caddies creek public school · 2021. 5. 6. · long sleeve polo shirt $5 zip jacket $10 sports...

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Term 1 Week 9 25 t h March 2021

Caddies Creek Public School Chronicle

Dear Parents,

We have had a number of children qualify for the State Swimming Championships next

week, which is just phenomenal. Stephanie C has made it in both the 100m and 50m

freestyle and 50m backstroke, Toby S has qualified for 50m backstroke and our boys’

junior 4x50m relay team has also qualified. Fantastic work! Of the tens of thousands of

students in Sydney West region, this is an incredible achievement.

I have some other good news in the sporting arena. We have a number of students (and

parents) who are involved in Little Athletics. Adrian R of Year Four was placed second

in the 400m State Championships last weekend! Second only by a whisker too.

Congratulations Adrian on this brilliant effort!

It was fabulous seeing all the students in their crazy sock/hair getups today. It was perfect

timing considering the gloomy conditions of the past week or so – it gave us all a little

lift. Some children were absolutely unrecognisable! Thanks to the P&C for organising

this fun event.

Speaking of gloomy conditions, we are a family at Caddies Creek, and we have had a

few staff members who have been significantly affected by floods in the last week. I’m

sure you share with me our positive thoughts, best wishes and support to them during this

really difficult time.

I mentioned last week that Years Three and Five were doing some practice tests in the

lead up to NAPLAN, just to make sure everything is working fine online. They have

completed some of them this week and, while there were a few minor issues, it all went

very smoothly. We are now quite optimistic in the lead-up to the actual NAPLAN testing

between 11th-21st May next term that everything will be fine.

It is a Departmental requirement that from time to time during the year we have safety

drills, both for evacuations and lockdowns. These are of course conducted so that, in the

unlikely case of a genuine emergency, staff and students know the proper procedures and

can react to them in a calm manner. The signals for both lockdown and evacuation are

different (and a bit more frantic) than our regular bell, so if you live close to the school

and hear a strange signal, it’s probably that. In these days of Facebook, I have heard of

schools being inundated with panicked calls from parents (and police) because some

bright sparks have posted that there is an emergency at the school because they heard an

alarm go off. Sometimes we let the staff know it’s happening, and sometimes we don’t,

to keep it as real as possible. Rest assured if it was the real thing we would notify parents

as soon as we possibly could.

Next Thursday, 1st April, is our school’s cross country for Year 3-6 students (and

interested Year 2 students turning 8 this year) across the road at Alwyn Lindfield Reserve.

It was decided to run it a bit earlier this year as the Zone Cross Country is in Week 2. Of

course we don’t know what condition the reserve will be in by then, but hopefully it will

go ahead. My thanks to Mrs Dobaj who has put her hand up to run the event this year

David Beggs –Principal

News from the Principal

Upcoming Events

30/03 – P&C Meeting

1/4 – 3-6 Cross Country

1/4 – Easter Hat Parade

1/4 – Last day of Term


20/4 – First day of

Term Two

School Details

Currawong Street,

Glenwood 2768

Ph: 8814 5916

Fax: 8814 5918

School Hours 9 – 3

Jigsaw OOSH

Ph: 9762 5757



School Email

School App


Library News Caddies’ Reading Challenge – Congratulations to Arin D (1F), Oceana B (2M), Asneh K

(2W), Janya G (5D), Saloni J (6C), who have recently completed the C.R.C. We now have 13

students who have already finished the C.R.C.!

Premier’s Reading Challenge - Congratulations to Ashvika N (KH), Banit S (2M), Teresa

S (5C), who have recently completed the P.R.C. We now have 13 students who have already

finished the P.R.C.!

Mrs Jenny Scheffers and Miss Michelle Lark -Teacher Librarians

Sports News PSSA is cancelled this week, due to ground closures.

P&C News We have had lots of people return their Easter Raffle tickets and money so far, but please don’t

miss your opportunity to win some lovely Easter hampers and in turn help raise money for the

P&C and Caddies. Please return the ticket stubs and money to the school office by Monday

29th March, 2021. Please make sure that whoever you sell the tickets to writes their name and

number clearly on the stub that is returned to the school.

For those people requesting extra tickets there are additional books available from the office.

We have received some great donations from some of the school community but would LOVE

some more Easter goodies to help make up our raffle prizes. If you haven’t already donated the

P&C are kindly asking that each family donate one small bag of little eggs or Easter chocolate or

Easter craft / toys / items to the raffle. All donations can be left in the Easter Box inside the office

foyer, Last day for drop off will be Monday 29th March morning before the bell.

The P&C Easter Raffle will be drawn at this month’s P&C Meeting next Tuesday 30th March


Second Hand Uniform Purchase

The P&C are so pleased to have been able to provide lots of great quality secondhand uniforms

for sale thanks to the generosity of our wonderful Caddies community.

To request WINTER uniforms please email with the

following information:

- Parents Name

- Contact Number

- Students Name and Class

- Summer Uniform Item, Size and Quantity

And a member of the P&C will be in touch. Completed orders will be filled before the end of

Term 1.

Winter Second Hand Uniform Stock includes:

Girls Winter Tunic - New Style ‘A’ Line $10

Girls Winter Tunic - Old Style ‘Bib & Skirt’ $10

Girls Navy Pants $5

Girls White Blouse $5

Boys Navy Pants - Gabardine (same material as summer shorts) $5

Boys Navy Pants - Tracksuit pant style $5

Long Sleeve Polo Shirt $5

Zip Jacket $10

Sports Shirt $5

Sports Skorts $5

Sports Shorts $5

Sports Jacket $10

Sports Track Pants $10

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Assembly Times

Friday assemblies are postponed until further notice.

This Week’s Quote

“Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain much.”

Caddies Creek Public School Chronicle

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Merit Awards – Each week two children in each class receive a Merit Award to acknowledge the excellent work they

are doing in the classroom (19th March):

KD Amelia A, Harsimar B KF Hartegh, B, Iniya V KH Krishvi K, Alex A

KJ Vardhan M, Ananya N KN Raaz D, Kofi B 1A Elend V, Ebony P

1B Divija K, Pahul K 1F Eliana I, Magnus G 1M Neil B, Yuvaan G

1R Hayder N, Nimrat K 1S Sophie G, Sahej B 2B Evie L, Jack S

2F Azad A, Alina A 2L Isabella M, Kenny H 2M Marc M, Archana A

2O Bira G, Dylan S 2W Ruby N, Benjamin G 3C Shantanu K, Gurbaaj S

3H Nay L, Ruhaan B 3F Angus S, Inaya K 3P Sen H, Josh V

3M Arleen K, Chaise P 4D Varnika S, Braxton O 4C Sahibroop S, Irene K

4M Nicolas D, Jasleen S 4R Jordan D, Twisha G 4V Ekam M, Aditi S

5C Aryan K, Aarush K 5D Justin H, Eric F 5G Xander I, Hamish C

5R Charlotte H, Sully A 5S Veer S, Kay L 5W Saarang S, Samreen D

6C Isabelle F, Jasdeep G 6J Kaav R, Julian P 6M Sehaj Pal S, Niharika R

6N Cooper D, Lael A 6R Ritika N, Arya N 1/6B Mikayla E

K/6S K/5G

Excellence Awards – Congratulations to the following students who received their Excellence Award (19th March):

Aryan K

Amber M

Inaayat K

Christian G

Manya K

Anushkar T

Avleen K

Magnus G

Kendra B

Koby P

Jaisleen K

Reuben S

Braxton O

Hayden M

Harbinjit S

Katerina A

Avy B

Nigel G

Ashmeet S

Saanvi B

Principal’s Distinctions – Congratulations to the following students who received their Principal’s Distinction

(19th March):

Leilani P

Amrit K

Nimrat S

Rohan W

Rachel M

Ramann S

Nimrat S

Gurbaaj S

Fiona D

Aashna R

Sahibroop S

Kudrat R

Cristian G

Arminjit S

Lachlan R

Adelina A

Ruvi P

Krishwin K

Sparsh D

Saloni J

Kamal Y

Prabhleen B

Raafay S

Halle C

Manya K

Zahra D

Madhav J

Kamal P

Madhav S

Abinajah K

Dakota L

Bethany L

Matilda M

Sarab O

Arin D

Deacon W

Saahas G

Erin B

Margaret S

Anushka T

Harvir S

Prithvika P

Gloria S

Matthew L

Avraj K

Amelie R

Magnus G

Maya Y

Aryan K

Nilan S

Hayder N

Harmony Day

Last Thursday, we celebrated Harmony Day at Caddies. A huge thank you to our parents, students and teachers for

participating in our Harmony Day celebrations. The students and teachers have worked extremely hard to produce

outstanding artworks, representing many countries around the world including our Caddies families. It was also a wonderful

surprise to see our canteen staff involved and the canteen decorated too! Thank you, Caddies Community, for a great team

effort. It certainly reflected upon our cultural diversity here at Caddies!

Many thanks for a job well done!

The EALD Team

Caddies Creek Public School Chronicle

P&C News Cont.

WOW!!!!! Today was the P&C Crazy hair, Sock & Accessory day and didn’t the kids & teachers look AMAZING!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who donated a gold coin for this fun event and for everyone who went to so much trouble to dress

up. We will provide an update on the profit from today in next week’s Chronicle. Funds raised on the day will be put

towards purchasing classroom items for the students and teachers.

The meeting will be held next week on Tuesday 30th March at 7.00pm in the Library. Everyone is welcome to attend

and we would love to see you there.

This is a great opportunity to hear from the School Executive and interact with P&C. Everyone is welcome.

Seats are filling fast, if you wish to join the meeting please email Belinda on by

Monday 29th March 2021 to secure your seat.

Earth Hour

Earth hour 2021 is on Saturday 27th March from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. This year all Australians are encouraged to ‘Make

the switch for nature’ and turn off their lights and non-essential electricity during this time. 2O is supporting Earth Hour

as part of our Science project on Sustainability where we are looking at ways to support the environment. The impact on

our environment in recent years has been enormous. The rate of global loss of nature during the past 50 years has been

unprecedented. We are keen to help. Even small actions such as turning off all lights during this hour, taken together will

have great impact. 2O are learning about living sustainably and would love it if you would join us in participating in Earth

Hour 2021.

Ideas of things to do while switching off our lights and power for one hour on 27 March. Look at the stars, have family

time around a fire pit if you have one. Light a candle and sit at the table and chat about your favourite things. We would

love to hear about what you did during Earth Hour.

Go on, Make the switch for nature! For more information, go to the Earth Hour Website:

Pledge and sign up for Earth Hour 2021.

Year 2O

Cross Country The Caddies Creek Public School Cross Country will be held on Thursday 1st April, 2021 at the Alwyn Lindfield Reserve

(across the road from school). Children in Year 2 who are turning 8 this year may compete. Please only nominate Year

2 children who are serious runners and can competently run 2 kilometres. Parents who would like their child to compete

at the Carnival are asked to complete the slip below and return it to the collection box outside the front office by Friday

26th March.

This year the top five boys and girls from each age group will represent Caddies Creek at the Zone Cross Country Carnival.

This Zone Carnival will be held on Friday 30th April, 2021.

Mrs Dobaj - Carnival Organiser

Caddies Creek Public School

Cross Country Carnival

Year 2 (8 Year Olds)

I give permission for my child _______________________________________ in class 2____, who is turning 8 years old

this year and can competently complete a 2 kilometre run, to compete at the Caddies Creek Cross Country at Alwyn

Lindfield Reserve on Thursday 1st April, 2021.

Signed ______________________________________ Date _______________________________

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Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School

In lieu of Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School being able to invite the parents of Years 5 and 6 students

to the school for Open Day, they have provided a link for you to view a digital opening night instead. The presentation is

also available for viewing on the Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School website.

Caddies Creek Public School Chronicle Page 5 of 5

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