c t k lutheran c the king s page

Post on 11-Mar-2022






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(Continued on Page 2)


“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father

— Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” 1 John 2:1 I’m sure all of us have had times when we have felt alone. Even in a crowded room, we can feel the sense that we are all alone, that no one really knows us, no one really cares. While we may feel this way at times, even profoundly, nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, the story of the Scriptures is just the opposite, that we have a God who, in spite of our sin, relentlessly comes after us to redeem us and call us back the relationship we were always supposed to have with Him and with one another. Often you’ll hear the phrase, “who’s got your back?” Here is an answer to that question that will hopefully encourage you! The Father has your back! Psalm 139 is a Psalm full of promises that God made us, He knows us, He loves us and that He is with us! Just listen to some of these verses: “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Verse 1; “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Verses 13-14; “How pre-cious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand…” He knows you, He made you, your Heavenly Father’s got your back! The Son of God has your back! Jesus came to redeem you, not to condemn you. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” The purpose of Jesus coming was to give His life for you and me so that we could be forgiven, so that we can be right with Him. God’s desire is for us not to sin, of course, but if and when we do, Jesus is there to intercede with the Father that He paid for our sin. This does not give us permission to keep on sinning, but a reminder that God is on our side, Jesus has your back!


(Continued from Page 1)

Check out the Christ The King web site:


The King’s Page Newsletter is published monthly by Christ The King Lutheran Church, 1620 S. Stage Coach

Lane, Fallbrook, CA 92028, (760) 728-3256.

The Holy Spirit has your back! Jesus promised that when He left, He would not leave us alone. In John 14:26-27, Jesus speaks to His disciples, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The Holy Spirit is with us and in us to remind us we are not alone, we have access to God’s power and He will never leave us! The Holy Spirit has your back! Finally, the Church, The Body of Christ has your back! This is our task as the body of Christ, to walk with each other during good times and difficult times! I am so blessed by the way people at Christ The King reach out, especially to those who are hurting. May we continue to “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” Romans 12:15 When the world sees that we have each other’s back, they will know that we are disci-ples and followers of Jesus! Blessings, P. Mark

IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how to make this church even better, please comment on your Blue Card, or contact Allen Sargent, CTK Discipleship Coordinator at allen@ctkfb.org, or (760) 500-0075. We’d love to get your ideas!

Dear Friends in Christ, Did you know that in 1990, the U.S. Congress established the first week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW)? This is a wonderful opportunity for: individuals, communities, and churches to partner with others to raise awareness about mental illness. NAMI and FaithNet have put together a toolkit of resources available at www.nami.org/miaw filled with educational opportunities that can help us erase the stigma of mental illness in our faith communities. Another resource I have found to be helpful is called The Gentle Bible. It was developed by the Mental Health Chaplaincy in Washington State hospital. It contains a selection of readings adapted from the Bible, one for each day of the year, that encourage healing and community. Each month's readings have a common theme: Hope, Companionship, Community, Comfort, Healing, Wellness, Teachings of Jesus, God's Care, Wisdom, Wholeness, Psalms, and the Assurance of God's love. The Gentle Bible can be found on the Mental Health Chaplain website at www.mentalhealthchaplain.org I think you can even download this re-source. There are also other articles and resources on this website includ-ing Chaplain Craig Rennebohm's book, Souls in the Hands of a Tender God, co-authored with David Paul. These and many more resources are available for anyone who desires useful resources to learn more about mental illness, and how we can take action to address this issue and erase it’s stigma. As we embark upon our new fall programs at Christ The King and the start of Mental Illness Awareness Week, take a few moments to prayerfully consider how we individually and as a faith community would answer these questions. Can you recognize the symptoms of mental illness in a person?

* What would you do if you identified those symptoms in someone

at Christ The King? * Does the larger Fallbrook community have or need to develop a mental health ministry? * How can we, the members of Christ The King be “more” welcom-

ing to persons with a mental illness in this church and to the community at large?

* How can we, the members of Christ The King provide a nurturing community where the spiritual needs of those living with a mental illness can be met?


(Continued on Page 4)

* Are there persons in our congregation who have a passion for or would desire to take a leadership role in developing a ministry to those in this community who suffer from mental illness?

* Does Fallbrook and the surrounding communities have resources available for referrals and possible collaborative efforts to educate about mental illness?

Blessed to be a blessing, Your brother from another mother, Pastor Kenneth


(Continued from Page 3)

Hispanic Ministry Update for October Iglesia Cristo Rey (ICR) will be holding regular worship and

Bible studies throughout October. Although, the Wednesday evening Bible studies may also include visitation of former and future members from time to time.

Come out to the Trunk n’ Treat on Wednesday, October 31st, and say “Hola” to members of Iglesia Cristo Rey! You will get some “cultural” candy and sweets from the “cajuela” (trunk)!

ICR members are considering attending the very well-known community and cultural event, “Dia de los Muertos,” in Oceanside at Mission San Luis Rey on Sunday, October 28th. This celebration is actually a holiday in Mexico, and is one in which families and friends gather and show their appreciation for deceased loved ones. The event is free to the public, but parking is $5 per vehicle. If you would like more information, contact Kathy Marbach, (540) 845-2235, or go online at http://mslrdiadelosmuertos.com.

If anyone is interested in being part of the Hispanic Ministry

Community at CTK, our next meeting is Wednesday, October 3rd

at 6:30 p.m. in the Egge Library. No Spanish is necessary!


October 2012 Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, October 6th

@ 8:00 a.m.

In the Fellowship Hall Study: Romans 9

“BASIC TRAINING” Men's Bible Study Group Starting Thursday, October 4th

6:30-7:30 p.m.

Led by Pastor Kenneth We will be using the Bible and the “Follow Me” Manual as our study guide to examine what modeling Christian character, mo-tivating Christian maturity, and managing a Christian lifestyle looks like. We will look at such topics as:

Courage Intensity Selflessness Alertness Trustworthiness Humility

All men are invited to join us! We will meet in Room #5, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., beginning Thursday, October 4th. For more information, contact Pastor Kenneth at (760) 728-3256.

November 2012 King’s Page Reminder     

The Deadline for the November 2012 King’s Page is Wednesday, October 10th. Articles submitted after the deadline may not be able to be used until the

following month. Articles are to be NO MORE THAN 250 words in length. Longer articles may have to be edited. Information can be emailed to:



IMPORTANT NOTE! Sunday, October 7th is “Stage Coach Sunday,” and the Fallbrook Land Conservancy will be using the parking lot on Brooke Road. The purpose of “Stage Coach Sun-day” is to promote interest in saving land for hiking and for enjoying open spaces — and for preserving our Fallbrook way of life! Thank you for your support!



Today’s homework: Save your receipts!

CTK’s Preschool receives $1 donated to our school for every $20 Fresh & Easy receipt we collect.

Shop now through December 31st, 2012.

Lutheran Congregations in Mission For Christ and

Christ The King Lutheran Church

cordially invite you to the Installation of


as Associate Pastor of Christ The King Lutheran Church on

Sunday, October 14th, 2012 At 3:00 p.m.

R.S.V.P. to the Church Office — (760) 728-3256.

Dessert and Coffee will follow at a reception in the Fellowship Hall.



LYDIA CIRCLE — We meet this month on Wednesday, October 3rd (the 1st Wednesday of the month) at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. For more information, contact Marg Powers at (760) 723-1220. MARY/MARTHA CIRCLE — We meet on Tuesday, October 9th (the 2nd Tuesday of the month), at 7:00 p.m. in the Temecu-la/Murrieta area. Contact Dolores Stralow, (951) 302-1941, for more information. HANNAH/PRISCILLA CIRCLE — We will meet on Wednesday, October 17th (the 3rd Wednesday of the month), at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Our Bible study is on 1 Peter, under the leadership of Linnea Clark. We welcome any new members. If you would like more information, contact Betty Stoffel, (760) 728-7077. STITCH N’ GIVE CIRCLE — We will meet to assemble/baste quilts on Wednesday, October 17th at 11:00 a.m., after the Bible Study, in the Fireside Room, and again on Wednesday, October 24th at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room to tie knots in the quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR). All are welcome to join us! Bring a sewing kit or use our supplies — we will teach you the skills that are necessary. We will be boxing up our quits this month for ship-ment to Lutheran World Relief, and then will not meet again until January 2013. Thank you to all who donated beautiful fabrics and made quilt tops for LWR this year. We have exceeded last year’s total! The number of baby quilts sent to Camp Pendleton has also been phenomenal...thank you! Call Kay for more information, (760) 723-0644.



Saturday, October 20th 8:30 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.

This event is an all-church event and is open to the community with the purpose of raising funds to benefit non-profit organizations in the area.

Our Country Holiday Faire is almost here! Below is a brief description

of the areas that will be featured this year — and how you can help!

Bakery — Features homemade breads, desserts, candies, and other delicious delicacies that you won’t want to miss! Sign up to donate your “signature” item!

Book Nook — Check out our vast and interesting li-brary of used books, videos/DVDs, puzzles, etc. It’s a great time to clean out YOUR library of books and games!

Café & Casseroles — Miscellaneous breakfast items will be offered while you shop. In addition, homemade and delicious Frozen Casseroles will be available for purchase. Find out what casseroles will be made, and sign up to help bring an ingredient and/or help assemble these wonderful meals!

Cookie Walk — Take a stroll around our Cookie Tables and fill a box or two. It’s a great time to stock up on cookies for guests during the holidays! Donate six dozen of your favorite homemade cookies!

Farmer’s Market — Prepare yourself for an awesome array of scrumptious homemade jams and jellies! Donate canning jars!

Flowers & Plants — Come and have your “green thumb” inspired! Can you donate a special plant, a fruit tree or some potted flowers?


Grandma’s Attic — New and nearly new items at fabu-lous, bargain prices! As you do your Fall cleaning, set aside any household/decorator items that you might want to donate! No clothing or furniture, please! Bring your “stuff” to church beginning Sunday, September 23rd through October 13th. Questions? Call D’Ann at (760) 695-8932.

Handcrafted Items — Several of our craftsmen and women have designed and made some wonderful, one of a kind, items! We encourage you to put YOUR talents to work, too!

Silent Auction — Ssssh! Be really quiet and bid on

some amazing items! If you have something to donate, let us know!

Watch for more information/details, or call Diane Erickson if you have questions,

(951) 833-3372.


Because we have had so many requests, the CTK Business Directory will be updated and published every six months, beginning in October of this year. The deadline to turn in new entries and changes is Monday, October 15th. Please pick up a form in the Narthex or in the church office. It is also available on our church website, ctkfb.org. Thank you!


Jenny Daniels Children’s Ministry Director Questions? (760) 728-3256, x15 mrs.jenny.daniels@gmail.com

Sunday Kid’s Activities (For Preschool-6th Graders)

9:30-10:20 a.m. — Sunday School (Pre-K and 1st-6th) and Play n’ Worship Sunday School Preschool, ages 36 months-4 years) meets in the Fellowship Hall. Please pick up child before 10:30 a.m. worship! 10:45 a.m. — C2 (Children’s Church) meets in the Fellowship Hall every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month, Family Worship Sunday! No Children’s Church on Sunday, October 7th!

October Kid’s Tuesday Crew (For 2nd-6th Graders)

Tuesdays, 2:45-4:00 p.m.

October 2nd — Art @ CTK

October 9th — Live Oak Park October 16th — Kickball @ CTK

October 23rd — Los Jilgueros Preserve October 30th — Cooking @ CTK

This year, parents must sign up their children prior to the Tuesday activity. The cost of the program is only $10 per child or a maximum of $20 per family — for the whole year of Tuesdays (except for “special events”).

This program includes afterschool activities, devotions and a snack. We alternate between outings in the Fallbrook area

and activities on the CTK campus. Parents must drop off and pick up at the activity location. We can pick up

kids if a prior request is made and approved.


NEW FALL HOURS Kid’s Club & King’s Kids

(3rd-6th Grade) (Preschool-2nd Grade)

Our normal hours have been 6:00-7:30 p.m., but this Fall, through November 14th, we will have special extended hours — 5:30-7:30 p.m.! Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the program — Kid’s Club kids go to Rooms #9 and #10, and King’s Kids go to Room #5. Parents are welcome to join the kids for dinner and stay for the Adult Alpha program in the Fel-lowship Hall. SPECIAL NOTES: Wednesday, October 17th — Both kids groups are asked to bring a plain, white t-shirt. Wednesday, October 24th — King’s Kids “Light Night” Party & Kid’s Club “Glow in the Dark” Party! Don’t miss the fun! Bring a friend! Wednesday, October 31st — Come for our Annual Family Fun Fest and Trunk n’ Treat at CTK from 4:30-7:00 p.m. NO Scary costumes or decorations. See page 12 for more information.

KID’S CHOIR “SINGMESTER” 1 Now through November 4th

All ages are welcome to join us!

Rehearsals for October: Sunday, October 7th — 10:45 a.m. in the Fireside Room

Sunday, October 14th — 12:15 p.m. in the Fireside Room Sunday, October 21st — 12:15 p.m. in the Fireside Room Sunday, October 28th — 12:15 p.m. in the Fireside Room

For more information, please contact Beth Vanni

at 408-910-5855 or bvanni2001@yahoo.com.


Fall Family Fun Fest

Wednesday, October 31st 4:30-7:00 p.m.

Invite your whole family and your neighbors!

* A Jump House * Concessions * Photo Booth * Candy & Prizes * Games & Music

* The 6th Annual Trunk n’ Treat


No Scary costumes or decorations, please! If you can’t be here, candy donations are welcome!

Sign ups are being taken:

* To help with games or concessions; * To reserve a spot for your

car in the Trunk n’ Treat


What is Reformation Sunday All About? Sunday, October 28th

Most Protestant Christians observe Reformation Day in honor of Martin Luther and other Christians who removed false doctrine and destruc-tive practices from the Christian church. Because the Roman Catholic Church was desperate to raise money to complete St. Peter's in Rome during the Middle Ages, many clergy used fear as a tool to obtain money from poor and unsophisticated people. They told the people that they had to pay money to the church so that their sins and the sins of their families might be forgiven. The people bought pieces of paper called pardons and indulgences from the church so that they could believe that they would go to heaven when they died. Luther was deeply disturbed by these and other abuses in the church. At the same time he was aware of his own sins and imperfections, and he tried very hard to make himself into a person that he thought God would like. The harder he tried, the worse he felt. He thought he was grow-ing farther and farther away from God, and that it was becoming impossible for God to like him at all. In despair, he began a deep study of the Bible, especially the letters in the New Testament that were written by Paul, most of all the letter to the Romans, and he began to understand what Paul had told the early Christians over a thousand years before. In his preaching and writing, Luther began to emphasize two main points: justification by faith and the priesthood of all believers. Justification by faith means that Christians can never earn God's love or forgiveness. All that Christians must do is to accept God as God, and God will love and forgive and cherish them. The priesthood of all believers means that every Christian has his or her own personal relationship with God, reading the Bible and worship-ing in his or her own language, and praying directly to God without any-one's going in between. So Protestant Christians give thanks to God on this day for the opportunity to lead lives of faith, instead of lives of fear. Reformation Day is observed on the last Sunday of October.



If you have any questions about any of the Youth activities, please contact Brandon Way, (760) 212-7321.

Sr. High “Stuff” Access — Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m. Join us in the Youth Room (#9 & #10) for an evening of Bible study, fun and food! Friends are welcome! Post-Football Game Party— Fridays, October 5th, 12th & 26th A great place to hang out after the Fallbrook High School home games — 9:00 p.m. until 12 midnight! Come for snacks and sodas, videos, games, dodge ball, etc. Girl’s & Guy’s Bible Study — Thursdays, October 4th & 18th We meet for a “combo” study at 3:30 p.m. in the Youth Room (#9 & #10). Contact Shannon Auge, (760) 728-1833, or Brandon Way, (760) 212-7321., for more information. Trunk n’ Treat — Wednesday, October 31st This annual event is for children, through 6th grade, and is a great opportunity for you to serve! It goes from 4:30-7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and Parking Lot. If you are willing and able to help, contact Jenny, (760) 728-3256, x15.

Jr. High “Stuff” Girl’s Bible Study — Saturdays, October 13th & 27th! Meets the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., at the home of Melody Kenny, 1319 S. Stage Coach Lane, Fallbrook, (760) 645-3489. The new study is titled: “Wild Truth Bible Lessons: Pictures of God” Confirmation & Blow Out — Thursdays @ 6:00 p.m. The evening begins in the Youth Room (#9/#10) for opening wor-ship, then we split off into study groups, and end the night with lots of fun and games! Friends are always welcome.


November 3rd Jr. High Day at Boomers

9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. $20 per person

November 19-20th

Sr. High “Mission San Diego” Trip

to Serve the Homeless

Leave CTK at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. Back Tuesday by 3:30 p.m. The cost is $60 per person, which includes hotel, transportation and some meal. Bring extra

money for lunch on the way to San Diego and back

NO Youth Group or Youth Bible Study during Thanksgiving Week, November 18th-24th.


Mark Your Calendars For…


All of my life I have sup-ported different missionaries, heard their stories, prayed for them, even sent them a check now and then. But I secretly thanked God that He didn’t want to send me!! After all, I didn’t have THOSE gifts and tal-ents that they had…you know, lin-guistic abilities, survivor instincts, able to eat strange foods, no fear of bugs and snakes, and apparently, no need for real American bathrooms!! Well, this year God decided to send me, anyway, to AFRICA, of all places! I argued with Him, gave Him all the real reasons I could not possibly go, heard the advice of my Christian friends — are you crazy??— and God began to speak in my heart, “Toni, I want you to go, I will be with you and I want to show you the reality of your life verse, Jeremiah 33:3. Somehow, God flooded my heart with His view of Kenya and that nation’s dearly-loved people! The country was far different than I expected, lush and green, beautiful smiles on the faces of its people, both old and young, and their joyful dependence upon Jesus for their very being.

But I also saw the dire pov-erty, sickness, hunger, and injustice that these people endure on a daily basis. I kept thinking “we could fix this, we could change this, we could help them more”! Then I began to ask God, “why do we have so much, why do they have so little”? It’s not right! And surely there is much more we can do for them in the name of Jesus. BUT the im-portant thing I learned was that God has given them a greater gift than material things. He has given them the gift of faith! Everyone I met told me how much they loved God. The children sing about Him all the time — every morning they begin the day singing, “Good Morning, Father.” He is such a natural part of their day-to-day lives that it is a beautiful inspiration for us to have that same kind of relationship with our Heavenly Father! So I would just say if God begins to speak to YOU about be-ing one of His missionaries, do not hesitate! Yes, God will break your heart but then He will fill it up to overflowing with His Love. He will make your face shine brightly with a reflection of Himself, and strengthen your hands and feet to do His Will in this world. Praise the Name of the Lord!


By Toni Brown


Be Sure to Turn in Your Major Market Receipts!

The CTK Youth Program receives a 1% rebate from Major Market when we turn in old receipts from their store — and the most recent total

of what we have received is $25,479.00! GOD IS GOOD…& WE ARE SO BLESSED! All you need to do is turn your old receipts in at the CTK

office and we periodically turn them in at Major Market. If you have any questions, please contact Brandon, (760) 212-7321.

As always, you are invited to join the Missions Committee the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Egge Library as we

pray and support all our mission partners. You can find more information on the missionaries CTK supports in the Narthex.

Mission Committee Chair person is Natalie Rhyne:



MUSH TO THE SEA ————————————————–———————

— Fallbrook to the Beaufort Sea * 8,724 Miles * Departs June, 2013 ————————————————————–———————




DEMONSTRATE YOUR CHARACTER ————————————————————————

— For the Benefit of:

CTK TREASURER’S REPORT Year to Date — August 31, 2012

Approved Revised Budget: $ 571,800 Tithes & Offerings Received: $ 583,608 $ 11,808

Percent over Revised Budget: .02%

“Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty,

and your vats will be bursting with wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10

God is Good! Your servant in Christ, Cheri Steddom, CTK Treasurer



The Welcome Home Camp Adoption Program will be welcom-ing five Filipino children, ages 10 to 12 years old, from November 13th to December 4th. You can help these children by: Praying for each of their adoptions; Hosting and/or adopting one of them; Financially sponsoring one of these children; and/or Donating and/or assembling HOPE Paks for the children’s orphanages. In addition, we are so excited to let you know that the moratorium for babies, ages 0-24 months, from the Philippines has been lifted! We are now gladly

accepting applications for our Philippine baby adoptions. Both healthy and special needs children are available for adoption. There is a free reduction with ICA for spe-cial needs adoptions. The wait time is about 1½ –2 years for a referral, and the cost is approximately $22,000 to $25,000 (which includes travel and country costs.) Lastly, we have very few (two to be honest) families in our newborn program. We have a great ministry program to birth moms, and need more families for newborns! Our fees are very rea-sonable, and we would love to talk with anyone that is interested. Please let us know if you would like more information about any of these programs. Those inter-ested can contact ICA for more in-formation, (951) 695-3336.


Stay connected to Christ The King! “Like” Christ The King Lutheran Church on Facebook!



As we approach the final quarter of the year, we should all be thinking about finishing the year strong. With the challenging economy, many of us are facing tough financial challenges. In mid-October, Christ The King will present the six-week Good Samaritan Debt Reduction Program. Each week, the group will view a DVD and then be responsible for completing the corre-sponding coursework online. Week 1: God's Purpose for Your Finances Week 2: The Power of Budgeting Week 3: The Culture of Debt Week 4: Saving and Why It's Important Week 5: Funding Your Future Week 6: The Power of Giving Through the program, we are able to help: * Lower monthly payments and interest rates * Pay off debt in less time * Eliminate late and over-the-limit fees * Instill peace of mind * All without having a negative effect on your credit score Come learn the importance of God's plan for your finances as well as help you achieve debt-free living through Christian Credit Counselor's Debt Reduction Program! For more infor-mation, contact Jeff Crane, CTK Stewardship Committee, (760) 730-5831 OR Jeff.Crane@thrivent.com.

New Member Seminar Saturday, November 10th

9:00 a.m.-12 noon Please join us for our first New Member Seminar on Saturday, November 10th, from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon (room location to be announced). This is a one-day class for those who want to become members of Christ The King. Pastor Mark will cover topics concerning the Christian faith and the Lutheran Church. Childcare is available upon request. If you have any questions, please contact the church office, (760) 728-3256.



CHILD It's not too early to begin thinking about our Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes that we will be collecting in November. This notice is to let you know that we will be taking a group of volunteers sometime during National Collection Week, Novem-ber 12-19, up to the West Coast Regional Collection Site for the shoeboxes. The time and exact date will be announced very soon, so that you can plan to join us! Many of you have done this in the past and have found it to be a rewarding experience, and we are hoping that more will join us this year. When we are finished volunteering, those who wish to can get together at a restaurant (each person is on his own) and have lunch before returning to Fallbrook.

Please give Beth Mudie a call, (760) 723-0510, to reserve your spot(s). Thank you!



November 11th — Consecration Sunday

November 18th — New Member Sunday

November 21st — Thanksgiving Eve Worship

December 2nd — 1st Sunday in Advent: Potter’s Field Ministry will be here!

December 9th — 2nd Sunday in Advent: CTK Children’s Christmas Program!

December 16th — 3rd Sunday in Advent: CTK Chancel Choir Christmas Cantata!

December 23rd — 4th Sunday in Advent

December 24th — Christmas Eve Services @ 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.


Sunday October 7, 14, 21, 28

7:40 AM Prayer Meeting - LB 8:00 AM Traditional Service - SC 9:30 AM Sunday School for all ages 9:30 AM Soul Shift study - LB 9:30 AM Family Matters - FR 9:30 AM Genesis Bible study - Rm. #7 9:30 AM Preschool Play-N-Worship - FH (18 months - 4 years) 10:30 AM Contemporary Service - SC 10:45 AM Children’s Church (No CC first Sunday of the Month) 11:30 AM Hispanic Sunday School - Rooms #7, 8, LB 10:45 AM Children’s Choir Practice - FR (October 7) 12:15 PM Children’s Choir Practice - FR (October 14, 21, 28) 12:45 PM Iglesia Cristo Rey - SC 6:00 PM Soul Shift Bible Study - FR

Special Events: Quilt Blessing on Sunday, both services on October 14 3:00 PM Installation of Pastor Kenneth Davis on October 14 4:00 PM Reception for Pastor Kenneth Davis on October 14 in the Fellowship Hall Monday October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

8:30 AM Morning Prayer - SC 6:30 PM Laubach - FR 6:30 PM Bell Choir Practice - SC 6:30 PM Mission Committee Meeting - LB (October 22) Tuesday October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

8:30 AM Morning Prayer - SC 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study - FH 2:45 PM Kid’s Tuesday Crew (2nd-6th Grades) 6:00 PM First Tuesday Prayer Group - SC (October 3) 6:30 PM Council Meeting - FR (October 9) 7:00 PM Mary/Martha Circle (October 9) 7:00 PM Sr. High Access - YR Wednesday October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

King’s Page Newsletter Deadline (October 10) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer - SC 9:00 AM Stitch n’ Give - FR (October 24) 9:30 AM Lydia Circle - FR (October 3) 9:30 AM Hannah/Priscilla Circle (October 17)



C = Sanctuary FH = Fellowship Hall FR = Fireside Room LB = Library CR = Cry Room YR = Youth Room

Wednesday October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

9:30 AM Women’s Prayer Group - LB 10:00 AM Soul Shift Bible Study - YR 11:00 AM Quilt Layering and Basting - FR (October 17) 5:30 PM Dinner & Alpha Study - FH 5:30 PM Kid’s Club (3rd-6th Grade) - YR 5:30 PM King’s Kid’s (Preschool - 2nd grade) - Rm. #5 6:30 PM Hispanic Bible Study - LB 7:00 PM Praise Team Practice - SC

Special Event: 4:30 PM Fall Family Fun Fest & Trunk n’ Treat - (October 31) Thursday October 4, 11, 18, 25

8:30 AM Morning Prayer - SC 9:00 AM Set up for Holiday Country Faire - FH (October 18) 9:30 AM Women’s Discipleship Journey Study - LB 1:00 PM Grief Share - FR 3:30 PM Sr. High Girl’s & Guy’s Bible Study - YR (October 4, 18) 6:00 PM Confirmation & Blow Out - FR, YR, FH 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study - LB 6:30 PM Basic Training Men’s Study - Rm. #5 (Begins October 4) 7:00 PM Chancel Choir practice - SC Friday October 5, 12, 19, 26

8:30 AM Morning Prayer - SC 9:00 AM Set up for Holiday Country Faire - FH, FR (October 19) 10:00 AM Laubach - FR

Special Event: 9:00 PM Post-Football Game Party - FH (October 5, 12, 26) Saturday October 6, 13, 20, 27

8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast - FR (October 6) 8:00 AM Men’s Bible Study - FR (October 13, 20, 27) 1:00 PM Jail Ministry (October 13, 27) 3:30 PM Band Practice - SC 6:00 PM Saturday Night Service - SC 6:00 PM Jr. High Girl’s Bible Study (October 13, 27)

Special Event: 8:30 AM Country Holiday Faire - FH, FR (October 20)


1. Linda Cowan, Chris Henderson, Autumn Kirby, Shelley Searle, Lawrene Rebecca Thomas

2. Lili Bray, Katherine Johnson, Sopia Mae-Lyons Smigiel, Jammie Whitaker

3. Briana Marquez, Denise McKenna, Mary Morales, Grace Nordeen, Mark Price

4. Leslie Bishop, Fran Collins, Seth Jorde, William McMullen

5. Sharon Beran, Pat Miller 6. Jan Grover, Jensen Shirley 7. Claire Moyes 8. Lee Brown, Eden Honeycutt,

Fred Lowder 9. Rosey Beran 10. Barbara Capin, Don Inouye 11. Keanna Byrnes, Alec Franklin,

Mikhail Johnson, Brian Phelan, Kaitlin Weaver

12. DeCuba Porter, Bella Ritten-berg, Megan Searle, Lori Sullivan

13. Nikkole Bennett, Marianne Byers, Elaine Hubbard

14. Dick Allison, Janna Armbruster 15. Jean Braun, Stephen Johnson,

Alonzo Matias 16. Dan Holbrook, Jeffrey Patterson 17. Chuck Auge, Debbie Berg,

Andrea King 18. Mike Hayden, Larry Koch 19. Mariah Arnold, Arlene

Fichthorn, Kameron Lypps, Barbara Rupert

20. Candace Coons, Sonia Fernan-dez, Kayla Beth Munday

21. Valerie Crane, Bruce Edwards, Kameron Mayorga

22. Amanda Gibson, Hannah Reynoso, Mike Rhyne

23. Leta Cleveland, Joshua Jorgensen, Sydney Marquardt, Midge Thomas, Burklee Waddell

24. Hannah Haskell, June Mallory 25. Shasta Cerulli, Elaine Egge,

Brianna Hanson, Katie Sheffer, Danielle Winterstrom

26. Toni Brown, Donna Dutton, Kirk Mallory

27. Paige Kircher, Cecil Stralow, Bethany Weber, Matthew Welsh, Gerardo Zaragosa

28. Nathan Lackey, Chas Mudie, Ryan Promack, Marion Summers

30. Olivia Searle, Anita Underseth 31. Leanne Hatch



If you have trouble hearing any part of our services while at church, please pick up a listening device located on the table at the sound booth. You just push the red button to turn it on, then adjust the volume. At the end of the service, please turn the device off and return it to the sound board area. Using one of these may help you to enjoy the services even more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diane Erickson, Worship Chairman, (951) 833-3372, and/or Darlene Gunkel, (760) 723-5174


Scripture Readers Children’s Chat Leaders


Please Call or Email Us!

We want to include you in our prayers, arrange for pastoral visits and announce information to the congregation when appropriate.

Please notify the church office as soon as possible when:

+ A member of your family, or someone you know, has died;

+ You, or someone you know, is ill or grieving;

+ You, or someone you know, is in the hospital;

+ You, or someone you know, wants to plan a baptism, wedding or celebration;

+ You move or change telephone numbers.

CTK Church Office — (760) 728-3256 Email — office@ctkfb.org

OCTOBER 2012 SUNDAY SCRIPTURE TEXT Date 1st Reading Psalm 2nd Reading Gospel

10/7 Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Mark 10:2-16

10/14 Amos 5:6-7, 10-15

Psalm 90:12-17 Hebrews 4:12-16

Mark 10:17-31

10/21 Isaiah 53:4-12 Psalm 91:9-16 Hebrews 5:1-10 Mark 10:35-45

10/28 Jeremiah 31:31-34

Psalm 46 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36


Acolytes 8:00 — TBA

10:30 — Summer Aguire

Altar Guild

8:00 — D’Ann Kubitz, Darlene Gunkel

10:30 — Gail Slocum

Children’s Chat

7 - Pastor; 14 - Siobhan Welsh; 21 - Anita Underseth;

28 - Jeff Crane

Communion Assistants

8:00 — Pat Radack, Sharon Daniels, Frank & Rebecca Reilly

10:30 — Tom & Sharon Koehler

Greeters 8:00 — Pat Johnson

10:30 — Tom & Sharon Koehler

Scripture Readers

8:00 — 7 - Gary Micheloni; 14 - Wayne Parkola; 21 - Bob Franz; 28 - Leslie Fullerton

10:30 — 7 - Patty Sather; 14 - Ann Logan; 21 - Sally Hansen; 28 - Siobhan Welsh

Ushers 8:00 — Doug & Carolyn Hansen, Kenny Morse, Dan Norwood, Carl & Cheryl Wideman

10:30 — John Mattson & Teams

1Coffee Servers

7 - Mary Mack; 14 - Tom & Frances Pyle; 21 - TBA; 28 - TBA



Daily Bible Readings for October 2012

Two Weeks on Social Justice Two Weeks on God and Nature


1 God Hears the Cries of the Slaves Exodus 3

3 A Poor Woman Finds Help Ruth 2

4 Elijah Speaks to a Land-Grabbing, Murderous King 1 Kings 21

5 Nehemiah Demands Justice for the Poor Nehemiah 5

6 Warning to Fun-Loving Materialists Isaiah 5

7 Worship That God Appreciates Isaiah 58

8 Freedom For Slaves Jeremiah 34

9 Sins Against God By His Own People Amos 2

10 Warning to the Complacent Amos 6

11 What the Lord Requires Micah 6

12 John the Baptist Tells How to Prepare for Jesus Luke 3

13 Jesus Speaks on Material Things Matthew 6

14 How to Treat the Rich and the Poor James 2

15 God Creates the Earth Genesis 1

16 God Creates Human Beings Genesis 2

17 Wisdom’s View of Creation Proverbs 8

18 God Preserves the Species Genesis 7

19 The Greatness of Nature Job 38

20 The Wildness of Nature Job 39

21 God’s Mastery of Nature Job 40

22 Praise for the Creator Psalm 8

23 Nature Joins in the Praise Psalm 98

24 God Sustains the Earth Psalm 104

25 The Ruler of All Creation Isaiah 40

26 The “Groanings” of Our Present State Romans 8

27 Preview of a Restored Earth Isaiah 65

28 The End of History Revelation 22

2 The Year of Jubilee, a Time of Economic Revolution Leviticus 25

Christ The King Lutheran Church 1620 S. Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028 Office: (760) 728-3256 * Fax: (760) 728-0103 Email: office@ctkfb.org Web Page: www.ctkfb.org Preschool Office: (760) 728-7908

Senior Pastor — Mark R. Johnson Associate Pastor — Kenneth Davis Discipleship Coordinator — Allen Sargent Director of Hispanic Ministry — Jose Mata Youth Director — Brandon Way Director of Children’s Ministry — Jenny Daniels Preschool Director — Margo Roberts

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