bwd magazine - may 2013

Post on 13-Feb-2016






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Green Bay Packers Running Back DuJuan Harris - Floridian DuJuan Harris, aka Foxx, is part of the new breed of footballers making their presence known on the radar of scouts and fans alike, quickly making his mark both on the field and off with his uncompromising display of talent during.... [Page 12]







BWD Magazine • • 1


May 2013

Worldwide Underground Indie Music Entertainment Magazine



“I’m so grateful to know

that people are open to

the music I’m making.”

bIg paRT of

my LIfE

2 • BWD Magazine •


04 C SharpCommitment to your art

08 Boy Junior Such Focus of thought

09 The Static Dial Restrictions of Commercialism

10 Danielle Lyndsay Inspire, Dream, Believe

16 T Dawn Music Awards Nomination


12 DuJuan Harris aka Foxx #26All Exclusive Interview


14 Weak13 “Go Away”

18 Good For You“Life is too short to not hold a grudge”


06 Five Tips for Playing Live Rehearsed-up and ready to rock out


19 DuJuan Harris, aka Foxx #26Coming up on the radar of the Green Bay Packers

BWD Magazine • • 3

Editor In Chief Veralyn Keach, Associate EditorRobert Baker, (MaH)

Lead Contributing WriterRobert Baker, (MaH)

Contributing WriterVeralyn Keach,

Art DirectorVeralyn Keach,

Graphic ArtistVeralyn Keach,

Circulation OfficerMarilyn Thompson,

Sales OfficerMarilyn Thompson,


Having continuously been recognized throughout the music world as a vast movement

with an undeniable force we at BWD Radio are now bringing you the best music and

individuals within their field in a more easily digestible format; with a dedicated online

magazine packed to the rafters with news, reviews, features and phenomenal artists from

across the globe.


Synonymous with breaking new ground and talent, our aim isn’t to deliver you an aggrega-

tor of articles; more like, the BWD Bible of breaking talent and breath taking bands turning

heads and volume dials up to eleven. 

In each breaking issue we reveal the winners of the BWD Radio’s Indie Music Featured

Artist Competition, a monthly competition where we invite you to Get On The ‘Visual’

Playlist for your chance to become one of the featured BWD Competition Winners. The

winners are awarded the opportunity of talent exposure across the globe and throughout

the world as part of our aim to prove a good tune isn’t limited to whatever celebrity judge

endorsed single is currently riding high in the iTunes download chart.

In each issue, we also bring you the newest faces in the world of modeling to watch out

for in store windows, on the billboards, and in the high-street, as well as on the catwalks

of Paris and Milan.

Though that may be enough to fill the covers of most magazines, we’ll be taking things

even further with exclusive ‘first-looks’ at the best in indie talent, our unique position

within the world of media affording us the opportunity to bring you the next big hitters

before anyone else and by combining the two enormous forces--presences of BWD Radio

and BWD Magazine into one with the newly launched new BWD website there is twice

the promotion to deliver double the impact and even more worldwide exposure to its

featured artists.

All the freshest new faces and hottest new talent in one magazine, BWD Magazine in con-

junction with BWD Radio is committed to setting the standard of what you deserve from a

magazine with constant promotion through the BWD network of contacts and promoters.

Did someone say BWD Promotions? The BWD Triple Threat Trio! 

BWD MAGAZINE’S SERVICES:  Being in such a unique position affords us the ability to offer

our services at ‘considerably less’ than most others, our network allowing us to expose

your talent in all the right places without needless expense or additional ‘secret costs’ less

scrupulous companies fill their small print and help fill their bank balances with.

Covering all aspects of media promotion (from social media sites through to music video

promotion) we are able to offer the best when it comes to brand awareness and public

recognition of your name or product, without compromising either your impact or finances.

For price and space availability inquiries, please contact us via the contact details to the

right where we can discuss your specific requirements to ensure maximum exposure:






Last IssUE

4 • BWD Magazine •

a s nature first found life, in the warmest of Earth’s lands, it is perhaps

poetry that is one of the music’s world most natural and inspiring of

voices that should have been found beneath an African sun.

Born in Welkom and raised in Soweto, C Sharp earned his nickname from his grandfa-

ther’s observation of how his grandson’s voice was ‘…like pure music.’ A powerful force

in the young C Sharp’s life, it was also an indirect presence of his grandfather’s that saw

him gain true understanding of the man’s words “whenever you feel discouraged sing

a song, it will lift your spirit” as solace and counsel when upset after losing a much

treasured present.

Church saw him bringing his voice to the people of his faith and encouraged him to

grow and become an artist in his own right, winning several singing competitions and

further driving him in his musical dreams. A stint as backing vocals to several musicians,

honing his ability to sing into a more powerful instrument, helped define it into becom-

ing as enthralling as it is unique.

C sHarP




Through this journey, I have learnt offering what needs to be said and what people want to say is a great responsibility.”

BWD Magazine • • 5

“Humility, commitment to your art is important.” C Sharp said when asked to sum up his ethos. “God is faithful. The best is yet to come.”

This consistency and constant practice through wanting to sing fed the desire to keep improving and learning just who he was as an artist and

musician, a desire that drives him to this very day in his performance and writing.

With a guitar as the brush to create the backdrop for him to inspire his passion for accompaniment, C Sharp found his style and delivery mature into

something that would become the route through life with which to take his singing aspirations.

Being able to touch others with a word is a gift in itself, and the mark of a poet shows in C Sharp’s songs of hope and encouragement, of moral

fortitude and an honesty that moves through his songs and adds much to his sound.

“Through this journey, I have learnt offering what needs to be said and what people want to say is a great responsibility,” he says, a humbling

acknowledgement of the true potential a lone voice can be when used for when reaching out and speaking up for others.

Showing the strength with which these words are held in his heart have taken him to rise to the position of being an ambassador for the Africa

Peace Festival in Ghana, an event that deals with seeking peace, raising funds for various charities, and bringing education and offering scholarships

to the disadvantaged communities in Africa.

“Humility, commitment to your art is important.” C Sharp said when asked to sum up his ethos. “God is faithful. The best is yet to come.”

As a musician he is inspiring; as a person he is inspirational, and as a man he is C Sharp.

Contact Information:



Twitter: @Csharpsings

Facebook: Csharpsings

Photo Credits: C Sharp - All Rights Reserved

6 • BWD Magazine •

So inspiration has struck and several months,

three bank loans, and a quick trip to the edge

of sanity and back later you’re now ready to

unleash the beast of brilliance that is your

product onto an unsuspecting world.

But it’s no good just throwing it out there and expecting anyone to care

two bits for it; people have lives and only a finite amount of time they

can devote to things that distract from their own realities of work and

family and paying the bills, so expecting them to take any of the spare

time they may suddenly find themselves in credit with to pay attention

to your dribbling squawks of distraction is almost as big a battle as the

work involved with getting the thing off the drawing board and in big

cardboard boxes; currently blocking up the downstairs bog.

Know your market audience; who are you expecting to buy your

product? If you don’t know where your audience is how can you expect

them to throw money in your direction? Chances are there are already

products out there that will fall into the same general category/genre as

the one your grey mushy stuff sparked into reality, so taking a look at the

market for how these are presented will give you a great basis for ideas

of building your own world dominating viral campaign.

Adverts and the like are usually the simplest, most direct way of affect-

ing interest into a product, and though these can command hefty prices

within the more widespread news-stand publications there is a wealth

of online websites and ‘zines attracting eye-balls on a daily basis. Most

will be run by people like yourself – individuals in a back-bedroom

sweating coffee and stress – and generating content to keep visitors

returning is their number one priority above all else.


For those to whom money is no object, a promotion cam-

paign means they are free to spend whatever they feel

suitable in the outlay/recompense battle of the buyers

budget; no quarter given and even less requested as they

batter brows with billboards and backs of buses with their

festooning images of the idealized human form draped over

and about their latest product.

A hefty slab of folding notes opens many doors and even

more eyes to the wonder of whatever new product is the

benefit of such spending, an untapped market just a brand

new target for them to aim a handful of corporate cash at

the spaces designated for advertising and such.

But before you sign on the dotted line and your left kidney

becomes the property of the black-market transplants list in

your own efforts of advertising expanse, here are five low-to

no-cost tips and tricks of promotion.”



BWD Magazine • • 7

So have a good look and find which websites and similar have a ‘your product’

feel and start to build a list. Check them daily to see what numbers they attain,

how active their output is and, if there are any forums or comment sections, how

regularly visitors post. Some sites offer space to advertise on, so if you do decide

to lash out a few quid on a fancy side-bar placement or half page spread, check

that the site is worthy of your cash.

One good website with regular traffic is worth a dozen unread message boards

languishing unloved on a Korean server, and weeding out the unused from the

useful in your list of potentials is one of the most important steps on the way

to buying your first yacht.

One man is not an island, and though figures show-

ing the rise in obesity look set to make that state-

ment null, even a King needs someone to slap him on

the back when choking on half a ham hock.

Your social networking address book is essentially

a list of contacts and names of people and compa-

nies you have some common interest with, and whether its biscuits or bondage

these common interests will be enough to start the ball rolling. Asking them

to mention your new product or post about it in their blog will usually get a

resounding thumbs up and a few lines on a webpage from most, and in return

you likewise mention and post about your product being mentioned on their

website and similar.

Your own local press is filled to the gills with ‘local interest’ stories, their very

reason-to-be a platform for shouting about the good wills and works of those

living in the neighbourhood thereabouts. Include yourself on that list and add

them to yours.

Radio is a great platform to build up the address book with, an untold number

springing up online and all needing news and titbits of tattle to fill the void

between songs and self-aggrandising servitude. Collecting a few ‘info@’ emails

to go with the usual names and nom-de-plumes can be bulked up somewhat

with a podcast or two, perhaps? At the very least an enquiring email pertaining

to them mentioning the launch of your product will generate a shout-out or

reply, which you can then use in your re-post and re-promoting efforts.

Once you have your infrastructure of information set-

up and a steady stream of insight passing hither and

yon it’s time to go all Orson Welles and Big Brother

the bits and bytes being bandied about. Has that

promise of a mention in their next blog post the guy

at the office offered materialized yet? Did the local

rag get your e-mail about the launching of your new single? Has that post you

made on that website had any feedback or comments yet?

If it’s been a week since you sent out that first e-mail and no-one has replied,

a polite re-mail enquiring if they received your initial email about your wond-

iferous product of genius design helps remind the forgetful and returns better

results than a half dozen lines questioning why they reneged on their promise

of a double page spread and the authenticity of their parenthood.

You shouldn’t assume the worse, however, if after weeks gone by you’ve still to

be blinded in the bath by the sun’s reflection off a paparazzi’s over familiar lens

through the window; a month is a good enough time-frame to work within for

turn-around of content and chance for your news to bubble to top of the melting

pot. That will allow for any deadlines you may have missed to become refreshed

and be a target once again, and for your e-mail to have been unearthed from the

mountain of others fighting the spam filters of the inboxes you assault.

If thirty days pass and a ringing endorsement from DJ

Fantastic has yet to hit the air, it’s time for a re-mail.

Re-draft your initial e-mail to include any new or

relevant information that has happened in the past

month alongside the key information of what your

product is about; interest is everything and anything

you add is another reason for them to get interested in devoting time to your


If your mate from work has mentioned your product on their blog then include

this and a link to their blog in your re-mail. Cross promotion is the word here,

the friend’s website being mentioned on another website or similar a chance for

them to blog about the event on theirs and with your product being the reason

they got the mention, you get spoon-fed another juicy slice of the promotion

pie as well.

Any flyers or posters placed about the place should be monitored for ruination

or removal, replacing the tired and tatty ones and any to be considered out of

date or containing old information. Even if you’re just swapping one for an exact

copy a fresh look refreshes interest and attention; like Magpies, people’s gaze

will be drawn by a bright, clean image, and even those who are familiar with

the poster will be attracted anew with the simple expedition of swapping the

old one out.

Move their placement and postings around to see which areas generate more

interest and feedback than others; a decent forum post could do more for your

hit counter than a hundred flyers on the walls of your local mall, as could simply

moving the flyer on the wall a little away from those around it.

Set some time aside to ensure your approach is thorough and you should avoid

wasting more time than necessary in areas that prove to be redundant, your

mantra one of ‘Monitor, Maintain and Re-Mail When Required’.

Above all else you must be prepared to wait;

overnight success stories are seldom that, with

most taking more years than a chicken has

teeth; building itself into the corporation cur-

rently being investigated for suspect business

practices it is today.

Waving goodbye to any semblance of a social life or normal working hours

may feel an unfair sacrifice when the tidal wave on interest turns out to be a

trickle. Losing heart as well as hair from the stress can be like a blow to the gut,

especially if you feel your particular investment of effort has stretched you to

the very limits of breaking point.

One post, one e-mail, a single visitor to the link detailing your amazing new

product is one more person your promoting has reached, one more person on

this Earth who knows; one more person to prove you have started to crack the

seemingly impenetrable ball of ignorance and idiocy surrounding a world that

doesn’t yet know about your financially friendly foible.

It’s easy to forget but there’s a reason it’s called ‘work’, and though you may not

be punching a clock or serving fries you are still committing your time, energy

and emotions to the treadmill of breaking a daily sweat. Each mistake will be

an invaluable lesson towards perfecting your promotions, each success forming

a stronger basis to build an even greater platform to stand your business on.






foLLoW Up


8 • BWD Magazine •

from the dream of becoming the next Metallica to the real-

ity of making a name for himself in the world, hip-hop

musician and artist Boy Junior would be the first to admit

music is his passion, regardless of the pigeon-holing of

genre or style.

Born Ricardo Naranjo in Whittier, CA., Boy Junior was gifted with both the

name and musical talent of his father, Ricardo Naranjo, Sr. While watch-

ing on as his father took the stage, as trumpet player in the popular local

band Archivo Musical; the reception from the crowds and the aura of the

musicians created a spark that ignited Boy Junior’s own burning desire

to become a performer, to see the world through music and be able to

share it with everyone.

With the passion to perform and creativity to compose, Boy Junior was

quick to choose an instrument with which to be the performer and musi-

cian he started to believe he could be.

Hoping to aspire to the positions of rock giants held by his idols of the

time, Boy Junior applied himself to the instrument with a single-minded

determination, maturing his understanding of song composition and

writing as he began turning ‘practice’ into ‘perfect’. Maybe then, the world

of metal would have known him as an entirely different musician right

now; if it hadn’t been for a chance listening to some hip-hop during his

high school years. That single encounter had such a profound effect on

the artist within that it saw him leave behind the rock route of his once

favorite bands like Metallica and S.O.A.D., and begin to explore a previ-

ously unconsidered yet exciting new scene.

As high school progressed, Dre slowly replaced the double kick drum and

Eminem replaced Maiden as, armed only with a MacBook and a thirst to

turn muse into music, Boy Junior had written, arranged, and released his

first album; the independent release, ‘One Time’.

At only nineteen years of age, Boy Junior had showed the world he was

as serious about his intentions as he was dedicated. Receiving a modest

yet enthusiastic reception to his debut release, Boy Junior realized that

whilst many people would be happy at such an initial response and

consider it enough, he wanted to go further; reach more people, expand

across the globe and into every ear he could reach.

Such focus of thought has led him to the follow up EP titled ‘Free the

Mind’ with the first single ‘West Coast Love’ released onto YouTube and

proving to the world what some already knew, when considering where

the future of hip-hop lay.

It lays on the West Coast, and in the very capable hands of Boy Junior.

Contact Information:


Twitter: @BoyJuniorMusic

Facebook: BoyJuniorMusic

Photo Credits: Ricardo Naranjo-All Rights Reserved

bOY jUnIOr

BWD Magazine • • 9

tHE statIC DIaL

from the meeting of friends jamming out a few chords on

their instruments to the formidable three piece they have

now become, The Static Dial are a three piece indie rock

outfit refusing to be pigeon-holed by such simple terms.

Once formed from such unassuming beginnings the band wasted no

time in releasing their debut EP in 2011, a three track release produced

by Andy Patalan. Once released, ‘The Static Dial’ quickly gained momen-

tum through their EP’s release, the band springing up everywhere with a

flurry of live dates and appearances and even the support from Detroit


In 2012, The Static Dial released an extended single with the songs

“Move Along” and “De-Optimisticating”, showing how the band have

expanded on their sound and giving an insight into what fans can expect

to emerge from the world of The Static Dial; in the near future.

This Detroit born band of brothers show how thoroughly they have

absorbed the various cultures and influences the city is known the world

over for and created a sound that may show them with their feet in the

indie rock sound, but equally displays how their hearts lay in any number

of styles and sounds, influences, and interesting side-steps of the famil-

iar and mundane side of music.

“We take a lot of pride in making music that really pushes us to dig deep

and explore without the restrictions of commercialism”, The Static Dial

explained when chatting with BWD. “The whole point of sharing music is

to connect with people in the way that music moves and brings people


Alongside live appearances and adding yet more gig dates to their

calendar, The Static Dial are currently working on their first full album

release, as well as an accompanying video, proving them to be a band of

their words when they say “…sharing music is what it’s all about in the

first place.”

Contact Information:



Twitter: @StaticDial

Facebook: StaticDial

Photo Credits: The Static Dial-All Rights Reserved

10 • BWD Magazine •

he belief in our dreams is what inspires the great-

ness in one’s soul to shine and reach for the allur-

ing stars of success. Having felt and understood

this simple notion from an early age has seen

R&B singer Danielle Lyndsay reaching beyond

the limitations of stars and out into the depths of music history.

This Washington born and P.G. County raised songstress discov-

ered her passion for

singing at age four,

her world of inspira-

tion awash with such

talents as Diana Ross

and Whitney Houston.

Having a musical

father whose own

past includes backing

vocals on songs with

the legendary Patti

Labelle, may show

us where the inher-

ited desire to perform

came; but it is through

Danielle’s own dedica-

tion and determination that her voice has become the expres-

sively soulful and unique influence it is; in the world of R&B.

Constantly in motion, Danielle found New York to be the desti-

nation with which to help hone in on her talent as a dancer; a

desire that has taken her through ballet, jazz, hip-hop and African

dance styles to become as fluid and expressive as the lyrics she


Having taken a bite from the Big Apple, Danielle grew as an

artist, her confidence and performance evolving into that of a

true star, a potential legend, and equal to that of the original

inspirations of her youth. It was this new found drive that saw her

release ‘The Genesis Ep’ in 2010, featuring the first smash hit of

her career, the single ‘Such A Lady’, gaining instant attention and

airplay from all over the globe.

“I’m so grateful to

know that people are

open to what I’m doing

and the music I’m mak-

ing.” Danielle revealed

when informed of her

win. “The last thing

I’m going to do is sit

back and bask in the

moment, however

good it may feel,” she

assures us, though

“The next steps I make

are going to be the

ones that guarantee

you’ll see me again,

and that you won’t forget me.”

As 2013 has opened for Danielle with a new single waiting in

the wings for release; in the form of ‘X-Tacy’, it seems Danielle is

determined to follow up on her words and also her music which

if past success is a measure of future fulfillment, it could be quite

a prophetically titled single indeed.





ThIS IS WhaT I LIVE by.....

Contact Information:



Twitter: @D_Lyndsay

Facebook: DanielleLyndsay89

Photo Credits: Don Hankins - All Rights Reserved

BWD Magazine • • 11

I’m so grateful to know

that people are open to

the music I’m making.”

“The next steps I make are going to be the ones that guarantee you’ll see me again,

and that you won’t forget me.”

12 • BWD Magazine •

dujuan harris

loridian DuJuan Harris, aka Foxx, is part of the new

breed of footballers making their presence known

on the radar of scouts and fans alike, quickly mak-

ing his mark both on the field and off with his

uncompromising display of talent during a run of appearances

with The Green Bay Packers last season.

Last month we spoke a little about the man behind the moniker,

what made him stand out as a player and the general scuttlebutt

that hinted at his name to be the one to watch out for; this season

and hopefully with many more to come.

This month we were lucky enough to sit down and speak to ‘Foxx’

himself for this outstanding, all-exclusive-interview with DuJuan

Harris; to learn a bit more about the man behind the player, what

drove him to choose a career in football, the inspirations he drew

upon from such an early age while living within the small town of

Brooksville, Florida where he was raised and some overall insight

behind the soon-to-be-idol of the gridiron…especially, if we have

anything to say about it!!!


BWD: How has life changed for you in the past year since your run with the Packers last season?Foxx: They’re fairly stable, not too great a change to be honest; the

biggest difference is being a bit more secure about the future, seeing

where things are now and where they might go.

BWD: How have you found the changes between college football and going pro (if any)?Foxx: Playing professionally is a much more mental game. You need

to be physically ready, for sure, but it’s just as important to be able to

face a line of players knowing they each stand between you and the

goal, and to not be intimidated by it. You’ve got to know you can do

it and believe you can push through and no-one’s going to stop you.

It’s more of a man’s game.

BWD: What’s your outlook on the current challenges facing those want-ing to go pro?Foxx: It’s all about control; what you can control and what you can’t,

and being able to focus on that. There’s so much going on behind the

scenes – coaches, professional organizations, etc. – that it’s easy to get

caught up and lose sight of what’s important to you as a player; which

is delivering 100% each and every game and letting those ‘whose job

it is’ to be the ones who lose sleep over everything else.

BWD: What would it mean to you to become part of the Packers 53-man roster this season?Foxx: It’s truly a blessing just to be on the active roster. That in itself

is a privilege and accomplishment. There are so many great players

out there that just never got their break due to one thing or another,

and being able to stand out and make people take notice and see

what you can do is only going to get harder as more and more quality

players come through the ranks. You’ve only got one shot at this. It’s

a ‘once in a lifetime’ career field that for anyone; offered the opportu-

nity to become a part of, is clearly a blessing.

You’re not just competing against the other team in try-outs, you’re

competing against everyone in your team as well. Just to make the

squad and be a part of the team, getting out there and being active

during this period makes me feel truly blessed. I’m very appreciative

of everything.

BWD: How did it feel to have finished last season as the Packers’ top back, rushing for 257 yards on 62 carries with four scores in six games? Foxx: To have had the opportunity to get on the field and be part of

the team, doing what needed to be done to bring home the victory…

it was a real accomplishment not many people can realize; like when

I’m on the field, each step I take brings me one step closer to the goal.

BWD: What or who would you say your main inspiration in life was or still is?Foxx: My family, especially my mother.

She always worked hard to provide a loving and stable home, working

two jobs to put food on the table and pay the bills. It isn’t easy to see

it as a kid but being raised by a single parent is incredibly hard, having

to make sacrifices and save what you can where you can whilst still

being there for your kids, and not letting them think their family is any

different from anyone else’s.

If I hadn’t been awarded a full college scholarship, for football, she

would have done everything she could to get the money to put me

through college.

My other motivation was seeing my future outside the small town I

grew up in. There’s no opportunities or major chances for people liv-

ing there; no real way of making something

of yourself.



BWD Magazine • • 13

There’s a certain mind-set there where people

seem to lack the confidence to just try and do

something, anything, to get out and make some-

thing of themselves. Lacking self-determination

and motivation. It’s like a fog of negativity that

clouds their minds, judgements, and destroys

their motivation until they end up just talking

themselves out of it. No matter how little or big

that ‘it’ is.

BWD: Why Troy? Was it just due to the Full Tuition Scholarship? Foxx: I actually had the choice of two places. I

could have stayed in Florida and attended FAMU

(Florida A&M University College) or moved to

Troy and accepted a place there. Troy provided

a better opportunity to put myself out there as

a player with more potential to be spotted and

noticed. Also, by moving to Troy instead of stay-

ing where I was, it’s like… I’m showing everyone

from back home that they ‘Can’ escape, they

‘Can’ move out and do something better with

their lives, and they ‘Can’ become a success at

whatever that ‘something’ is.

BWD: Is There One Football moment, which stands out from the others that you will never forget?Foxx: Running down the tunnel for the first

start of the season’s playoff game at the Miami

Dolphin’s stadium. That was… Just…. ‘Wow!’ That

moment, the moment you’ve always had pic-

tured in your mind as a player coming out onto

the field to an announcer shouting your name

across the stands; of a packed stadium filled

with cheering fans… Just ‘Wow!’ SURREALISTIC.

BWD: As an inspiration to others, do you find it easy to keep giving ‘100%’?Foxx: Definitely. I’m only 24, so I’m able to

bounce back from injury or a hard game a lot

quicker than some other players, so to be able

to stand on the field and show people the

reality of a boy from a small town standing in

front of them not as a player but as ‘just a man’

means nothing’s out of their reach; anyone can

achieve what they want, you just have to keep

the haters out.

BWD: What are the biggest obstacles you’ve faced so far? Foxx: Staying organized and on a routine and

trying to keep it. It’s difficult trying to balance

the different aspects of your life when you’re a

footballer, so being able to maintain everything

means keeping a lot of (foot) balls in the air.

BWD: What’s the best and worst thing about train-ing to be a football player?

Foxx: The best thing is playing the game itself;

I love it. The worst would be not being able to

play it because someone thinks they have to try

and put you down or hate on you for wanting

more from life than the level of almost nothing

they themselves seem happy to stay at.

BWD: If you weren’t where you are now, where do you think you’d be?Foxx: Back in School, finishing up on degree.

BWD: What was your major? Foxx: Criminal Justice. But really, if I wasn’t

playing football here right now, I’d just be play-

ing it somewhere else. I would be in a League

somewhere, playing ball, because not only am I

self-driven, it’s in my blood….athletics overall.

BWD: How do you guys motivate each other dur-ing half time, if you are behind on scored points?Foxx: We focus on just playing the game and

everybody going out there and keeping their

head in the game by doing their job. We don’t

even worry about the score, even when we’re

down; we just stay focused on playing football.

BWD: For them Real Stressful Games or situa-tions, how do you handle the pressure?Foxx: I get really nervous before a game – most

players do. But then I see pictures of myself

accomplishing it from under all that pressure

and it’s like ‘Yeah, I can do this’. I like it.

BWD: And finally, is there anything you’d like to say to your fans and fellow Packer-followers out there; any message or final thoughts? Foxx: Yes. Most definitely. I appreciate ‘all’ the

support. I am ‘very’ thankful for all the oppor-

tunities and support that is given. Everybody

has it within themselves to be the person they

want to be, not the person others think they

should be.

I have always said I’m not trying to show I’m

better than anyone; I’m just a kid from a small

town who likes to play football. Thank you and I

will try to put on a good show for you.

And with that our interview was at a conclusion

and we were left to reflect on the humility and

human-ness of the man we had just talked to; of

the inspiration he has already become so quickly

in his career and his drive to continue moving

forward to his own designated end-zone. Also, of how having already displayed his talent on the field and stunned crowds with his sheer speed and power, the name DuJuan Harris, aka Foxx, would look rather good across the back of that Green Bay Packer’s shirt you own.

Control what you can control...

Don’t worry about the other

stuff because it’s going to

happen whether you want

it to or not.”

PlayersRep Sports Managagement

Agent, Dave

Official Twitter: @Ol_sLy_Foxx

Facebook: /pages/DuJuan-Harris-aka-



14 • BWD Magazine •


go aWay bRINgS ThICkNESS To ThE boNE

WEaK13“go aWay”

BWD Magazine • • 15

Like a surgeon with a scalpel and three and a half minutes to spare, Weak13’s ability of taking everything worth pursuing in the genres of punk, grunge,

metal and rock, trimming away the bloat and excess from each until only the most toned of musical muscle remains, before unleashing them back into

the wilds of the buying public, is never more exemplified than in the guise of their latest single Go Away.

Cutting to the meat of the issue without frippery, favour or indulgent over-playing, Go Away brings thickness to the bone by way of driving riffs and

an undeniably addictive chorus.

I could talk of the tight interplay between guitars and drums in Go Away that manage to grab you and keep you held a hairs breath away, up-close and

very personal throughout; of vocals I could speak why we should be quietly thankful that front man Nick Townsend didn’t choose to move into rallying

armies to invade your home, and high-schools for targets to take down as a career, such is the power and magnetism in their delivery; I could even

speak of the sublime calming and raising of the atmosphere by way of expertly restrained song writing that shows off Weak13’s level of understand-

ing with the best way to keep the listeners finger hovering over the repeat button, whilst never being arrogant in its execution or unduly expectant.

Instead I’ll just say that with Go Away Weak 13 stand as testament to why eschewing the popular front of over produced ‘X-County’ has talent style

questionable hits in music and ‘Me Too-ism’ is a task best left to those not just with the integrity to command such creativity, but with the heart to

follow it through and the ability to deliver it with passion and unquestionable talent. *

*Neither Weak13 nor MadasHell will be held responsible for your iPod’s existential crisis over just how ‘different’ and ‘unique’ it may make you amongst

your peers when the very act of owning one instantly makes you one of the homogenized sheeple you were ‘sticking it to’ when queuing to pay for it

in the Apple store.

Contact Information:

Twitter: @Weak13

Facebook: Weak13FanPage


16 • BWD Magazine •

alifornia is known for its sun-kissed days and heat filled

nights, and providing the perfect soundtrack to some of the

more memorable evenings of your life comes T Dawn, a self-

styled alternative pop/rock artist with the talent to match her

prodigious talent.

A somewhat precocious child prodigy, T Dawn found herself drawn to music

at an early age, her parents feeding her thirst for musical creativity as she

explored the various instruments awaiting for her talent to shine out from.

Music flowed from her fingers no matter which instrument she played, be it

six strings or drum skin or woodwind or brass, as the exuberance of youth took

her seeking out the sound hidden within whatever instrument fell upon her

hungry gaze. T Dawn finally found her muse fully realized when the tempta-

tion of the grand piano at her

church proved too much a desire

for her youthful wonderment to


Having finally plucked up the

courage to sit behind the keys it

was as the first notes rang out,

in the empty church hall, and

echoed with the sound of her

soul in the air; that her passions

for the arts were truly focused

and sure.

Eager to learn she quickly showed

it wasn’t a passing infatuation

with this new landscape to explore, her musical gift flourished as she became

more a musician than a child enjoying the thrill of a new vista beneath her

hands, a serious exponent of the music world.

Years of dedicated practice and thirst to learn more saw T Dawn’s performance

become an equal to her playing, her compositions and creativity almost end-

less as she shone before captivated audiences and amazed those curious to

see this pianist impresario perform.

Though it wasn’t until she grew that the full scope of her musicianship decid-

ed to come to the fore; after the tragic passing of her father, T Dawn found the

music alone was no longer enough to quell the artist within, and it was with

a new found dedication to her music that T Dawn began putting words to her

music, a voice to the chords.

Exploring new genres and a myriad of styles she began bringing her new

found sound to the stage before captivated audiences, the self-penned song

“Mental Breakdown” showing not just her talent as a musician but also as a

writer and indeed, a lyrical poet.

Her performances quickly garnered her many fans, her voice a hypnotic mix of

soulful desire, and sensual temptation to match the fluid complexity she dis-

played on the piano. Little wonder these appearances saw her taken from the

club-stage and under shining spotlight, performing at the prestigious Caesar’s

Palace in Las Vegas.

“Indies music is a big part of my

life,” she notes when discuss-

ing her win with BWD. “Being

featured in an Indies worldwide

magazine such as BWD is an


With her recent Indie Music

Channel Nomination, as well

as the Winner of “Best Female

Alternative Artist” showing her

childhood infatuation was more

than a passing curio, T Dawn will

no doubt grasp the opportunity

of her signing to the label “Music Powered Games” to further establish her

career as she reaches new audiences, fans and appreciators of real talent.

Contact Information:



Twitter: @StaticDial

Facebook: StaticDial

Photo Credits: The Static Dial-All Rights Reserved






t daWN

BWD Magazine • • 17

ThE ‘haRd RoCk’ aRISINg

Indies music is a big part of my

life,” she notes when discuss-

ing her win with BWD. “Being

featured in an Indies Worldwide

Magazine, such as BWD, is an


t daWN


18 • BWD Magazine •

LIfE IS Too ShoRT To NoT hoLd a gRUdgE


As supermarket giants help Simon Cowell in his quest to thoroughly

homogenise the music market with re-hashed hits from reality show

contestant winners, it seems only Disney is able to compete for shelf

space with their tirade of formulaic hair-styles parading around a

stage to a ‘tweenage’ audience eager to buy their ticket on board the

latest Gravy Train of Glee, spoons for shovelling down all the rhetoric

and merchandise poised in the clammy hand not clutching money.

The choice between one new release and another is often noth-

ing more than an even more androgynous looking figurehead on

the front cover; auto-tune ensures perfection each time, and over-

production maintains that bland feel of a lifeless voice phoning it

in between appearances in ‘Tween Monthly’ and the ‘Disney Awards’.

Which is why you will not find seminal punk band Black Flag’s founder

and guitarist Greg Ginn’s new band “Good For You” and their debut album

‘Life Is Too Short To Not Hold A Grudge’ forcing that Glee Compilation

album into the Buy One; Get One Free’s release, anytime soon.

Nor should you expect its raw power and incredibly brutal hon-

esty to be considered as worthy of a much wider audience than

those in charge of what goes on the shelves would expect it

to be worth. Indeed, were it to be measured against an entire

store’s worth of ear filler there’d be questions of scales being

rigged in the bands favour, judges paid off, and officials hushed up.

And with good reason, too, as Good For You’s first album strips

everything away years of worshipping false – Idols has built up as

cancerous deposits of auto-tuned ‘cut-n-paste’ pop, presents you with

songs that expose the raw welts of life and opinions of someone

unafraid of another’s judgement like the mighty Black Flag themselves.

An obvious influence being founder of both bands, Gregg has

taken the intensity and delivery of the true punk ethos straight

from the hands of its forefathers and bought it directly into your

iPod, vocalist Mike Vallely’s delivery an inspired choice with his

uniquely honest style and captivating sound capturing that ethe-

real notion of punk’s voice with a disarming yet devastating effect.

The album reminds you of what music is meant to be about, each

song a fully realized track but containing only the essential elements

of the song. Think of it like an exclusive restaurant; the food is served

with the barest of garnish but is cut from the leanest quality meat.

It isn’t an easy listen for those raised on chart trends and Hollywood

hipsters, or for anyone who curses missing out on the birth of

punk in the eighties, they could do well to take a couple of

days off work when they pick up a copy of “Life Is Too Short To

Not Hold A Grudge” to properly word that thank you e-mail to

Gregg and Mike (and with all due respect, if you thought ‘Green

Day’ at the mention of punk then you’d better book a week off).

Not just a debut release but a much needed reminder of why

music is considered to be the food of love, and the cautions of too

much gravy, Good For You’s debut album “Life Is Too Short To Not

Hold A Grudge” was released on February 26th via SST Records.


Carl Schultz

g r e e n b a y p a c k e r s r u n n i n g b a c k

foLLoW dUjUaN haRRIS aka foXX #26 oN TWITTER aNd faCEbookBWD Magazine • • 19

A s k a n y t r u e A m e r i c a n t o n a m e

a n i n s p i r a t i o n a l f i g u r e a n d y o u

w o u l d p r o b a b l y h e a r t h e n a m e s

Wa s h i n g t o n , M a r s h a l l o r Ro o -

s e v e l t a m o n g s t t h e a n s w e r s .

B u t d o n ’ t b e s u r p r i s e d i f p r e t t y

s o o n t h e n a m e ‘ D u J u a n H a r r i s ’ i s

m e n t i o n e d i n t h e s a m e b r e a t h

a n d w i t h e q u a l r e v e r e n c e .

A l t h o u g h f o r m o s t F l o r i d a

r e s i d e n t s t h e n a m e h a s a l -

r e a d y b e c o m e s y n o n y m o u s

w i t h g r e a t n e s s a n d i n s p i r a -

t i o n , p r e t t y s o o n t h e r e s t o f

t h e S t a t e s a n d t h e w o r l d i t s e l f

w i l l h a v e a n e w m a n t l e o f e x-

c e l l e n c e t o l o o k t o w a r d s w h e n

r e c a l l i n g g r e a t n e s s i n h i s t o r y.

F l o r i d i a n f o o t b a l l e r D u J u a n

H a r r i s , a k a F o x x , h a s q u i c k l y

m a d e b o t h a n a m e a n d r e p u -

t a t i o n f o r h i m s e l f a s a p l a y e r

w i t h t a l e n t w i t h i n t h e w o r l d o f

f o o t b a l l , c o m i n g u p o n t h e r a -

d a r o f t h e G r e e n B a y Pa c k e r s

a n d l o o k i n g t o b e a f u t u r e s t a r

w i t h i n t h e t e a m , h a v i n g s h o w n

h i s t a l e n t t o f i n i s h t h e Pa c k-

e r s ’ t o p b a c k , r u s h i n g f o r 2 5 7

y a r d s o n 6 2 c a r r i e s a n d c l a i m -

i n g f o u r s c o r e s i n s i x g a m e s .

S t a n d i n g o u t o n t h e f i e l d b y,

i r o n i c a l l y, b e i n g s h o r t e r t h a n

t h e a v e r a g e p l a y e r H a r r i s m a n -

a g e s t o c o m b i n e t h e p o w e r o f

G o l i a t h w i t h i n h i s f i v e s e v e n

f r a m e ; o t h e r s i n t i m i d a t e b y

s h e e r s i z e a l o n e , w h e r e a s H a r -

r i s u s e s h i s u n a s s u m i n g f o r m

t o h i s s t r e n g t h s , q u i c k l y a n d

q u i t e o f t e n c o n c l u s i v e l y c o r -

r e c t i n g a n y f o o l i s h e n o u g h t o

s t a n d i n h i s w a y o n t h e f i e l d .

H a v i n g p r o v e n h i s s k i l l a n d

u n q u e s t i o n a b l e a b i l i t i e s , H a r -

r i s s t i l l c a r r i e s ‘ t h e h e a r t o f

a t r u e A m e r i c a n ’ , w i t h h i s h u -

m i l i t y a n d h u m b l e n e s s a t h a v -

i n g a c h i e v e d s o m u c h a l r e a d y ;

h i g h l i g h t i n g w h y F l o r i d i a n s

a l r e a d y c o n s i d e r h i m t o b e a

h e r o o f t h e A m e r i c a n D r e a m .

“ B e o n t h e l o o k o u t f o r M a y

2 0 1 3 ’ s i s s u e r e l e a s e ; w h e r e w e

co n t i n u e t o s u p p o r t a n d s h a r e

a n u p c l o s e a n d p e r s o n a l i n t e r -

v i e w , w i t h D u J u a n H a r r i s , a k a

F ox x ; w h e n B W D M a g a z i n e w a s

a b l e t o c a t c h u p w i t h H a r r i s , i n

F l o r i d a , d u r i n g s e a s o n b r e a k .”

DUjUan HarrIs #26

V i s i t w w w . T w i t t e r. c o m / O l _ s L y _ F o x x o r w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / D u J u a n - H a r r i s - a k a - F o x x / 2 2 5 3 8 0 4 4 0 8 2 4 2 6 4

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