cabe equality scheme and action plan

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  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality schemeand action plan

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Foreword 2

    Summary 3

    Statement of commitment

    The legal context

    Status of the scheme and reporting

    Coverage and scope

    Involvement and consultation

    Action plan five strategic themes 6

    1 Leadership and influencing

    2 People in places and spaces

    3 Strengthening inclusion

    4 Representativeness

    5 Human resources and management

    Equality scheme action plan 8

    The equality report 17

    CABE what we do

    CABE activities

    Approach to the scheme

    Developing the scheme

    Findings from the process

    Appendix 25

    Detail of the legal context for theequality scheme


    Published in 2008 by the

    Commission for Architecture

    and the Built Environment.

    Graphic design: Duffy

    Although every care has been

    taken in preparing this report, no

    responsibility or liability will be

    accepted by CABE, its employees,

    agents or advisors for its accuracy

    or completeness.

    All rights reserved. No part of this

    publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, copied

    or transmitted without the prior

    written consent of the publisher

    except that the material may be

    photocopied for non-commercial

    purposes without permission from

    the publisher.

    CABE is the governments advisor

    on architecture, urban design and

    public space. As a public body, we

    encourage policymakers to create

    places that work for people. We

    help local planners apply nationaldesign policy and advise

    developers and architects,

    persuading them to put peoples

    needs first. We show public sector

    clients how to commission

    buildings that meet the needs of

    their users. And we seek to inspire

    the public to demand more from

    their buildings and spaces.

    Advising, influencing and inspiring,

    we work to create well-designed,

    welcoming places.

    This publication isavailable in alternativeformats on requestfrom the publisher.

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Foreword 2

    At CABE, we are committed to integrating equalityand inclusion into all our activities. As a public body,

    we have a legal duty to promote equality, and thisequality scheme and action plan explain how wewill do that. But I want CABEs equality schemeto do more, to set our sights well beyond our legalobligations. I want us to lead the field in promotingequality in the design, management and maintenanceof the built environment.

    We know that realising equality is as vital for thepeople who work in the sector as for the peoplewho use the built environment. Peoples health andwell-being, safety and sense of belonging are all

    affected by the environment around them. Not beingable to access that environment, or feel part of it, isunacceptable. So knowing that it was designed andis managed with someone like me in mind is critical.

    Successful placemaking embodies equity of accessand provision. It will be further helped if we haveprofessions that are as inclusive and diverse asthe communities they serve. We must ensure theremoval of any barriers that prevent people from

    joining and progressing in the built environmentprofessions whoever they are.

    The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry (1999) pointed outthat institutions can discriminate; that whole systemscan exclude and marginalise whether its education,transport, planning so they end up working to the

    advantage of some groups and the disadvantage ofothers. It is important that we listen especially to those

    who are seldom heard; who experience disadvantageand discrimination. So we have to ask: who designsand manages the built environment? Who do clientsrepresent? Who do designers have in mind when theycreate towns and cities, buildings and public spaces?Who benefits from design decisions and who doesnot? Who hasnt expressed an opinion and why not?

    CABE chose to produce an equality scheme inearly 2007 and the process of creating this schemehas been as important as the finished product.CABEs staff, the organisations inclusive environment

    group, our commissioners and other members of theCABE family have been consulted along the way.

    This scheme marks the beginning of a process ofchange. As we track our successes and failures, Iexpect the scheme to evolve. What I do not expectto change is our commitment to improving the wayin which equality is dealt with in the design of thebuildings and places that we all share.

    Richard SimmonsChief executive, CABE


  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Summary 3

    CABEs equality scheme has been drawn upwith involvement of managers, staff, commissioners

    and CABEs advisory panel, the inclusive environmentgroup. It has involved meetings with partnerorganisations and members of the CABE familynetwork. The process was guided by a leadershipplan approved by the senior management team.

    There is a high level of awareness among individualCABE staff and family of disability access and someaspects of the inclusion agenda. This awarenessneeds to be rendered corporate and consistent,and broadened to cover other aspects of disability,other equality strands, and connected up to the

    sustainability and cohesive communities agendas.CABE needs to strengthen its procedures on anumber of aspects of the equality public duties(see opposite), mainly on its collection of data andactive promotion of good relations between differentracial groups, positive attitudes towards disabledpeople, and encouraging the participation of disabled

    people in public life. A three-year equality actionplan will, when completed, ensure compliance and

    best practice.The equality action plan focuses on CABE providingstrong and clear leadership on equality and inclusion,and using its influencing role to promote the equalityand inclusion agenda.

    CABE needs to expand the representativeness ofits staff, panel members and use of experts. Its priorityis to increase the number of black and minority ethnicpeople, disabled people and people from differentsocial backgrounds on its staff and panels, as wellas the number of women on its panels.

    CABE can continue to take a leading role in thepromotion of inclusive design through continuedleadership and by influencing its partners,stakeholders and the wider built environmentprofessions.


  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Summary 4

    Statement of commitment

    CABE is committed to promoting diversity, equality

    and inclusion and ensuring they are at the heart ofour role as champion of good design.

    We aspire to be an employer of choice noted forour progressive equality practice.

    We want CABE to lead the field in equality andinclusion and be an exemplar of excellent practice.

    The legal context

    CABE must have regard to national policiesand advice relating to equality, inclusion andsustainable development, and is now subjectto the statutory equality duties under the RaceRelations (Amendment) Act 2000, the DisabilityDiscrimination Act 2005 and the Equality Act 2006.

    Summary of public duties

    Race eliminate discrimination promote equality of opportunity between

    racial groups

    promote good relations between racial groups.

    Plus: monitor staff in post and applicants for employment monitor training, promotion and performance

    assessment monitor grievances and disciplinaries monitor exit from employment.

    Gender eliminate discrimination and harassment promote equal opportunities between women

    and men.Plus: address causes of any pay gap (including the

    impact of child and dependent caring) address occupational segregation address violence against women monitor as above under race.

    Disability eliminate discrimination

    promote equal opportunity eliminate disability related harassment promote positive attitudes towards disabled people encourage participation by disabled people in

    public life.

    Plus: monitoring as above under race ensure the involvement of and consultation with

    disabled people in the drafting of this scheme.

    CABE also has a duty to publish a race, gender anddisability equality scheme and a three-year action plan,

    a programme of equality impact assessments and toreport back annually on progress.

    (See Appendix 1 for more detail on the legal context)

    Status of the scheme and reporting

    The equality scheme and action plan constituteofficial CABE policy, and the chief executive, seniormanagement team and commissioners are responsiblefor its implementation.

    The chief executive, on behalf of CABEcommissioners, is responsible for progressing,monitoring, reviewing the scheme and action plan.

    The chief executive will be responsible for conductingan annual review of the progress each directorate hasmade in implementing the action plan. A report will bepresented to the commissioners stating progress todate and making recommendations to adjust theprogramme to ensure that over a three-year periodall the actions have been addressed and completedsuccessfully. A published report on the scheme and

    action plan will form part of the annual review.

    Publishing the scheme

    CABE will publish this equality scheme and three-yearaction plan on the CABE website,

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Summary 5

    Coverage and scope

    The CABE equality scheme covers race, gender,

    disability as well as sexuality, age, social backgroundand religion. It also takes into account other factorsthat contribute to exclusion and inequality such aspoverty, health and well-being and safety in publicspaces all issues relevant to the built environmentand spaces.

    Involvement and consultation

    The disability equality duty introduced a legal

    requirement for CABE, as a public authority, todevelop arrangements, mechanisms and policiesto enable the involvement of disabled people andtheir representative organisations in the decisions,policymaking and service planning processes. Theintention of these measures is to encourage theparticipation of disabled people in public life andtake into account and anticipate their current andfuture needs.

    CABEs unique remit concerning the developmentof inclusive design principles and guidance on what

    makes good design requires concerted action onmainstreaming practice into all of its key activities,services and relationships.

    In 2006, CABE established an inclusive environmentgroup as a non-executive advisory committee tochampion inclusive design and to provide expertadvice as a critical friend to the CABE board ofcommissioners.

    The inclusive environment group was involved in andconsulted on the development of the equality scheme

    at three separate events between September 2007and February 2008.

    In addition, while gathering information andintelligence on all CABEs activities and influencingfunctions, we explored to what degree they includedconsultation and involvement of disabled people.

    The remit and role of the inclusive environmentgroup has been reviewed by Equality Works Limited,and the recommendations included in this equalityscheme action plan. In response to the findings of thisreport, CABE is setting up a new inclusion by designgroup to advise on all aspects of inclusive designand equality.

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Action plan five strategic themes 6

    To become the leading government agency onequality, inclusion and diversity an exemplar of good

    practice, we are committed to realising our action planover the period 2008-2011. This commitment willmean a significant change in how we do what we do,and in some cases, what we do and who does it. Wewill dedicate the necessary energy, imagination andresources to achieve our goal.

    The action plan has five themes. Outcomes willbe evidenced by completing equality impactassessments.

    1 Leadership and influencing

    talking about equality and inclusion with inspirationand confidence and supporting others to do likewise

    defining what CABE means by equality, inclusionand cohesion in relation to the built environment

    leading more pro-actively on these issues throughour influencing role and through CABE activities

    making connections between this agenda andsustainability, environmental equity and climatechange

    integrating these issues into all education andlearning activities

    promoting equality and inclusion through ourpartners, and through our commissioning andprocurement processes.


    (i) Publish CABEs commitment to equality andthe relevance of equality, inclusion and cohesivecommunities to CABEs activities.

    By Autumn 2008 started(ii) 100 per cent CABE staff and family understand

    CABEs commitment to equality, and the linkbetween equality and the built environment.By Spring 2010

    2 People in places and spaces

    depicting the breadth and sociability of people using

    places and spaces. (By sociability, we mean the waypeople are together.)

    taking into account how different groups experienceand use the built environment

    using illustrations (both visual and case studies)that promote diversity and inclusion.


    (i) Define and vary the representation of people inplaces and spaces.

    By Spring 2009 started(ii) Illustrate how different groups experience the

    environment.By Spring 2009 started

    3 Strengthening inclusion

    promoting inclusive design as good design

    widening consultation with and involvement ofdisabled people and other marginalised groups

    in the way CABE performs its activities

    defining and promoting inclusivity and inclusivedesign.


    (i) 100 per cent of CABE projects include appropriateinvolvement and consultation with disabled people.By Spring 2010

    (ii) 100 per cent of CABE projects include appropriateinvolvement and consultation with other

    minority/marginalised communities.By Spring 2010

    Action plan five strategic themes

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Action plan five strategic themes 7

    4 Representativeness

    broadening the diversity of CABEs staff, family

    and networks

    articulating the benefits of diversity

    promoting the findings of the report Minority EthnicRepresentation in the Built EnvironmentProfessions (MERiBEP).


    (i) CABE collects and publishes monitoring data onemployment and CABE family, in line with publicduties; sets targets, and sets out its plan for

    widening the diversity of its staff and family.By Spring 2010 started

    (ii) CABE completes implementation of a plan toact on the findings of the MERiBEP report.By Spring 2010

    5 Human resources and management

    being known as an employer of choice on equality

    and inclusion issues

    promoting equitable employment practices

    having a style and standard of managementcompatible with equality and diversity.


    (i) CABE agrees a set of management values, andintegrates equality into its line managementprocesses.By Spring 2009

    (ii) All policies contain relevant references to equalityand diversity.By Spring 2009

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 8

    1 Leadership and influencing

    1.1 Leadership and definition

    Equality scheme action plan


    We will publish a corporate strategy thatis strong, clear and coherent on equalityand inclusion.

    We will produce a briefing paper that explains therelationship between equality, inclusion and thebuilt environment, and defines our understandingof cohesive communities.

    We will develop an advocacy toolkit on equalityand inclusion for use by our teams.

    We will hold an event for CABE family and clientsto launch the equality scheme and briefing.

    We will revise and re-launch our equality anddiversity policy.

    We will produce a training and development planon equality and inclusion for staff, managers andCABE family.

    We will publish a position paper on theconnections between environmental equity,climate change, sustainability and equality.

    Public duty








    Chief executive

    Inclusivedesign advisor

    Director,campaignsand education

    HR manager

    Inclusivedesign advisor

    Inclusivedesign advisorDirector,knowledgeand skills

    By when

    Year 1(2008/09)

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2(2009/10)

    Year 2

    Year 3(2010/11)

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 9


    We will place responsibil ity for the monitoringof this equality scheme with the operationscommittee of commissioners.

    We will produce a tool-kit for conducting equalityimpact assessments.We will start a programme of priority equalityimpact assessments.

    We will publish this equality scheme on the CABEwebsite, and promote it through other media.

    We will form a group of staff from within eachof CABEs functions to support, advise on andmonitor this action plan.

    We will promote good employment practice by: joining Stonewalls diversity champions scheme complying with the two-ticks disability standard gaining Investors in People accreditation.

    (high priority)

    We will set up a project green light systemto ensure that equality and inclusion are partof the scoping of all project plans and train staffto integrate equality and inclusion into theirproject methodology.

    We will strengthen all our procurement andcommissioning processes to promote equality,inclusion and diversity.

    Public duty









    Chief executive

    Inclusivedesign advisor

    Director,campaignsand education


    HR manager

    DirectorsHR manager

    Director ofresources

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

    1.1 Leadership and definition (continued)

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    Equality scheme action plan 10

    1.2 Influencing partners and stakeholders


    We will set up a programme of year-on-year actionon the findings of the research Minority EthnicRepresentation in the Built EnvironmentProfessions.

    Public duty



    Chief executiveDirector,knowledgeand skillsSkills teamInclusivedesign advisor

    By when

    Year 1

    1.3 Influencing through education, skills and research


    We will draft guidelines to ensure that everyCABE event is inclusive.We will monitor participation in our educationevents and use imaginative positive action ideasto make it more diverse.We will use the urban design summer school2009 to pilot the above.We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton the urban design summer school.

    We will draft guidance for the commissioningof case studies across CABEs functions.

    We will draw on a more diverse pool ofresearchers and explore how our research activitiescan advance the equality and inclusion objectivesof CABE.

    Public duty





    Directors,knowledgeand skillsEnablingSkills team

    Head of research

    Head of research

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 11

    2 People in places and spaces


    We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton the redesigned website.

    We will include in the redrafted CABE identityguidelines guidance on the depicting anddescriptions of diverse people in placesand spaces.

    We will increase the diversity of our editors,photographers and graphic designers panels,against targets.

    We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton CABE publications, graphics and photography.

    Public duty






    Director,campaignsand education

    Director,campaignsand educationInclusivedesign advisor

    Director,campaignsand education

    Director,campaignsand education

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

    3 Strengthening inclusion


    We will set up the inclusion by design group toadvise CABE.

    We will draw up a database of accessible venuesfor CABE events.

    We will ensure that all those projects whichcome to CABE through design review, enabling,education programmes, regional activities, workwith and through partners, website andpublications include consultation with andinvolvement of disabled people and othermarginalised groups.

    We will enhance CABEs influencing role bydeveloping good practice guidance for staffand others on consultation and involvement ofdisabled people and other marginalised groups.We will underpin this with training and support.

    Public duty






    Chief executiveInclusivedesign advisor

    Director,campaignsand education

    Inclusivedesign advisor


    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 3

    Year 3

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 12

    4 Representativeness


    We will draw up a plan to widen the diversityof the staff and CABE family. The strategywill include the setting of targets over athree-year period.

    We will revise this action plan annually in thelight of the monitoring data.

    We will set up a system for monitoring the socialidentity of our commissioners, staff, and CABEfamily members in line with, and beyond therequirements of the public duties.

    We will revise the contracts of employment/engagement for all staff and members of theCABE family to include their contractualobligations on equality and inclusion.

    Public duty






    Chief executiveDirectorsInclusivedesign advisor

    SeniormanagementteamInclusivedesign advisor

    HR manager

    HR manager

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 3

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 13

    5 Human resources and management


    We will enhance our line management scheme,setting standards for line management andintegrating equality into line management process.We will define our preferred style of managementin line with our values and conducive to thepromotion of equality.We will train line managers to integrate equalityinto their activities.

    We will review our portfolio of HR policies, addingto them where necessary, to ensure they are

    consistent in style and approach, and strengthentheir equalities and inclusion content.We will re-launch our HR policies and trainstaff and managers in their application.

    We will conduct an equality impact assessment onthe current recruitment and selection proceduresand outcomes across staff and the CABE family.

    We will set up an informal support service for staff separate from HR.

    We will provide evidence that our job evaluation

    scheme, rewards system and remunerationsystem promote equal pay between women andmen and are bias free on all equality strands.

    Public duty













    By when

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 2

    Year 3

    Year 3

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    Equality scheme action plan 14

    6 CABE activities

    6.1 Design review


    We will pilot with one regional panel a projectto broaden the diversity of panel members.We will also strengthen the panels expectationsof schemes consultation with and involvementof disabled people.

    We will conduct a training session to build thecapacity of design review panel members topromote equality, inclusion and cohesivecommunities.

    We will use the position paper and advocacy toolto build equality and inclusion more explicitly intothe design review process.

    We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton the design review function.

    Public duty






    Director,design reviewHead ofdesign reviewprogrammes


    Directors,knowledge andskills and designreview, plus headof research

    Director, designreview

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

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    Equality scheme action plan 15

    6.2 Enabling


    We will broaden representativeness of theenabling panel.We will set equality targets for the panel.We will amend the enablers handbook to includecontent on equality and inclusion.

    Enabling and CABE SpaceWe will publish a best practice paper on equality,inclusion and cohesive communities for enablersand CABE Space enablers.

    Enabling and CABE SpaceWe will build the capacity of enablers andCABE Space enablers to mainstream equalityand inclusion into their role, based on the bestpractice paper.

    Enabling and CABE Space and skillsWe will survey enablers on their preferred wayof doing professional development and designappropriate learning materials and tools.

    We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton the enabling function.

    We will explore ways to promote the equalityand inclusion agenda with other partners inthe enabling process, eg local authorities.

    Public duty








    Director, enabling

    Directors, CABESpace andenabling

    Director, enablingSkills team

    Director, enablingSkills team

    Director, enabling

    Director, enabling

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

    Year 3

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    Equality scheme action plan 16

    6.3 CABE Space


    We will make a presentation to our advisorycommittee on the connections between equality,inclusion and CABE Space activities.

    We will integrate equality and inclusion into thesetting up of the new Young SpaceShapers initiative.

    CABE Space and enablingWe will publish a best practice paper on equality,inclusion and cohesive communities for enablers(see above).We will build the capacity of enablers tomainstream equality and inclusion into their rolebased on the best practiced paper (see above).

    CABE Space and research and futuresWe will pilot a process to integrate equality andinclusion into projects using the Not so greenand pleasant project as a pilot.

    We will broaden representativeness of the panelWe will set equality targets for the panel.

    We will conduct an equality impact assessmenton CABE Space.

    Public duty








    Director,CABE Space

    Director,CABE Space

    Directors,CABE Spaceand enabling

    Director,CABE SpaceHead of research

    Head of publicspace

    Director,CABE Space

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 1

    Year 2

    6.4 Regional programmes


    We will conduct an equality impact assessment ontwo architecture and built environment centres as anaction learning project with the Architecture CentreNetwork.

    We will devise a programme of support andcapacity building with regional representativesand enablers on equality, inclusion, and cohesivecommunities.

    Public duty




    Director,knowledgeand skillsHead of regionalprogrammes

    Head of regionalprogrammes

    By when

    Year 1

    Year 2

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    The equality report 17

    CABE what we do

    CABE is the governments advisor on architecture,

    design and public space. It is the centre of excellencefor advice to clients, decision makers, professionalsand the public on how to create well-designedbuildings, places and spaces.


    encourages people to understand, learn aboutand value great architecture, landscape architectureand urban design

    raises the standard of the design, managementand maintenance of the whole built environment.

    CABE wants to be known for:

    Inspiration Being at the cutting edge, settingthe agenda and showing leadership

    Integrity Providing well informed, honest expertisebased on knowledge and evidence

    Independence Having an independent voice

    Impact Working where the risk is highest and theimpact is greatest.

    CABEs thinking and advice is based on observationof practice and research into future possibilities.It brings together the people who shape the builtenvironment to work in the public interest. It hasunique access to what is happening on the groundthrough its programmes and the CABE family network.

    CABE wants people who make decisions about thedesign, management and maintenance of the builtenvironment to recognise, prioritise and choosegood design. CABE wants to achieve:

    Great places for people, built on excellent,creative architecture, landscape architectureand urban design. Places that are sustainable,inclusive, well managed and maintained. Placesthat improve health and well-being.

    Greater design knowledge and skills amongstdecision makers and professionals, developing andsharing CABEs knowledge, and working with othersto improve and develop built environment education,especially for young people.

    CABE activities

    Design review

    Design review is a free advice service providedby CABE, offering expert independent assessmentsof design schemes at an early stage. This includesschemes of national importance or which have asignificant impact on the local environment, or setstandards for future development.

    Relevance of equalities to design review

    In commenting on design, CABE considers issuesthat will make proposals well-designed places foreveryone those who use the buildings, those

    who visit, and the surrounding community Discussions take into account the nature and make

    up of the communities in the location of the schemeand how successfully social cohesion is aconsideration in the new scheme

    CABEs design review panel is made up ofexperts from a wide variety of built environmentbackgrounds and the specialist knowledge ofmany panel members can encompass a varietyof equality issues.

    EnablingCABEs enabling programme provides free advicedirect to public sector organisations that arecommissioning new buildings, masterplans andurban frameworks. Advice is provided by leadingprofessionals working as consultants for CABE,as well as by CABE staff.

    Relevance of equality to enablingProjects where enablers give advice are nearlyalways part of publicly funded building programmesdevised to help tackle need and inequality. Sometimes

    the implementation of these programmes can raisechallenges, particularly within large-scale regenerationprogrammes. Agencies are often faced with thedilemmas of trying to revive the economic fortunes andphysical environments of whole areas by making themattractive to a wider social spectrum (ie more affluent,economically active, usually younger people) whilsttrying to avoid marginalising existing residents.

    Enabling also promotes best practice in other ways.CABE publishes guidance, for example, on whatmakes a well-designed building, housing development

    or urban masterplan, as well as best practice casestudies and briefings.

    The equality report

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    The equality report 18

    CABE SpaceThe CABE Space enabling team provides expert

    support and advice for clients working on a varietyof public realm projects and schemes. Assistanceis given at a range of levels from strategic planningto specific streets and squares. The managementand best practice team produces guidance to bothprofessionals and community groups working toimprove the way public spaces are planned,designed, managed and maintained.

    Relevance of equalities to CABE SpaceGuidance and support is given to encourage spacesand networks of spaces that are welcoming and

    functional for everyone. Resources are targetedat deprived areas, where the impact of the quality,quantity and accessibility of public space on localpeople is felt the most. The involvement of localpeople in public space projects can ensure thatthe space meets the diverse needs of its users.

    Knowledge and skillsThe knowledge and skills team consists of:

    regional programmes, working with CABEsregional partners to build capacity to deliver gooddesign for example, supporting 19 architecture

    and built environment centres across the country

    research and futures, building the evidenceto prove the need for, and benefits of, a betterdesigned built environment, for example, developingan online resource to help cities make decisionsabout sustainable development goals

    skills, developing the learning of those workingin the sector for example, the annual CABEurban design summer school.

    Relevance of equality to knowledge and skills

    Knowledge and skills holds the brief for drivingCABEs efforts on both sustainable developmentgoals, the inclusive environment theme of thecorporate strategy, and this equality scheme.CABEs work on equalities and the inclusiveenvironment should be seen as rooted in theoverall objectives of sustainable development.

    Campaigns and educationCABEs campaigns and education directorate leads

    the organisations work on inspiring and influencing.It represents the public voice of the organisation,leading on CABEs media, publishing, lobbyingand campaigning work.

    The directorate is divided into three teams:

    communications, including a press office thatmanages all of CABEs contact with print, broadcastand online media; and a publishing team

    public affairs, managing CABEs relations withcentral and local government, other public sector

    agencies and with the construction industry education, championing CABEs work with schools.

    It covers both primary and secondary education,providing resources for teachers on the builtenvironment. These resources include publicationssuch as the built environment education magazine360 and online educational materials helping pupilsto understand their built environment.

    Relevance of equality to campaignsand educationAs a publishing organisation, CABE needs to consider

    how it represents different sections of society andhow it communicates to these different sections of thecommunity. This means ensuring that CABE does notpander to stereotypes in any of its communicationon race, social background, gender, sexuality, religionor age. Through CABEs corporate identity and otheradvice, it ensures that equalities issues are consideredin communication, through brand guidance thatadvises on representation and a house style guide thatadvises on language. Accessibility guidance requiresprint material to be as legible as possible and on all

    publications available in alternative formats.CABEs work often focuses on the areas that arefailing the unrealised parts of cities, for instance,where homes, schools, hospitals and parks havesuffered from neglect and underinvestment. Theseareas can be the most underprivileged, with lowerincomes, higher rates of unemployment and othersocial inequalities. CABE often makes these areasthe focus of its visual and written communication.

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    The equality report 19

    CABEs management human resourcesPeople who come to work for CABE join a progressive

    and inspiring organisation that believes in providing aworking environment in which people can thrive anddevelop both personally and professionally.

    The 2008 staff team comprises around 120 people,led by a senior management team and directed by16 commissioners.

    The wider CABE family, however, is around 350strong, including the professionals who provide anadvisory and review service and who represent CABEin the regions. Recruitment is carried out using acompetence-based approach and selection for all

    permanent roles and most fixed terms roles is througha system of open competition.

    People who work at CABE are supported through astructured management system. Direct managementis provided by a line manager who looks after thedevelopment of each member of their team.

    CABE also provides a range of training designed tosupport CABEs corporate objectives, and providesopportunities for people to acquire new skills.

    Line managers receive training to help them

    perform their role and guidance is provided byHR on managing performance and conductingperformance appraisals.

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    The equality report 20

    Approach to the scheme

    Assessment criteria

    An independent consultancy, Equality Works, wasemployed by CABE to help produce its equalityscheme and action plan. In assessing the state ofplay on equality and inclusion, Equality Works usedfour over-arching criteria:

    to what extent CABE shares an analysis of equality

    to what extent there is a clear understandingof the relationship between equality and thebuilt environment

    to what extent this analysis is embedded into

    the CABEs activities

    to what extent CABE is compliant with itspublic duties on race, gender and disability.

    A single equality schemeEquality strands and other factorsCABE chose to have a unified, single scheme coveringall seven equality strands age, social class, genderincluding transgender, race and ethnicity, religion,sexuality and disability, as well as social and economicbackground. Disability includes sensory and physical

    impairment, learning ability and mental health andwell-being.

    Race, gender and disability are covered by equalitypublic duties see section above on the legal context.The government may extend the public duties tocover age, sexuality and religion in the comingparliamentary session.

    CABE and Equality Works agreed that discriminationand disadvantage are often caused by an over-layeringof and interplay between strands, as well as otherfactors.

    Other issues poverty and relative impoverishment,safety in public spaces, and health and well-beingwhich are critical factors for most of the groups whoexperience institutional discrimination have alsobeen taken into account. Equality Works assessedthe capacity of CABE to act both on this holisticanalysis or to profile a single equality strand, asand when necessary.

    Cohesive communities a shared senseof belonging

    Our principles of cohesive communities for thepurposes of the equality scheme are:

    Within a framework of social justice and equity:

    involvement of all local people in change anddevelopment

    organisations acting transparently and fairly

    recognition of the contributions of all, from thosewho are newly arrived and to those with deep rootsin an area

    significant and continuous contact between peoplefrom different backgrounds and social identities

    inclusion and involvement of people of allgenerations

    shared spaces (eg shops, parks, leisure centres)and transport networks that are safe and encouragemixing and interaction

    design that is permeable.

    The public duties on race, gender and disability

    We assessed the degree to which CABE is complyingwith the three public duties under the race, sex anddisability legislation (see legal context above).

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    The equality report 21

    Developing the scheme

    The brief for the equality scheme was that it should

    set in motion a continued process of culture and ethoschange at CABE, placing equality and inclusion atthe heart of all our activities.

    A five-track processThe scheme was developed through five areasof research:

    benchmarking against other organisations

    leadership by and consultation with the seniormanagement team and commissioners

    involvement and engagement of all staff seeking suggestions for start-up activities from

    each of CABEs teams

    involvement of and consultation with the inclusiveenvironment group.

    Findings from the process


    Practice and procedure within CABE has beenmeasured against the four over-arching criteriadefined above:

    To what extent CABE shares an analysisof equality

    CABE has a high level of commitment to equalityand to disability access issues.

    And CABE would benefit from:

    expanding its coverage of disability issues beyond

    mobility and sensory impairment, to include otherissues such as learning ability and mental healthand well-being

    strengthening its shared understanding of equalityacross all seven strands (age, gender includingtransgender, race and ethnicity, religion, sexuality,disability as well as social and economicbackground) and related issues

    providing strong and sustained leadership onequality and inclusion both internally and throughits influencing role.

    To what extent there is a clear understandingof the relationship between equality and thebuilt environment

    CABE is mainstreaming sustainability into its work

    CABE is addressing inclusive environments in itscorporate strategy and encouraging others to do so.

    And CABE would benefit from:

    Providing clear definition and leadership on thelinks between equality and the built environment

    Initiating discussion, thinking and research toexplore the links between equality and the costof bad design

    Expanding the equality agenda and making linksacross to and between sustainability, environmentalequity, climate change and equality.

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    The equality report 22

    To what extent this analysis is embedded intoCABEs activities

    There are many examples of good practice acrossCABE, including:

    drawing attention to economic and culturaldeprivation and social exclusion through itsvarious activities

    championing the inclusive design agenda.

    And CABE would benefit from:

    a systematic embedding of equality into its activities,

    using its influencing effectively to promote the

    equality agenda and enabling others to complywith the letter and spirit of the public duties inthe context of the built environment professions

    strengthened consultation with and involvementof disabled people and other marginalised groups

    strengthening its internal policies and managementprocesses.

    To what extent CABE is compliant with thepublic duties on race, gender and disability

    CABE has started on its path to compliance withthe public duties, and in some areas of its work itdoes so implicitly rather than explicitly.

    And CABE would benefit from:

    significantly increasing the monitoring data it hason its workforce and family, and on the impactof its activities

    including a consistent approach to equalitiesin its internal policies and procedures

    using its procurement and commissioningprocedures to promote its equality andinclusion agenda

    having a more diverse and representative workforce,panels, experts and commissioners particularlymore black and minority ethnic staff, staff from morediverse social backgrounds and disabled staff. Andmore women on panels

    using its programme of equality impact assessmentsto further refine where action is needed and tomonitor progress towards change.

    CABE managementBased on the research methodology outlined above,

    the findings for each directorate are as follows.Human resources and managementCABE has two critical priorities if it wishes to leadthe field in equality and inclusion:

    1 Using its procurement and commissioning topromote the equality and inclusion agenda, startingthis process by benchmarking itself against thebest and most progressive procurement policies

    2 Diversifying its staff, CABE family and otherscommissioned to carry out work on behalf of CABE.

    Human resources has drafted and reviewed a set ofemployment/human resources policies over the last12 months, and most of them include relevantconsiderations of equality. Work on monitoring isprogressing.

    However, CABE needs to address, as a priority, thepublic duties on monitoring with which it does notyet comply.

    The culture at CABE is described by many by staff asfriendly and supportive. There is much good practice

    on the management of staff.There is some inconsistency in the conductingof appraisals. The team performance related paystructure is not sufficiently transparent and equitable.

    Senior managers and human resources canstrengthen CABEs performance on equality by:

    1 Defining the role of equality and diversity andshowing how it relates to management and HR

    2 Setting out a clear set of management values anddefining the role of managers more clearly, whileintegrating equality into both

    3 Moving ahead on the collection of monitoring dataacross the whole CABE family

    4 Using this data to draw up an action plan which willfeed into the annual review of the equality schemeaction plan

    5 Bringing consistency of equality coverageto the set of HR policies, and in some casesstrengthening them, while giving the set acoherent CABE identity

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    The equality report 23

    6 Reviewing the contracts/terms and conditionsof employment across the CABE family to include

    a description of their responsibilities in relationto equality, inclusion and cohesive communities

    7 Redrafting the equality and diversity policy.Drafting a dignity at work policy coveringharassment and bullying

    8 Providing external informal support to staffseparate from the current welfare support system

    9 Training managers in the integration of equality andinclusion into their various activities managingstaff and performance, project management,

    managing out harassment10 Conducting an equality impact assessment on

    the recruitment and selection process for staffand members of the CABE family.

    Design reviewThe design review process could strengthen itsequality and inclusion agenda significantly by definingfor its panel members the links between equality andgood design, and by:

    1 Addressing the representativeness of its panels

    particularly increasing the numbers of black andminority ethnic, disabled and women members, andmembers from more diverse social backgrounds

    2 Influencing more strongly the equality and inclusionrequirements of schemes that come to panels

    3 Strengthening the support for CABE staffconducting panels to ensure more equity ofcontribution from panel members

    4 Placing people, inclusive design and diversegroups and their needs, more explicitly into

    the process.

    EnablingCABEs enabling function could strengthen its equality

    and inclusion agenda significantly by enhancing theinfluencing role of its enablers, and by:

    1 Addressing the representativeness of the enablerspanel particularly increasing the numbers of blackand minority ethnic, disabled and women members,and members from more diverse socialbackgrounds

    2 Placing people, and diverse groups and theirneeds, more explicitly at the heart of the enablingprocess

    3 Placing more emphasis within the enabling role oninvolving and consulting with disabled people andother marginalised groups

    4 Drafting a best practice briefing paper on equalityand inclusion for enablers and providing trainingand support to enablers.

    CABE SpaceCABE Space could significantly strengthen theinfluencing role of its enablers and promote theequality and inclusion agenda by:

    1 Addressing the representativeness of its enablers,SpaceShaper facilitators and others involved intheir projects particularly increasing the numbersof black and minority ethnic, disabled and womenmembers, and people from diverse socialbackgrounds

    2 Continuing to work on the SpaceShaper projectand make it even more inclusive

    3 Drafting a best practice paper on equality andinclusion for SpaceShaper enablers and providingtraining and support to enablers.

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    The equality report 24

    Regional programmesThe regional programme and network of

    architecture centres are well placed to promoteCABEs equality and inclusion agenda, and thiscould be strengthened by:

    1 Supporting and capacity building with regionalstaff in their equality and inclusion role, ensuringregional centres understand the links betweenthe public duties and the built environment andgood design

    2 Conducting equality impact assessments onarchitecture and built environment centres toexplore how to strengthen their consultation and

    involvement activities, and their influencing rolewith partners such as local authorities.

    Knowledge and skillsKnowledge and skills could strengthen their promotionof the equality and inclusion agenda by:

    1 Drafting guidelines to ensure that all CABE learningevents are 100 per cent accessible and inclusive

    2 Examining and defining how research couldsupport CABEs equality, inclusion and cohesivecommunities agenda

    3 Defining a set of skills and knowledge on equality,inclusion and the built environment/open spacesto be integrated into learning events

    4 Using the commissioning process to ensure alllearning events mainstream equality and inclusioninto how and who they recruit as participants, thelearning processes and learning outcomes

    5 Using the commissioning process to ensure diverserepresentativeness of researchers and educationproviders.

    Campaigns and educationCampaigns and education could strengthen

    how CABE uses its influence by placing equalityand inclusion even more firmly at the core of itsactivities by:

    1 Integrating an analysis of equalities into publicpolicy consultation responses, speech writing,and briefings

    2 Identifying opportunities to promote CABEsperspective on equalities to public policy audiences

    3 Continuing to apply the highest accessibilitystandards to printed materials and the website

    4 Considering further how to depict a diverse rangeof people in places and spaces, in ways whichexpress the links between sociability, peopleand places

    5 Ensuring the re-designed website promotesCABEs equality and inclusion agenda

    6 Drafting guidance on communications in adiverse society

    7 Setting out guidance on the use of goodpractice case studies

    8 Ensuring our education work with youngerpeople targets under-represented andmarginalised groups.

    All the above themes are picked up in theequality scheme action plan.

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    Appendix 25

    Detail of the legal context for the equalityscheme

    CABE is under a legal obligation to identify andassess which of its functions, policies and proposedpolicies are relevant in meeting its statutory equalityduties to:

    eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination,harassment, victimisation and promote equality inthe areas of race and ethnicity, gender, disabil ityas well as age, sexual orientation, religion or belief

    promote good relations between people of differentracial groups, women and men, disabled people and

    non-disabled people

    promote positive attitudes towards disabled peopleand take into account and anticipate their currentand future needs

    encourage the participation of disabled people inpublic life.

    These obligations are known as the general equalityduties and CABEs decision to prepare a singleequality scheme indicates its commitment to apply thegeneral duties to all equality target groups protected

    by equality legislation.

    These legal obligations require CABE to publish anequality scheme and a three-year action plan whichis in effect a programme of change, which focuseson existing organisational policies, procedures andpractices in order to address systematic institutionaldiscrimination.

    Employment practice

    CABE is required to:

    set equality objectives designed to reduce thegender pay gap, analyse womens disproportionateshare of caring responsibilities and eliminateoccupational segregation

    identify employment barriers that prevent theparticipation of different minority groups in therecruitment, selection and appointment of staffbased on objective criteria

    analyse by target group, access to, and experienceof promotion, training, grievance and disciplinary

    procedures and arrangements for dismissal orredundancy

    devise plans for training staff on how to meettheir legal obligations

    address under-representation in its workforcethrough applying positive action measures

    develop arrangements for supporting staffwith special or additional requirements andmake reasonable adjustments or reasonableaccommodations to meet and mitigate any

    disadvantage in the performance of job roles

    produce a harassment policy and procedure toprevent or mitigate unlawful behaviour or conductin the workplace

    integrate procedures to eliminate victimisationinto existing grievance and disciplinary policyand procedures.


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    Appendix 26

    Impact assessment

    CABE is required to:

    develop arrangements for assessing and consultingon the likely impact of proposed policies, decisionsand practices

    arrange for the monitoring of policies, decisions andpractices for adverse impact and publish any results

    take steps to collect and analyse relevantinformation on inequalities and discrimination anduse the evidence obtained to inform their decisions

    develop an equality impact assessment guide for

    managers and draw up a programme of relevantpolicies or functions that require immediateattention.

    Service delivery

    CABE is required to:

    ensure the public are able to access information,services and premises

    prepare an involvement plan setting outthe arrangements for consulting and involvingdisabled people in particular, and people from

    other target groups

    conduct an access audit of services to ensurethat the needs of all users are addressedthrough CABEs programmes and initiatives.


    CABE is required to:

    ensure that its procurement arrangements forpurchasing goods, services, staff and expertiseinclude terms and conditions, targets and indicators,so that performance on addressing inequalities canbe monitored

    review all contracts that govern any relationshipbetween CABE and its employees, consultants,suppliers or partners in order to mainstreamequalities throughout the CABE family

    utilise its funding and resources to influence the

    equality agendas of partner and other organisationswho it works with, and the relevant professions, tounderpin CABEs vision and strategic priorities.

  • 8/8/2019 CABE Equality Scheme and Action Plan


    This publication sets out CABEs equality

    scheme and three-year action plan, as partof its statutory equality responsibilities asa public body. The action plan focuses onCABE providing clear leadership on equalityand inclusion, and using its influencing role

    to promote these issues in its work on the

    built environment. The plan seeks, whencompleted, to ensure both legal complianceand a demonstration of best practice in thefield. The publication will be of interest to

    design professionals and people workingin equalities, as well as people workingfor CABE.


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