by abanob khalil csc 490. what is a smart phone? top smart phones 2015 features, more features ...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Smart phonesTechnology and

Social impact

By Abanob KhalilCSC 490

What is a smart phone? Top Smart Phones 2015 Features, More features Comparing between the Iphone Vs Galaxy Negative effects Positive effects Smart phones in education How do smart phones affect our daily lives? Smart phones social impact on society Smart phone statistics Where are smart phones used? Conclusion


A smart phone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a normal phone. Such as the ability to send and received e-mail, internet browsers, ability to read business documents, navigation software, cameras and touch screen.

What is a Smart phone ?

Apple iPhone 6 Plus Samsung Galaxy S6 Blackberries (mostly used for work/businesses)

Top Smart Phones 2015

Iphone 6S Vs Galaxy S6

Operating System: The most important software in any smart phone is

the operating system. An operating system manages the hardware and software resources of smart phones.


Mobile app: Is a software application that runs in a smart

phone. Mobile applications are designed to educate, entertain, or assist consumers in their daily lives.

More features:

Web Access: Smart phones can access the Web at higher

speeds, by using most common LTE, 4G and sometimes 3G (3rd generation mobile telecommunications) data networks, as well as Wi-Fi. You can use your smart phone to browse your favorite sites.

More features:

Messaging: All cell phones can send and receive text messages,

picture messages, video messages and the use of emojis, but what sets a smart phone apart is its handling of e-mail. Some smart phones can support multiple e-mail accounts has the ability to send and receive e-mails.

Also some smartphones such as Apple iPhones involve iMessage which makes communication even better.

More features:

Decreased interaction among people. People are focused on the screen and do not listen to their

surroundings such as friends, family, etc. People do not communicate orally as much since they can

communicate through many different social portals. Addictive: employee may lose interest if his boss does not

have his full attention on the meeting.


NEGATIVE effects

Life has been more efficient with the use of the smart phone.

Phone are much easier to maintain organization. Information is accessible in the palm of your hand. Students are able to research during their spare time. Phones allow for easy and faster communication. Phones allow for easy access to different kinds of

information such e-mal, internet, maps, GPS and news. Phone banking has been introduced, so people can process

transactions without having to go to the bank which means more time in your hands.

Positive effects

Libraries and dictionaries are not used as much because students are using instant access to internet.

Social networks are accessed in class and this causes a distraction.

Limits our use of resources such as encyclopedias and books.

Students spend so much time texting that they spend less time studying.

Effect on education

Research has found that smart phones satisfy all social communication needs - this leads to addiction and even lack of concentration.

Smart phones are highly advanced and are good in multitasking, but they changing our lives in a negative way. People do not communicate as much orally and became addicted to the phone.

How do smart phones affect our daily lives?

Smart phones do affect the productivity, communication in work place, social engagement and have an effect in education. Almost everyone has a smart phone and they use them in almost all the time daily.

People nowadays spend most their time on their Smartphone even while driving, walking or even working. This kind of act has result to a lot of people being seriously injured or killed.

Smart phones social impact on society

2008 - 131 million smart phones sold worldwide.

2009 - 180 million. By 2013 -300 million

Smartphones were sold. By 2014 -1 billion

smartphones were sold. By 2015 – almost 2 billion

smartphones were sold.

Smart phone statistics

Where are smart phones used?

Overall, the percentage of smart phones users has increase.

It’s the era of smart phones. I believe that the smart phone has a positive effect on our

lives because communication is much faster and easier. However it can also have bad effects such as lacking socializing in public, accidents, etc.

I believe that if smart phones are used correctly can add efficiency and multitasking & a smoother lifestyle.





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