by seth greene guaranteed ways to double your sales by...24 person direct response marketing fi rm,...

Post on 03-Jun-2020






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by Seth Greene

2 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

MY STORYI was a 25 year old, freshly minted series 7 fi nancial advisor.

My fi rst day back from training I met with my branch manager

bright and early at 7am on Monday morning. He told me he got

me a present to help me get my practice started. I got excited.

I started mentally spending all the money I was going to make.

He handed me a book. Th e phone book. Literally, the phone

book. And told me good luck. Th at’s a true story.

I made 300 cold calls a day, 5 days a week, for years. It sucked.

Th en everything changed. I stopped cold calling forever, thank

G-D, and my sales went up 435% in two years. What changed?

I learned Emotional Direct Response Marketing.

It worked so well it got me written about in 3 business books (2 best sellers),

the fi nancial services industry’s top trade journal (Registered Rep), and in

legendary marketing guru (and best-selling author) Dan Kennedy’s NO BS

Info Marketing Newsletter.

It also inspired the company you are reading about, here’s how: One of

the small business owners who received the marketing for my fi nancial

services fi rm called me up and said, “I can’t use you because my brother in law is my fi nancial

advisor. But your marketing got my attention, and it’s better than anything we are doing.

Can we hire you for that?” I replied with, “I don’t know. How big a check

can you write?” His answer started Market Domination, our

24 person direct response marketing fi rm, where we double

your sales in 12 months….guaranteed!

With our proven marketing programs, you will never have to

cold call again!”

3 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

Here are 7 of our best ways to Double Your Sales!


Hate wasting your time leaving messages for people

who don’t call you back?

Automated Telephone Marketing is your solution.

I used to call my clients every single month, regardless

of what was going on with their accounts, just to check

up on them and touch base. Th ey loved it. I literally

have a 3 inch thick binder fi lled with thank you cards

from my clients, just for checking up on them.

Th en Dan taught me something that radically changed

my time, and my business.

Automated Telephone Marketing.

I still call all my clients every month, and I still get thank you cards, only now I don’t do

any of the work.

I call a #800, record the message I want to leave for my clients / prospects. Takes 60 seconds.

I upload a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with my clients / prospects phone numbers on it.

Takes 30 seconds. Th en I schedule what time I want the message delivered to my client’s

voice mail. Th en I push send. Total time – Less than 2 minutes. Th e computer program

delivers that message to all my clients in minutes. Th en my phone starts ringing with people

who want to talk to me.

4 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

Automated Telephone Marketing

CASE STUDYDon’t Believe Me, read Kathleen’s story of how well it worked for her, she used it to cold call

prospects for her!

“I wanted to let you know how well your ATM Technology worked for me. My

first call campaign was to almost 1200 numbers scheduled for after office hours at

approximately 7:30 PM on a Thursday.

Within 1 minute of the scheduled call campaign, I started receiving phone calls, one

after the other. This went on for about an hour. I could not keep up with it. The

next day, the first call came in at 6:00 AM! And by 8:15 AM, the phone just rang

constantly. It was hard to hear the person I was talking to due to the distraction from

the call waiting beeps! This continued throughout the day with the last call coming at

6:15 PM.

I received approximately 65 calls in total, 6.9% of my prospects Called Me! I am very

excited! Seth, thank you so much for turning me on to this wonderful marketing


- Kathleen F, Brokerage Services

“After using the automated call process that Seth recommends, I had 2 clients call

within 15 minutes ready to discuss options for their portfolio. Our lives will definitely

be easier using this technology, Thanks, Seth for the tip…”

- Jeff Peters

“…inspiring and very motivational. I see this program benefiting my practice in

more ways that I can even begin to articulate! I love having the ability to leave 800

voicemails in a matter of seconds. The handwritten postcards that can be sent via

computer are great”

- Ryan Crowley, Morgan Stanley

6.9% of my prospects called me!

5 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

LUMPY MAIL MARKETINGThe next technique I learned was how to make direct mail actually work. That’s right that

ancient form of media that was supposed to be extinct with the invention of the fax machine,

email, internet, or social media still works better than ever at reaching highly targeted groups

of prospects, and getting them to come to your business or website!

However, you can’t just send them any boring old marketing letter and expect it to make your

phone ring off the hook. The first thing you have to do is get them to open it and read it!

One of the best ways of getting your mail opened is by sending lumpy mail!

What’s lumpy mail? Three dimensional mail that sticks out from the pile of junk mail your

prospects get every day and grabs their attention!

Here is an example of one of my favorite lumpy mail marketing campaigns that we have

written. The prospect received a metal treasure chest in the mail! You can bet that grabbed

their attention. Then they had to un-tape the keys that were on the top of it, and use them

to undo the mini padlock on the treasure chest. Once they opened the treasure chest, under

the two plastic gold coins that rattled around inside, they found the crumpled up letter I have

shown you below…

We developed this treasure chest campaign on

behalf of a local car dealer who wanted to go

back to his database of people his salespeople

has sold cars to in the last five years, who had a

little more than one year left on their car loans.

That way they would still be used to making

payments, but might starting to think about a

new car.

Lumpy mail gets your marketing messages read!

6 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

Due to the heavy competition from the large number of car dealers in the area, I am not

liberty to share this dealers exact result with you here. However, I will share with you this

quote directly from the General Manager of the dealership:

“For the fi rst time ever, we had people calling the dealership, asking to make an

appointment so that they could come trade in their car and buy a new one!!!”

– David W, General Manager

7 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

POSTCARD MARKETINGTh is is the back of our Stratosphere Referral Marketing Campaign

postcard. When you use this postcard in our scripted Stratosphere

conversation with clients, you will get an average of 3 referrals per

client. Salespeople all over the country have used it with great success!

Plus, it gets mailed to the referral, and then follows up with our

Stratosphere Letter – that gets the referrals calling you!

Th is was a postcard selling a

$25,000 investment in a heavy equipment

leaseback investment fund. Don’t worry

about what all that means – all you need to

know is that we took something really dry,

technical, fi nancial, and boring – and we

made it sexy!

Men wanted to buy it for their wives, and women wanted to buy it for themselves. On the

lighter side, women wanted to know where they could buy the dress the model was wearing,

and some single male prospects asked if they could meet the model!

“Seth Greene is amazing. He has been off ering his time to help me pull together some

marketing strategies, and his suggestions are great, his advice is sound, and I really feel

total support from him to move forward in my practice. I am really grateful for all he

is sharing with me to grow my business — it’s making a big diff erence for me.”

– Arpana Warren, Attorney-At-Law

It’s making a big diff erence for me!

8 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

WEBSITE MARKETINGOne of the biggest mistakes people make with their websites:

It’s just a brochure / business card

Here at Market Domination we think of the web as another form of media. Being direct

response marketers, that means that our websites have to generate a direct response – more

sales for you! If your website isn’t making you a lot of money (way more than the money and

time you put into it), then you are doing something wrong.

Th e sole purpose for your website should be to attract, capture and convert your ideal

prospects into clients who pay, stay, and refer.

Whew! Th at’s a mouthful. What does that all mean? Let’s break it down.

ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL PROSPECTSTh is means they have to be able to fi nd your website in the fi rst place.

If your prospect is searching for you today, does your website show up on the fi rst page of

Google for the keyword search term they are looking

for (not the name of your business)? If you aren’t’ on

the fi rst page, you most likely won’t be found. We can

fi x that.

Our best results – we took a client from position 153

(15th page of google) to 2 listings on the fi rst page of

google in 90 days!

Here is another client that we got 7 listings on the fi rst

page of google!

Wow!Search Engine Domination = owning the ENTIRE

fi rst page of Google search results.

9 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

CAPTURE YOUR IDEAL PROSPECTSThis means that they are willing to give you their contact information, and give you

permission to contact them about your products / services.

Why would they do that? Because you enticed them with a well crafted irresistible free offer.

Here is an example of one we did for a Buffalo Catering Company.

Do you see the difference? His website before us was just a pretty picture with a meaningless


His After page gets folks in his town to give him name, email address, and phone number in

exchange for a catering consumer awareness guide.

When the person enters their contact info, they are entered into the marketing automation

software we set up which…..

“I see this program increasing the number of ideal clients I work with. It touches my

clients more by automating the marketing process.”

- Ian Clarke-Pounder, Morgan Stanley


Pretty Brochure Website Lead Generation Website

Automates the marketing process

10 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

“I just wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed working with Seth on my

coaching. He has been very helpful and his knowledge level is exceptional.”

-Barton Close, Classic Wealth Advisory

Puts Your Marketing on AUTOPILOT &

CONVERTS your Prospect Into A PAYING CLIENT!!!

When that person parts with their contact information, our marketing automation soft ware

starts what we call a follow up sequence.

As you can see – that prospect goes

through 16 steps.

Th ey get a cover letter and the report

they requested via direct mail.

Th ey get 7 e-mails over the next 7 days

Th ey get 3 lumpy mail (more on that

later) letters over the next 8 days.

All coordinated fl awlessly and

automatically by our soft ware,

all dripping on that prospect to

CONVERT them into becoming a client!

Aft er that happens we want them to get them to PAY for your product or service

Th at means they have to be able to give you money online with a credit card.

Relax – even if you don’t think you can sell our product or service online – we can show you

Seth’s knowledge level is exceptional!

Autopilot Follow-Up Marketing Sequence.

11 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

ways to make this work for your business, and why you would want to do so in the first place.

It doesn’t matter if you are a mortgage broker, an attorney, or in heavy equipment sales.

Let’s say you are a mortgage broker. You probably aren’t going to have someone pay their

closing costs with a credit card. We totally get that. Humor me for a second here…what if

you had them secure their appointment with a credit card? They pay nothing if they show

up, but if they stiff you their card gets dinged? Would that eliminate your no-shows? You bet

it would! That’s why your doctor does the same thing! We have done this for professional

service providers and salespeople all over the country, and it works great!

So you need a merchant account – we can set up with that, and then integrate it with our

marketing automation software. You can reserve appointments, sell physical products, virtual

products, monthly subscriptions, free trials, you name it. We can make sure you get paid

without any work on your part.

Can your website do all of that?

If not, give us a call at 1-888-899-9214

12 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

WEBSITESBefore After

Before After

VIP Client Websites

13 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene


250,000,000 login to Facebook every day 71.2% of the US web audience

is on Facebook

When people build their Facebook profi les, they put in a TON of data

(birthdays, likes, favorite movies, music, companies they use, etc). The

beauty of this is that as a marketer, you can BUY access to all of that data!

57% of people talk to people more online than they do in real life

So, you know your business needs to be on Facebook, but how

do you make any money at it? How do you use Facebook to

actually get new customers? If you are like most businesses,

you don’t. You spend a whole lot of time and money spinning

your wheels posting stuff , friending people, all to no avail.

Did you know you can advertise on Facebook?Some of the biggest brands in the world advertise on Facebook

– you can see examples of Facebook Ads in the picture below

14 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

99% of all Facebook ads take the visitor to the businesses main Facebook page, otherwise

known as their wall.


Your wall doesn’t do anything!!!

Instead of taking them here to your wall:

Take them here: to our Facebook automated multi-media marketing system

First Th ey see this:

Aft er they like your page, then they see this:

15 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

Th en they get this:

Automated text messages, emails, voice mails, on the dates and times you specify, for as long

as you want, to get your new Facebook fan to become a customer of your business!

16 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

VIDEO MARKETINGYouTube gets over 300,000,000 visits a day, with

people watching over 2,000,000,000 videos.

Th ey aren’t stupid cat tricks either.

People go there to look for videos to answer their

questions, show them how to do something, or

review a product or business.

In once specifi c professional niche alone (for

fi nancial advisors) we have over 8 videos on the

fi rst page of YouTube search results.

We have over 8,000 views in that niche alone.

No, we don’t have 3,000,000 – but we don’t

need that many. Th ose 8,000 views are all

by fi nancial advisors who are looking for

marketing help – our target market for this

product. We get at least three calls a day, every

day from advisors who fi nd us on you tube and

want to hire us.

What impact would it have on your business if you had three more new clients / patients

calling you every day, ready to buy?

How can we help you do that?

We interview you to get that vital information about why your business is diff erent out of

your head, and into the marketplace. We write the scripts. We come shoot the videos.

Video Marketing – Own the First Page of You Tube!

17 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

We then distribute the videos through 20 diff erent institutional video distribution engines.

Just imagine, 20 videos through 20 engines is 400 new links back to your website in less than

7 days!

Th at gets you higher Google rankings, which gets you more free organic rankings, which gets

your phone ringing off the hook!

18 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

REFERRALS FOR LIFE PROGRAMA majority of business owners say that they get their best customers from word of mouth.

Yet if you ask the same business owner if they have a formal process for generating more

referrals they say no.

We can solve that problem for you, and generate more referrals than you ever thought


First we start by surveying your clients, to find out all sorts of information about them you

never thought to ask. We find out what sports they watch, what hobbies they have, what

books they read, what magazines they buy, what topics they want to learn more about from

you, how often they want to see you, and so much more.

Next we mine all that data so that we can turn it into referral gold for you.

Here is one example:It’s your client Mrs. Jones’s birthday. What do you do?

Most businesses do nothing. Some will send a stock pre-printed birthday card with their logo

on it. Some even write the gift cards themselves, and send a gift – like a gift card to Starbucks.

What if you did this instead? You send Mrs. Jones a Danielle Steele book (her favorite

author), a DVD of a Danielle Steele movie, and a bottle of Mrs. Jones favorite red wine, Pinot

Noir. Mrs. Jones, goes nuts. She calls you to thank you profusely, sends you a handwritten

thank you card, and then, better yet….she tells the four couples she and her husband go out

with to celebrate her birthday dinner exactly what you did. Do you think you might get some

referrals out of that? You bet what you would. We know because we have proven this across

the country, and in tons of different types of businesses around the country. How did you

know to do this? Simple, Mrs. Jones filled out that survey and told you Danielle Steele is her

favorite author, she likes watching movies to relax, and her favorite wine is Pinot Noir.

We do all the work, you get all the credit, and all the business. And birthday’s are just the

beginning. The amazing thing is that in some cases, all of this information is public! Where

can you find this veritable gold mine of data? Your prospects, customers, and clients

Facebook PAGES!

19 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

To recap:

We have covered

Automated Telephone marketing

Lumpy Mail

Postcard Marketing

Autopilot Website Marketing

Facebook Automated Marketing System

Video Marketing

Referrals for Life

That’s 7 of our best ways to attract your ideal prospect, capture their information,

and stay in front of them automatically – all to convert them into a paying customer or client

who stays loyal for life, and refers other clients to you as well.

All to help you Double Your Sales in 12 Months…Guaranteed!

Want to know how to make your website generate

the sales you’ve been wishing for?

Because you made it to the very end of this report, mention code “MAGIC” when you call us at

1-888-899-9214 and you can have the Special Bonus Offer on the next page completely FREE!

20 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene

MAGICAL WEBSITE AUDITSEO AUDIT – For the small investment of $1,000 we will prepare an exhaustive analysis of

your website. We will show you…

Why you aren’t getting found where you should be.

Why your website isn’t generating the sales you want

Th e 5 things you can do in the next 30 days to raise your ranking, get found, and get sales!

We will present our fi ndings to you over an hour or two either in person, or via webinar

(based on your preference – and your location). We will also prepare a 16-20 page report of

our fi ndings. If you follow our recommendations, we guarantee you will get results.

Magical Website Audit Results

21 7 Guaranteed Ways to make New Customers Appear Like Magic by Seth Greene


“I was not expecting what I received. I thought yes of course Seth was going to say I

was doing only “fair” otherwise he would not have business so I am probably still not

as bad off as this states. But to my biggest surprise that is not where the report left me

(with a “fair” rating) it gave me in great detail my missing pieces on how to improve

my rating from “fair” to dominate.

I went back to investigate –  I went through the report with a fi ne comb investigated

and yes those pieces that the report identifi ed were missing – I had huge holes in my

internet presence!!!

So I started to do the work to fi ll in the holes and it worked!

Within four weeks I have moved my rankings within Google in one of my largest

markets from 10th to 3rd!!!

I plan on using Seth to help me navigate through all the channels to ensure that I am

at the right place using all the right channels every day.”

– Lisa Jones,

Ready to take the next step of having a

conversation with one of our courteous

staff members about how we can help

your business grow?


Moved my rankings with Google from 10th to 3rd!

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