by: kelsey lott itec 7445 evaluating emerging technology assessment

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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ABPathfinder is the Path We Need to FollowBy: Kelsey LottITEC 7445Evaluating Emerging Technology AssessmentI decided to do my presentation on a new software called ABPathfinder. After researching this software, I decided it needs to be shared with my fellow special education teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, and other educators. I hope you enjoy this presentation. 1About ABPathfinderABPathfinder is a software that improves the creation, implementation, and management of lesson plans by providing special educators with an intelligent online data management tool and real-time data capture.Lesson Planning Software created to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the daily management of behaviors and tracking a students progress toward IEP goals.Click here to view a quick video and read more!

How many of you spent countless hours taking data by hand? I know I do!! This software allows everything to be electronic. This can help writing IEPs and communicating with parents/other educators so much easier! I would recommend watching the video.2Purpose of ABPathfinderReduce administrative time to create and implement lesson plansTrack, assess and remedy behavior challengesCapture more accurate and timely information which is essential to tracking IEP goals and objectivesImprove team communication via collaboration, document sharing and the ability to track work by paraeducatorProvide documentation required for instances such as program funding or due process hearingsImprove outcomes and progress for studentsRecommend maintenance skills based on the childs difficulty to achieve that skill.Listed are some of ABPathfinders main purposes. 3ABPathfinders TeamABPathfinder, Inc. was formed in 2010 by veteran entrepreneurs and software industry experts.With the consultation of specialists in the field of ABA and behavioral disorders, they developed Therapy Support Software and technology tools to aid Autism, PDD, Aspergers, and speech therapy.

Again, the software is for students with different kinds of special needs (not just autism).4ABPathfinders MissionABPathfinder develops cutting-edge healthcare technology to dramatically enrich the lives of individuals with autism. ( is ABPathfinders mission. Although it says individuals with autism, if is also necessary for students with disabilities and difficult behaviors.5How does this technology support the vision for technology in Cobb County?One of Cobbs technology visions is students, teachers, and educational leaders will use technology to assess, monitor, analyze, and report student performance data immediately to inform instructional planning and provide timely targeted feedback to students and teachers.ABPathfinder allows teachers to collect data on student performance and behaviors in a timely manner. Students and teachers can receive data feedback immediately with this tool.Above explains how one of Cobb Countys visions for technology is supported by ABPathfinder software.6How does this technology support the vision for technology in Cobb County? (Cont.)ABPathfinder allows teachers to collect data quickly and accurately.It gives teachers an accurate, secure place to centrally store and access a childs progress, making it available for the whole team as soon as its entered.Interactive graphs are created in seconds to accurately view student progress.The county just got rid of paper documents last year, and all IEP files will now be on file.Why not create all our data systems online, too?Target PopulationABPathfinder is designed, but not limited, to students with Autism, speech disorder, Aspergers, PDD, challenging behaviors, and other disabilities.It is targeted for the K-12 school population, therapy centers, or for parents outside of the school setting. The software can provide one-on-one detailed therapy that targets a students needs, reduce problem behaviors, and encourage positive interactions with others.The best strategy to ensure equitable access would be for all special educators and paraeducators to have this software available to them. Each student should have their own file on the software containing their specific data.All Cobb County teachers have laptops where software can be installed.Paraeducators can use computers in the special education classroom where the software is installed.Therapy centers and parents can also use for adults with disabilities or challenging behaviors once they have left school and entered adulthood, too.8Collaborative LearningTeachers, therapists, and parents can all work with students to achieve their goals.Students can even collaborate with other students on their goals and the progress they may have or have not shown.Equipment and SoftwareNo hardware or equipment is required for ABPathfinder.ABPathfinder software is available on various web-enabled tablets (including iPad, Android, and Microsoft Surface tablets) as well as any laptop or desktop computer.Data worksheets can be printed off and data entered by hand if preferred.Its as simple as that!10Technical SupportABPathfinder allows you to do a demo of the software. They set you up a virtual meeting and let you walk through the system, showing you what ABPathfinder can do for you. They will show you how to: minimize paperwork, cut hours out of daily recording processes, get instant reports, and more.Once your account is set up, your personal Client Relations Agent will guide you through selecting your customizable protocol (ABPathfinder Protocol, Industry Standard Protocol, Premium Protocol).

The Technical Support offered by ABPathfinder is extraordinary and very helpful!11Technical Support (Cont.)Lastly, your personal Client Relations Agent will walk you through 3 short training sessions that cover the softwares key features and answer any questions you may have.The ABPathfinder platform comes equipped with a virtual walk0through tutorial for when you need ongoing training and support.Teachers, parents, students, and administrators can all do the demo.LimitationsThe software is pretty pricey and is mostly used by teachers and parents. Students themselves may have trouble recording their own data and taking data on themselves using the software.If the Internet crashes, the software will not be available for use.

All data in the system will be confidential and only used for the special education team.13CostABPathfinder has created a system so that it can tailor to its organizations needs. There is a one time set up fee of $1000, then a monthly charge based on the number of kids treated.Package 1: 1-15 kids, $350/monthPackage 2: 16-25 kids, $575/monthPackage 3: 36-35 kids, $800/monthPackage 4: Over 35 kids, Call for pricingCan receive TWO MONTHS FREE when you pay for an entire yearAbove are the different packages that can be purchased.14Potential Funding SourcesDickerson Middle School has PTA and the DMS Foundation to raise money. The DMS Foundation has partnered with Amazon Smiles and Kroger Community Rewards to increase funding opportunities.Teachers have opportunities for grants at Dickerson.Cobb County Schools has a county wide foundation where potential funding can come is another potential funding source for teachers. 15How do you use ABPathfinder in the classroom?The ABPathfinder software is used to create behavior plans and provide paraeducators tools for working with students.The software can be used to record:FrequencyDurationABC/Incident DataChain incidentsBehavior Incident PlansInterval, Whole, and PartialMomentary Time Sample ToiletingFunctional AnalysisFunctional Behavior AssessmentHow do you use ABPathfinder in the classroom? (Cont.)Can also be used to analyze behavior data through detailed scatter plots and incident profiles (can use these to create a Functional Behavior Analysis, which will lead to an assessment of the causes, impacts, and consequences most likely to reduce problem behaviors)Can also use to create detailed Behavior Intervention Plans.How can ABPathfinder meet content standards and student technology standards?When students have challenging behaviors, they are most often unable to complete their work. Their challenging behavior almost consumes them, and they are unable to process any new information.When teachers are taught how to work with students with problem behaviors through FBA analysis, ABA analysis, BIPS, etc, students show more progress in behavior and therefore are able to complete more schoolwork. Using this software, students can then get their behavior under control so that they can learn the content and technology standards that are taught by the teacher.How can ABPathfinder meet content standards and student technology standards? (Cont.)The software can also be used to assess content standards on various topics in the classroom.Using technology standards, students can learn how to work the computer and use technology to record their own data themselves. They will use:Digital CitizenshipTechnology Operations and ConceptsCommunicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.ABPathfinder has been proven to increase skill acquisition.

How does ABPathfinder promote specific student learning goals?ABPathfinder quickly tracks student progress. It is apparent whether a student is progressing or not with a particular goal. Modifications and adjustments can be made for specific student learning goals based on these results. It looks for data patterns that lead to problems with the intervention. It also recommends maintenance skills based on the childs difficulty to achieve that skill.Authentic learning-Students can assume adult roles by entering their data in to the software.

How does ABPathfinder promote specific student learning goals? (Cont.)Students have to use higher-order thinking skills to use the technology, following directions and interpreting results.Research-based learner-centered strategies-Strategies are implemented based on individual learner needs. Lessons, goals, and objectives are centered on the learner.How can ABPathfinder be used to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of all students?ABPathfinder is created to target each students individual needs. Data in ABPathfinder will be stored for each student. It is then available for the whole team as soon as it is entered.The team can then make decisions on new target goals and/or modifications for current target goals.All student information should remain confidential so that no legal or ethical issues will arise.How does ABPathfinder promote communication locally and globally?ABPathfinder provides information for both teachers and parents. Teachers are able to get immediate feedback to be shared with other teachers, paraeducators, students, and parents.Parents, too, can get ABPathfinder software to be shared with other parents, their children, other teachers, therapists, etc.Evaluation of ResearchI was only able to find one research article on ABPathfinder.October 2012: 2 participants enrolled in study Andy-8 year old male in general education classroom but below average in reading comprehension and social interaction skillsPhilip-8 year old male, nonverbal, enrolled in special education classroom, functions at age 3-4 levelBoth children receive home-based services from a a local service provider specialized in applied behavior analytic interventions (10-20 hours per week of services)Both children enrolled in an Applied Behavior Analysis program before their 5th birthday

24Evaluation of Research (Cont.)Study explores 2 research questions:Does the use of ABPathfinder increase skill acquisition in children and program efficacy/implementation fidelity?Does the use of ABPathfinders system decrease the amount of time direct services staff spend in administrative tasks (ex. graphing and determining next targets)?Evaluation of Research (Cont.)AB design was used.Condition A-control condition; providers structured their sessions using their normal routine; staff members would manually record data on a data sheet, enter data in the binder and communicate with other providers through the use of a communication notebook.Condition B-experimental condition; used ABPathfinders data collection and graphing system; allowed service staff member to structure their sessions by using a generated assessment form; after implementation of the teaching trials related to the target skill, the service staff member entered data into the database which automatically graphed the dataStimulus materials included sorting non-identical picture sets for Andy and a context clues stimulus set using words derived from the Apples to Apples game for Philip.Students rolled a dice to decide which condition to do first. (Odd numbers were Condition A, even numbers with Condition B)

Evaluation of Research (Cont.)Results to research questions:Question 1 (skill acquisition): Andy mastered more target skills in a shorter range of sessions during the trial using the ABPathfinder software when compared to data prior to the study. Skill acquisition was increased.Question 2 (time): Of the programs that ABPathfinder recommended, 67% of the programs were recommended 3 or more times. For the discrete test program, program staff spent 3% less time on only 1 program by eliminating the need to manually graph data as each program was completed.

Evaluation of Research (Cont.)Research indicates that an effective intervention will take well-trained providers, frequent oversight, and the implementation of evidence-based strategies. (Heitzman-Powell & Gunia, 2012)Participants could potentially master one stimulus set per week. Within the year, the learner could master as many as 17.3 stimulus sets for particular target skill, with the mode being 8.67. When 30 skill sets are identified, the service staff member could make as many as 519 program changes per year.ABPathfinders system would notify the consultant and/or lead provider when a program is mastered. If 10 trials are implemented per program, it could take as few as 3 data days to master a target set.Evaluation of Research (Cont.)ABPathfinders ability to flag programs could potentially accelerate learning, moving the student more quickly toward same-age peers.We believe that the results of this study are significant, and recommend they warrant further research of the use of the ABPathfinder software system. (Heitzman-Powell & Gunia, 2012)Implementation PlanSpecial education teachers and paraprofessionals will need to schedule and complete the demos to understand how ABPathfinder works. This can be implemented either during planning time or in a half-day training program (if there is enough funding for this).Teachers should be able to understand the program with the demos, training sessions, and Client Relations Agent.

Implementation Plan (Cont.)Teachers should then take baseline data on students prior to using ABPathfinder.Teachers can then begin using ABPathfinder, using previous lessons or using the advice given through ABPathfinder to create new, more effective ones.Teachers should attend a training every few years to ensure they are familiar with ABPathfinders newest tools.I would suggest using the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). Teachers who do not understand the software or have concerns/question will have the support they need to ensure success.ReflectionI really like this emerging technology and think my teaching life will be much easier with its use. I think it will make me less stressed, which will allow me to spend more time on instructional practice for my students. I think my paraprofessionals will feel a lot less stressed, too. I see parents being much happier with student progress and students being much happier, too. I learned that there is so much technology that I have never even heard of. If I was not required to do a project on an emerging technology, I still may not know that these technologies exist.I look forward to sharing my research with others!32Reflection (Cont.)I am glad that I was given this opportunity to advocate for other special education teachers and special educations students.I will continue to do research on ABPathfinder and look for new updates and editions that have been made for the software.ResourcesABPathfinder. (2011). Retrieved July 8, 2015, from Adoption Model (CBAM). (2015). Retrieved July 8, 2015, from Heitzman-Powell, L., & Gunia-Bari, K. (2012, October). Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Computer-Aided Therapy. Retrieved July 8, 2015 from Technology Plan. (2012, July 1). Retrieved July 8, 2015, from

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