”“Ok, it’s the man that’s making sure the police aren’t investigating the deaths of your husbands and making sure you keep getting insurance policies covered.”Laitus, “Oh… I remember you. It’s been a long time. Why exactly are you calling?”“I’m just checking in to see how far along you are.”Laitus, “Well, husband number six has been bumped off not too long ago. He was an utter slob.”

Laitus, “That just leaves four more of these union leaders, right?”“That’s right. Just four more. And don’t forget that you have to take out the head honcho.”Laitus, “I won’t forget. Like I need a reminder. He is actually the most dreamy one of the batch. Shame he has to die.”“He doesn’t have to die immediately… just make sure it happens.”Laitus, “Anything else?”“No. Just keep doing what you are doing.”

Plottiness aside, it’s time to bag another husband for the challenge. Since the mailman isn’t showing up in the phone book, it’s time to see about getting another NPC in the family.

Laitus, “Come on in, Daniel. Glad you could come over on such short notice.”Daniel, “Yea sure. What’s up?”Laitus, “I just wanted to talk to you about a few things…”

Daniel, “Well you can talk to me about anything, Laitus. We are best friends.”Laitus, “Well, you may have heard that my last husband died. Such a shame. He was a good man. My children need someone to look up to, even though they’re mostly girls. They still need a father figure. Perhaps that could be you?”Daniel, “Woah, isn’t this a little… I dunno… creepy?”Laitus, “Nonsense. We sims live such short lives.”

Time for a birthday! Yea, we cut from uh… husband stalking to growing up a baby. Well Clarissa needs to grow into the toddler stage. So here goes!

And here she is folks… sadly, I forgot to write down her personality, but that can be saved for the next chapter when we see her next. Hopefully. >_>

Zelma, “If you’re gonna be my new daddy, does that mean we can play doctor all the time? Whenever I want?”Daniel, “Uh… I don’t know about that.”

Still, even though Daniel finds it initially creepy, Laitus swoops in and starts whispering all sorts of wonderful things in his ear. Things that… well I don’t rightly know. I don’t speak simlish! >_<

And following those whispering of sweet little dreams and hopes, Daniel and Laitus are… well, as you can see, they become attached to each other.

Laitus, “So how about it, Daniel? Let’s get married.”Daniel, “This is still coming out as shock to me, but heck, why not?”

And so Daniel and Laitus commence their union in the living room of a hundred marriages while Zelma passes by with a look of joy at having a new daddy.

Daniel, “Hey! I just collected in on an inheritance. Lucky me!”Laitus, “Well isn’t that nice?”For soon Laitus will be collecting in on you. Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Guess who heard a lullaby?

Hey you! Daniel! Get outta bed NOW!Daniel, “Huh? What?”You heard me! Outta that bed now!.Daniel, “But who is saying these awful things?”It’s me. The narator!Daniel, “Narator?”That’s right. I’ve got something to say to you…


Daniel, “That’s odd, my heart has stopped beating. That can only mean one thing…”

THUNK!Laitus, “Why must death be so noisy? I’m trying to get some sleep here.”

Grim, “Let’s see here… death by scary narrator. That’s a new one on me. Oh well, a corpse is a corpse and tonight is collection night. That leaves what? Three more guys to expect?”

Zelma, “Mom, how come my new daddy is on the ground and Mr. Grim is here again?”Laitus, “Nothing to worry about, sweet Zelma. Just a matter of business.”

Laitus, “Um, hello, got another urn here. Where’s the cha-ching?”

But a few moments later in the bathroom, Laitus breaks out in tears once more. No fear of his death, but still.Laitus, “I can’t believe this is my seventh husband dead.”Oi, I thought she’d be used to it by now. And definitely different reaction compared to the first few husbands kicking the bucket.

Lucy, “Yay, there is still cake left over from last night and it’s still good.”

Well look who’s come out to haunt for the night: David Oates.

Surprise, surprise we have another baby on the way. Little baby for Daniel.

Aw look it! Zelma and Clarissa are having fun.

It also does not escape my notice that Lucy and Zelma are sharing the same pajamas. Go figure.

Zelma, “Mommy, now that we lost our new daddy, does that mean you’re gonna meet someone new to get us another daddy?”Laitus, “Of course. I won’t rest until I find you girls a daddy that won’t stop going away.”

Lucy, “Goodbye cockroaches. You’ll never foil my homework time again with terrible memories of vermin.”

Lucy, “Now to clean the rest of the backyard.”

Laitus, “Could you turn down the TV, Lucy? It’s hard to tell if your sister is starting to actually speak words or continue with baby talk.”

Yup, baby definitely on the way.

Lucy, “Mom, shouldn’t you be standing by, cheering on my birthday?”Laitus, “In a moment. Mommy is very hungry right now and really needs this can of juice.”

So all gather round for Lucy’s birthday. Time to twirl and spin into teen-hood little one!

Lucy, “Sweet, I’m a teen!”Yes you are. And unfortunately, I forgot to write down aspiration and LTW want so… yea. Til next time.

But Lucy isn’t the only one celebrating a birthday.Zelma, “Yea! More cake!”Laitus, “Move, Zelma. I can’t bring Clarissa to the cake with you in the way.”

And little Clarissa turns into an adorable little girl.Clarissa, “Yea! I’m a kid!”

Lucy, “Well with the same hair style and color of Zelma, how can we tell the two apart?”I’ll fix that! In the next update. >_>

Weylon, “Whoot! The bed is still here!”

Weylon, “Vengeance is mine, Laitus!”

Laitus, “Ok, it’s one thing getting scared by a ghost so bad I empty my bladder, but I’ve got a real emergency. Baby on the way!”

Score72 points from the last update+5 points for the wedding+2 points for the proposal accepted+2 for the pregnancy+3 for Kids growing up well -------------------------------------------------84 points!

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